HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-3-21, Page 6TAE HII RON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAR.
diet. gee...
S..etdlea fever maw., othees ise known
as huipes, and as Gula 'ogee appe•rli(re-
yweetl, on tete lips„ at lb. jemmies of
the tYwaws etwmb itape sad the Aim
e ui stenos M small
Mine • Meer 1611. This Said at h
staid �eenl Welter, elter, emitfinally a
keel, whisk hills off io dill•
e iphe to fultete p, date. and reeo•ery s
this stiespleq. 1a wine penises these
aid .4u. Miff again lied sea* sed
without say satdgnabl. cause. 80b-
ti.see they appear dunce the Worm of
.utbie •cute disuses*, such se 11111dorill o
No pert of the body is free from thw t
seer ion of herpes, eines, rather eurioraa-
d ba It
��.,� Weenie Pointe., Ihrheeefl.
embus of the
furs cease shim Mk/ft
slmust maitre al Wit
bead. wet nt lila
fi▪ ed
welt i.
ion o.t Items of Interest trout over the
• Weems tat.eet arras abase *ewe dery
. d s toasts smiler. of •'T a eag.aL"
PYh and Pelee, (tipped sad t'om.
deemed Rees Beery Sestina.
Mr Meseeme, the Oimeervstive ma -
Oat it thea•e fur the nest Ridieg of Hume, is
Ni trial to cos- in Termite u.dergwng treatment for an
led al tried the I sleuths of the twat that threat... to
Wt. Thiel result ssrioeeiy. It is set only feared -
M 1k. vents get 1 by his Imbeds that he will be unable to
pias of d r . make the sampsiga, bet they are Dome-
s time alt a. flood w bat afraid of the ultimate result of bis
doweraai, by pitting thefoot mase to I ailment,
he twat into the head and give a sharp i tea Iasi week fur V
1y, it s an affection due directly to moms
intro oc' w the serves of the region.
Any verse trunk may be affected, sod
there will then appear alum( the °oars.
of it. branches crops of resicles simile- to
tb....- m.'t sob on the lips, sad soc»m-
p•nied anally by severe neuralgic pains.
The eruptedn is commonly met with
dircotly •b,vs the eyes, on the neck,
about the body and on the limbs Usual-
ly when at occurs upon the trunk it pass-
es halt way round the body, irum the
spinal column forward, in the form of •
half girdle, mei in tea case constitutes
whist I. known as "ehtug:.s
It the vesicles form within the mouth
the.r upper surface is quickly worn away.
aad,putal:, ulcerated surf.oes remain, t
pr ductuit the w •called "woke. sores."
The liffereot varieties of herpes are
generally cleated se separate dtaeaees,and iv
yet there is evidently some relationship Iy
am'•ng them all
gbh fete
Ur* Swill it it desierd mea (s. -NK Mr James Keith and family left Clio-
Caro should be taken sot to break theta cher. he imposts to go tato business.
ff, aplant will Kart o Mr W. A. Oelbiok, of Bre sob (brother -
1 three viae only should aye l•famt - biro` In-law of Mr Retitle) also went west for
r t hie health; with two •toeptions Mr John
Oa/beck's (wady are all now io British
My sxpirienoe isi raining potatoes IsI Columbia, sod said to be doing well.
at one year's trial is not sufficient to
-"roughly test the vel Ile of aerod wit is Mr 8amob1 Foster, the worthy and
ul small "then from this yield. But if Michigan sod v reeds purchasing • fares
-"roue to wlect out the fmali 'tuber(, v e6oasat township clerk of Hey, who
Id b' t
tadand to •well prepared aril and with good so is arm a short time ago, has abso-
as io. secure •good "land
• , d"Oed his intention of removing to
crop are agate neer Hensel'. Mr Foster's many friends
elected and this is done the third utas, will be pleased 43 beer of this decisioo,as
ram satisfied theresults will be unsatis- lie a we good a man to make a Yankee
nal a given that w many are willing to
claim that the email Sabers make e„,„ The number •f hotel licensee granted
w ed. Bet if the plan is followed mimeos in this county last year was: East Rid -
rymainly bec•oae only one f.
Herpes as not , sed the ft rm la
which follows the course of the auk* di.- to
Ideation rarely recurs in the uame indi-
Pertsps it tray yet be proven
that this ie one of the diseases caused by ay
a specific germ. but at present the ones• w
eel) uiu.t remain in doubt. Since at is
• !owned disease, getting well of itself, pee
generally within two weeks, there as
little to be dune except to relieve the re
disagreeable produced by the T
preemies ..f the eruption.
1f the crust which hes formed is re-
moved too early, an ulcerated surface is f
left and recovery is delayed For pro- t
temente the parts from irritation, vaseline T
or simple salves, affords relief. No c
method of shortening the course of the g
chime is knowu, and the cases which b•
are supposed to have been cut short by
ely the dilferenee will become sufficient- ing, 21i; West end South Riding, 41
evident. The principal reason for each; a total of 108 The number of
sing whole tubers few seed is that a .'hop licenses was 11. The number of
hotel licenses Mooed in 1875 was 1114
tees amount of plant food is furnished nes ,
d the plant secures • much better start and shop licenses 37. The tooulleot-
grow. ed weas follow.:—seat Huron, $:b0;
One or two eyes will seed up the South Huron, 884; West Huron, $410.
nes, but in cutting the amount of On Monday evening of last week, Mrs
salable plant food is much less than Adam Reid, of the 2nd line, Morris,r.
hen whole tubeare used, and se- passed 'may after an illness of but • few
illy if they are of a good size. days, although she bed been ailing for •
I prefer to drop one tuber in • hill and number of years. The remains wore
ver deep. Unless the seed is planted conveyed to their last rooting place in
ry early, deep covering is the beet. Brussels cemetery co Thursday litter -
a', soil should be well prepared, made noon following. The bereaved husbanduse l
t and mellow before reissuing the and family have the heartfelt sympathy
seed. Then by planting deep the sur- of the entire community.
acs can be .sept level and at the same Four young lads were summonsed be -
'me thoroukb cultivating can be given. fore Justices Beattie and Strong on Wed -
ho last two years I have planted my moodily lest charged with having broken
rep after this plan and have secured into Mr Jas Be•.ti,'s grain warehouse at
ood yields. of good .lustily of tubers, the railway track and stealing grain
tter than the avenge. therefrom The charge was fully proven,
and • fine of $8 and abets inflicted upon
three of them and the fourth wassent to
Godbold' fur thirty days. This is not
the first whom offence of which some, at
O1 least, of these boys have been proven
guilty, and the sentence of the magis-
trates was a just oue. We withhold the
names of the boys et the present time
out of deference 4, the feeling, of their
parents, who are highly respectable peo-
ple, and who are, no doubt, sufficiently
mortified and grieved at having their
children go so far astray as thew hays
have. This ueourrenos, however, should
be a warning to thein to try and look
better after their boys in future, sod to
inculcate in them more honest principles
and habits. It should else be a warning
to the hops themselves and to others
who, perhaps, are no better than these,
but who have not happened tc be dis-
covered in their wrong -doing, and should
teach them that honesty is the nest poli-
cy and that such disreputable conduct is
a very poor way to life, and
that sooner or later it is sore to teed to
disgrace and ruin.—8eeforth Expositor.
special mode of treatment were probably „i
not typical cases of the disease. but an
underwent • spontaneous core. reg
new Is Natr CMM Wealth.
One of the best ways to keep in g000t
smith is tact to think or worry tui much
bout it. If lou are strong snd well, ing
uu't imagine that some insidious disease be
may be secretly attacking your constitu- up
ion. Eat and drink what you desire, as eh
oog as at agrees with you. Your stow- ce
ch know• pretty well what it can digest. eh
lain, simple food is desirable, as a wh
neral thing, but the luxuries of the et•
tile, in moderation, will do no harm. pari
T..ke all the sleep you can get, but re- kee
ember that the necessary amv"int be
arise greatly for different person*. Some Cu
est sleep nine horn, r !tile others roe
rye under aiz. Only don r rob your pa
If of what you really need. The "mid- the
ight oil" u a very expensive illuminant Cu
barn, either for purposes of labor or agr
udy of any sort. .s
Avoid sudden changes of temperature. ch
eau cannot avoid them in New England s__,"
t you can guard against them by al-
ays wearing flannel underclothing. The the
glow grade of Cannel sold, especially du
r summer wear, is a great life -presser- grs
er, and not - warm, even in sen
he hottest weather.
Always treat a common cold with great spec
pect. Ninety-nine cases out of a pro
uodred it will get well anyway, but the and
undredth cold, if neglected, may load and
bronchiti ia, tr. conium - gnus
s' �` p coa
on. It is beet to take no chance'. —
cientific American.
.. ,r .u. putt•ot wits potatoes as
th any other crop to have good seed,
d the diderenes in the yield, both as
arts the quality and quantity, will
ace the additional cost profitable.
Tidily fleshed.
Farm labor necessarily soils the cloth-
, but overalls are cheep and should
worn, and to protect from the waist
is a ga-meat called • "jerk" (for
ort), which can be bought for fifty
nth. These should be kept clean and
ale. I have sates at farmers' tables
ere animal hairs were dying, and
ble scent from those who had been
ng for the stook, The farmer should
p a Ion„ frock hanging in the barn to
put on wh horses are to be
cried or cows milked. When evening
an let the outside work -raiment be
t off, and in whits collar and slippers
farmer is prepared to enjoy his otium
m Mankato The greatest error the
iculturist makes in his costume,
pecially the farm laborer, is to pur-
ase ready-made suits—worth little for
d usage. (Lied clothing made to
or by a competent tailor, although
first cost be twice as much, will en-
e e four times the service, besides t he
tificetion of a good fit sod one's pre -
tabl appearance.
idily clothed, a man has more re-
t for himself, and others esteem
more highly. Hie example will Spring jackets are made with full
vs contagious with wife and children, sleeves, short mantles with hanging
the happiness of all concerned is sleeves gathered full over the shoulder,
tly sugmem I. Another error is and the deep pilgrim, or wing -like
scantly wearing top -boots of leather
rubber. They cause the feet and
les to perspire freely, thereby westi-
ng the parts and many times produc
varioose veins of the lower limbs, a
-long annoyance. Rubber boots
o ld be worn only in wet or muddy
they, and leather boots very seldom,
all. Felt boots with leather over -
me are the easiest, most sensible and
octave footgear invented for winter
Leather shoes should be worn in
mer ; they ars lighter than boots
tireless the feet and legs To keep
taistles, etc., oat, anklets can be
e of the lower parts of old trousers
by sewing straps across the bottoms.
ing slits in the tope and shirring
m up with cords. They are just as
ual in keeping out snow. Shoes
felt boots give the air aeo..e to the
and angles, which is a necessary
idsrstion. —Terra,
■tameiemete Liniment tame Mphtlsrrla
There is a fortune fur somebody in them
25 -cent chauise powder -bag, one end of
which is alit with rows of little holes
through which the pulverized rice ex-
The Deady fold Red.
If trustworthy statistics could be h ad
of the number of persons who die every
year, or become permanently diseased,
from sleeping in damp or cold beds, they
would probably be astonishing and ap-
palling. it is • peril that constantly be-
sets travelling men, and if they are
wise they will invariably insist on hating
their beds aired and dried, even at the
risk of causing much trouble to
their landlords. But the peril
resides in the home, and the
cold "spare -room" has slain it. thousands
of hapless guests, and will go on with its
slaughter till people learn wisdom. Not
only the guest but the family often suf-
fer the penalty of sleeping in cold rooms,
chiliog their bodies et a time when they
need all their bodily heat, by letting be-
tween cold sheets Even In warm Ems -
mer weather a cold, damp bed will get
in its deadly work. It is a needless
peril, and the neglect to provide dry
rooms and beds has in it the elements
of murder and suicide.
throaty feast. and toes,
And all Disseees of the Throat and
Longe canuse of Scott's
Emulsion, as it contains the healing vir-
tues of Cod Liver Oil end Hypophos
phites in their fullest form. See what
W. S. Meer, M.D. , L R C.P., ., ate. ,
Truro, N. S.. says : "After three year.'
experience I consider Scott's Emulsionot
ono of the very best in the market
Very excellent in Throat eff.Minns.•'
Sold by all Druggists, i3Oe. and $1. 4
Ned inePrisems.
The Lender's Printer's R.aisf.-r assert.*
the existence of an ancient aphoristo
the effetethat red-haired privateers ars sl -
ways the fastest. The Troy f', 'Alnever hes .1 e.f this matured law bolero,bet declare' drat red-haired compositors
are remarkable for their rarity. Oar
own observation bas c'
led to the
that the red-haired ones lead all the
'there in their modest, shrinking ways
and religious fervor —Buffalo Courier.
"Ayer's Media's, have bean Natie-
history to we thrn.ghsut my premise.espeesally Ay.✓, Cherry Pectoral, widish
W been a. el by matey of my patients,
we m
eet whnsays M knave it saved his
Mies"—F. I. Morrie, M, D.. Rrooklyw,
if at
ly, y
The etemmea ells.
e domestic or common lilac of the
en is the most profitable to the
et of all the lilacs forced. If he can
re large overgrown bushes that
remained undisturbed for eight or
yeses, these will serve him generous
ieldiog very readily to the forcing
meat, giving long steam and usually
ty of foliage and lowers. Lilacs
be pun white by growing them in
perfectly dark h .vee. A new
elle grower has blue -glass lilac
all the shades from white to
purple are brought out in lilacs by
A NrMiis.5 Neew.d
Will woo end if not supported by
gsnsine merit. The success of Burdock
Blood Bitten is fuewded on merit and
approved by trial. it verifies the bleed,
mad cures dyepepsis, pwetapatios, bili-
ousness, sick headache and all similar
oomplainta. B. B. B. is purely vege-
able. 2
TM Sarre. orRseerss.
A Christian 'merchant, who from being
• very pone bey had risen to wealth and
roans n, was encs asked by as estimate
friend W what, wader God, be •ttribeted
his soeasee,fe life. "To prompt and
steady oleselieese to m parents,"wee
the reply."i■ the midst of teeny had
samples trees pistil of my own see 1
wee always enabled is yield a ready sell
miseinn to the will of my father and
mother, sad i Brusly believe that a bl ss-
iwtt has. in eetemgaewss, rested eons my
sleeve", are seen in all the long cloaks.
For Nettle Rash, Summer Heat and
general toilet purposes, use Lows Sul-
phur Soap lm
Mantle,. Ism obsolete se hi,th
hats, and sett sick scare, embroidered
more or less elab,rat.•ly across the ends
and in front, are throat' carelessly over
the mantle in the same way that they
are arranged on an upright piano.
naa•rd's LIshar.a ruses f oda, ate.
For • mond, short waist, a straight,
full skirt, finished with • ruche round
the b't4.m and tiro: at the belt with •
three yar.l sash, is beth artistic and
pretty.•, and there is economy, tun, to re-
commend it.
Sim should he in every hoes*. It
saves twenty times its coat. Sold by
d ru: iasta 1m
Chair sashes have bad their day and
genne out like bustles. There is a touch-
ing analogy in the simultaneous decline
and fall of the two, for never did • WI,
matt with a teuranre arise from a beeash•
e.1 chair that she dtdn't wear •way the
deco.retti .n in triumph on her nustle;
Ily, when the bustle departed
the sash followed from sheer force of
habit. The proper adornment for any
chair which is not upholstered is s down
pillow or cushion, delicately perfumed
and covered with soft India silk, surah
or plush, and tied in place with br,s I
satin ribbons.
An inactive or torpid Liver must he
• mus.tl and all bad bile removed.
Burdock Pills ere best for old or
young. lm
Good whalebone is • most important
(actor in a well -fitting drew, yet few c.,
men take the trouble to procure a really
good article. No dress can retain its fit
which is made with inferior bone., and
the discomforts id • broken bone eeo
easily be imagined by the wearer.
Hagyard's Pectoral Helmut cares
moghs, colds, hoarseness, bronchitis,
asthma, whooping cough and all bron-
chial and long tremble. Pries 25e. po r
bottle, or Fo for $1.00. 2
The usher of the F.n. ish Court o
Probate and Ihyoree has just died, lesv
ing a f..rtune cf $100,000, sesomolated
from a salary nl 8760 per year for 33
yeah, and from the tips that flowed in
o pen him in • stream. averaging nearly
84,000 per year. Esit..ra, jurymen,
witeresee,, reporters sod lawyers all have
to tip the usher in the English court•.
wens.'. Wad Awry R....wea Ireses.
sad Caid,s M save. and 'sues endelr. In
0005 �:Mes.
a scam I.aseaem. Sew had h r..
limbed in the Moot of w•
I .t r•
Aa a pick-es►up after ex' -.so.
tion er pzpus ve, Milburn'- It I u
sad Wise is g,otehal sad e....+ • 1
fiat yoolg sharehwoolen ,e
you RoisR w deny eoerself duo. I. tt
8eeood wt
lease shtnabwoeast, - I e. .
a sew prayer -book dreadfully hue I'
lett to do without it ani put the
into my Seater boniest instead.
Mrs Church to Mrs ideeuov R Lae -1
did so want to go to the what p.• • .
n ight, bet it is Lent, you know e.
have to give up things we eao t s,
do and do things we dislike, and - u
dols eI'd run in and spend the
with you.
"Well, Jmk, I gave yon a vi
. .. ,
last birthday ; are you ear kn, -
rem f ' "Oh yes, uncle. I ca.'
very well yet, bat I'm aur -It w'ab"
pro rs's, for say feather said era' rt•'t,
'My, Jack, there you are again- se vvr
baa ahead." --The Epoch.
"Judge Blatk is quite a hook ro ••••
or, you know." "Well, what .4 • o'
"He found a tatters° copy of anise- k.-.1.1
the other day and the Ent thole t .
was to have it hound o ver to k.. ', • t ,
pieces"—New York Herald.
To rag HUMOR . -Please ii,f•.,re
readers that I have a positive ,... - ,
for the above named dieearr I . r
timely use thousands of h.',.elrs- .
have been oermanently surra, I .1.. ..
'glad tc send two bottles of no r'
rag to any of your readers gl.,. •
cons.mptinn if tley will reed •••e .
Express and P. O. address.
Respectfully, Da T. A. SL.,l'i'N,
ly 164 W. Adelaide et., Tomei., too
Boss—You run the place f .r f
weeks and let me be. bartender It
tender—Whatjer waist to d.. rt s' t •
Boss—I'd Inks to have a crack .t ti
Lobar items.
Sudden accidents often befall ,riizao.
farmers and all who work in th. nl..
air, besides the exposure to coli .o''
dan.p, prudecingrheumstiem, lame lrert,
staff joints, lameness, etc. Y.oe w t) '
is a ready remedy for all such tro,ihies.
It is handy and reliable, and can he uew.-
internally or externally. 2
TO T E! i ease es rim modem frost I love a he the else's
moba... a7 k, tank w tkmsaeb Mss came Gave Ism permaWb beset 1
to Bead �hottlu e my t�el•edy PIM tia b y of .nest remises whem
* te"..ter. w 4..'v"�i sidY UU. Toeor*o►p�ce «Mo _ t s
Ho you sleeper.,
Rub your peepers
Open wide each eye;
Don't be creepers
Binhin reapers
Now's the time to buy.
POO aSsaaln's
Post—clam i . k of Furniture, Rc. such as PARLOR SUITED. H
1YU TABLES, L UNGInee, &c.
]Ira a hoe shears beim to keels Flat -Class ►ttrg4wt o. The pad
sr a' we,, marsh the coast, ter c►esp pelt'• min Waltham
Tha ' at .ere iuslf.
will spook fir fresh. There
sir es Etat Close goons.
Y.'•1• 0.5nag I hare sverythtag to he found Is • first -clam
u •test a• d w rt a:peue•ced /'natural Iiirrctur 1• the Coasty.
ye,* • a.terteh. Betwses N.O. and Hoek of contrast.
nrablihasat. I am the
**TOW UMW& tints
Boots & Shoes
Y. w coring Goods just arrived in e1I the Newest and Moet Approved Styles
in the Dominion.
Prices lower and goods better than ever I have the largest
stook west of Toronto, and can suit you both in goods and prices
Promptly attended to and Batisfsction Guar anteed.
Certain articlesna.f dea.r.tn"'are �,11 Please call and Examine
Pores in Bz" iii h l.d.-xp a Goods
New York '•vas•x" io Philadr hie 8
"•meseKalamazoo, " in Kalamao, and "dandy jugs' and Prices.
down in Mine.
Two nee Testify.
Gentkmee,—One bottle of Hegyard's
Yellow Oil cured me of lamt'se» site,
all else failed. PETss A WarwON
2 Four Falls, N. Y
"I weed Yellow Oil for comp this wit .
ter,and meat say 16 d n' better remedy
for it. Faspsuet Busks,
2 Four Falls, N. B.
fo.Id.' Survive It.
Two sweet young things were discuss-
ion a recent execution the other day in s
railway carriage out the Brighton line :
"Fancy being banged !" exclaimed one,
"imagine the disgrace !"
"Oh, horrible !" coincided the other,
"I am sure I should never survive it."
all in • Neap.
Malarial fever It -ft me with my blood
in a terrible state, with boils breaking
nut on my heed sod face. I was too
weak to work or even walk, but after
taking a quarter of a bottle of Burdock
Blind Bitters I was aide to work. The
boils all went away in a heap, as it were,
and h fully i'rtun,ed before the
bottle ass done. Fedi W. Rote's,
' 2 Witten*, Out
History.—She -"Oh, 1 do like history
so Incto', He—"indeed ! Wb•t is
y'onr he.',tte f" Stie— 'TL+ discover,
of f .u'h .A.e,•nca i,t the I,.dune is so
inteir-tea g, o,'l t`, v
erre w f.r ahead
„( Coliel 'i. Sha• I 'h.uk they ought to
hold the World's For in the Indian
Territory Arar►ican Et"hxnge
It's easy to dye
with Diamond Dyes
Because so simple.
It's safe to dyelwith
Diamond Dyes
Because always
It's economy to dye
with Diamomd Dyes
Because the strongest.
It's pleasant to dye
with Diamond Dyes
Because they never
You ought to'dye with
Diamond Dyes.
Because they,are.beste
Ow mw teak " leeamsil Rom Drift - giving
M dbet4ss• reran sees af Oinased Dyes, wet Gee
es spplisedus.famed Ores re sale ••erywhre,
av any ashes sued es receipt of prink, •e oma
wase` Ilmeemsew a Ceo kieswasi, Qua, •
Black Nies at Signal.
Begs la 21120UOCC that be is now agent for
The LiquorTea Cofflpai1s Celebrated TeasY
Your choice of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volume
by the Best Authors, given with every 3 lbs.
Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling
the expense.
11 When I say Cu.'. 1 ds est mess
merely to stop them ier
have them refersRADICALa 5.s, middles
1 MtAN A CUPS. 1 hem mede hedise neafptb,
fWNMy Or Falling eleknoee a Itfe-tang study. 1 warrant my remedy is Own tete
worst cares. Became others ha. a failed is no reason for not now r'ecei a curs. Semi at
ewe for .'treatise mid a ruse Settle of my Infallible Ranted,.('rev. awl
Post Otbce It nothing (or a trial, and it will cues�ou_ _At;.1I, ROOT,
M.C., w'an'ted ins WEST ApN
gear 2-2.
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"The Signal" will be sent to any
address for the balance of 1890 for
only $1.00. Back numbers contain-
ing "The Deserter," thrown in free.
a iebsdl. Down I' Snow.
yeam Smith -lee's a wonder ter Were,
aa•tamenie a ge•YM M few;
W wit that le 'Wok sad dls.eraisg,
h is jsdrmeet is solid end tree,
pb0*sepby, am stead and new,
!!V knows leas as well ea Tbereae,
t• cad en slut Mediy would 6e-
Hsb a seboib, das't y' how I
He Ce. telt if to hear you are mesrulag.
Why the Chinamen' and wan a nae ;
tee W wriuea a treatise oil churning
♦e 'twee preened a aaeleet Mors.
Resin's Sheerest be hue the else,
Amid tea tui yes new toeetutes grow,
I mon tuwwdues kis to you -
a a sebedy, dsa't y' know!
petiiiM an epic ooaesenfag
sirptstas of lass Ibrt•a horn;
tell yea when Mel•'. Is bursted.
when Bethlehem', star is nut due.
boned like the Swedes ma Mier oy
et leagues bee • mar•elioo, Sow,
the Wayege his pressen) eschew -
s • nsbed7, drat y' snow!
the fellow Is big-hearted. too,
ith a record that's whiter than snow.
W \More ser somaieatty Wes
's • .sbdy, deet y' kauw.
-Besets Horton, l■ Chicago Herald.
variety af Jeai.a that tent aster..
.M tide SeL
Notwithstanding the very tiresome
utilisation of its name, "Eiffel Tower'
colors and designs in trimming remain in
fashionable favor.
Sleeves remain full, in bishop style or
leg -o' -motto° shape, narrowing to -
the elbow, where they button tie
the outside to the wrist, and are various•
ly ornamented with braiding,galkwn,em-
broidery. or rows of moire or velvet rib-
bon. Ma•y of tbs new soft wo.1 gowns
have full tetyet sleeves, blouse vest, fol-
iar, and girdle of velvet.
The else.-tt iwei es of silver and gray
that are so much seen in dress toilets
this season could not have • more suit-
able garniture than elver galleon enrich-
ed with cut stwl,rand flue -east blame heed
cashmere beads interwoven with silver
threads tlut,ar• warranted not to tarnish
A pretty .prima dress of dove -gray royal
armors has • row of cut -steel p•eserueu-
tene down each side of the lull front
breadth. The tnameog on the crosses
forma a waistcoat, jo,ver which the bodice
opens, itself frogged with cut steel
Large silver buttons are noted upon the
very tart "Benda!" oats that loon a
picturesque • feature of stylish visiting
costumes just now.
Upon some of the exquisitely sheet
and fine woollen fabrics known as clew
trite are seen some delicious silk sir
derings which could easily be mistake°
for the finest timid embroidery. One
design in a rich pesch puler has a white
and salver border,a•d • beautiful Parma.
vo'l't ctairette is bordered with an arta'•
to that shows • fine interning•
of the tints of lilac, pale gild,
rus.et brown and dark violet. Another
pattern in ti!!. -ell --a delicate green—hat
• bronze, old tee and copper border.
and still another in palest primrose yet
has a tress and gold stripped edge.
These elsieettes make ideal gowns for
women either fair or dark. Vandyke
brown, Jacgtleminot red, silver gray nuc
ige and apricot shades are also among
e attractive dyes in these goods.
English walking -jackets for the sprint
see much longer than they hare been to
eel seasons, fitting very smoothll
r the hips, and not cut up short •
e back, as formerly. Some of the
jackets are cut no the bias and are with
out darts, iopening over elegant and woe
elaborate waist -ousts of heavy colorm
silk, silk -embroidered --or covered will
a superb design in passementerie, special
ly wrought for vest fronts. Other mod
els are fitted like • cuirass, with dart
and side forms, and have also the reel
ved crn-basgee seem arching from tic
front over the hips to the centre forme
at the ssbeck. Largs square picket Cap
are set into this seam on the hip&
It is curious to note how the taste f.,
embossed materials continues, bot th,
spots,'flowertu,'nngs, lozenges, crescent.
etc., of silk or velvet, which brocade th
arises of so many textiles, are now, •
rule, of the same, or a slightly deeper
ler as the fabric itself—a revenue.
hich is certainly on the side of eon.
N taard's Unbars. tar UbeuwastMm.
A small lave pin among the neve
treasures of • noted lapidary consists n
spray of mignenet,te in greet. -and, gold
namel, with a diamond dew -drop Blit
g among theelesvea. Jewelled hat
matching brooches and bopping an
ng prodeeed in every conceivable de
Handsomely printed mohair, and al
are shown among the dressy yet in
xpenaive fabrics of the season. W,
n who like patterned materials ani
ancy-color mixtures will certainly
ppr'ivet of these gooda,whieh, poesesaio
11 dila advantages of former makes, slim
f indulgence in the direction named
he enemy surface of mohair resists dee
re/biliously well, and this, with alpse
d brilliantine, bass brighter appear
than mot other dress goners shoe
silk. Pref.reoee, however, with th
iaj.„ity, ison the side of those soft!;
raping fine wools which are l.streleee
lot, both patterned and plain, els ae
lint of its resisting the wear sod tsar t
vel, it is greatly liked by tourists fo
tens and enveloping deet cloak. Th
gated material• simply mme
'ith vest, collar, snared calls of vetrilvet; th
lain Imbrue are most usually detonate
its • mediate width of eilktned pease
eerie the shade of the dress.
Alpse• makes a light, responsive an
durable foundation for a shirt an
erred for street dresses, and i
M cling like 'Wain sloth or 'min
Of crack as cheap *aikido. is tic
e stooke there are alpacas in all th