HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-3-21, Page 5THE HURON SWAG,. FRIDAY, MAR. 21, 1880. t�9Jill;lFid�i�Lfil! John Acheson. Our Stock for Spring is now alma. Complete in every Branch. DRESS GOODS! This is a department that interests every lady. and in order that every acs may see our New Goods we propoee to have a DRESS GOODS OPENING On FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 28 and 29. We extend a Cordial Invitation to Every Lady to visit our store during the Opening. No trouble to show our goods. JOHN ACHESON. ilMg- NO.. STRING TIED TO IT. BISMARCK'S RUPTURE WITH THE EMPEROR A FINALITY. And all B.e•ams t\. Cba.e.Il.r Was Teo Old I. 0. Oat .f Nights — Frose\ Palms Prodded War I. the Immediate Irwtarw--The Lab.. Troubles In £land. BZnLia, Mari 19. -The National Goulette says: General Ven Caprivi has been ap- pointed Chancellor of the German Empire and President of the Prussian Ministry. The Gamete sin ways that Count Herbert Bis- marck persists in resigning Ma pod of Imperial Foreign Minister and that he will be succeeded by either Herr von Radowita, the German Ambassador at C or Cooet Vonllatsf ldt, German Ambemador at Landon. T.. Old I. Cause Oat at la P.14. Bsat.ue, Mardi 19. --0w. Voa Caprivi, the new chancellor, will not arume the foreign portfolio A>rong the many rumors cot earning the oases that led to Bismarck's rasig- -satiaa is • story that the Emperor iatima:ad hi. intention to dullish the aloe of President of the Permian Ministry e nd that Bismarck seemly objected to such • step. The Emperor asked for an interview on the subject and named 10 o'clock at might as the hour. The Chancellor replied that be was too old to reuse at that hour. After this Bismarck tendered his migma- tite. . The Tagblatt nays the Emperor has die- miseed Count von Walderm., his chid of Miff. The mme paper ways the reignatim of Count Herbert Bismarck has been w- rested and hie enc suns win probably be Count Beacham The t of Caprivi as Chancellor will excite surprise. Possibly be is only a stop -pp. His policy to the Diet has always bum conciliatory. His views are moderate and dear -beaded. Rtsmarek's Letter of Resignation. Beetle, March 19. -Prince Bernarrk•s letter of resignation coven 20 pages. Prince Biemarck cordially manned yesterday with the Italian delegate to the Labor Conference and requested blip to convey hearty greet Ings to Premier Crisps and to metre him the paths of Italy and Germany would be identical in the future as they had been in the past Nome .f the changes. Beau:., March 19. -Har Von ftoetticber becomes president of the Primate Ministry. (bunt Eutenber'g Governor of Hem Norman, succeed. Von Boetticher as Minister of the interior. Count Herbert Bismarck will receive an awabasadorship. ('.eat Wa der ee to Reds. Locants. March 20.-A Berlin special ways: The Emperor's repeated .. with Von Boetticher and yesterday's council were aimed to induce Bismarck to reconsider. Count Weidersee has gone to Italy on a fur- lough, but owing to • difference with the bperor he will reign shortly. Reeaialt Press (e a meats. fIr. t March 19. -The (trash - denim ways the resignation of Bernardi will Were* affect Germanys relations with France sad Germany. The Novoe Vrernya rays it is difficult to that the genial statesman who is known the globe wherever the rays of civilise - -Una have penetrated can ever entirely 'appear from from the political arena. The Novosti approvers of the M Bismarck and mys it will result !■ benefit to I :ermeny and the other nations of Europe. War Predictive'. Paint, March 19.—The Intr'ansigeant mys war is doubly (tertain to break out before lost The Suet, ban eosins rash act of Emperor William will disturb the peach between all M MIMI 11011 Mill out and their .cell,.. Eight thousand employes of 1Ys�Allirt Gun Works at non* bays streak ter a working day of eight hours M.ad. Disagreeably a_prwed. LoNoorr, March 19.-A HL Petersburg de. math mye the Rumen (. has been disagreeably tmprssed by the menage held in England and America to denounce the outrages cattmitted upon exiles in Siberia Salisbury Will Threaten Dlwluta.a. LONDON, Mardi 19. -Lord Salisbury at to- morrow's meeting of the Carltnm Club will threaten a. dissolve Parliament if the Tithes and Land Purchase Bills are not pared la the wads .r lavages. Paula, March 19.-A despatch from K tosou says • number of European prtson- ers were seen en route to Abomey Feb. 18. They were in chains and were being cruelly treated by the escort. Tae French tonsillar agent, owing to his sufferings and despaitieg asidanas, attempted suicide. Cable Flask... The Berlin Boas was weak Wedneday b . Al Bismarck', resignation. Prue aian consols have declined %. Other Prue. ion securities are depressed A Rome t ways that he is authorised to my that the Pope would con- sent otsent to act as mediator in negotiations for • g eneral European diwarmament. An official telegram has been received from the Congo country dating that s French pod consisting of ten natives under a European agent has been massac'r'ed at Ubuagua The abduction of the wife all a native chief by a European I. w11t�$ Mrs bees the canes. », regal i We hate u,.de an AIN*Itt.•..1. •ith Dr B. J. Kend•II Cu , publotters of "A Treatise on the Mir.., mud hi. I).e..c., which .111 en hie all our gm hart, hors t.• obtain • copy of that waIn,hlw work free by send.ntl Iholr a.ld,.•e. :.ncl...nry e two -rent at.mf. f -•r .o.1 Inge .u1u• ) to Dr 11..1. kends 1 (:••., 14: u•.•.,,nth I'.11e. Vt This h.n•A .e n..w res •t o'r.•.i am .'ae.dard bolt h..rriy t p..t..11 .1.... wens . f the home a. its ,.hrl o. oo.• a' ..l.' .nese, o.or lour Cop's. h. . 1 .11 h.•.•at eo d in the past ton ). car.. a ..'e m t er b, fore reach- ed by soy p..hle••.tl,,is it. 1hesame period of Inn.•. Wa, feel e..nh.letlt that sur f.atr•.o. will et oto,•o.te the work, and be glad to a.ail thrill.. Lw of (him oppor (Unity of ..btainu'x a valbah1e F,...k. It i. aecew..ry 'her \T..n m-ot'..n (him pmfwr w e..t dints f••r the "Troa'i.e.•. Th.e . Iles sill remain ..pen for only a short tOO.• Mrs Oa). A Cooper, ii iderich town ship, who has been Iyirg in a v..ry low condition for the past six moi tha. still o .n1 nu.. the same, never being able to ...,we not .•f heel, eseept by Via help of eel eater a. The lttriken I. Eaglawt. I.tvinpo ot, March 19.–TM strike d dock laborers is practically ended. The WM S r. rss®fitg work. Limbo*, March 19. –The rtegnMha Is ' many branches of industry caused by w .bike of eyed miners continues and thresh@ to berme more I as the mom' lecturers' stores of foal become .ghee/.11. Unties the strike is 'weedily settled the East la areshire cotton trade will me..t wi th • .Here check. Tin cann'•t afford to pay the enhanced psi'+s for steam curl Half the mite at Ac creates Sr. .t • staarletill owing to the w ►eity of fool, malmsey thooaaadn of hand. are idle. The strike in Notting is i y ended. The see bay. resumed orb ie all the pits evilest tour. it was ex pseud the strike in North Wales would trains today but the see bold firm In tear dw.a.da. if the .trik. oontinues meal the sad of tb• wish 10,000 brisk and terra crew work.s will be throws' nut of At s —U.g .f the I nareel fire end C'ba.btra coni mine rrws'ws today it was dedded to relict the do gilled. of the ethers The sir nevem of leis sarshi v stet-' ts.dey to give the Nees tha adv :bay dewaebd It is expelled lled the eaefereiee to•emeeww will resat he • Lop that CHRONIC COUGH Now! C. If von An not it may tgenme con- .....nU w. Y. ,e E.aea.np'i.w. Plermfao, e.: w.rw/ B..iNfr And Matting Diseases, tl.rin V n.Mk.eg 1.i• SCOTT'S EMULSION Of rare (rod Liver Oil aid HYPOPHOSPHITES Ar I.4m.• es.wea aTbda.. it is Si 81.111 as palatable as mill. Tar tetter than ...her r• r.11.d imutwlona. A w.wederful heel. ped uC.rr. sco'rr•a M: M U LSION 4 Ter si r' i ns a.wrrww w ester errwpeee. read .t.. I. o' -..w..... Jsad ay .41 9rler• re .M. wet iti.eta wow a Matt, a,iell5. Joteul, o ealtll Cures Xkeumalisn) ADDRESS TO THE PUBLIC I LADLES and GENTLEMEN :-- Just a year ago I had the privilege of an- nouncing to you that I had purchased the Albion Block Drug Store, and in- tended making such improvements in its stock and equipment as, with con- stant personal attention to professional work, should make it in every respect (quid to the best establishments in the ciues''d1' elsewhere, and on these grounds I solicited a share of your patronage. Now, kt the close of my first year's pro- prietorship I again address you to re- turn my hearty thanks for the large and Constantly Increasing patronage which you have bestowed, which indeed has surpassed all my expectations and which I can only attribute to my untir- ing determination to provide everything in the way of either !tock, equipment or attention that the requirements of the public seemed to demand. To our Physicians also, one and all, who have constantly manifested confi- dence in my establishmt nt by entrust- ing me with their prescriptions (wheth- er by the patient's special request or otherwise,) I return thanks. In conclu- sion I beg to say that the Hyl h Stand- ard of my establishment shall not only be maintained but constant advancts will be made. First Class Work on prescriptions and family recipes at Moderate Rates shall be our first aim, and second only to this we intend pay- ing special attention to Horse and Cat- tle Medicines, and, backed by ample ex- perience, trust to merit and to receive through the coming year a still larger share of public favor. The People's Obedient Servant, W. C. GOODE, Dispensing Chemist. CODERICH SEED EMPORIUM I "QOAL(TY FIRST !" Is Our Motto. THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF SEEDS IN THE COUNTY. JOHNSTON CAREY Etas to Inform the People of Goder:ei, ani V.- ,niry that he haw Our Field and Garden Piesis have been Sch•ct..l .with th. Grc.teast care smut have been prucu-.a1 froze, t'.• Enlarged and Greatly Improved the Store later' maggot by A. Murdock & Co., making it \,1a Oils of the Best Equipped Shoe Stores in the county, where he intends Co carry on the Boot & Shoe business in all its various branches. w mnelesale t Retail_ BOOTS & SHOES made to Measure, and repairing neatly executed. GE O_ BA1Rar- Best Growers on the Continent. OUR STOCK OF SEED GRAFT Comprises all the loe.tln{ %:u . I.ca. nstueiy : PEAS --Runner, Crown, Golden Vito' tt't•I NI lonely. OAT. –Banner, Giant Swedish and Black Peerle..w. :WRING WHEAT—Colorado, White Russian and Ladoga (vee Prof. Saunders' report of I:tst named variety.) WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION to our Heed. and Heed Grain and Iteeeee' fully ' .5,a:, ( an I n ,twat 01 of NU r Ht.e. 1.. IMPLEMENT DEPARTMENT We have in .tock a full lire of •11. t m k».l i•; %t.,nu a, titters, • en•pr',ing: Binders, Reapers, Mowers, Dri1 s, It kes, Disk narrows, Gang Ploughs, Cultivators, and all Su'el S. y ('1l►up;h+ This Department will be rep' ' .. -•'• . obs d.. sect hr MR. ANGUS McKINNON, OF COLBORNE. AFu1:Hi... It or kept eonalar y a. head. ' OGiLVIES & HIITCHISON'.$ t':.•,tti Jewel Moor. g"25 h«r .•wt. Bet Value in the Market. Ooods delivered .... .'. e. th" • ttw..gd „ 11. ren. WM. BURROWS, SE£D$MAN_ BUY YOUR TEAS, COFFEES and SUGARS 'i•HE- Plate Glass Grocery. HIGHEST PRICE PAID for good BUTTER and EGGS. McLEAN'S NEW BLOCK, South Bide of Courthouse .gnaro. ' I_ N, CASSID.A Y Three doors we.t of 1: . I., . 1 ,o; r Ito . GODERICH. Oedarioh. Mar.. Mb. is.. 17S sik v t- e ) = zit; -►y A Fine Assortment of Turkish Dyes, comprising it'l that latest Shades anal Colors. The only Dyes now sold in packages that will stand soap., It will pay you to try them—only IOi•. per package. The Furniture Dealer. Is selling all kinds of furniture at the lowest possible prices. It is s well-known fact •hat be al" IS Gars.�at�P lot rash. Iie Waken the leading Undertaker of the town. I(mhalming Plaid always kept on lipid. lie also o Akre a speriatly of Picture Framing. Give him • call before purchasing Furl' it ure ehxwhct.. and ) on will end out that ht domes he says -rolls cheap In thanking one and all for their past patronage he hope. to receive • continuance of the wame. G -E O . BARRY, Hamilton -1st Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, RUNOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. • We HAVE ON iIAND FOR BALE: IMPROVED LAND ROLLERS, HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS STRAW CUT TEES, PLOWS, &c. We are Manufacturing Improved New Model Mowers which are equal to . ue Geo,. Give them a trial and encour- age home mantifac, .i e. We Will Guarantee Satisfaction. It Will Pay you to use our new Steal Mouldboard Plows. Doty &naines and Boilen for sale. >Rx,a,xIw/ AMID o 411.11WTI3'1Na OW .&LI. ZII'Dt)♦_ CARLSBAD SALT IN BULK ! An Excellent Purgative and Diuretic. It i- unequalled in cages of Chronic Catarrh of the Stomach, Liver Complaint. ill.., Simple Jaundice, and Temporary and Chronic Constipation .1111.0* per II, For Sale by CEO. RHYNAS, 1111101110T ..M O K t s1(li8T, Ali be atm's Wena. Come One, Come Al -I! and get bargains, as I am off''r:,, nay lint' . ... k of DRY (300DR at COST, as I am going out .'," that lin.; ui l►us.ne3a to make more room for - GROCERIES, &c., CROCKERY, FLOUR AND FEED. Be sure and give a call at the Comer of Vii;toraa & Nelson streets before purchasing elsewhere. Goderieh. lee. Et. 1WO. SOMETHING UNUSUAL •Ic Lubin's and Atkinson's Perfumes in Bulgy, Sion ASel• . Siof.k of Cheaper Per;umes. In Bottled Perfumes an Unusually Full Line. F. JORDAN'S MEDICAL HALL