HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-3-21, Page 4..� w iww lae11..lt.. 1 ewe 1 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ILA_ ANM11lm s sT. HaAD amok TORONTO. OAPITAL (PAIN 1111111111i1011 11111W112111 • 00.000.000. MST • 11700,000. Il L WALKII'A,'assn. MAlIAA♦iIL ori GODERICH BRANCH. A ilIRtRAL gamma Btlsstee TAM *CTIO. Fiessim Novas olttCOtAr„p. DRAFTS'Ig1.R0 PAYAaii AT Alm POINTS IN OMAOA, *110 Tett PwtteCIPAL emus m TIII Ullfyto STATES. (SAT MTAm. FRANCS. ttZMNIOA, as YrMMs SANE KPeerTsaR. =POWYS OF SLCO AMD UPtrAANS Reotrvt . AND CUTAAfNT SA MS OF INT[Nt*T ALLOYING). ARORSr TO TNR LAT The ONO OF MAY M80 MOM111 RR M 111A011 TRAY. spaalsl AtisoNs. gives es Ike OaNs.Nsm of C lel Paps,. Maw Faewrs• sales Mefss. 11 _ tpe Vuren ignal V ori auange £VERY FRIDAY MORNING, AT ITS eraAtr TAINTING mown: NORTH- t?RS T. OODKRICH. It is • wade -awake {coal newspaper. devoted teammate news sad the dtaeecttnatloe of use- ' al West/ledge. RAT= or sassertlrTlos tlt.lo a rest ; 73c. for tile months ; 40e. for three mouth*. If the pubscc,iption is not paid is advance ! will be charged at the rate of $2.011 • year. A0Y*0TTalele SAVES and other casual advertisements. 10e. prl ns for Arlt insertion. and 3 cents per line for each lnserttos. Measured by aoaparetl scala L00111 notices in sospsrtel type 3c per tiae - limoUoas es in ordlry reading type !c pe Business Dards of six lines and under $3 per Fear. Ad of Loot. Found. Strayed Situations t''ac.st. Situation Wanted and O.dness Chasms Wanted. not exceeding 8 Haas twapsrlel $1 per month. Houses on Sall and Farms on Sale. not to exceed !noes, $1 for Ant month. SOc per sub - e peeist month. Larger ad vie in proportion. Any medal notice. the object of which is to Maiestte the pecuniary benefit of any ,eud!- eidaal or comps•p. to be considered an ad and charged accordingly. e Them terms will in Ai asses be strictly ad - Special rates for larger or • for extended periods :rade known at ibs oa1oe of publfoatlon. JOIIII1 DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing °Moe 1s carried 0a In connection with the ordinary newspaper badness, where first -clam work is turned oat at reasonable rates. Everything In this print- ing line can be done on Use premises from an Illuminated poster to • 'Plaiting card- All ardAly communications most be addressed to 0. McCSLt14 t'NT. Kditorof Tnc BIOtAL Telephone Cal. No. 30. Goderich Ont. HURON SIGNAL. 1111D11T, MAR. 21, 1800. CA USE ANI) EFFECT. Suppose an intelligent visitor from sone distant country to be making • tour of . along the great water- way forming for a considerable length the boundary between the United Sates and the Dominion of Canada. Still furth- er, suppose this visitor • man of average intelligence and of average observation, but ignorant of the political events which have transpired on either aide during the past twenty years. The Ont circumstance which would naturally and forcibly present itself to him would be the great disparity between the indcs trial centres respectively to the north and south cf his line of travel. Prescott on the one side, Ogdensburg on the other. Then in response to Toronto, Kingston and Hamilton on the North, Buffalo, Cleveland, and To- ledo would present themselves, more than upholding tho vuperior.ty of the South, and this despite the fact that Toronto's growth, at the expense of the entire Province, is locked upon as pbe- s..menal. The disparity would become more apparent the further West he pro- ceeded. There is no need of drawing invidious comparisons between Detroit and Windsor, Port Huron and Sarnia. Saginaw and Guderich, but everywhere can be seen on the one aide commercial and energy, on the other languor and lethargy, not to be accounted for by any apparent climatic agencies or terrestrial influences. sur hypothetical gentleman being, as we have said. • man of aversge intelligence, would at once *trek for a cause. To trace then at amens length the real canes of Canadian decay, and in conjunct' in the merest of American prosperity will be the subject of the present artede. No precipitous mown Gin chain with naocessibte front and head crowned with perpetual snow., no Unspent- eon and dangerous ocean was placed by an omni potent hand between Canada and the United States M serve as a natural boundary for future natic►ne, hostile by tradition and alien in race. No differ since -at least no great difference -- geologically speaking, sluts The straw of Michigan and the strata of Ontario are practically the same. The races by which heath oowntrir are populated are almost identical. repreAenting the enter- prise of the most eaerg.tte stook the Ann ever warmed into being. From these facts we .ay with reason surmise there are mo direct natural emeses for the onm tkker.ml ol Mos t-uited States, Dist them M r 1111115111111 one. Where Sod refused to pet • enteral boundary sae bag pissed an unnatural one. The tart* M the deadly epee tree bws•►h wars geitemone and deceitful *de the flew* al Dost. in etlfisstMtl sod ber _A R f1. WILL;AMS, Momenta. trade flighted. Her public debt has in creased to such an extent as to make her almost as bankrupt se Mexico prior to the French invasion, or Egypt mote- eedent to the English occupation. But this is a great deal of assertion without any proof, and perhaps there are few nations more thoroughly pro- tooted than that very nation tibias un - !precedented s.00s.e has aroused the envy and admiration of the world. Dd n et America acquire her greatness ender the protective system 1 Did she not in thirty years double her population, sup- press the mightiest of .od.trn time., wipe out am aboornial public debt, attain the foremost financial position hi the world from • financial chaos which seamed to defy hope? Were not all these things done under the wise tied beoe6- cent system of protection? But the answer i0 ready and easy -they were done in spite of it. They were done un- der'the most extensive and the truest system of Free Trade to the world. The States aro an epitome of the work'. Everything necessary for the comfort and even for the luxury of man is pro- duced within their limits -iron to rival the famous Sicilian or., wood resource„ perhaps not surpsa.ed in the world, opal u nlimited, petroleum and Dolton to sup- ply the earth, grapes hardly deficient in quality and in quantity the vineyards of Champagne and Bordeaux, figs fully equal to their Syrian or Italian prototypes, and oranges superior, if any- thing,to those raised on the sunny bank► of the Ouadalquiver. With such a diversity of soil and climate, such a country can put a wall of braes ten cubits high around it, and then exist and even prosper on its own resources for some considerable time. With Canada, unfortunately, the case is different. Her climate is practically the climate of the North Temperate zone; she cannot pro- duce within herself everything .eosesary for the decent maintenance of a highly civilized people towards the latter part of the 19th century. While her mineral and her lumber resouroes are by no means Inferior to those of her neighbor, her agricultural states must of necessity occupy • much lower rank. The United "States has a territory to trade with ie eluding the most favored climatic re - pions on earth. Canada is restricted to the North Temperate and Frigid 7oe.. This is the real gist of the question, end the obvious solution of the difficulty would be to remove the artificial diffi- culties which impede the natural circu- lation of trade. It would be a double advantage. cr, to pot it more correstly,il would be a reciprocal advantage; fit would open • market for Montreal hous- es on the confines of Mexioo,and Galvea- t ,n merchauta would push their, trade under the Arctic 'circle. But perhaps it may be said that a reciprocal treaty with the United States would necessitate strained relations with Great Britain. So be it. Canada has outgrown her babyhood. L she to be forever in Ieul- ing strings? Thus far we have endeavored to trace the relation between cause and effect. The disease is apparent 1 the remedy is apparent -it remains only to apply it. COMMUNICATIONS. We do not hold onreelves responsible for ib. opinions of our 1' . l'ontribu tars tc this department must confine them selves to public questions. and be brief. To the 'Editor of The Signer ern you Inform your numerous reed ars if our waterworks and electric hsh building is Insured, as • largo amount ..f the people's money bas been espended on this valuable property 1 Adjoining it is a bugs fire -trap m the shape of s deserted which, ,f eve, ignited, would oer!ainly Odor Me oWI waterworae buildbeg, thus lmsvmg our t..wn in • me re crippled prsitrdn than it is today. The mayor and Retitle:nen ..I the council are all asleep The Torn,.,. )University raramity ou.tht to be sufB -i- ent warning to all sleep/ With es it may prove the old .ds,le, "Lock the stable when the hors is old Y.airs. &e • Goderich, )larch 19. RATtravttt. r We are informed that no insurane sxi.ta on the bei;ding and plant to question. -En. Sweat ) Chas Rosen. of Morals hes leased the W. Bishop farm from Morns, Pr e for • term of years and will move oo to it this smooth. Jar. Broadfnot, wife and family, Bros - MN. pmrpvse removing to Antigmnssh, Noes Sootily wbare Mr Rroadfo.t woe- to mange a iaem. Mies Brnsdfoot will team, THIS HURON SIGNAL TRIDAY, MAR. 21, 1890. THE IGEN WHO LEGISLATE. WHAT 0011 NIPREeINTATIV(B ARE DOING 114 PARLIAMENT. IPM iligbAes eras --fie werto -i0. Wars Seals SwbM4-41. UMW seems maw NsSw.m. >Is.esm. wow -Illaba. w • 1+lsosse. Horeb 1T. --11s babes e! wase that b JIM ekemd eamom mead wale teeing et .seeders as regards Its Mirbasi Bass. It wee bayed that the Mersa wield ever by sew. Out the aNtalpltons r able spsd have tidied of reanimate& emirs salla of the ithais ectal causes le Aar ter the mother to the Privilege; Owendelee, 11e Yeatkag is Ilte mw emit. whale wan be meds to -day. isms dan111s t M produce ea debates 13 le .rota that the dlradsa wlt be the men leased ad that the Ogpedlisa IPS eater tats it with • reeler •eeentaes fug that three et the Conservative msmbMa ate by W velem ad veer ad tea. by their mass alma lave pr aseeesd against daisy, ad V favour et a l.msdl•te jdgmat Cesdstescy will mit allow these .ambers d support the rotenone. sad aslbfag aorta die. Uact premie, tint the work and the report of the oour ttles shalt be prompt, will per- mit certain .f the others 1. agree to it Amamg SOMA Coseervalives Owe Is • theory that the i d the omen tins to the .ammittee will led to • eoeveai- eat eWvhtg of the unsavoury dab. The idea le that the committee can deal .sly with irregular *settees and with breaches d the 1 . . of Parliament Act; wb.s the case reaches the committee it will •/quire whether or not the I Act hes bees violated, and will and that, viewed from that standpoint, there is .aahiag in the con- duct of the member fur Idacota to condemn. It was dit0i•ctly stated by Sir Richard Cart- wright that no Womb of the Act is charged, Tbe accusation is not that the written law lea beam broken, but that the accused sem- her athr lies dorm as a trustee that which is highly culpable It is stated that Lost Rill did not violate the f. of Parliament Act by sitting aad voting is Parleuneest while enjoying favors from the l . . Yet Mr. Bowel! thought it quite proper to move fur his espubiace There can be no doubt that the Opposition win oppose the ref.r.mcs on the; ground that the 'videos.* that the "trims of climes" has beam committed, is plain eaougb already. Another unfinished matter which will evoke a great deal of interest during the coming week is the Orange Ittll. This measure has been lodged in the osmate for the ped tea days. It has been pnstpooed from tame to time, and it was just about to beset for Mon- day when it was discovered that this would he BL Patrick'. day. Ho a delay until Tuber day was decided upon. The prospects of the the ban in the Senate are believed to be very good. That body cuntains .11 Roman Cathie- and atho-and 42 atom-Catbolics The dbcuaion in the Commons with ream pest W the mbedy to the West India etasm era was one of the t.reetest we have had for many a day. It was 'bort and sharp: end it brought out some fins language Mr. Davies asked bow much Mr. Baird's company paid tor the lease of the steamer; but the Finance Minister refused to tell, de- claring that thin was a private matter i& which Parliament bad no concern. Mr. Webb, one of the island members. and a Liberal, supported Mr. Foster in his reticence. Thereupon Sir Richard Cartwright cans to the trout with the statement that, as the treasury is often plundered. it b the duty of Use House to know all the detail@ of every After some lively words be- tween these Ministers, Mr. Baird gave the Infurmattou .ought, adding that, though in the company, be had not entered voluntarily, but purely, seeing that be was a crank on the subject, with • view to amiating the Wed India trade, which some predicted would fall, through just as a vessel sinks on the reef. Mr. Blake and Mr. Weldon then had a re- markable prem. at arms wherein the former assailed Mr. Baird and his scheme pretty severely, and Mr. Weldon in reply proceeded to dress down Mr. Blake in no unmistakeable manner. Pointing at Mr. Blake, he meld: - It is glrioua to have • giant's strength, but 11 is tyrannous to use it as a giant, and when I bear an hon. member of the great eminence of Mr. Blake --of whom I heard bis yesterday one of the most distinguished mem- bers of this Howse any that he regarded him as one of the three or four speakers of our English tongue now living -throw his whole weight and his whole strength $galnd • young member who has been here only three or four years, I regret that it is not parliamentary to me such toms as coward and bully on the Iloor of this Houses Why doss not the hon. gentleman wafture words with • hale and strong gladiator like myself Mr. Davie., also took • hand in the matter and deplored each an attack Os the honored and trusted party ex -fir. Mr. Butte closed the episode with the speech of a . The deputation from Toronto re Esplanade mattes did not fare an badly after all. Wben they got down to Ottawa, it was found that the cause of abs bill was lost, and the eboien lay betw.sm exprupriatiou and an amicable . . The Railway Com- mittee gave the Toronto men to understand this pretty plainly. But the final outay.me was • new agreement, which in the opinion of several eau • good bargain for Toronto. On Frid ay, Mr. Laurier brought in a mo- tion complaining that too much time had already been waited by the House, and hold- ing the C , . „ responsible. The only result of the early semkom, be said, was that members would be kept in Ottawa longer than usual. Hon. Peter Mitchell added the inainu.tlrm that the budget might Ie kept lark oro as G, give Conservative m••rchante an opport unity to profit by "tip" given them nwcerning the tariff changes. To this Hon. Oeoree E Foster maid the 'Third Party mud surely he joking: denied the charge in tote, all informed the Nem that the Widget would probably be delivered on Friday or early the following week. bs w d► M 1 Tle Lend Neese.. Tis only matter of special Import brought up this week in the Loral House wan Mr 5itbww'kr license tell. Mr Oilmen male a very impor- tant akditien 1, his measure which will en- tirely prohibit the isle of liquor on vowels. Mr Meredith objee ed to the etaur. which snares that in a breach of the liquor act there shall he no appeal feint the decision of a pollee magistrate Hs lacked that faith pommeled by the Provincial Hecretary ie those officers. In this diecnadon tbeIlennw granted to On- tario's little Killarney was brought up, and Mr. Hardy had oraxinn to say that the Gov- ernment nerd not ovwTkte ter limn nnm- mUshmerw. The right of granting licenses hes been vested in mese offk.ra The hill was posed. Ths mwnims are Mill f,DPW th tien. and amen; e hill Uwe are many pertaleing to the munk•ipatl and assessment arta Mr. Drury brought 1n a hill providing moans for estl.gulshIng firm A member a rebores estred for by mwmhw -i end relating b Toronto University wore wooed dons by the PrnvbdaI Dee etary. AMBSJILT. "Prear stn . em Mete •1* flirt Mr David Stewart is hep oe*/ last leas W ewers Mr TItIMao Mislays= M is Drs.. township. We sagest Goes to era the turd Mr William Kemploe has invested a palest has Mies with whloh use matt ass ds two .as'u work. William, al- though sot lazy, Mb.. to do hie work nib• Donald N. MoKessie got quite a . care when his Ar•bis&e 1011 hies sitting on the road and mashed hie rig to He looked pale whoa we stew m, bet be got off very sale. Wood bear arm the rag*. Mrs MoKay, of Hell's Corner, had quit* a torn -sista She has over Ase year's wood. LZEBU RN. From our own serreepenteet. On Sunday roughness of weather mead quit* a thinness in numbers at eb.reh in the morning, and no Sunday . lied was held. A quilting bite at Mr R. Fulford's Friday stternoos was quite a suoosas. In the.vesii.f, after the task was dose, • pleasant soots) time was spent by all w ho were present sod a few ,others that dropped in to inspect the ladies' week .m4 fulfill their escort duties. John Healey and Jamas MacOle., from near Kintail, are making a sojourn here at pressed. Mine hod of the Point Farm has secured, we nnd.rstaad, nearly his us - 051 supply of its for sones. Miss Mary Relton is visiting relatives and friends io Goderich tuwosbip this week and last. SHEPPARDTON, From our own 1. A. WiLwra.-Captain A. Bogie wishes os to state he read the Leeburn item in last week's StogaL with refer - ono* to the lambs and is willing to put any amount not lees than a V. with any stakeholder Mr Chisholm may appoint by letter, or he may insert the one be chose' to THz SIGNAL of next week. The Captain has at the present time • rouud baker's dotes of lambs of this season, 1890, the youngest of them being dropped about the 4th of this mouth. Each of them, he ray', will outweigh either of Mr Chsbclm'a two by 28 Ila at Easter. Should the bet be made, Alda Frankland, ow of the cattle kings of the Queen City, will Dome op by train from there to sot as judge in the matter, and du the weighing of the lambs. THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS Cederke Metres. ticas&ems. Mar. 10. 1100. Whets t10 •• s le - neer. R tlltl 400 a 534 Oat.. bush .....023 0 011 Peas, i bush 0 54 e o 54 Barley. • bush 0 m e 0 t0 Potatoes. new i boa 10 a Ss Hay. i tori 0 01 a 700 Butter,*• 015se 018 gggs, fresh nitpicked •• dos 0 12 0 0 15 Chess 0 11 0 0 13 short.. O toe ......14 (0 0 14 00 Bran S Sea 12 On le 13 w Choi ped Stet, • ewe 1 es " 130 W eeaf� ark. sent...«.... 11 su '• as ........ ... 300 " 400 Hides.. ...................... 250" 3514 Wool..... •••• 000 " 000 lbeeuskiss.. ................... 0 75 1 10 !Avowed Hao. a MN 5 sn " s re Apples. & bush 000 '- 080 (Halos Mar. IR Flour ... .......... ... 94 se to 00 Fall W beat nee and old 0 NO to s4 Spring Wheat Barley o 30 to 40 3s e 21 to 1 SO to 000 S3 to 54 SO acre., price #I3*. loots 13 sad N la 1st (n. 0 40 to n s0 Kinloss,ltrute County. 100 serest Will be sold 015 to 0 1!i very cheap.Lob i5. 16 and W f e 17. in the NI 0 i0 10 0 ix con•Waw&aosh, 500 arre.aexrelientland in 5 00 to 7 00 nae block. Pece 1915.60n. Lot 73.Mcliottgall's Potatoes twiaterl pr. boa. Buur Eton Cordwood • WWo Pork C. ..0 0 M Prk 4 73 3 4e Live Mere Market. Montreal. March 17th. --Tien were about 130 Lead of bendier,' cattle. 50 sheep and Iambi and 150 calves offered at the Fast End abattoir tuday. The prices oteattle are still advancing. but the butchers were buying rather sparingly• in hopes of morn liberal supplies coming in shortly. None of the cat- tle offered today were very choice. and the highe.t price paid here today was 41c per Ib.. at which rate Mr (Sconce Nicholson bought seven steers• which weighed 7.300 Ito. Pretty good cattle sold at from 4c to lir per Ib.: rough steers, oxen and bulb at (nom Sic to 4c So.; common dry cows and milkmen's strip- per, at from 3c to 3lc per lb. There was • berriiek demand for the beet calves and prices were from $3 to 512 each. Mutton critters are in active demand at advancing lir ter. and a good many of them are bought up be- fore reaching the market. Messrs Brown Hoa bought IS sheep at $0.55 each. Spring Iambs are declining in price, or from 5.150 1.0 55 each, rery few going at more than 54 25 The prices of fat hugs are looking up and t ley bring rather more than 5c per lb. 15 PER CENT. OFF TWO WSSER. Uter.mtsee, BLAnmtn., Saawtay lAaCINATOaa, sad All Heavy Winter Goods J. A. RAID & BROI For Sale or to Let. FOR 841.E - A NEW FRAMS Hoare with oat eighth of as acre of land, situated os St. Petrick street. For terms apply to Fallot. W. JOHNHTON, 47 lam 14�ARM WANTED. -FOR A CLIENT, 1: • arm of 100 acres or tees, situated mar the tows of Goderich. Ape, to IL1.11i5 at tt tl,1,.-•.ur Goderieb. RENT -TWO HOUSES ON BunteyA_ one block from the Square. For ppsarticulars apply to is if MRS F. SMK11TH. FARMS FOR SALE. 1 have a number of farms for sale In differ. est emu of lantana As Toe are aware. farms were never so cheap 1a this pro, Inc,• as at the present time, and If you want • farm 1 would recommend you to bay now. If your means are limited 1 can sell you • farm on a small cash payment -giving you pleaty of time to pay balance of mimes* money ata low rate of in- terest. thus enabling you to acquire • home of your own most Basil). If you have mares and do not require credit i can give you asgood Yalw.fr 71 ur money as you can get elsewhere. I will gladly seed you descriptions of (aims for sale In any localir en nearing from you. JOHN J. PATON, 2!161y 84 Kiag M. east, Tomato. FARM FOR SALE. The 1 will o- ffer for sale the fol- bwiag very desirable farm, consisting of the e asterly LSI/acres of Block "F." in the 7lm eoe- eeasion of the Township of Colborne. la the County of Herne. This farm is Mtwat- ed 41 miles from Goderich. and 1 miles from Carlow, c. the Maio Gravel Road. There is • good frame bowie, l f- storr7a await new, ]n by3e., resuming 7 st roos • large bars, 40 y 41. with cattle shed. 42 by14. attached, and one of the finest orchards . the township. 1t is watered by • Dever -failing serim creek end • good well. About 110 acres cleared and free from stumps. There 1s no waste lend of any kind on the Cpl ere. Good .clod within 10 rods of the Will be sold on reasonable terms. For terms and further particulars &pyo to JNO. BRK('KENRIDGE. eine, Oodricb- r JUBEYH Mel W N. 0- ea the premises. FIRST•CLASS BRICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR BALK ON ST PATRICK BT. -About two miasma walk from the Square, Two Mortes hath, brick •dditlou in the rear te stories hyi,o� building covered with slate. main bundling has 31•nte rooms on fir.t at upstairs there are 5large moms. In the rear addition there are k lac leo. pant., . washroom Upstaln, girls room and bathroom Also good eviler. Apply to the undersiltned, who will give all sece.aary io(ormulos. 8-th DANIKLGORI)ON. L 'ARMS AND TOWN PROPERTIES I8'' FOR SALE. -Lot 13. 1. Maitland ('.o. ('oMorne, 112 anew • very fine farm. Intoe '5000 Lot EY in 1M eat. E. D. Aabfleld 3 00 to 410 S.rvty. Tows of Goderich. Price onlyn. Lot 1ea, town of Ooderich, on Light 51ou.r 0 m to 000 Street h brick hoe and stable. !'race only wlthouse 977. 878, 1015 and pt. 1014 Town of Ooderieh, nearly nth of an acre 1. one block within the businom pan of the She People's Column. x110 TAVERN AND SHOP KIEP- 1 KRS.-NMice Is hereby given that Appli- cations for Lioenoes for the Stale of Liquor t o the Wiens. restrict of West Huron for the Leona, year 111641 will he received by the nnder.igned up to Tuesday, April Pat. Inclu- sive. Applicants Omni* the names of two rood mute Omni* and snmcient sureties as bonds. menu .be lime of maklmg the ■pplfast ion. Any applicant for • new license mast furnish is certificate signrd by a majority of the Mee - tors entitled to vote at ran Nnns for the Legis- lative Assembly in the Polling S.bdiviaton of which the premises sought to be licensed ere Nteated, snit the ease osjerity must In - clod. at least ons -third of the said electors. ern arrat the time a.neh application resi- dent* within the said Polling Nob division. W. J. PAISLEY. 4211. l.epector. Clinton. 1 1 )1'1.1,14 run, SALE. - TWO iM- PietTRHdti.ent Here Ilene for sale ..Wa11ne-r, y,af , '£Pubis, ,.itlwl " Ther Henle hese proved theme seas s ipe-nor ..1 )!.£tete` and nor geallMvt to leo with any .. d. 8711 ,,ie 1,., l.easy drsnghi mere, tow pulite elan miner 10 17 les le 4 Ai! SAUCY.' .1). (lelerieh 1'. 0. i'et1U l.Kb01404 MI'S A(IGIE 11111]1141N t i •e reared to roe muale •aoee'Mtn IM p •en a . r 0•eno. ►'.err trrtl- •n•a imam .e at 1 e.. 55. 'IYwotr...n'e Mule err. 31-11. rrnz HURON HOTEL, h.. we., known and impeller hotel ha Mesta Med and rlila reed daring the /set rerun. 1 •1 is now err 1 to nese la .tens, d we- 'nm.•dst,on for the eras ening peeks Good a• , ono& dation for transient gm eta. W 3f. l' R A 1 O, 1tgn. n, Oederieh lest 1'rerwinree MeeN.Si1. IIRS. SRANNW • 'BANNON. online ey k to i g, Asencemb,,earar kn. the gaol 0oder(nb O •wwow, ). 11. mwaw- mow. 1751 1l Io0111,1 toys. Priors only 5504. The above pmper- '1.1 *111 Pte sold oneasy tens. of payment, Apply to C. SE Airlift. Ooderieh. N.B.-Money to lead at veru low rates. 87 FOR SALE. Wed half of lot 3111. Arthur Street, with small brick cottage thereon. Britnts° lean,. 184. 1116, 244, 245, FJgio Street, tat. Andrews Ward. 131, coiner of Hume and Britannia Read. Frame If story house on Keay. Street, 101 and half land. Several lots la Reed's Survey, opposite sew dhow Orounj., it. Nos 22 1t. 35. 30. 311, 54, 30. e/, 01. A11 the above at LOW RATER. 11211 Apply to DAViION & J01INSTON Administrator's Notice. L1A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The creditor, of Stephen Irwin, late e,f the Township of K'awasoab, in the County of Harem- yeoman, deora.rd. DM riled on r shout the Hod day of Januarys A. 11. 11) and all others having claim• against hie elate are hereby notified to ern' by post, prepaid, • others.i,lc (tether to the undersigned, soli- citors for Thomaa Anderson, arise iatrator of the estate and effects of the said deceased. at their *floe in the Town of Goderich. in the County of Ilttran. on or before the sr,. day e.f April. A. D. IMO, their ('hristian names and surnames. wide -roes and description. he full partirialars od their claims, a statement a their an-nnnta and the nature of the meur,- t it e id any . held by them and in d e to n: t, hero of, and Immediately after themed eh day of Apill. A. 11 I•1n0, the amen n(the maid Stephen Irwin. dor-med. w111 be distributed amore the partite entilkel thereto. hairier only to eheimn of whkh notice shall have en alien ea aline required. And this nota;* having been given render the pn,vleions of the realised ! 'latntm of Ontario. Cap. 110. the asM administrator will not h• liable for ,he said aseers or any ian thereof to any minion of whose claim not a.• shalt not have leen received .t theliac of such Mate but len. Dared thbath day a Marsh, A. 11 Irak, ('AMKHON. HOLT t CAMt:ItON. Solletlewe for the laid administrator. Thomas A'Wr sale. travelling Ibuiae. Et IN Arit Dentistry. M• N ICHOLSON, L D. a . DINT L ROOMS, Eighth door bek..r the Poet Otloe, Oooatucu- Iles ly DR, E. RICHARDSON, LD.8, lJ BUROKON DENTIS?. Om and Vitalised Alt administered for pain Ism extract tngof teeth,etr Riven to e the the Natural Teeth. )Mice -Up Main. Grand Opera House Block. Kotrauce on West -8t.. Oudsriob. 11/1-1, Loans ants insurance. L' N. LEWIS. Barrister, Proctor in 34. Maritime Cohort ; Mosey to loan at 61 pee cent, private funds. Straight loan, in- terest )early. Caste very moderate. For particulars call personalty or write. 21 C. SEAuPR, CLERK 911181 DIVISION COURT. Conveyancer, Insurance. Estate Gad amend Agent Money to Lend at Low Hates and Coot Farmers' Note. l>tseousted. Orrtea-Next to CereeU'. Furniture More. Ood.rich. 218641 F J. T. NAFTEL, LIFE, FIRE AND ACCIDENT IN- SURANCE AGENT, North British t Mercantile Liverpool. London & (Hobe, Norwich Union ; NorthAmerican Life ; ansodden' leear- wnee of North America Lowest Hates. Louses settled y Mosey to Loan on Fern and Town }'roosrt (.areyaoeiar done. Property valued, etc. y Mee - Cor. North -.t. aad Square,, 7 $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To lenton farm and ow. property, at 1*w ell totereces.-reM.dortgages purchased. No em mtaspw.ne r &gents for the Trust and Leas Credia Company.r Canada. the ('reach Lased of Canada. ntrest London se aaad 7 � � ~r N. B. -Borrowers can obtain mumay V day. If title satisfactory'. 1010 DAVISON & J . Bermter. lei., Ooderlcb ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CA]IKRON ilOe,retCAMIRRONiO.d rich. 3• MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE mutant of Private Fumds for Iavetstmes it lowest rates ea aril class Mortgagee App13 soOARItOW & PROUDFOOT R, RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE asp MONEY LOANING AGENT 0nf PYrsf•Nea. Cwatpewim keprewested Q Money to Lead on straight Weems, at the Iowes rate of Jetsam going, la any way to suit 11. oorrower. IZ OFFICE - Second door from austere West Street Ooderlcb. 0t5-tf Legal. C A M P I O N, BARRISTER, �J• Solicitor Notary Public, e t c. (Mier Over Jonlaw s brag Ettore. the rooms formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. 2236 C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, ace h. Omer, corner of Square and Wed Street (iodrrkh, over telegraph odoe. Pri Tato ia.ds to lend et 6 per cent. SAO- ("ARROW IG(IARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR '-J 1118T4158 At t w5ey% Solicitors, (Wench J. T. Oarrow, W. Prowdfoot. 17 ('1AMLCRON, 113 & CAMERDN, Harrisers. Ssltelbii In Chancery. Re. loderich. M. C. �S,�.e Q -C.; P. Hol. M. 0. Cameros. C C. Maas . 1751 - amusements. GODERIOHI MECHANICS' INSTI TUTK LiBRARY AND RKADIN It410M, Dor. of 'Mget mad Square In stairs. Opentram i to 6 perm, and from 7 to se p.m ABOUT 2000 VOL'8 IN LIBRARY Leading Pandy, Wrekly rued Rlesfrut.d Papyri, rif7 tuner, tie., ow File. MF.MRKRB'ti, PICKET, ONLY twee. Aventine free use of Library mad Roadie. !loom. Application for membership received by Librarian. in rooms. 8. MALcOMNON. 010. STIVENB, President. Ssoretary Ooderleh. March 11th. MIS. Auctioneenng. 1OIIN KNOX, GENERAL AUC- • TiONRER and land Valuate,. Ooderieh chit. Having had considerable experience. Ie hr u.rrtoneering trade, be 1. 1n a position 1.r barge with therough satisfaction all nom lemons entrusted 10 ham, Order's left at anis'. Hole 1, or seat by mall to my address, oderich P. G. carefully attended to. JOHN KNOX 1!owe t• Auetiaesar, 111011 Societies. 4,11�1tgMPWRs ar De4pn i. o11 AND TI;4 NK 11.511.WA5 Trains arrive and depart at Ooderkh se b lows: .Reams. Mall and ILzp ues we, !am.. tn .. .. .. .�...n`..... .. 7 lilankMall Gad iC>/mess . ptr MI e4 4mnw Noes at Signal. 6000 WORA IS OGRE AT SIG b -. r .. 1�1 RE[A OOJJHOns £0 lint, Gon 4J it)1H�lt -reship N T. (s tIrpwa0/�g Hal, Wirt h .5,.,.t. y