HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-3-21, Page 1Y NUY tlfl KRD Htslfl1
otice of changes must be left
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later
than Wednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
up to noon Thursday of each
them nesseen
fU advance rioters is the local columna
tints Stumm. of meetings OT enter-
tainments at Mich an admission fee
is charged, or from which a pecuni
ary benefit is derived, must be paid
for at the rate of one cent per
voo,d each insertion, no rlwrge leas
than twenty-jbe emits. When ad-
eaements of entertainments arc
'mortal a brio/ focal will be giren
Boots t shoes -g. Downing.
rhe t:amine Shirt A. K Pridham.
Dress Goods Opening -.lobe Acheson.
Te Tavern and S:" p Keepers W. J. Paisley •
McLaon- 1. Leeburn, on the 1111. of Manch,
IMO, tbe wife of Alex. McLeod. of a silo.
Baum- 1n Ooterich. on M.rrh 17th. tilers.
tet wife of H. .1. Horton, formerly of Dun-
lop. of • sen.
WI .on- At London. on March loth. igt6.
the wtfe of Cr. J. D. Wilson. of . son.
ED O oe
Dr M Nicholson, the \lest-sit dentist, second part was epesed by an la- COUNTY CUItRENC lr,
strumeotal sub by lass Hearn, which --_
h 1 O d to ed 1 was cleverly executed Mr Sham re
makes the preservettu° of the legend
test • aped. ty. as a minis r from
9 a m. for the palates' extraction of caved an encore fur "I'm Getting a Big Item/ of Interest from over the
teeth Bey Now." Miss Hearn followed with
Eva$T.ODT Wsux.rs!-A first cls "Marguerite," in exquisite voice, and
wend and • lecture by Rev James received • deserved encore, to wbcoh she a weedy e.sre•. lb ('eseey sew. Mrs-
Lvierg.tore, of Clinton, will he held in responded. Mr Sheoe followed with an ed sq a.. seeders .t .
.Th. eess•1.•
the Victoria -s . Methodist church neat other of the "McGinty" eerie., and is Ptah sod roast, Clapped and Ccs.
Mends)! reeking. The public are 111- r•sp'•nse •u au encore gave "The Labor- dermad het livery stews.
sited, ing M..." which was looked upon as hie
AT vas Otai, Oran* Hot as -Zees beet mug by • large pan of the audience.
Mn Brailey gave 'The Last Rose of Mr J. Taylor, St. Helens, left fur
Semites Novelty Company is drawing Summer" well power and pathos, for Dakota, Wednesday of last week.
large coolest-a+s here this week. Music, •hith she received an ovetioe. An in- Mr R. H. Cook, of East Wawsnosh,
delicacy, feat. of Irgerdntr►•cu and ten-
. atrumentel trio by Messrs. Belcher, died oa the 6th inst., aged 39 years.
triloquam, the marionettes and the sha- Porter and C.merou, ha
ft !lowed by the Cos' Agee, Morrie, "old his team of
"'graphs constitute an interesting and ,.National Anthem," closed the musical bone" at the Brussels horse fair for
amusing performance. part of the program. In addition to the .275.
We understand Mr Hannah, whn par- a ueert a lecture on "Indeed -the Hour
Poses establishing • creamery in teals Refire Mete" was given by Mr D. Mc- Mn Fair, sr., Clinton, hod the mei-
nch will make •pplieatiuu this evening Otlltcuddy. The speaker claimed that fortune to stip down recently and break
"4 e*tet's manly pe, fake w' wase,
Aw' fact* *e U punt .t."
G000 Peasant. -The man useful gift
yw .sm (sake is w jive a Wirt Pen. Ap-
My M D. McWtllts.dde. agent. Goderich.
'fl'b. W.mu's Christina Temperance Unitas
meat 4. the kasseseatof Northat Hetn church
ever, Tuesday afternoon. l'reyermextlag et
21111. 11 IMm meshes et 1
TM sortag time will soon be upon se, and if
pee want to heiress with the 4tewt and beet
D. MtaGILLICV81.141 DY. Pu
Mr Alexander Fester, sane Varsa.
luta • very tine horse. Yuma ltcAlptoe, Prem our own
aged two years and bye wont\•, wbieh We sr. now having a •wood mop of
tips the beam at 1590 lbs. Its color w • wood bees,
light bay with star, with registered pedi- wee. Bishop', •notion sale of far
gree stock and implements, on the 14th ioat,
Mr Jobo Tenff, wbo wee so libelously was one of the most largely attended
injured at the Uoioa Factory, Weigbam, .ver held in this estttios. Tb. goon
"ems time ago, is able to be sr000d tee were well bred and in Ruud 000dttlua.
streets again. It will los wale nem yet and Sigh prices were realised, the aro.
before he will be able to take his place reeds being in the neighborhood' 01
in the factory. =4,500 Mr Bishop romoyee to hu new
Mt John Peacock and family, ear home near Besehvtlle, Oxford Co., this
John Belford, and several other young week, followed by the good wishes of •
men, all of Tarnberry, left ler Barlow ergs circle of 4rleuds
Bowe -
vain, Manitoba, with live stock and et• The bailiff of this district is making a
fens. per Grand Truuk Railway, oar nosh lancer sente of acliuiatauoee than
Tuesday of lest week. usual this winter. The majority ascribe
The McDougall Methodist church, of this to the N. Y. The aforesaid officer
Winnipeg, Mao., has extended • ottani- u a firm believer In Free Tr de, how -
mous invitation to the lies Charles E err,
Stafford, of Walkerton, ferment! Pastor Jas. Calder, ,r., is away this week
visiting friends iu the rtoiotty of Wing -
to the town council for the use of the het wrist. of the Methodist church, Brussels which
in the language Mr Glndstone the se- Mr Wm. Diamond, "f Win Sam, left
old market building as a cresnirci. The called C had been obtained byq was accepted by telegraph.
aid building a of little account now and ..force and fraud," and was not in $e- on Thursday afteruo..n of last week for
The name of (terve Cook, of Hawick
is neither useful nor uruanautsl at pre o..rdenoe with the wishes of the people Montana. t'. 8. township, is freely mentioned as a likely
sent. - _ of Ireland. it was ctaimei that the The first of • series . f monthly hens nominee at the Coneervstnw Convention
Mr S. J. Reid, of the firm of .7. A. Union would cement the friendship of fain will be held in Weighers on There ,.n Friday. If tumor is to ba retied up-
}trid & tiro., purfo,ses opening out • England and Irel•i:d, but alter ninety day, March Y7th. "n he and B. Gerry, Bruwls,sre said to
genu furnishing and tailoring establoh yearsf experience the reverse had been J ph Walker. Brussels, who cut his stand at the head of the list.
A large number of tramps have been
ealhoq around lately. They were all going
north, another silt° of spring.
It is astoniahim the interest that is
• - ° ,
bitten in the lienwell murder case. All
went in Wiuvham shortly. Sam has Viand to be the result. Ireland, how- tot t a short time •r' . is able (0
pet The Manitoba free t'rus art bfareh 1st reports aro rood with iuterast by evmy-
Iedie tailor.,
his own as one of dudoric willlever, had seen . darkest rituIur, soil about aro crutches tattw. any.: -J. R. Grant (Ibtb dear..) was reply•
leading and LYw¢ham dudes thou¢h there were p.eu and Iritulstiune A. G. Dickson, wit., and daughter, of elected Junior Warden of Winnipeg The young people'ssmleeting in Knox
now have an opportunity of getting nest still in store for her people, it had been W•Ikerton, an rsrtiuq with relatives Lodge ot Perfection fourteenth dsi(rse church, Cnnbn,uk, was held las: Moa-
fita at home. demonstrated that the gees( heart of the soil friend. in Brussels. of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish day evening. A. uses! there was •large
BYLAW or TUE ..in*ytnt or aw. peas
- Peeple of England, &Abel sof Kale. attendance and • good program was re
(VAIIssD -lb Tuesday the bylaw peas- had at last opened to her claims for jos- No lea than 9 tramps were aecommo- Rite of Freemasonry. -Brawls Post.- P °R pre-
with dud ° in the Chuton town We 1 that Mr J. G. Holme., .e°ted•
ed by the village of Baytield to aid • lice, and where So 1834 0 Connell couldgi
doer mill by way of bonus was quashed find only one English member to back hall during One week lately. barrister, of Toronto, and son of Mr DUNOANNUN.
on the ground (bat the granting rel the him in the; House of Commons, today James Seale bas sold lot 14, cos 6, Thu.. Holmes, of WingAam, has been groin nurowo
bonus required for es payment all anneal there were over 200 led by the greatest Morns, centaintng 100 acres, to Alex. offered the defence of Rurobell, the men Thesownmunicipal council of West Wawa
in for yriump•l and interest exceeding fi,ture in the history of the nioentesth Nichol for the sum of $4,500.
soder arrest for shooting young Seawall nosh met in te T..we Hall on Saturday,
ten per cent..( the total annual reenact- century- Wtllum Ewart Gladstone; and Mr Juba Hannah will rue four crea••o to •swamp near Yriocetoo.-Wiag1*nm the 15th erect, All the members were
pal taxation, contrary to the Municipal whereas in the '70's there were only two elle, during the coming .es.on.Seaforto. T1°1e.' resent except A o hemeLockhart, r. war
het art 1888.Homerulen ot the fighting pattern, Lrodesboro, Goderich and Kirktun. •On 5sturday,Stb Inst ,Mr Peter Deans, P p
auctioneer, Saar, sold the MrPlPetrnkett farm, reeve, who was absent on account of deputy
HIGH SCHOOL E rTetTai!cwa 1T. -Wr •m"riga the members teem Ireland, now bin Donald Ross, of Denver, Cnl., losers east half of lot dl, 12, reeve, to tray able a of important bolt•
understand that the High School Liters- there was • solid phalanx of eighty -sir . thter of Mr John gtewert, is in atm -
.....„East K'awas.rh to Mr Robt, Macao, of °•e•
ltd by • man who's name would never le yearling her parents and friends Morrie, treat K lire ham for $3,900. ry Society, dta..wfied with the Btiso• d I as history lasted -Charles y g
decided h Re
It Owing to circametances over which
ie as ung
sial result of their voider° in bringing Stewart Parnell. The speaker dealt John Wight ran, of K awancrh, has is said that Mr Mown has Ruta see the •. W. F. Campbell had no control,
M and MrsClark, d nth I d Po", 50 scree en the 6th hue from bargain he lecture which was to have been deli -
•r , mien togive • u wall the treatment of the Irish people
°r et1ten•lnment it the tar k ( M C h h had resided in ed by him on the 18th lust wee
the 18.1* April -the pre
yes wt 1 rebate our urro from oohed by the mnwhen c evictions as samples of Inch persecution, stmae er
tkNaaktwable u Nor, I. J. {Nidham. and to amidst of music, readings, recite- ( theIrish misfortune t, toll downstairs ..o K'°dnes- McCt.iggbt was of Irish birth and hued ( Friday night greets a quantity of
"ala.ya•bead soil sayer behind." is the tions and tableaux.
aeons ° u
of the of last week and dislocate his to •Keo
sir, wise la segue* to ba recuiar tine of bed• A Het t:oDattet MAN AWAY L r Special card draw atter shoulder. hied) h
oma maks' plaices e,' lee a.peclalty. b
"me place on the Irish member of Parliament coder Mr N"Lir+ of Petrt.ltsr t e sem u Sarah c rel t, who a Feat ser o
program to low fur- coercion laws, narrated the Clongorey 111,230. the township of nrnberry for a number postponed antil further iatitnstwri be
t the Suetety, Y t Farrow Brawls had the of year, died on the 11th inst. Mn flew
referred to the vindication u
metre el R R. flsllowo the people's photgtn cause u evidenced by the report dayh ( about b yeah 8be war fell. but owing to blwterisg winds
MOTHER - bi hl respected by bey aelghbon soil a was ecnttered 'boot so much flat
-The reel Banner, to its report of the xiD to the fact that the edseattort of the Mr W. W. Farm-, Chutes, has sold his greatly esteemed by all who knew her. sleighing was lead on the highways.
tmi't a c *& Ie oonaectlo• with Pie.
a °,tin of the Grand Orange Lodge et
an Wctahu t3eo tuewart. the t g W Bn n lest week mares in Zairian.el.and tense poincf the ted the colt, Bell Bien. 22 menthe odd, to B. J. Mies Aimee Bnaadfoot, youngest The revival meetings which have n
f St. Charles, Mich. fix the dam/Ater of Mrs Alexander BroadfoN, So open tion fur the last two or three
k mit . on u a
doesn't take • decided Interest Ontario est as mplu o bye -elections is Britain po ° Downing,
n • ,
4a. NIe atast addition to stock km larger°•- has the following :--"The tallest Or- dawn of a brighter and better day for - atm of $1,700 cash. of the 4•b of Tuc en b, creeks same brought to • close Sunday
simment °f moaldi.ta .ngeman at tee lad" ecueeae frtsm Oods- y evening InstWe bops that good aay
Nave you sees them* II trot, call at coos Ireland Al the elm of the eddrees a Mr rind Mn M i h, of ClintonCI' d died us Friday, 7th ins(, after a few d• •
illoer. She was greatly beloved by all pmma.eot results will characterize those
.errs sin nn •
reed se.th.11einiefh1 artistic wall paper and rich. Hi. same m Marne, ; his height,
vet. of (haat• was moved to the speaker their looby b oy dedicated to G•,d. The
of h d who knew her, and the sincere sympathy who kava mode • profeee K
o.111ag dsee,•ttowe u B.eadan t Wma 6 feet 7 inches. Hs was a recce s by Judge Doyle to an earnest as el- iuu derio the
They are teem the factory of W. N. Peak. d rwlative, Brun Luther Cbe neo Mr B 7 eerier was conducted by Major ph
Brooklyn, N. Y.. who sell. to u• alone le y pres.tve manner, and was ably s•oonded putt, Salvation Army. of all is extended to the bereaved m ,th revival,
Myra. The prices beat the band. Tbecbe.p- Marney has a son who is reported to be b MrSJ h wheal name in er and other relatives. Miss Lavine Lea. (aim" of Mr W n.
est how under the sae
am y .rep Williams,
6 feet 6 in., and 230 pounds in weight," Goderich has been identified with"Home Mr J. Jewell, .d Gedench township,
BRIEFLETS. Lrr SocitTY - The regular Rule., from is inception. Mr Medslli- b k t thebl k 1
shop at Rrnwnllrr, which rias formerly
as taken
A young couple entered upon a shy- Lane, town clerk of Ash6eld,) is con
pwner,ro u ac ,m mensal life" two weeks ago to Kingham ducting a class in oil painting to this
caddy briefly acknowledged the vote of
V whose ages were respectively seventeen
Mr P. Holt was in Toronto last week, meetn'g of the High School Literary y 1 occupied by Mr Pfeffer. R DeC 7 village at her uncle's residence. Those
Mr P Kelly, of Blyth, was in tows S••ciety was held last Friday evening. thanks hoping that he would always be and nineteen years. The contracting who are sozious to acquire • knowledge
d week. Nominsto.n• were made for the various sole to say a good word fur Old Eriu. Mr H. Fearer., iVinghsm, who has parties were Miss Maggie Dodds and Mr ,of the accomplished art cannot do bQiter
• been laid up for upwards of two months usevr the fatter an emse ployat the than consult Miss bine on the subject.
las Wynn has returned from a visit "thee' bur the Dell term, $iter which the IN MEMORIAM.
Toronto.following program was preser-ted :-
Mr C. Crofts. of London, was in town Chorus, Glee Cluh ; recitation, Mia
RJlen rrading Mees Choles • ado
during the past week.
Mies Ante Fletcher left fora visit to
Seatorth on Saturday last.
Miss Susie Payne ,pent last week in
Oodeneh, the guest of Mrs Wm. Wt -
with blend pison1115Intie arm, ezpects,, •oiou Factory. On Sunday afternoon We wish the young lady every mama
to sesame work next week. they cut a fine dash with Days beet K s are credibly informed, and it is
Violet. Carrie. ten.
Jacob Steins, who bought met h• livery span.
(rum Sam. Shine, of
pleasing to be able to note, that Mr J.
Mies N McKenzie ; reading, Mr Boyd ; Lines affeetio,iately inscribed to Mr butchering business Beetles, the popular reeve o
recitation, bliss Husk ; reading, Mr and Mn Wo.. Watson by biles Eloise A. Ethel, lately. has slid out again and has AUCTION SALES. panty of Ashfield, who has been at Lon -
Doyle; editrea esleotions, Mw $kimmtngs,on the death of their three bought the Molesworth hotel. All parties getting their .ale bills printed at don for sums time raft, consulting medi-
Doyle ; question drawer, Mr Strong ; lovely little girls : Mrs Baines, an old lady residing at ibis once will tet • free •awe inserted .o eel skill, u getting better, and expects,
chorus, Glee Club. Why deet (bow weep. mother w h dost thou Sunahinr, has durng the past few this let up to the Ume of sale. all been well, to be able to return home-
wards munch. pieced and goulted w lug cabin Sale of the farm cloak and implements d ward.. o Saturday, 22nd. Under the
f the munict-
•on. Tan rate erg MaIT1saa -The Young Thy babes ere with Jesus. but not asleep: of David Johnston lot 7, 13ayhel Road,
Nr P. McEwen last week completed W„man's •Chriati•s Trn.peronc• •1'oi•io In their heads are His harps. when ail a quilt, containing 3,240 pieces- two miles from Ooderiab, on Tuesday, circumstances he will not los able to at
lou contract for the boring of two Wella have en¢egad Mr Joe He.., formerly • tirittht' The Dominick Reynolds forme is tend the session of the council on the
Whero day a unesdin;. when th>re'• no 7 March 25th, at 1 o'clock p. m. The tut :loth. We hopehe will continue to im-
am the harbor. prize-fighter, bet arose a prominent tem- sight. Hullrtt, were not sold by suction on will be wld without te.erve. John Knoz,
int -
Teed f 1 t week but 50 sores prove in health until he u tally restored
Mr Will Green, of Kincardine, mads penance speaker and worker, to hold Why dont thou weep, father - why dont thou T •y ° as ee auctioneer.
his sister, Mrs Watti Watson. • short three meetings its the Grind Open weep I were afterwards sold to Mr D. Kiley.
• When thy IltUe NHI, awake and
Hoose on consecutive nights beginning of ►elsnleep. rr Mr Robert McCartney, of the Mill DU N WP
to Lu wonted state of vigor.
Oa Monday evening, the 17th inst ,
istt last week. ('vied for her sister,. who hs sone o
Mr G. K. Parkes, of the Dundee Monday, March 31.t. In Toronto and ,toddled wit4 a emtle on the earthly shore. Road. Tuckenmit h, intends le.; int( on From our own .
branch of the Bank of Commerce, visit. Peterborough, where he has been hold µ•kat •lemon to man death to mat child the 25th inat , with his family and et- Our former townsman, Robert Been. residence to which •Dumber of the pro
ed Goderich this week. 4og meeting., he has drawn great crowds µ•as • joy to her heart pure. undefiled. feat', foe Moose Jaw, Northwest Terri• lost by death last week his youngest raiment young people were invited, the
Dr C. J Hamilton and wife, who had to hear his forcible •ddreaeaa, and h. has She was goinS to her sisters. her pride.
tory. child, two years old, atter an illness of occasion of which war Mr Crowford'e,
been the means of ledncinq large num- Asd to her fte'deetner, use Saoctlfled.
been visiting Dr Shannon, base returned - Mie. Blakeman, who has been away some time (,faire •camber from here wishing to evince his apureoiatioo of the
to their home in Cornwall. ben to alts the pledge. Indeed, con SALTFORD. on a tieit to relative in Manitoba and and several old neighbors from Goderich services of Mr A. E. Treleaven, who has
adoring his previous lack of education Ontario for about a year, has returned township attended t1i funeral on the been of **employ of the firm of Messrs
Mr W. C. Hamilton left this week on and training f or the work, his success as rrom oar ono t• t„ Brume's. She will continue to maks 13th erect. from Mr Sea°, home, near Crawford & Anderson, merchants of
his return to Regina, N. W. T., afar • •speaker is extraordinary. Farther par- Mn Jewell, of the atwnship, was visit her boors there. No. 1 S. 8 , Colborne, to the township this village, as clerk for npwsrds of three
visit to mends in Goderich. ticulars in regard to the meetings will be int at the resid•ooe of Mr R. Greer lastoem.tery. years, and who iotesds, to company with
MM Yeates, who bad been visiting •t made known nett weer. week_ Stanley Anderson and wife are bums Mins hest of the Ezehange was getting his brother, to start business next in Bot-
Methodist parsonage. re- We regret to learn that Mr Henry ante Toronto. where l 11Ags. was in his annual supply of ice during last grave Itisthe•inoerewish of all who know
locoed to London on Wednesday. Fitt -Aboutt 1 30 c'et ek Tuesday Wells hes not yet ree..vered from los ill• •trending the Dena! College. They
night fire broke out io the tithes of will reside in Brawls colil he goes book week, it being drawr on the wheels them that they will be auooe.•fel in their
•y • . nee Bessie Chilton has returned to Cameron, Holt & Cameron. The firm °0M' W coil•gs next (all. from Gcderich this year. Denoq the new enterprise, Bert was a great favor -
visiting at the resideoea of Dr. McMiok- .bice, and the fire is supposed to have week attending the meeting of the Grind were is Brawl, last week. Mr Kay w number of sawlogs were drazln to the esnecully the young people of the fair
tog, started between the jests at the head of (range Lodge. He is one of the shining oda mill dere. "nes
a half brother to Mn J. R. Grant's v On Friday last Inspector Tom of1* ial
It is spored that the minnow fry in the stairway. It then burnt through to lights of the !leder in this county. He is lighthouse keeper of the barber GODERICH TOW\SRIF. ly visited the two departments in our
the harbor h •' all been dwtroysd daring the reef, bat through the efforts of the Mr and Mn E. J. McMsrrny left last h ht. at Kincardine. COert tL Mgerteu -Council slat per school. Afar having examined the
the past we, k from some unknown firemen was confined to the aro ith lit y. week f,.' their Some at Park River, µMeters Gilchrist, Green & Co., of the
quos. The books were removed with little North Dakota, atter a m•onth's •S.1t G. ,sant to adioorneest, Merck 3rd• pupils in the various studies and subjects
Knox church Bund of Hope will meet dinners other than a wetting. The Mrs MoMerray's parents, Mr and Mrs J. Caine farneture factory, Wingh•m, ship- Member all present. Ninnies of last be expressed honied well plesesd with
Ake has been tem nril iced w McIntyre. ped two ear hods of furniture. on Toss meeting road and passed By-laws No. 1 the progress, order and general deport -
os .AliSaturday, Marek 22nd, at 1 o'clock P!' y "Paired y day of last week, per Grand Trunk Rail- and 2, present year, read and paved. meat of the school. One peculiar feature
p. m. All the members are requested to that it eau be oteuped until after the Mr J. Leghorn, of Ln here m, mads way, to St John, N.B.
Assizes, wheel a general will a short visit to relatives here this week fronting tenders were opened, the ten- In a.nneetton with the tuminatton was
W prassot.One day week before last while Mr V1 . der from the News -Record, was accepted. the mods .,t reading iotrod.oed by the
Tsnrstaµcs.-The Y. W.C.T.1'. will be made, A° iassoai°q hap- The residents of this vil!ate have been make c. Colborne, was onlwdinq logs at being the lowest. Petition from Gen. inspector, wMeh we wish to stats is very
bold • .peelsl meting on Mcoday, posed shortly afar the fireflies arrived : tl ioeo°venienced the last few
pthe water was turned o° the windows to Rree 1Mr N. Mnrrish's mill, his hand got Middleton and 44 others tasting tee interesting, as .'•o beneficial in the
March 44th, at 7:30 '. sharp.All break them in,bat so incrusted were t• oep sight by the electric light on the bridge caught between two hog., wiring it a bad owned to dispense with a tax cul- rapid progress winch elan be made in that
an leveled to Dome that are interested in that they withstood the shock and r• hill acmes the riser not being lighted. jamb bet dehueating no bones. !scene was not entertained. ss the u.eIul study by hi. method. W. would
the work. Why a this su t A I( of A t half [ lot theory advanced was cmedered dense all gaged h' to adopt
stained unbroken.
Mr Jobe A. King, recently in the bak-
ing business here,rsmo♦tad with,kis feast BT. PaTtt.•a'e Cotrezer.-The enamel
ly to (l oderioh last week, where he pro- told lecture to the Grand Opera Home
cores to continue the utensfaetute of the on Mondey evening, Mareb 17th, was
Mr B. J. Crawford bad a local at his
staff of lits. -Clinton Nam -Record.
W. Acheloos & Son's as
will appear meet week. Their new
premises are completed. and the stock
sow arriving ensapriw all the newest
gloveltiee for spring is every d
ry Ronda.
e AMU Coasts.- Ito page 8
his week's Seem of Tee Se.iwat.,
her advertiaara, Mr A. II:. Pred-
pogslar Rant.' (snakier, makes
eas'NI of lathiest to the pub -
1 fa.
Tb. Maros: L'sifovm Prrwsoeion Ea-
a'iestioas for the piddle eebnola will be
hold es Friday, Mare► With Teachers
great send to the Impostor at tame for
the amebae of papers ngwired for pro -
swains frees the II. to RL acid iii. to
r/. degas. Papers will b •'oiled to
'rte Welters ns the 1414 lest
well attended, and the program appear-
ed to give universal , ' The
chair was occupied by R. 8. Chilton,
Es., American Consul, who performed
the duties of the ogles in his seal °Den-
son* and urbane 'maser. The oowesrt
wee opened by •s 1 1 solo,
"Killarney,” which wee takes part is by
Mews. Belcher, Porter and Cameron,
and was well r.ssived. "I'll Paralyze
the Mae that Says McGinty," by W.
Shane, of Blyth, .rosesd the risibles of
the sodiesce. and was vociferously sp-
pissd.d. Mies Hears, of Clintnn, fol-
lowed ea • solo, Ls 7,ssgara, w Tb. cleansing, awli•eptee and h..lieg
!rave •n opportunity for 4.11 mope to her qualities of Dr Saga's Catarrh Remedy
magee6eset roles: Ser s„non,, sem mai s(a wgtmBad
*pretested. Mrs Begley, of T.ruute,s
fa•nri'. with Oederis\ asdteaess, closed Jai Atalker Myth, lett for Maeit..ba
the teat part of the tsesleel prvgrsm with of had weak, le where be in
as et.sllsst readings of that Hide Ross, I Maas fNwn w
' •There'. m Dear 8p"t in Irdsel." TM
The amt • the eosin a nt im- en In leve ing
No. 7, in he 6th a neea.ina of Morris, practicable- Auditors a ile
Mss i1..e. was 41 o and feeble1 and deka will be sole to beeoms •loud reddon is a
And it sermeA as if nothing would ever re- was recently sold to Mr J. Wightm•n, report. Moved ty Thomas CborcAlll, great deal 'better time. The Ins oe
Nese her,
°( East Wawano.h, for $1,250. The seconded byJohn Beacom, that the peel
Herdi•er was cleared with impurities thick, tares contains 50 saes, all bush. suditnri report, bating been e'en fined deadeyes great credit fur his seal, energy
And her manseh wee ow.atasuy benlnt and found d , ba accepted and and intertest which he takes .n bis duties
with lever. Mr Armand Hotly left Clinton on tea rated. Car
O( the great o. N. D. she bought •.apply. the clerk get 100 cop pre m inslr,ctor. There were
t sit t s
And dicratons vox aloe, pursued to the Noroday of last week for Manitoba, when rigid. The following samosas were paid. ,aatriloatnon Rey Austin nttm, whoa'
getter, he mi to teach h. stud s,H• will to vis: -Davison & Johnston. advice on presence, etc , the poplin very muab lip
Twee the (teat thl•g on earth .he oo.ld pew -
meetly missed by the students, who with
stso ter. b laws, 1887, $4; Wm. Sterling, r.paIr primate, Mr „W. Lao., whoi is also a
Ad .•sae very .one. Misr lorklm was hum every seams in bid new home. in •advert, 4th con., $1.75; Tbos. El- favorite mu," the wee b,.y., and the
While retwrning (rowel Brw•seh \toes• Roth.Hil-
The G. M. D. whieb she took Dr and cattle show on the 6th meet , the Mem butt, work en let edrl..>]2.00: Mord of trustees, all of whom gave •e.
'. Gnldeo Yedw.l Ilti•eov the of Mr J. Geddes, Morris, took (right at leek, gravelling hill oa 4th euro., $3; premien of losing on Ibe whole well
piemremedy for breached, throat and ettdttoss, $6 sash; Jobn Wwcr, repairing pleased with mks In tor, teachers and
meat lend dimmers, .eek hisease w, aerofola, •.Ing and ran away, throwing Mr Geddes culvert, 15th enn.,$2.50. The attention pupils A. 1he girls 1s the 'cis take
dyspepsia, and all diseases that have oat and badly daesagine the Batter. of .chinol trustees i' celled 10 4 o Vic . the lead to the etseeie•• we hope the
origin in impure blood sada disordet.d Mr James Berry( the well-known chapter 30, minion 4 cif school law. Air will push no and not let them keep
Ryer Mors. dealer of Hesesll,h.s ree..11y par- as t\.'.o see -tome. of No. 6 ee\onl section shred. _
ablated a 6m 60 sen he" sear Clnsbw, is UM Daly trustee in the towtaship who Str•e tiny fflytb, who has been
est istetad• ones mor• !wing tee le' bee this year emptied with the require -hems from N intfatnn for some time
dependant and happy life of a (•r'•r• meets el said •seCommits• Commit ailmersed
A hone Wonting to Mr H. Smith .to meet again cm the third Monday is left os Teesday of last week for les*
dropped dead of heart disease while ApriL Jarmo Permit. Clerk. Mich., where be has seared a rood
leaving Rioter the otih.r day. i1 was • "sit' with hie old employer, R. D. Das
high -prised animal, sed mash sympathy MQLEOD'8 SYSTEM RZMOVATOR bar, who is sow dome an rtoetlent Ma-
ir felt fee Mr 8'W is bis heavy luta M • pea estfve sed stye tot 1, Grippes else there.