HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-3-14, Page 6THE.HOBoillieii1WWnfAAY, x4* 14, 113491 GREAT WALL ,P�'*ARV ICAN LIft' FINE TAILORING —��— ., -• A88URANCL COMPANY ERASER & PORTER'$ (Bearing Sale of Stock on band at 5c. pec roll and Upwards. OVR SPRING STOCK TO HAND i r The newest Spring designs for 1890 in American and Hngl.ish Wall Papers. Friesen, Borders, Ceiling Decorations. io., direct from the largest and best Manufacturers. 500 New Designs to select from. We have so arranged, as usual, that we buy from Manufacturers who sell to us only, which in any other case makes good papers appear common. FRASER az PORTER. Cor. North st. and Square, and Central Telephone Exchange. Oodarieh, liar. Rb. 1M0. 411!7-tt TRANSATLANTIC AD1-ICES :ONSERVATIVES TOLD AN ELECTION IS IMMINENT. Meaty Lives Known to Hass Seen Lest In the Mersa Colliery-- rive T onsand Mae -- Welke—The Irt.b /tad Ten- ure E.A Saaeted. Ltoetwe, March 12.—it is now known 4s,; peraowi lost their lives by the explosion in the Storm colliery. An unlocked lamp beside the corpse of a workman explains the r Five thousand mitten of Nottingham have struck for an increase of wags Sidney Herbert, a junior Lord of the Treasury, in a speech at Croyden to -day ex- horted C. to prepare for an - , general election. The Irish Land Tenure RIII Rejected. Lolrnmt, March 19.—The Howe of Coit- �aa�ls thie evening rejected the Irish Land Brelb Bill, 2711 to 179. The King of Dahomey Retreats. Pahl t. March 12.—it is oSicially announced Mat the King of Dahomey, I by Ida female warriors, baa retired td. Lama Idler remaining at llodomey four days and not daring to attack the French posta The Mat of his army remains at Godotney, where M is erecting fortifications. During the cam- paign 1000 Dahoatians, including a female general, were killed. It is stated the French ea vee takes by the Ilahotnians are rate at Whydah. ONTARIO ASSEMBLY. rho Secrecy of the Ma11ot rltsrnssed at Groat Length. Toaowro, March le—In the Airemtdy yes- terday Mr. McLaughlin's bill giving to all municipal corporations power to grant money to aid in the restoration of the library mwasum and apparatus of the School of Practical Seirmoe destroyed by the fire was read a fled time. The debate on the secrecy of the ballot was resumed by Mr. Creighton who in a :30- minute l4minute speech contends • that the prevent i. objectionable. Dr. Willoughby, r. Clancy and Mr. Ostrom' followed on the mms side. Mr. Murray thought the penile wave per- fectly satisfied with the pnwent method. Dr. Whitney claimed that at present voters are intimidated by the belief that it is is the power of the authorities to learn how they voter Mr. Rorke and Mr. French continued the arguments advanced by their colleagues on the Opposition benches Mr. Harcourt in reply spoke of what be termed the I of members of the (►pt•tedttm in the suppnrituw that the officials of the Government w Illtngly go to work to do what is wrong. At the evening srmion the debate was con- tinued by M-mrs. Metcalfe. (carom. Balian- tyne troL Clark. George lieu, 41. B. Smith and darter. At a late hour the vote was taken and Mr. Mowatt giving the bill a six months' horst was carried, of Mr. Creighton then moved for the wcntid reading of hi-, bill to amend the Ihiblie' Lids Act. The measure was opposed by ]Ir. Monet and Mr. Hardy and lost on divi- C., 1%. it Q. Buys the Nnrttherw. Borrow. March ii - fee, Higglmrn A ('o. to- day bought a majority of the dunk of the chime.. 1Arrlington S Northern Railway at stn • share. in the leanest of the ('Moate. ttur►MRton A Money hallway They are rowdy to hey ail the stork of abet' It A A at the same ?o day's action I. the Solt of there years' pricenook and It wilt maks the •bothers road a ret.t a . and nal the knit rateruul•g. This trade caurrd a lila >ow hese. MUM by an M. C. Train. Rootrav, March It—Imes night the mangled, remains of Daniel Brodie, aged !4, were toundon the Michigan Central Railway track about i , miles east of this place, evidently having been rue over lev a train while walking upon the railway track on his way hams from Rismara#. The remains Wert.,1 le. The body was identi- fied from pals found In his pocket. A Fatal Itrwaght, ATrwtsner, Kan., March Pt -- Lest Sendai? the 2_ „ash gild of John liluut a farmer . near Stockton found • bottle of laudanum and drank some of it. The child ,tied The nest day Mrs. Blunt, erased Foy the death of her child. drank the rest of the potent She cannot recover. Mr. Blunt is preotrntel and his friends fear be too may commit suicide Owtart. Sp Slag A..l e.. Winter, Merch Pt -The A to -sight rot for plaintiff Oh. �p.rtington--Judgment sed ileal Dors o e mlte gane reserved- Marlene v. floor—Action faidad. Hooper v. halos►- hdgesent rearved. Slued la a aawnsUl. Kdwatt b wellee lYkno�nomeen In A!4 gra yard,, • 1 sed Tomato. Ores thruern against • mw in W mill at Kerion this afteenovi. Both swam nit of u Ole eat card he live/ y shout two Anus lits iMM • widow tld • number of grown-up children. The tames DIve(7 apa/eat• HaatLwot. MaMl 1t—Wiisdl R. Lddr. the Wee., ldseiesttes prohatio r. %.e-asv to vtolest Mut night that It wait found was s•aarri� to remove him to the jai. de's �aihev end friends. who live mar ilarferd. endued today to take the yam. m•a hems Marr, PttMOIFa Aesapeed. seem the $ottrsaat.. Vara 1!,—At • t i �rrt . a is t/s ar al >) is • tlwrlst (1t "not ter.ad o. Ila Bret .red.. ups Haled ata 6lo,s0 to miamaonds against the jewelry he believed it t, he the property of \ on Readmits Three Wiled Hy a Train. K•Neu x CITY, March 19.—Rev. David McGraw. pastor of the colored Church at Armstrong. Mrs. Andrew man and Will Jackson. all colored, while returning from a prayer meeting were run over b a Union Pacific train last evening and kli Taulbee's Player Cs,mualletad. W axe l aures, March 12 —An inquest wee held to -day over the remains of ex-Gon- found Taut- gr�e�an wlbee. The jury bees death was due to a pistol wound in- flicted by Kincaid. Kincaid was com- mitted for the grand jury. A itUppery Bens,vllisls BeLLavILts, March It—Charles Durand, who failed to marry Margaret (aero as be promised on Moaday night, was caught yes- terday by the girl's friends but escaped from them. Celered ]narderers Lynched. W.Va.. March le—sag Alb and W Irving.sos, cb sorrow' with thy murder o County jail onetabie by Belcher.Mercer h Paertiq Welt and shot dead. They had killed three mea before the Belcher murder Arnett Committ.d far Trial. B:u SvtLin March 19. —The PoliceMagis- trate to -day committed William Arnott for trial on the charge of martinis( Hannah Cole. A Soames Beak traders,. LA�t�n, Kaa, March 11L—The Lamed Sista Flush has wtt;asdat Asia 571,000 IhklrlhW s Wows. It I. maid Ohs beak will pay dopmliaO. to Ulla. 111100.0114, ler Tart Mae Connie. ALRCIT, March li—Thr Ronnie today mod the aIMO,s Canal r pseetai A We have made • . is with Dr B. J. Kendall Co., publishers of "A Treatise on the Horse and his Disease," which will enable all our subscribers to obtain a copy of that valuable work fee. by sending their address ;enclosing • two -cent stamp for mailing same) to Dr B. J. Kendall Co., Eooaourgh Falls, Vt. This book is now recognised as standard authority upon all diseases of the horse, s its 1 sale attests, over four million copies having been sold in the past ten years. a sale never before reach- ed by any publication is the same period of time. We feel confident that our patrons will appreciate the work, and be g lad to avail themselves of this oppor- tunity of obtaining a valuable book. ft is necessary that Toe mention this paper in eroding for the —Treatise." This otter will remain open for only a short time. The Kemp family, Goderich township, who a short time ago went to the Old Country, with the purpose of residing theft, are on their way back to Ontario, not having found En,ftaud so desirable a place as they had anticipated IIINC(FRPORATKD BY SPECIAL ACT O1 DOMlylt►t: PARLIAMkNT.1 HeAD OFFICE, — TORONTO, ONT loampRNT -SON. ♦LIiX. 1tACzEN*Lg Prlae MlaiRer of Canada. Q4 AiYls MANAGINO D1KMCT Nr11.1.1AM I[toCA L I'.1. A.. Las - mucus rasa meant tlwardow oelrsrr+.na. MODERATE. mootrtaortdtsUs Arial .Isla .--- AA THE SEMI TONTINE PLAN alnallIftla Policy the beeens's of Lie Insurance with that of aa IaveMmrn' F. J. T. NAFTEL MiF:s T a Diatom Agent. LARGE STOCK OF Choice Goods TO SELECT FROM aCCORMAC_ Back Numbers of "The Sig LANDLORDS ! nal" can be had on appli- cation. Bal. of 1890, 51. and odegnn% have has ofWto rat should tion the N w .RM BABY CARRIAGES WALL PAPERS SPLENDID CEILING DECORATIONS NEW STOCK. AT A. B. CORNELL'S. CALL AND SEE THEM. Cheapest, Best and Largest Stock in Goderich H. SPENCER CASE, at SAUNDERS & SON'S. They s-urpasanything in town for STYLE, QUALITY and PRICE. TENANTS I I'ou should get your la•dlorl to buy WALT. PAPER from SAUNDERS&SON They are from the Art Factory of W. N. Peak, Brooklyn, N.Y., alio supplies No Other Dealer in Town. No trouble to show samples AT The Cheapest loose Miller the Su COUGHS. - COUGHS. CASE'S Syrup Tamarac Guio Cures all adictioas of the Throat, Longa and Chest—such ea Bronchitis a Whooping Cough, Croup' Httarsenees Ioduensa, SpittignBlond,Paul w t! Chest, Coughs, Colds. etc. This valuable preparation excites ex , allays and heals all Irma tion of the throat and lunge, givir,k instant rel•ef to env pain, and imparts strength to the affected parts. (,ares every time. Price 25 t 50 ct8. a BOTTLE arra., all •elMtlate., -PRF:PARED B1' - GREY. From our cwn t. Rev D. B. McRae. pastor if Knet church, Cnubro ok, preached a very able and raciest sermon to the Foresters of that place on Sunday. the 2nd inst. The exodus from this vicinity to the Northwest will not be nearly so large as in the pest two year.. Toru is little or oo snow here now, in fact there has not been over tel. or three days' good sleighing all winter. Robins and other harbingers of spring have arrived, which leads all to believe that fine spring weather is not far dis- tant. Mies Ellie Mcl.auchlin, student of Seaforth Collegiate lretttotr, was home for a few days' visit this week. Judging frim the efforts that were being made by the citizens of (luderich and other places some time ago, the people of this section fully expected that a railroad from Guelph, or some other eastern point, to Goderich would be, at !net, Naked out by this time. Such • line as this would receive. we be- lieve, the hearty oo-operation of all In this part of the county. At present those having redness in the county town are very much I, having to take such • round -about course in order to get there, to my nothing of totter string argu- ments that conld he advanced in favor of this route. With a station at, or a little south of Cranbrook, the road would pass through a splendid section of country. New enterprise would be opened up and • large business would be dome both east and west. The remains t•f Min Susanna Metcalf. daughter of Mr Isaac Metcalf, of Tart - berry. aged 21 jeers, were interred in tn.. Wuigham cemetery, on Wednesday '.f last week. ALout two months ago a Miss Simp- son, niece of Mr W. H. Simpson, and daughter of Mr Robt Simpson. formerly ut Clinton, died at Duluth. Her re- mains were placed in • vault at the time, hut were brought to Clinton for inter- ment on Wednesday of last week. The Chesley Eaferpru► says the new tannery being erected ii. that town by Mr John Brennan, late of Wingham, is nearing oompletioa. The main build ing is 72 feet in length by 24 fest in width and 26 feet high, with • wing _'li by 48 feet. There are fifteen vats. We I that Mr John H- nah, of Seaforth, is an applicant fort e position recently vacated by Prof Rnbert- s on, of the Ontario Agricultural College. He is a man who would fill the position well, having considerable practical expert - ence, and being thoroughly familiar with all branch.' of the dairying business — Clinton New Era. Chemist, No. 50 King Pt. Weett.Hamilton. Oa- •.... Sold by F. Jerdan. QUALITY ALWAYS WINS! As the Old Darkey said " I :ate rayther pay more an hal, de best once in a while. than to pay les, and hab a poor article of n. • Our Tea Trade Doubled! est Vio: can got t • BEST VALUE ! AT - ABI.MIP SN 'lost; TRACK. APMktof may, Nt bead as a bamid Missank ad gyp. Tea wed - ups him whim a Irand masa Ida taumass wrwrMe�tlwsk srwWyroe a oo yow are mime con me sa iertttsg the oesgh, the berth' ausi. tin las of trig weehnam and taartak hire I y crept upon you. Wok' up, or the train will he upon you! Q ba. which thus mord I nlrly fad. it eM apes Ito vlottaths,while they darts aa- oratobsto et Its aud he la t Itit It to be overcesmte, Dr. fleece's Ise ds ad arms of St= total of midi* Ifts/sala •MicW tr.lsM to er core 1s, every own et Mg at asses Mw asr k will tie ramified. nem alt Revere For tlpNMsg of Ilona.rt- ,seed remelt' ArtJI y a ea- (vtpy. St ais. W Waurs Da. ass hg's. JOHNSTON CAREY CIIAS. A NAIIIIfS, Iter 'n Inform the People of Goderich sad Vicinity that he has Enlarged and Greatly Improved the Store lately occupied by A. Murdock & Co., making it 0118 of the Best Eqfflppod Shoe Stares in the county, where he intends to carry on the Boot k Shoe hnsiness in all its various branches, vv .n.o1ecale fit+ $500 linn b lurk of (h..f : M BOOTS & SHOES made to "ons . `e neatly executed. GROCER. BESTT EMS ary those pea up by oi.p. FOOT CO. an des Largest seed- i. I, is...,. D le FinavaCn's Bmaatay illearsed, It.saip ie fsepCgegaedaTiNA .p•ca• s, rad te he sense's ten Dew. kis bstsw res sem F. at �aisOe ndm Flower O. scream, & CO, •111OeOP, OtrT. Retail_ Measure, and rePairing 1111. 11 '911$1. The shove Aright and beaevehwt fa -- PROF. WILCOX, lir sT T110MAP. ONT.. ri. stow I atarrh Speolalbt of Arsariaa. At a r.I. Catarrh -'turd at atm t,eatMt wlti.- ioiti pain. Each bottle Ins three t w-ith printed diueoikis eeeb ase Il years old neetd set abstain h using prohaeer ha. Asea seyi•g • r w 4515 at the AINon Reel. 0edtlete►, sad ha! 1IN tended ky these whs here est hM fora tied etherremedies»alse tip Mundt er�A� March Itsk, tet sM5S• i�aastse�Mhsv. • c is ('•t X CtNes aM us� tw• as- ter! Mad 1 ns,. , Oe N+w ~wMR W (&arts an Tole t ` lick ng V''Ika. This! e' ar A C.. gs•raateed, Mat heal les for Rtes ►i's Ltearrt e�spr oprein. (ikela LBS eras Ia the J pwr sad *i' ear toe be I ire e( March. at the•A twodBi eptst tw 11T - hones trews II SAIL M *1r Pia Advice Fra. ef flair,•