HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-3-14, Page 3Tagg aritoiti SIGNAL. FRIPAY, M. X 1}FiO. 3 t.totisswo1.e WITS. Ip break _kali eMwri'with marble sans Sweet Maui.Powdered sheik sad maga are goad t • hese. mores eres mob is good to smooth the ego of towels, suphias. tidies, ste Weise egg well erse is aegis el silk 4 nwesteesd sestet L drink for a testhit A'gargle of oak sad water sed beim* taring M sight will sttl.igthue the p goat and kaof Meashial UommeL.t..eww on salt moistened with Immo Ms s to form a pasta applied to ft'.akied tads sad allowed to thy se the !rookies the sea, is tried by yosag ladies just flosslea the sea shore. When dry to esthetes, wash of sad apply cold roam. good od dreseiatt for shoes while e1 M, or some good oil. otosK awetryt es pried with • pinof fisted. It t Is osier of the leather, sad shoes t►as mated do not hordes after being ►areagUy wet. Oil m the proper Isamieg fur patent leather, linseed oil, one sheesmskers say.. It is trot robbed a sad ties polished with a dry tassel. Patois leather treated in this way does MA meek sek or hssoe dull aper wetting. IS i, b" el iho leer to "Pal" : Maui. C On slipation loam in whim" 1e paint r holly toiled, then to mow of all the marks, although Mee* sod wy 'seely re 00404 •nate Osmasdp pratM *nMmmat. The ft - Amid M wiped of Inst. The nut d pats d Imeisof b $•mese• Awes w d��e' tis �islisg i• .try •ItKAt aol«e ruo ••t • sl!' blots. aM w igh • w a y0or uw• ua. •ad ober, feed•M7, of sad It le a pteaears too see the MOM hewala. Me *O ~ begafreshet** with every touch of your PIM, W"tt �st1�b ,.-, sill eels pt'Yd *bit e7e Ttitsy are as dt>rla.frla agnizd After -diaper pill, sad every- where eedouasd by Oho 11r9mr" los• - " A.ger.'s tills are Xist!sesiseleliseer Eyed netts of bay ruse. buns sedans sods make a aha preparatbs for alma - nit the brad ; apply frosty to the scalp rich • broth and thou wash in deer water. The yirla sew crocheting silk over sitars tow for fumy articles. Thee* rings oat bet twenty -Gm suet. a agues, aid the silk scow at thirty -Sys mots • ball. Sometimes amend rows of the rings me placed di•gos•lly ssross a blank satin ,bopping hag, or they ate used to finish !.surf or tidy.C.rtsialy this style of rimming is beap mood, fora gross of tip and • ball of silk got long way. A feather -bad or mattress will remain .less and I. an eze.11eat condition for years if kept in • saes mads of common sheeting. which can be removed sod washed at will. THE HOME CIRCLE. rusts..,- SaseaM's adobes is wives. There is that wise old l3mot•bmsa. Pre- - fooaor BWkia, of II:diaberph. adding .te the literates* of the m•triuoni•l prob- lem. Ii as utile in laAatsten Journal hi It... forth the follows.' : "It is not in the power of the omit sus yu.'tg l.dy to diaosrn the ller of the fitters heebsnd in that of the pfessa tuner. Look, ttiersfors. for i certain a in the character of parr presses d reg. Tb. beat mous. is the world would b• spoiled and be- come intolerable if she were habitually to reeeive such tribute sad each MTV KM es lovers se lavishly offer on the shrine of their idol. "Mea are naturally lees amiable and mon intractable than women. The first point, therefore, to secure a married woman's happiness, after the bolas) ■ of the ho.tysoos are over, is that she should study carefully mho of her husband's temper. let no wo- man fooli.bly attempt to gain from her husband in a rough way what she ear. solely whims by gentleman. "In your study to master ycur bus - band's temper, du not forget to keep s firm hold of your Qts. "Obey your hothead in all reasonable matters. When ha bermes, imperiout about scotchesa, take your owe wry sod mils bewitchingly. ••Always attend to the tushes and pantry; also to the ward rube, and, it yoe have shiidre, to lilt nursery. Bet beware of becoming alto- gether • Caere I or bringer -op of bairns. "Drees well. Good dress is a sort of poetry addressed to the ye, which it is in the power of every well -conditioned woman to compose; and • woman who has no taste for decoration is as much out of astute as a bird without elegy. Fee tan assn..• Silver ems be kept bright for months by beim placed in an air -tight ease with a good sized piece of camphor. A Gaston flannel nae for silver knitss and forks is the best thing to keep them „wig _" y towish obtain aeythioR In when they are sot tread every day. y Almost any kind of trait stains my .aticipats his „hal e, shoos. with doh_ el 1 um= t' " I ,,o„tsey, iy is hills shine from your oared, sod hate reason to Iso grieved by tsratsR boding water este 002.86 f&vorable moment. duet" the stained pert. If the bust ,t •easy your hothead with 411- trial does sot Ietirsly remove the stria - fioious displays of loving sttantios i Th should be sown misuses whim t o spot "sat" the a - resent the opsrsuon a he I. hag and oc- don. before h p• by _ sal method of washing. White dishiness he marked with ons's time cm the ►eek. with a sommon pen -sad ink, and it will sot wash off for • long time. If you lit -irons get rusty rub them first (while hut) with tamest, then pot a handful of salt on a bit of old cotton - cloth or soaves paper, and rub the iron over it hard sod feat. This operation, repeated two or three times, will make lie rustiest iron smooth. r The best way to prevent pickles from =ootdisg is the cellar is to set mho jars upon blocks, so the air ens pane ander as well as around the jars. It is • good plan to est pieces of writing paper the •w of the mouth of jars cotaintag pre- ssman, apos-bdtter,ur anything likely to mould. Gram the papers well and place within the jars right on the cosdent.. The mould will form on the trip of the paper, and can be removed with it watt. oat loss of say part of the contents of the jar. copied with .fain of serious cooesrn. "Beer in mind, also, that your hus- band, though a very important person in your eyes, spy be • very mall person in the eyes of the world. Do not, there- (ors,bs Gayer to bring him forward os all occasions, quoting all his opinions as if they were an oracle, and damming pub - holy his small peculiarities, as it the menage in which he smoked his cigars sed shaved kis board were • matter of parliamentary concern. To parade your heebsad after this fatebioe is the serest way to maks the man appear ridi- cules, and the wife petty. Whatever his Nolte, • man naturally expects sym- pathy from his helpmate in the Brat place, sod not miliaria. sti }o y sad Melee M fr gtmMy." — J. n Mr L•MMnuse. Ps. " For several years A7 w %d them bees mood in my may• ss 'Effective Remedy for eoesdpsioa and Indigestion. ant are never *Mhos* them in mho hoes.." — Mows Greater. Lowell. M. "I 'have used Ayers Pits. ler beer *nobles sad Isdipntria. darlhg mete (Quad them pragapt sad ofteisat is thatr mica." — L. N. Smith. Utica, II. Y. I soared from ooa.up•tloe which assumed such an obstinate fora that I rBiscuits eau be warmed to be as good es when jest baked by placing them in the oxen dry, covered closely with a tin. It is a great improvement over the old way of wetting them. Boiling hot liquid may be safely pour- ed into a glass jar or tumbler by first, putting a silver spew into the dish. B. uar•hl, however, that a draft of cold air does not strike the vessel while hot. If ore wishes to 3001 a hot dish in • berry, it will be f000d that if the dish be owed in a vessel full of cold, salty water,it will cool far more rapidly than it it stood in water fres from salt. "It your husband is a weakling, and cannot manatee his owa establishment properly, you are entitled to assume the reins by the law of the stronger; bat in doing so be careful to use this superior- ity wisely, and to display it as little as possible. No proper woman should wish any power over her husband .are that whieb is mho natural and quiet result of conjugal love and loyalty, act- - i.s in harmony with the 1 - the tact which are the chanieteristic ex- cellence of the ars." rare. Delicately colored goods of any kind should never be washed without a salt• water bath first, but oars should be exercised in reference to materials which are likely to shrink when immersed in water. Silk must never be ironed. as the hest takes all the life out of it and makes it seem stringy and flabby. If, however, you wish to press out odd bite of silk sad ribbon for fancy work, use so iron only moderately hot, and place two thick- nesses of paper between that and the it silk. Ova.. Mosatdse• Now that you are overhauling drawers in making and adorning amides of is. cy - and trunks and bogs, why not do it work. th..r.taghly, end record year decisions This may seem very useful and h3me- for future us.1 Do not lay book again ly work to class under the head of the old table cloths, just as they are, to amusement, but such is not really the be pulled out again in the fall while case. Children like to consider them - you arrive again at the a neluslon that selves of great importance in • house - they are poet use as suck, bat pot a la- bold, sod no matter how little they do, bel "For tea towels" to chs upper ooe if they can sons it is • real help to the and tie them up. Set aside • certain - mother, they feel that they am one of bolt or drawer for sewing that is to be the more important members of the done I. any odd moments, or in long - family Orel*, and that without their as - sod t them in it seisms the wheels cf the whole house - Its t • are only leased it would cause • stoppage of the howakt. Two boxes of Ayers Tula et- fseip a complete cure.' — D. Burke, llaco Me. "I bare used Ayer's Pills for the pest tartyears and consider them ss Ian valuable family medial**. I know d no better remedy for liver troubles, and have always found them a prom erre for dyspepsia." — James Quinn. ge Middle at, Hartford. Coma. "Raving been troubled with costive - sees, which seams Inevitable with per- sons of sedentary habits, f have tried Ayers Pills, hoping for relief. I am glad to say that they served r better than any arrive as this conclusion only atter a faithful trial et their seseiss."—Haase' T. Jams, Oak at, Becton, Mess. Ayer's Pills, vannas at Or. J. C. Ayer & Ce.. Lewey. Mass. Meld be MI useless Is MetMM. WE KEY TO HEALTH. Tnt- [ON er �I. I dtelie verses • •a. Mers is oa !EUIIU 11E11i I t' • . t , libretabtbolite swill s tat tots.fay ' Wind WM% Day sod Yuma. f�1 ret=E1, L. ONss 0 A.WCA CAtih'tGE. ViAhi .JrIES µNS ''4 S:LVER MEDALS AWN. UED MONTREAL CHAO ' K'S $poolot m=ilatikwelied SIM -USED iMU'UM COTTON uragaisgang For Rand endiTRU N«K 8 1LotAl,a. C.e. J. tULBSRH A CO HIS 10 SUPERIOR. MONTREAL. ASA FOR :T. Min firll_Dorn WnloobZalil/�.o oloogged avenues oaf Ilan . Inge& estly without w we ken:rah; and Ll arisen. all the imqpnaliss and foul humors the same 'of tho teas Dye. '8°'a'°ho�mlelasam.D"'' Drynese Tthe Ms, JoInttellel "hewn. �'lrgsehg of vlg.gvoomese, sad�aMss- lm n ; all them and many other similar Compliant' �3QRDC)t� is IIIIIIIIII2 • ca. Timrbtees. lemma. PUBLIC NOTICE .Test . • humor f:.j AA.1.4341 iOSJJIM - , ' a Another lariEccimgnment of Fresh Teas . . 'Qt'Auality. 4 (' a' INUMMIDEI cltri 1 i '. In order to coyntemet time dis- honest practices ja1`�,, ,,, on the public by peddlers Y d.'oftitit , .we • are offering Special Inducements'in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE & SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. HOTEL BALMORAL MONTIBIBALs Nene Ihattas at.. eve d t.. seat samosa arid ee•e•ntdr ferrlebed Hotels lit toe City. Ardewillawdstiow tear 400 guests. B. V. woo=1, $2 M;3 ser day. /DEAD. S' LFeA'1'SEQBO�R.D INION Itliins Mas>1k. COMPANY. J-PALMIEREtS of Meeni.ae..re"r R hoherls Iuv'trs of Mfl,c-STOS flllROAkB 1113DRUGGISTS' SUDD(IIES nrid wax. scenes reeking. 1713 MONTREAL. FRICTION eL� PULLEY BOARD, SO I a P. T/NNe...l..tl.l.,.. n. RECKITT'S BWL. THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY UM PAPERS. Wrargitgo Kandla, QQ � a fee Andrea. Much useful work can be given to children to do, which, if they •re not kept oosfined at too closely, often aeons, - like t, and not serious every- day work, which the youthful mind so (moonily rebate against In preparing .esthers for pillows and bolsters and in them, which is a yearly necessity, childish hands can he meds usefuL Duck and loose feathers must be carefully sorted, keep- ing the fine,flufly mos only fur the cases This is easily managed by baring re ceptacles placed in a room which tis closed to outsiders, the diferent grades of feathers being placed in the different article' provided for their reception. Children will be amused it. seeking for full, fluffy and in discard- ing the less furtonate ones to another earner. If the manner ones are needed they most bo stripped from the quill. The aulored ones, it any, can all be laid aside in • separate position, where they will prove useful as well as ornamental WILL sure you of inflrmmatoty Rbeu- matism. Nenralgla, 1,umber', Spitaal T.is• ease. her and 'Footba.�h. nrutree end Sprains. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER nHecooicsecsivmexo —a—a suer. erspe OHN6LON F'LUIDBEEs 4IHE GREAT TN 6W ami pIRFiOT Foca . M e.cw itis at IlgriessStvrRa sr ALL SIZES w tao 447 Wiliam no ORDIR Ifefaew :-Pwdltf. • MILLINERY! In the latest and best styles at MRS_ Also a number of HANDSOME TOQUES at $1.50 each ---(food value. They are going off fast Call early and make a good choice. PRINTERS' IC: A JOLJLNAL PON ADPL*risErs. WE HEAD THE PROCESSION h isesed.rohly, sad U the mgrtssstatlw jawed --Na tab poral d Assiss advwtira. A harms toils taaptas,t rewebwr lam, via. rat whir be *saki idrwtbes ; hes N mite a o$.,usL gest ; Mar Malay a. ; vi y ea; bo. smash Harr M npaa--la last. tie- tans a wary ydat tat whir sf pnSshi. err.ri— �vatlsisg it tart caudat b tot los alarmed by far. She artists. et Miff - RIF DM remanent 11, ml chi MAN L Mood a iia wpwleo•• sr sere thin twtyd'e roe to p'lay`s( admiring err kr any of the laartet ash cert axartl resertiam. A y w'a sabourr hse eerie Sid tot denary' sae* ape *Yee. Was . CEO. P. ROWELL A CO.. Aswap•per Adysniiaa Bear.. ie Spee. St., Ihew Ynrh -----O---o— GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the best of value in all lines of Furniture—from the smallest chair to the largest and best bed -room set, or parlor suite. Call and see his stock and get a bargain. In all its branches, promptly attended ti. O O gar EMBALMING FLUID always kept oa hand. PICTURE FRAMING a specialty. 01,0. BARRY,Hamilton-St.. Goderioh EXPERIENCE, CAPITAL AVD SKILL Are the factors employed in the purchase of Goods from the best houses in the trade. The general verdict is that Munro is abreast of the times, and in all departments fully up to the mark. My increasing business is an evidence that my efforts to please the public are appreciated. And while I endeavor to keep almost everything us- ually found in a first-class house, the general public may rely upon getting the correct thing in everydepartment.sent. Notwithstanding the advance on Silk will sell Satin and D'Lyona, Surahs and Satin Merveillienx at former prices. 111y SSecialfics / �r flit• Season. Linen Goods in great variety, Laces and Edgings, Fine Hosiery and Gloves, and all the leading items in Smallwares, from Needles up. All Goods marked in plain figures and strictly one price. aliAtitt mai. westO M w iwiwo e. err b Ni..r...« �w.min.Y.r. us.r res. a wa molnar. wtl... O.b armmemoo w.. boar ..••.r era...../ .earl.. AU r cm Irse ma naso. Msa.raabSm maar am= lbws Woe Ow Mi.& pal a No bulk •ftsrpos4.4salAsAssm•- w inner .171n : ry="41 ssTest m LLSTT' 011.. INK oma. eaua" w•.r.. ONA rsruL--cosroR rips'. ' coo maker inning EPPS - C along with t pisses t lit to hold o,old sot be kept is motion maks it'oalog holders, the remnant of (N 0004••. preparing and assorting the, muslin that you know now esosgh to maks pillow -canes Lir a ear-.. theta takes to en unused room devoid tame bed, bot which you will forget soon of covering upon the Soot. There lel if yea do not write it on thorn; the skirt the older of your little ones ensemble that vow slant girl has outgrown, bet and work until tired. Rave it as under - which would be just right for her sister stood feet that when weary :they an to with the Seek which los yin In while ton sway, carefully elosisg the door be. yea kOow about it. The sewing will be hind them, Datil perhaps another day. mon likely to be dose, sines it is all The great mistake is to make children ready for dotes, sed your memorywill weary ey nneedtheir eirtj�t eir whatever it is. be saved for more impo*Mu a After they have assorted the feathers toots'. as rot is le keep a "home • they mere be im bags and Another good plan a . time i• a warm—mot hot --soot mail well III, whoa diary, aa mord of mho time petare readyfor sea w►.. e.et.i...rp.t. were Ink.. up, or b.kd before they Try the plan i have proposed ethos you r lag what roosts t sew speak- have nosh eoek to do. sad i an sesvluse. • ll till the[. °so hos bees ad the children will be deeply intetreeted • oared mid the walls iomed. It sod amoead, sed not think they are d.. Is feaWag at feathers will campy time ; but first have s :a1 M drsyeset with • whitewash troth isig loth work. meter, a l pole, ohm thevouRh iwkJm • win & • a! d worm• are : Sink .eam k.•sadeanwfea see d aisiena eserape seedily with • pflee Ma s Power, sobs, appetite, e is wean dews with setts wast, tad shy -Mid- - ' bee. T," or, s see that. Thu remelt' is Dr Lows worm ftoo. The calls ism Hen M sAbM+ • RRF.AitrAST. "R • thornuth kswlidse of the •ateral laws which cetera a tbsepnti•ns of digestion b sad sutritloe. sod w'rl br earehal app* ter. Mr the ane pan ret E s toe provided ewe break feat tants with a ly earered breams*. wht. h .ser save Man heary duelers' bins. It i• M ase see of each arteries of atien may hairsdeas unre eedreWale aHre Meb weak at- melt say eseace oast • beat 'hare keeping ourselves well twilled with per* and a =it soatrMad Mss. Beevier Made ebwety with bellies waver' er mut. gal si.a. i a t.' Ilees•� "Davi. tggew t+m lead Sill ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, Etc.. Etc., at THE SIBNAL Wines, Liquors, &Cc DON eALK AY . H. PARSO The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of tWater Services in connection with the Town System to Dwell- ings and other Buildings. Also REPAIRS 'To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac- tories and Machinery of all kind. Prices reasonable. Batisfac- NStion Guaranteed ALEX. MUNROaa, 2064 Draper and Haberdhei . A Penny Sae& aPenni Earned 1. MISTA$1...,.81-303.J -50 YEARB- I still take the teal in special value in DRESS GOODS Dress Me•ltons, front 9c per yard up. Twill Melton% Stripe Foul.. and Amazon Cloths, Stripe and Check Costume Cloth•,Velvets, Ribbon. dm MEN'S SUITS, SPECIAL VALUE Tweeds, full lines Overcoat. very low, Good Qual:tv. ,Nt'ar;y- all Gone. Price Selly Them In Grocery Department, In Teas especially, I Take the Lead,both in Quality and Priced. Pun- Un- adulterated Co&e only kept, price, AOe. per It, 'Puri, Spice. only kept. In My Hardware Department i have a full aeseortment. (Glass, my o..n importation. from 7x9 to :;4x38, full supply Crrnwcat ]awn. kr. Wage to and Buggy 1 kart full *anode non t C. CRALBB Ood.ricb, Nov. sett, 1/149. 8QUARit WILSON SALKEMD.$pVEio`Ep ENVELOPES Is ALMON al.00C. 000ZZICII