HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-3-14, Page 1OLEARD
4UMBICRTt 1llt i
TO ADVE$aaviaw.
Notice of changes must be left
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later
than Wednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
eek noon 'Thursday of each
t.std hate...
AU ede.aes tubers in tie loon! culwmeta
of Tn. Sweat, of msetuege or eater-
faiwweseta at % AidA do adtnianon Fre
u e hatted, or frees whieM a ptrvwi •
cry lnwefft is daimon meet be paid
for et the rote of one emit per
nerd seat insertion, tan rkarye less
ikon tt.•ssty-tier omits. Where ad.
rertiaewettta of are
onaerfed a brie/ land rill be given
Notice - Wel. Potts.
cheap ter cask—ttee. Barry.
Por Sale—Teed. W. Johnston.
Belle foe Sale --Isaac Salkeld.
Wall Paper—Saunders k Son.
fishy Carriages --a. B. Cornell.
Beets sad Shine-- Jeanette, Carey.
Catarrh eped.11st—Prof. Wilcox.
Orad Opera Hesse—Zero Seasea.
Ideality Always WW -C. A. Bairn.
Address team Paktl•—W. C. Goode.
Ina Moulding—T1s ft. & C. Gomel Ca.
Oedseteb Seed Resp, ism — W a Burrows.
Boon's Easdaiea—Acari k Dowse. He1Mv111e.
McALt.m?mi—In Dunlop, oil needay, Marek
Mb.IIIM Catherine -lime. of Jelha
Mia. er, aged Ti yeare..a4 S --nth,.
Satin—la Oedariob. es Tssaday, Mach nth.
Ills. Dean Swift. aged M yawn sad It
The fuming w01 take pieta from hie late
reddeoes. Ifetwtbait.. O.derfate as beer.
Matsu Itch, at I e'oteot p.m., to st Oeerne's
casseb, theses to leatti•ed CaseNey.
"L etaftf'a � pr,mtit motes,
As' faith
}Boole the d makes a speech. See
tall report to aims r edema,
A Goo° Psesuwv.—T a meet traria gift
yea can make is to give a Wirt Pea. ap-
pply to D. McGiltleeddy. asset. Ooderiek.
The Wemas s Christha Temperance Valois
stere is the hswmeet of he tb+t Mete cherish
every Tuesday afternoon. Prayernmenag at
! 10. business weRfag at E.
'Spring. Syrian b.setltal 8prlas." is spa
patently at head. sad the latest peg hest In
had h t sod el (ss Mutat rtag reads eau now be
fbis tailor. P. J. t'ridhams.
It is sever wrong to reiterate a good thug.
and that is the reason why deo. Stewart
wants everyone to know that in addition to
{.ruing eat elegant photographs, he Is now
)largely a In picture framing.
Merchants can wet their Bill Heads, Letter
Read. he.. &c.. printed at this ..Ace for very
little Barrs than thee generally for the
paper ad it helm to advertise their
Call and see mmeles and get prices.
Hare' Hare" Hays'!' Har,!!! Hans
-C. O. Newton has jam received the
sad most oomplete Importation of Hat=
has ever been brought to Ooderich. You
iNuM see them. IC. O. mesas what he eys.
Moutdiage. snuWiyn! If you want Snit -
data picture trate*. by a skilled workman.
and made from a huge selection of mould-
ier.. don't forget to call epos H. it. Mallows.
the photsgrapher, who for years past has led
the proceesioa i* this line.
By referring to the advertisement of Basn-
dent Son in this baste, eemething of Inter -
ow to landlords. femme and householders
will be rotted. Theft stock issel ►tel from the
direct. and is being sold at
very low prices The cheapest house tinder
the sun.
Nr J. !1 P3rter, of Seaforth, was in
Mies A. McLean has been visiting in
Mn C. Motes, of Morrie, era visiticg
Mrs A J. Manger.
The High School Literary Society will
hold its regular meeting tonight.
Mr D. K. Streakas beg returned from
IAbusiness trip to London and Brantford.
We were pleased to see Mr Alex. Mur-
dock, of Hsosall, on oar streets yester-
Mr Thoe. T)ati, has, we regret to say,
. been ronfioeu to the house by serious ill-
oeas for some time past.
An exchange says there are few things
materialise car slowly as promises of wood
to pay for subscription.
Mies Conk, formerly organist in St
George's ohureb,left en Saturday last for
Toronto Mrs Priori will fill the esoan-
ayMr Bert Johnetoe, of the flosfor►h
Rrposifor, was in tows during the wee.,
making a I. for the removal of
his mother and sister to that tows.
On Friday of last week Mr R. S. Wil
hams, manager of the Bank of Com-
merce, and his tee -year old son took a
J walk to Clinton -- 12 miles.
Her. is an opening fur other men with
tan -year-old boys.
OFigs. — Setevday morning. about 3 le
'stork, a Are broke out in the an -to
cited to r flirts bedding near the
.ran Road. The ready arrival of tee
e n saved the main building, bet the
to was destroyed.
Jog Hagg re Connie. —The es -prize
fighter and saloon keeper, Jan Hem, has
been assured by the Y N C T U to hold
a series of mistiege in the Grated Opera
Howse on Mash 31st mid April let and
lad. He has Whined is !tomato and
hes held his meanness seal bound for
two hours. Shaftesbury Hell was ant
nearly large aweigh to hold the people
who Dame sightly awl hendrede had to
go away. Look net kir Nether an-
At a oeetiag at the Turf Club held
Wedseeday eventtes it was derailed to
give 0 is purses, divided equally,
or three reuse ea Damioioa Day—free-
for•ell, $ 33 Glass and three mtoete alas..
Pacers and trotters allowed in all rate..
Amanita Visa —About 8 o'clock Sat -
1 aday asorsieg the barn in the rear of
the resident.. of Mr A. Waddell was dis-
covered to be en Sr., and, although the
german wine ttetekly on the spot, the
building *as completely corsumd.
Cause of fire unknown.
0517.—An old and respected resident
departed this life on Tuesday, oderch
11, in the person of Mr Dean Swift. He
Lad been ailing for some years and had
suffered much during that time. His
relatives hate the sympathy ot the
entire community in their affliction
Suttee —A social will be held in
North -et. Methodist church under the
auspices of the 'Vomau s Missionary
Sammy, on Tuesday craning, March
18th, at 7.30. A good urogram and re
freshmeuts. Admiseen, lac, All in-
terested in misstoo aura are ourdial'y
Baaais Itat:a.—Four trotting ranee
will be held at Barrie on August 20th
and 21st. Several Goderieb horses have
been entered, as follows.—Three-year
old make, A. M. Pokey'. "Sammie
Ors6;" 2:32 'class, ltobt. Thompson e
"Baldwin;" three initiate class, Dr. J.
B. Whitely's "Daisy."
COLLscnotr rot res Pooa. —The col-
lection taken up in North-st. Methodist
church last Sunday to ourct a.. bread fur
the deserving poor of the tome amount-
ed to$12.00. St. Peter's (R. C.) church
will also take up a collection for the
same purpose. It is to be hoped all the
other churches will do likewise,
Mr Campbell, postmaster here, re
caved the following telegram, dated
March 12th, from Hayward, W i..:—
"John McKenzie was killed here today.
Has he any relative. then 1 Answer im-
mediately." If any of our readers know
of *young man of that nese in the
West they will please to with
Te. SiOlean
steely every member being present. TOWN COUNCIL.
The drat busmen was the appointment — --
of the standing twmmitteea for the year, !leas.. of the Lass Rgale
e• .ms
which was done as follows ;—On State- p meeesas,
tics—J••bn Butler, James Shepherd, 1 The town council met last Friday
T. B. Vaca Every, Wm Campbell, R. 6 evening, 7th cwt. All the members
Kerbside. and WmW.
w On Mill euUDC- I were presectesoept
the deputy rues and
tures—Joseph Kidd, A. S ()brie- councilors Reid sed Heater. The
Joseph cal, Back, Joseph W►Il•ann, B ! minutes of tact meeting were read and
Duweing, C A. Humber On Local approved.
I te -- A. Bounden, 1) l:. I The treasurer's seatetnaot for Febe-u•
Pereebatt, M. Sabellian, C. A. Nater, (my showing a balance on hand of
F. J,,rdan. On Agriculture—M. Hutch- �111,7S7 31i, was referred to the nuance
Leon, C. Grubb. J H C.ellw.ne, Rees committee
Price and Robert Mclean. On Finance
— B.. 6. �1'NI►amis, the Secretary,
Horace Horton, C. Drummond, D. IMc-
(lillicuddy. On C. . —The
President, Secretary and the :hairmen
of the tespective aimu tares. The
petition to the Minister of Marine and
Fisheries for the estahhshmrot of a fish
hatchery in Guderich was dismissed and
met with the unanimous approval of the
Council. sad the Secretary was instruct-
ed to forward the save ILO Mr Port. r,
the member fur West Huron, as sten as
all the signatures had been secured. A
reply from Mr Porter, in retuteoce to
• deputation on harbor matter, wsa read
and filen. The Secretary made a verbal
report of the proceedings so far for the
establishment of a creamery, and road
letters re the brick and tile yard, and
the President gave the result of a confer-
ence on Monday afternoon with Mr F.
.leffery, manager for Mr Attrill, in
reference to the proposed industries.
The Secretary was instructed to write
Mr Hannah, of Seaforth, and request
that gentleman to come op at once
The Committee on Agriculture was in-
structed to open ei at once
with leading horse snot cattle buyers,
with • view to establishing a monthly
cattle sod horse fair at Goderwh. The
Coattail then adjourned.
Iteuoe of Internet from over the
Tag ST. Gnoaos Ae dozier TRIAL— a Weekly serest erten trowel, sews seri"'
The plaintiffs in this motion completed .d up Se Solt Readers of "Vise signal."
their evidence on Monday 'sat, three rata amid !Wet, Clipped and ens.
weeks after the of the dossed Homs Every tleeseen-
tnal. Mr Dalton McCarthy, for the de•
feedants, mode an applieatine for a non- Mr S. Irwin, of the 5th sen , Morris,
sett on the ground that the accident was was married on W dneday,the 26th alt.,
one over orbit* the G. T. R. Company to Miss Jennie Ferguson, of St Helens.
had so control. Mr Jtstioe Roe., bow -
Mr F. W. Ingram, Hensel', and bride
ever, decided that the ease must go to Ids th• week before last for their
the jury, and the defendants then began
hose is Vancouver, British Colombia,
their side of the case.
Harry Beteg, the well koowo Saginaw J. Luotit, who went to Battle Creek,
horsebuyer, was in town during the ham ., inlast fall, has returnreturnedse to W ing-
past week. and did quite a buaineaga
His shipments from this section this h ; he says then is oo place like
season amount to something like Mr James Berry, of Hensel', has
200 horses. But outside of the bought the 50 acre* on the Huron road,
horse buying altogether it is generally Tuckersmith, belonging to Mr John
believed that some other attr•etion es- Wei"'
hits in Goderich to draw Harty here so Mr A. Elliott, Hullett, has engaged
often. We hope if the matter comes to Mr J. Shoals, of Grey township, as her
anything that he will become a pertran- help for the coming season it hard
ent resideot, instead of, as at present, labor,
being here only half time, Mr Alexander Thompson, of the Bay -
Coeastniox.—In Tet SIGNAL last field road, has rented Mr Duncan Mc -
week the item referring to the accident Ewen's term, Stanley, for f)250 per an -
to Mr and Mrs James Yates was incur- num.
reit in one or cant particulars. The Wm. McBrien, 'ommerhill, had •
place where the occident occurred was in (tors. the other day on the road and it
front of Otter Wilson's farm, and was was stricken with something resembling
caused by his dog springing through the paralpe.
fence with a chain around his neck. Mr Geo C•Ibtek, now of New !Gest
The horse then bolted, and Mr and Mn
Yates were thrown out of the convey- muster, B. C., was. we . I.
•toe. The horse ran about thirty rods, married to • lady of that place on Mon -
and then stopped until Mr fates came day of last week.
up and got poeseeswn of the line. Mr Mr Leathery, d Morden, Man„ was
sod Mrs Yates are from the suited in lump, wedlock to Mary, bfth
effects of the "spill." daughter of Mr Jae Ramage, of the 10th
eon., West Wawasueb-
ST Pumice's COetclI tT. —The contort
in the (hand Opera House on Moodily Mr Geo- L Thompson• formerly t f
next, 17th inst., promises to • Clinton, Oat , has acceptedthe position
treat. We understand the
the following ladies and goo
been secured : Mies Hearn, C
Walsh, Seafortb; roars T
Shane, Blyth; Mn Bayley,
sod Messrs Belcher, Porter and
run, Godench. Miss Andrews
of assistant pharmacist to Chu. Wright
ego., of Detroit Mich .
b Wingham, last year. the t••wn remo-
ld $1100 for printing and Weenie -
its the printers of Clinton had to he
e- satisfied with a tribe over $100.
iet Mr John Mitering. of Bathgate, Dak.
of Victoria-st. Methodist ohs will wag back to his old home at Londesboro
preside at the piano. In addition to the for • visit, He returned this week, his
concert, an address will be given by Mr father going with him fur a vi•it-
D. Me(itlliocddy on "inked—Thi Mr John Bell. Lendesboro, hsvtni; re -
Hoar Before Dawn," dealing with the (waived a telegram from Dakota snnounc-
, eegtion of Home Ruh. R. 8. Chilton, ing the death of his brother Hugh, Mr
sq . Anne -UMW Core.), will oeeupy the cod Mn Thoe. 11.11 left for Wappeton,
chair. Ilk.
Zuaa 8515011 TO PERIODIC Ane Antis.
—The Maratha' Berneiry Teens says : — Mr Livingstone, Seaforth, has made
"The entertainment gives in the Palace for. the lletting out of oar
Rink lot evening by 7,era Sermon and seed. H. intends building a large brick
his specialty company wee • first-class mill, and will commence . as
performanae from beginning toend. The sone is the •esaon opens.
professor himedf is one of the beet Nr D. P. Clark. formerly teacher of
sleight-of-hand f . and +entail►- the Lower Winghsm school. who
quiets ever sees I. the city. All his left for Manitoba the latter part of De
trick• were does clean and without the camber Iset, is now teaching in Lcwer
tiresome delays seen in so many eater- Fort Garry school. at • salary of $tmOO
tainments of the kind. Mr John Patten per "au" -
gave • good exhibition of ,leg dancing, Mr R. Orr. Weneham, a away off to
funny sayings and Irish witticisms. Mr Florida for the benefit of his health.
Harry Agates should be heard by all low- He has been far from well for the peat
see of mesa. He plays oe ell aorta of month or two, bat lately his trouble has
, even estreeting good mesio assumed move serious symptoms, and
StM ordinary pieces of gas pipe. The be was advised to take a change of
tensed with a marionette climate ; he is 1 by his
tibM Mid a long list of •pseialttes, all of wife.
wbdi were word. The riot :Wes peeked While engaged in threshing (lover og
fees the etags to the doe,, end a large 8 was , the let mat the barn belong -
number had to go away 4 I." lag to Mr John Corbett. Hay township.
This ew•Illoy will perform liere Ive eaugbt ire and wen horsed to the
night. eget wash b the Greed Oper. ground. It appears they were sing the
House, Tuesday night, the steam threshing engine, and it had co
18th. and will give a Sateeday clothes.. 'Perk arrestor, and the wind was bine
Tag Bnasn nr Tsatus—A meetingtag ia the direction of the dories, the•
of the ensued of the Beard of eaetfytcg the Binders into the beilding.
Trade we. held is the hews dark's desIreytsg it. A (peat deal of grain was
odlee lest Moeda evening. 10 inert lost together with the separator.
The brat report from the new tire -
warden, R. T►ehbourne, reported one
fire during the month --that ot a barn at
the rear of Geo. Elliott's store, the pro -
petty of Mr A. Caoteloo—stated that
the clothing, particularly the coats and
cape, of the firemen is is very bed con-
dition ane suggested dalriedluetment of
the hose cart so that it may be hauled
by a horst. The report was referred to
the fire committee.
The report of the sexton of Maitland
cemetery showed the number of inter-
ments for February to be 10-4 adults
and G ehildres. Report filed.
From Mr W. C. Van Horne, stating
that the sending of a deputation to Otte -
ors at present would be premature.
Mr P. Kelly, of Blyth, wrote memo -
mending that Brussels and Liatowel
should be asked to send delegates to join
the deputation to Ottawa on railway mat-
Mr Wm. Lao', of T. , and
Mr Peter Kerr, chairman of the railway
committee of Geelpb city council, wrote
stating that delegates to the deputat n
bad been appointed for their respectsi
sect ions.
Chrystal A Black wrote asking per-
mission in beet the council chamber and
clerks oflios in the town bell with a new
hot water heater manufactured by them,
to teat its capacity ; the expense to be
borne by the manufacturers. The mat-
ter was referred to the public works com-
The secretary of the Turf Association
wrote stating that they intended to use
the agricultural grounds for a res meet-
ing on July let. Filed.
A communication from the Reliance
Mfg. Cu. in reference i' the dynamos
returned to them on the occasion of the
recent exchange was read and filed.
The accounts of the postmaster, for
postage, $7.22, acid of D Mclvur, fur
work at the pumping house, $2, were
ordered to be paid.
The following amounts were referred
to the finance committee :—Willis Chip-
man,C E, balance duo oneld account and
for services in August last,$194 ; Hutto?:
Siottet, printing, $12 23 ; 1. Cesatday,
relief, $2 30 ; T. J. Videan, relief,
$7 75 ; John (.. Stiven, painting and
glazing. $6.39.
agroBT Or ri7.sSt'r
iQMo41 k.MATian
the rate of $1 70 per 10,000 gailoee of DUNLOP.
water used, they to inform the council Prom our one o.rrvspsndeat
the amount of water Way will royste*. Tuesday of this ween Mrs A. C. Mac-
ln Mr Williams' case we would moxas- Donald went to Alpena*, Wish., to be
mend the countl to regeire a guarantee pretest with otber relatives at the tuner
from him that be would use the water al of Mr Devine, who died at Bu«eCity
fur • term of live yeses ; otherwise that Montane, Tram thee, his eetaeittetdll be
he will pay all ousts of petting in the brought to Alpena tor intentions today
pipe (4 inch. !Friday.) a
(Seined; Jowl B.TLsa, Chairman. Death this week from oar midst re -
Tito report was takes up clause by moved Kather►ue Jane, wife of Joke
clause. 1 he first section, lint► MacAllister and daughter of D. Cam -
that an electric lamp be placed at the ming, after • severe illness of over a
corner of Neptor-se and Cambria Road, fortnight She had pieviouely given
was referred back to the committee, as birth to a sou, and unfavorable eymp-
the petition asked for its erection on toms on the fourth day afterwards set-
Canibria Road et Trafalgar -at., four ting in, the best of este with medical
blocks south of Napier. The remainder aid proved iling, and on titiadsy
of the report was adopted. 6 mousing she passed quietly away to that
• arrear or cs rmnt i . ..:, , , better rant above, leaving a food hos
band to m lure for her and a little nee
Your committee would
that in future the treasurer furnish the
clerk monthly statements of all ceme-
tery loss sold by him ; the clerk to en-
ter it his cemetery book such list and
furnish the sexton with • copy of the
lust. We would also 1 the
council to furnish what lumber is re-
quired to repair the fence at the ceme-
tery. The posts required can be pro-
cured at the cemetery, as stated by Mr
Hood in hu report to the council on
February lot. (Signed'
Rosrat Tuortyot►, Chairman.
The report was adopted.
In pursuance of notice of motion
Proudfoot moved,aeeu,ndd by Mersey,
that bylaw No. 6 of 1819 be amended by
substituting the word "five' for the
word "three" in the tint clause. thus
increasing the number of members of
the waterworks and ele.ttic light com-
mittee to five.
The Mayor ruled the motion out of )WrO"t ..crow■
order. Proudtcot appealed from. the .1. E. Tom, Ewe., P. S. I., is on his
ruling, sued his appest was sustained by official tour through the northern part of
ar vote of the council. his jurisdiction this west.
Moved in amendment by Nicholson,
seconded by Campion, that the motion
Its over for one month.
The amendment was
motion was then carried
Moved by Proudfnot, seconded by
Humber, that a delegation be sent to
Ottawa in the interests of the Godsrich
and Wingham Railway, with power to
procure the necessary plana and • inform-
ation ; the delegation to receive dela
gates from Wingham, Dwegannon, Ws-
wanosh, Ashfield and Colborne ; the
delegates also to impress upon the
Government the necessity of improving
the harbor.
Moved io I by Campion,
seconded by Catatonia, that a delegation
be sent in the interests of the Goelpb
Junction Railway and the llodericb har-
The amendment was carried.
A motion by Holt and Pridhace, to
refer the petition r" the electric light to
the electric light committee to report
whether it would be bettor to place it on
Trafalgar -et. at Cambria Road or at Vic -
Your oemmittto has examined the fol- tons at., was lost.
Councillor Campion fare notice that
lowing accounts and I their he would move at the next meeting to
payment on being ditty certitiord : —R. amend bylaw No. ti of 1859 He did
P. Wilkinson, $311.60 ; John ttoberteoe, not mention the particulars of
$1.5 ; Stevens A Burns, London, $63.07
Doherty Mfg. Ce , Saguia, $30.34 ; also The council then adjourned.
that the account of the Standard Carbon
Co. be leftover for further consideration.
M J h A N f 1 d I
without a mother's love, Kersestly she
hoped that God would spars her to her
little one, but He took her ti Himself.
A large circle of friet.da with relatives
viewed her re sans in a handsome cask
et prior to the funeral from her father a
residence, a pretty bouquet of dowers
being placed in her hands. Over sixty-
three vehicles were in procession to the
place cf interment, Maitlind deme•
tory. Rev J A. Anderson conducted
the last sad rite., and the pall -bearers
were R. Videan, of Ooderich, Peter
Stuart, W. Fulford, R3bt. Hoggarth, of
Ludlum, with 8. Q. 11. Williams and
C. Fisher, of this place. We, with a
large circle of friends, extend oar deep -
eat sympathy to the bereaved husband
and relatives in their less of • fond wife
and sister, ever kind end gentle.
lost and the
r u s ..ate , sur assessor an Co -
lector, has furnished us with the names
ot the following parties as his proposed
sureties, viz :—Daniel J. Nettie, t,V,n.
Bowden, Wm. Andrews and A. MieD.
Allan. We have enquired into their
financial standing and .. 1 their
acat-pianos and that • proper bond be
prepersd and executed. In reference to
the tions with the Reliance
Electric Light Co , the chairsan of this
committee, pursuant to i
wrote the Company offering to pay cash
providing that $100 was allowed off ac-
count. A reply has been received agree-
ing to accept the redaction. As this
is practically a saving of $100 to the town
we . d that their account be
paid at once. We have considered the
application from the Hihh School re
geiring 113.000 to convert ume into a
Collegiate institute. We recommend that
same be granted and that a bylaw be
prepared for the purpose of raising the
necespry funds. (Signed;
W. Pitot -p oO'r, Chairman.
The report was, on resolution, con•
sider'ed clause ty clause. The first,
second and third ciaoews were adntted.
Mr Stent, B.A.. I of the
High School, then made • few explana-
tions in reference to the fourth cleave of
the 'report, showing the benefit that
would accrue to the town by the eetab
liabment of the Collegiate institute.
The grants from the f' t and
the county would he materially ieeres•-
ed The f-.orth clause was then adopt-
wATL* ASi• alltiTRn' titter ,
Your onmmtttee beg leave to report
that they have considered the application
of J. Acheson and others referred to
them and would I that an
electric lamp be placed at the center of
Napiereit. and Cambria Read in the
matter of lowering the water rates for
supplying steam engiaea, we would ask
the onooeil to deal with it. as your ram
mitten are not in favor of lowering sack
rate, in Moreno* to the applications of
Joe. Kidd sad Joe. Williams for water
to supply motors, after giving Mr Kidd'.
applieato.e fell eonstdentioe we laneot
1 the council to guarantee him
a premiere of move than 31) to !I3 the at
his work• in Mr Willis.,.' twee we
think the eoetied may wifely guarantee a
pressure of 100 lbs We would resole -
meted that both applicants be charged et
?ram our owe corrasoondea•
W m Morrow is well again.
The little aleightng made things lively
around here.
Miss Martha Gardner, of this section,
is visiting at G,idertch
Wm. McVettis and John Taylor are
busy drawing atones for building opera
Piss Barbara Jackman still continues
very low, and no hops to entertained of
her recovery.
Rev J. 0 Manly'a 'octoroon "Nineveh
and lamer was much sejoyd lest
Thursday night.
On Sunday, March liith, the Rev H.
Irvine preaches sermons in
Kincardine. Mr J. Young, of Clintor,
and John Dustow, of Nile, tans his work
on this circuit.
Dame Rumor says the Methodists of
Nile are going to build a new church
soon. The present building will hardly
hold the members, without counting the
many adherents of the church. So may
it be'
Lecture by Rev W.
Tuesday the 18th,
church here,aa
Mr Geo. Horne,
some property from
mak tog preparations
residence thereon.
F. Campbell, on
in the Methodist
having purchased
the syndicate, is
to build a new
The municipal council of Ashfield
will meet in the town hall, is said town
ship, on the 30th. All concerned govern
themselves accoedingty,
We congratulate the editor of Tule
Sweat oc his having so far recovered
from his recent illness as to be able to
take his place in his oth.re.
The belfry on our school house has
got • new occupant in the shape of •
fine belL The students attending will
require t o be on time ; if Sot,the reason
why will to looked fur. Punctuality
will now be strictly expected.
Sleighing is of short duration so far
this winter. We were favored with two
days of it last week, and during that
time tesmiog wood, lop, etc., was very
lively. Mud u again in the ascendant.
The municipal council of West Wa
wanenh will meet in the Town Hall,
on Saturday, !lith inst , for the transac-
tion of municipal bulkiness. All concern-
ed please take note.
Dungesuon is still We
ere informed Mr T. Smiley, of Ashfield,
has purchased a hens. and kt in this
village from Mr Jos. Mallt•ugh, our
popular hotel keeper. , It is said Mc
Smiley has made a good purchase.
We ars credibly informed that Mr
Patrick Kearney, of West Wawanoeh,
near St Augustine, is the possessor of
a span of colts one and a half yeses old,
sired by Baron Soots, rotor sorrel,
which weighs 2530 lbs. They are beauti-
ful looking animals sod can hardly be
surpassed in this locality or surrounding
country. We would like to hear from
any who can beat the above record.
The funeral of the late David Mc-
Whinney took place on Saturday, when
the remains were interred in Dungannon
cemetery. Thera were on that occasion
upwards of seventy vehicles well filled
with sorrowing friends, relatives, neigh
bon and acquaintances. The bereaved
widow and relatires have the sincere
sympathy of the cmmmunity. Rev H.
Irvine, of Nile, conducted the obsequies.
Deceased was aged Ni years.
Wedding bells hare been ria. -ging at
the Nile Last Wednesday evening Mr
James McNees, of Nile, and Mise Jennie
Graham, tiheppardton, were united in
marriage. The marriage took place at
the home of the bride, and was a very
pleasant event. Every one likes James,
and Mies Jennie that was) is a general
favorite w* Wiesen. We all join
its wishing them the happiest of happy
lives. Rev H Irvine tied the knot.
Another of our community is decorated -
David MoWh►nney deported this life os
March 11th, seed are years. He hai boon
living for s short time is Detroit It
has bees a sad blow for his young wife.
His body was brought t, his father's
home on Thursday night of last week,
and on tisturdsy afternoon a large
company followed the retmeine to
Dungannon cemetery, when Rev H.
Irvine read the funeral service. The
tenets! sermon will be preacbe•1 in the
Methodist eherch on Sunday, March
Mr (len Marsholi, Hills Oman, who
had been working near the Hauls during
the winter, was taken down with a
severe attach of In*amer.tory rhecsss
tam. He returced Items a few days
age bet is still in a very bad coeditiee.
Mr H. Hamilton, night watchman
at the 1-nion Factory, Wingham, is seri-
ously tN with inflammatory
Mr John Wheeler, Morris, :ma been
confined to the house the last few days,
the result of being hooked in the face by
one of hie cattle.
Mr Kincaid, late of Wingham, has
taken a position in the Doherty a ►rgan
factory, as has slat, Mr Page, late of a
Woodstock factory.
Fifteen ceatestaats clad for the fray.
Armed with toed steel ewe In battle array. _
Striving for lucre. as brave Knights of old
Strom for their honors and me lass of gold.
In Wag each *hieing pen ever the paper.—
Seekiaw to sound, as the most prober raper
the praise@ of remedlev known the world
g�� Pert to t'alals. from CelmI. to lever ;
Bet each Knlget vainly strive language
falls la deseription
Of the manifold virtues of ratnrite Pres
criptlost." armoire)
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