The Huron Signal, 1890-3-7, Page 4THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE cs*R.Nte.e so r. MAO Ofr IGI, TO11011TO. 1111101TAiI. MAN Sl) On 11111111.111.1 - fflfiOT, S. V. WAtxER, f leneit L MAMAov.. ffN.000. 5700.000. THE HURON SIGNAL $FRIDAY. MAB. 7, 1890. w�w GODERICH BRANCH. A riMDAi. BAlutsss Ewes= TMIIfIACTg.n- FARMmts' Nowa Dis000mteo. DSAFTS ISMRD PAYAl1LI AT AL.„ POINTS IM CA1sAoa, Air1D US PRINCIPAL SIMM IN Tile UNITED STATES, SAT OINTMN. FAAnC[, OLRMUQA, ass SAVINGS SAM SEPAIM1811IIIT. PEPOOITS OF •1.00 AND UPWARDS NICSIVED, AND O(MIRINT RATI& OF INTIRIST ALLOWILD. 11IT.NST ADDEO TO TME PNINOIPAL AT Tete 1NO OF MAY AND MOrESIKR IN KAON TRAIL epeeist AfhsMnl tine to tee OaR$Mlan of eseasser ist Paper. este /are sere' Sales Notess, bt furon Cignal IS IM711.1eaS IPVERY FRIDAY MORNING, AT MS PRAM MU Titre comics: NORTH - STREET, OODERICH. It hi a wiA.awsks 1 I devoted t a county news sad the disseslastIon of Imo- la ae-fal knowledge. RATES IMF 5LOICSIPTOIR I SI•M a year ; The. for six mouths; Sic. for throe me=ths. If the subscription is not M advance ubsoriptios will be c at the rate of ELM • year. �,�•� ADVEETIMIRC RATES per line for other insertion. and 3 cents per tae for esc�bssgesat insertion. Measured by a Local settees in nonpariel type 5c per line. Local iotioss in ordinary rreading type lc po word. Business cards of six lines and under {3 per year. Ad of Lost Found, Strayed Situations %*cant. Situation Wanted and Bbsiness Chances Wanted,.not exceeding 8 its.. nonpariel $1 per month. Houses on Sale and Farms on Sale. not to exceed f lines. $1 for first mouth. Sec per sub- sequent month. Larger advts in proportion. Any special notice, the object of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any iodi- vidtal or company. to be considered an ad and charged accordingly. These terms will is all cases be strictly ad- hered to. Special rates for larger or ad for extended period,. made known at the o®oe of publicatioa. JOIIINI DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing OtSoe is carried on in connection with the ord business. where Arlt -class work is turned out reasonable rates. Everything in lbs print - line can be done on the premises from an Num tasted poster to a visiting card. All . bone must be addressed to D. MeeILLI4'tDOT. Editor of THE Stowat Telephone Cal. No. 30. Goderich Ont. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, FEB. 28, 1800. THE term 'common enemy,' as ap- plied to our Roman Catholic fellow citi- zens, did not originate with Mr W. R. Meredith at the London meeting. It was a term applied to Catholics at the, time of the institution of the fer)cious penal code against them, and Lecky, the anti -Unionist historian, quotes the phrase "cemmcn enemy as ot.e that was often applied. The phrase leas not even the met it of being original. Tea bylaw to grant a bonus of $275,000 to the T.H. d B. I:e. Co. has passed the Hamilton city council and P S. WILLiAMS, MANAGER. 60,000,000 inhabitants of that country. Now a statemoat was made at a public meeting held at the Pavilion, Toroato, os Tuesday last by' Mr W. Hamilton Merritt, as follows :- "Did you ever think of the extent of this province r" he salted. "Five popul- ous States abut on its borders and it stretches from the fruitful vineyards of Pelee Islands on the south to the coal mines and fisheries of Hudson Bay on the North. Few have an adequate con- ception of the possitiliti a of this prov- inee. There is no boundary between Ontario and and yet the products of the t mines last year only yielded 83400,000 worth of ore, while the latter's prudeced $48,• 000,000 worth." Mr Merritt, as the World well knows, is not a Reformer or a I. Con- servative, but the difference in the out- put of mineral. of Michigan as compared with that of Ontario has evidently stag- gered him. Mr Merritt admits there is no geological boundary, but he omits to state that the root of the evil lies in the fact that there is a commercial boundary, and Canada with it. 5,000,000 of popu- lation has the wrong side at present. THE EDITOR'S TABLE. a mere er awe •mems New reallcatlloes time Mss cease to Used. LITTILL's LIVING AGE. The numbers of The Lira' ea Alfa for 22nd Feb. and 1st March contain A Hanoverian Marriage. P.:diwhe/ryli; Sir John Hawkwocd and Italian Condottieri, keterterly; The Ascertainment of Eng- lish, and The Naturalist on the Pampas. NineteeatA Century; In the Days of the Dandies, Btaahcood; Samuel Richardson Gentle is.,. s; The Decline of Goethe, and Homos Walpole's Letters, Teeple Bar; Holland House, Murray's; Hosts and Guests, Longman's; Ship -Canals, and Bunyan . Use of Verse, :irritator; Bab- bages Calculating Engine', Athes.enin ; The Epidemic of Indueoza, -Vetere; with' Mr and Mrs Robe Murdoch, of Dua- "His l'ncle and Her Grandmother" gannon, paid our burg a flying visit this and "Epicurus Wynn, ' and poetry. For week. fifty-two numbers of sixty-four large Mr and Mrs D. Murchison are recov- pages each or more than 3,300 pages a ering from a severe attach of la grippe. year) the subscription price 18' is low ; Miss Mary Davis arrived home from while for $10.50 the publishers offer to Detroit on Thursday, after spending send any one of the American $4.00 three years in that city. She is in excel - monthlies or weeklies with The Liritp lent health and gives •a good account of Age fora year, both postpaid. Retain the place. & Cu., Boston, are the publisher,. Miss Maggie Murray. who has been so seriously ill, we are glad to report is out of danger and . The debate on the 21st ult. between Paramount and St. Helens resulted in an easy victory for the former. Our or- ators expect St. Helens to renew the at- tack in the near future, when we hope Paramount will be able to repeat the dose. On Tuesday, the loth ult., at the resi- dence of the bride's father, Mr Alex Murdoch, • number gathered together to witness the marriage of his daughter Marian tc Michael Robinson, of Wing - ham. They left that evening for Wing - ham, where they will reside for the pres- ent. We wish them success. ary el#. Ike lenses temMi t IeminisseR- roe e1 the lade RobertEremiet Ie& sad t letter diseRasieg the alleged neem► el Asterism •ethers. Besides these ese- taibsiloas Is the WMMere of the lase Arta, appear the elver eatatents Jrwdi kissed al. Osserd Wesley Nernst, U. B.A., esstllaeee AM swiss of artistes es modems semiss with "TM Army of the Celled &MeV illesimied by IL F. Nog - Main. amassa`s MANAaf les ria lesson, After d.votkat he op.si•g pales kr several =oaths to article, of pessimist is- tarsal and eaplae•tiow, has, as Ms lead - tag Isom far Maser, • purely literary paper os Charles Iamb, who always s►mmands the gym thane interest of people who read. It also contains the oceoludtag paper is Outs Chorea's re- markable study of Eriessuo'e saner ; • brief description of the Australian Boosaaraaas ; a striking ssm=ary of they remit wonderful Erma experiments In hypnotism ; a plstsrasgss seeouat d the rwmaaat of Se=iadm who live Is the Everglades of Florida ; dramatic chap tors in the two illustrated serials, and • good short story, poems, and "The Point of View," the mew department. Sig of the articles are illustrated. TEN OOSIror "oras FOR MASON. The Marsh Number of The Oeses pols- taw contains the following articles :-- "Berlin, the City of the Kaiser," by Mary Stuart Smith ; "Tho Evolution of the Gondola," by Herbert Pierson; "Signal Codes, Sasses and Scientific," by Wm H. Gilder; "Easter is Jerusalem,'. Frank G. Carpenter; "Browsing's Place in Literature,' by Emily Shaw Furman; "The Militia," by Desist U. Taylor, an oftioer of the United States Army; "The Desert," by Col. Chas Chaille•Lons; "A Candidate for Divorce,' by H. H. Boya e on; and poetry by Chas. F. Lommu, Tomasso S•lvini and Frances Albert Doughty. In the Social Problems de- partment Edward Everett Hale talks of Unit meal Education. Frank bestow White contributes sketches of Royal Authors, and several other authors are attended to by the editor. The art- icles -with only two or three -are lavishly illustrated with engrav- ings of a high order. The Cosmopolitan Publishing Company, New York, are the publishers. HARYNR'e YOCNO TRONA has always been famous for its fairy stories. It is now publishing a Pew ser- ies Illustrated by the old favorite How- ard Pyle, and has lately introduced to its readers another author who seems destined to be his in popular- ity among lovers of fairy lore. The lat- ter, Mr. Fronk M. Bicknell, recently contributed "The City of Stories,' and will follow that with "The Youth who arose a Pauper and went to bed a King," which is to appear with an illustration in the number to be publish,d March 4th. PARAMOUNT. From our own Miss Mary Murdoch, of Afton Lodge, is visiting among her friends here. Mr John Taylor is spending a few days with the friends of his youth. THE . . MAOAZtNE FOR )r ARCH. 1890. Special interest is given to this num- ber by a characteristic paper by the late Senator Macdonald, on "The Mainten- ance of Home Missions among Degraded Populations." It glows with the broad will be submitted to the electors present- - philanthropy and deep devotion that in- ly. This line is connected with the Vanderbilt system, and it is believed will be in a position to avail itself of the charter whifh is uow being obtained from Oodertch to Hamilton by a company consisting of lives from Goder Blyth, Brussels and Listowel. A spired his life. The Editor pays also his personal tribute to his memory. The illustrated articles describe the Canadian tourist party's adventures under the shadow of the Jung Frau, and crossing the Brunie Pass. Lady Brassey giber a vivid account of the brilliant celebration of the Queen's Jubilee in Hombay ; and Mel F. ;s Williams gives • graceful c.,nneotion with the T. H. & B. at or sketch of "Wordsworth's Country," the famous Lake district in the Nest of England. The numerous illustrations -.of all thew are of a very high grade. Dr Garman writes strongly in commen- dation of the new social and religious THE Eetp.rr, objects to the statement t, the Epworth League. The near Hamilton would be one of the beat schemes possible for the central portion of Western Ontario. recently made by hIr Thos. Gibson, 11. touching Irish story, "Kathleen Clare, is concluded. it shows hoice of but tieing al man over eighty years of PP. for East Huron, in the debate on infidelity is melted nwf,rm tweet:,mth of age, and having been troubled for a the license question, that the Crooks religious feeling. Mn Barr's fine story number of years with asthma and a Act had caused to • considerable extent of Y: rkshire Methodism gathers weakness of the heart a second attack the I sentiment of this Prov- strength. Mr Shannon contributes some Pre"ed fatal. Deceased was a native of lona. Despite the interesting !personal of Carlow county, Ireland. Ile emigrated Pobjection of the Emerson. Price $2 a year ; $1 for six to the State of New York early in lite, SFlip •r. Mr Gibson is right, Every months ; 20 cents per number. Turon- and moved from that State to this neigh - license act his a tendency to forward to : illiam Briggs. borhood 33 years ago. His remains temperance education, and the more HAM/MICA MAGAZINE FOR MARCH. were interred in the it. C. cemetery, Kingsbridge, Wednesday. Deceased prohibitory clauses in the act, the more leaves a wife and family to mourn his progressive the sentiment of the temper- ler. ance people w:ll be. Anyone who re- 1 described member how hotel licenses were grant - THE MARKETS. SSREAD$TUFFS AND PROVISIONS Seamiest' Fuse. U--.�. Feb. M. IN. Wheal... .................. " e M On Sunday. March 'land, Mr i Thoe Davis, an cld and respected citizen of this place, died at his home 'in Paramount. About five weeks ago he had an attack of the prev- alent epidemic, from which he recov- ered so as to be considered out of danger, as so NA::::i::i�i''tiitis':: • u ; a nee 111 IS 1!M sol Staff. >i M. 1• l f 0 lrudI " e� •owe 1N" I I ..........................« fM" 1100 1. 0N" ON lttiktsa.. .......... " 0 t! IN • awe..... 500 •' 0 M 0M" 0M Apples, l Aimee feta la. Its tis N to N. MTS to IN I. 85 M to U - Se to M - LSto 0 10 to 15 M to M jeml M ttoo et 711 • M u M eiltIllifheat aid ofd V twister pen• ill h arper's Marxist for March defies generalization. Its list of contents dis- plays a variety andan excellence that cannot be adequately in • general statement. if it did not contain a practical article of public i a descriptive article n . I signifi Canes, a sketch of scientific interest, a Frere a special correspondent. ed previous to the Crooks Act will The oyster supper of I i).G T., No, know that the temperance sentiment of f 304, Nile, came off on Tuesday, the 4th the time was far more at than it is to- inst. Among the guests present was • day, and they knew that if the same style of hotel licensing were adopted now as in the old days it would rot take many years before the present general sentiment would become 1. Even the hotel men of Huron are a unit on the question of the honest and impartial administration of the Crooks Act, and we have heard the strongest C amongst them speak in the highest terns of the provincial measure. It may be that there are vulnerable pointe in the ad- reluistratlas of the Mowat f t, bat their liquor license policy is certain- ly not one d the soft spots. Ts* Toesatlo lair and a few other r.0lrieliIRM arose ere eternally harp- ing oe the feet tiled liesoess the i'7nited Sfntes has a sigh prebelMe• duty, Cana- da by beteg gtimliagftlil y connected era/ eooatry weRli Ne deo ee helm- et he. Weesg•IDE with the Do You Enjoy a Good Serial? picturesque paper, poems of real inspire number of the I.0 G.T., No. 213, Lee - tion, a number of striking stories, and burn, who with our lodge members par - valuable editorial comments, it might be took of • hearty supper of the choicest truthfully called • Fine Arta Number ; viands. supported by numerous dishes of for Anne Theckeray Ritchie contributes oysters. Afterwards a program of read - an essay upon the modern apostle of art, logs, recitations and songs was given, in John Ruskin. , by person• which the followirg members of Leeburn al reminiscesees,sympathetic portraiture, teak part - -Is recitations. Wm (lordon, and hii graphle•I details, Dr Waldstsin's H. A. Horton and M. J. Linfield ; sing critical article upon Hoskin in the Feb• ing, Edith Horton and W. Green ; ruary number of last year ; 'Theodore mouth organ solo, A. R. Garter. A Child offers • critical and historical nets pleating address was given by John upon "The Winged Victory i,f Ramo- Link later, congratulating the I toalll edge thraoe," illustrated by • photograph of on its progress. A reading was also this masterpiece, and decorative designs, riven by 8. P. Williams, and later on in the Greek spirit, by Loc Olivier Mar- the two last named moved and seconded son ; De Weldetein publishes, for the a vote of thanks to the Nile lodge for its first time, an account of ' •The Restored kindness and courtesy to No. 213 Read of Iris in the Parthenon Freese," This vote was I by the Nile telling how he identified the fragment lodge, through its chairman, Bro, Pent after its discovery during the late secs- lead, and to this a Oasis/ reply was veining on the Acropolis, and how his made by the fair ruler of Leeburn lodge identifiestion was IT ensfireted The local lodge with a strong choir gave be oed question ; H. 1t. Krekm biel offers a number of eieellent oeieal selections a fewlhints ft.r the enjoyment of musical during the evening. This lodge has art, meg "How to loetes to Wag- made meek meterial prngrsas sloes its net's Mn.ie ; " and, in the editorial formation a little rarer a year ego. By , both George William Oar the way, Isaias lodge, No. 213, fur tie and William Dees Howell. ash. up the present term is ruled by me of the topics of interest is the doswaia ef liter- sisters, Mien M. J. Liefisld. If you do, read The Deserter :t.ixtTLeANT EAYNE, THS HIRO.] A SPLENDID STORY, By Capt. Charles King. PUBLISHED IN THIS PAPER. Back Numbers of "The Sig- nal" can be had on appli- cation. Bal. of 1890, $1. For Sale or to Let. FARM WANTED. -FOR A CLIENT, • farm of 100 acres or is., situated sear the town of Goderich. Apply to R. C. HAYS. N-tt Solicitor. Goderich. T�) RENT. -TWO HOUSES ON Stanley-st.. one block from the Square. For apply to Iltf MRS F. SMKETH. FARMS FOR SALE. I have • number of farms for sale in differ- ent parts of Ontario, As you are aware. farms were never so cheap in this province as at the present time, and if you want a farm I would 1ou to buy now. if your means are limited i'can sell you a farm on a small cash paynent.gtvingyou plenty of time to pay balance of purchase money at . low rate of in- terest thus enabling you to acquirea home of your own most easily. if you have means and do not require credit 1 can give you asgood value for ycur mosey as you can get elsewhere. i will 'timidly sendon descriptions of farms sale in any localityon nearing from you. JOHN J. I'ATON, 22W ty et King -et. e•et. Toroato. [,'ARM FOR SALE. The undersigned will offer for sale the fppl- , lowing very desirable farm, consisting of the easterly 130 acres of Block "F," in the 7tb oss- cession of the Township of Colborne. in the County of Huron. This tern is situat- ed IS miles from Goderich. and 11 miles from Carlow. ca the Main (travel Road. There is a good frame hones, I storeys. almost new, M by 3E, coatalnfng rooms a large tarn, by 42. with cattle shed. 12 by11, ached. and one of the finest orchards tta n the township, It Is watered by a never -falling spring creek and a good welL About 110w -ref cleared and free from stumps. There is no waste land of any kind on the place. (coal school within 80 rods of the anVn1 111 be sold on r•eaeonahle terms. For terms and further particulars apply to JNO. BRKCKKXItilIOH. Proprietor. Ooderich. or JOSEPH McKEOWN, 4- on the premises. j.'iRRT-CLASS BRiCK HOUSE AND 1' LOT FOR SA LK ON h i . PATRICK ST. -*beet two minutes walk from the Square. Two stories high. brick addition in the rear Ifstories high building covered with slate. ain building has 3 large rooms on fist flat. upstairs there are 5 large !sums. Inner rear addition there are kit. -hen, pantry, washroom. t' ire, girls room and bathroom. Also good (-eller. Apply to the undersigned. who will give all Deonesar•y informatics. &tf. I;AN IRL OORDON. VARMS ANI) TQWN PROPERTIES 11' FOR HAI.K. Lot 13, in Maitland Con ('olborses t t! acres a very fine !farm. Price SAM Lel � �Rr..f�.`Plea, 1M con. R. li. Ashfield, is raee 1ares._ rwn s 13 and (( In IM Ogg. ( et . IM acres. Will be sold very ebesp.Lets 15, Land WI of 17. In the 0th eea.Wawamneh, Men acres ofexeeellent land In use block. Price $13,011n. lot 73, MrIrowan's Survey, Town of (hiderkb. i'riee only $50. lot lee, town of Ooderich. on Light House street with brick home and stable. Price only NW Lots 517. 17R. 1015 and pt. 1011 Tows et Ooderfeh. ,early Ith of an sere In cos beak within the banns part of the tetra. Price only $4N. The above proper - Hee will roper`tieswil be sold on easy terms of pow ret. Apply to ('ADAR, tloderleh. N.B. Movie, to lend at ren low rates. VI FOR BALE. West half of lot flet. Arthur Street, with w all beet cottage thereon. Bvit.ntto Lora. 101. IN fit. 113, Pea Wrest, Rt. Aadmws Ward. om ser of Rae.. and Brltawsia RSM. If eery home on Keays lktuet.ler sad f load. Nevoid letsIsReed's Pu r5v{ey, Eiew AU stetsINM IIK MN, a RAT I& S. t~ DAViSONI R JOHNSTON e 15 PER CENT. OFF -rob- TWO rteTWO WEEEB. L' Ler'aautee, Buss OonroaePlis. Sas.wts. lascutaroes, and All Heavy Winter Goods J. A. REID & BRO. She People's ILolumn. WANTED -A GOOD GENERAL ttanut. Aptlyto alit.Ret W. T. WILIE. TO THE PUBLIC. -TAKE NOTICE that Ro►t. Order, tuurmMiy swat far the east tae, aid 1 1: 1 •d herepressible a ressiWfer elate by him. WM. W N It Ooderich Marble TEACHER WANTED. -BY THE Gedeeleh Model School Beard -one holding a third class oertileats to teack'the junior division of St. Patrick's Ward Scheel; salary at the'rata of MIS per annum; wireless to begin immediately after the Easter holidays. A ipollostteas will be received up to March lith IISS// SI B, W M. MrrciimL. 'r. ART CLASSES. -MR. R. CROCK - ETT will commence the last term fat this se•ao• of his art classes on Thareda) the 13th last. Painting class will meet on Tbt.rs- days and Saturdays from S a.m. tot! sad trona ! to 4 p.m. Evening cisme' for Freehaad.Ooo- metr cal and Perspective drawing os Wedges daye amid Fridays from 7.30 to OM p.m Studio -North Street. Next to Chas. Newise's Mora 910 FARMERS -1 AM PREPARED! elms 1 to pa as Weis It -.1e per cord for &st- b et Mag ellen, sad have thousand. d the i}am !]I to is a t houesad. W 01 y them at the Ism It skidded or delivered. Sec cad -class pine shingles for smile. II.35 per square. JOS. KIDD. Jr. 4S21 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the partner- ship) heretofore existing beware J. C. Dirtier asd Thos. D. W. I►etlor, as General Merch- ants, has bees dissolved by mutton oomsent. JOHN C. DRTLOR. THO((. D. W. DRT LOR. R OAtLEY, t Witnersrs. HOWARD COX. Goderich. Fee. lith. 1910. u .t D('RHAM BULLS FOR SALE.- Tee subscriber has for sale 2 young Dur- ham bulls. 11 mouths old, also 1 tbtee year old Durham tull good calors. Reglstered,in the Dominion Herd Book. Prices to suit the times. JNO. T. DICKSON. 43 $.. Ceetrassoet Farm. Address. Goderich P. 0. Tuckers= ith. MUSiC LESBONS.-MISS GGIE is prepared to giveAmusic lemons on the piano or oreen. For parti- culars inquire at Geo. W. Thomson's Moak Store. THE HURON HOTEL, This well-known and popular hotel ha been refitted and enlarged during the past season. and is now second to none in quality of ac- tor ofor the traveilltg public. Good accommodation for transient guests. WM. CRAM, Square. Ooderich. Ont. Proprietor Administrator's Notice. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The creditors of stepper' Irwin. late of the Township of W awasosh, In the county of Huron. yeomen. deceased. who died on or about the ted day of January, A. It. IWO. rind all others having claim• against his mune are hereby sodded to sen-, by pot. prepaid. or otherwise deliver to the undersigned, soli- citors for Thomas Anderson. admhistratnr of the estate and effects of the mid deceased. at their office in the Town of Goderich. in the County of Huron. on or before the Sth day of April. A. 0. 18110, Um* Christian names and surnames. addresses and description, the fall particulars of their claim.% a statement of their accounts and the nature of the wean - ties of any 1 held by them and in default there- of. and immediately after the said SM day of Apet. A. D. IWO. the assets of the said Stephen Irwin. deceased. will be distributed amore the parties entitled thereto. having r.• only to claims of which notice shall have n given as above required. And this notice having been given under the provisions of the revised Statutes of Ontario. Cap. 110, the said administrator will not be liable for the mid assets or any part 'thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of such distri- bution. Dated this 6th day of March. A. It. ileus ceMetttN, HOLT R CAMERON. Solicitors for the maid administrator. Thomas A nderson. MebicaL IIRS. SHANNON • SHANNON, Physicians slimmer, Re. omee at Ib'. Shannon's leer the swot Oodench G.I. Sea . 1. ft. Swot - SON. 1751 Srauellinq Ibuibe. MBE GitAND TRUNK RAILWAY.Trains arrive sad depart at Dederick as to lows;; Laity', Mail and E:prow. ...... o Mul.... .. Mixed. .. . - . ... ..... Mai 1. .7.Ma.m Mal land- Kxpress. Lair p.n MI xe4.. /.M p n Dentistry. MNICHOLSON, LD.8. DENT L ROOMS, Eighth deer heM..i the lost OMes, Wast.L, Gosgatce. lrSlly DR. K. RICHARDSON, LD.S, SURGEON DENTIST. fees and Vitalised Air add�meisniisltered for dvea to the jresry ins of the mi Natural Testi OONce-Up stairs. Grand Opera Hoses Block. Entrance as Wall -St., Goderich. !lp-1v "THE DESERTER," A Thrtl'cnp Story of Army Life, Loans ane insurance. ' N. LEWIS, Barrister, Proctor in . Maritime Court - Mosey to loan at If per nest. private ftsr.As. Straight loan. in- terest yearly. Costs very moderate. For particulars call personally or write. 21 C. SEA(tER, CLERK FIRST DIVISION COURT. C , Inernacs, Estate and tIsseral Moms! to Lend ll at w Rates sad (a. Farmer,' Notes Discounted, Orvics-Next to Coreall's Furniture Store, Godsrich. 21M-tf F J. T. NAFTEL, LIFE, FIRE AND ACCIDENT L - SURANCE AGENT, R North British R Mercantile Liverpool, Leaden R Globe • Norwich Union; mas North Ae dh life ; and Accident laser - ease of North America. Lowest Rates. Loewe settled ren=net bleary ease Lean en Farm sad Tows Pronely eyiest', does. Progeny valued. etc. Once -Cor. North.st.and Square,70oierich. $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To len( on farm and townasrt dot in M ► 1.yWo ow wto mr c argaid agents for the frust lied ed Lo Company of Canada, the Canada Laded Credit Company. the London Imo Company of Canada. Interest. 4 ei and 7 per cent- N. entN. B. -- Borrowers can obtain mosey la day, it title satisfactory. DAVISON R J�tSTON, ire BarrwtoisOHlr;., Goderlch1 '500ch. 000 TO LOAN. ' APPLY TO ri rV CAMERON Hot.rRCAMERON,1735W O HONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE 1 amount of Private reads for 1nvesmrs IA lowest rates on "rot -clam Mortgages Apply to0AItROW R PRO UDFOOT By Capt. Charles King, U. S. A., Will he our Next Attraction in the Serial Line. OREEA O(11"NCiL, NO 1033 GOT chtyt ef l at 7a0 la TompNaaem Hall Neel rapt ging ranks with the leading .It wt. 1501 17 aL of the time. Ile has waver i writtenSETan RIs restingamong story, and THE Bhiit �ola� S� DIRKD13SRRTER is tensa/ the beet of lana w'4 ctinea. R. RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATZ AND MONEY 'WANING AGENT Only Meat -dear nuns st.e Rmpresewted Ilse Money to Lead on sttelght leans, at the lowest rate of interest gstas is say way to suit Its Borrower. MOFFIC'K-iteoosd deer tram West Street Ooderich. Melt Legal. C A M P I t) N, BARRISTER, �I' Solicitor. Notary Public, e t e. (Mice Over Jordan's ltrug Store, the rooms formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. YHII R ONae. C. HAYSearner, of, SOLICITOandRWr , Aesct . Square Moet Ooderich. over telegraph odes. Pri vats reads to lend at 6 per cent. IMO. 'IARROW & PROUD700T, BAR `T ItISTERS Attorneys, Solicitors. Ooderich .7. T. (farrow. W. Proneness. 17 !'IAMERON, H3LT A OAl1ER9N, ll�J Barrl,t.re. Solicitor, In Chancery _ ter 3oderiek. Camerw, Q.C.; P. 1tWt. i. O. Cameron. C C. Rees. . 1711 - Amusements. CIODERICH MECHANICS' MST! YTUTR LiBRARY AND READiN ROOM, tier. of Rust street and Square on stairs. Open hum 1 to s p.m., and from T to 10 p.m ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Leading Daily, Weekly avid Illustrated Papers, Ma; uzi nes, eke., on Fitt. MEMBERSHIP PICKET, ONLY •I.ee, greeting free use o library and Readies Application ter membership received by Librarian, la moms. S. MALCOMSON. OHO. STIVEMP. Preeldest. Secretory Goderich. March 1115. SM. Auctioneertng. JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUC- TIONRER and Lend Valuator. etoderich Eat Having bed ooesiderable experience 1' hsatert(oneering trade. he Is in a peonies 'scheme with thorough satisfaction all ems lesions est rusted to blab Order's left a1 artin's Hote I, or seat by Mel •dl °dertP. O. carefully atteadod to. JOHN oh KNOX Ce stv Aaetleaaer. Ilse Societies. OAS 11P7010 115t oe