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The Huron Signal, 1890-3-7, Page 3
e BINCETON'S UNKNOWN. EVIOENlCC WHICH MAY HELP IDENTIFY HIM. THE SMART CASE. Is Femme. (Mews the twelves to the Mather To, rasher Usetea tel.. TO Tuaalrro, lab. n. -O. Tuesday Mamma Mr. heist Furgas a pave ha decides in teiat le hawses "the IL.rt cam," whale palettee at the amuse Think they Re- 1. petitioner Mart of Port Rays .ought eepms the Rendered Mad• re.s re. tis dsehady of his children, who were la the -it to .earned lee Was a Seem Pwww iasaf ha wits, who had to learn bile as amount of Ult eatment sad other iners- Pedater et Caw Jeweiry. Wilke ea his part. Fib, ss. -'lie newt deem The Maim et the Juatgs Mows these autet mese still prevalb has, not lens this Merles in as ter as the mother is concerned to INS petgb trees Para, Woodetocl sad other haw been utterly fates, and she peabooer in the vicinity coming to the viand* Is its .rt to be a leas wholly he to even the Mry, maims for the ddlghieet deal rsmoi•d ides of morality. the uakaowu men whose body The petitioner is ba petition eels fort that swathes WsstraoWos. he was a precthing barrister and suhcitor at have bale two tallage of the Pert Mope; that the Wee children are the a jury, at which .videos was tales teras of the marriage, she dates of their re may throw melee light on the question rpectivo births Meets that their aims ars i3letity, but the isyst rap serruuadiss the 14, UI and za yeses, re youngest beim a boy, le just about es dirk as ever. T e the other two girls; that in BepMmbr, HOZ. probable theory sow a that the dead the respondent left the bed and board of the was • peddler d damp jewelry and that petitioner, taking the three intent children w blood mss in ha veins. The pm with kir, sad that she has ever inc. lived at the Inquest ea Monday est at rest apart from ears; that she retains the custody the seggedios of MUM of the MUM sad reales to deliver them Det Taylor and Slopes furnished a writ- up to w , yYtimter although psss.ssMas of tea docpret oo.Wadg the result at thee the taus tis msmld bb biro. medical . They paw the olds' The psalmist Ilam* mads farther chargees WSW the impesips. which ware of each a "Death was produced by Injury to the ihsruesar heat tis Ades decided to hear the brain meed by two paid theta fired by dale privately. wee hand as yet aakaown, but other than The fdbwmg smkhmees from the writes U it r • a F ed Pt ■ M Nr th a a - ✓ , or N - ad Re THE EDT 1{f ►N SIGNAL, FRIDAY, YAR. 7, 1899. the deemeed e. either one el which was sod- tedgmies d the Is temd "alp best slow acaat to produce dente" hew ateerty adsamitl Mese Chute have The docion oleo Mad that the .hob were bean tad bow wreapd and injured the and at does gaartsra, that death was pro- children and mother were: la.hly and that there would not " It massed to be -*. -dad at the trial, sad be swab blood from the meads I do sot me bow itbe nth ewae. that all George Fowler testified that he lived to ideas of them two ♦people ewer remise to- wed owned a furniture store in gather apes and seal as arse and wile tortoni. "A year ago lain fall." said the mast be absrdsnad sad pat entirely out of "I saw the decomed in Waterford. the saes sad est of ..--Wide, . , . It a fully he was a jewelry and tinware ped- a legisesd that the clops and accusatbM I was there three or tour days at the that i have alluded to were in tact made by and eaw him. i ooaddsssd him • the petitioner wantonly, I think, and in the He was droved in the sem style of meanest tad most contemptible meaner, and .s.1 saw here. sod I recognise him by that be Mill persists in leaking them. his ace. He acid be was merles party run- "They are fully denied by the respondent, nag jewelry stores is the country, ons in I was called epos to irritates the pitiable and Brantford end one is Waterford." deplorable spectacle of a wife in the ribose Alfred Layout, seller and tanner, raid- bo: denying that therelwas any foundation lag two miles west of Goble", mid that be in truth for these Merges and accusations or thought be saw the deceased in Ihumbo any one of them. Counsel thought proper, about four years ago soiling jewelry and and I apprehend rightly, to ask her in regard bought from bis[ fb cents worth. Witmer to them seriatim. When I consider the she believed that be saw the doomed sal- monstrous nature of the charges, the fact mg jewelry is Woodetook tart I tosninios that they are positively denied, that owing Day. to the nature of them it was not possible to An amnesties at Woodstock proves that call ether "rammer in regard to them, and so street Beene was amid on that day or judging as bast I can of the witnesses, I have within some days of it. The aaly jewelry no hesitation in saying and finding that al- . selier who bee been in W oodstoek for • couple though made upon the oath of the petitioner of yaws pad that would correspond with the they are without foundatioe is tact, dead man was • Jew named Levi Isaac, who and I Cannot but believe that they hes been there on different emulous. lamer', were Wooly, wickedly and foolishly . and height corteupoed with those made, with a view of making or in an en- d the dead man tad there are tom similar- deavor to snake it appear that there was wine ides in the faces of the two, notably thearomaor that be, the petitioner, had some and upper lip There is no record d les r' carom for giving way to and indulging in having bees at Woodstock since Derembt, drink to mom so centismomly and being 1Md A number of W.oddoek people who guilty of other things that were charged have men either the dead man or is photo- against him, which he knew to be true: -' -" graph protege to rsmestber having seen the " Thera charges were so made on oath by tee some of them e.o eating it with cheap this petitioner after be professed to have jay. abaodesd the exoe ive des of strong drink. Three other witasssss-Meem. Oliver, Len and be Mill ponies in making them, and. es i easter and Ycarrg-were heard, but Cormier ' anderet•ad, deice to have the supposed thought a ha duty to keep their mei- benefit of them in this litigation with from tie reporters. It a learned, bow- I Ms wife. I am unable to undersand bow it ever, that they testified only to the peaseceIt a that any man is found who of two individuals In the 'N.1 MEM[ I on I is so base as to snake and persist in making Wednesday night or Timothy min' Jog. i such ... , against his wife in the Oar of tins was a Woodstock man led the t leaner in which this man be.. mads them, other a resident of tiaroia.but loathe farmer's ' even if it were for a moment teamed that end move as learning that there was any the .. .. were founded in truth. reveries attscibtg to him wee to rift the even in such a wee I think there are no Chief of Pollee, it is cot believed that any adjectives or qualifyIn,t words in our lan- importance attache to the evidence sup•guageelcientlyexpressive toproperlystamp premed '.mthe quality of the mind and chancier of the The inquest was adjourned at this point assn who would do so on the degree of hie until tonight, when • number of weenier superlative mmooem. How re much meit e unimportant evidrew...at the rou•ltsius required to deeerthe the character d the whi•lir •ii an adjournment eke taken until , man who does en oo oath wtthen the secum- ridav, Mardi :. tions and charges are fear' The theory that the mardered man met "It may be comer red why Lha accusations his death in a home of ill -fames is firmly held and charges ane Cot dated here. They ap- by may people. The tat that ear of his pear in the evidence. and It was considered clothes showed any blond marks would inch- seminary as a matter of law and practice to este. they my, that be was undressed when date some of them in the pleadings. They the murder was committed. and was after- are, however, wholly malt to appear in any wards ,tee ed, taken away and deposited in book, report or other patelioatlow me case the swamp where be was found This theory use heard in camera, and unite, properly is further bores out by the fact that the a,. No rood that I raise perceive can arise MOW mark.. on he clothing were cut out from again writing the disgusting wags with a pair of scissors. This, the adhenaG here. On the contrary the tendency would. of this theory my, planta to • woman being I think. be tot - ,wards evil. and i do not WILL acre you of infl+mmatot y liken. in the case. Miele enquiries failedneon t. sec the witd of doing it, even it ones m•ttem. Neuralgia. i,umbeto. *dud i•is- locate any such house in the irrwediet. pen did not serum to do the writing. Tare. w.'.. Libeled Toothach. tunica•t, and resins. vicinity of where the body was discovered who nevertheisms want to know the full par - hat a gnat many Perim,' were found who tical ow must neeort to the evidence, stated that they had often board of such s .•I trey time my that some of these at,tas- placa in that quarter. It is well known. those, were made to the petitioner's own re - lutist, - however. that tin re in a sl. den /dives. he brotherh,to• d deafer, not i f possibleoath. � �� tweed Paris and Rrsattunl. The murder however. which, my mind. addle if possible might have been committed three end the to Use depth of meanness and degradation dap afterwardsedinits drys Ur sMl Lake to be 1 tai the the whole ome lostr o alil den o., WD E R depedtd is its murky casters. I that the man bad become Most 4e ail ..mine id John McKay of the North American Hotel' uncial propriety and that he entertained no long -Standing Blood Disguise ise are cured by the , ng use of Ayer's This medicine le an Alterative. tat causes a radical chaste is the system. The process, in some cafes. may not be quite se rapid as la others ; but. with , tie remit Y ssrtaia. Rent theremit. testimonials - " For two years T suffered from a se. Ulf. pain is my right skis and had other troablee cawed by a torpid liver sad dyspepsia After giviegg several medicines • fair trial without a ewe, I began to lake Ay er'e Sarsaparilla. apa was greatly benefited by the Erol bottle, and after taking Eve bottles 1 was com- pletely cured.' -John W. Bassos, TO Lawreoce st., Lowell, Maes. Lent May a Imp carbsacle broke oat on my arm. The remedies had so effect sal I was •sassed to my bed foe sight weeks. A friend induced me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Lees than three bottles healed the sore. I. all my expo- nents with methane, I never saw more Wonderful Results. Another seethed effect of the use of this medicine was the ng y sight." - Mn. Carrie Adams. Holly Springs, Teras. • I had a dry scaly humor for years, and suffered terribly ; end. as my broth- er and sister were similarlafflicted, I winter, Dr. Tyne, (of Fernandrpresume the mainly u hereditary. Fla.,) recommended me to fake Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and continue it fursear. For five months I took it daily. I have not had a blemish upon my body fur the last three months.• -T. M. WU.y, i4 Chambers et.. New York City. " Lest fall and winter I was troubled with • dull, heavy pais in my side. I did not notice it much at first. but it gradually grew worse until it became almost unbearable. During the latter part of this time, disorders of the stom- ach end liver increased my troubles.ani began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. after faithfullycuntlaatag the use of this medicine or some months, the pain disappeared and I was completely cared.•• -Mrs. Augusta A. Furbush. Haverhill, Masa. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ragreevt, ov Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass Prise t1 ; sir pouffes. 0+. Werth •S a bottle- THS*UT srrmin BlIKI NG POLDER FACTOR, SWAM else.. war's on Valves bee &t• Pipe i I•w Nay paten, flanh I 1 /EI■m Crain Mesa let panp► f era rear., 1b4 riih, f'lrisi�mames lejude a- imeedy Utsad US CRAM MITss =IIIW DIVIDIta4 MoariasLA • D.A.MCASKI1I a t° CARRIAGE VARNISFtS xk<<\ y 4 SILVER MEDALS ArvAkUE0 MCNTRTA, CHADWICK'S Liana SPOOL STEEL-UEER Ti IVIS L Suncle.Tsdtei'sad all aha kim.,ie LOTTO$ W For Hand sinaiTRUNKS In the Weed. J. EYELEIGH d CO NONTRIAL. SeY!!Q lof th tie arras Machbse Use. HAS 1110 SUMER. *enroll IT. HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. Netre Dane ft.. me et the area eesatwat and elegantly Tarnished Hotel* I:. toe City. ♦eoonmeda.ina for MO swe•tr. Ramer S v �00M OF =f to $b per day. . s p S A nose - LEATHER BOLP.D COMPANY. M•nui durem of ISOESTOS'ILLOCI4ID Steam Paeitiug, FRICTION PULLET BOARD, Th. iso Fusel: F-u:sg xit tj�s w oma, J.PAUERASON Wholesale Imv'tes of DRUGGISTS• SUADRIES 1743 IQihE LIRE >R., - ▪ MONTREAL WILL CURE OR RELIEVE CIUOU8NECC, DIZZINESS. DROPSY, fJ.UTTERIHO OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF :-HE STOMACH, HE ANTRUM. DR. NfS8 HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN. And awry .Peet.s of illentes arienUcekrare disonffersd L'vER, Iu O' V$, ST ©O*e. a OR a1.000, D YSrEP3?A. INDICES f ION, JAbli DICE. ERYSiPtLA3. SALT HHEDD, T. MILBURNI & Ce.. Pe"rer iggs SOAP. RECKITT'S BIDi. THE BEST TOR LAUNDRY USY. PAPERS. l amMa. NEWS. ,1 !3 DUNN'S at Woodstock states that about ten days ago • ', Drover ideas in regard to Intemouree between ma closely resembling the deemed and hay- 1 —member,of the mese family. Wdstleelddly English ac•eetat W" in his betel I"To my that his n,d Winn as stated I v him - sold • " of fieruun c•'nwmt sad rx sett is 'beastly' would, I think, be a false and similar pfepsratioos to hi. bar tender. fail Moder upon the brute creation. The beet of his stating it, the character of the overcoat. the smMs as wars by the serdasad accusations be make against his wife fwhieh nen. but behold asilr$ masteche. McKay k , .. are, as I have add, in myirpinlon S' ai'last °awldeat that they are Cas sad the tat w,. and the manner in which he makes .sen•. person. the mw"sebe having aim the a.•eteations render the matter wort lienee. c .avid ail The *Wan prev:.cb hire and worse if pmeible. I was not before that de,.vasers Gun was shaved after dssth. swam that the world contained such a man The clothing a new accosted for by the Mote either and much uta toss he . , 1 havi .g been find ckse up W tb. Tsai a how it I:pleu. lint any perem brought up lewd. The powo ler i thin war seared tie Siad educated ns tie petitioner mast have wounds and prevsed a free .nape of bkood. pews. has emelt a character a he. apparently Death et • Meted TAeatlew/e. wifiost cornpunctien Or Mase,Mmsadrntm ROCaar em, Feb. St. -News ie recei ed; ore that be pcssass"- Hit habitosl w to ears of the death of Ia. Id. IL Andleeson at Lobe f r yearno( into:hating drinkcsmaot.I Mitek, Beim, Tin. where be had been spending tie account for it altogether. be no .trach• what d ye leads educators elf the reentry He eve Lha f om 1800 to 18ta, sad prior to that thee wee aged ad educate d editor of The New York Observe and a pro. their dation i life gape in end premi at d Ceiy University rent+. the pommel of many remms I am ma- st Wetervile, Ma. H. war a member of the winced that annewding to tin law of England llarervatbm Cnmma os aro[ held Mrs. nrnart would be .d to the divorce a rosy Importsat Baptist steeocu a nava.. et taore, man were a plaid waterproof alder abeam of blood as the de'essd'. in ,ns or in civilred Ute; I am THE COOKS BEST FRIEND TN - i■ r-, Ind Os Iett a... nosey .. win ...sate s Mer• nosey _ soak b.esiw, :lbws Only Si.. win Caws erewd amen.• . wi ,e s,..•s.w. AN r o w rook t. .ewe r a• ilons—ew .mw �nwgeabb.e.�' sat11= a rid rb. M- s s s ear *I OW HIP - 0.6616 EU teeth, sin /Ms Si... mss srr.sss..s., .y.. a. Gaya erse..�661 �.rico Ws . w 'raw -MM.- ems. 5, Stam sttailm.arb..w,wMs- .,w..►we-e.a esasse • W .sere.. drew. tae... a as ITT a tau.. ►ss i °Rea.••. sass ORA RTC L-COMPt1RTNO. rnnt+�t+ nnnni 1 whiter for h s health itt. Aorlerss mess net "In • word, ere men `1 V V V V Y ff1• t the children if left Is their mother's was president of the Rochester University custody. mat present, will be properly man- dn • serine suitable to tam "I think there dMeaililks on order that the children retain in tie ors tad eaMrx(y of their Rather untid l further order, e giving t L. iM Ba-iilMetsy sight each seart curity to the cfor 1M proper da- �rat l C. welts war Moll here Me d the children •e BFEAKF S.T. ss ksowledev of the nature) lin, whirbt,�ibeePerat& OO of .lisestien and Pre-- - he a careful apelimo mow gauterely jwt'Mea*v as bbet���wiinLRbetutleky best up natal suras to �b dues.... o.4.' 4e�t .aha ire Imam armed us ready to at- K there r • Week.Mn*. We Mop mess a fatal shaft hs keeping • well lded with purr local and a rapist: framae.- -"a .rat &redo, r ALL SIZES AND WEIGH 7 OROER Deilrsclu :-h13RtrIt. iOHNSLONS' (� f '..UiUUELF THE GREAT TREII6TH GIV�i A.PERT'S& %Coo �n M emu lea h lltetat ansfl lira ter[ A P3WERrul INVIGOOATOP PUBLIC N�TICF.ts Another large consignment of Fresh Teas of suerior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE & SON. Say's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. PRINTERS'JI NK. A JJ:.RN.IL F'r APYERtISEPt. biota ',Cr set u tla memmtwva Merl Wale learnt of •aedw eirwtiews. ft hernia tow lwgmlwoM Measiss lar, elms. rii Moe to .lead eivetss; be is were u ehortiasnt; Neo dela as; vLt iseepysr a aid; ire mel nosey to ewe -a Set. Lir sense se sew, Mt slat .law of prvtalle tlosados. Ain** is se si masa by aeon lot Memel MBR the sorban of nor: - us. W= satwslr Ib let tea Mks Le lain es u smolins- Ir11 i Lille twaty-En ,es is y'.s l.lI. J � fid atm of tis larrgsi sat nerd setesidd l A ywt.srain- tint mels lot fid Marc swag esMee Ina Miro .- CIO. P. ROWELL A CO.. tree-*, aper Advertrem germs. e" C*rwee ti , Hew Yoh MILLINERVI In the latest and best styles at MRS_ SgzgEDDS_ Also a number of HANDSOME TOQUES at $1.50 each ---Good value. They are going off fast Call early and make a good choice. WE HEAD THE PROCESSION -5L- EN ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HEADS, Etc.. E:, THE SHINE! c /MITIIIIG OFFICE. GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the best of value in all lines of Furniture—from the smallest chair to the largest and bit bed -room set, or parlor suite. Call and see his stock and get a bargain . • u iN �ERTAgI "G. In all it, branches, promptly attended O O �' EMBALMING FLUID always ki•pt '. Lar. i. PICTURE FRAMING a specialty GEO. BARRY,Hamilton-St., Goderiok EXPERIENCE, CAPITAL A9D SKILL Are the factors employed in the purcna.se of Goods from the best houses in the trade. The general verdict is that Munro is abreast of the times, and in all departments fully up to the mark. My increasing business is an evidence that my efforts to please the public are appreciated. And while I endeavor to keep almost everything us- ually found in a first-class house, the general public may rely upon getting the correct thing in every department. Notwithstanding the advance or. Silk Goods I will sell Satin and D'Lyons, Surah3 and Satin Merveillieux at former prices. _II Specialties / )r the S.'t . Linen Goods in great variety, Laces and Edgings, Fine Hosiery and Gloves, and all the leading items in Smallwares, from Needles up. All Goods marked in plain figtire3 ar.3 strictly one price. t l k'nst Leaf.. with � i����iu►Wry which arty ~~ �a1cr Sev ice � R.paiT rap remind . which I oppressed she is Lem- , ,,,- lr wham met at eneesl tint The rad end w11Lsg to do. iltebm i weaseled ad Nmpiy eat! hot.iaa water sr seine. Mew Preps Is kat. M mains iivz.dr S. Leese mss ware Mak bur a bossariusi.Mss "Their., win it no order mai apes b JA Pr}R ('e : lt.mra.pssb. ;,tt, pin MI ase 1/ale rid bass we r....w. sharps matinee eta as above The pe lath line. . issLs Veber end MaMr*eeswa a wise. Aa hnww wise tom, to h. lard �:u, Licluo s SYC IMO to crime. do pay the reycdret her coda COMMa_i._ m.a.. 1111.--1101iAsps, Iro.•mhe► ales c[ t abae.eter. soli a of tee scan' to ►a = i eider that s rote PALE SI ware Reese IIWiy WOO elelemesd team tea OsaaRy.. bad .ad bis Os mot II j ,serlmable prevt+°M t'rM"� w seams C• a lest to their heme toI solace 'rookies het -. maul IIs the ceder 'lame min elute b A* ' he M CMN th a csbJF a write mill G. H. PARSONS ALR1t': bLOC-K GCDPP-1('s' The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of tWater Services in connection with the Town System toDwell- ino' and other Buildings. Also REPAIRS To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac- tories and Machinervof all kind. Prices reasonable. Satisfac- tion WILSO N ENVELOPES!. KELDE �,f 2164 ALEX. MUNRO, • Draper and Haberdasher. i 'enny SaTe, a Peilui Earned I ESTABLISHED 50 YEARS - I :til take the lead in especial 'alt, DRESS GOODS Dress Meltons, from 9c. per yard up, Twill Melton+, Stripe Foule and Amazon Cloth;, Stripe and Cheek Costume Clotha,V elvete, Ribbons, kc. MEN'S SUITS, SP1*CIAL VALVE. Tweeds, full lines. Overcoats very low, Good Q'rniity Nearly all Gorse, Price Sells Them. In Grocery Department, In Tuts especially. I Take the Lead,both in Quality and Prices. Pure Un- adulterated (Toffee only kept, price, 30c. per lb. -Pure Spice's only kept. In My Hardware Department I have a full assortment (class, my 84x58, full supply Crosscut Saws, full assortment. ov►n importation from 77(9 is &c. Wagor idol Buggy (learn 0.1iCRA.B?3 Odatiai, New. 10th. itis. SQC YR