HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-2-28, Page 6•••
elen."" •
Hama emanal. ....arm. N eit
&MINTY cUltilthA
Items Of ISVAMOtat from over Mit
A Wesais Shied die lee reality beim • -.
ed .p to wow Reeder. iet •• the Vs...
rue rase VulsI. ellipped awl 4 a.-
. densest from trey/ 'Inn inn -
John Foster has neon •pposto
Nem, of Winghant for this yeas. •
Dr Towler, Wog/bags, tea,
home from hts visit to Flotide
A number uf y .unot Limo left K. • -
station lately fur Denver,
Mr James A Aedenese,
has reosi.tly boot apponoted
Dr Hanover intends leasing ti
shortly to take up his imodeine .. .
Paul, Minnesota
Who • Mr C. Rang, .4
loas • few days ago, moo te,
hos ,org, brealoug it.
We yli.clastand illi Re*
ma 1. fisti • Iti•mesels, loop • - -
ta nine tu Ciao •s. durum th.
year after he ekes emit to C..11..
W. b. Meer...tee, Si. HeIos,. ...,
his Clyd. colt • El t
%ebb fur a stood lire
Mr Tcontas Wood, St. Helen.,
has hem au .eri.,u-ty Ili mace v
from the 011 Cen• r , Is, 004 • .
glad to lessen iespro. sag.
Mr Archibald Sett, of the fi...• ..t
Sc dt Brothers, Sealant, has return...'
Miele after • sojouru uf four ui.,..t.
Mr Angus MeDenetd,
removed ghosted Intrilliience ny telegram,
ou Monday. 10th mat , of the dor. t. ..t
his brother John McDoneld, oi
Puslinch, C
James Bekolen, Exeter. (bed on Fri-
day eveniug, 7th Man, at the adv......ed
age of 69 yak's. Sootie shun time since
he fell from • sateen sold reatived ea-
teries thereby that caused Lis death.
While in Toronto remlt', 1dr D. D
Wane, ot Seaferth, was taken ill with
la grippe, and was laid up there for
several days. He returned borne and
now abie to be abuut agent.
Mr Thomas Munroe, nephew of Ntr
Jam. s McMichael, of Seeforth, who to
p-usperous fanner 011 the Porucce plates,
Manitoba, was in Seaforth airtime his
uucle and other friends.
Richard Prior, formerly ef Wino/ham,
has made his name famous as • jumper,
boob in the United State* and thillndd,
h11.1'11nIr made the three statidiug jump,
:fit ft 4 in., beating the reteorti ao far
st coding jump, 12 ft. G in.
Mr Jus Brownlee, of Clinton, has left
for Tor Atte semen pan led
by his sister, 'there he goes on
the recommendation of his mediae
adviser to undergo • @ureic& ,operiatioe
for an elle:lent he is suffering from.
Catherine Cormack, mother oi the late
John Connack, died the residence 01
a • on
•1166 .•
h •. •••
OU •• pi
at. 1..6t
e t ••y ••••••
IS my.
,.r pipkin, 4•11..
1 101101.1•1110.1 .14111••••• N. • --,
.t.) HINTS,
masa see met,.
. • of away parson..
Wee to walk is
oyary. Lung be-
oditt to hays SOT
)14444 *111 see these
se steed, sad
ett tome they are
.the 441 their ht.
•irry essenderably,
•.e• se resided to
O010 Koniettinell
...•re required; at
vitt...wow have to
pious shod
...eat a very OUis-
. 4 iselleeell 1 All
oesture will leen,
..el aud safely,
• uer teems band-
it • me child toast',
o• me tiodesidaneud,
oteate, and from
t • enty munt hs
• much; and whet,
to walk, they
,...ideratoly, and
os feeble little
we. ite
•..e.. hu could
o oeture's good
m ...rodeos
...e decoration,
.d 11,. prettoest
• tout/ terns stud
obeatlee ur any-
pe...t. LWOW nab
. aloes, 54.. that
taste set then
..wyr.tals may
sexture by die-
m 11,. wafer 511 It
I theta pour
all earthiest jar
.. .1 if slowly 1111 the
quanti,, • us .. Inof. mud then
o ttani. ..... 1 return it to
111, 341 mei welite .t b. ding potnt,
awl Ilan. attars. Wha. 1 enot to crystal-
lise ••• • • a. .•1 .1 lead across the
itiuulh •1 the bees. owl that they are
Met. teal
UN. mtion. ard•-• .44 • op for dye_
g• iJr•pett PSI/ potatoes are very smooth-
ies 1 er e town.
Sea red vio,gar brighten brasses as
0.11 4111 ou u.. Monier° aud elpelieltre
put I allne.
Doom ryes red .11 places that are
emir and impute easy be cleansed with
butt water or earnolic acid.
The 164041W1.11 pm are instinctively
prempted to run your eyes, stop moue
Whon usak.ite up unbleached muslin
you mum al.,. all inch to the yard fur
If a dieh gets burnt in using, do
not scrape it; put a little water and
her daughter -m -1st". %Ire Cortnack, Bras- ashes on it eed let it get warm. It will
self, 00 Tueeday,the llth menet. the npe come "if
old site Of 87 years. Rub the L. ekettle with kerosene and
polish with . dry (linnet cloth.
Mee McKenzie, of Etatail. sister of
Mrs Peter Clark, of St Helens, passed
peacefully to rest en 31st Jan. from e
relapse of la grippe turning to intlien-
mama of the bowels
Mn John Crucker. of Exeter,met with
a very severe accident recently which
might have cost her life. It appears she
was engaged in her household dunes and
by worn, meatus walked Into the trapdoor
which led to the cellar and in the fall
broke her thigh.
An accident occurred in the Union
Factory to Winghans ee the Ilth man
While Mr John Terrill' arse working with
• circular saw, a piece of lumber came
in tontact with causinz the board to
fly with great fonne. A corner of the
board struck Mr Terrill. , hit
abdomen and cutting a flash four inches
long and two inches deep.
511.11 do lees than they might, engem
they do all they cm.
Pale. weak women need a WOW,
strength ening, gosh building medicine
like Mtlburn's Beef, Iron sad Wins. lin
It os true wisdom to speak but little
of the injuries you have received, or the
good deeds you have done
The tirst ingredieot in conversation is
truth, the meet good sense, the third
good humor, rood the fourth wit.
Worms muses venous sickness. Dr
Low's Worm Syrup destroys and expels
all kiade of worms totality and sore
ly. los
II you would bit the mark you meet
aim • little above it; every arrow that.
aim feels the attraction of the earth.
Clem, kitties with • soft Bennet and
Both brick If rusty, use wood ashes,
renhed ot. Inch • nearly cut bit of Irish
w et. Th.- will remove spots whets
nothing elm will.
It 14 otioAer..... to 611 an old lamp too
full; writhes au ouch uf the cap ts near
For chapped cr cracked bands use a
tea ofpitch-hatel. It is also good for
clinkered mouth or throat, with golaeu
seal and white sugar added.
In pressing his. embroidery, lay the
attack wrung side up un a d.wp cloth.
Charcoal ground to powder will be
found to be a very good ening tor polish -
tun knives.
• re w
Dishes of Cheese. --There has been •
On Monday, :trd inst.. word was re great deal of objection to dishes of
calved of the death, at Saud Peach, !chews'', which are How so fashionable at
Michoran. of E. Dean. dentist. formerly luncheon, or at suppers. The ground of
of Win,znane Mr Dean was ill with la i objection in most cases is based on the
grippe, and catching cold, pneumonia fact that they disagree with the stomach.
set in. He was a promising young man.
and since leaving Wingham had (credit-
ated from the Philadelphia Dental Col-
lege, and was workim; up a tome practice
is, Sand Reach.
Mrs (Dr) Chisholm. of Winehatn,
wiwee sitter died last month. and father -
in -low three weeks sea, recteted• • tele-
gram on Monday morning, the illth
inst., that Iger mother, residing at
Fagots, was dying. and, although far
from well herself, had to resort thither
Since the disappearance of Mr- F.
Sheppard. Clinton, his .tock was lett in
the premises occupied by him, securely
locked up, as wee supposed. The other
morning it was found that someone had
out $ panel out of • hue door. aunt by
C'arese is known to he rich isi nutriment.
It is now conceded that when cheers is
cooked in maccaroni and in other baked
dishes it is no longer 'pen to the same
objection as uncooked cheese. It is
even now asserted that Walsh rare -bits,
toasted cheese and ramekins, are all
more wholesome than the hard uncooked
Sardine Sandiriches.-Sardine sand-
wiches ars so delicious and so easi!jv made
that they should be seen oftener on the
luncheon table. Drain the little telt
from oil and remove any Lone conven-
ient, then rub them through • tine mere
Keep doing, always dui.,;-;• Wishing,
dreaming, eatencitng, mournost. talkins,
sighing aged pining are idle end profitless
The great 'majority of so-called cough
cures do little Men than impair the di-
gestive functions and create bile. Ayer •
Cherry Pectoral, on the 000trary, while
it cures the cough, does nut interfere
w ith the (auctions of either sto.nach or
There 1S• real growth of character
'imp( by a mannest over opposing dill-
oultim-46101111eing right when it is against
our aud prejudices.
Whist inextricable coufusion must the
world for ever hav• been so, bat fur the
variety which we find stamped in the
fame, the voices and the handwritings of
The care of the hands is a matter too
lasy should neglect. When chapped,
apply Pansiau Balm at night seconding
lo directume on each bottle. Parisian
Balm is delightfully ow -towed, and is
unequalled for Crecaed Lips, Roughness
of the Skin and Chapped elands. Sold
by druirbtb- 110
Sufficient to each day are the duties
to be done and (be trials to be endured.
No man la strong enough 10 lly
carry today's duties sod t)inorrcw's
eueietim piled on top.
It is • high, solemn, almost awful
thought for every tudsvidual that his
e arthly infloence,which had a ..
ineut hare, will never. through all aeon
w ere be the very meanest of all, have an
tbroalle t'esalts and Gads
And all Diseases of the Throat and
L sots can be cuted ly the use of Scott's
Kiielsiun, as it contains ti. healing vir-
tue. of Cud Liver Oil and Hypophus•
✓ otes is their fullest form. See .bat
W. 8. Muer, M.D., L R C. P., etc..
T. on., N. S., says: "After three years'
experience I eensider Soutt's Emulsion
one of the very beet in the market
V .• excellent in Throat affections- '
So d by all Drugiriate, 50c. and $1. 4
Meese:SO rani
Mach differeteas of Emotion has pre-
vailed la reword to tbe value of cheese
ea food, but we ere begtauteg to gel at
faits with a better undorsianding el the
relations ot the dateetive tumettom to
food elmmuts, says Gera( If
Cheese has been mica leaded by weal,
bemuse of the great ainouet of assents
food elements it ramekins, and people
have beets urged indtecnavinately to eat
it freely, some enthemets making the
'most extravagant claims for it as •
health diet But many people who
have sought to follow thra coutrael find
themselves speedily the victims of inch-
litastuan and dyypepsta. They would our
eider it little short of treason to charge
their disordered diglettou to the chewer.
bet the troth is the cheese is the mum
probable oases in any such cam
Although, so fer as its constituent am
euncerned, cheese is fairly entitled to its
fame aa a model food, yet in raw cheme
them constituents are eery difficult ot
solution by the digestive mices-that is,
now cheese is indigestible to s degree
that mikes it unavailable as feed Cl-
ow. to tb. stroogeat and healthieet
sitimachis. and should uot be nests by
my use who finds un trial that n gives
his stomach the least discomfort. It is
fauna, however, Haat cooking the cheese
restos es this difficulty and makes cheese
may tai digestion, and as taut:nem, as
Mader meat or more ao. Venous oar hods
hare Mee adopted for this purnose,
from plata broiling, frying or toasting 0.
tIve most elaborete compound
The main point is to get the cheese
eookeo so that the stomach can digest
Trust as Oto /Head.
Old friends are best, sed if ever suf-
ferers had • friend, Hagyarci a Yellow
Oil can iastly claim the distinction.
Pain never stays loss where i1 is used,
while for creep 11 1. • specific. Permits
should keep it in the home as • sale
guard against accidents, frost bites, chil-
blains, sprains, bruises, berm, etc.
hued Sap twa- vtase&
The sand tug is invaluable in the
sickroom. Get some clean, line sand,
dry it thoroughly in • kettle On the
stove_ Male • 1rafr about eight inches
square of flannel, till it with dry sand,
sow the 'meanie carefully together and
*river the beg with cotton or Immo.
This wilt prevent the Mind from sifting
out, and eill enable yuu to heat the bag
quickly by placing in the oven ur even
on top of the stove. After once using
this you will never again attempt tu
wenn the feet or bands of a sick peewit
with a bottle of hot water or • brick
The sand holds the hest • long time,
and the bag ean be tucked up to the
back without hurting the invalid It to
a ape d plan to make two or three ..1
tits bags and keep them ou hand, ready
fur use at any time when needed.
.0.5. toed Tees
Many people, especially women and
childrein outlet the whole winter threugh
with cold feet. Ti,,. is mainly due to
N.w the Selby was Killed. the fact that they wear their shoes too
Tnere art, totes that kill. A child's tight Unless the tote have perfect tes-
tier.. reonotly mid to the Detroit Free clout the blood cannot immolate preper-
Press on the promiscuous habit of hand- ly. hence follow st.ffened and
ling children: -1 have been for the late benumbed toes, cold feet end often •
mx Rents taking care of a child belengiog nienboates up the limbs. People whu
to a faintly on Macceib street. I took wear rubbers the who:e winter the -ugh
ears .1 her mother when the child weal generally tontf-r with their fee'. Rub -
born, and it wits a fins baby. I: was hers make them very tender by over-
awes:1y a year old when the family sent heating and mustier them to perspre.
for ine to count and nurse it in its last They eh odd .els be worn dent g stormy
sickness. The little thing died • week or stu..hy vseathrr, toad even theft shoold
&K..., and that doctor rase consumption as be re...eved as 11441•11 as ,.lie min rs the
the disease The child was really kissed knee. They draw the feet. keep then'
to death. Site was a sweet little b.hy het and ••..5 with peropir•twoo-then as
and the first ease in the faintly. The o a• 1 te f•P• l0 ti into the air the
graudinother, two aunts and an uncle fee' as' the etemtuy I
lived tbere--the young couple boarded Moe noticed that *be 111111111Pfll put dry
at home.--aud the baby was awakened *tram or piece* uf new•papers in 5 •
out cf its sleep every day to he carried , Ind:itorn .1 their hoots. I nivel h•sr
down and *been to rtattors and kissed ' often need the latter. and eye assort.
by the company end all it. lelattVel. 1 you that ft in a good pre0001.Iva &va'n'
The allotber was sick a good deal and eon, feet This im . do't-elms me intro
would send for noe off and on to take: p•oo r 4.r 'taw abierns the tieriipttin
care of her. Th. y had that baby at the ' rr. n cool k.-rpe the feet dry. - Philaden
table in • hirlo chair when it was three ; Heave.
months old, and every one of them • _
w ould kiss it half a ,:ezen tittle* before
the meal was over. They bandied it so
much it didnt have a chance to grow..
just wasted away and grew thinner
e very day. A tin baby would wear u at
if it eas innietzed at:d kissed con:inual-
Remarkable (see .r au flee?.
Sot., -Teo yeare ago I had an ulcer
on (55) ankle Burdock Mood
Petters te be a wood blued peritier. 1 got
$ t and a le x Burdock Healmz
Ointment aud after mune three bottles
and owe., ,xes 1 was completely cured,
mud reo I?. tl. IS when.
hies W. V. HONP,
ilrantforl, Ont.
into en earthen bowl. Cut wafer-like Ogles. Versos gislislave.
slices of herne made !read, remove the sv7v a writer :0 -1'""
crust, 'lightly butter them, and spread One deY was "k"^ with chill" and
them with the strained sardines. Cover headache -- Even that my iIl et.erny.
the sandwiches closely with a napk:n els mil. wm 9" hall • • V 'I ' ankle x
then rim 'ring a Ix It:had gained access tll -------, cold d I Ivan looking flews") to
em in a place until ,you •11,1 tonP•7.1 a •
the premiers', and removed nearly the
.' --- ' are read to se • th e geatiese. L:eepleto night. in my des-
ntitle stock of cloth diet had been left t Y s*:vs em• 4.6
/ 51"Ati, n I reined • raw ont oo ar. ' alow•
therein. When it was dyne no one 1 Cream Waffles Wenn are too den- ry a. 11,,,, went
to bo.1 with warns
knows. A strong suspicion i reset upon . Claus a breakfast dish to be left off MIT /..,
certain polies, and 1 restitution is not : tables. They are easily made, and when I .k. 10 '',"Traf:.rter. eh"' Pre.'"
made legal action will be taken. , come the "knack ' of baking them is ac- w•-fiOu i• ID IlVe flaInllIell. arl• lowly.
i quired there will be no trouble in the wald the olerrine free frera wahine
A young man named Light., who hasd ' dnties Oar h. co
been working in teem, stole away from ' •
conking Atnateur cooks often fail in and tea", for a -aY 4 a '3
' this dish because they do not heat their ly but strum; (rood will hr appro.:toed
his bearding house the other night. and to ti oes as • utecliciee. and if evicting'',
skipped, leaving nearly $20 board an
plod. Such an *mem is mean enough
under ordinary circumstances, but it is
• great deal meaner when the hoarding
house keeper. as is this ;tag*, is a widow
and can't •fford to lose any znowey.
We believe the youth went to Wuod-
.n..un Trle Iren a on
the stove b,i, perfectly, if the weree iota would torn three *ttrlition to Feist tog
are to be etrfectly baked The hest a 111541e1 "'1"Ti filth the etr°" .c,,,t
wictle irons are the revolving kind sad* taken out that t outs t'ie breath so un
by American manufacturers. The best I pleas. n tly , families' will be putting their
American irons are net too high, nd
pil!i' the cellar by the barrel, an d
elm. in sizes to lit without a crack the doctors would take to onion
all .izss of stoves. A good iron of this ise. .e (fl( -fl acts as a a r 1.
stock. --Clinton New Era.
kind costa 11 tl.end will last a life -tens. ,
diuretie and nisi' help to break up • 1-iti
Mr Jowls L. Oinzerich, .of the 12th . Cream we'es are especially delicate we 'ease' thb t al vimPfmn•• se.,1 •
, Tockersmith, died at New! Take half • Mot of milk half • pint of doet.,r• -I always *tom a barrel of oc-
Han.burg. on. Tilesday, the 4th inst. ' creme, half a snip of hatter, salt and four , ions ir, my cellar durtag the fill. We
lir and Mn Omgench. • week previous- *flak Boit the butter t., " re add . have e.,ens e .oked. twice a week, and
ly,.went to . New Hamburg to visit ' the yolks of the and then the 'milk whoever 4 f the family.ta threatened voile
friends. .Vt. hile there he wee taken down ' boa then „int rf ne„ through which' a cold eats some onions raw. If this
with la ',wise, which resulted in inflame- is large teaspoonful of baling powder has vegetal's:* were generally eaten there
Ye been sifted . thm add the c m and would he ton diplithericrheurnatisni.e. in,
minion of the large, and in three da
ueoved fatal. The remains were taken best the whole very ,.• inrIasi, end inttimers, kidney 'sr storovseh troubl'
keine lor interment, and the funeval was
very largely attended by ?timid. of the
falsely, on the Friday ((Alone's. Mr
Climgerish wee 67 years of age. H6 was
a worthy sod estimable citizen. and bad
many friends and no ememov H.
lakires a widow mod family ot children to
mu the Ines et • kind and indulgeot
husband and careful and thmightfal
father. •
light. and Iset of all add the wham of
the airs. This is • nett holiclay recipe
for waffles. The simple raised watflee,
mad* wok • quart nf milk, half • cup of
hotter, a quart of dour, • este of yeast
sad twat ans. are elan debater's eneugh
for hohdayre also. They shield be am
the Diehl before, and will be mealy in 50 "hot. enr." •" beet "rnotir
the Is °raise to hake if the, have been rte produced hr !hermit anti half
kept is a warn place trouble". 2
Is Oor filmed irbalittelle.
The past two miasma have been s,
Mealier that thousands are 'necked 11
cough", eolds, heateenees, hollow ?a,
asthma. broachttis, etc. To these we
moons mer d Hagyard a Peeve's! Halm m
• New end Diellistat norm .f Disease
which alateirao lhuradirto Reado.
t nem 14•4110 of Them Rer4114441 Freda
1 , Perheit Healoh and
1 Orporb Physical Ilteeaty.
1 A great 'Ando%
1 Physician says that
he notes a new and
distinct form of
inervous disease pro-
duced in Canadian
women by Worry
about servants aild
overwork in caring
Fs the home. This
10 on:y teo trJe. 1. is why 01 101 so many
1„ ladies pale, weak, languid, and suffering
from headaches and innesaerabk weak-
er...4es. They cannot stand tbe strain upon
their nervous system. Many them have
found the mcszu t sustain their failing
strength, to give color to the cheeks, and
new life and vigor to the body, in Paine's
Celery Compound. This pure and scientific
remedy is civet -tally adapted to the needs
of woman, and is done making the most
retnerkable cures. Mn. W. E. Cooper,
6n St. Hypolite St., Montreal, was for a
long tree troubled with nervous headadlies,
los of appetite, low sprits. etc. After
ming the Compound. her headaches dis-
appeared, appease was good, and bo spirits
reel ved.
, 01 River Bearden',
P Q, fennel the Compound a certain core
for weakoesa, and now keel as well ma she
ever did.
Many a Canadian lady has the lerall
rtswin to be grateful.
Paine's Celery Composted can he pur-
chased at any druggist's for one dollar a
bottle. If be should not have it on 104,
crier direct hewn Wat..ns, Rieman.* st
Co , MortTo fa t.
•011111 Sean' AS 1ILY U P
• 021.1C T
1 III I NEM minim Ow • II I 11 1.111111 yilosmic••••
Mom =iiiisseaderabitehnee actIto pseseseljaratairebrge. To=
Ze= te seed toe =le ef stay teedy 11111all.01 istetycicorr readers wise ham
rrieStVa thiZ 0* 55 106 1111•011171rAdi=0114.. TO1161414. 0111TAIISO.
Ho you sleepers,
Rub your peepers
Open wide each eye;
Don't be creepers
Bargain reapers
Now's the time to buy.
EON 8850.5555
FtestalClass Stock of Persil UM. trmush as PARLoit !SUITES, B((0510011 SOITICS, 1)151-
1)10 TABLES, LOUNG101, Sc.
My alai Ms always bees to keep Ping Oars Punta ere. The past will speak for it.S There
are 110050 who mord, the country for cheap gooliasad palm them of se tint Chid Booth.
Ta101 will owe itself.
la esdintaklay 1 have everything In VIP found is • Ardebes maahlehmeet. I WM the
eldest and most experienced lituatwel Ilireetr.r in the 1.erptyoaTlalf as TWOS bitten
CHA1t0E...4 )1010EitaTE.
Westot.. Cloddish. between P.O. and Dank of Montreal. 11100.1a.
Boots & Shoes
New Spring floods Just arrived in sU the Newest and Must Approved Style*
in the Dominion.
Prices lower and goods better than ever 1 have the largest
stock west of Toronto, and can suit you both in good,. and prices
Promptly attended to and Satisfaction Oust anteecl.
Please call and Examine Goods
and Prices.
Cor. Esat-at. and Square.
Begs te um 0 Ince that he la now agent for
The Liquor -Tea Compally's Colobrated Toas
Your choice ot one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volume
by the Best Authors, given with every 3 lbs.
Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuably Library without feeling
the expense.
1say .4 Mesa
II merely to stop theta for a tims. sad thee
have then mere 1 MEAN A RADICAL CURE. I have made the disease of Pito.
Eprlopsy or 11110knotes a ide-leag study. 1 warrant ay remedy to Owes the
worst cases. Becomes ethers have failed is no reason for not now recettneg a ca. -e. Send at
once for atonal" and a Free 1114P4e5. of my Infallible Remedy. Givi Express sad
Post Office It cestayee tar a trial. and it will cure yoe Ainlreas:-111. el• ROOT.
Goderich Foundry and Machine Works,
RITNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors.
m's Li6;
• eliti,..S.Sfrap [scoots,' ,rifotattihn roller?
sicots.,t,ovcos ....nellurrnenarieTurici
I -
Prte, 17,41-1C ON HANDOWOR VALI:
Land Rollers - - - Price $22.00.
=IOW atti.r..43
Having made arrangements with the JOHN DOTY
We are Prepared to Quote Prices to
Parties in want of the same.
iumpAkixte 0.AJEETIZsTralB ON' At.T....L. =I21•131S
A Will CUM
Pallistuoossess, . MAMMY
NM% • eisziostwa„ soca
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trimetems„ uvea ANO Iltrotia.
Trim asie owswerT
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TO elemesea Same animate or Tee
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Pam atteaded to at NOORRATR PRIM
siltielm appoint* the U. S. Potosi 00.
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age them 'memo teem WAIMINOTON.
Send MODEL OR ORA 7fl WO a&
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'owe Wake CHARON CrteLRS8 FIR 01-
We refer. heroluM the As* but
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010011. Meat Oaks W01iljG.