HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-2-28, Page 4S 2 3. TVI[ THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, FEB. 28, 1890. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Cn1�N1110 11101. -.-.amat.,,..a., at..., -REAM - HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. SANTAI. (PAIS M) AIX MPLL10111 DOLLARS - B. E. WALKER. GENERAL. tMAwaalt&. QODERICH BRANCH. A Desetiu l SAtwttrto Business TRANSACTED. FAR01Etts' No Dtscottrrr[a DRAFTS Milereh FAYASi.J AT AL POINTS IN GAMMA, ANO TIS PRINCIPAL crime IN no UNITED STATES. GMAT BRITAIN. FRANCE, )bei seutrw, Aa SAVUISS SANE IMPAIRMENT. DEPOSITS OF 1111.00 AND UPWARDS RACEIVEq AND 011111MINT RATES OF INTENAiT ALLOWS!) . us.w EST ADDED TO Tat PDINOSPAL AT Test RAO OF MAY AND mo IKNISE t ►N LAWN TSAR. 1141.0410.000. $700.000. Speelal AtNNNes gives is Nes OoNestis. s Ossweserielsl Paper. sad Fanners' Sides Motes. be futon #ignal A PVILISmgn EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, AT eye WTeAN PPINTI!na orrice : NORTH -STREW'', OODERICH. Bt is a wideawake local newspaper. devoted 4i county news sad the dia.emtnst ice of use - fel knowledge. SATES OF e4 lEIWEIrrI. e M• year : 7Sc. to six months; leo. for Me months. If the subscription is not paid is advance ubscriptioa will be .barged at the rate of $2.00 a year. ADTFitriel%C RATES Lasa) and other casual advertisements. los. per fine for Ant insertion. and 3 cants per line for each subsequent insertion. Measured by • nonpareil eerie. Local notices in nonperiel type 5c per line. Local notices in ordinary reading type it pe word. Business cards of six lines and under $3 per year. AdvertisssieaL of Lost, Found. Strayed. tttaatiess Vacant. Situation Wanted and amines. Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines empanel $1 per tnooth. Horses en Sale and Farms on Sale, not to exceed 1 lines, $1 for Aro month, 5ic per sub- sequent month. ub- seeuentmonth, Largvradvte in proportion. Any special notice. the object of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any niitl- vldnal or comps to be considered an ad vertisement and charged accordingb. These terms will in all cases be strictly ad- hered to. Special rates for larger advertisements, or advertisement, for extended period,. :rade known at the once of publication. J011111ff DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing Mee is carried Ca in connection with the ordinary newspaper business, where free -vias work is turned out at reasonable rates. Everything in the print- ing line can be done on the premises from an Illuminated poster to a visiting card. All communications must be addressed to _ R ReGILLICENT. Editor of Ttis Monet Telephone Cal. No. 30. Ooderich Ont. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, FIB. !E Ertl WEST HURON. It is usual about this time of year to hold the anneal 000vention of the Re- form Party in West Huron, but up to data we have heard of no move in that direction. The existing lethargy is to be more particularly regretted, as it is • well-known fact that Ontario is on the eve of a general election. In most of the other constituencies of the Province R. S. WILLiAMS, MANAOER. amass he on looser will be a candidate for West Huron, no time should be lost in calling the Convection together and endeavoring to make the rough places smooth for his successor. I .4 ('JIA N G E IS NEEDED. The farmers' institstes of Ontario are made up of the more intelligent and pro emissive agricelturists of the province, and the Central Farmers' Institmte, which meets annually, is composed of delegates from the loos/ institutes, and is considered the most thoroughly repre- sentative gathering of Canadian tannin to be found anywhere It is impossible to politically pack this organization, because it is open to every one interested in agriculture ; and it would be aboard to cast any reflection on its standing, se it is officially recognized, and encourag- ed by Government grants to held public, meetings for the discussion of affairs re- lating to the various tranches of agricul- ture. The Central Farmers' Institute, then, may be justly considered an agricultural parliament, mines the power to create or enforce laws, although indirectly it has • great influence in fashioning legislation. Hence the importance of the action taken by the Central Institute recently in session in Toronto. The failure to place a finger on the pulse of the agricslturtet has led many city correspondents to ut.coosciously misrepresent Canadian opinion cn the question of closer relations with the United Stats". Toronto no more repre- sents eprosents the Province of Ontario, so far se the feelings sf the people generally are concerned, than London represents the English mind. The city is not the province. For instance, Toronto is the home of a super -loyal e)� .t composed chiefly of I.ngliobmen wl iiodeaeor to atone for having deserrrt. their native land by continually and vociferously de- claring their undying allegiance to the Crown, and magnifying British connote lion as a tie so sacred that to sever it would be to change the very irstinete, tastes, thoughts, ambitions, religiousness sod physique of Canadians. Toronto is conventions have been held and candi• indeed "dreadfully English," as can be dates nominated, and we fail to see why i seen in the tendency of the wealthy to West Huron's executive should be more become cads and the poor to become dilatory than its neighbors. cadgers. It has recently been proven, It may be said that 1%est Huron has by figures officially given, that one in practically • candidate in the field in the every thirty-two persons in Toronto is person of Hoe, A. M. Rosy, the present in receipt of public charity -that is, in - member, but this is no reavoo why dependent of private charities or church chances should be taken, so far as the relief. And it was also shown that Riding is concerned. No man is • can- while there are few Canadians testiest didate for any re -anion until he has an- borne among those receiving dole, the ncunced himself so to be, and up to date Englishmen lead in the list of recipients, Mr Roes has given no sign that he will and by • large majority. Toronto is continue in public life after the expire- very English. tioo of the present legislature. If he But if one will visit the smaller towns has done so. Tete Steerat has certainly in the province, and penetrate the rural heard nothing of it. But we have heard, districts when the native born Canadian and so have many of c.ar readers, that it is almost the only class of resident, • is quite possible Mr Roes may not again different state ot feeling is quickly die - take upon himself the cares and worries covetable. The farmers of Ontario are of public life, and in the absence of any almost a grit for ;roe intercourse with definite information on the subject, or the United States. The votes taken in any statement to the contrary on the part the local farmers' institutes, and the re of the Provincial Treasurer, we believe it solutions adopted by an overwhelming is the best policy to have matters so Cr- majority at the Central institute recent - ranged that even the volostary retire- ly, show the trend of thought so far as merit of the sitting member will not commercial relations with the neighbor. effect the fate of the constituency at ing republic is concerned, and if Mao the coming election. means cheer political relations farther Because West Huron was carried at on the Ontario farmer, having put his the last Provincial election by a ms;e.rity heed to the plow of progress, will not of 347 is no reason that the figures given look back; and having foetid that it pays represent the normal msjcrity of the to clear away the toll gates that ribbed Riding, or that even Mr Rots., with the him to make the ''e-mrwunity rich. prestige of • Cabinet Minister, could ob- is now enlarging the scope of his action tate it, or • fraction of it. again. There and is preparing to help to wipe out the were factors in the last election which toll (Abdo at the burden, or to limit the we will not now state, but which en- amount of toll to as small a figure as doubtedly comtribote4 to the abnormal possible majority. These factors do not exist 1 The reason why farmers in this prow - today. Well, then, if under existing ; :nee favor untrammelled trade with the conditions the vote of last elect inn could republic to the south is very apparent n ot he reached even by the present Pro- i Most of them have lived in Canada all i t ✓ ial Treasurer, how latreb more dig+- their days. The few who are not native Nit world be the task of a new candidate, born are the early pioneers who helped picked op at the last moment, in the to clear the country and make it what it event of the retirement ot ,the sitting is. The olde.men remember the hal- IDemiu, eyes days cf the Reciprocity Treaty, when Thtsit will be mese that an immediate agriculture was smiling, and when trade 1•IINiks of the Wert Moos Reform and commerce were satisfying. With the Ar tONMinn, and the early placing of a yoenger men that happy period is • cawdldsle in the field is an absolute family tradition, popular slId unforgot necessity. if Hos A. It Ross is means! Isle '."..• have seen old merehanta i• to be the candidate of the Reform Party tf own town rub their hands in • plass- ,in West Heron, it is only right that his ami pill rufetfsl memory as they spoke ewppurters should know it. if. on the � 1 � 11 d•te *bee the Rsoirivgjll other hand. he iee tired of rabbi miles, > g the spa theest deserved o t i c I it if plyeiid sail • s•ty'itothsr *ISMWith the stir of ineerr- basal Walla And N hire kacwa old farmers to straighten up and smile 41. meat every wriakle oat of their well - lined imees as they talked of the golden days toe the tiller of the soil whoa the old treaty was is rugse. Led in every twee these men were sager to see • is ▪ of roaiprweity or anything akin to it; ; and rather thee getting nothing at all they wen willing to go the whole length of anaezatiou. The desire for the filmset possible cue - motion with the liaised States will not decrease in Ontario. Geographically the anion always existed. The Creator made the two lands u -us, and accident km ported them ; but what O.d has joined together no man should keep asunder. The unites of Canada and the United States, commdreially and other. tries is as inevitable, and even more amoral, than was that of England mad Scotland, Nature and the tendency of the age favor it. Not only the lakes and rivers, bat the railways, the motile and even the roads and common highways of each seem to invite traffic from the other. And again, the Canadian population of the United States is a great factor in drawing the two countries closer to- getherThe Canadian who has been ed" individually has aot deterior- ated in any way from his brother who has remained at home. During the pest seven years as many Oaths -tans have gone to the other side of the hose as were barn here in the same period. We have not kept our natural increase, and but for immigratioc the population would actually have fallen off in that time. In some of the big counties, population has actually decreased since 1881. So have farm values. The Ontario farmer is human, and when the matter comes to • vote only the strongest party man will be found voting against his own socket. And as there are many more rural than there are city constituencies the farmer will carry the day. Ta. official count in Haldimand gives Montague a majority of 227. At the last election Coulter had 46. At this rate of changing 200 or 30U majority doesn't amount to a bill of beans, so far as a dead certain election is coneerned. The Paisley Advocate ase its tgenty- fifth anniversary last week, and brought out a special edition,cootaining a histori- cal aketah 1,f the town, the story of the establishment and rise of the Advocate, and a number of illustrations of public men of the seciloe, peat and present. It gives evillest". of prospenty. 11' RAs been suggested to Tate Siei:lAt that the town property known as the Old Agricultural Park, north of Hamilton- st., could easily be converted into a pleasant little public park. We think the suggestion a good one, and hope to see our town councillors take action up- oe it at an early date. The property could easily and cheaply be improved im the manner suggested. Hoer. WrtuAii CArLav died in To- rooto last Sunday egad 83. He was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, and was called to the English bar in 1834, and came to Canada a few years later. He was elected to represent the united counties of Huron, Perth and Bruce, in the old Canadian Parliament, In 1846, over Mr John Longworth, and again elected over the now Hon. Justice Gwynne. le 1851 he was defeated by Hon. Malcolm Cameron. In 1854 he was elected over Thos. !McQueen. ID 1867, wbeo he introduced the subject of protection to home industries, he was defeated by Mr John Holmes, of Gode- rich township, father of the present County Treasurer, and in 1861 by the present Registrar, Mr Jas. Dickson. This ended his attempt to continue in parliamentary life. He was Inspector General for Canada. He afterwards was Provincial Auditor for Ontario, and was Registrar of the Surrogate Court, Toronto, giving up the latter office in 1883. The spring assizes will be held at Goderich, commencing on the 31st of March. The most important case to n -me up le the alleged poisoning ease of the late H. .1 Whitely. The spring sit- ting of the Court of Chancery will be held on April the 14th. Leer roe flee Warr. -E. Lindsey El- ect d, barrister, left for South Rend, Washington Territory,onTbersdaytmnv, - iag Mr Elwood was born and *duetted is Goderich, and studied law in the of- fice" of Cameron, Holt & Cameron and E Campion, Q C., of ibis town. At the last exam. at Osgood, Hall,Toninto, he eteceeded in becoming a barrister. We wish him every success in his new field of labor. Ter. Hot* &moot. EwraiTanrlrettl- The entertainment given ender the see - piers of the Huth School Literary Soviet wets a very successful affair. Mr Clark well *Detained has reputation as an els- euti..aiet, his rendering of the "Chariot - Rees,' from " Ren Har". being most th ril- lieg indeed. Throe/hoot the entire pro- gram he *bowed himself molter of kis art, sod the rich, sellifloowe tones as- sesed is the irish Noire* of Con, in "The Shangrau* " wee a pleasing ehtiige from the generally seoepted pegs Trial, where mieprwte.ei•ttees i* enseidered the genote. aniele. The singing of Mrs CI•rk woe very mesh enjoyed, es was at- a the plying et Miss Cook, who pre- sided with her afetal ability. TM assehweseeee Sam4btaa-m. The Directors of the Northwestern Es- hibitios met last Salnrday to eesaider the date for the fall show this year and other matters eonneeted therewith, all the neses►ers being present As the In - duettist lair will he held la Toronto from the lith to 90th September, sad the Western Fair at London will likely oe- en y the week following, it was deeded to sleeks as Dearly as possible the same dates as lest year, tent to begin on Moo- dey, es es b allow the people of this eseries to take in "the big day" at the Industrial, which will be on Monday. Some matters I. dispute regarding prime at former shows, and an woof et, were referred to etmmittee for adjustment, and the secretary was inrtrweted to send to the secretaries of other leading fain the an•ueocemest of the dates selected here. The committee on revision of the prise list will hold their first meeting shortly, and anyone having suggestions to make as to changes or impruveneets therein will please hand them to the Secretary er any of the directors. Several of the local poultry fanciers are heaths g them elves on • special prise list which they purpose having added to the regular list. Amongst the special orgies will be several liberal sums to be offered by Mr Thomas Myers, of the Rotel Spice Milts, York and Hull, Eog- land, for animals to be fed on his /smog (tattle food. Mr Myers was in town Ibis week making the proposition, and full particulars will be gime shortly. AUCTION SALES. All parties setung their sale bilis printed at this odice win get • free aotiee inserted is this list up to the time of sale, Sale of farm stool of Thos Lacey, on lots 2 and 3, Heyleld road,Oudench town- ship, on Mu:uday, March 3rd, at l o'clock p. m. The stuck will all be told without referee, ss Mr Lacey is giving up dairying. John Knox, auctioneer. Sale of farm stock and implements of Geo. McKee, on lot 103, Maitland con., Goderich township, 2 miles from (lode - rich, on Huron Read, Friday, Feb. 28, at 1 o'clock p.m. The farm will be put up for sale at the same time and place; it not sold will tic to rent. John Knox, auctioneer. Sale of valuable stock of Wm Mal - lough, cemproinc, besides tint -claw homes, etc., several herd of thorough- bred shorthorn cattle registered in the Dominion herd book.) no his premises at Dungannon. Friday, Feb. 28th. Alen at the same time and place 37 village Iota is Dungannon will be offered for sale. Jos. Mallough, auctioeear. The Sault Ste Marie Netts Reye: -N. D. Morrish, of Goderich, Ont., has ac- cepted the position of prescription clerk in Prior's "Medical Hall ' McLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR is a preventive and core for La Grippe. THE MA R KETS. BREADSTUFFS ANO PROVISIONS Ce/eel!! , 4uattsrcm. Feb. 27. 1110 Wheat ........ A ' o A Flot:r, ei bail........,.,.,..,,..... t 1e t b M Oats, • bush ................... 025 • a m Peas. p bush .................. 0 54 W 054 Burley, a bush 0 able 0 0 N Ali tatoee,new Oltt>Ia.......... to D 10 Hay. toe ....................... 00 O 7 A ego, tram emenesee � N5o.... .,0ta 11 Shorts. i toe... ................. 14 00 g 14 M Bran •toe b00A13M ChoScreenings. i pod Ste,. etre 0 00" 1 00 Wood............. 300 4 A Hides ......................... 2 1e ' 3 A Woo. ..... .. •M" 00g ttlteeeskane.. ... c 0 75 " I N ,ibessed Hoes • cwt $ 30 " 0 ro Apples d hush 000 " 0 A Mases 1- -Ntasa. Feb. 50 to Fan Wkest.new end it 4 •sir to Berta wheat.. • 70 ti N 4'....,.„ _ 0 S, ttoo Apelsa twU0411e. �!»1 NI to PisisMtla • to to Sitter.....„.. a IS b 0 10 to S 00 to Cssdtsw� .. $ 00 to Hist ............. •0Mlo w ... ... to Itis!..Y a 75 be Li. 500 0 04 002 0 40 0A 3M !a0 0 IS 0 IA 7 00 4M as°a She People's Column. WANTED A? ONCE. - GOOD . r gaunt eervaat Apply "MRS 00118 KAY. ANTED. -A COMPETENT (}eek. Most be mod ironer. Apply ise. neadiasely to MRS. G A RRO W . 4th t rpo FARMERS -1 AM PREPARED 1 to pay as kith se ELM r•r cord for Ont. ekes.ing bol iand bre advanced the aim to$1 a thousand. Will buy them at the farm if skidded or delivered. Secoadclses pee shingle* for sale, $1.10 par Wears. JClS. KiiDD, Jr. 4ift DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the partner- ship heretofore seining between J. C. Disler sed ThosD. W. Detlor, as Omen' Meridi- an*.has been dissolved b y mutual comsat. JOHN C. DIITWII. TNo f. D. W. DIiTLi1 L R.OW♦ROAULEYD t Witaunre. X. f Oederich, ea 211th. IgE 43.21 .. DURHAM BULLS FOR SALE. - The subscriber has for eek 2 young liar - ham bulls. 11 months old, also 1 three year old Durham lull good colors. Registered is the Dantean Had Book. Pekes to suit the them. J.O. T DICKSON. 43 It. Castro/soot Farm. tiddler. Goderieh P. 0, Tuckeremlth. MUSiC LESSONS -MISS AGGIE THOM80N is prepared to give moats lemma on the mw. parti- culars !squire at Oeeuu, R'. Thomson., Meek Ston. f. THE HURON HOTEL, 'This well -keens and popular hotel be tees refitted and ea favnsd during the net season. � .ase d is new eemeg le nois quality of act - 'fee tie eatM, CRA t travelling pntdio. Good 1141111011hy . $erlv,, pmt.Proprietor FOR SALE. FAmis I have• number or hems kr sale in differ- ent phos se Ontario. Aspen are aware, farms www never s ekesp is this prwvinoe es si the rseases prmesss time,, and If you wast a fare, I'snail are Hafted i vas adl y "ow' If your mswne are l ited I yea • Arta es • small Cennee of percNess money at s low ran w is- tyerria, thee enabling yew se omens a home et ewe IOWIf yew have means mid Ile I eau give yea as Nese sstfor syew vemsey as yell i ntrfU ad jw�a of gleams tier sale MY 1UHlr J. =Sty M Elmger mer ( 15 RER CENT. OFF _ rO a g TWO WEEKS. l tane. Owners, te C ros'rsns. @newts. Fascist erte. and I All Heavy Winter Goods I A. REID & BROS WANTED. -50 CURDS OF WOOD, sad 45 tons of Dba�yy,. In mamma, fee or - Dentistry. muss and eewi tnecblscs d fife . ng to the world. G. W. THO11e0N,`kef ` x4- NICHOLSON, L. D. f3. 4 i.1 m Goderica. /IA • TENDERS WANTED. - SEALED Leaders will be received by the trustees of 8. 8. No 1, Ashfield. ftp to the 10th day of March. 1010. for the building of • stone teasel - atlas under school house. Plan and specifi- cation can be sea at the post otte. Piet Albert. The trustees do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. By order of the Trustees. THOS. HAWKINS. 43 St. For Bale or to Let. VICOUSE FOR SALL-THAT 0031- FORTABLIC dweUlag base, situated ea the owner of Colburie and Watersoe-et. The hones is coevealeatly located within a shirt diseases of the business part of the Spare, and tea meet desirable property. For particulars apply cm premiere, or aol�ess MRS. NuiltruN. Box et, Goderich P.O. FARM WANTED. -FOR A CLIENT, m a farof IM acres or lees• situated weer the town of Goderich. Appy is It. C. HAYS. is-tf Solicitor. Gaderieh. FOR SALE. -FOURTEEN ACRES of the south part of Let No, 1, in the fourth concession. Western division of the township of Ash- aeld• heir` the property of the tate Jas, Heppler. Kill be •old cheap and w terms. Appl to Memrv. cisme k: Proo d toot. or Bax , liaderich. 44 -It riot) RENT. -Two HOUsE8 ON 1 temiley-is. on. block from the Square. For particulate apply to 10-tt MRS F. SMEETH. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned will offer for isle the fal- lowing very desirable fares. consisting of the essserly 110 scree of Block "F," in the 7th cow oe,af is of the Towssbfp of Colborne in the County of Huron. This farm is situat- ed Si mile, from Ooderich. and 1 mike from Carlow. on the Main tiniest Rood. Tere is a geed frame homey l* storeys. almost new. N by 3E coetalehtg 7 rooms a with cattle abed. 3 by 14. attached. andel bent II one of the deceit orchards in the township. It is watered b a never -failing spring creek sad a stood well About 110 acres cleared and tree from stamps. There is so waste land of any kind on the place. Good school within lin rods of the souse. Will be sold on reasonable testa. For tams and furter particulars apply to JNO. BRECKENhtlDGE. or JOSEPH McK WN, Godeviot 6- on the prwmbe. VIRST CLASS BRiCK HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON ST. PATRICK ST. -About two minutes walk from the Square. Two stories high. brick addition in the rest li stories high. building covered wan slate. Main building has 3 large rooms on first flat, upetaire there are S large moms. In the rear addition there are kitchen. pantry, washroom i. U girls room and'uthroom. Also good cellar. Apply to the undersigned, who will give all m icem•ry information, Otf. DANIYLGORDON , FARMS AND TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALE. -Lot 12, is Maitlsad Con C.olbarne, Iltscres-a very fine .farts. Price Lot lit t in 1st con. iC 1). Ashfleid. acrea price l$l& Lots 43 mad 44 in let (os. Khaki.,. Bruceonntl 100 acres. Will be sold very ebrep, lots IS. Mead Wt of 17. is the geb cue. Wawaaush. 505 acres ofexcellent land la one block. Prize $15,000. Lot 73.111riotgtan's Survey, Town of Oodericb. Price onlyW. Lot 14. lows of Oodericb. on Light oene street with brick house end stable. Price oily Salk Lots fr17, 37*. 1013 sad pt. 1N4 Tows of Ooderieih, pearly ph of an acre is one block within the 'runner. part of the town. Prins oily ISM The above proper- ties will lie sold at easy terms of pa) Moet Apply to C. SEAGER. Ooderick. N.B.-Mese" to lewd at very low rates. 17 FOR SALE. West half of lot 1151. Arthur Street., wtH I nmrII brick cottage thereon, BUILDING Lola, 11i. 198, 344. 345, Eight Street. 8t. Andrews Ward. t31, case' of Hama and Firanie Britanniat=eetlow on Keays ad half land. Several lots in Reeds Par vey, opposite nee thew Grounds, vitt : Noe 33. >K X30. 00. b4. 50. M. U. All the shove at tOW RATES, Apply to res DAVISON & JOBNBTON Executors' Notices. S. . t1TORROFCHR1STOPS- BM late of the Township of CRs• M the Monty of H nrea, yeoman, dm was died a or shout the 4th day of February, Al),.)A0. sad all ethers taring °Lim.e against Ala estate are hereby at.,, iAed to bend by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to the undersigned *inciter for William tier - rows and James tetewar•t. Mementoes of the estate ase effects of the said deceased, at hie Dace in the Town of lioderk•h,o . or before t be 15th day of March nes t, their Christian names and wrnsate'a, addressee and dew•ription. the fen partkuien of their claims. a stetemenu of their accounts and the nature of the securities Of •oy) held by them, sad in default thereof• and teamsdlately after the mid 13e1. day of March the amens of the said t'hriatephar Stewart, decssbed. will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto. having rv► only to claim* of which melee 1 have heels ghee as above requite - ad. And this notice ha%Ing been ghee soder tttstwtes nit ° mararb�Chhaap. lifohs Revised e, the evermore will not be liable for 'hi' said assets or say part thereof to say oerens of whew ektm melee shell not have bees received at the time of such dktrtbutles, Date this 13th day of Fetresry�,l� L. Sell fitter tee the taseuti e memo sseNiise+, ItSHANIIOIK • SHANNON, DIY t J. I. Ig4tl sat theisrish l Bid il Bid." DENT L R00348, Eighth deer belt, :the Peet Odds. Wallet. Wormiest. DR' E. RICHARDSON, LDAIL ' Rt'ROEON DENTIST. Oas and Vitalised Air administered f paialeeseattactiag of teeth. dpet;ial atteatlos sive to the Nagel-talond the Naturally free stain. Grand Opera House Naris. Settees. en TWm .St,, Gedarieh, 3301-11 Loans dna insurance. N. LEWIS. Barrister, Prestos In • llsaritima Court ; Matey to teas at a. per mat., private hinds. Straight lona, it tweet yearly. mots very moderate. Po' Particulars call personally or write. 11 VL !'1 SEAUER, CLERK FIRST DIVISION COURT. Conveyancer. insurance. Kstate and tiemari. Agent. Money to Lend at Low Rates and Cost. Partners' Notes Discounted. Orrscs-Next to Cornell's Furniture Store Goderick. tlydtf F J. T. NAFTEL, LIFS, FIRE AND ACeWE3'T I�- SUR .4 NCB 4UENT, Representing North British t Me centile Nortth Amerika' Lom ite Globe: url Attci�ktLlav: anee of North Americo Lowest Raise. Loewe settled ;; Money to Lasa on parte and Towny Ptwesrt Conveyaaclag dose, Property valued, stn, y ONen-Cor. Nertheit. end equine. Gods lek. 71 - PRIVATE FUNDS V�Te lent on tarsi and town property, at los st etatere,C. Mortgagee purchased. To cue. mmeca charged agents for the Twat cad Dempsey of Canada, the Canada Credlt Company. tie Leedom Leas Camps of Canada. interest, & in and 7 per emit N. B. --Borrowers can obtain 'mew In day, if DAVISONitleftory, ,' Asiter� isle DA IeON fCBeJrTCYHR`eles ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON 11101,r *CAMERON. Goo: rich. "SS MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE ammo of Private Feeds for Iavestser. ♦t lowest ramps "rattles. Mortgags Appy tie MARROW a PROUDFOOT R RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSITRANCU,, REAL ESTATE AND MONEY LOANING AGENT Osify PSrstdw Cayman Represented SW Money to Lead cm straight loaua, at tt lowest rate of interest gafag, Ia say way :o suit it. .orrower. sir orFiC6-Second deer from square West Street Godorich. lCStf Least. C A M P I O-31, BARRISTER. �• Sotictter Notary Public, e t e. Odoe -Over raSt 's Dg ere. the reams formerly occ b Judge Doyle. Mal It C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, ae . God; ovvo 9gwsre Zelda nd Westrt rata funds Wield at 0 percent. �en000 Cl ARROW & PROL'DFOOT, BAP. T Itl$TERB Attarasy , Goderich J. T. Darrow. W. Pre Prevail**.• 1: CAMERON, HOLT A CAMERON, ave .awMC Q es. Barrister'. Selikeitese Chancery. H ter. Q C.: P. Holt M. l781- Amusements. Cl MECH NICS* i Tt'T% LIBRARY AND READI Y. R0011, one, of East street and Square etc. Opee trees i to 0 p..,, and fres 7 to le p.m ABOUT 2000 VOLS IN LIBRARY Leading Daily, Weekly and Iltwsfrated Papers, Maeoti fes, Ae., ow File, WYMBKRBRIP TICItET, ONLY tuts. tsrmating free use fe� and Read:. RApplication for membership received by Librarian, in rooms. t 1MALC01080N, ORO. envies!. Onderich. MarchMMb, Ne. Secretary Auctlonesrtng. Tofu KNOX fHINERAL AUC TtQNEER and Lead Valuator. Oede ick Om. Havlag bad considerable experteeee t' M*net lotweet asgt trade. be le Is a p5.ltiea beharge with thorough ssattaetlow all aim lesions estroeteit to him. Order's1.,,11.14 srtio's Hese I. or seat by mail to my edeech T. O., earefaliy attended M J KNOX Comity means ser, Mk Societies. �,ItIsPl1Nrc OP Ta TM Pk," zr EUREKACOUNCIL, NO 1 00D M• yrieli. pamrwsae ri_ ertA Blank Notts Si it it T +s► JOHN ACHESON. rts P t W80 Special ' Atter T.� T1' I8 NEW BRANCH IN OUR E The goods are all fresh, in the very 1 Choicest Shades. We invite every lady them. JO H N AC H LIBERALS AND TORIES nag or tee of the meat of Yr. Hotton UNITE IN VOTING FOR SIR JOHN "maguey, the ' THOMPSON'S AMENDMENT. his (ttherbefore b ks said, "vas of Married by a Tele of flee se se --Tae Stet I tell our frieode t ftsUJ stowed the Geverwwaeat w..ard dotttg as no goal b In all my experien some rreawwneed [xprart•Ss of again,,, because eeplsNw-auaHam is not yet Weed bus two-thirds of my i etoeeft(s. C'atboic; nor have Ottawa Feb. 94. -Thos storm whe•b raged isaby a prllat or over the capita! during the i'sst two weele my oosma on hes, for the time at least, blown over but we � A wtiNirl *bell bear more of the dual language question • "The will of the eget.. It will be • prominent feature at tie Waved is order to t seri ge oral a erti,o, sal Mr. itct'arthy vincial autonomy, promis.s it will be a I:ve p litical topic fur this basis Lbs q the rest of hos days, if that time is tie'oessary the Ft•rtx•L are to brkog stout unity of language in Cascada, ground theey will The debate tame to en end at I0 o'clock on the qumti..o Friday night. Mir John Tkompon`s amend- wtive Mr. went war adopted to • vote of 1411 to 50. as already stated Hila aNgntiwst,r Bat upon the L' ' "That this house, having regard to the lir. Mo td)riiartby king continued use of the French language to for• tie on ('Id Canada, and to be ceveioanta on that tarot which Mr. sub ject embodied r t e British North Amen -bean made by in 90 refereast'e to t o Act, cannot bill etagrthe the decimation , t con - unity I f the tamed to the as beets thereof. that it of Justine I is expedient in the interests of the national unity of the Dominion that there •tb -odd be Rep .gain in this communityd las en d both par Language swoops t!`" people ex,t int° voting of Canada. That on the contrary, this Heave, mt rd's neither declare it adherence to the said covenant", lbs pe•rp4 tit tie and its determination to rend any attempt to impair the sems. That at tie anis time this bare deems it expedient and proper, sed not iso „ametteet with thele-ovenanta, that the Legislative Ass enoly of the North -Wed 'tlirr'iturier should receive from the Parliament at Canada power to regulate, after the next general election of to. Asaerultly, the pnr ceedingr of the Amr,nbly, and manner of recording and publiehiug each iroremtings.' The amendment is a rnmpromis. one. It allows the North -wort legislature to abolish THE E the Atrial we of French in the assebly, but leaves its use in the territorial courts to be dealt with by the Federal pariiaoseot, and reaffirms the sacredness of the French privi- leges in old (sands At trove time then wart every indication that the Mem would .•ppuse the amendment because of its pragsee" ive effect in ase r'incing their Jan. -unto in the Ass,mblc But Mir John has again scared them into line. They were given to umderwand that they had to let their language to the Aaiearbfy go or sub - emit to dill further restriction of their privi- leges, and tie vast majority of them marled - e d to accept Use least of the two mat The Old Man succeeded equally well with his Cae- errvative following from Ontario, Defy hell a doers of the Coeeervaurtae from this pro- visoes supporting OcC'arthy in his npetoititm to the amendment of the Minister of Ju.ka Among them who voted with the majority itly were Mics Cockburn and Hmsll, of Tanto. T e eeher Caatr 'v ativw who voted again. the tos.portiimg arwdmest wwe: Bell, McCarthy. McNeill, O'Brien, Tyrwbkt, Weldon, White, d Reafrww, Wilson and l.esmos. The Knelled' epsakiag Liberal who voted the same way were Ara.roag, Hata, (Went worth), Boma, Charlton, Davila. IOUs, tialmore, Heli, lames, Lmdsrkin, Lem Llvhgslom, McDonald, McEntire, Mulock, Paterson, (Brut), Perry, Platt, Robermen, Ruwend, Temple, Somerville. Sotherlend, Weide•, Wates, Weldon, Ott. John), Wad, Wilson, (Elgini, and Foo. • The l.iberatrmade a mad better showing on the division than the Comervatives. Thur. wen two kttndred out d the two Pendred and Wines wombs.+ d the Botha prmost, and they aU voted, except tie Speaker. Fourteen were almost and Saadi- mend is vacant Before the divides was igloos Cot L.yot leaver Tynda was the first speaker d the day. 'The Mystic, sod itrenek mattowaltty " he declared, " is nM a 'Re Death n Cestard nationality as deetlawd by lir. Me- "0 4Y : 'F Chalky But even it it wee we woeM rather P,'nUoa of have it so than have Rica teen for oar fere- Christians, (' Where se he We desire the sect lad b that •e n'e Met h - gentleman to mind their own bmtimma We The Reotwan have to rewpst the rights deed diet end A Poet's O r •t work for the onetime grid of the enact eK : R„ Geese, Nr e A'w$fitA lllw )Otte Bron, n•tiennel t eey a: The bore' ; wit fey Yello:he S hy -two , peeve eacyear) the n whieeir1 send any ' Ren thliee o Ap for a y s Cr. , Iti"t Ts s 1' Mw of are sI eiM• wing fr The feeling of extravagant at last found the Public Aceta investigrtlm Sixty three are priming for eattand wawa per a Were er two rastS The March I � ^"'graph, in n Humphrey, Marshall," • /Nekton, whose troettepieee. articles are '. Eleanor Leyte Palms ' by F Indy Ursula," tree story of woman whit nays; and the furnishes the Fremont's "A "the Cultic t light tittle pe. tsterest Miss tea in Clay," illustrat tons to clay by the the blind A respondence,' eery meows Kaduskak Gt powerful • White's "Ne read with pro wood begin. Titled "Bony is $940 sy Publebers LI The mem Feb. 8th sad e .11ectio se of try f eederse the tittersncee of the baiorpeab or," said Mr. Charlton " in reference to mutual right", but I am not aware that the 'reee-h epeaktmg rommanity of the North - went have any voided rights so fares Isco Rouge is eresivrreed They were tont grsabd such privilege• under the British North Amerk+ Ant as were conferred upon their brethren is Quebec it will be a twlnmlty tf the (trench bold out for their language in the North -went. The dedga of Mr McCarthy', MI is to retrace • fads slop mate in a new hind. Mr. ledgar my. K will drive the Frviseh-Ceisatilses to egwsetiem. What lie ter will they he treater Assertive MON, time t It is sot the tenet importance of his questing to which attention is nailed. tact it I. its import nnre la the Mara It is ssdor to deal with It sow while the gnsfien la a comparatively udsepertent tea Thee Jesuit agitation arrased a aroma public be"tlwrss resp,. ting the dangers about ea Patsleh. ice stress -aare • o dame t, o interfere with itlss"d eticrightdoss hege d lItwataeoH.hstarw�w �e `B.m�l • M • r tlTb. movement to sheikh sepmrab shoals remit ret boat years vee L this HeINIMIL u North wt is esmeareed The Iwtsahb ■ V I W 1t. 'l as well bebowed te et ensu "