The Huron Signal, 1890-2-28, Page 3tootle* the tea to d,. a us...sapless but very making his riatted ths 'arab, and ib the lady Unfortua- ohlt1 Plait ie 1" aired .e. Bleed him woeld bat t borough) d I do hie sk mesh of meet that the en lois- h. WD ito or Coates 14, pee, and 1 d brought iuk it's as sOHI e &1 1 mete Nit ear, sweet mid never hor mum. I know 1 s the test ▪ ti the best and meta every sunset and in, in the :dote IS se Haven r died on and who enlist:, re- rs of th• rc)fl who eted was • cup, will 10 10011 to answer. sufficient/y Nal." said t Biel* s's Iota of but nary a the Lord bees as can mare Care is, Croup. Lus c.f for twenty and effects it freely, ant. len altp. 1 rich 'w.'. t that sltie mg.. • me es! wire large most d with her 'pacts bil t y se she en- trifl. late, r that her and by stele, wittl ointine Ib. ' pew and '. wile !hal re. th*: - SIM NIP toilet wait eicago Tre- illage- dyspepees, Bitters f • • r in opens, r • while. eld, Oat: ! this new any cases. vow - an exertion - al bucket' nina nobility to al txes... le) -Mot I te it very area. I. f to speech On this t has been is se fol - is Pet to the relintinary the nett tie in the coarse of teary cc n- osily em - meetly re- Rroserle, the pr-p- denoseina into tire• 1.ned hy 1, formerly e • eld irt mj beck tine rax*. mit nights reed your After the relieved and coat- i. *LeeOft. se ea- Wm, • NEWS OF THE WORLD. - - I:3111th Maria. Two new Came Of asedlpase were seportai la Mandett. Co hider 11s O'Neill (Neb.) sutler erns Moe been bung; Mt ououu. ineuriesoe SIN" A party of Philarsphia divers bah jell sided front New York to the Holy Lao/ The suer has bas amused diesemilans th the U. A. It ot two ouutheru Wales. A treader almost with no parmergers 0111 boatel is trump ia the Mims 01Matildsra President Harries* hes authorised an 'madame of PAW ea Ithe Itikuta Indiana conualtbse of the Ogee, bar reported .orably ea the 1 1 Copyright 1. 'n Wednesday, at Felten, Ey., D. K. asks murdered Calvin Clements, his step - tether. An inemikess counterfeiter of me dollar silver eerticafts has hem arrested in Chi - At Butte, Mont, Thomas Bryant, la years of age. murdered his mother. He was ar- rested. Farewen & Co.'s extensive dry goo& sr tabliehment in Chicago wee destroyed by sere km, $473,1lM. Congers will probably vote $.D00 to re- lieve the prevailing deritution among the (wakens redskins. Bea. doom a tanner a Rome, N. V., wee ensothsred to death mew a falling load of hay uu Weatmedey eight. The fourth trial of the Navaaa rioters in the United Maths Cut.1 Baltimore resulted be $i murk -tem of rioters. Ose. John A roster. formerly Brigadier Owens' of the Arssericaa army, died in New York from the effects .4 whiskey. The ceased goods partners of Italian& bave a sat/seal organisance. A Natioa- Cabrention will 5.. held at Baltimore May bodies 4 an old couple named Jones found riddled with bullets in • beep of refuse ori their tar.. ex miles from Omaha, Neb. Indian students attending erbool at Car - ler Pa, have nontributel fiSio towards the fund to Mims their starving brethren in tektite. Kansas City brokers and ticket "seaipers" have bees deleeted ha wholesale forgeries by norms 4 Tenet& they obtained railway ticket* et reduced rate.. A rained Board election fight in Wichita. Katmai. engaged a hundred men with tuna end kaives on Thursday, and two were fatally wounded. A subcontauties of Congress has been ap- pointed to have charge at all querions bear Mg upoo reciprocity between the United Mates and Quad.. From jealousy a fanner named McBride, 4 Tipton. Tem., shot and lolled E McNair, hie brother-in-law, on Wedneedey, and thee attempted to murder his wife. The C. . 1 Home Committee on Territories deckled to report favorably on De- legate Carey's bill for the &Mse at the Territory of Wyonanig as a StateP Mrs. L Newton, of lever.., Peen, on Thursday gave birth to four giris. They ere •A ordinary Me, pertly formed and will live. Mr. and lint Newton are both of Inds The United States MOW. have eliminated cisme in the Rumbas Extradition Treaty species -ally emapted from the list of lid cream anaemia mon tie lite 01the or any member of the la tbe British Extradition Treaty objec- tions is ben met, in the rutted /*atm Senate to the damn provultag extradttioa fer prom charged with menstruating- and obtainiag Massey under fate pretences. At Chicago, Robt. Henderson, a member of the Rev. D. L. Moody's „ . , Mut Miss Harr Hind, a number of the eboir, in , the tem and then committed suicide. Hen - derma had deserted his fanilly,nedMies Hind was meowing him. New Vont the historic Rt. Paul's Chnreh, Washington ace hipped, and where .u• exercises. of the Centennial were , nearly robbed of about 113,000 dad- -Ian. worth 4 altar . A pobeeman caught tbe teed. however, While piling np the phonier in the graveyard outride before re- - turning to the church for more. FOUND DEAD IN HER GED. endems Tata,. 011 elf a illassaltaa Wallisaa Typhoid Padear• /reel. Ifintaterse, PW& 19. -Margaret Pukes wee found deed in Mar bed at 3 o'clock this mutt lek. by her husband. Atearding to his own Mary. Psalm ed tale time maw buswth (011r the err time mem the day before. lie elates that he was au badly under the la - flume 4 Wpm tbr night before nett be bait bs • . of whoa his wife came into boom er whether she was in the home gems he reacted bome. He tumbled into bed In this intoxicated stabs and only be- rate' aware of her premiere he the manner seated. nil deceased Waa shout 30 pears of egg and an „ 1, waa Minuet as addict- ed 11, bloor as her husband There Is Wide doubt Lie tumble balsa was the aura 4 her death. '•'`ae couple did not make tree welle the few toighbors armed, and .. ly Mlle is known at their dump Mo marks 01 nobler, were found ea deemed's body. Atter esiquiring into the . of Kra. Pantie' death Cbrotier Woolvertas con- cluded thatsthey dial not demand au inquest, but yieldwg to the desires of alecemens rela- tives for a full tanstiganon he deteradoed to bold one. At about 6 o'clock this morning Edward Hall, • patient 511 5.. male ward of the Ctty Hospital, who Li aufering from a severe at tusk of typhoid fever and who to edema therefrom, war left alms for • moment by the nurse who was attending him As 100S as the Sick man discovered that be was see watched he roue from his bed aad, walking over to • window, opined it and romped out ea to the balreny wider runs along • portion of the ear ward The appal -dire of • maa clad only m a night shirt. whooping like • Seed, caused the pasers.by on the street to pause Tbe delirious nean gazed for a mo- ment at the ground some fifteen or tweedy feet le -tow Mtn, *ea without a recenegan warning be jumped and landed on the fronts sod in • heap He did not more for a moment or two. and thous wbo w !um take tbe bMp thought he was killed. Two paten& who had witomed Hall's mad jump ran out and attempted to rear Ma from tie grimed. He was . . , but before be could be carried into the weird ha recovered. sad re - Raining his feet, beim to light with all the desperate fury of • madman.11.posuadsd one of 10 mermen in a savage ewer, bat was finally 1 and taken batik to his bed. When examined ft was found that no boom were broken, but lenient results am anticipated front the effects of tbe fall sad exposure to the cold. The 1'. S. Semite pessed the following re-' potation: '"fliat the I 'rated Rates of Anterkii . , . the people of Brant ou deter 4 =and peaceful . , . og obe powers, n and resposeibibties of self- ,. . . ., hood os the free consent of the geveresal Mid cm their recent adoption of & Republican f ' a Mato at f Ras Month is repo -P.4 to have died from the wounds removal in the recent imixle with Iltbe Mossairk. Iltarlitsr particular* of the !sited Siberian horror show that the cruelties were worse than at first reported Prince Betteaterg has been appended Coal- neuelant of the Dniester' in Vienna. Kr. Parnell will introduess a mgion ammo 1- ing the repeal a tie Catarina Act. Emperor William derlarsrs kir intention to work for the amelioration of the eondeien 01510 working claire* whether be reaps gra- titude or . , - .. . French. t'amacil of Agri inure has A in favor at isispaing • duti 4 3 Iran.% .rt Wien ern, 5 francs on rornm-*1 anal derivatives, 3 fame. on rice in the husk and '.tr.s on broken and (-teapot rte.; Awl rioe tt isir T` - papers • f Lemberg evert that Rznestan anent- !n Old: a are endeavoring .. . . the p.. ergs th..-. tbs. marry appropriated by Austria '.-.) relieve the distress erring trent Hai fetters of the crops is a gift from the I 'nlar. A Melts eine,. Anatraliii, detainee+ sam the 4 'ober! Conference has unaninaowely adopt- ed • motion in tevier of Colonial F.aleratton. The Rouse Riforma fears the death of the Sultan of Zanzibar may lead to troublesome complication& A aid accident happened to e wedding iewty at Peativy. France. Theredste The reihiele conveying the bred* and bridegroom end a number 4 their friends was upset and the whole party precipitated Wt.) the river. Thee Wile anal bridegroom and tea others of the party were drowned. In the HI•mae •1 Comatose Mr Gladstone congrabiletal the Idevernewint upon the prompt settee they had taken in the Portu guese dbipute 411.1 their eurvee• in u..z. Aiming the Mattle•II trusty He hoped that the la-eal tioverateent Boll seiukil be remoeived in . Eitiit...r.../ spirit. the Imperial Homo 4 Commons. al- Ferrero's Pn.for Ite-retiery for the Office, stated tiat the papers em- ir the Angto-Peartninsup disputa, re- bate,* in territory hi Neediumet Afrier, would elite be preamented to Parliesseet They weledd term to largely dispel the wide* le eaustieg the hostile leading sow being romilemed against the Smirk by the Nene- $rseses The rotenone betreas the Bride& seri Portagisese 4: , , be aid. are friend - I r Vetoing bad eaggethed erbitrstioe of the atteetions ie dbetute, bet Iligiend woe of iter.* that the sub*" inn sot we -he ',Wrath. LENTEN REGULATIONS. iseiss«t by Me rano lls Collmer." Ea" molly Vhdeed by the Moirrasat. Isisb. 19. -Tbe ',eaten revile noes aimed by His Orem Archbeleop Fehr, for the Archthocessof Montreal and publiabed in all the churches last Sunday ham been 5. in evening ties Unice re- ceived Informal but reliable information frost ROMs to the effect that His Holism Pops Leo MU. had Mud • brief in which be grants ameeral disparate°. from the ordin- ary Leona „ . to countries affected by the *gee or influenza. Tho Gnat. it is said, speaks of the diecipkas 01 5.. virtue of person as neeemarily desageable awarding to ot . In coeutries in which in - Sunrise Ma Sada ravages the general health of • large proportom of Use reweple hassuffered severely, constitution/ have bee weakened and are exposed to theses mere readily than at ordinary tames Bodily mortilicetion. savireover, it continue'. is only orte faetor.ael not the must important, in tbe virtue of pemanee His Holiness therefore maw flt to sagest.' the gement laws of Lenten far and alertmence for these coeutrwe during the period of the Keret year. As the inforstatim remised 01.4 fi:ace only late lad evening an order wax immediately wet to all the parish churches for announce- ment to -day, to the following effect "All the Wedineedays red Fridays of each weak lend the Saturday of Ember week, as well as Holy Saturday. are days of fasting and abidinsnee. But in places01 ordmary feet His Holiness deems the faithful to apply tbeznaelves with more seal to works of piety, eliarity towards the pose . 1, , the churehes and tbs sacraments." WHOLESALE INCENDIARISM. TILE aminti RIGNAT,. FRIDAY, FSB. 98, 190. The Teacher Who advised her papas tosir esmities their tatted* by the nee el Ayer's BSC. ..la. appreeskrall the teeth that buddy keen& is asseatial to aisatel awe, Sae pailiolle Of delloste mid feeble OulaeUttititylis Whether young at old, this anedicles is remarkably benefictal. lie *On 705 get IllareeparUla. " livery seethe and fell 1 take a num- ber of bottles of Ayer's Illematekrtl bee and am greatly besented." - James U. &batman. Stoneham, Mama I hare taken ILyees threapaillth with great baseet tc my amend health." -511.. Thum L. CrerM, Palmyra. Md. My dawebter. twelve years et age, has suffered for the past year from IteaultIng ?rem tans lace Trouble.. in North Ca rolina. RALEIGH, N.t'.. reaehes bare is' -day o dosis negro incendiary trembles at Rost Mount. It Wirinw that the negenee have tartan incensed at the -opposi- tion of 110 .5151.4 to the negro 01045is 1 -00•11 - Meet arid determined to avenge tbenrelves by burning the towu. On Sundae night the buildings of the Wilmington Oil Company were horned to the genteel. On Monday night thp carriage work. and machine slops of Hackney Brew. IR. -lading three large building's, were burned. entailing • lase of 1115.000. Again be night incendiaries fired the buildings of the Rocky Mount fair grounds in a intherb of the town, which were burned to the ground. The object of the incembaries is to decoy people from the town so that the work of deetruction might he trnipilted The town is thoroughly aroused and o. under petrel of a strong pewee( ren- ame Rocky Mount Light Infantry bare been intend out. A number of empected parte,. are under surveillance and will bei promptly amend if there is further trouble. THE BELLEVILLE MURDER. iff .sior• A golii.t 1113ebard Arasta_- Mar barged teem Cantedy. Feb. In -Richard Artmet, brother of tie man suspected of the murder if Hannah (ole, wee brought before the Nee. Court this morning. As the prisoner denied any connection with the affair and as there was me teetinsouy against him be was lierherged. A a yet them Id wt trace of Willban Arnot'. the youman .10 51 clanged with the offim.e The poli"e have scoured the country fear mike amend. but were ami- able to met any rine to his Igrery possible mean. here been takes to entre his arrrel. whit+ will no doubt be soon leeched. A rumm was freely circulated epee tbas street. the, *54wpm-in that he had have raptured at Khannonville. This was tater there being so ground whatever for the rumor. Two or three peeve who ware seprneed to gnaw oollig.5.'ra1140 &bole Mi0 matter. mire wrought into the polkas stance thie morn- iag anal aubjerted to• vigerona bot nothing at mak 4seited. Wee • General Debility. A few weeks since. we began to give her Ayer. Sarsaparilla. llier health has greatly Improved." - Mrs. Harriet H. Battles. South Chelmsford, Mars. • • About a year ago I began using Ayer's Sarsaparilla as a remedy for debility and neuralgia resultiag from malarial exposure in the army. I waa lu a tery bad COntlit1012. but six bottles of the Sar- saparilla, with occasional doses of Ayer's Pills, have greatly improved my health. I am now able to work, sold feel that I creatizodtkcesT. toounicls faklivosir excellmt F. . A. Moluncus, Me. My daughter. sixteen years old. he using Ayer's Sarsaparilla with good ef- fect." - Bev . 8. J. tiralia , United Brethren Church. Buckbannou, W. Va. "1 suffered from Ile W1* 5"111111te" Ilinepora. 'aricasso, Lelly asentead by 'nay deotelves eilitrai bent this mania' 'rout Rs lot& and was taken ta Polk, Headquarters, were he vs. eramtnet1 'art ie., whin bad men "Pilmende" and Pawl* fleet. failed to renagnino Odin and be lo M- assed Nervous Prostration, with lame back and headache, and have been much benefited by the use of Ayer's Earesparilla. I am now SO years of age, and AM satisfied that my present health and prolonged lite are due to the wee of Ayer's Saraaparilla." - Lucy Mullin, Killingly. Conti. Mrs, Ann H. Farnsworth, a lady 79 years old. So. Woodstock. Vt., writ..: 'After several weeks' suffering from nervous , • , I proctireal a bottle of Ayaril Sarsaparilla. and before I had taken half of it my usual health returned Ayer's Sarsaparilla, it AAAAA MID SY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Prise SI, en homes, $3. Werth C. • Latta THE KEY TO HEALTH. rideekt antler clogged moues 01 5.. Bowels. KidlisTa aad 14"r• earZe big elf gradually without weabening system. *0 5.. imperaies and fool boomorsof the smerelisee ell the seems Mims Oortecting of the Illomatth, (ming =Lou, Drs. =amplieedeehime, Diseiress„ Orematioation, Dryneee of the Elkin, Dropsy, Dimness oi Vision, 7st•i•Wllt Rhem, Erysi=6Finfi a theeW. - .and u - oral ity ; all these and many other similar Complainteirtc apotas twoinilnenee of D BITTER& 1. =Urn & os.. Proxistan. Tema. THE BEST CART BAKING POWDER -• 1$•- VIJIII i111111 Coors Friel Ne Alum Netaag lajerima. 111111.1i FACTORY SUPPLIES Yr yes, Iree & lesdPles Lee's Paley Ohre Sem lei Poops. Ea hasps, Med 856. Creels Sererstors. sad Lamdry thesolls. 53A CRAIG sTr.,:rt, MONTREAL. B.A.MKA KILIMP ARRIAGE VARNISHF88.044 4 4311.VEPMEtAISMVArt0E rerFtiti.L. • tHADWIC 'S LORRE sPooil STM412113 IMMIS 8ainr:s. Lielles'aed all °5.w' lauds, COTTON uttestuisnsi For Hand and TRUNKS Mariano L... In the World. NIS NO SUPERIOR ' ETELEiGH . ONTRCAL, ASK FOR IT. Sig/ for as Ittira HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. Notre Dame fit_ ewers( dm most metre' end elegantly famished lintels to tint City. •ceosuesedatioa ter atto ;mew! s. Rates*VW00,"Rtlf F. $11 to *3 per days S. Vs Ilanatier DOMINION PEARS' LEATHER ROHE 1.111.111ER&SO1 Wholesale Iuuts'in of 3111.1261:01l. SUlItES 1-,13 !ME DAL St, MONTRT.AL. 111•-•••.-,11. S 0 P COMPANY. 11 &SEES TCS 21ILLBOIE Steam Paealng. • FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, r totP.--1.rit.wrirrot RECKITT'S YRS BS= FCR LAUNDRY US& PAPERS. iharftz, JEW2 evissunis fT rUJIODEEF e.„ (Tit E 6 R EAT ,:STPENSTH SIVALL - BIZE3 =d5iPitifEeT F000 tins etc n a Sec 1. ff,?; ,l5strant:4: T.) ORDEN : 1 Efihr0Ciev. 51E-140011111. ' • L. 3 PUBLIC NOTICE Another large consignment of Fresh Teas of suerior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE & SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. I I I I I MILLINERY! In the latest and best styles at __R s_ DD s_ Also a number of HANDSOME TOQUES ' at $1.50 each ---Good value. They are going off fast Call early and make a good choice. • WE HEAD THE PROCESSION GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the best of value in all lines of Furniture -from the smallest chair to the largest and but lied -room set, or parlor suite. Call and see his stock and get a bargain. U JN RTING-. PRINTERS' INK. A JegILVAL FOR ADVERTISER:. 1. 10.4 weekly. sai 1, tn rinesestrinlensg -$11e trade jeered of Marf.aa sinetison. fl hanks 51 5.. taszpsetsmat atTsrUsa Inv, Ma, tad Moo 1. okald adrinise ; kv et vets a shmitesoset ; beets Nolo ; Mat mamma up est; kw sea mem ti .zpu11-51 het, Sh- emin a every pie tkit Unita et ereetst:a dinneku Airordear as se pastisid tr iosay 5.3 ezdoesteed by he. TM entecters of raw: - nn Wanted it, of their addis is land la sa epsilons of ests tvady-its yam h *deg advertising entracts far suay st laiturt .4 arm remake sityannies. A mat's taturit- gal asks Vet to iatba : semis eigia Tret. 010. P. novict.t.• co.. Illsmreper Adsarteung 3.waaa, so Sante S., Nro York (-ILL core you of Ir Ram Twittery • trodient.Neurebria. banbage. spinal ewe. Isar and Tonthseh. Braises and Strains. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICSBESTFRIEND U MW Ma te 111111 sopa :NW& Mg imaner pawn ere=ae.171 w iebera. Ovet OWN .:1114"211 WSW. MIAOW we eado 0554mat •• re se 12. •••••• AR ea new in as Mom •• *ow or sorb es o wl 11•••• =16:t • ihAsakorame maM eel se sasi saa Ike baseba see ••••• • ammiesam e•ihrod IA • -. b.rt 1-1 -•' -0;4,1%, 'C ••••• oho MY& pre a twit h lege=14...•••••••••• Eriarl•W/...1•111. Illrealstrogi m▪ a mato • w. ▪ ••••••• Wm.. ••1.1.11ITT • tle boa • orts rxrue.-comrorrrtae. EPPS'S COCOA. "Ry • theleo‘lith knowledge of the nstenst laws ehich 'cavern the ow -mu toes of dieresties sad I.UITII,00. •n.1 1st a .nret..1 application of the fine propert:ea 1.1 well-seicii roc. •%, Reps tun; provided oar breakfast talsist• its • delicately flavored beverage si hich may save us teeny hears flawing -a' bill*. It 1. tn the yerliciona nee sd anti article* et diet that a riessaltetion may be gradmally bath up nail strong peony's to Malt f-Titr) taftdertry to disease. Heads -ale ef walitte maladle• are floating arena, itt emir to at tack where•er there la a weak paint. We may escape elan, a food *heft he k•••4•11 Ontsel V PIO Wel) 'Mt iihl aft pot(' blood and s properly noarlabed frener.---"Cirt/ &rale. Elarette " Matte 'Imply with boiling water or milk. &Ad nnlr 5,. ps.-kets 17 groorrs. talents! thus J A M ;CPI'S a Cm. lionstropatble Chen' las lundns Iltintland. 25 It Wines, Liquors, &c FOR PALI,. RY G. H. PARSONS A1111108 BLOCK. GODERICIL • ENvETLG_Tp-r-Es. NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. ir BILL HEADS, THE SIGNAL PRINTING °Ma r - In all its branches, promptly attended tc -0--0-- rjr EMBALMING FLUID always kept o.i hand. PICTURE FRAMING a specialty. G110 BARRY,Hsmilton-St.. Goderioh NEM MITA!, OD SKILL Are the factors employed in the purchase of' Goods from the best houses in the trade. The general verdict is that Munro is abreast of the times, and in all departments fully up to the mark. My increasing business is an evidence that my efforts to please the public are appreciated. And while I endeavor to keep almost everything us- ually found in a first-class house, the general public may rely upon getting the correct thing in every department. Notwithstanding the advance on Silk Goods I will sell Satin and D'Lyons, Surahs and Satin Merveillieux at former prices. WalmiSPrlice&Popaib: The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of tWater Services in connection with the Town System to Dwell- ings and other Buildings. Also REPAIRS To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac- tories and Machinery of all kind. Prices reasonat Ie. Satisfac- tion Guaranteed WILSON SALKELD. My Specialties for the Season. Linen Goods in great variety, Laces and Edgings, Fine Hosiery and Gloves, and all the leading items in Smallwares, from Needles up. All Goods marked in plain figures and strictly one price. 2064 ALEX MUNRO Draper and Haberdashei PRIlf Silk, a "cim! Ellrue(1 MS'1'.A..131,181--IED 50 'YEARS- ( 401 take the lead in special ve!ii, in DRESS GOODS Melton., from 9c. per yard up, Tsi1i Melton-. Stripe Foule and Aniazon Cloths, Stripe and Clir.-eic Costume Cloths.Velvets, Ribbon. kc. MEN'S SUITS 8PKCIAL VAL E. Tweedw, full lines. Overcoats very low, Good Quaiity, ;Neariy all Uone, Price Sells Them. In 3rocery Department, In Teas esperially I Take ti- Lead 1-1..tl•ischialitv .;ti Prices. Pur•: I To- , adulterats1 Coffee utile kept, price, 30c. per 11,S•Aces •ir,iy kept. e In My Hardware Department I lay. a full assorttil•.lit Glass, n:y •• n inlportation, from 7z9 to :34x.54, full slim y. Croorment Saws, b& Waigon and Hu4gy Gears full a4...4irtnient. Ooderich, Nov. Gelb. ito 0. ( C R.A.13 ]1344Aas ENVILOPEIMMOPEEI • e