HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-2-14, Page 7THE HURON SIGN kI/, FRIDAY, FEB. 14, 1890.
• ISA Sew Tette.
Thb yew will peeve • happy sr.
V =addend M W walk,
Jeers. my Saviour. that doer
bly !slaw rah Wei man W ;
That orbs me .hearts maddest hoar
And gee the dreamt why,
Aad, with Se ewdes4a•kmg pewee
.1.F lead aids states steel•
Thayer all Pere • hafP7 was
u. sl•Mwawd for MY awes
With swifter, Inner steps 1 ram
The aneaserr,
11. aambhag. sew so more,
"/crsertttag things Whir."
1 prem toward those that are before
With lodiverted lys1.d.
This year wUl prove • beery tae.
Mae with 1t what It may.
11. Lord, shy strength be meds my own
la every tryttig day ;
For thin wait make all trace abound.
Thou carrot my pace ►areas.
Aad with try mercy tease ase round
Aad keep my iniad n peace.
This year will prove • happy one
Trevor/ moment heat.
Back day, sack boar, with thee begun,
Far ties dose be upset ;
11. as the weeks revolve, my aim.
My or dslm may be
Oa earth to glorify thy same,
Te Uva, my God. for thee!
Cu/at.o1T. £Loon.
`V Mina she M=eow sled Hannay neat
r h.d•etae.
• llaw Turk Sas.
••Aa every woman keews," said s. se-
theriy, "'lesbians are soaatantly el a•• -
inn, esti what was stylish and altogether
lovely • few tweatbe ago w sow discarded
for aew haei e, which to tats will be
equally undesirable sad old-faabloaed to
a few .oaths to.eume.
"This is true not ualy of men's rea-
ders, but of oaturi s gaits also, the figure.
and hair being improved (7)
by tart. For twtaoos, during the muse
leg sunsi,e slight worm eco 000g ratu
late tbmaelrw that it Is decreed that
they, rather than their sisters of more
cameioes .hall be the lash -
ton. Maio, the pale is no
looser to be .oveted and cultivated, the
rose, healthy use havlog .aperesded it
estirely in popular favor, and gulden
Lair is •llegethes. at • diaaceut, a rich
shade of obeetout having been promoted
to the plasm once occupied by it. Were
it possible, by Lbw agency of sem. subtle
alchemy, to change the oolur of the eyes,
doubtless Wee, black, brown and hazel
would alternately have the asooudaocy to
poblio e•timaiion.
"Just at present, however,nstare is be
iog allowed to have almost complete sway
in regard to the odor i f the hair, and it
is no longer fashionable to sae dyes for
the t of gray hair. In sect, .
yuwng w011150 with silver treses may
aopader breed • must favored being,
for gray hair is •11 the rag., and, as it
cannot possibly be 1. e1oept
Variety of Artless tk.s rut trrl.,eao by the wearing of • wig, a natural head tweet*. ire rests.
the Fair *es. .,f such hair is invaluable to the pusses- pans is right-Itw,ded. I nndon left•
There is a dietinctolaaa of dress koowoheaded. The Paro nae Oo.chua0 tures
the "theater toilette," which, owing These facts were substantiated by of fed the right ; the London .,serosas a'
multitudinous causes. differs ie the
t sections, is subject to infinite
tioos,sod is t ot .doted as • neon
at all in some society circles. Where
dress is recognized it follows some
rules u the..: At • rwtinee a
pie street costume is all that is need -
A costume of dark silk ur fine wood,
h small bonnet, toque 0r torbso of
vet to match, dark gloves, aid all
tel decorations left out.
poalsea. h =lens M Tavel ea a sates.=
It was on a P.ossyleaois tulread
train, coming north from Weehiugt.wl,
says a writer in the N.. Y.irk • .old.y
11wa. All tn. but 1..1- the
.rape( bed dried off. The swap
were a yeses mita a' d • betty The tor
met was wilbug to follow the rattrap!'
of the majority, but the letter tit.j• ctrd
iso • Prod vuioe. lta ones awoke the
other , •sad • ...e pretty
'truant l•uguin, was heard. The young
teas gut out of his berth and carried the
baby up and doesu the car, trying to
soothe it. But the baby was ailing and
fretful, as.d it. yore could wt be stalled.
Fatally a grey -headed man, wbo was evi-
dently au old traveller, stook his Arad
ut from behind the continua and edit
ed to the young mac lis a rather ;:tarp
voice :
"Sete here, sir, why nowt you take
that (mild to its mother. She will be
able to raasage it much bet than you
It evideutly wants its ..ocher.'
"Yes, that'. ill:" ..hued h- it a d.,asn
other irritated
The young mitU a,oti.uue•1 10 pace up
and nowt' for • someot, then said in a
quiet, strained voice :
"Its mother is in the baggage car."
There was an i bush ler a
moment. Prea,Otly the craw h. led
Iran stuck his head out into th. .te Ir
' Let me take it for • while,"
softly ; "perhaps I can quiet it.
At en ordinary evening theater enter -
anent • tn6e more elegaooe is •flow•
The seine costume a• for • matinee
su6ciei*, with perhaps • wrap of •
tth more dressy appearance. The bon-
ea,too,may be of Ilghter colon, but still
mall and - O' throwing
ff a wrap a glimpse of • trifle of lace or
single jewel would not be out of place.
1 occupying • biz • lady may wear •
m • little lower than throat high,
old carry • cluster of ruses, but she
must not be bare headed 86e must
wear a small hat or bonnet.
•'The ries for Empire effects is by no
MOWN exhausted, as may be observed in
the of modals fur tailete
and costumes for next season'. A new
device of that period just now very pop-
ular is the wearing of coronets of peel
in the Bair, terminated to an aigrette of
pearls, mounted on silver wire. There
are also dainty feather aigrettes, and
three Prince of Wales plumes. with drops
(.f brilliants, which are mermaid o0
1 springs that keep them c mmantly
-nip motion."
interview with the of a
Fifth avenue tetablahttaent where •
specialty is made of grsy hair.
"1 have been trying for years," said
she, "to induce Indies . hu were beginning
to get gray to yield gracefully and wear
their 0.n hair, sod I consider that I
have dune much toward bringing about
this desirable result. Many customers
who formerly paid me hundreds cl dol-
lars tor wilts aad 'waves' to mover up the
gray hair have now discarded them. and
where additional hair is required are
tiering it made to match the natural
color. The results obtained are so satis-
factory that every ore to delighted, for
the face is invariably whorled and made
to look younger by gray hair.
'•Wit hair dealers ars well pleased with
this boom 10 gray hair, which helps bum-
per along amusingly. Last Monday one
order alone was for 1400 worth of grey
noir, and that only ioeluded a large
"The fashions for the present are on
becoming W st•.ut people, as
flat , Omsk, Dtreetotre, and
Primmer outlines, and pointed bodices
and Fende, all tend to give height and frizzes sod bangs the sliver threads cam •hoard'• t.n,sess f•.re. esus OS.
impart a slender effect. Eseb of thee. be concealed fur a greater length of time.
styes, however, u weds tor as a.ppro- While men have been known to dye flsstvma amid so -roam.
Cpasta to slender people, 1.r the plain their hart and wear wigs, now shays are A writer I. the Owen ..)-: Y• u an
lodios fronts and vests that beet suit the (comparatively few who do, the tendency ,,,,, have . t• --I t•: 4 h•...e 1„ plwcr
stoat form can be draped, laid in pull in their case also being to let nature base wherry, rm pat a wt dty. Tau *n no
full (olds, nr otberano decorated, and her way, even though she may choose to ro•'nf•.tt•ble sod o.rrd f•.r, r' now .aa
the straight Imes of the skirt drapery remove sumo of the hair altogether and y„ • salad sr.. ao.i In t.• • f 1' ' pet •
can be broken and elaborated, and thus bestow • shining bald sport ioseesd. ..it the 1•.w st treit...t., aril..* a is •'rdy
made more becoming to the delicate fig- -- _. - this
ore. Altogether, we have just nsin r .•f those* . e .hall h., I ,aur 1•.....now • WmN as* M V/fl�ett fit t.. 1tn they of .,..r neo )r..u.rh .111. U -
style of dress uhivertally beouentg This Snot, -We have mood IOW ttagyard's grad f..r, utte..mf••f. •1J.•, .o.t hreee dv-
fact holds good also in the muter of Pectoral Balsam for seven toughs anti ,a„utented, srr..I. 1.ec.,41.., r, srlm..
bonnets, hats and toques The same odds and can 1 n' 14) be jest or.re for change, 1 • •14 1..trrest in
style of toque under the milliner's hands what it is 1 to be. We would their employers, .tad, u•.•' Niel of .e.
is made equally o for s itis• 001 be without it leers to seek ourad. fo, woos comp•'•
teas-ysar-old rano or her grandmother." l H. 8►WIR C•tarsct, Ont' s•tio.. for the dorsr'ne.• of .h -'r Moos a
Sant costumes are more than ever
marked with severe simplicity. Gowns
even for visiting costumes partake of the
same general simple or stately character
Fur evening costumes what the French
call Ira (irises grata's, that is. the lines of
the figure. are well adhered to. There
is a stately grace about than that aka
them eery charming, and for ecce the
fashions in this regard are very b.enm
ing to ladies of tout figures. For din-
ner dress, evening costume* may be cot
with square eat corsage, Medici collar.
and full sleeves. 11 of combination
materials, the shows from
the best to the feet, and the Overdress
rises high in the back of bodice to the
sanding Medici collar, and has an ample
skirt gathered in bebin; below the want,
to form • full demi-train. Bel drowses
are worn low in the neck. with abort
the left. The former sits at tad trout of
the vehicle, the latter site a' late t..ck
Paris a compact, L.ndoo Iw •tettered
Paris gross by •beorp'u.•. bleat.. by es
gammon. Pen. ►a bort of Woe. London
of brick. Pais has high bu►id.ns anti
marrow .trellis, London wi.le streets and
lo. buildings P,ns hes windows that
s via'
m., lo, eupand down,guillotine
l0 Paris the blinds are ov:•od.,, w L •.e
don inside.
Parts live. lis h•.u.e+s t 1 u •r. 1,4r-
noks ; tat Londe,, r•tlh fr ul.) it•
own house. Pent h.. a p 'r .•'. L ..,-
don rte key P•n• •ye arra•' L •,..Ins
myon. Paris leaves at an est iy. h «.r It•
bed plaited .gat.ut the I L • ••y•.,
leaves at a late hour Its I.ed at •t dour
in the middle..( rht r.w.n. Pole .lo e•.
L rudoo sate Laudon u.' • .. user
tined fork, Pers. • four-' ..a h'. k.
Paris is .1y, Loud ,i. *Ad. 1' i•• sunt
switch and • 'wave,' but the hairturt.ish- ere L•ndoo runty
ed was of the finest quality. Many wigs The Polo «.i .ler twee.. a '•ire I.. k•.
oust mach more than that, the price de- aid red Lo. I •u . -diger
Pending altogether on the *hada and a reed j•cbt +tad old blue pdo'et... ,.
quality of the hair steed, whits being el- Io Pars the clergy ;et .•n.. th.• .ot:-
t.edrngly valuable ()ray Bair i• centre- nage.. u. L •udo0 the emeg. 'wi n,
tally becoming to bond complexions and th«.uwl*. .
least so to those of a very sallow hoe, In Port. 'le y„eav girl• .. cle,•,s
but in every ease nature seems to provide „*1018..4, Ir, l,'•,dna th«y err f.e o. I••
the shade of gray best suited to bermon- Pans the m •rnr.i ...w- n all.- free, HI
me with the Mypy Reel London they Io..' their fro .i..or
switches, wave., and terga are mad• Paris 1805 more .Wieldy. 16..,4.,,, nod*
trim goats' hair, which is au beautifully hom,,o,d • P.r-g us •, L..•'•• • trades
prepared and dressed that the msionty The Psn• mo'• firth. • .,t:• it. fee, she
of people Cannot tell the difference be- L•n000 soh w'• h t e w a.
it and humero hair, but that there me P•r'. profdrrire w.l. tae tone"
is a vast aifferenes is indicated by the hr..k-r ' the L •n+l. a
LStidio Fall and Winter
Baood Mamma arta+ curd by
the persevering use of Ayer's
Ili.. icciiab an Alteratlie, and
causes • rue110a1 change in ted eyelets.
Th. procr.. 0. Is arse awes, may art be
quite so rapid as is oth.n ; hat, with
the result is eertala.
Real there teptlwuuiel• -
" For two year* 1 suffered from a se-
vere pais 10 my right aide. and had
other troubles caused by a torpid liver
sad dyspepsia After going sever=
medicines a fair trial wiiiibu.iupta• euroI
e to take
wwaassgreatly benefited by the drat tlbottle,
sad after taking ave bottles 1 was com-
pletely cured." - John W. Beare, i't)
Lawrence st., Lowell, Masa.
Lest May a large carbugcle broke out
ow my arm. The usual remedies had no
effect and 1 was confined to my bed fur
sight weeks. A Woad Induced use to try
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. leas than three
bottles healed the sore. la all myeape-
rten.•e with medicine, 1 never saw [note
relative value of each prulrtaire call. tie- p wn 1r•-ker ' tey
WuaN0 become gray quite as soon as .-.•
men• but owiu4 to the use of artifice•I u:.
The Huston Transcript says Yester-
day the Listener stood for awhile iso
front of the window GI a brie •-brae
store where was displayed. among Alter
things, a figure of a lovely child seated
in • chair. It was one of the sort of
figures which piers everynody, end ion
the eight or tee minutes teat the Dit-
tmar remained on the sp .t he heerd
the tshowing from leder
of the passing Christmas snnppnng
throws :
"Ain't it poorty
"Ain't it pont, !"
"Isn't it or'ty 1"
"Isn't it pritty '"
"Ain't it perrty !"
"Ain't it prurrty 1.
"Ain't it prnoty
"Atilt It pretty '"
"Ain't it petty !"
"Lel it pretty
Hew many more wan he would have wall inf.,rre.d. W lR7l stews to annonnre
,a 1 d he had i thoek .t.. own always toll a lady by ha Worana to
hoard I0..n pr
dere U.. ea IIiq eery.
Decorum may be defined as the minor
morality of life. Its laws, like all other
social lame, are the .e.omulated resu-'•
of the wisdom and of many
They form • aide with
when every educated person is b.uod t..
be acq.rsinted. For instance, WO
man should a' sire a graceful, lady:ike
deportment, en the her preNnoe will he
sought for, and ere will not tet Iy learn
that great art of being tboroeghly at
home in all encieties, but will hs•e that
rare gift .'f making every one •rouod her
feel easy, contented and happy. High
birth sod good breeding ars the privi-
leges of few, but the habits and manners
of a lady may be acquired by every re..
man. Nor is their attained
with difficulty. Etiquette a not an art
requiring the study of • lifetime; on the
cnutrary, rts principles are simple, and
their practical applwstnu invole, Daly
ordinary oare, taet and sagazny.
The grester e..mpl'.ent which mot h.
paid to • young girl me woman is to spook
of her as lasing $ lady. This word int
plies everything. We are told that there
a no so gruoetul,so vaned
so sparkling me that of an intelligent anti
cultivated woman. Ezoollsoee in thug
particular s, indeed, one of the •tIri
butes of oar ass, and should be emitieat-
vd by every g.ntlew'.man rhe aspires
to piers in general society. Reteeabev
that people take more interest in their
.0n affairs thea in anything you en
name Lead • mother to talk of her
chiidren, an author of hie 1.tetbenrwrng
book, • young lady of her last ball, or as
artist .1 hs ethiletinn pietere. Hewing
furnish• d the topic, you need only listen
end you we sure to be thought not naly
agreeable, bet thnnraghly meetib ts sad
the bntt••i.
1 shall never i••rvrt ohs •perch of
girl .h ., ha, ono left • ' 'us' •f th s
hind thrnsgh d4-htv.Ih. hr.• t•• t.kr iso
apparently much 'uterine a,e n her co. -
"Well. how d tow get on. Nrlsy, in
your new 1.1.0et Yoe t. ell t I e chsa'ge a
goad demi, I'n' ■Rud Y'
"Chal'ge, m.an', y. a, I .1.• u d think
so'!'' she replied 4,,-.,', y,' '',Vh, 1''• I.ke
being at h'nee. 4•'• -:mn4 ,r a .M Of
course, there'. to *artobi.' hall sod .1
that, hut, m•'un, emitter • rd ra ...Ir
dinner. herself post like she d e• ftr the
dining-r.o.te, a,.d .e have rest china tea
cope and plate., not grew. ng v. ' hock
things like we h.d oyer th•-r ; +tad the
kitohre'. a r.al treat with the '•ice clean
blinds and the towers in the w,. -d••..
and a b•e.k shelf for nor Meeks and c.nn-
fort•hle chain to sit on t"
This wan the key of it all ' Mises"
ea• the ruling spirit of the k'.-••• n ••
well as,of the drawing rn.,s+,her tntiurses
.w felt as notch in the one place •• k»
other, and she never deputed her duties
to another !
Wonderful Results.
Another marked effect of the use of this
meilieius was the strengthening of my
sight." - Mrs. Carrie Adman, Holly
/Springs. Texas.
'I had a dry scaly tumor for years.
and suffered terribly ; rad. as rev broth-
er and sister were similarly indicted, 1
presume the malady is Hereditary. Leat
winter, Dr. Tyros, (of Fernandina,
1 me to take Ayer's
Ser.apttnlla. and continue it for a year.
Fur eve Martha 1 took it daily. 1 ire
not had a blemish upon me body for the
last three iuuurhs. -T. E. Wiley, 148
Chambers at., New York City.
" Lest tall and winter 1 was troubled
with a dull, heavy pain in in side. 1
did not cutis, it much at first. but it
gradually grew worse until it became
almost unbearable. During the latter
pan of this time, disunion ot the *com-
mit and liver mnereawed my troubles. I
to ;tan taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and,
atter faithfully continuing the use of
the wmtiliriee for some mouths, the pain
drsaimopoe.aral and 1 war completely
cure.l."-Mrs. Augusta A. Furbuab,
Haverhill, Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
tern BY
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masi
roes el ; as bel t ills, t %• W.rtliis a bottle
Ready made Clothing at
Prices to suit Pur-
rSTte1ISME) 1$SS
MUST Hit t l -.:Alsip 044.
telt - 7heTailor lees' -.t.
ws.met M.,,.
ssaa boor' .wawa.
Iran'.•/ mai •• 0-,
alt• arra• r•a •r
.a1•. Or. ,aa5 r
I..rrrwsy�r ..r..�r-
�slrte Nm ani. •• 0
Taw naMr,r wit
red w new. Ar ,a• wok y»
•••1111•W le lbw *we Wiwi we and y��.•• • ,r a*•-r.r
all. •.wall yes -at.. •,.y r.rl.
Y.r0- led w� _
w..*04• d.
`•Mr•�nw w mad. W•
pa, a, *44 meow Iv►.
••o. wle�aaw•r,
=mom Oe ma
. t•.a �'1 u,errreesras. lastlrre.
Only flash. Mese r of M.waary 'tow►atom.
fear Seeks sworn../ 4. awe sas=hes
MIs/ waa/•rane eared•
livery ear/ and . dreamily �t sed-
midgIll t reawr�
io. M
�far 1nAi Ave.. K T.
LAGER (Bottled)
Fur Salo by
Al hoe : say ever T do net mean m•rrty to
stop 01..'t tic' eares.and then have thee. to-
rr. roma. 1 ?Mad A RADICAL
I Lan) rads idle 44.eaW vi
i.a.EP Y or
Zi.i:.1"?1G SICKNESS,
' +• �. ' • - •''••'r. I venuA rr me n'r edy to
C»eS. because others have
bake .. con awn ler net now reerlv(n sere.
ete i4 • " foe a treaty -.0 and alfnag
(._ nor nerAT.t.tL•L$ It, MEDY. Otte Et4{wwess
•! test (,•a4 •e. it M' -'s you anthing fur i
a1c, It .• iU sure +•t.44. Addre.*
• ;L R. 'EMT. S7 Ti.rpt111., ltaosto, get.
t r t -t'i'mer.. The higbea 'mar in orb pa!d$for Cast land
SASE, DOOR and BLIND Wrought Scrap Iron.
I,• a.• r, :n a.I kinds of
1 have on hand
flet ha I.'er'e nod eral .4ire r).dee.
Alotien of various kinds
e,;f•��l F�trnitnrP � ‘`neC131t] 1
rW*rero.'ms neer Victoria -ttnetChurch.
Smell Sugar•Cooled Burd..ek P.Ile do
net gripe or sicken They aro mild and
effectual 1 m
The finis My Wirer emu.
stir With... Gull wed•Milki'eg person-
ality in Load un .aeiety. H. was •
handsome man, • born orator and Witte,
and • grest"r heliotrope in abstinence than
in drags- He himself was • tenet *A-
irframes liver. I believe that his father
was • large owner os the Erna mast,
and his arith.r • tewset ad the eethon-
tiea of Aet •'I•'•ager. The latter atr-
errte.taoee nroeght shout his employ•
meat i a very ..hordinute position to
that institution. Everybody remembers
e Prince of wise In
twee served d i r
hiss dealt blew after bow between the
C. Arta � u3ERL
11 ,4
ura ► an 1 Seed C:eaner
1 hoar weeny, sae is the mrsoa tan's )ramal
•--tks trate liana sf •ares =•waken. R
Mort is the tfequiesel MMem lion, vim,
sr where w deed adorers ; biro to .wits a.
M.w°' met : ied to bridal ms ; whet ao.ryapet
te tit; 4...018 maty to street -"t be. Mi-
.tea s coolly pout tint dais st probable
=sods. Adorn* L as art pacer ty may
hat ..sated b7 fns. 'fir can=s ee cf =T-
UB' DR sabred It. ad tbdr advice L rat
m s modems of row shit tvt8ty-fes years la
prim ' am -acts far rally of its stat
eel moat scatafal stream. A yew's wbsr17
Om sues Dart two units: weir otri.s hes.
MAMA ; --
Newsp•ps Advertii.; Porten.
,n Spore Si., New York
041%.33 1,1C ALI)Dt2EB8,
Pittbros., - London.
Importer.. of
Canadian Apples.
es mars■ Tussled. -at • I...dem, gra.
Consignments solicited and
liberal advances made thereon.
'Unl ebe.tithe clogged •veatmeaatrttriye
Dowels, Kidneys and Lim, tie
ingot gradually without ami
system, all the imposition
4unionc,: the secretors; s at Baine
fame Correcting Acidity of w
fitIottrob, caring Biilouasusa, DFM
p}ea et, Seaahchee, Diatireear
litartbttrn. Constipation. Dryness
of the tfllt1n. Dropsy Dimness* of
Vietovi. Jiztirdiee, Balt �Rhe�am.
�*)eaha' Managing of Bart, N rand
eral Deb._ty ; all diene and many
Other "under Complaints 4 I to the
barrow M'OD rat arivist&of
s. WZMl7l a OS.. Prmsrw,, ..sell
1. generally neknowle.ierd to he the be... mr.•
,:hinr nate for 4l on.n.hiy cleaning grain and
seed• of all kind'•.
Separates all Noxious Seeds
...d aura from g. win at mar cleaning. sar•iag
and cleaning •11 titnothy seed at the .acne
time out r any kind of strain. It ran be fitted
non any rooms ,.Ill wieloet removing the
shoe. nn 'ratter how old 'he mill is, and
makes it 40 as good work or better than the
newt improved new mills known.
1t saes,* ao ar..t to he Mown Into the chaff
It Cleans Speedily.
Kier•, cleaner warranter! to works' repre-
sented or no ..le.1F3
Innrderinc 1,; r.r1l1 iris.• nide width of
and nw•n, of make-, f in 11 11 convenient.
awl if eh.w has aide sheet, . r . he old fashion-
ed hind shake.
A large ousatity of.
lis. AST -$T.
HAS VIIANOF:U 111744)14.
'f he pu1lie *re hereby no' tiled that the flour
and feed bus ue•w former) carried on by A.Z.
Cull!. lies 1.. -.. Dureh b)
whw will carry it on in all itn benches at tr e
old stand. least-st. neer the 4qu.re.
1'..d. r the management of former proton e-
t.,n't Ms busines has been the m.rl aert e5 s -
tut in da line of an, in town, and *• the new
proprietor haw been detained with it for
over .•iasis years. there will he tau falling uRln
the en. -ray formerly exhibited in keening it to
the front rank.
Goods delivered to all pan. of the town.
The latest and Ilea linen of flour and feed
always on land and choice need. In .vanno.
T110)S. J. YIDKAN..
1 take ,hi.opp'trtunity of thanking n.y ells-
tooter" f•' their 11t)ersl pvtrnn-.ie during my
proprieto0Ili4)of the Ere Flour and Feed
`store, and al.+' take pleasure in recommend-
ing ray su••".«or. sir r.rr.. J. t'idcan. who -
will be found to be a thoroughly reliable
17.14 A. k. ('
on hand 1 from Alarm salute
qt rrtered pine.
fes' odes' by mail promptly attended
to. Sh,pp'd to •.•y p,'" .
G-oderich, Ont.
17 -ft
13d1![xL.T01'Q BTRRRT.
I have just rce.eiv-e.l a choice stock of nrocericw, Dry Goods and
Furniahings,which 1 will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. Also some
Goderich Steam Boiler Worki
FLOUR and F1'.FI) constantly on 'hand. Call and ,•'amine
goods before purchasing elsewhere.
Farmers' Produce Taken in Exchange.
23_ T_ =Osie ON
Roderick. Nov. ,let. IMP
At Ferguson'', Old Mend. Hamilton
R' Nf 1
lied the
Lssteser d
chat he
is now .sant for
lehabliehed 1 Mlxl.
Chrystal 8z Black
Manufacturers and drier* la
Mteam Iloilera- Salt fans. Tanks, lleatrr
, , and all kande tat street
Iron Mork.
Improved Upright
A and all u rizontall Engines. All
eines. e y as RI'
uhfrrorJ and lasting* of every dra�rip*iMt.
limes F:ttintt,•. Pipe mad Pipe Fittings eon
airily on hand.
Mail order. ve receive prompt attesteea
Warta t app. 4a. T. a. es.tl... -
!f. 1u -airs promptly attended to.
P.O. BOX 381
fortitude b r.se$'0 longer, ib. her voice and hath, caber �t which When the prism
tea trot dere tr, think. .ill ever M Wed ties entree, bet p hes, The lior-Tea Company's Celebrat6d ons
.M Ioiesly woielumd. Bbkes*t*re'. ahuoldmve, beeM►eti unto ria oemtrils amd-tellesrpkat"aresv.1teiiteral!.bWtwddeath•
Ilw•w'' C C R.('Raaar.$ CO •nf.tliag tame 7
Ib..r Ars. -- i took • severe Bold in se an seellent thine to • woman ' OK Kr Jobs L pers. a the Journal of
F.breary be
t which settled is sl hack need seareehy add that $ loud 1• r
awl kidneys, oaring Saerm.isih.s psis egws1 to • load ergo. Do syn be always Pharmacy, ..wart• (staving fully tested it
mbar boiwg without .1.., bar mighs ..uy.5veo thnwgk yogi should be so bo- is his own ease) that • preparation of
tRagigitlti fust.. wferigit I tried year pill flied se to sad theeasteot. To ore ogees .d s.l tar sed vac* qt of
me Ally IAN IMIIfT. After the retrain* others en *MT ewsi.a is the ware. rept ly sedated darter is
lbet ppliwiles I was w► .mob relieved sorest rad to es,_FeltuIy, weals of • few koars,and the head sats
dial k fell balls a drip shop amid errs• rated every .orniog. with tb shear
rid the
'fel ahewpew b *seen� tinily sad tray of dowel hsps the •..i►.
piste reenvery sherds follower/. D► Lnw'a Aeiffray Seep le • delight Avoid, will fa a few smite, remove every
liar! h.ir. >r hair will bream soft .ad glesay.
Your obaioe ot one ont of a hundred ormHan Volume
by the Best Authors, given with Avrya
Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without feeling
the expense.
The Meet Pe.resefsl Reerredy ever dieere.
sresl, M it M .• state a Ir allot. mud dor
on biota,. Den= prier brim•
•)►rw'0 ell raaintim A. e•Tsea,
Betas ..r
Qiruass Bar awn ?norne Itwc, BMW.. )
04.40000. lis-. NOV. Ilk tea
W. i J.I he CO. rekier It.-
Der Mrs
: 1 b*'• always p
taloa .Mate (e. I by tae bail silty.
1 wised.
nuword s peke. 1* nt• e an. rnq. 1 Mint. It 1•
errs ./ 1410 be -t 11uln..wt• r.s r*rtb- t bars u..d n
• ay ets*M• for threw years nor A. Omar.
Ba atot.n. >• T.. Novara, x M.
pa. R. L. Isssaa,r, lnit'r•tl'rrra.•t of any
therm.. • t ere. tete..
lined your Iwa.1.A Mp,•In (Yr, l a...
io*•A 100 la ae.Rrs, t.1 1gr.. J,Nt i 110
l.e.•1st • I M•• f wr..l .t • *tee.4.S at
May rr.r..nmrnd a u, all b.rr•a,►n.
lay. truly. A R. Orley. v.
fl....rTr.,y t..ew' aster
Rare. wines Coar0T. WW1 1111.. 14 1 n.
Da. R J. 111.•Irma.A. M my who1 Mv' 0'!
1 Get It,l7 ri5 t n. 1 base .4
s f ad
rot hew a .0 or
elseielas.. Ma.
kir -Tt'
. r.
Pi'.. el menet* .. dr 1.•rt1•
d al 4 ma., n ,.- sea ,.et N tar y.
y• ou W. lauv'ati�1., . •t , t