HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-2-14, Page 6•
6 THE HUH( N 81"2l A'1. FRIDAY, FEB. 11, 1890.
COUNTY CURRENCY I Mfrthaw' the.IlttlewedIesihe» S AOmega Ameslemma.
• S, No l0, Satiety, u lyra,; very Ill as The geese of Giese. w arta les be t►a
home au li.to. _ Work Too Hard !
Mies HaD..Y Ball, w Toean• the eldest daughter ..I Grand U.kw Ou.
to tak,og • comae .t the t:o..ertatury of II, t e of M bei ..d .tea e17 er t . le Inde.
M.... she will au doubt be so apt pr
pll like a geom. Bee i. a bw.de, with
The friends of Mr B. Atedaews, Ch.- brow. ►air, reg.lsr festwres, $mai with
too,will regret to Imre that he hes pass- - bsaetd.l neuk sed sb..uldMs. Litt• der..
M very simply edoept o..1.1.' 000.an.n•,
and ofteu Rosa shoes Atheue witk..0
eve. • mad with her. The gaeen is •
women of culture, •1.d speaks Rvar.au,
It.haw, German, Enoch, Il. sea •net
Earthen perfectly well, seed ebb N Du•
studying Aleutian. The ktiig ano
the queen bare beau blamed •tth
levee chi'dree, bud the youngest
le a baby about a year old Prim.
♦edrew u seven, Ned the Printer Maria,
who u • very bright blood-, is athlete,.
Neat Domes the Prino.a.. Asea• d.
a very pretty girl of nineteen. sed then
Prince (leery*, who Is twenty, and last
and wait important of •11 tb., ern••
prises Kon.1amuoo., the heir apparent,
who was born August 2, 1888, ..,d eb,
was at eighteen declared heir •ypare
to the throne All these ehildrea., save
the year-old baby. .peak Freouts, E. e
lists, Greek and Kuesia., and the borne
life is said to be charming.
his C Gaeta lookingqueen inEurope tike s.
Items of Interest from over tb.
A Weekly Mere germ (...ty Reiss $sett.
ed ep N Sada Rader. et "Il. iasmaL
Ptak and reset. nipped .ad fie•
de.n.ad hem a•ery •erlkem
1LeA over troant Wt week -1
Mr James Fraser, of Manitoba, a
former resident of Blyth, u visiting
Meads there.
Messrs. Douglas sod James McDonald,
Seafortb, left fur N toupee on Monday
of lest week.
Mr. F. U. Nesbit., Seaferth, is con-
fined to his residence by a severe attack
of of the lungs.
Miss Seraph Blackwell, of Turnberry,
as hove from Algoma, where she had
been insetting since last spring.
Jae. McIntosh, blacksmith, Brussel.,
has taken • situation in Listowel at big
trade. He is • Rood wechaoic.
On Saturday, 25th nit , there was
buried the filteee-month old little
daughter of Mr 3. C. Kitroaid, Wing -
Messrs Howson Bros„ wbn ran the
Teamster roller mill mail it was burnt,
have Dot leased the Wroxeter our
Miss Mary Elliott, Brussel., has gone
to Mitchell, sr here she is employed in the
woolen mill as • loom hand. She is well
ep to the business.
k The bankrupt stock of F. C. Itogere.
of Brussels. atootinting to $16,219 71,
eras sold to Mr. Nightingale, of Brussels,
for 594c. on the dollar.
John Brennan was presented with a
gold heeded walking stick and Mn Bren-
nan with a clock as a parting gift from
their Winghsin friends on their removal
to Chesley, where they purpose resid-
Mr. Wm. Cameron, of the 13th an
cession of McKillop, recently dolled two
pie., seven months old, one of which
weighed 240 lbs.. and the other 267 lbs.,
dressed. They were of the Cheater
White breed.
lysis t•f the spies, with serious tendea-
The hardware stove eel Yr Campbell,
of Winnipeg (bruthsr of Mr Peter Oamp-
bell, litaolsy,) wee horsed out a few
days stuns.
Mr Joseph iSrackesridge, of Blwval.,
keg Joined the army of tweediest$, Mies
Rebecca Peacock is the other part in the
Principal Shaw, of Br.saele, was taken
down with the primates iMeueoaa and
school had to dome to a full stop' in hie
l)r Coleuses. of de.fortb, bas purchas-
ed the Wessels salt works and antipode
working them hereafter. It is ssid the
price paid is $5,500.
A couple of weeks since it was aa-
.iounced that Mr Jos. W. Mille had
wile his farm in Stanley to Mr Watt, of
Oxford. The sale has, fallen through.
and Mr Mills has, therefore, the farm
atilt on his bands.
As an index of the state of the public
health in this vicinity we may m7 that
Jr S..tt, of this town, on Saturday,
Jan. th, prescribed for over fifty
patients at his offios besides outside
cub.-Seefortk Expositor.
The recent heavy rains undermined
the masonry of one of the abutments of
the railway bridge at Stapleton, and ou
Sunday of last week workmen were e.u-
ployed, with the aid of an engine, h.
putting in piles, and otherwise orating
the bridge secure.
Mr Peter McLean, son of Mr Alex-
ander McLean, formerly of Tucker
smith, but new of Tyner, Dakota.
who had been visiting old friends is.
Huron for • couple of months, left for
his bums on Monday of last week. Mi
McLean is located near Langdon, the
county seat of Cavalier county. W-
asps the average crop in that part of
Dakota last $.asuo was about 15 bushels
to the acre.
Mr Will Coloton, of Winnipeg, who
bad been visiting the old folk at Blyth.
left os Fnday,the 24th ult. ,for Stratford,
1 by his sister, Min E'len
Colotos. Will intends visiting friend.
in Detroit before returning to the Great
Ncrth West.
Mrs John Elliott, Ethel. has • very
severe attack of inflammation o1 the lungs
and at the present writing she Is Ili a
very critical condition. We hope to
hear of her speedy recovery. Since the
above was put in type we learn that Mrs
Elliott died on Thursday morning. -�
In a private letter fro.. Mr L Thorne.
formerly of $eaforth, now of Loss Areae
1m, California. he says : "I am doing
very well, Although business is anything
but ,(nod here generally." Mr. Thorne's
many friends throughout this county will
be plowed to hear this and will wish him
continued prosperity.
Mr Tennant, • former Winghamite,
has been given the situation at the G T
It. crossing made vacant by the accident-
al death 1.1 M. $toren. Mr Tennant is
another railway man who has suffered
severely no the track, last year having
bath his legs broken. However, he is s
young man and well qualified to fill the
position t.. which he has been appoint
As a demonstration of the amount of
sickness throughout, (not only Wang -
ham) but we might say Ontario, we give
the following :-A Miss Sperling, of
ingham,was very dangerously sick with
typhoid fever. Dr Chisholm teleera'ehed
,to three different pieces for • professi. nal
nurse. but, owing to the great amount
o: sickness, not one was to lee obtained.
While Mr Andrew .J,yut, St. Helene,
was tinning from Luecnow, the tongue
of the rig dropped out of the neckyoke.
The 1 1., _Al Huron held
a regular meeting in the First
Presbyterian Church. Seaford), on
Tuesday, 21st ult. R.r S. Acheson.
of Ktppen, was appnanted moderator fur
the ensuing six months. It was decided
that there should he an evening sederont
at the next meeting for the purpose of
holding a coi.ference on the state of re-
ligion and that the subject of the con-
ference should be the first lour reaom-
mendations of the last General Assem-
bly on that matter. Revs Dr Ure, C.
Fletcher, D. M. Rama; and J. H
Simpson were appointed to introduce
the various recommendations. Leave
was givea to the ceangreganons of Ea
mo.dville. Bayfield and Bethany to pro-
ceed with calls al soon as they are reedy
A circular regarding amendments to the
Ontario License Act, suggested by the
Pre.hytery of Ottawa, was referred to
the Temperance Committee, to which
then. were added for this purp,as Rev
Mr Anderson and deems. D D Wilson
and Win B.IIwt ne, of Seaforib, and
Mir Jas. Scott, el Clinton. The mod -
era' .r, and Re. A D. Mecdousld and
P. Musgrne and Messrs. Wm Fotber-
Ingham, S. Csrnochan and D D. Wilson
were con.titut-d a presbyterial deputa-
tion to visit Bayfield Reed and Berne .n
the interests of that fieid. Mr Je,
Sankt, Clinton, gave • full report of th
Sabtaatb Schools wiehto the bounds and
the thanks of the Preahytery were ten-
dered to Mr Scott fear his diligence The
report oaf the presbyterial %V .man's For
eign Missiiin Society was read by Mr
Macdonald and the Pre.hytery recorded
its gratitude to Grid for the seal, lateral
ity and devotion 4)1 the ladies and its
prtyer that God will bless them still more
•nundantly in the future The eel,
n itular meeting is to be held in Willis
t'hurch, Cau.ton, ou the second Tuesday
starting hie teem to run, throwing him of March at 10:30 a m. -1,s the evening
out on the fin zen ground, breaking two a meeting was hold to consider gnestaows
email bones in his hand, sled spraining in connection with Sahhath School work,
to which the public were invite['. The
e vening was very stormy and cold and
the attendance was not large The
m'.deret.r occupied the chair. Inter-
esting addresses on Sahhath S.rho•et
work and the connection of the school
with the church were elven by Metiers.
Jan. Scat, of Clinton, James Machell,
of (1,adench, and Rev Mr ilender.00,
of llenasll. The church choir also gave
several nice musical a..rection$
one of the hones in the forearm. besides
a severe shaking up. The horses, when
caught, were found to be seriotaly cut
to places.
At the last meeting of the Morris
township council the following otb.rers
were app Anted : Wm. Clark, clerk,
salary 1125; John "'stern, assessor,
salary $y0 and no extras i Richard
Jubostcn and Wm. Laidlaw, auditors.
The reeve. clerk. Thomas Laidlaw,
George Hood and W. .1. Johnston were
appointed a Board of Health, with Its
T. 0. Holmes, of Brussels, Medical Wilson's Wtld Cherry is a sore curs
Health Officer. for Colds, Coazhs, Bronchitis. Croup.
The annual meeting of the Bluevale Whooping C •ugh and Less of
Cheese and Butter Factory took [lace Vote*. it has been in ase f .r twenty
Wednesday, the 29th ult. The auditors' yeah ; gives imeneiiste relief and effects
report showed that the total amend of s rapid core Children take it freely,
milk received in 1889 was 2,831,037 its taste being sweet and pleasant. 1m
pounds ; total amount of cheese made,
205,065 pounds ; average price for which
this cheese was sold per pound, 996
meta ; total assets of oo,npany, $5,350 ;
total liabilities, $1,220. The company
is in a flourishing eundition and bas now
in oonsideratiou the erection of a grating
mill to be ran by the company.
P. Toe twee Is
On Sunday evening o1 last week the
wife 4.1 Mrs Peter Cule,l'll.tot,set with
a very painfnl seetdent whale attending
the Baptist Church. Sunlit children in
the front of the church were misbe•
battier t and she went op t1.
look after them. While so doing she
ems everco•ms by the hied and fainted.
falling forward and striking her eye on
the corner of the seat arm. Her eye and
fees were instantly swnllee up very lures
anti although medical aid was summoned
it Was not until the next day that they
resumed their natural airs.
(1. Friday morning, the 24th .Il..
a very sad $evident oecorred eat the 0.
T R. depot, lVingham• which remelted
fatally. When the 630 a m. train was
dim. old Mr Matthew Storm was hely
°leering the snow from -the crossing, and
did not notice the approach of the kilo
,entire, which hit and killed his.. Th.
deceased was an old man of seventy
years of age, and for a lens time bad
held the position of signalman at the
aid .pot ; he was sten a member of the
It; C. ohnreh, and his remains were
Oakes to Loodoe ne the Saturday 1011011 -
She was an ordinary mother, having
S O ordinary pride in her pretty baby
"Whist, $lames," she whispered softly.
as she entered one of our High street
dry good. establis:tmeots lately
But the bah; wouldn't whist nor would
be offer any explanation for the exercise
be was giving his lungs She timidly
approached one of the young gentlemen
clerks and asked to see some toweling
The conversation leading to the sale of
throe yards of 'crash" wss frequently In-
terrupted by the betty "There, there.
aatbore, she said in a tenderly subdued
tone, at the same time giving the httle
one a gentle rocking, swaying motion to
,iniet it. "feet the baby ery, madame, -
said the smiling clerk, "it will make him
good-looking. A light came into the
mother's yes : it was like • flash, with
apleasant twinkle in it, she replied
"Wish•, thin. (Mod knows, 'teas •
pity but they didn't let yoe ery a
To TRU Eon'oc .---Please inform ynor
readers that 1 have a positive remedy
for the shave named disease. By it.
timely .ss thousands .4 hopelw aims
hare been permanently eared, i shall he
pied to seed tee bcistise of my remedy
rata to any el readers who have
o if will entad me their
Izpvem sod P. O. 'AM L[
iteepesf felly, Da . A. sloevm,
ifs :e i
y led w. Address t.,'l1ll• 1160, OtN
ambers' Aek..wsriamv..s.
"1 acknowledge the wood 1 reoeited
from Burdock lural Bitters. 1 h
constipation, irregular bowel. wed +.
cumulatioe of wind, ea..lbg 'ever. pain
in my Two bu,tlesot B. B 11.
oared a ail you alt.. a to he "
ALLAY Amherst, N 8. 2
me. It
Mao Resell r Ir , 7Nws.sa•
sem wade Rkie ween itrMem. ease
Inding In Insanity.
Thessmad- of errsr-
wosked besieges
mem wearied Mina -
welters s indention
mcsibmics, tied tried
women. in all puts
of the Dosi.ie$
are to -day iw a tetti-
hervoes•aa week,
digestion poor, head aching, and they tea -
not sleep, work or live is comfort. This is
what fins our lessee Asylums. The is
the cause of that terrible Paresis. Belse
it ie too bate, use Dr. Phelps wonderlH
discovery, Paise's Celery Compound. 1t
removes the results of overwork, restores
strength, renews vitality, regulates the
whole system, and tones up the ovetwoeked
brain and body. Do not despair, but est
this wonderful remedy, and be rezoned to
health and happiness, the same as was Mr.
John L. Brodie, of Alontreal, who writes:
° I have great pleasure in
your Paine's Celery Compound. My sys-
tem was run down and 1 was sot tit far
bttllisexW, could not sleep well at sight as's
tl� screws. 1 .. takvrs�g�+arite s
O'y Compound and impro inure.
1 am now able to transact my
eery Na. a bsvek• • was s14 endure any amount of excee-
dingly. .
Plutarch, in his life ••f Arrest/MIN rel witkulbt bad effect."
King of ,parts, gives us the enema! of 1I l}ine's clery Compound can be mir-
th's quaint and tam liar saying
• Oil a certain occalaon au atithaseed..r
from Epirus on a diplomatic missy
was showc ray the Kipu over has mote.
The aatb•s.ador knew of the monarch'.
fame, knee that thmigh only nou.utail,
Unseen, and he had oinked to ore ism- NV King of Sparta, he was yet ruler of t n ri Liquors,
quOrS, 84
chased at any druggist s foe one dollar a
hottle. If he should not have it on hod.
order direct from Wlu4. RtciL*LDSOM
& Co., Montreal.
sive walls rearing aloft their emh•tt'rd
towers for the defence of the town, but
he found nothing of the kind. He mar- ; �'1 j�
relied much at the, tied spoke of it t.. L.T. H. S
the Kum.
• Sar," he said. "I hare emitted most of .1.810.
be principal towers, and 1 li id no walls
e+red f..r delenew. Why is thief-
his T' o
•Indeed, Sir Amhas.ad ere ' replied
treesilaus, "thew dna not have lurk_ed •.. -- -
errfully. Come with me tee-mtrrt•
morning and I will show you the wall,
Of Sparta."
Felt .'.&LI-; Irl'
Acaardinel7 on the following morn -ins
the King led hie' truest out upon the
plains where his army was drawn up
full battle array, and, pointing proudly
to the serried h est, he said :
"There thou beholdest the walls of
Sparta -ten thousand men •true,{, and
every man a brick !"
Nleard's LU.lme.t .'erre Berea. elle.
To $bampeo •.i. ewe nate.
Half the pleasure of having the bail
washed and groomed is to bare some one
du it who knows how. In England, u.
the large stores, there is a departmen.
of hair dressing wham an accomplished
barber, with every amvenience fur ,hov-
e ring and drying. will wash the hair of
Tames fur one shilling. In this coun'r
a good shampoaosts from 50.,. t.. Mt -
ehi h is a targe sew for so simple alb
operation. After combing the smart
from the hair, braid it loosely and bind
the end with • small elastic hand. Draw
t'pid water in a begin and hest wash 1'•
scalp thoroughly with.-astde soap ; then
let the hr.id fall in the water, s rap
and wash as if clothes. Afterwar•e
then .uehly rinse and wring the,. bra.•
1.1 a towel. Wipe the head dry. and
the braid and brush out, beginning e
the Io.er end, when it will nut tangle
L.t the hair loe,te tui the sun and a••
and it will dry in less Ihsn half an hour
woman's hair slr.uld be washed at
least m ....gilt if k•ope rine and healthy. --
:i ew Yurk Evening Sun.
yea lnidus Niagara
Is an easy s.y to end !dr. and suffering
dyspepsia to shit ti an easy way to make
it mi.eratle. Takia. B Ird .ck Blood
Bitters is an Clay tray to cure dysp.ptia
and it never fads t • thor:ounly tome and
strengthen the entire system at the same
T, in Ike camph•.r ice with glyceroe
tat. ..f white WA/. one Calf , ,end ;
spermaceti, six ounces : powdered gum
camphor, three ounce, ; castor oil, nine
minces ; glycerine, one ounce : oil of
hitter agmen 1s, e,ne-hall dra:•hm. Melt
the wax and .p•r,eaati, then add th.
castor el and cam;lbor. Whet) melt...,
add the giy.erine. Stir the mixture
c instantly until all the ingredients ar-
thuruughly tocorprrat.d, theft stir in th.
nil of almonds. When moil enough o
as not to separate, pour into suitable
c. p.:.• 33 OM
i have a tante number of Ilow,ee and Lots
aid oaesnt Erode in the tweet .to irable parts
' the Town -TUR *ALS flag' r.
Now is the truer to sre-urr property before
the Mfg Nash. The C. P. R. is com.ng sure,
end in s short time prices will have advanced
neyond the mach of many.
1.111 and we Let and Prices before purcbas-
lag riiewb
,teal ideate and general Iner.ranes Agent
West-`tt-, third dour from :quare. C. P.
N Ticket and ieie,rravh,)thce_ Si -i(.
By real: h 3,1lidr sending ss her pest One*
address. W ^Ilei fi'tchardsw 1 Co.. Eosttmt.
9Cords "l0NOUNS
ii ell Z auguaZasaja frfor ogs a ••w,, ot sobs
root s es t►r.ib aim, ':SAN •ow .weme.s-
r•Uy wee, sresmeaa he had ween shore le a
vaeaney. • for 111,25 awe Mitt w
web game mar by tae w of taw tool .verviridy
aaa .le tsar owls saws sow sod do a neater than tae
greatest expert sae wltbmt N. Adapted to alt
eaergwt ewe. avert owe 'rhe own. a saw shoiid
hors erre. serf i..ar w ..oras. w ryes. Alt
,o.r r sir writ p,LNXe nat�rt�u A-
ale•rwAd. ran
g ogrolie- W to M..5..
r Wes wail oboe.A..Aa
t.rr o..rm west .f
.5. den. AN roe Moo e.eeY
news Y to Moo �e..rw.ipob• .•
mold dse�ss.e.w4 ran TY a►
=Ls, gwooe.ot lin r
11. 1611.w,.11 ... .,.io wan srprss-- Na mewed lo
emir Ow Whoa pre N.Y be a Y • pool, arsaM.s.ads-
we e, r iwe. r Mowry w gooey. ear will ran east e.. a.w 7�a
.. woke his e$ wea..e+► .4 Mir. M 5n irewiit..ww�m'-
..r...geese. me..-,mr ani•._ w_.Jaci/+rr�••i�• n►
$$$Isis IL N•Lt1TT • LV.. 1.5 S rgees•'ae.
tTE :HIL O 4-
1 CURE ' tiViea I sayerre f do ages em
a esersi h st•I tis a time aged
have tags niters again I M.AN ARAD$OALOUR11 1 tovgrsi541taedef" . IY
■ont eas see trcause therefillwitairews •led to ams. 1 t.4 mfrested, care. Seed at
sorer geese Because others Vis failed Y .y resins far not we "e . Gib. =peas
rice for a treatise sad • /Me M!!N of wry Mt fidelis s NswtaeA 1. 5 F_M. e. Empress amid
ret Ogee It needles fora trial. sag k win ren w a =d�i�
f>•.po; U 1..A flttwees ass w>aa* AaRL£5/ft WSW.
T T5I'
..,.' - 4
Bool(s week. .96 pages,
WW1 free . lowest prices ever knows.
Aldeis's !deaf A Ronk ('ase (the two skies
tr.• alike'. Wires 01600 to $l0 00 . hoM■ Mtn IMM volumed of
the ■venige vire No other article of furnkure of equal Dost
till! celually a•! 'rn a cultured home
The follnwlug M an . , ror.l'arl"'•n of Contents and
Pries of kuatlin M"°"weia reel' A
lyse of v, e. *seNo
a,,as.sr.g11 to„,a
;t'ej(ssa >w
•lira's asaab e u
ALers's Mfeet. popular
,sewell r. cheapest Pperiteee weefee.Cyclopedia& tat�en yIn exchange. Mention fhb lyse vibes w` write.
1/011_III S. ALOIM, Piebfle/ler. Nil ret IA,. We Tose:
Ile w Ave., dlaawet fill wsasbatl a.. Mamie*.
Awe at Ole elite et ass s.1 meows is llNe M e� illkRwMw w tM �r M ~
Zotisqpinoil SURE4l
TOO �T O ■ frts2.1r Q lftt
s �wr sMrt 1 leve a t��' iii
t.fel syas�id reiSi flee AeefalM let
ri�.`"et�o tr'rbr'[ 1« :.e 'int
A 1502x1 i
We handle more Envelopes than all other local dealers
together and keep our stock constantly sorted up to about
50,000. We have over that quantity on hand at present.
Envelopes supplied to the trade at a close margin.
We have a great many varieties and qualities to choose
from, nearly all of which have been uianufactured from fine
imported papers. We supply them in all sizes, high cut, well
gummed and neatly printed in quantities to suit customers.
We furnish Business Envelopes at the following low prices
per 1000 :
Per 1050
Good Manilla Business Envelopes at $1 25
Good White Business Envelopes at 1 50
Good White Business Envelopes at 1 65
Good White Business Envelopes at 1 75
Good White Business Envelopes at 2 00
Good White Business E at 2 25
(Good Amber Business Envelopes at 2 25
Other sizes at preportionately low rates These prices cannot
be beaten anywhere, quality of stock and printing considered.
Orders solicited. Call at or address
(3-.0 130
No paper spoiled b) blotting.
k -4
Gob oz1Ch Foundry and Machine Worts,
® RUNOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors.111)
. a. ••• ,.. a a d, ,' 0..1 .1 eat• .41 Lr1 �a
SWM 'ILL.Stt s. rtt GlAt S_ t 5 0152 aat`111N1°
\ fiIlllllcttS Hort; • -'a`-
Improved Land Rollers - - - Price $22.00.
AT SAW -=C3- v nit r.E t
Having made arrangements with the JOHN
We are Prepared to Quote Prices to
Parties want of the same.
211.11131,411.2111111 res 07' • ♦LL =IKDM
ALTCFe is lie Hurot Sinai,