HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-2-14, Page 5e .11 11 1 1.LL 11111 L 1111 IL I L 10.“ JOHN ACHESON. WIC CALL pecial Attention! TO THIS NEW BRANCH IN OUR BUSINESS The goods are all fresh, in the very latest Styles and Choicest Shades. We invite every lady in town to see them. JOHN ACHESON. BILTHIIHALICH. OW 0./1 ILIA over from last week.' Th.C. 0.?. is gothic to hold it. an taanimiting on February 10th. A program will be rendered. The divisioa of No. 2 school hes bens aimed for over. week a• the teach- er. Mr Elliott, Is sick. We hope to am Mile around again soon. In grippe is raging in this locality at peemant ; scarcely • person escapes it. Mrs N. Morriah hat been laid op with itiameassitims of the lungs. She is int - der the treatment of 1)r Shannon. Mr Pinar Fisher, jr., is going to put up* brick house next summer. Mr Richard Jewell, of Ashfield, has ;archaised the farm formerly "woad hy Ju Gledhill for the sum .4 $5,500 Thos Qinn has • portable saw mill on Zia prionsima for next season H. ex- pects to cut a couple of hundred thou n and firM of lumber. The household of Joe Levy is bnght mod by the arrival of • daughter W r congratulate Mr and Mra Lery on the happy event. DUNGANNON. From our own Weather unusually mild for February Foe -en, - On Thursday of last week. sum of money which the owner can r by proving property. Enquire residence a J. G. Ward, bengal, 0 Th. municipal council of West W aws- nosh held a moons& In the town hall, on Saturday, tith inst. All the members present. It will emelt again oo the Rich March. It is pleasing to be able to note that Cbu. Gime), sr., Esq., who has Oran so ill, is getting bettor. We hope Host the venerable gentleman Will 11000 8. able to enjoy his wonted state uf health. Too much credit cannot be given to Taylor, widow 1 the late John or, of West Wawanwah. near Dub - non, for raising pork. We have been ibly informed that the enema lady ally sold to a pork dealer in Gods • porker that weighed 569 Ib.; age bout 1 year and 8 months. We would ke to hear from any one who can t that. Mrs Taylc,r is an old settler d is quite advanced in years. tieing up- ards 01 four -score, and as yet alints trirous and healthy. The funeral of the late Christopher *wart took place on Thursday, the 60 nat. His remain. were interred in ungannon cemetery, being followed ither by a very large ooncourse of ret- ires, friend. and IICAloain timers. As a *thew he had no equal in point id denims, kindness, and paternal Bohm- ude for his children : and as • citizen e was highly respected by all who know tm. The bereared children slid other lanes, have the sincere sympathy of • cow inanity in thou sad •fil.rtioo. HUN %//7 T AOrTritaY.- We ars pleased be able to state that Mr Richard Tee- iren,let., a this village, who on MOli- y, the Ird instant, nod with a serous. rot near his own resideher, IS rr- ng rapidly. Whilst adjusting some rt of the wagon box, the horses being ttacbed to the wagon tied! flight and away. dragging the o'd roost email sing the ground • considerable (-listener. • sustained meters injury., so 'ouch so at the who then saw host pressineed • WIWI killed, but thrimah kind Provo oe hie injuries are not so serious as as expected. The remains of the late Mrs B•itesno, bo, after baying been very ill for some ide, departed this Iffe rn Thomilay week, at tho age of 78 yews. were tarred ih Dungannon mesteterry, on arday, 8th inst. Roy S. Carrie con- ' eh, ohasquioa ii the nen se. on . • bereaved husband and limn, have • sympathy 1 the community. The I was timitly respected by 4111 o were acquaintad with her She, li her husband and family, had I a long time mottled in tho tart 18. eountry. Het tan, John Row KIM the position of munoiltor of the lawniciPality of Wert Wawa, nab for es time, although not. member of it sent. 0 L. itio TWIT 4 evening of last .00hs I.. narty *ha auspieme a the samehera 0118. . Lodge here VII !aid for thy pay. of 'raising funds to sed•reit mid im• this Orme,. hall in this pleas. Tea served in thee hall and, se asest, was an ample 'apply a gond . The nest to order se um pro was tho iotallastual feast in the einerith MOW umastar Monolith arta. ma shairma. with it to himself sad Ike Order. Rev J. pastor 01 the chunk was mailed o pen as the first speaker. Th. rev g entleman is a host of humor in himself The next speaker waa Rev A Pottier, wh in bis speech strenuously advocate. the objects of the Order when ca. tied oat in their true lineal ing, and with the Christian principles . horo and charily to all. Row H. Irvine a Nile, was the last epeaker, but not tit least. During he speech he strong! held forth the benefits (4 true Pectin. antiarn as contrasted with Roman Catho icism The Methodist ohoir random., excellent music, interoP4 nod het 'me the different 'pooches. Th. meeting we clotted by the choir and audience stogie. the minimal anthem •1144 Save Oi.t Queen." We are informed that the pr. (weds of the simony and the social het the Monday following, the 10.8 info, at which • very enjoyable time w. spen(. amounted tip upends of $80 00 On tho first night the weather, unfortu stole, was very stoner. but for which much larger crowd wield have been pr. sent, and therefore • larrer amount would have been realized. . We om gratulate the Order po its swum uncle ib. DUNLOP Prom oar own . • R D. Morris visited friends near Bel - *raw, last week • Sarah Corbett visited friends 1, Codonch last wok. D Lawson 1/401 this week to ao friends at Wyontinr, Ontario, and fro,. t hence to see relatives in Bev City 114 irhigan. primp A L. -John Trabte, farm roe Zi..n church. Colborne, gave our bare view this week and was the truest W 11 Jewell, haying nit. • plea.ant d hate with him and 11001. fair controvert 4ste over the proposed creamery. His nex visit, however, will not be to resume th. debate, Mit, • intle bird whispers, oil he nn • more important subject that may cost us one of our fair creamery champ loos LEEBIRN. Prom oar own .. • Mr and Mrs D. Stirling were called to Goderich township last week to attend - the tuners/ of their grand-daoghtor Miss E Harrison, eldest daughter of Thome • Harrison, of the 4th con. In our last weett items we noticed the serious illness of Mrs W. Mien, 4.1 B rumfield, ender of Mrs F and J bn Horton. On Mouthy of last week she psamd from her family and friends to her real, much regretted A number of her relatives hers ad trionds from this pennon attended he funeral, Thursday of limit week, from Bruoefield to the Clinton cemetery. Owing to the Roir Dr Ure's illness last Sunday, Caputo. ilibson, of Godorich conducted tarok* hors. Tim Captain is over a welcomed visitor here. The following officers of the I. 0. 0 T., NO. 213, were installed for the ells rent quarter last Friday evening. Tn lodge this term has selected to be ruled by one of its sisters, the third who h.. horn chinen to fill the offioe domino th• period of the lodge's existence of fiftern raw : W. C. T, Seater M J Liofield; W , Bro. A. Goner; W 1, Boo L.nkister; W. F. 8 , Bro. J. Inerom W M, 8r. sl-bn Lit.field; W. V. T Mister M. Cook; T. 0, Sister K Lit. field; O. 0, Bro. Alas el JUDD; W 1). hi , Sower R Gordon; W. C., Bro. A. Gordon; P W. C , 8 B. William. During the quarter just clewed • linter, ..1 Dickensmid 8ir Welter finite work has been purchased and hooks from are taken by tho members for reed,s during the week, the librarian for th• Tweeter being H. A. Horton. For th end of the order • wrings, clam of y nrom bora has bean organised, to • hic several prises will be &wanted to it. • ho have made the bast megrim at II used of this quarter. The delegates a, - pointed to the (bonnet mooting at 1111.1 chestier Wednesday 01 this week al. Bros A 0 Chinon end J. Lusfiald an &nom Gordon and M Cook "THE DESERTER" A Thrilling Story oVarrrty Lite, By Capt. Charles Nag, U. S. IL, Wil/ be our Nast Attratliam in the finial Lima Capt. King ranks with tho leading story -writers a the nem. 0. 8.. sever written an , dewy, and THR DESERTER is among the bast 01 881 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRWAY, F a 14 1810 DUAL LANGUAGE DEBAT E.eeimenisew yr elem. me Mr. Mina mode • dollar means la Mks sposier nemsd Mr. liktheak, why has 18. 8.... 16 Is said that Mr. Oisema, wale n • good Fess* meholer, kallemb10 maks his epee* in OM heammis. The Beederig theedsirems. Orrawa, Pea. I1 -Th. Makers hal another ahours' conearanos with the Itialmear of Flamm this norm and this afternoon met Deputy-M.1W~ Cotertney. Both mat- inga wars swictly private as have bona all former• . . It Is undenttood thall the bankers and onaista. Inv* aow arrived at an • , asid that it has hese • awe glyea-aud-takaall roundI The Monter of Fuistace will lay baton the ()overcommit the result of tam when aU the Mauls of the proposed changes ta ohs Illanking Act will be fully gooe into before being brought down in the Houma FATHER LABELLE'S MISSION. Lemma by a tpaoam raper -Was MIA as Itasaay et the Chersh. QUJIAIDC, ?Ob. 12. --Ler Bed Is streeigly op- posed to the infinion 01 Mgr. Labelle to Prance undertaken in Ids capacity of Deputy C. of Agricultare, kw th• Pur- pose a inducing Frisch settlers to oome Canada. "It is positively ridkukno." To - :narks that journal, "to moss the ems Mr . settlers from France when snore than to 1,000.000 French-Osectiaas are exiled in the United Mates. How can Frendunen nut • • 1, not need to our system of living . in the woods, be expected to live and prosper when sober. industrious Canadian. cannot a makes living t Something elm is wanted if coionization is to be a succom.- Le Courier du Canada appeara in mourn- , ing account oe the death of its propnimtor, Mr. Leger Bniumestii. Le Sud publishes • ckicuieent signed by Louis Kiel, the leader of the Northwest rs- belliou, whkh document is said to have been found in a tin box at Batocbs. In this docu- ment. winch covers six columns. RIel make. the added derma against every oae ten- nected with the tntbolic. Church from the Pope down to the humblest priem. Hon_ Mr. July do Lottnniere in a letter to the press to -night points out that the "B.A.." NIL DAVIN ATTACKS MR. WCARTHY'S NORTHWEST BILL. Ger. *Maim Woke the Dllseneden Messer N.014 11 18. lawasare Sao Only La view -Other lipmehes---Elhe Welt Oenimge Amnia thisesseeed. Ottawa. P -In ties Hann, this Maw - n om Mr. Marlton arm to • gaments 01 privilege sad again called the attentios of 18. 11.... to tba religiose dote In ths w ooed olf will* look Mawr last MOW He Warmed that the Demnains Govarniessed was at fault for not NIS silsogasig o supprem the limiest mob wake had Whokstiellb. WHO& and bar IMOD band of Chrislins work- ers. "When Ohs great Orange sinithocurred in Konlimal," omatinuall Mr. C. intim, "the al Mr. Mackestais (slammed to that body of ma civil and religious rights and they were matiled to puede the Armin of Montana/ Tide was a precedent fur the f 01 to -day. Every cattiest of Canada should he astlitled to protection tram the (' . in the all civil 6r religious rights. This was refired 10 118. Sir John Macdonald said that the various provinces of the Dominion were reeponeible tor the administration cut the criminal law The Dotninlon wsa powwows intartara. Except in 0.03 of rebellion the Federal f did not feel Itself dis- posed M interfere in such matters. Mr Mercier, the promoter a/ the Jesuits' amuse was the proper parion to apply to. It was matter purely within the provisos of the Quebec authorittes. Any two magistrate could have called out the militia to presery 00 the peace Lf.y. Mr. Chariton rephed but was frequenUy intarruptad, and then Hon. Edward Blake naiads his Snit speech 0118. sandon. He said that Mr. Charlton bed made a great roistake in bringing up the manor. "18... is now a legislature sitting over in Quebec," pro- ceeded Mr. Mans, "that is the proper tribunal to apply to in such an emergency. As the Premier bad remark.ed, neither the Dominion , nor the House bas anything whatever to do with it" Mr. Mins of Bothwell called the attention of the House to a prim despatch from Wadi- ington stating that the United States new eminent were about to grant a further Imre of Use tisheries in Sebring Bea with provi- sions for the exclusion of Canadian fishermen. Sir John Macdonald replied that be hadnor seen the despatch in vpsestioa and that 8. 4.1 not believe it was true. The ,. were .1111 81 progress with the United States . • .4 for the settlement of the Bear- ing Hea question, "and he tedieved that • peaceful . , wonld be arrived at. To -night &Alton MoCkirtby moved the socwad reading of his bill for the abolition of Prsoch as an odicial language 81 18. North- west. He marally meads the motion, reserving remarks untll later. Mr. Davin immediately real with this ansendinent: "That the bill be not sow read a wood time, but that it be resolved that it is expedi- ent that the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories receive authority to deal with the subject 01 181. bill by order or enactment after the Next general election." Mr. Davin marks an extended speech in support and entertained the House by the shaft of witucthow he aimed at Mr. Mc - earthy, whom he deter -Med as such • hairy man that he took up his certain birds do their food, on the wing. and it was therefore not surprising that Ws . . were somewhat. flighty. He was too busy to be wall informed, too much .4 a Mei prius lawyerto be accurate and too much of a mere lawyer to be a statesmen. fLaughtarl Mr. Davin's serious agrwmant was to prove Met dual language is not so much of • wesnace to national harmony a• it had beds represantod to be, teat thane settlers of Franca -Canadian origin who bad gone to the Northwest, perhaps on the strength of the clause . , , theirs as an official lan- guage, were entitled to • coins in Its repeal. The question would Meth been omen with in the Northwest if Mr. McCarthy had never taken it up, in fact, before be ever mentioned It it was a Gime of dioruseron amongst the leading men there. Mr McCarthy had dis- covered that be had made • mistake in the position be bad taken last year on th. Jeanine' Betates Art and taken np this other subject in order to let himyelf down eery Col. O'Brien followed in straight camellia to the amendment and 1111.1 that even were the wagon the side he took no larger than it had been 01 the motion be had offered nat session the thermion would do good in dhow- ing the eourstry the position ot affairs. He deerribed the • as seneekos and useless and deprecated the attempt to throw into the affairs 01 18. Northwest Asiambly a brine of contention which would enable the minunty there to have • control similar to that winch they exercised here. Hobart While Kern) followed in .upport • lir. Darht's • Hr objected strongly 10 18. remarks made by Mr. Mc- Carthy in introducing the bill, wbich re- mark% be said were calk elated to armee th. prejudices .4 the French nationality. This agitation for tn. abotitisn 01 18. WS of Frentli he declared to have it. origin in • detere to make political capital Ly fanning the flames of anteJtmit . thi quort:ons ouch as this bi was fur provincial .zighta A stench he French by Mr Beausoilel came 11UL. BP moved an to the t, declaring it hantpedient to inter hire with the feartamst Ant, as this would tend to emote doubt es 10 18. atabinty of our ineliteat km end thee cheek f tie dealt at woes length with the deism clanions 01 81.. lioniar wait* bad horn mad. in this Manta and said that Mercier did n ot speak tor his it was evert\ n oting, however, that. lionises notopen- d ent sentiment bad been reisilsoed by the Termite Vona Literati. ent Pentane emetietried that it was the plan duty of the Ikeda/an ki declare now that English wan to be the may alma; bieguagr. ii....orad of navie" tam question to 8.18.0 with by *PP foreigners who might be aapseassi 10 crow.' heto our Northwest within W. at tow years mid prostibly 10 amentunkar the 8.g10l epreking ',tiler* All 01111011/11 down beforehand that mato ha likolammage of thisomatry. 8.dmmemmed An Merrier threat 108.,e 1111Mialla all Oat 111.11110rim in Quebec aimed the Fesmeh Imagunga or assiensam sahsols Ito ighwented With 81 518.. p10 .4 Mr Ds ills. and mid he kw ma teas Mg lia as Isielmidated by andi threalla Illamma Minh sad Carom rem ahnoissaie anew aesethem ths 1, hen it bring 11 Orb*. 0. Jena auggpand 0.1 the Slam thawed ram and the Mends le tammei toessmesier. nig nem agreed tat Oarema, gpselkleg emserud the IAL„Atk • r411.1111111HOW01‘ S10"44' 8.11 'n:ialflProtestant unlearntasnce Lavaaim gets the benefit oit, bube ao contendthtif it wa.pedal legiation for thexcsve benefit e the minority it would dnothig grant them the power enjoyed by the majority f adhering o the system of ducation .8 818 • andleaskerbrewiSt mbioritya equal rights be in the matter of e ducation af the majority exercises its power by .. , the system of education fol- lowed by Protestant colleges, the. compelling them to adopt another, wider penalty of chiming the doors of the liberal protemions 14*111,1 ng A owning of young nom here have started • Frew% and English paper called The Independent. Some of the French press thie evening ad- vise the tialvation Army to wait until a final judgmeat has been rendered their tending case before they attempt to parade the stmt.& again, as they did lad Sunday night. WHAT IS GOING ON IN MONTREAL. La !medic.. Comment ea Me oranges Bill - Time Carmelite." rturriasee. MONTREAL, Feb. 12. -None of the French prose have any comment on the Orange bill except 1. Petrie. winch condemns the action of the majority of the Commons, ankle that the sticiet v le a ..urea, of danger and discord and adds 'that if the Equal Righters only sue - eroded in mueteriug rukTIM for disallowance of the intuit Act it was because Sir John had promiail the order that it ntouki be in- corporated. The Carmelite.. have purchased • piece of laud in Itachaut drert between Dufferin and Andienit on 'which they Mattel erecting aeon vent next sprin. Tb. convent is at present witaated at Hochelags. but the anality WOMB . owing to tbe propond harbor works, The earrings of the Canadian Pacific Hall- way fur the week ending Feb. 7 were t3i4,0113 as against eltd.tin for the mum- period m IMO, showing an increase a 612.nd In the caw of Row v. the C. P. R. the de- ferments. * ho are alm incidental plaintiffs, presented a motion this morning to amend their plea mid n.:dental demand Po es to in- rIPW charges The mutate woo granted on condition that a 8111 01 particulars setting forth the new charges he furnished_ S. 0. E. B. A. Grand Ledge °Meer. Eleeted-A Jut mil, B ram% Yenned. Poen Horn, Feb. 12.- The Grand Lodge, 80.&B&, to -day elected these °Moen: Grand President -J. C. Swint, Toronto. Vice-Prendent-ft Iveso, Toronto. Treseurer-H. H3.rhcllffe, Toronto (re- elected). Bornmary-.1. W. Carter, Toronto. Trusbesis-Dr. Pollard, Richard Csiddki, Barlow Cumberland. Auditors-- Bro. Skippon ansl Prof Pyrnorms It wne decided to establish juvenile branch of the order to admit eatable parties undo, 18 years of age. A P1TCH-IN ON THE C.P.R. Two IF:sprema Train* C.1114.• hear IIR._(14., MAIO 1111.4, IIIONTRICAL, Feb. I. --Thu. morning two express trains on the 1 'ensidiaii Pacific Rail way. ow from 4.04 tie other coins west, nollided between Itockliffe and Beertt's 'statists. Hubert. nos. • expresso naeseed rot and eon of Tax i ist•ctor Thompson of Kingekin, was 81811 It is aniseed the heavy rkeg.. Li til. .expreve car 641 emu hint, esomng death . -Iti engines were Madly misebed. Tbe ..01.11414 Of 4418/1100 to this care ie sot yet The red of the train ham% ennaped s .e heel 'Making up A were ..e.4 wberoby the eana- bound train was only I hayed ale hours by the accident THE 1/0-• =Mao sad 011. Jet. ea a WAMITIOT011. 18.1. the President. Witt* Minteter .1*1,. ..nieest Mates ft,' idler Canadian %MIMI stairs 14 to-enanww. Ceilimpremr. Ile, 4 304tAtisiawrann. • *.0*et waterwer..• end proved 1 atroms 44.1' aim be Ihrwwu wow Om. The water y nair m • poi* '/IVEN01. • •. Agreed so. t 01.10/sliond 1/4 awl the • I moo a non- . • sli he wallah •Illoweed 4. • ourctemo bait 00 WNW • werass fora& Ls& Ws. al s was weds . idly t of the 0. sunaleind and yys MOM In rr mati les OassmIal • lie dria IlIsIlIll 11 111111111•1011111111MN • 11 NI Till DOMINION 1\ BRIEF. 81 dood.thrr Father °Hagerty 44 Mt I 'atliarame An Ornage Dieerict of Mouth Kraut haw hem organised. 11aenew Board of Trade Ifaildiag at l 46.is „reee - • The ALUM Liner Peres las juin arrived at, Ha78. lifax, had a rougb pang..pang..LAW= 11.1411.11.1411.Board, has iacreseed the steedard of milk. There is • 'pound theslimeg in Ottawa that Meta ohmage are Al Winnipig Fridsy, the greeted snow - Norm tor years was , The overdue semaimer Ulunda has arrived at Halifax attar a rough voyage. The toriss lieddiamad met in cayuga sad re-ousainated Dr. Moulegue. A brawl; *tattoo a the Domini. au Fathers will be Monty opened in Montreal. The Manitoba Goverantaut is charged with delaying the return. from Kildonan. Heastor Macdonald 4 Toronto died last week in that city, after • rowers ill111...,,if ha tiordua, of Toronto, has been ap- pointed matron a the 0.10.413.0.10.413.lisepitat Mr.. Venue, a leading milliner owi t Mitroal, Isms bounto insane owing to family trouble. The Alth annual convention Y As 4 Outer.. aes1 Quebec has jun c Ismolat Krnt. font. It is rumored again 01 Quebec that Kr. Mercier intends to bring ma the ele•tanas at once. There is • nsovenieut foot to start a spasm of free eihools in the Pro. inv. of Quo- Senator McInnes bas given notice ole mo- tion for the establishment of a Canadma mint. Ten thousand colored people in Canada have sent the Govantor-Geoeral a loyal ad- dress. Mr. D. Matiny, Reeve of Roach township, has been appointed Treasurer of Ontario county. A large immigration .1 American gipsiee into Emex county, v01. Windeor. took plena last week. Attoroey General Martia, at the Manitoba Legniaturs, has .4imappeared Ir'... Winnipeg. A gigantic labor Whams will rate' a large food .4 coutiey before the aighte. -bour strik of May begin. Mesdames Laurier and Mackenzie have re - mined their daturday evening receptions at Ottawa. At Guelph the eleventh annual meeting of the Ontario Agricultural and F. 1 Union i. being beki. The Club National, Montreal, it is said will pass a resolution declaring its hopes of Cana- * young man named George McLeod, tinned serious injurini in • coasting ackident at Drill's, the other day. It is now comidered certain that a suitatde inonunient will be erected to the memory of tie late lir. Norquay In Winnipeg At* conference of Probibitionin, recently beld in Ottawa, it was decided not to mak any prohibitory legidaticia this year. Brantford's Central School was burned to the extent of $3,000 worth of damage Friday. The loss Is covered by insurance_ Mr. H. 11. Derocbe, ex -111. P P., it is mkt, will probably be the Liberal candidate in Addington at the Local elections. The P. E. I. Doves -omen ha. sixteen nip porters in the newly -elected legiadture against fourteen Oppositionists. The electing' 4 the warden of the l'ounty 4 Wentworth is to be contested on the grctutd that a ballot was improperly rejected Mr. It White. M. P. for Cardwell, will introduce in the Contamous an aeon mem to Mr. McCarthy's Dual language Bill. John Bowman. • pioneer of the enhurb 01 London wed and a city .010.14and promi- nent dearth wearer is deed, at London. Out Parker. the alleged Burlington, Kan., forger, was liberated lint work at Lratdon because the extradition papers had not ar- rived. A hemline depute.: her, lune been sontemed by *8. Toronto Magistrate ids nionth'e im- prisonment, for celerity to her ten year old chiki. Ftoprmentativeo of 'he Englith BreweryRy.whrel. Rynelionte are at I 'ditto negotiating fur the purcbare of two breweries and a distinery 4. tbaAlicassetcAY.at prevent before. the Ruperior (knot b. Montreal term noon the vory intantiethig queotion as So tbe amorality .1 Victor Hugo's wok.. James Dosincity. SO years of age, • farm Ignorer, was tt.t,tencest at Finn, foirptrizosPring a tourteen year -id girl. - day to le mouths , , General anis /013. Royal Military College at, IC Menton, was seri- oway injured whil. attempting to stop a min - away bone on Wednesday. In the big Pat•iilk railway n -titration ewe Mr. Edward Blake owe hided his aeix days' argument in reply, and the at*ter now nista in tun hands of- thc arbitrator.. A young mem named B. Danarrean, 01 Montreal, while asking the pareota of hie betrothed to coneent to. their marriage Tounday eventing, dripped tinaft. 14 Hief/11101 . held at flow- rminville, Mr. W. T. 1.sekhart, grain,nsnrlile, dealer of Neweentin, am. Nominated to conima West Durham in 4.1. The Mayoro( lialifoit, bas sent • oomph- mentary telegram to tient. Stairs, in I.n- den, recognition .4 the Nova thotian's ser- vices sea member 0118. Stanley ex polition. Kiss Bertha Wright, leader of the Esanges- oats, eds. were recently weeeilted in flull, de- cider the offer of a strong bodyguard of ot. taws °Whom tre the nematan a ale Yew next vt to Hint A special &spat. It front Washi1/1k10 -rthat thr Julian Pacreirfote ard Secretary Blaine are both vvry hopeful that an sin', sainting will be reached on tie Clog's Rea 01.8..!.. troubni. A man named Morton, Ws year. of sts, bring /Mr Illtramt, Milo., Haturday, de. literately odd deed his emand daughter is - law bonen a a marred which bad talon piano between them. Mr. Wilmot, orife of Hon. R. D Wihnot, formerly a mentbsr Rir John's Cabinet. and afterward goveraor of New Brieworich. died lad 11+We at bow hone, in Sunbury county, 1. NM wan this maim ft„ won* thelereemat P. Mr Itnntrory. Dennis Mooney, • workmen at Ibiztou salsom WNW Ki1141011141, kJ/Mg .'WI.Irmo Ina 81 *8. .8.1* MO feet damp bey a drill -vs -4M81. awading and intim through hi head, has dint 11 ling that Via blithe. were forted out abet darned by the iron be re- gained I time, rorognia Ing wad speaking an Ms brailhar and 0..., Moo want prewslal at his beards. It Is loarebod dellaillaly that Goa umels wired in build the Garen railway from 1- 8110Mostaas bee hoer /111400 after mush 10...h81,as las Owyeettan Pantile Raft y tud the aelmmai in Rag- I Masi18. cantrart Imo Was 4.110 (tr.,. ' thee Demid Grunt 0411. II. Saes and its inwl will ha sameammed early is spoils ' 11 r *11 1111. III III 111 101111-11-4 WILL re. RES Whkill t4r fatront. 1 r.er ..r a Isty? IV In tbe it. Mil 11W a pear/ 41.rry's nittI .itartulaa is 111111y - Sweets • llowar wee ber fawhen 1 ce tk,n1 r suss. kintsieseci (Love W the romance atm giory of MO et il:y. my play:nate% I lure "Inv a sister," Hut Dora 1 choose fur my wife. That is right. j "tine men. marry the girl you kn.% by all memo. If she *111 too.. you_ Bbouid r b..olt), bro.nor drloitto rod her Mauty fade after inerruom rrow.1.1...r that oils is usually doe to functional distor1:400es, malinosaa trr.ifislaritiva or cuutui diem- derejrrolier to twr wt. In the cure .1 winch Dr. VII IIN`arriptinn 1. jr‘area. toed to givi satiediset or mum, t..4.4•...5t. See the printed cm Whale of 114straiit.0 on bottie-wreppei. For orurwortcd, " worn-out," " run-down," losthena, milliners, do windows.. , Mop - grirls," 1 nuraltori roo.larra and foeble women weer - ally, Dr. Poi-or's Favorite Prreerletton 4. tbn greeted earthly boonbring uteuunlod as an apprUsing eurtleal and rsstoretive lona, strensth-giter. ceeirebt. uW, .5 WOWO Oot. Man Au's tlr. PIECE'S PELLETS cantata and L,sjo t 11%er, stomach and '1....y ere our, ... %.."..tabk• .H4 per - ...y harakiri One a Osisa Sold by truggisla. omits • vial -- W. C. G OODE, Ir DRT..7f3CIt-t•C, Acknowledges no superior on P,cs;, Iptio n Woi k. Prh pl....,. 1 em..4/1.111 i,.1, ,141/I -•Inare arses. IT W ILL PAY YLU 1 to brir g me your a: escrip- tions, or if you request your pt. yelei a n will leave them with rre and secure these ad- vant ages. Feb. 1'., Itm FALL & WINTER G-00=3. have just rueeiv..1 y largo consignment of Fall and Winter tioods, aml to niake room for them 1 an now selling off my Previous Stock At figures away down. I do not believe in carrying over goods un- til another year. and will always sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES rather than hold thein over. Being anxious to keep up with the times 1 have just put in a hanNome plate glase front, and :ntend making other improvement,' that will make my extenmive pre - .second to none in town. I ani here to exchange gooilt with the public for cash, and am .bound to do it.. CriZMark, Manager of Toronto Howie. CANX23 X..N•clAiRtcAN0‘,Q.S1) 01(1 rxruL,.co 4 VV)HTINIn EPPS'S COCOn SHE.% IR FAST. "III • thewenidi It no w 'refire of I se nal Urfa ker• Whirls mover It oprral tatn. 4i We S ad and .. MIT/0 I appl .111 IMO Cle IIs. 0.. peropertte• of well wiccied 1 es OS. Mr Epps dim provide... oar 1..4A taw table. witha MI. ateb flavored bet.. •Fr whlet. e e inaley Wavy dhoetore 11 is ay ,ftedkleme of meiarticles ft diet that • confines...4. map 8. both ep sent ernes esensgth to mese every teeth/eel1. alseage Hundreds et mhtla maisdlea ar• 411.1144/41 arms n41 e• rwut 40- 004* wherever tberr le • swesa pews We may canape Many a 4.1.1 410/1 n. keeping eseadves well fartleed with "err Mere sad a properi.• evertahed head" Arrvisa garotte Mane .haply with boffin/ maw o. .dlIs poi ash to_ hy Ibles ewe Yaw LawMknraws L ttRgy