HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-2-14, Page 4THE HURON 8IG % AL- I R1DAY, FFB. 14, 1890. TME CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. ..Tf1.a,I.0,f1f0 seST. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. MEAL (PAM. OP) INN IMILLl.11 DOLLARS • 100.000•000. mT, 4 E WALKER, GENERAL MANAGER 11700.000. GODERICH BRANCH. a A GRIUM1 BANKING Bisewesse TRANSARTm_- Femme. NOTIf• ONICONINTEO. DRAFTS IMSI*D PAYABLE AT AU. POWYS IN CANADA` AND TN& PlisitosPat. MISS IN TINS UNITED STATER, GMAT BRITAIN, FRANCS. SENOMPDA. An SABRING U N I IMPART y. DEPOSITS OF $LOO AND UPWARDS RttcLIVED, AND CLIIIRIwT RATES OF INTEREST ALLOWED. NIFFINNIST ADONIS TO TAMS PSINQ(PAL AT TNS SMO OF Slay AMO soorMI.ee6t w SApi TUNS. *peek* Attendees shrew le the OelNel.n et Osaww/erehl paper, w Fer.nere' Sales Relies. R 8 WILLiAMS, MANAGER. By Capt Charles King, U.S. A. Author of "DI NkA t I:x RAx(R, " "TBE COLONEL'S I/Art.1[71?u. ' "MARION'S FAIT," ETC. •41t -A .. ; leopyrigek by J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, Bad published by special with them.) w ILL BEGIN NEXT w 14, $uron atignal 10 PtlaLISPIRD EVER,, FRIDAY MORNING, AT ITP STEAM PRI<TINo OPTICS : NORTH -STREET. OODKRICH. It is a wide-awake local devoted t3 county news and the dissemination of Ilse Lal keowledga RATE{ OF Or4n4'RIrii. s $1-30 a year ; 7311 for six months : 4Oc. for three months. If the subecrlption 1s not paid is advance Ipt will be charged at the rate of 02.00 • year. AS+VERT1a1NC RATES l.eg.! and other casual I. Mc. per thine for first insertion. and 3 cents per line for each insertion. Measured by a nonpareil scale. Local notice. In oonpariel type Sc per litre. Local 0ouoes in ordinary reading type le pe word. Business cards of slit lines and under 05 per Fear. A of Lost, Found. Rtrayed ataatjon. M1' *cant. Situation Wanted and Ett.ieew Chances Wanted, not emoeeding 4 Ialnmmsa nonpariel 01 per moth. Houses on :sale and Farms on Rale. not to exceed 811nes, 01 for fir,.t month. Sec per sub - moment month. larger ad cis in proportion. A•y .pedal notice. the object of which b to )emote the pecuniary benefit of any Indi- �MSBi or company, to tea considered as ad t+letlsement and charred accordiL0I7. These terns will in ..0 cares be strictly ad- hered to. Special rates for larger or for extended period.. made !sown at the oMce of publication. JOBBING DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing Office is carried n0 in connection with the ordf boldness. where rates. Sem thing in th printork i. turned - ing Bae can be done o the premises from an 111111dtuted poster to a isiting card. All oommunicatfonv must be addressed to R McL1LUrilSOW. I dltoroi TOO RmNAL Telephone Cal. So. 30. (lnd.rich Ont. HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, FEB. 14, 1830. TOWN C0WICIL. Ttae wteetes of tact Resat.liesthey Meet- ing. The town council met on Friday even- ing last, 7th inst. All the members present except reeve Pr.,udfo.t and councillor Dunlop. The minutes .,f the • atut.,ry meeting were read, approved and signed. Mara. Butler informed the council that Mr Wm. McLean wished to rent the drill shed for 5 or 10 years. The matter was referred to the public works committee. The report for ,I.nuery, S howing a balance can hand of $1,980 84, was reed and referred to the finance com- mil tea The report of the Svmton o1 Maitland cemetery, showing interments during the month of January to be 13-8 adults and 5 children -and stating that late storms have blown down parte of the fence and injured headstone., was re- ferred to the cemetery committee. A Lion from Mr Joe. Kidd, asking what rate wi.uld he charged for water to run a motor which he intend. an ' to place at ( is works, was r. (erred to the th ' waterworks committee, Li. An from the Public H. Works Department, titian*, . f the ra- W neipt of the petition ashen(, for improv A petition from J. Bedford for sxemp- ti3e from poll tam was referred to the Court of Revision. Aa c o t' NT`•. The following accounts were read and referred to the finance committee :-F. Jordan, medicines per relief order, 11 50 ; C. A. Nairn, relief, $14 55 ; Jaa. McVicar, beck work at e tc , $6 50 ; Reliance Electric Co., ac- count for dynamos, changing lamps, etc, $1,645.63 ; Jos. Williams, lumber, $11.19 ; D. C. Strachan, relief, $25.50 ; Jas. Robertson & Co , Toronto., lead P ial. etc., $958.26; Royal Oil 0.., To- mato, oil for $43 20 ; J T. °arrow, town solicitor, $141 62 ; Thos J. Videan, relief, $5 : E. OraSam, re- lief, $4 95 ; A. M. Polley, livery. $23 50. The accounts of Chrystal & Black, 515.56. for waterworks material, and Edward Sharman, 526 75, for re- pairs at pu npmg house, were ordered to be paid. Councillor Humber gave no- tice that he would move at the next regular meeting that bylaw No. 6, 1889. the schedule of water rates, be amended by inserting the weeds ' Each additional horse. including wash- ing harness and rig, $1 00.'' after the words "Harness and rig, $2 00," in the 112th line of said bylaw. krrOST O, FINANCE • We Lave examined the following .e - counts and I their payment up- on being duly certified :-Fraser & Por- ter, $22.74; Wm. Ktrkhride, $11.80; Saunders & Son, r; 83; Estate of 0... Grant, $4 85; ' John Robert«.n, $9.75; HL WN SIoaAL, $13 45; Mar, $33 31 ; Geo. Neehergall, 11 1 60; Hardwick & Ware, $36 39 We that the book of Mr Wm. Pow,. (on financial cal- culations) be not purchased and that the clerk return the copy sent for inspect- ion. (Signed) PHILIP HOLT, Chairman pr., tem. The report waa adopted. REPORT OF $PI('IAL . Your special committee beg leave to, report that they have considered the questions submitted by the Provincial Secretary re ax ememptiona ■,d would recommend that the present system of taxation be not interfered with Jo1.r Bcrtga, Chairman. 'loved by Campion, seconded by 'j'lrompson, that the report of the special oommrttre be adopted. Moved in amendment by McKenxti, seconded by Nicholson, that the quest- ions as to from taxation he taken up clause by clause at the next regular meeting. Carried A Tetter of from Jas Gor- don, desiring to be relieved of his duties as assese,r, collector and caretaker of the town clock, was read. After cootder- able •kirmishiuv Mr Gordon's resigner.,,, as assessor, collector of water rates and caretaker of the clock was accepted .uid • special meeting called Lir the follow- ing Thursday evening to appoint his sac censor. An application from the clerk, asking the council to increase his salary to $600 per year, was laid over until the special meeting on Thursday evening. Bylaw No. 2, 1890, appointing the Board of Health, was read three tin,, d passed. The Board is constituted • same as in 1889, as follows : -Jas. Shepherd, Wm. Aehewsn, tiam'i eller, F Jordan, Jos. Williams, Tb.,. eatb.r.ld, Robt. McLean, J..nn G ,ens and the Mayor, with Dr Taylor medical health officer. Bylaw No. 3. 1890, limiting the num ✓ of hotel licenses to 8 and shop rtes to 2, and fixing the limn.@ fee the same amount as last, year was d three times and passed. )n motion Mn Dnrnin was placed o, relief hat of 81. David's ward The tar of granting relief to John Durnin left in the hands of the St A. dre.'s rd smoother of the relief committee to ,rt at the next regular meeting. Th. edition of granting relief to Jos J•r- • wee left iii the band. of councillor Kermit, --- meets to the harbor was read and filed.Sti A from Win. Byers, se resigning the fire warde,ahin and rearm- he meediog the appointment of R. T,ch- boom, was read. On motion the reel - Ila Nation was accepted and R. Tichhoor a at was • inted t n the tea appointed position. ( A communication from the Deputy the Minister of Marine, inquiring whether ata the town would attend to the replacing eau 04 • number of mooring pests at the barber between the cheek water and the 0. T. R elevator which gave away dur- P1 Noy the heavy gale 04 Int fall, was road o tied filed. nin • osmruunIwtioe from the Grmloon Mr abater Pimp Oo., req•eating the remit- keel of the bakeries doe therrt,$1,243.M, to p wee road sad .ted. A patina from F. Bmsrth, asking for T the Ik$ittg of water pipes on f.tanley st to front of his hoses., sum referred t., t► the waterworks sonsittee. tiros A pelkk/s from r..idente of fit .mi Piiziek's egad, the se electric lamp he donee. ..healed •t uvea sorsa of Cashn• Rona M sad Trefelsor-.t.. was refers' t0 the visit ameerg a egoskbe to report .t the their mad we011SR. hPho in motioe clerk was authorised archin, II fords ..f wood at $3 26 cord he council then adjourned. n Wednesday of Is week Mr James dfoot, of the mill road, Tacker- th, caught a fare botterAy in his mei r and Mrs Hodson, of Seafortk are 1", Inside in Pickering- Wile • Mrs Ht.dwoa had a severe 'Walk of id fewer, bet M sew rosoverkse. SIR CARON CALLED DOWN. MM USLDp THE WORD " INSOLENCE" REJECTED. Sams Li rwb Spa& Na 4be Nese* .r &an- -�• eleelm. se she the or she Irene A.>-TNis e6I4810r I.ba0s .r Cees £a.48•d -The Deal i enawya Rola OTTAWA. Feb. II. -The debase w . Dr. W iLeses Bratton to repeal the Fra calls Asst Neer. Ch.ppbou dyet ad q I1 bedf of the government Referring to the cost of the Act he that by reams of bb iib-1selta M hod sot beim able to carry out ameba recentesedatios to reduce ki.t b turnsbe le.a The t revision of Mk almost eospleted, had (tet to does o.Iy 1150,000, though the newspapers bad la addition rtaived $9,000 for printing lista The debate was continued try Mr. Casey, ad John F1Ally% IwLtml to a eti6•ia other membdin till atter 11 o'clock. tide Me.doeskl wanted to pre the 'notice mimeo 1 Bauer. vole, bat as lir. Lawler stating there cheaee or Inning up in any reasonable tins, the Frame gave way, and Mr. Trvw toovod tbe �sdjs.mr rn•nt of the debate, which ca Oe Friday, after the usual introduction of private b that the k, Mr. Laurier made complaint Ouse wee out going into committee of supply, in which case he had an amend- ment to move. He had proposed to move it on Thursday last, but at the request of the Finance Minister, for a good reason then stated, he had deferred miar hi. motion. Rethought it was unfair to deprive him of an opportunity today. The be pro posed to move, was for the abolition of the rebate to distillers, of the duty paid upon corn used in whiskey exported. Kir John Macdonald said that it would be very ow tete part of the Govern- ment to act unfairly towards Mr. Laurier, Who always showed a di•pontion to be per tactiy fair towards the I i0 his actio.. He did not think it well that the House should be roved into committee on Friday it there was to be • division, became there worst() Bonny mtember+ always away oar that evening. He therefore thought it beet that Mr. Laurier's 1 should nut le moved until the next Government day (Tuesday.. As there was a notice on the order paper, put there by the member for Freakiest., which might lead Mr. Laurier to fear that be would be forestalled in his mo- tion, Sir John would assure him that would not occur. and he wuuldp.on ire when other business was finished that day House would be moved into supply, oo be could moved Ma t and let discusiao stand over. Mr. Laurier said would be quite satisfactory. The Hoaro the, went into committee o0 John Thompson's bill to amend the act npecting bills of exchange, checks and missory Outs After several loch! gentlemen haat in defeu. a of the present fees and Mr. dett had asked that their testimony be out because they were 'bank auticiturv, Lister as • bank solicitor ktas1f, admi that the fees in Ontario were quite slough already, and Dr. Kpt nine e..ncu i0 the c'omplalnt that the cwt was too After recces there was a beefy plumage tween Hon. David 31i1L and Hon. Char Tupper, the former taking advantage of error in the puna edition of the ready corrected, to try to Boake it a that the Minister of Marine had deceived House with • false statement of expendito for advertising and printing during the of the Mackenzie Government THE MAKKETS. BREADSTUFF* AND PROVIaIOP/a- ealw•ah Pilau litseeentwes&lfeb. U. FIN ..� :...: 42 `► w .0 bosh ................ •II la 0M sew • brleh .......... M es •s. ..................... •u •u low u.lps•hfd • dse .. • u t w 0 11 • 13 IM 1100 Drag tea ! 1lM�TO •IISO Chet M «.t; • aunt 11 . , 40 •art .ed ....... . N - 6 : Wool ......................... 00" IM u 0 1 Drown d• esrt BMs 6 Si sepias.tt b+l.i M • 10 Mahe `-sleaoes. 1e to bits SIto 0M 71 to 0 it 110 to 40 rib M W to 40 to 60 to IS to N to 00 to M to O w 410 to 76 to Been Sea' WMKhs.te•w eBY i�tl that that the that the that l4ir rs Cordwood Beet Wool.......... Pork a 3. 11 I6 a w 00 00 60 OVEllTOCKED ITII LTEII coons Sweeping Reductions will be trade in all lines of Staple and Fancy Dry -Goods, Tweeds and Men's Fur11ishings. Do not buy without seeing our prices. Inspection Invited. J. A. REID & BRO. Jordan's Block. God.rtok, Dew Ott,. 1� ■..t,,.l Callao tortes. - !Mock Pts oint St bock at 14. Montreal She People's oodlag Feb. Rk. 1 00, worey�°a the week p column. = Receipts of live stook et the x St Cry ear Ilse . •!0 (13 3• w Leh over her, pee- viows weak 07 Total tor week 6 (t3 30 M Left on. band throughout the week pas were 00t ton 1at•ge ewerytblag was sold ., t•t. The trade bad a brisk teas. and with • file rillek er� andei here b b hula o48, la values. There r were large receipts of calves. We quote the following as being fair val. o Butc oils Butchseif' Sum Humbert". Sheep a Hogs GI vas Assignee's Notice. RuMOVED. - MRS. MAC drsesmaaer, wish.s to aawa•oe t has removed hos her old stead to the above C. G. Newtoe'a 8.1,..os 1151 d KAY, hat she M. Dentistry. NICHOLSON, L.D.& rooms one on. 0JL DURHAM BULLS FOR SALE. - Ts. subscriber has for .ale 27oaag 1)wr ►es balk, 11 smooths old, also 1 three year old Durham Do,6.4.. Her Book Pries iRegistered uit the tames. 43 /t ANO. T. DICKSON. tddress, Goderich P. 0. C>♦rtrasoat Farm. Tsckassi• h. VENDERS WANTED. - SEALED 1 tender wUl he received by the trustee t 8. 8. No 1, Aabaeld. ap b Ms 11th day of �- nt6ee P' Natives . N. LEWIS, Barrister, Proctor in �. Mariti.ne Court • Mosey to lean et y 8, per cent. private fends. Straight lose.terest Iw. r'etary. 0srticu1..n cya1 Cams very ewderate. For personally or write. 11 4e to Go to 34e cal Loh 4$c to 4tc t to etc ft to pt •tion ob tor all hosts ag Elam Yid boa can be sem at the pump Albert. The trustees M not Wad the to accept the lowest orany tender. Hy order of the rewires. THOS. HAWKIN 43 3L Sec WANTED -50 CORDS OF W and 15 tons of hey, In exchange sad sewing machines of the best the world. G. W. TH031SON, 41.1m Ooderic 1USiC LESSONS. -M1$5 AG THOMSON is prep cd to give netso.. o the Plano or orrggaann• For • Inquire at Geo. W. Tbootson's ors. 33-tf. LIEXT L ROOMS, Eighth deer bait:.' the Post O4ae., WssteL. 0o0..Ica. 1Ma•ly DR, E. RICHARDSON, L.D.S. SURGEON DENTIST. Gas Bad Vitalised Air administered for palnlesextreottag of teeth. ttpeeial .414.110. gives to the prmsrvatla, of LIMP Natural Teeth. Omc�-Up train. Grand Opera Herne Block. Entrance ea Wee. -M.. Ged.pelt. !111-1, Loans ane insurance. 1V.OTICE OF ASSIGNMENT AND ';°' 11 M E:ST1NG OF CREDITORS. In the matter of FOILoYTH BROR., 1' of the Village of Feydwica, in the Cowaty of Huns, Merchants. (alar Notice is herebyfo .beats• rk of the Village give., that Forsyth Bros., of ordwic a the county of Heron. Menba.ts. oe the fifth day of Febru- ary. A. 1). Itis. made an to me 00D, • makers C• CLERK FIRST DIVISION COURT. !t C lteuranoe, Same .ad Omura' Agent. GIK 4oaey to Lead at w Rates ■d CPR mpg= Orrice -Next to Co,nell's' Notes Fated ^ Disse. Musk Goderich. 0lwtf for or SEAGER, pro- toe the general benefit of their creditors, un- der ltd la conformity with the provisions of f°A spoken Chapter 124, R. 8. 0.. 1117.A an at mmeltingof their , Number creditors will be held in ruled the City of Toroto. is 148. County eat tof Sort Mr. oft the seventeenth day of Pebrua-y. A. D. I. at three o'clock iu the afternoon, for the THE HURON HOFEL, This well-known and popular hotel ha twee (ted and (nlarre4 during the past d 4s now second to none 10 quality o tnatatio for the °evedole public. tailor for transient guests. WM. CRAIG. Square. Ooderlch. Ont. Proprfe Cued of Inspectors and giving direct - large ' ions with reference to the disposal of the said rred Estate. large- Creditors are notified to file with tae their e ort .nor whica Hansard, a! .Bea of raid life Pts. _ ion entl.led thereto. neo Karin regard proved u the Drov i�ed 6j said � t claims then 1 claims duly proved oy atfldavft giving • u be_ I statement of the nature ad value of the ue 11 fag curit; Ut &.I► held by them o0 or 48,40,. then first day o4 March, A. u due shall distribute the A tat:&mos.st the creditors F J. T. NAFTEL, LIFE, FIRE ANI) 4UCIDSNT L - :►URA 1 -CE AGENT, c- A log North British t Maros Nil• Oood Liverpool. London t Glebe • Norwich U.M. : North American- Life : and AoeYmt hear - ones of North America 5 For Sale or to Let. OUSE AND LOT FOR SAL That commodious, eight roomed. • d • half house for tale. with lame lot good •table, on comer of Cambria and Ne . of posit. Smeeth's mill. Must be sold fuely, Apply to 43 it ROBERT REID for Lowest Hates. Lo•.es tattled peesetIT Money to Loan on Yarm and Tows Prosmtt C dose. Property v54.ed, etc. y ()mc•,--C'oe. North -steed pique«e, 7(bodeneb. - $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS Corey To btu - on farm and tows property at bow Blinn cut interest. 31 'purchased. No nom im- mission cheered agents for tae Trust and Loss ( omen., of caned., the Canada Credit Company. the London Loan Company • of ('aeada. Interest. 6. 6f and 7 per oenL () • N. H. Harrowers can obtain mosey M Bay, it title Pabst DA V!SON OHNBTON, e. ,e GEORGE B. MEAIIUsWsi8. time iIEIOHINGTON, L; RQUHART B IIbYIt, era F Mr. Tupper warmly retorted, and since ttoHcuto3. rs for Asa . for hated at Toronto thl. 10th day of Fe6roary, A. 11. IMO. 4 and T 1 subject had been brought up by the other aide he reminded theta of the Anglin other se.ndals n cuUDetKion with their print- Dr. Londertin reiterated Mr. Mills' attack. and Hon. Mr. Tupper rebuked him for the insolence and bufoo.,ry of kis remarks.1)r. Wihon lElgint and Kir Adolphe Caron exchanged hard words over the Minster's travelling expenses, and when Kir Adolphe charged bin with tombless. Mr. Crory jeet.d that the expression weertn tory, es I glieian Wood called upon Mi.Mgr o withdraw it, " It is insolence and I will call it ro- am led (b,urma0 metered 4 1 . t ad asked gee - Gamed then Camey to stare h., objection. That gee- Gamedthen demanded that the expression " ine,ieno ' be retracted. ai Chrnun Wood neetoad quietly remarked: " The member mutt withdraw the expositionobjected to.- " No, I won't retract." hastily answered Kir Adolphe, but a moment's refection showed him that the chairman's word visa4 law, and hed.rred that if used he had ed any expre.aion that was unparliamentary, be would (rrtaiuly withdraw it at the request of the chair.Dr. W 11-,n then wound up the di runtio,characteristic(n characteristic fashion: "►nenlence, ittdeed' he remarked, . • dosed he think that he c an frighten me became he is the Minister o War and i only a private individualI I don know that 1 should runvery fest if he should come atter rte." When the committee roe, r•o eand reported pro- gress, Mr. Foster trnmediately moved that House the Hoe again go into supply. Hb object was to give Mr. Laurier an ofmn moving the amendment spoken of early in the day. Thie, the leader of the Opposition did in the following words: " That this Horse do not go Into Commit- ter of Kupplt, but that it be resolved, 'That no rebate of duty14600141 be allowed on corn imported for wth r in . of spirits." Mr. Kirkpatrick, who appeared a bit vex- ed, rose to explain that he had pout his entice no paper in entire ignorance o! Mr. Iaurier's intention anti thoughtt had fmho- tated it privately to the Finance Minster Tuesday Tueay it mss cmhy to day tint be had beard .4 it. Mr. Laurier admitted that it might have beea better if he had spoken publicly. Kir John Mee,k,nald omit be r ,, mold take SI - caption to the doctrine laid down by Mr. Kirkpatrick that sorb privet. Lion on should not take placebet eeels the Gov- ernment and heeler of the (►p><„.ition. ie England the era. -tics was'raMantly r.,w, ted suchto. and .tNnotification were matters of t - every day nr,rre no e. Mr Ravin has given notkc, ,f motion se follows:Th "That vsi4 hill he not red a .►. owuel time, het whereto the North West TerritoriestameAct, with , tae iM itrchdid, was panedheron. • large prinkhadtti n henterv,I it b expedient that the u. legislative A.tn iy of Hcw Hsu North West Territi, case atwtherued to , declare whether r lint the Preneh language all .venttn•te to le .nand as .,ne of the , ;Nall dieis Lgrnguaw, and that no chatter ,d,afl he made until bare hes been em appeal to the Sector. - xecutorsNotices. low caste r(�HECREDITORS OIfCHRISTOPH- 11 Fitt Stewart, late of the Township of Col. ed borne. f0 the [ died on or about t Ith day of Road RENT.-TW'O HOUSES Stanley-st.. OPE block from the Square. 0r ppeenlculars app!_ - 14tf MRS F. smEETH. ARM FOR SALE. The undersigned will offer for sale the fol- low very desirable farm. ooneisting of the rly 1.'0 acre. of Block "F,' in the ;lb non. eaaion of the Township of Colborne, In the unty of Herein. This farm as sittst- 44 miles from Ooderich, and 1{{ Ms from (larlow. cn the Main Gr.,el reys. alme54 sew. gupdh frame hottwe. 1{ - ms a k containing ed. 41 b 14, attac48,4. and one of the finest s in the township. 1t Is watered bT ver -failing spring creek ..d • good well. County of Bream yeoman. de- mi (Beed who he February, A.D. 1410, and all others having •to claims Y his Mate are hereby notified post prepaid or otherwise deliver ah od to the ut sr.4,0.4 solicitor Inc William Bon row+ and ammo etew.,t Execubn of the orehaM ane ut 110 scree cleared and free from stumps. ere is no waste land of any kind on the lace. Good school within tl0 rods of the estate sad ahem of the said deceased, at his Aho the (face in the Town of Ooderich,o, or before the Tb 151h day of March next,their Christian nam, e and surnames. D 0. '.met ret rect..'declared Sir Adolphe. fall es, addresses and description, the no At particulars of their claimer • stetemne-t of 1 h ilesvo haeme,. To.oim, Feb, 111 -Pur the last four ole the Assembly are hat d jsnrned atter $ es 10 ivia loss* fr ying fa losSom Svc to twenty 11.w seep!. alae .tile .., be is order. their accounts and the nature of the securities Of any) field by thein, and in default thereof. and fem,dfately after the mid 13th day of March the .amts of the said Chrietopher Stewart, deceased, will be dl•oribated among the parties entitled thereto, b•viug re. ward only to claims of which notice shall have bees given s. above requir- ed. And Ibis notice havleg been given under the provisions of the Revised Statutes of Oeterla Chap. 110, the executors will not be liable for the said assets or any Part thereof to any person of whose claim notice shall not have beesi received at the time of ouch distribution. Dated this Ikh day of February, HIM 80th -iter for the a E. CAM PION. 3Rebical. URS. SHANNON & SHANNON, melee at m. Dr. A0000chen. Rdence near � gaol Ooderieb G. ('. . J. R. Novo NO ase. Rill he sold on reasonable terms. orterms and further particulates apply to Jou. BRECKE\1t11DGF or JOSEPH Mc LOW tor. N. Goderich. 6- on the premises. L'IRST-CLASS BRiCK HOUSE AND 1' 1.(1T FOR SALE ON t4T. PATRICK ST. --About two mileages walk frog the Square. Two stories y thigh. brick addition in the rear Yahoos high. haisd3m Covered with slate. Main n there are 5 large mammon first fiat. up:n the rear addition there are kitchen. panty, Iwashroont. Cpnmities, girls room and bathroom. Akin good cellar. Apply to the ondersired who will give all omens, p 0th DANIKLGORDON. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.- That valuable property known as lot 1110, Maitland con., Goderich township. within one mile of Goderich. On the tarns are • large orrhame house •nd h stone cellar, anal ood frame herrn edkstabtre: eons - prises 73 wens, well watered. For further rtK.culars *poly to Geo Mel/ ole the 1 ?IM y - FARMS AND TOWN PROHM.17 s Do You Enjoy a Good Curial C etboorrne. a I scree -a eery ff,neM s. Price 'on: GIODBRIDy MECBANICS' ism ss TUTS LIBRARY Loptrle1.;fla 1st con. IL I). AMAeI Callow res.Alee (` �s u sad 4t In est If you do, read very rlrenp.t.at: rmor. 10d acres. Will be The t 7 leDoeeon.Wawanoeh. Ian acres of exoelle.t lad ter bey. Nice 0ts.de Lot ries I �wrvey, Town of (inctericb. intoe o�) l dol 101, town of Ooderich, oft Light Hoose .tree wRh hrirk horse and stable. ('rice Daly alk Lou 977. flirt. 1016 and pt. 101 Town et Goderich. nearly f+ib or an acre one block within the beldame part of t town. Price only MR The above prope ties will be sold on .say teems of psymen Apply to C N.R.-Money tn) Bi vwv low Grates. M FOR MALE. Went hall of lot fa, Arthur Street, with small brick cottage thereon. M-Il-0two t.ora. -IM. MS rib. 143, Elgin Street, 8t. Andrews Ward. 431. mese* of Hans and Britannia Read. Frans ll story boss on Keays Street, let and half land. mineral hots In Reed's Survey, owlish. sea Slew Geownd., vie, : Noe 11, x. U. flu fs. 51. K M. uta. A� ta above a E OW RATER. 01st DAVISON t JOHNSTON FARMS FOR SALE. i Mee • somber ef tarots fo, sale in defile. eat pato of Ontario. Ae Je. are aware, tarsi wen errors ch/•. Iw this province an u moo* nes.. and K yea was • fans 1 an= nommen o bar neer. H seer eretIm roe yen •tars eae�tan0�y serslM. 1 MOM 40 5gtdrs s bm.ss at li m ham mg..m 5.d d. set sanob. erste 1 mea Ova yea •s ge5d ,ales ter yes mossy tar salami a0madsswMsw ef Mm Pay Ir" fba Mt, agrwl Aewe. treats St ROOM. ear. of East streetNaDadR E ua rI N is emirs. Square (sup Opel from 1 to a p.m., sad from 7 to li p.m ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LiBRARY 4 Leading Daily, W e,My and Illustrated I 1070 Itarrsten lc . Goderich 500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMSIM N Hot. t t CAMERON, God rich- a 73• MONEY TO LEND. -A LA RG amount of Private treads for Investoren st lowest rates on et+sa-class Mortgy,. Apply to (JARROW t PP.UUDP'OOT R RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE AND MONEY WANING AGENT Osl P7rsfrfase Compaa4a Represented AT Money to lend oa straight leans. at the lowest rate of interest going, i, say way to suit 14. onrrower. a-OPYh K - Beemd doer fres Square West Street Godeikh. 110.tf Legal. L' CA M PION, BA RRiSTER, J' Solicitor, Notary Publk:, e t e. (Mlee Over Jordan's lrrng Store, the rooms formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. =It C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, dtc IL • Ofilce, corner of Somre sad R eat ate needs to bed u 8 per omit, elegraph �e1000 C'IARROW & PROUDif'OOT, BAR T ItItTERS Attorneys, So11Mtors, Goderich J. T. (barrow. W. Preedfoet. 17 G-kl[ER0.N, H:)LT & CAMERON, inters Sotleitore to tl:e. Y. C camerae, Q.C.; P. olt, M. 0. tensores. C C. Roe 17x4 .Amusements. ttet'T101AR IA Turf; Tea, waste A II PLS1SDI) STOUT, By Capt. Charles King. PUBLISHED M T1118 PAPER Papers, .tforanonaea, (f•e. be , on File. r MEMBERSHiP rI('KET. ONLY St.e0, t granting tees mss oRoos�y ad Radia. Appllicattoa for mesbereblp received b[ Librarian, a rooms 8. MALCOM80N. 0EO. BTIVEN5, Goderieb. March President. 015 Secretary =ase viBR roe isfaaty =imp y�,y omay u • law eE Legal Safes. MORTGAGE SALE OF PROPERTY IN THE TOWN of GODERICH. Oder and 1n per..5.e..f the power 01 sale optimised le a wean eaertgege board at date the 101h day 44 S,geesbor. A. D. 8*4. and made to uta VemiW and wbl.h will be produced u the U d there will be the Te s gee •t Helie. In Huron. es LY Febru- ary. A.D. 10* at twain o' aro., b Joke Knox. aaels•ssr. the renewing ar.W � Leh •ester seve•tir-dii t res owl 0o1M..., ea ^mew Street.s* sad s Reashl.s_ s �rvM. 4s the Tows of underlie. 1. tike Owns; of Hew watainlag web fNpAb •Mmes% of baht • abs mune moves we 10 hateb Msold oro la •' ono wawa a.w tea• ?rfltemre�oy sod • MY `____ _ t o • good yeast ereb•ed sae the n= good awe of rep sad annihilates ams knows at time of eiStitas Bowls use be 'seesaw s tb. t 11t i�e filtnestIBROPI• . n. Bid IWO WI 'taw flu Fdikr� "sissn JOH SRj pec NEW BF The good Choicest Shat them. BENM: etre awn morrow 1Left over Ir •The C. 0. F. ie gt umsweetiing on d program will b The Seo. diviaioa Wee eked foe over sr, Mr Elliott, M sic him mated again so IA grippe is ragiei present ; scarcely • 1 Mrs N. Morrish h iaesoat•ti.nt of the dee the treatment of Mr Peter Fisher, up a brisk house nem Mr Richard Jews purchased the farm Jas Gledhill fur the Thos Gina has s .pis premises for ne pests to cut a linnet sand feet of lumber. The household of egad by the arrival . congratulate Mr and happy event. D1NGA From our own corrsspc Weather unusually Fortin.-t)n Thui a sum of ooney w h by proving residence of J. 0 Th. municipal coo nosh held a meett•g on Saturday, 8th matpresent. It will nes x.1.48. It ie pleating to be Chu. Girvin, sr , Fe 111, is getting better. venerable 5.0ttema0 enjoy his wcated +at T much credit c Taylor, widow or, of West Wa non, for F$1.&5 p ibly informed thl ntly sold to a pot a porker that we bout 1 year and 8 m ke to hear from t that. Mrs Tayl d is quite advanced arch of for -score, igorous and healthy. The funeral of th tewart took plata on nst. His remains 0005nnon cemeter, ith., by a very 4., fives, friends and ac other he had no e dentate, kindness, ode for his children : e was highly respects im. The bleared c Sires have the air • cow moony in the RrNtwAT AOCIDEN1 , be a f to state the • ren, of the ,iII y, the , 10545,0(, f rit near his own ng rapidly. WI rt of the wagon box ttacbed to 148. wsgur . awy, ong the Errandraggid acnng tin • sustained seven 11 those who theo s was killed, bot the es his injuries are M expected. T. remains of the I ko, after having here ate, departed this WI week, at tee• .ge ni tarred in Dungan,( .relay, 8th 11.11 I eM nhaegoina bereaved hoshend 5740 of t h• was highly were acquainted her hwetand a • long thea set the ooentry. Het • the emollient of ttlt.ieipallty of Weal time, although .e •L L. 0 L. ger o,t6.tng of 4511 the .sapieaa of 11 i.ndg. her. wsa 0f rai.l.g fonds to tb.OsegsWlf ahead in the ha! wee 5n tusk* The next le of woo the i.tt.t eh.il.k Dirtela 31.50sgh .elect « M N...M .Rd Ilh IMISSWe of the dl