HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-2-14, Page 3THE HURON 81GHAL. FRIDAY, FEB. l4. 18$0. FARM AND GARDEN muss sagawM.etrsewt • For °ores .td broom notion is au moiling as the white of •o egg. d Califerri• farmer who raised dwarf A solsuos of alum, tea grains to the Lima beans exhibitoal two ba.hih', we cots.s of water, is saoellent for the soak - of which eoateiaed 930 pods, Ike other 1 a.R of your feet if Eby .n leader. 300 ; rod Lk* must rwmlrbsW ]hies mess Don't think it is time wasted to pre- tkat the two baskets wen the prtdect of pare a few kaudltugs sod ley awes be MPG busk. kind the stove with paper every night; A Csasdies hortlOShSrist ere of the then if say oche is takes ill during the Sustain apple, • sew sort: "Ties Sinter nicht, sad • fin is needed, it is ouly a .pp. I resolved has bad fruit on it for Iwo yes . The hitt is eery good and • good nisi. It is the Hater e ( a perk whoa ripe. U it is let rentals os it ek1BEes Ns flavor. It is as hardy as the ldlsabeev, sad rip... the rm. time. It doss wall ou slay sod is one of the best summer apples, sed • anima grow- Arlingtoo and B.Imout, now the oeo tee of the market gardens ensued Boetoo, alta famous for the fns vegetables p dosed, were once known as "Poverty Plebs," us aroma of the barrenness of the seedy soil, of which it was said too sores wesld not support a Rost Yews of esltivation ssd anotinued e ggibeatiose of manures have made Mime race unpropitious soils yiela gramd- b*Wm. Falconer says manure of any Wed should as,,, be given to freshly pbnbd till they have recov- ered from the check of planting and have started afresh into active root g rowth; it in deeply worked, well drained, esuroeut's work to get it. Olean the had a dandruff and any wares, dry (rhea, by r.bbiue the scalp briskly with sieobol. Asa t to • bath two ounces of glycerine in two (loans of water loll reader the skin fresh sod delicate. To eh antis the hair •ed promote its growth, rub the yolk of •o egg well into the Neap, sud rinse out thoroughly with eat warm water. A tools for the hair is composed of j ours of glycerine, six ounces of °Jutoe. 90 drops of tincture of capsicum, 1 dram of tincture Lit Spanish flies. Fur the (soe oatmeal made tato • pests with two parts of glycerine and Rich and Poor Prior and Peassmt, the National,* °w Day Laborer. by their comms w et this remedy, ammo the world-wide asp - statism of Ayer'° PUlstbeea polo fee pby- tdet.s. Stomach and Liner Tlro.bies. Ooative- meas, Btltoaamsm. and Dbk Hedaake ; also, for Bbsma$ 5 . Jsand/ce. ssd Neuralgia. limy are sogar'� ; re- tain art �...,�.- . ad, therefore, the very Ibest for Family Use, as well es for Travelers sod Tourists. I have dense s greet Raoflfw�aa A er% Pllb- taea so Ill with Rheumatism that I wee unable to do nay work. 1 took three holes of Ayer's Pills and was entirely cured. ttlnos that time I Peter Chrlsteam sever hnarm Sherwood out • box of thermt, 'Ayet'a Pills have been in use in m family u want of twsoty ears aaa� have r Verified an that is claimed for them. In attacks of piles. from which I suffered marelief ny years.they say ( ther nese of water may be ted •t night afford greater 7 applied i medicine I ever tried." —T. F. Adams. older a uaak, as s complexion Improv Holly Springs. Texas. ern " I have used Ayer's P1lls for a num- found uts Borax water will instantly remove all her of :Foam cndtlwm for gi i game soils .ud stains from the hands, and thkng e4 appstlte sat Imparting energy and heel al; scratches and chafes. To make .trengtb to the syrteu,. 1 •iwavi keep it, pot Crude borax into • bottle and fill them to the house."—R. D. Jackson. it with hot water. Whoa then puma is Wilmington, Del. •• Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured ms of severe but solid mellow soil freshly planted trees need diw,lited add Inure to the water, until and • thick mulching, if you ilk., o' at last the water oto absorb no more strawy litter to keep the soil in moist sea a residuum remain, et the bottom t 1 porous conditions. But after the young the bathe to make it very soft. It is trees leave Atoll) established tbemselres eery cleansing, and by its use the hands in their new ouarters, if they airs in will be slept an excellent condition. healthy coodicion.. they enjoy a too- drwtng of barnyard manure very much. New many Times tab..M • Few tie Milked? The question is often asked, "How many times should a now be milked daily T' The United lilnte* Dairyman replies : As. rule, and with ordinary cow., twice milking suffices, and it is so often as it can be profitably done in con- jutption with other farm work. But there .re.z . onus that ought three to be milked the tomes $ day—once every eight hours. This would not only be profitable but add greatly to the cow's comfort. It would also .desolate nature to an increased Row of Bilk to 'nest the extra doomed. Then would therefore be • greater quantity of milk. The gustily would also be improved or, rather, the milk would cot be so moth 1 by the absorption of the fats after it i. secreted. Repeated es- peritseot* show that the longer the in- terval between milking. the purer the milk. If milked .s fast ae secreted. then is rears to believe it would all be ".1r1 t" MaaarN s L a.are.s M sale Simplicity governs the furnishing of b,dn.uw. A nest and ioezpensave bed spread is made of coarse, white net over colored Walla t r saline. The round bolater is covered with the same ma- terials. A sp sober to mitten the bed spread and bureau scarf would not keep in good condition for any length of time. A white linen aplasher embroidered with yellow silk is more desirable. Besides small .plsohen, many ladies put • width of China matting four feet long back of the washstand to pr.,teot the wall. Situs mantel Iatebrequius catch so much dust and are so hard to clean, it as not wise to use them unless an ugly mantel must be concealed. With hard wood mantels and handsome tile facings the dust catcher lambre.;oio is super Bootie. If • bit of Dolor is needed as a background for bric-a-brac, • short silk start will furnish all that is required. For cushions, screen panels and eveo piano coven, the beautiful brocades which may now be bought at • reason- able price are invaluable se:. • variety The brocade. however, must be chosen carefully, both as to color and pattern. A piece of Linea, • little larger than the alae of the brocade which is to be outlined, must be tightly stretched on • frame, and on this the silk must be fastened. The pat- tern. mast then he outlined with • sin- gle thread of J•paseN gold sewed down wttb Haltom talk ; every tower, lea and stem must be defined in this way, and the effect u charming. An innovation in dinner giving—at least somewhat of an t000vation- IS the changing of the tablecloth during the meal without the change being noticed. This custom reaches us from England, from the Qu.sD'S table. She Fora metier her dinner on a chum of Saxony linen, continues it un smb•rdered cambric cloth b:eachod as they can bleach only in England, and tinrsbee the meal on a paneled Roman table ciuth, beautifully trimmed with lar e. Garlands of flowers festooned to the candelabra and strung on colored ribbons reaching to the chandeliers are also to the fore; but like another innovation— namely, the substitution 4.1 small tables for tour persons fur tl.e long banquet table—it will be sense tame before they Dome into general use. tr•tlretag a Colt. The Paresis. World says on the sub- ject :—"Get the colt to follow an old horse into • loose box,or some outhouse, and while there give him • feed of cats. When the Dolt begins eating remove the other animal, and endeavor to handle the youngster about the bead and ears ; allow hies to smell the halter, and leave it lying beside ham *hen eating. If he seems likely to prove I this treatment may require to be repeated for a few days. When proceeding to halter him. be careful to use a leather halter, a1,d see that it sits towels and comfort- ably on ham. 1)o not on any s000aot ,make ems of • rope halter for breaking. as should the auttual begin struggling the pain caused hien by the oords of the rope sad the tightening of the slipnooas will certainly make him worse to manage. Should he show any fidgetiness, a ladle patting will quiet bim. Once haltered let the old horse be led us be- fore biro and he will likely follow quite peesably. In the curse of • day or two be will be found to lead wait* quiet- ly in the halter by himself. Its ...me- • titres ensuoma 7 to tae colts up in the stat le after haltering, if only for a short time, to accustom them to the practioe. and if • little feuding is given to keep them quiet, no fault may he found with doing so ; but it kept tied up for days, as is duos, the custom is a mistaken one, and the wont that could be adopted. As a rule, colts should not be tied up to stalls until thoroughly broke° in and kept regularly at work. Pale, weak worsen need • tonic, strength Biting. flesh building medicine like M(Ibsrn's Beef, Iron and Wit.. lm es Ins wrens sten. An Irishman who has been hes.. bet a short tune WAS roaming through our streets regardless of locality, and stum- bled upon Beekman street, in which, be- tween Nassau and Williams. there were a number of lawyer's Alec', among which then was one in a basement. The so of the "auld sol," who was bent on some enter- prise of greet pith and moment, observ- tmg this ofltc • and fancying that some- thing might lie procured there commen- surate with h.s ambition and finances, went clown the saps to the Milos. On entering be saw on. of oar noble ernfes- sion seated at a desk. on a leaf of which was one law book, obsolete and borrow- ed (roma friend, and a bundle of p.psrs relating to a bygone cams, and which were thus placed to impress the clients when they esme,bot who iat- Ing only in mind's eye. The lawysr,hear- Ing Ilse footfall of the new Domer, booted himself In the papers, in the sinuses hope that .t lest something had eon* to him which would enlarge hie finances. The Irishman. who was evidently die. appoiwted at the small show of merchan- diN and quite taken aback, said: "Arrah, what do you keep for gale here T' Upoe w►t.h our lawyer, aiwtievtad at Headache, from which I was long a sufferer. — Ktoms Keyes, Itubbardston, blabs. "Whenever I am troubled with con- stipation, or suffer from lues of appetite. Ayer's Pills set me right again." — A. J. Kuser, Jr., Rock House, V a. "Ayer's Pills are in general demand among oar customers. Our sales o' them exceed those u1 all other pills cos, Dined. We hare never known them tail to give entire — Wright k Uanaelly, San Diego, Texas. Ayer's Pills, ragPA&CD sr Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. bold by all Deafen Is malformati:u of the body heredi- tary t Physiology tells us that the off- spring always atld necessarily inherits its organization from the parents ; and, if the organization is inherited, then with it must be ioberited its tendencies and aptitudes This is applicable t, all animals, man included ; were it not so there would be no such thing as • breed or a rano. The cur would run the some °hence as the beat bred dog of turn- ing ottt valuable : the ereyh.ound might ootnt, and the cart horse win the Derby. That malformations (not temp.•rary matilattoos or injuries) are hereditary is shown by almost innumerable instances which have been placed on record A.neng these nosy be mentioned the fol- lowing : A peculiar thickness of the under lip has beam hereditary in the Im- pe.ial House of Hapsburg ever since the marriage. some centuries ago, with the Polish family Jageelon, whence it came. In the "Revue Sasntifique" was men- tioned •he ,last of • family originating from Limousin, in which a perfectly white tuft has been found on some part of their skin. generally on the brow, for three hundred years. Dr Felkin, of the Edinbor gh l?ohoul of Medicine, mention- ed a ease of a peculiar formation of the eyebrow, whieh belonged to a gentleman with whom be was acquainted. The sons, erant'.sona, gveat-granddaughter, and, aoo,tding to their portraits, the gnndtstber•ndgrsst grssdfatber)hdthe same pecobi•nty. Cases have been re- corded of families whose menthes. save for been in the passerine of • digit nn the heads or fret. This ges.tioe of heredity is soar being takes for a seller of small wares. sodergoiog particular ezamisatias by impet..ssly. sed looking esvagsIy a< the several eeiestile Nes, bet whether the* impsdstmt intender. answered : will be able to give any deasil* or spesi- '•BloCtleeds r ; 8e rules oo the 'shiest miry well Els To whisk, gsisk as a flash. este. the doebbd. sines r mush dspssds en the individuals ssd their maeriqus. reimposes Pee Ilea Nowt Han, Toa must be dojo' • brisk bsaisem, toe there only nae Mlw/'a afslsmeas reMaes llenssAeia. in halite°. URDOCK PILLS A *PRI. CURE row BILIOUSNESS. COMM;PATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINCS$, SICK HEADACHE. •0a a,e0A5ts Or TN. STOMACH, LIVER AND DWWCUll. Tway AR. NILO.Tn0a0U.N AND P$ONPT its ACTION. AND row. A yatuA•lr MO TO Sea00CA •1090 Dimas In Tux anis cone or CHRONIC AND OSSTINATC DISCASC5. THE BESTI CARTH ICO. BAKING POWDER wow smtiEs Ears aunt Valves, lose tleer PIM ��'1�NI��� ��tassr[ •. �pM�� tssM Pully Oasts, UUU 1) i 1IMYU• Whd 12, Ne A1awa Cone Sweeten Debi N.'tto[ag t.yj.rtw.. std 'y Uia•d1• ..t11JW ERIMTSMELE. MUM S(A*1.. D.A.MKAtKU ii 8, t° MANLIFO. CARRIAGE VARNISHES:, '10,, 4 SILVER MEOALSAWAKUCC MONTREAL CHADWICK'S. L ATll ROID S POO sum -unto TEAKS la Samek, Indies' and ail etbse knob. COTTON wtfawIr For hand and TRUNKS AMacMise L-ee. 1. the World. HIS lie SUPERIOR. J. EYELEIGH A CO MONTR[Ai.. Asa roes 1T. OEM ter al Eel lllti HOTEL BALMORAL. MONTREAL. Nuke Mame tk-...e.t tM most centreI and elegantly [grabbed PMels in tate City. A for 400 guests. :a toper' day. S. Y. �T00Mai wor PEARS' lcls l['s kr place. .1. PRL/ER & SON Wholesale Imp'try 01 DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES 1713Ella ILEIli., MONTREAL SOAP. LUTHER LU HER BOKRD COMPANY. Moan. t.usrs of ASBESTOS MILLCOARD flmmts Packing, FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, T.isseaParladf' a o" RECKITT'S BLUL. Tits BIM FOR LAUNDRY dais.. PAPERS. waning, Yaai1L, NE 1111, TIE BEST FAML1 NEWSPAPER IN CANADA. @.� KuTAaLlearD NL4IU.Y HALT A CANTI:Ni. / K41G OF THE WEEKLIES: 1889-90 Free Press LONDON, ONTARIO. THE HANDSOMEST PRINTED PA- PER IN THE DOMINION. ALL THE NEWS IN FULL. By Telegraph. Telephone. Nail and corres- pondence up to the boar of publication. , remnant, and r.er.l. ■re gives emelt week. 'peeing Market ■ . Agricultural Nepal tamest. Capital %tory always t...saa. Ingenious Pule t'.1ams. N.mer..s teadls JUST TiIE TIIINU,FOIt THE FAMILY ! Every member of the household eagerly looks for it each wee°. The Agricultural heparin ent is a noted feature of the' Free Press." being always up to the ,!me& and conducted by perwmr prac- tically skilled In farm work. Large 81.00 Paper. In view of four and uowards.7:,r.each. Balance of 1889 Free. A M.t!t De01111 lift." The care of the hands is a matter so lady shNY menIeK Whom .►appal, .ppl P.rWm balm M tllg►I aaesedlog to dtnetions eR see► bolt Pa fd.n Christmas Number .YoHfis oNs fwio F THE GREAT REN6TH GI I,ptRFECT FOOD OR TOE RIC,( ;Ming 5. TRITIIS58fYERA&E A POWERFUL INVIGORAT'n i PUBLIC- Another large consignment of Fresh Teas of suerior quality. In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE it SON. Bay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly atten4ed to. MILLINERY! • In the latest and best styles at T.—FCEDID S_ Also a number of HANDSOME TOQUES at $1.50 each ---Good value. They are going off fast Call early and make a good choice. For 1890. Consider S•'RIBNER' I MAGAZINE when you are deciding upon your reading matter for next season. The subscription rate is low ----V.00 year The standard of the Magazine is high, Its spirit . . . 've, The Illustrations are interesting and of the beet. There is no space here to give even a summary of the features to ap- pear next year, but strong other things there will be a N EW D E— PARTMEN T and ADDITIONAL PAGES, and groups of illustrated articles will bo devoted to the following subjects : African Exploration and Travel, Life on a Modern War Ship (4 articles), Homes in City, Suburb, and Country, Providing Homes through Building Associations, The Citizen's Rights, Electricity in the Household, Ericsson, the Inventor, by has Authorized Biographer Hunting, Humorous Artists, American and Foreign. Vi alcrSer► icc & llmirsl The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of tWater Services in connection with the Town System to Dwell- ings and other Buildings. Also —AND— �, „ R a8ROMOB Diveh away free of charge to every sabeeri. her for DM. Artists who have se,•n the ad - Timm sheets of the Christmas number pro. nooses Pa "lila*.- and alone worth the price of the Ayeab Ii onfe.f .Everywhere. Libera ('east (bwtmiaaion Allowed. The mom popular paper to work Inc. litre money can be made during the fail and win- ter season working for the "Free Prose than at any other employment. Address—Feta Preen, 32 GI LONDON, ONTAaiO. THE "WITNESS" Ifalportnt AOQOORCBIRBRt FOR 1E190_ Over108 PREMi(JMS to *elect from. REPAIRS To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac- tories and Machinery of all kind. Prices reasonable. Satisfac- tion Guarantee(' WILSON SALKELD. Great indnosments fbr old and new enbeoribers. BEY THE PREMIUM LIST !MONTREAL. Awwttsr. Ilene wt*wrw....... w.�r. " The awake,* hese° ver ss4 arises, d the °hearses 1�tt.1.51 I.ela Chs world oewtallss the a _ .s.s, 5 � a w sere etmod• tesemetre I1. of mwlma aeshe M eM and sew w4wttws Apmts seated. names. seeks boa. JOlfW DOUOALL E SOA, "Witness" (lies, !MONTREAL. ENVILOFEB_ Rosa* it ..� �. AT THE SIGNAL. _ _. auk Noes al Signal. B•Im 1. QaMgkMslly oadsslal. ssd Y Al ELOPE 181 ...gtmnga lar a..kwd Lips, ita,Rk.e. .f tke ata . d napped "a• .. Iw FOR ALL PURPOSES. by bt. l is ita 411 MI IS ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BIL HEADS, Etc.. Rte.. at THE 3ID81L PNimus ISTICE. est �.1r p�g1 lermoj t Letter Hoods.Merseen.s et. ps Iwtii sa 501 I. .. r11es�rrirr7s little armed N wy Teethes towerieslmN Call aid nee semeise and got oriole. PATENTS There will be 3 serials. Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute in 1890 Each Subject, and there will be a great variety this year, will ha treated by writers most competent to speak with authority and with interest Readers who are interested are urged to send •for a prospec- tus. 25 cents a number ; 81.00 for 4 months. CAVEATS. TRADE WAS ANB CNPTMNIT Obtained. and all bttMaw IA the 17.1. Pates OSce attended to to WOMBATS PRIX Onr sites Mwe ear{tw the IJ. R. Potteost Of - Sew ti h . wss e veel° hI* em PWN/NOT ON.M Seel NOD= IOlt DRAWING. �We. ad- vise d- rg'P.' FJi�llT'M� VNL�a"'1►i we r.ger M gseY'/1(lW•.tr Deet ter br 1." ea rtuWAYrW .f Os t.rti«mi re e re writs innsIOW MITSSIR VIM atsHs we 7..rlb�Qa 0840015/ .t �t y►'-seebtagbnD... CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 143 Broadway, Hew tort WE HEAD Thin PROCESSION GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, it giving the host of value in all lines of Furniture—from the smallest chair to the largest and bot bed -room set, or parlor suite. Call and see his stock and get a bargain. --O--O--- u JN �ERT.AKING. In all its branches, promptly attended tc O O L7 EMBALMING FLUID always kept oa han.i. PICTURE FRAMING a specialty. GBO BARRY,Ramilton-8t.. Goderiob. ExpERNcg, CAPITAL AND SKILL Are the factors employed in the purchase of Goods from the best houses in the trade. The general verdict is that Munro is abreast of the times, and in all departments fully up to the mark. My increasing business is an evidence that my efforts to please the public are appreciated. And while I endeavor to keep almost everything us- ually found in a first -clans house, the general public may rely upon getting the correct thing in every department. Notwithstanding the advance on Silk Goods I will sell Satin and D'Lyons, Surahs and Satin Merveillienx at former prices. Afy Sfr' i,zltics /or I/tc Season. Linen Goods in great variety, Laces and Edgings, Fine Hosiery and Gloves, and all the leading items in Smallwares, from Needles up. All Goods marked in plain figures and strictly one price. ALEX. MUNRO, IOU Draper and Halrerdasboh /