HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-2-14, Page 11 ELINQ ERCO.4.TS :JEN. ) $2 M lveldars et el Its. end l •„ t , 1a=cieLc 44*—N-K‘j>42f DO and $225 per Printing House. US HAVE • ET TAIKI QObaring we fier. ? is is the t our partnership save some want to getling; ery much easier Loney than goods, sight ani well get ,8 anyone. e about 5000 rolls per which we sold - sat from 15c to 20c. ve you your choice r roll. re some nice gold or 15, 18 and 20c., tiful bordering to re also have about of window shades will give you for keep next door 1st office, and the ;yle of our firm is JNDERS &SON !SEEDS Our Deotaipdtw .tad Prised Calaiostw ter trade is now ready will be mailed troetoo apptitxnta, sod tomer tomer of laid year with - t solicitation. taertd Groomers .ID w Chslr a/malsgs to .are rise sssdL eo.A.Brut'C,. Hamil!c••. yna of inlemmetery RAN t,emttga ttoptrseCle rBrui.ea evil EST EMS re dose pet up try 2_11. Fth.Lsr . isse• te e le the reedD. der ._- Cel he ogri w a I teem, and whir samessie ear I. it bzo- ▪ �bIgRever.ser des ever. el L a WOG arid Mt 110111104, ONT. Ot R BLOOD AND IINJOT D HEALT'I BT USIXO RTY-THIRD TZAR. OLE NUMBER Mq f DEVOTE°l1 co NEWS TO ADVERTISERS. Imperial Pediment amt Tuesday. otice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not Tater than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week Loral ■.ate.,. AU advance notate' in the local columns of Tme StaMAL of weetiwtp or ewkr- teiwwewta at ipAid an adwiswon fee is charged. er from 'which a peevwi cry keseeitt is derived, must tie pied for at the rote of one cent per word each insertion. no raiser las Men treeiity-/itr rents. Where ed- ' is of entertainments are inserted a Miff lucat will N riven bee. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Removed -Mrs Mackay. Testimonials -J. M. Mcleod. Burs for rude -J. T. Dickeen. The Deserter- $swim Orrice - Executors' Hoag_ L Campion. Our (4.ie1Ci•t Tiaaaean t dee. Prascrlpttoa Work - W. C. Goode. Tenders Wanted - Thos. Hawkins. Mor. steel Lot for Bale -Robert Reid. North American Life Assurance Co. F..1. T. NOW - Notice of Amassment and Meetiu.; of Credi- tors -Geo. S Meadows. BORN. S•oene-At Goderich. February tali. the wife of Robert A. 41mrke, of a son. MARRIED. Mona*-- McWHIMET-In ('olberce. oa Wed- nesday. Feb IYtb. Mies Emma II bias. of Colborne to Mr mark Wheatland, Colborne, DIED. Cots -In Oodercb,on Sondes. reb tar. Ink, Kmtdy. beloved wife of Mr Harvey Co.. sired 15 leers. TOWN TOPICS. "A cetera aiming ye, takes' motes. I m' Jail A kWU great /t-" Va. GOLD PaosrT.-Tbe user woeful girt out make is to give • Wirt Pea. Ap- ply te D. McGillicuddy. agent, Goderich. The Wemae'. ChrstLa Temperance Cabs m�erssy fl• the barmiest of Nortb-et Mete church �e>R b 4a.w vtnextlegaat seut Y >E< wast w doe photograph. framed in moulding- et • reasonable rue. go tip 9.tewart'e parlor stadia. He an suit a time wwith as be•utltewm l aorte•tture frames. R. it. Hallows is doing a brisk business ie photographing. In addition to this line he carries • large .tock of elegant artut pee and handsome picture mouldings. the latter of whteb be fits with great neatness. Aeeordteg to the signs of Candlemas Das.ng Mar be upon es at es early date. or o to Pridhara'• and get • spring suit of tress stock a nil from. es bom and the eat style. He h That people will buy even daring dell 'times. U they get bargains. was fully maim MIA es the result of the quiet chat of Gausden and Soo with their patrons la mer lest blame, and wall paper moved off feeds. They have some further bargain talk la oar present Mone on page eignt. Read every tiae aad when you are down town for your mail call in and see them. They are next dour to the pat omoe, and will be pleased to show you goals. and quote prices. This is the last year of their partnership and they are go• lag to reduce stook. BRIEFLETS. Today is St. Valentine's Dey. Mr J. T. Gamow, Q. C., is in Torontc this week. Mr R Rsdoliffe made a visit to Lon- don this week. Mr Abraham Smith left on Tuesday on a trip to Chicago. Mr Geo. Swanson, jr.. left yesterday for British Columbia. • Mrs Thos. Andrews left on Wednes- day last to vet her daughter. Mrs Perry, at St. Thomas. Mb R. 11. Hodgson, who had been eped friends in town, re: uroed to mptor on Wednesday. r Jas. Addition left on Monday for Toronto, where be hes business at the P.blio Works Department. Ts. regu:er fortnightly meeting of the High $eho,,1 Literary Society will be held this (Friday) evening. Mr. Gee. B. Cox. of the British Ex - Mange Hotel, is having his reading room neatly papered and aloimis.d. Mrs H. H. Smith. of Winnipeg, left town on Wednesday to visit Clinton, Toronto and other pointe before sten- ts/ home. Mr C. A. Moonteney desires as to state that the rumor that hie family has been .filiated with diphtheria is entirely without fooedatio.. The member of by th. se town clerk for the tows t.f Goderich foe i 18fM hies follows :-Births, 51 ; me- tiers, 25 ; deaths, 35 ; tetlsl, 111. Dr M Nicholson, the West -et dentist, t P .sakes the preservation of the paters} Mr Wm. Halliday, of Calgary, N. N T., is visiting friends In town. Miss Maud Butson lilt this week pay • visit to friends in Stretford. Mir Emma Campbell is at promo GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY. FEB. 14, 1b90. Miss Williams returned from • visit to Brantford ..q Saturday of lest week. Toa Hunt &•nowt ElITaaTAtalINT - to Don't forget the Hoch School entertain - anent on Friday, the 21m. Ail that dove heard Mr Clark speck in the bigh- t est terms 44 him as • reader and Mrs TOWER trowels an Goderich township. Mr and Mrs Warnock hen arrived i Goderich after spending • pleasant tin u the Suwhere Stat.. A number of our young men took ad vanities of the ioe this week, notwith standing its frailty, sod to all appear snow had • good use. Persona wishing to improve tbei $movies or streugth.n their power u atterttou should scud to Prof. Loisette 237 Fifth Ave., N. Y., for his prospect ties poet tree, as advertised in anotbs column. 10-tf • SrectaL R■LIalOUs S sepsis. -Th specs' religious services in Victoria -s church ere iucreesiog in interest. M Hutton informs us the attendance good end • number have started in th Christian life. Clark i. also eii:ning as soviable repute, - ▪ don as e singer. ▪ Tres Suomi Situ Co)TINugri.-Mr. Seeger's sale took place yesterday, but there was too much to dispnee of in one day, and the beet pert of the property roes not disposed of. Mrs Seager will be at the tesideocs today, tomorrow and e Monday, from 10 a.m. , to meet persons f desirous of anything remain- , crag co band. Owing to the Genoa. illness of Mr D. r McGillicuddy, editor of Tres SIGNAL, during the past week, any deficiency in e the get-up of the paper this issue will t have to be overlooked. Mr McGill} r. cuddy was taken i11 on Saturday Imo and is hs. not since been able to leave his room. e Ou Wednesday be began to improve, and is now steadily mending. The spnog sittugs of the Assize Calif will begin ir. Goderich on Monday March 31.t, before Mr Justice Street The Chancery spnog sittings will be hal un Monday, April 14th, Mr Justice for guse,u presiding. Mr. C. F. Stnubel left for Toronto on Monday last to visit his dautor, Mrs. gb Bestado, He will also represent Maple Leaf Lodge, A. O. U. W., of Goderich, et the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Ib. Order in Toronto neat week. Dr J. N. Cadieux, of New York, th renowned Franco -American orator,pbysi NCw STaA)rBOAT ACCOMMODATION. - Mr Wm. Lee hes received word that the handsome new propeller "Lours," of Cleaeland, is to be pieced on the God. - rich route during the coming season. She hes between 40 end 50 , and is hit -clues accommodation in every respect. Her route will take in Saginaw, Goderich, Detroit, Cleveland and Buf- t•lo, soda weekly round trip is expect- ed to be made. Copt. R osoh and Purser Marion, formerly of the "Salti- e new Valley," will have her in charge. can, chemist end author, will deliver three of hie popular, scieoti6e and thrilling lectures in Goderich on Feb. 23rd, 24th and 25th. Further parti- cubits next week. A Vous retie P•ZAON. - Chaplain Seed's lecture nest Tuesday evening in North -at Methodist church offers the people of Goderich • treat seldom en- joyed in these parts. Large and en- thusiastic •udisnoesgreetbtmeverywhere and all want to hear him again. Chair taken by the Rev. Dr. Ur* et eight o'clock. Crauxu. -Although they had had little or no practice Chu ae.eun • couple .4 nuke of G,dench curlers went to Stretford on Tuesday twat to compete in the bouepi.l there, but they were un- fortunately detested in their first game. Their were from Harriston end the goore stood :-Goderich, 40 ; Henniker, 42. Vicr•.ati S&REST Y. P. 8. -The Y. P. S of Victoria st. Methodist church are prospering finely, we learn. Lest Mon- day evening before the beginning of reli- go,us sen-i„e they met and elected of - fivers for another quarter: -President, James Strongth: vie-pre.ident, Minnie Reid: secretary, Miss Hamlin; treasurer, Amelia Kirkpatrick. At the regular meeting of Moron lin- campment, No. 28, I. 0. 0. F.. Moeda, evening last, the following ofha.rs for the current term were duly installed by P. C P., I F. Toms, P. Holt and W Knight :-C P , P. Holt ; H. P., Geo. H Nairn ; S. W., Jo.hu Straiton ; J. W., Geo. Porter ; R 8., Row Raatall ; F S., H. W. hall ; Tress., W. H. Murney ; Gun. •, Mi J. Proudfoot ; 0. Sentinel, A. Johnston ; 1. W„ I. F. Toms ; 2. W., C. A. Nairn ; G. of T , W. Knight. Cottle.. TO GODalICH.-Of Dean'. company, which will appear in the Grand Open House on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings of nest week, giving away many o ,qtly presents at each performance, the Sherbrooke, P. Q , Erawiner says :-"Dan hes been drawing tine houses in :he city hall dur- ing the week. As a ventriloquist and mimic Prof Dean manifesto. the pos- session of great powers in his art and presented • clever and humorous enter- tainment.' Doo't fad to hear the king of veatrilognlata. ELrencie or Omczsi. --The Y. P. 5 C. E. in with North -et Meth- odist church held its semi- 1 elec- tion of officers on Friday evening lest, seising a. folbws:-Vies-preddent, Mr. Wetter Pridham; secretary, Miss M. Sharman; •saist•nt secretary, Miss 8. Campbell; treasurer, Miss Dnwni.g; organise, Miss 1. Sharman; chorister, Mr W. Pridbam. The pastor of the chorale is the ataodin( president. The Society has just purchased a piano, which will be used in the Sunday school, the Society and on spacial occasions. Cuwua Or Bos1we•$. -The firm of F • A. Pridhaie hes been disc olved by otual sonsest, Mr A. E Pridh•m tak- ng the furnishing department of the beelines, which he will carry on in the corner store of McLsan's new block. Mr riaham intends to carry only the very beat ",f goods in his lits, and the beef Bess will be onmdoeted on the suns and principles and with the strict in- tegrity sad pushily/ enterprise that 1 the lab firm. The store ill he opened about Marsh tat SrwrIAL MRMTTWo. AT Tis ARMY Bas - Lege. -Grand weleosse mte•tings to Major Pbilpbott and his A.D 0. will be held at the Salvation Army barracks seat Retarder, 8Ind d Moeday. eh. 15, l6 and 17. Capt. Drew andLim.Li. Treaty. formerly •tatiaed rat Goderieh, will be among the sassy 0116•111 who - who will take rt on the e easies. A silver eolleetio. will be taken CN the door M seep meeting, with the ax- iom s -ion of Monday night. when en ad- fee - flee.4 only 10 cis .ill be eberg b� - a epecwlty. Gas administered from so or the painless extraction III tea r;ENO Al. Trainor, of Chicago, who hes el ason ting the Misses Refor Dom. pest, left ma Monday Inst n tor Lon - where abs will make a stay before ing home. ge A hunumber of ladies and geed. ass toy. Ooderieh Mended the ball in - ONdlw jut Friday .reciag. We ea - *wawa ChM the (tell. of etc svesisg was a fair saetrmeiwflw c1 God.rieb. Q.pty Nark Aflame' the other ray ens marly a vistas of the farkies dirty 1■e mend the Sqme Wedged is by a kw"sports." lw's'the matter with mk leo laws bylaw prebibiti.g)hi'!pr..w.t ed. AUCTION SALES. COMMUNICATIONS AHO GENERAL INTELLIGENCE of the water in the mains was overlooked --- when the specifications were made re - We do am holdible for the quirts* four fire streams thrown 100 feet opinions of our t' - Coati -lbw herb with only 150 lbs water pressure at rues a this depmm artent ast oowdae them- the um •taeios." Doss this not selves to public questlo•s, and be terteL pumping ahow,sir,that our sad scienti- fic councillors is their united wisdom had the specifications prepared for the well at the fos.dry 1 and yet, to the very face of this scientific report for which they 1 $109.00 of the people's money. they bees already bored two other $ells at the Dost of wine thous and dollars each ; end that, too, at • spot where, es Ratepayer hints, the water rosy very possibly be unsuitable from the presenoe pf mineral suhltencee at present unknown. Verily, sir, we are a long suffering peo- ple, and more patient, I think, then even Job oould have ever been under snob ,for when we are emit - ten on the one cheek we vinosity beg for s ship on the other; or perftaps,morts cor- rectly speaking, when our townfatherspick one pocket we tell them to clean out the ,-Cher al s,. But I must burry on. Iu October last the waterworks committee reported to the council that they had "made • contract with the Reiser co E'ectricCo. for two 50 light 4 Ampere dynamos, 40 new 4 Ampere lamps and the changing of 30 of our ...n 8 Ampere lamps for the sum of $1,550 -nue dyna- mo and 50 lamps to be shopped on a he 15th of November neat. We have ala, trade • contract with Mt P. McEwen to drill an 8 inch hole at the harbor at $2 per foot." "Tee report was unaui•uously adopted on motion of Nicholson, !wood. ed by Cantelcn." This, sir, I must con- fess, is purely Greek to me, with the ex- osption of the $1.550 sod brother Peters part of it. I hope, h ,.ever, that all the rest of your readers will thoroughly com- prehend it. And now for a few war is on Ratepayer's bathing pond, and it is simply this, that I decline ba.hing in four feet of water swarming with tad poles and pollywogs ; end, ttesides, that A. M. Polley d.elsre. that by June otthe this i. mete n spite Pollyot bold ,• fish ! • Butpart, because of the credit publicly awarded to the may ir and his first lieutensot and right-hand supporter of Se. Andres'. ward, who daily devoted their time to .uperintendiog the erection of so useful a public necessity as this reservoir has proved to he, and although some natured folks folks denoun,e it as displaying no more scienze o r mecbsnif`al know ledge thin would be required in making • dry Roods packing boot with two cleats on each side, I bog, however, to differ with them. 'or that, of cours., is •l1 bosh I therefore suggest the council be punlicly requested to purchase the tallest barber's pole on West street, with its appurten- ancesrand erect the same near "R•tepay er's" bathing piece, with • suitable In- ., w.thoat fear of co.ntradictioo, ncripticn on its base and a cat t.n each on the 2nd con. of Ashfield, has been that in September last the finance cos- side of it as a bodyguard, and then if very low es the result of a relapse. mitten of the council reported that they that don't bring summer visitors to Mrs D. McNee has been very sick acd had not only to use all the revenue cf Goderich I really know not whet will do is still con6oed to bed. 1889. but to draw $8,208 00 from the it. And now, sir, as to the desecration A very large number of people follow- surplus of previous year. to meet their of the market sl•tar' ; I dare scarcely allow myself to speak of it -to think that four cr five hundred dollars, if not more. of the people's money has been thrown •way on such tomfoolery, and that then the mayor should have the audacity in his inaugural address to the council to speak of our fends being very low is . But, sir, I shall presently show y.:ur readers somewhat of the real cause of our funds being "very low." it is said, however, to be en ill wind that blows nobody good, and even in this matter friend Saunders pozketed $106 out "f it, while poor Mike Crete received only $1.75 for patching the bottoms of the basins within three months of their completion. Within less than. two years we have paid $230.85 for deputations to this that and the other place with small returns for the outlay. Within some sixteen months we have paid $4.765 65 of customs duties, as Mr Farrow can vouch tor, while i am assured by one of our oldest townsmen, who has spent a long life as a working machinist and whose word i know will not be doubted, that we oould certainly have had as good if not rnurh better pumping mechin.ry made in Galt within 80 miles of our dower and saved I know not how much carriage Now let us return fir a moment to the ..1 the beauty of the Square What could the half hundred county council ors, the leading men in their several localities, think, not only of our rulers,but of each end every one of us,- t. seeing the ridiculous west. of money aronnd their onurt hotter. i Must it not have been like this 1 that we ere • community of born unprincipled E.md res tsesertiew. To the Editor of the Signal MIK Sta,-I was delighted last Fri- day to find that we had tom live Ito. - payer ansougst us ; and although he hes been late in waking up it is better late than never. Now, moss he has promised to give more on the same subject, I beg of you to hold him fest to the fulifilmeot of hs promise ; and, if you will allow toe the use of one or two of your valu- able columns, es the stereotyped phrase toes, I shall have much plessors in of- fering him, through them, some tests or pointers to refresh his memory by a glance, and it can only be • slight one, at the proceedings of the council from the inception of our precious scheme of and If a thing is precious and valuable according to Ma cost, then, indeed, are our waterworks precious be yond oompsriwn in Canada -and the end is not yet. In October, 1885, the council published a placard throughout the town in which it was stated that "the total cost of waterworks, electric light and Agricultural Part would be X52,065.00 " In December following • public meeting was held at which coun- cillor Butler offered to withdraw from the council and take the contract for the three schemes for $33,000 ; on which Mr Crabb urged that the offer should be •coeuted, and that was the lost heard in public of this and apparently the ulterior views of t'e ' t having been ripe eoough, council seems to have taken no noticeof ,' AU parties cee wil Ring their e t ei eves notice Lneeerted ae At the following elections in January, tbls 1st into the time of sale. 1886, • vote was takes as to whether or Sale of valuable stock of Wm Mal- not we should have waterworks. The lough, bards fiat -claw voters, having the estimate of $52,065 horses, etc., several herd of thorough• befogs rheic eyes, declared almost un bred shorthorn cattle (registered in the animowl, in its heir. Io Februsry,18b7, Dominion herd book,) en his promises at the three bylaws were pobl.bed-fear Dungannon, Friday, Feb. 28th- Also at $54.046.65 ; electric lights, the same time and plow 37 village lots �•�. rod Agricultural Park, $4,000 in Dungannon will be offered for sale. Immediately thereafter the cloned pub - Jos. Mallough, auctioneer. iished and widely circulated another pla- card heeded "Ramona why you should Mr Thos Precious, lot 3, Lake Range, 'Ore for the electric Tight Ashfield, It miles from Port Albert, on and pork bylaws." I cannot herein pts the Jas. Scott farm, Thursday, Feb. 20, eibly IIVS $ lithe of the ressom given, at Doe o'clock p.m. Joo. Knox, suction- but it was therein .fated that "the d.- ser crease of insurance rates done (25 per cent) will almost ful'y for Mortgage sale of iota No 78 on War- the increased taxes •' And again -"the ren et and No. 111 on Wilson -,t., to amounts asked by the bylaws are ample Hutchinson's survey, (ioderich, at Mar- for the purpose ; rod eel, there is reason tin's Hotel, Goderich, on Wednesday, to believe they may be $10,000 too Feb. 19th, at 12 o'clock noon. Jno. tomb, and, of course, only what is Knox, auctioneer. _ required will he raised and .pent - NILS. that is in the control of the council." Now, sir, after such • plain Prom our own . • .tstement issuing from the council La grippe hes had many victim. chamber shall I be belie red when around Nils. Mrs Cousins, who lives i ____ ed the remains of Christopher Stewart to liabilities for the waterworks, "over and Dungannon cemetery, last Thursday above the monies received fur the sale of afternoon. Deep regret is felt at the .I-.h•'ntsresl" Yet there it3iirs in print 5' - low sustained by the Methodist church fore rue ! The repos was received unan- and the w bole neighborhood, in the Porously ! The three bylaws having been death of our aged neighbor. Much sympathy is expressed for the two child- ren who are now motherless and father - lois. By the will of the deceased, the children aro supported out of the estate till they are of age. When the dough ter reaches the age of 21 she receives $1,000 The residue goes to the son when he reaches his majority. The estate is to be sold as soon as convenient. George Burrows and James Stewart, of Goderich, ere executors. Nile ohurch was packed Sunday even- ing, when the funeral sermon of Mr C. Stewart was preached. Rev H. Irvine took for his text John, 14: 2, 3, "In my fathers house ere maty mansions," et+. Richard Cousins 1. also seriously ill with irnAsmmation of the lungs,caused by wetting wet while ill with la grippe. lie tarried, the ezperimental well at the foundry was at once commenced, under the superintendence of councillor Butler, and, es I •m credibly informed, at the cost cf nearly $2,0)0 A considerable supply ,01 water was obtained, but for some rather inexplicable reason it was abandoned and operations comnienoed et the huh or, where three or four holes were bored at very considerable expense, but the supply of water teing found in- adequate for domestic and fire purposes, a ten inch intake pipe of some viz tons in weight was hod to the river at the cost of $598.22 for labour, beside the original cost l.of the pipe ; and, this being again abandoned, it may pos- sibly remain there till doomsday. in May lest the Mayor to the oouncil to charge "the cost of sink- ing • new well and building a re.ervnir, Is ill at present. $1,200, to the fire department instead of Mir Loey Dodd still continues very to the waterworks acconnt," and that was low She hes been in Goderich f ,r • "done y." N, w, sir, why was couple of weeks, bot is expected home not this $1,200 charged to the water - this week. works as was the $598 for burying the q csa aewnN fir • • r..a rat. intake pipe the year before i The n we literally for the same purpose, end then The egsivaieet in English mono rat could be no other reason for doing so $2,500 wee ones offered by en old lady than to mystify any officious inquirer in - in London for the return of • favorite to the est of nor waterworks. In ono., at which had strayed or been stolen. 1888, Engineer Chipman was engaged to People called her • "Drank," and per- 1 the whole haps she was. It is nnfortun•te that one of the scheme "and if the gentler sex sboeld ever gain this connection with the harbor for fire title, yet any do. 1t is, however, (re- service anti) the fin •) gamily not chert halt. Ogen htnetion making the mak and Intros the sante oil tools who cnuid stand by "mute es ors al will •ppei*ntly change the kande of 4*. " for which tors," as your corfeepondent puts it -and a wm oan's main nature. Don't blame 1i be was to receive be is one of us -and see our remolds the such sufferers :1 they are "ersnki but $750 00. Now, sir, we have heard moth- laborers, artisans and -who tell them to ase Dr. Pewee's ira•orite tug whatever.of lir Chipman for many have not time to speed in watching the P , shit* Is an infallible months ps.t,nnlw that be seems to bar- proceedings of the awned tb ea.sl•es--- remedy for "female ." it received m 2700.456ms tune before the att. plondered, and their little will soon reetoro them fn their • normal tutor, statement was mode op by the tows become sabiect to sated,* for rim prblie eeeditioa. i1 is warranted to Rive satis- treesoror in December last. i And, bow- i debt by the mss sdnees or reeklesess of tam babas in every e, or money paid for ever, sir, that a Mr Wor.wiek, of the town anneal. Are we not all most it will be r.teroed. Tomato, an expert .wginese, was paid blamsable in this testier 1 And what in September lest $109 75 for monis- would these tenantry gentlemen have Dr Piero. s Pellets, the original and 'ug end reportin■ oft the efficiency of the thought if, instead of fir.dtes four piles eel, g.n.in• Little Liver PiIM ; 25 meta pumping meshin.ry, sed in that report of gravel close to the meaty butldreig, • vial ; one • does-$aoegst nth., things -he says : 'The they had found four heaps of horse end Mr R irwis, Clients, shipped a targe metric* requires the pompe to throw tow dung. which they •seeredly would have gtsantity Cot b.r10, b New Yuak levet four 14 ineh fire streams meth through 100 does but for the i� end Memo weak, feet 4; inch Aeete,freoat any hydrsnta in enc protest for sanitary rearms of rose ■Ma,or D.herty, Clitbtom, lies boas of tows, wnth 130 Ibe water premie a at the of our sepsrsan.ated tailors i As for - pswyieg cation. i believe it is not this Wonp bip's pronsitibit no ad) the Are mei,* is ow present ps.dir ehtemm- stan.ea, it mutt have been the oMss soe of - iuipiest iesseity osof oemeekt■R Glee l IlM1■ N. we. sir, keep the se but J sap sake of the two Wein ersd a farm of 180 sores in Dakota fog the entire', in Gee Matas, of his patent owns yodel MajLE0D'8 8T8T!M RENOVATOR is a premistive aad sews. ter Ica Grippe. pessib4 fee am, engine to do the work required. it seem to se the! there mere homeliest. a s)idake swede in taking the height of the lows above the pimp. ism statim. ; or, the fritlb.sl emblems D. Motif A TH:R. • can only spout a jet of water about three teat high ; and alio their two nonde- sorlpt companions : dump the gravel right (Iowa where it is : and reaton th. Stimire to its firmer beauty. G. N. Jeno of Bob Rsneim•n mill give a Dent a pound for them, and what we may Muse in money will be trebly repaid us in the reputation of having came Common sense and a little intelligence. The -pest, sir, mono' be recalled,but the remedy which I shall now propose is both swift sad sun, as I shall take it from the law of Ontario. 11 "Rstepeyer," yourself or any of your readers will please turn to pares 1874 and 1875 of the volume con- taining the latest municipal statute you will find that section 399 says :-In Case one•third of the members of any council, r tmunicipality, tuly pet tin$ for electors a commissithe under the (creat Seal, to enquire into the financial affairs of the corpor- ation, and things connected then - with, ant if sufficient came is shown, the Lieutenant Governor in Council may issue a .. at cordingly, and the or cos , or such one or more of them es the . empowers to act, shall have the same power to sum- mon wttoasae., to enforce their attend- ance, and compel them to produce docu moots end give evidence as any Court has in civil oases." -46th Via, chap. 18, sec. 383. Thus, sir, your readers will perceive that they have the power to re- dress their grievances in their own hands, and a very simple matter it certainly M. Arid now, to skow them that by moviog in the matter and signing • petition to the Government they iocar no personal responsibility whatever. I shall quote the very nest section of the Act, thus : Sec. 384 say. - "The expenses to be allowed for executing the , - shall be determined and certified by the treasur- er of Ontario, sod shall thenceforth be- come • debt due to the commissioners by the corporation, mid shall be payable within three months after demand there- of by the commissioner or any one of the c'.m at the office of the tren .- erre of the Corpur,ition."-46th Vic., chapter 18, sec 386. Could any- thing be more simple and easy, sir, to get rid of the incubus that hes for years pest hun j over our good town, if only one or two of our promi- nent men would shake themselves op and lead in the matter 1 1 again repeat that i hold printed proof of every state- ment i have made and • good deal more. I know not what the power and duties of the Board .4 Trade aro, but, 1f their President and t "Rate- payer" -and 1 know neither of them will pledge themselves to act with energy in this matter of such vital importance for the prosperity of the town, i will al- low you, sir, to glee them my name, and I pledge myself to give them every in- formation and •aiatenne in my power. I have spoken. Yours, &c., CIVILIAN. LITERATURE SELECTIONS Fee Teterboro' Trine messed art First ham Heade 4', ■..- 1 ■ F.ollowini are the literature selections for 1899 1890 as prescribed by the (in- tartu Education Department for teacher, non -profess' I examinations: - CLAW* Irl. English -The following selections from the Hiuh Sghnnl reader: -- '4 On Contentedness in all 1state. aad Ac- cident.. 30 The Trial by Combat at the Diamond of the Desert. sl The Plague of Locusts., -k. The Gambllag Party. Earthworms. •115 From the "Apology of Socrates %Kt A Liberal Flocation. 3 The Trial Keene In "The Merchant of Venice." 5 To Daffodil '1 To l.u,•a.ta, on doing to the Wars. 'rt The Cotter .8•tu-dal Night. 31 To • Highland Ulrl. '>N Go where Glory waif. thee '37 De*, Harp oil my Country. 'Ss Come. ye Disconsolate. '14 The /fridge of Signe. '.l Horatio*. 44 The Island of the ho. -rats. 147 The Haagtng of the Crane. • ' A. ship heeelmed at Rye.' 101 The Forsakes Garden. 'Those .elrotiene 'narked with en este-isk will be repeated ISM Loom C•tr.ir Helium Hrttanniram, French *PCV:sae' tetrad u.•toryFrench Reader, Grr,e,,e High School German Reader (Orme*. K tnder•und • Heita- Marohen,. CLAIM 11. Knot ugh RYro. Prisoner of ('h111e' anal ('hills Harold'. Pil- grimage. fret *teem 77 of Canto II to stanza 51 of Canto III.Inclu.- Ive. I,Idi.oe 8.?..' los. ?roin I4*. Eo.yo V t..r. Noe 91. tt, fs, 17 $0. 1111. r.. 115.I.0. Mitt 10. Iii lr.. 311. S477. Oa, 1(iS. 5716 5414, See. Luft• Cicero -- In (latldesm 11. I '(,111 - "Geld V. C.. -.r--- Helium I1 Fria -A - Stat ors --C. i'bilo.eple sous les Tait.. German /foal/ Des Kalte Herts. 8•441Wr Der Gamy each dem k'is-sA emk•.w.ter. CLAaa I. -GRAD, C. Rapl4A-ShaMns+wn - l'orosnee. Art/.ea - 1l sine seleet4 ss as fir thins ii*. beech - /)rmeat4eve Philippics 1.. Ii. Hower Ot 0157111, Lam - Harems- ()dee 1 U.p - XXflI. Prefer* - *raw- Bol Rem. Mersa a - ar*tfter - f las woo der ghats. .. sed Here Leber mad Ted. A young seas seated Or, while week - 195 is the ksy-•skinc. depertmest of chs y 0v s Foolery, Clinton, es Y.sday o1 hese week. got his Iced se Mom* est that he was compelled to work for a fent days •