HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-31, Page 8THE $1.1(024 SIGMA!,. "1" Y. JAN. 31, 1 90. FO RCENTS10 lNorah• kssunc� Comah I:FINE TAII o R IN GC HEAD 0 'TICE, -timaro*.TWO tirrtNCI* l 40NINI(N IAKL'AM&Jr.m TORONTO, O NT. FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS FillGMUE�{NMEMT DEPOSIT. -.- FOR CUENTLacMicN. 1 Tigeroa;. P111301111 an I Progressiva Caaldian Compan! $15, $18 _AN -D_ $2 YOU CAN BUY AT '`rases. dT Vortex's 24 Sheets Good Note Paper, 24 Good Envelopes, I Bottle Good Ink, I Sheet Blotting Paper, I Rubber Tip Lead Pencil, I Pen -handle and Holder, 2 Pens, I Memo Book. REMEMBER, ONLY 10 CENTS, WORTH 4 TIMES THE MONEY. At the same time look over our Cheap Table of Music, Music Books, &c., Bac. , worth from 30 cta. to $1.00, sold for 10 and 20 cta 2 sheets Irving's Music for Seta. FRASER & PORTER. ('or. North st and Square, and Central Telephone Exchange. Ooderfch. Jan 22kd, ItOU. rsL•7•tr Come One, Come All! and get bargains, as I am offering my entire Stock of DRY GOODS at COST, as I am going out of that line of business to make mote room for GROCERIES, &c., CROCKERY, FLOUR AND FEED. Be sure and give a call at the corner of Victoria & Nelson streets before purchasing elsewhere. To- -. n M_ Proud -foot. Oodtricb. Jan. 1.70. +.17. SOMETHING UNUSUAL Lubin's and Atkinson's Perfumes in Bulk, also A Select Stock of Cheaper Perfumes. In Bottled Perfumes an Unusually Full Line. F. JORDAN'S MEDICAL HALL. DON'T - BUY - ANY F'CTRISITTTtRE until yon call and see A_ B_ CGRNE.,L'S T11aT CANNOT UNDERSELL IL NI. '111(•cH LOWER TURN rvrp. Beautified stock of Bed Room Setts and Parlor Setts, Sideboards, Centre Tables, Cornice Poles, Pictures. &c. A SPLENDID LOT OF vv lriacs Sha tee Just arrived. Blind Roller' . Call and see the NEW RAYMOND SEWING MACaIN1 s, Machine Oil. A weaa 1n She e' nee. There always t.. Sh• is the behind the throve. A woman's ,.flu- ence over the man who totes her is often absolute. To wield so great a poser to guide, strengthen aod help her husband, a woman's mind should b, clear and healthy. It cannot ht ,f she is suffering from any functions! d t How zany a home is made unhappy because she eh.. .hosld t,o its lite and Tight is a wretched, depressed, nn.rbtd invalid ! Wives, mothers and daughters, why sutler from ' femoe complaints" which are sipping your lire* away, whet, Ur Pierce's Favorite Prescription will renew your health and Gladden th.,ve about you f It has restored happiness to many • saildc•oc.`. lite. Why endure martyr- dom when release Is a, *say t In its impanel held there never was a restora- tive like the "Favorite Prescriptior.." PKIL8IDaNT—ROIL, A. N.1OKICN%tR N. 1• ♦ I'r..ae Mtuutter Caned*. vlcK-Pie JDasIti IA. LION. M,0RRl�, 1•nN 1. Ytlt. MANAUINO 1HRISICTO t WILLI .v M 1'tHK. r 1 A.. bug. T i•aN?y Issues all APPrortd ForlIIi of PolIc:cs till t RETURI1 PREMIUM PUN. rate Palley (WAN t'TKks A H .t'URV orALI.PKKMIIUMS PAID isaddition tothe ten fate of tae Polk. y l e .veal of ...ill .tur,M Investment 'period. at a lower rate *wavy w ethsr Cps. pea Milt ty F. J. T. NAiTEL, „est WE KNOW YOU ARE 1 Looking for a H:►o•l+o.., Xnt:w or New Year's present at a Moderato price, --bN LJ We Know we Have it, having the Pim•.. isle ver Plant, Flat Ware and Cutlery ever •lie t'(1 in this town. OUR PRI :E ' BEAT,Trm BAND. Inspection Solicited. WILKINSON & Co. TIIE GREAF L, i irEN 13 STILL ¶AYI}10! EXCITEMENT I: .1. 1.011 at McLE� i; W BLOCK 11) the Plate L ss Grocery, ennn with Selling -w BEAUTIFUL DELF. As the Proprietor is Going out of that line, he intends to sell out his Entire Stock of Delf at cost. When I say cost 1 MEAN BUSINESS, and all of it must be fold within one month. My l)elf is well assort- ed and of the very lett st patterns, in Brown Rustic Tea Seta, Enamel- led Floral Tea Sets, Rustic Dinner Sets, Slate Rustic Linner Seta, .Sage Rustic Dinner Seta, Blue H••nak's Toilet Sets, Brown Summer Toilet Sets, Begonia Toilet Sets, Enamelled Toilet Sets, also a very fine assort anent cf plain Delf; now, if you wit to present your Mother, Sister or Wife with a tine set of dishes. do not lost this great opportunity of getting the finest bargains ever o8'erred in Huron County.: I. N_ CASSi�AY, PLATE GLASS GROCERY. Tune doors Wast e(Briri.h r. r •,.ange 11 , .1. GODERICH. Ooderirh. Nov. rtth. 1110. \ Cow nbower rig u r. A. I. ('OIL�Iv.FLI., Pelilly Ad a Penny Eand HEMI LTON-4T_ power McLEOD'S t Sys1ffl Reoo� a�or Eg�'ABLISHMAD 60 YEARS m - To cleanse the atom.ch, liver, end sys- tem generally, use Dr Pierce'. Pellets. 26 (rents. Messrs John, Ed. and M. Brennan. Winghase, have left town fur Chealey, where they are going ettensively into the tent.ery business They will be gee -toy .si•eed from Wingham. We learn that Mr .1. K Uaaia, of the Mitchell -ldn.rtsfe, and hrott.er to Mr H. Davis, of W,oghae, is very low with an stt.ek et influenza and pleurisy. Not only is 1a grippe most wonderfully bad in W,ngham, but measles also are very prevalent. quite a number of minks being down with the same. Mrs Thos Mimeo was beginning t., mend sioely, whew -he was striates with the last men- tioned disease, and with the eombinatinn tours ie very small stone of her re- covery. A brother -in -low of Mr Robert Young (of II•s.s a aton), Wingbam, left for the States whoa very young. and from the tint has been (Jerking for a very tick tler,hsrt the same being • ha,helrr. A few sosido egn he died, when Mrs Towrtg'e Welber sod slop the head boob - Wooer of tis Ins received the nest pea, tins of tbeeeend del - Ian see% : a OW bilks foresee for s ?wag tern el *fits. iii. am 7 J 1 still take the lead in special value in is becoming the $tasng o Medicine of nV the day. Pate. calling; or enure from all parts of Canada and the I'oited States Dress Meltons, from 9c. per yard un, Twill Meltona, Stripe Fonle and System Renovator. � for the s Amazon Clothe, Stripe and Check Costume Cloths,Velvets, Ribbons, &e It never fails to core ;.spore weak and impoverished blond. dyepep.ia, , lose cf memory, bronchitis, consumption, gall stones, jaundice, kid- ney and urinary diseases. St Vitus' dance, female irregglari and general debility. Mannfsetored only by. .1. M. McLEOD. Sole Patentee, better known as "The OM Doctor.") Newgate -*t.. (luderieh, Ont. The System Itenovator is sold at *1.00 and >j2 00 per bottle. Some Testimonials. Vat rOO►ER IaLaxn, 11. C., August 14th, 1889. .1. M. Mt Lend, 1h/deride. Slit 1 have bees resosmese 1 to you for • core for Salt Rheum. Three years nett Christmas it began in my left hand. W. had a severe winter here and my hands were chapped. I washed a anrt of indigo blue flanr..b and poisoned my hands. Man MIL,.rrr. Answered and Renovator sent Aageet 27th, 1889. Visions, B. C., Des. 27th, 1889. J. M. Ne Lrod, Dias Sn. —When I Brat began taking your Renovator my hands got meek worse lentil 1 had taken half of the bottle. thea they gradually began to got bettor. They are mask better now. My gen kasttk is good. It is • splendid Medi- cine, 1 wish we roan gel it in Victoria. len Laker told me •but year tnedi cissa I told owe drawict beta the weed your esed,ei..• bbl dein um, end if silt hit address, pommels, you might like to write kis Tens 1m. Ma. Mi'u,Tr. MEN'S SUITS, SPECIAL VALUE. Tweeds, fall lines. Overcoats very low, Good Quality, ;Nearly all Gone, Price Sells Them. In Grocery Department, In Teas especially, I Take the Lead,both in Quality and Prices. Pure IT; tuiulterate(1 Coffee only kept, price, 30c. per Ib. Puce Spices only kept. In My Hardware Department I have a full assortment (Nast, my own importation, from 7'c9 to 34x:iS, full supply. Crosscut Saws, &e. Wagon and Buggy (leers full assortment. C_ C.)iABB, God.nch, Nov. 281b. 1849. SQ U A R Ho you sleepers, Rub your peepers Open wide each or: Don't be creepers Bargain reapers' Now's the tune to l,uy. RIGHT THIS WAY TO DANIELL OOItDON'8 roa samaras. not -Clam (Meek of r.ralttrr,, Re. stash an PARLOR 1TRs $IDROOM PUTTS/I, DIM INS ?ARUM LOU MIMI, eta- Mr oMy NAM leas .'wars beim to keg PMst-171se. rarritrno. '.1 will Walt for= see ..e. who sasses las seant+r fir eaosp tseag a.e rc� of s. F IrM That wla care Im . to t.4eetakt.s t have M ha wised In Rehm NgbNah 1 re the .tam a ttas.a etptr/ssoad sATltgAerraN wv'M. weat-et.. Sedans, ashrams P0. esd Rask et M.rtteai, tai Heller We. "A teat ♦ y4s to drew t. epea het e .ttrsrypat It cu...ts la t �tttttt.b ptbttl of oi, i Nle sN�r1 lbe +sir~ o[ sit My... rill sd salt vert Hlaek ('kavl.aorii srwMeia �aa� ss �a,. are prayeriy.let Wmm•d. ices >T ♦sasrak•t t{l.s"t(vr eat w ta..w,dtttNl. wM. crstnnnsemsM oro tb. I[eo1$ M polo.., acCor-me,c_ sad ENVELOPES at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25 per 1000, printed, at "The Signal" Steam Printing House. 61-.4..M14....NOW IS THE WINTER w Or OUR • rr'S. t. B DISCONTENT. rosea flt.►1..w s stet lama/ w..vr..b east at .ra.a • r iw ATI Ia.. . w..l.a7r. = -- *. ..ms. 11e aa•wies we ogee as ee-.,.ss. sib ^••••• �. simens- .w,r.r� �(M..ew. i�2:.1/�w/:YiYei..M.jsstubw a aea.�r.ratlstTao4,iwaSSS.is nsissainstuns all'w..`.Ma I OVA rEFUL—COMF*IKTING. EPPS'S COCOA. lilt} AKFAST. 'By a thorvoulrh keowled/te of the natural laws whfci K•o• er:. • 1,e utlrranota, of 4iiirt1100 and nutrition. stn.! iy a cartfai appUgpn..,. 01 the one proper, lea .,t weUselect..1 Epps bar provided oar breakfast tablets with a deliratell &stored beverage which nasty sane us many heavy doctors' bills. It ,s los the Judicious w of •neh art tel.. of diet that a rusty lee K•.utuai!) built up until strokg enough to resi-t e. rr) tendency W dienase. Hundred. of subtle maladies are dossing around us ready to at- tack wherever there U • r•-nk tet. we may serape many a fatal 'heft well fortified with p ire h t said • properly nourished frame.' —"Cir.' Semler Gazette - 111ade simply with Willow water or milk. Bold only in pack•i by grocers, labelled thus: JAM KS *PPS k ('o.. Homeopathic Chem- ist.. Laudon. Ko.rlaad. 2tBt- FALL & WINTER Gcoas_ I have just received Iuv large consigminent of Fall and Winter Goods, and to mak.' room for them I alis now selling off wy Previous Stock At figures away down. I .le, not believe in carrying over goods un- til another year, and will always sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES rattler than hold them over. Being anxious to keep up with the times I have just put in a handsome plate gloat, front, and intend making other ` . . that will mase my extensive pre- mises second to none in town. I am here to exchange goods with the public for cash, and aur hound to (lo it. Manager of Toronto House \1('I' Scab ice, lac airy The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of tWater Services in connection with the Town System toDwell- ings and other Buildings. Also REPAIRS To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac- tories and Machinervof all kind. Pi ices reasonable. Satisfac- tion Guarantees' WILSON SALKELD. !'!iu DUNN'S BAKING POWDER MCOKSBESTiPoFIO • Great inducements for old and new subscribers. In dull seasons Merchants are anxious to reduce ex- penses, and some of them withdraw their advertise- ments from the newspapers until the season of dullness is over. SAUNDERS&SON handle so many lines of sea- sonable goods that they al- ways have bargains to offer, and those wbo are trying to make a dollar go as far as they can are invited to call and take advantage of the low prices. They are giving THE BIC/ GIEET Dollar's Worth! in Town, which, of course, is to be expected at !le Cheapest Heise Under the Sae THE "WITNESS" Isportiot £orooltaeost FOR 1890_ Over198 PREMIUMS to .elect from. eerie THU PREM11.'M LIST. ANNraL a • Dior Wrrosts 0* Wangler .. .... .•51 W The Northern Messenger. only 1 cents per annum. is the chestiest Illustrated paper to the .aid. Contains the Sunday School Lam sons. and has abuedaaoe of latereetiur(faror matin• for old and Jeuat Hee the fiat of premium books for old aad sew sei.albs,s. Agents wanted. thtmate espies free. JOtiN DOUGALL .h SON, '•b.W'itaew" Office. MON TItRAL. 11' ILL ruin von of TnesumeMerp rasa; ism, N.'urinota• tar.hugr, f 1 s • is , r • od Toxhaoa, Brooms and �SoteYrt, „of Sleatik Cures RLieaniatisnj COUGHS. - COUGHS. CABE'8 Syrup Talllarac Gam • Cures e11 afeetleae of Ib. Throat, Lewp sad Cheat-Aweh u Braatbitia. Whaa,bi Cwtk, Oie. Hneraw n, /b 1_ltsa, Np ta Blond, � Pale 7. the Ohat, Otetba, Coils, eta. Tian valuables preparation ensiles es- - peetorstl.m, alhys sed heals all k ills- tioa of tato throat old leap, living Mensal rel•/ in any pia, and ht ete�egs b to the &Rested pada, lblrt every thee. Blank Noes al SgnaI. Price 25 150 ata, a BOTTLE Reman an son.sseeno.. —PUMALW T -- H. SPENCER CASE, Obeisant. No. M tstR Ra 1rw41Willso, twirl -1