HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-31, Page 6-r
7 HE HURON SIGNAL, ►' 1 t.AY. 'A `' . g f .
.: •Ptd'(GE TO U A 11.1
!It r !f011)• Meal' OM
A litewes. Teropereinee lllamie. la Wade-
rogeea Oi•Ud M le&
isesearrpes .saws eR r,sre MOJrwb
W sast,.Tonfaa M.-Im his anima r
:ire Aida iflesamr le MO Dweedad Mo
Aa •rep ill seg Shot of Deed amd
W amassed r She
Mearg ass
lrstaaarol.m, Jan. !t.-Pseas.pr treks
Mo. 1. eta tie Yaw Ives•. *Mak Mat M-
ew Sunday tight re 11. 15, was wrwid
On ow ening at 1.60 one mil• .bone Carmel
and laciest. miles north d ekes city. The
trait was rumen. ad a rapid rale aid was
'epee e►ing the lung trellis arras WUksr
esu creek, when the tender of the mew
jampal the. trach. The «seiner revensf hie s Mop& Io make oarompbTae
euspma but before the air -break could eek v� at* pool- ossa thaws wilicei ray lover.
Me Mwtrl of D•• trim. the k'OOmOvw amd It appears that in one way or •slier Taw
baggagscar hed cleared the treadle, but the ,vy •dyes ha.. rt.. y t* d
tour ...oscine attached went over into the awary that it Md loos ene.,e tad[ atsedlr•(
creek the lades' roads immediately naught wRb tapir .•panic. 171,-;;80, gate tato
Ore awl lis an incredibly short time was 1'a- „ascus other phosn ware tisoatoatiog
dot. tel w a.b,r FortsoMMdy for Me oeoa liquors me acid A dirk who hon • ree-
p ude of tans coach, train No. 8. whisk Is[t „mob peados sad cab 1. regudad as ams
Mau city fur C'ifea*(o at 7.30, had bay ser- el rameet ..Rabin mead W divides Y
leveed to meet traits No. 1 .t Carmel sad as
11U1311 to word of 11.. wreck was received the
prweugmrs hurried to the seise and weld
ear_..s1:y to work rest -Mug thea occupants of
Me i earning car.
A horrible mune met their eyes la plain
view orf all were two boys and • woman, all
dead. but their bdis were b-u.g rap*dly
ootmumea_ The arm of roe projected through
the Mc ut the car mud could be touched by
those un the outaidd., bu.the opening was not
large enough to draw the body through.
Isanedia sly in front of the boy was a lady
who gut ca foe train at Frankfort an t ism yet
a:lidsutitkal. Her la sly one enol• i, ..1 111
8asys but there was no possible way
to get bar .wt of the burning coach. Actor
from this lady was Mrs. Embanks d Broad
Hippie, Intl. Her hood was horribly crushed
1 b ' brakeman tai • pam•1ger seised der by
the Huts and by • Magmata effort pulled the
booty through the wiudow life was not yet
eataaet. but she lived only • few minutes
atter tr•intg taken out
Auotier of the reamed, tett who has since
died, oar Mr. Deming i.f $hetidau. He was
plutocrat' to the &s her by timbers and horribly
ermined. Some heroic met: seized axes and
after a few minute' work cut away the Um-
bria' that held the body which was removed
W the north sideof the track. There esu no
tn•slw•al cid present and the man died in a
few c :r yenta Buckets bav'-ng hem procur-
ed from the farm houses near by the !lands
were emu subdued and prevn.ted trona com-
municating to the deeper •or ..ober coaches.
As sacro as it was possible .rrn-h was made
for the diedl. The following .e an accurate
Bet of the victims:
seas so congress Rseime Bance•e urged
Mai wap shasld ke Miss to seetrSA IM
*gm Mance is Iwo Didnie of laelanells,
acid now M rogagrs Shak bregeellw of
Ca gr..iemal feMe•, • haapwmaes eakeiesi
his beak eAslBiiel is comedic• web
sant essewllse dsllisrimemt The .lana
dose got /soakiia NNf beim ale Yomistage,
bat operates by prtraN said personal www`
tion -that it Is py, b Waft the darts
and other tengisyas d the Goya..& with
the dread of being lseedI1 they Rd N
any degree is keep era-aedsr.la
The metibods of the rehire are ike tmr-
odn of the moiety, tae ..Mods fast
■ RS. N FLUE Kt BA'4 . Breed RippM, burned
to death
1'. 1'. DE ZING. Frankfort. led_ bead erns/wet
Meld • CUM I ear a Weed
Paresis sew w ells- .ares to sees the
.wive et tbietrebikiseies landed anise.+
A Mlle fellow &las bees w•dlag of seine
Pis here who helped Lie lather mad
seethes a all sorts of ways ; sad after
l Mins hie braise to theta bow he sou
eta help, he nmemb.cs that he can
fetish his Whites dippers said take hie
boot* ow.? sad pet chats is the proper
141.40. Maass *eying a word to sig-
hed, whoa itemises SOWN he dose at ;
bat tie WMr as w aresptad that he no
trees nut what the bey has duo.. The
little fellow hopes 0a, thiakiew that when
be Rues to bed his father .111 say how
phased be was to see OMrley .0 'White
to help ; but not • word is uttered and
the boy goes to bed with a eboktoe far•
toll iu his throat and says his prayers by
the heeside with a s•da•as v.ry real to
hie be. rt.
Parrots often complain of chi:drre not
bring so ready to help as they should a»
The fault as with the pseud., who hes•
not knows hew to *woke feelings with
whit the heart of every ch1:d is rash,)
said to have hese egad up by bb chid end M«SJ• Lel wad• of approval *re h.ip
said if he was ad in the habit al viittag ter wed easounsgiae. I•. • here faattli
public thinking-pIoss more or les frequent- there hams been drys of •oast, •i.d
try. ,sen. _ne vidr.t daughter by her •kis,
"Yes," the clerk answered. "I take • social
glom now and then with the boys when 1 fel
like it, but I have never miaowed it to inter-
nterfere with my work or in any way unfit me
in le.cliIng h.. r rued a ,tttl. extra.
money, and leith , t • 1or,1 1.. 00)cate
be I.)• 1.rarl) all ,.f it ,out w hu)the
ibows that era -h needed 1a tie
for the discharge of my duties berg." hours. What jay • has hrr heart whin s
'•I am aware of that,* his chief M reported field muthr r trite her aside and with
to have said, "but tab my advice and don't .00' 1.•11 that c...i ret be o.•ncesled bays
hear tI kitua
..ra,r a for such culder.te
be sees to drinking -piece. or billiard saloons
around Iowa at night, or at any other time, k hid lie's, •1.d n,..nrur• : ' • 1 d.in't knew _
for that matter " • hat . e ►hall oo • stbost you, detritus 1 '
"But 1 fail to see," the dark answered, My lei. ode, d.. ,, t he so chary ..1 the." -
rather indignant at this attempt to inter- - ono d• c f Dant
fere in his personal affairs, "what business it
b of anybody else whether 1 drink • glass of
beer now and then or not," ret• Mem Mamas
-Well." his superior Aker replied. '-i A little of (;olbourt's Parisian Balm
don't want to ass you lose your place, and so applied at night, will won render the
I thought 1 would speak to you about it." hands soft and white Parisian balm is
tither clerks wbo are known not to be teato- delightfully perfumed. Sold b, all
filen are said to have received similar warn- draggi• a.
Ings, until gradually it Welcome to 1
ally u.derdood in the Department that an -
,•mpbye'. rraading is injuriously affected by
his being seem going into rlootn
.. Yes. i've host • great deal of trade
lately,- said the proprietor of a n -courant
near he Treasury. " I don': in, . v Jost
whet lee ease of 11 is, teat 1 erp.ct tt must
be the talk about the treasury that clerks
who go Into aloe.• hurt their standing and
see• liable to kr their places."
Temperance pledges are raid to be exacted
of catdiditre for oleos before an appoint-
ment is given The car of Mr. Jo1sson,
who was recently apprnte.l Postmaster at
Baltimore, la I. point. Johnson was very
•trembly barked for the position. and Post-
'uader-General Wanamaker was inclined to
• 1,0..11, . ears M.
Iirs Laves Louisa 0.r) La) mond re
mootfy lewd to • (moot 1o..1. wow the
bates, of musical .et u. At0.rNa we
wntiest. It is to Adelaide Phillip. that
Ins blah••& 'wok .a rt. arild ■11. le
ars14.ed. MIS It.)sound gest h. ree-
.uns that not wily hod she • •lassieso
and glassed •..00nip.lsulr voice, rest 1k..
to this impresses ...t1... event .les .41.1.
greet dramatic power, end that rte wool,
have bees datiugui.brd in hs..riuu'. u i
aloes[, tor 0 had ehe uoi bees w a I. io
.rt. 'rbcs w very generi.w tad semi. 11
ou. great motet toward another, ■u•- M
but a typical Uutenos of the sew. eu,w
of e;tarit, the grottoes And a"s..tifel
feeling that always chars. tonere Ares.
Lusim C'say.- 11...t..0 T.. tale/.
Bata Diu.• are noes st.noyiag br-
mese in noticeable. 1)s Low'. oul,.bu.
Scrap heals cud Wealth's the slue l..
Oanadia. ffap.IM : Prl.icipa Ma
Grylur it wow 111 New 1. s impale
where he will base the benefit teat -
meet pruvably as skillful of sen - ••r
iu the world. The oWlucut .vet - ,.is
r.grtd the Cabe somewhat hovels). )
nary will Yee • geurral trauma.' fav
I r sue tsar year, wap• : ' Clio Lulu
.tu au dour tor the ieovdo1•,u• ..t o
tiu.p.l, Ills di•o.very vi deceit, mot 11
chut l.ra. veil of •1UNLN), rod that 1 .car
osa) come ors yet this tree )c.r has
w aned to its slater.
A getters! iutern.n..s.al down: e a
w ill be proposrO 10 the It triodes a. u
,.....r. t.., Ix„r..1e.4 ....t1 tee • ,
IIic( D. ti , ildsllAl TN'LY C'HIi lltiJ %. Live it to hon. but at the White Homo the
Sheridan, Ina . horned to dottb-
l•lltli )IAIIY HO0t'EII. Horton, lad, soughed
to d. -ache
lilts HATTIE
and taorn.i
objeetioo was raised that Mr. Johnson was
• drinking man. Finally, in an interview
with the Pestm•steNle.eral, Mr. Johnson'
HENSLEY, Cyclone. cru5:sed was given to understand the objection raised
against him by the Preuideat. Thereupon
the i ndidate gave the Postmaster -General
a poetise that, if be were appointed 10 the
°Mee, he would not touch liquor duri.g his
The Postmaster -General in-
formed the President of this and Mr. John -
Gress. Mrtl,ia error soamager. heft foot
tally out heck severely Injured.
I Jacswos. porter of the sleeper, hip severely
Injured. bead badly out.
J 1'. ALTteUina, 1'hiearo, ehoel4er bruised and
eliwraine slightly Injured. 1 the appointment
('55.025 L. Niru. Frankfort severely tinniest.
F. t' Wmiwrrr, In.lWulwlis 1 ••ad badly cut, ; !RIDE AND Tit.. !P/t'.
tact horned
R C' mums, Nees York. bred bridesd, rtgbt leg Idle( Features of the Crane and Pre-
date and iter,.! Injuries.d.ce Marker at Here and .tbroed.
J U. 1'usss,xt. Sheridan. led. back htrt, bead TORONTO, Jan 201. -Deliveries of barbs at
cis, eight arm bn.kra possibly iuteroal injuries. s. outside points are very light. and dealers
k. a lwa•rssu. Distrust. report no change in pries, quoting No. 3
Homo' 8 14ecwow, Chicago., extra at 30:asts Advice's from tar other
I.ovw Yat use. lr.drnniadis. yds confirm local dealers in the belief that
Trwo.as (A•wair,.r... ,'hida*Cr. the market will soon helmet higher, though
11W.2. HAWDT.
U J,wTr. it may take a few weeks lunger. New York
}loess straga. Irndianapotis. an .lightly is dealers are hunting for large applies, but,
)orad are not raising prlees Then have,however,
s W $assert. Rae•.ille. hurt through the blps, been tales there at to 4 Dent,
toed arm cut. higher ago. New
limas Awns. Indi napoliw d bead ar.arm eta. York deahen are abo acting on the
A. R AwaLa co&d1..ct.ir of the train, twld it.: debet that there is • very large quanti!',y of
Mew tl a tread. parley yet he that State, but reliable &deices
Oreo OuamAIL Indianapolis.
J. U. Ba.wwnl. nay there is not Bradstreet's report gives
Wnr.as R. llamas. the stocks of barley 1n store in the United
alerne[L IrrTrwrasoas. HUHU/it 2,00U,000 bushels aga1rut 4,0011,8110
(fro tot L )trust injured. but got seriously. httsb.ele lad year, 3,000,000 to Ivef and 4,000,-
lie- rl.v Frtzr.v .. t poi Indiarupoa•. spa. 10U in 18Ft7. With only half this stock .1 each
injured and bead lastly cut of the pad three yeah, and with large sngwir-
Ilaa Fins [M. .tales irf&k'ett severely
lea, there is every prospect of higher prices to
bruised and ismitibe Internal injures*. Canadian farmers, if they well not lord up
W. J. Collins of no. itidiarnapa,lia Sentinel, the market as soca as quotatiote begin to ad-
. my*: The Mock threw the pa•- vases.
seinen. in the ser 'per frau .m.• emit of the• ear
to the ..tower, east of one berth into sires=~
another and k•:.,ob,l+ •1 everything to Wheat -Steady; 300 bushels sold at Sec for
the car A g•-..tien.an kicked .net fall end r'd. MSc to t17c for Rowe gat 70c to
a window thr,.ugh which a number 71 kir for (.sane
escaped. (►then, treeing there was no its- B.riey-fiereipta light and prier firm,
mediate daiger tett hese intim skrprr dressed 1000 bushels selling at 40c to 4.s.
themeelven When Mrs. Oldham and her Pelle-"tesdy ; 100 bu•heIs wl.1 at rise to
little boy were taken out .of the burning e*r rev.
the lady. where two other children Oats --Re ssipt• light and pr.ure••a..y ; soles,
woe in tie ear, although badly injured 2110 Mabel• at JOeic to SW -
made a desperate effort to return Hay-Bm elpt. Ilgtit and price, of timothy
to the burning wash. Clasping her higher a. .11 to 11:i. Mlaed u ASA m1 at
youngest • in her arts she exclaimed 27 to pe,
..Thank God 1 have you left, but 1 have two Straw -Castings light and, prism an-
other children in that fire. (;.rd be merciful," cringed at $7
and then turning to the pemengers urged a otrlfTaT Pttnnvc c
them to roomy her burning cbiklrwn. Alm Pot0Rry-Receipts light and prices firm
were procure! and *determined effort mads Turkeys l le:geese $; chickens :o, tr. Oto . ducks
to gra the dyine tiled dead out, tout the Barnes .0 i0 40c.
spread s. rapi tl) t1w work had to he elan- Drowsed bogs ---Offerings lair end pries un -
doted .•
changed. heavy rough in car. •n Lraa. 8'..
The train hearing the injured arrived here rood heavy stock $5.25, choice lignt I:..4u u.
at 11.46. On the train all woes excitement 55.5u
la ter, Pullman car at the head of the tewh Butter -There e a fair demand 1.,r good
were this more seriously injurer_ ,puahty, but low grades aro. n.4 w"m.•.1
Pesrwr., a traveling ratan, lay In • Leatk hove tub 17 to syr•; medium I:. t. o : .t. •res
His mind wandered rnl and in his deliriem he eeke.l 10 to 14e: rolls 14 t.. 1:
was selling his warm "1 ran wall you better Fgge-R•oolpt• an ahead loo tarp.. }'r,..•.
goods than any neat on the road. Our boom are heavy at ide., and deniers woui,I tr6e
e • hl}t ore end we can give you fled ;c. few round Oita Lionel gra Pimp.
nominal at 13 to 15e.
Ifre. Oldham and her three children got Odeurel3►RerinRs mei demand are abeam
en the train at Sheridan where 10.y Ando Sorg, ltjwid•ie shady at 5;e. for ear Ma
Mr. Oldham an affectionate adieu. The use tn•ok sad 56 to 70c. for .i.,uier liar out. of
mother mewl ehi)d un were all v..r, , tiad•tme. .errs hay -No !iso t Um( toy r rr1 ori
T1n ior-rty were bound fax Indian ,p. •:is whore haled flay- ng.
they expected tomcod a week with relatives. diked apes oa track at 81
Conductor Angle eat a abort d istanee from the Livears't, 514.1.1.r,„
happy group watching the antics of the Liverpool report.. ISunt mill, tk nand
comma wham tie era& come H. was as fallen elf, holden. oder iwasera$ely; core
rMosmsd and MrsOldham .iso twain* un- •way, demand poor. swung worst,
ooredoat By bar trade lay bar Adam dale. rod winter. Ta. Nr. I lel., 7• .:,id to 1s 4d.
As the ebmuwe bore her away ah• mato to ,•w•.. 4a; peen, 1. I l: p err. IoM Rd;
MA called for her children- ithe wee told N . banal, king char limey '40.0‘1,
were all right and she fainted away. d short ehar lt& Ad; Maim. ria; atoms,
Trough sir window of tie car • Mels Arad .Nb W enbwe.d, 11k
_.moos -.d 10p and Mfetvta A .coma semi It, sena a.an's memos"
bet the ricin looked through Mo whitlow cath eewrt•ok•• nq"irts: „•gala ca.
Show eaw Ihe.n.p.r.dMY17 of rosea Wheat and cora. nil. Cargoes an I
lir red hoe weer.. unmet troy a rd"i' Whose deader. tam., rat* ea .+r a..
liege, had dame uta n for babies, plumed Ilam ' air-teglir whirs 411.104, ,..r
150' wild yrs awful weight rad &lured Mr • dy ; rew'at rs easier. t:..;o. n..
TMildew ware aka/ .d Limitless weaker, .p. ANL ...
MIAMI lire fits seallher recovered frees bar fes •.miss. arra, Mr was .
bM Mr 417• Weilli( ds* bsrsMng eta GER i saes+. Sew EY
mood iia ono and midi tet ess"ndf dr flogh.d. sternly, 1.1
sea an furor wase. - dere,
lm Wines, Liquors, arc
• X.w mad Dlellaet Term of Meese"
wide& Is ar•keles dmadim- Weiser.
Kew epee. et flews R.galaed Fre&
p.m>♦1.alma, Fended Health awl
laperb Rlydwf ees..ty.
A Pal Leedom
Physician says that
he noes a sew and
distinct to r m of
nervous disease pro-
duced in Canadian
women by 11041.7
about servants and
overwork in caring
for the borne. This
is only too true. It is why we see so many
ladies pale, weak, languid, and su&nng
from headaches and imneserable weak-
nesses. They cannot stand the strain u1300
their nervous system. Many of them have
found the means to sustain their failing
strength, to give color to the cheeks, and
new life and vigor to the body, i. Paine's
Celery Compound. This pore and scientific
'moody is especially adapted to the seeds
of woman, and is daily makiagthe meet
curet. remarkable Mrs. W. E Cooper,
6o SL Hyptlite St., Montreal, was for a
long time troubled with nervous headaches,
km of appetite, low spirits, etc. After
sung the Compound, her headaches dis-
appeared, appetite was good, and her sprits
Annie Gourley, of River Bea.dette,
P.Q. found the Compound a certain cure
for weakness, and now leets as well as she
ever did
Many a Canadian lady has the same
reason to he ieful.
Paine's Ce Cnmpouod can he pur-
chased at any ruggisi s for one dollar a
bottle. If be should net have it on hand,
order direct from WPLLS, RICHARDSON &
Co.. Mow -rag -AL
OIr r►vtr�
?O ThisDp?ro
• &Wady
eles tee sand bee a
yofor540OIt 1f t .11
'.M.,�se�s�, 1 law •
rr�wrs_L rss
( bed 'o she or ire 4'40 mr -r. w i Ile public fe•ewa117 that 1 Mrs dseb:sd a east Me
to+.elf •..• oust fur
per melt . 11 .. pu.c,..-ca of $1.00eved lees tl0s. 1{3.00 ; 10
off all bLUltst.aese ,.t $.T SO •• • ui.•.rd
on "ad. ,., 0.y . • v W.,,u14e• urr 6 per dent will be allowed.
I haus o• Mn., ...r..1 the I.rvr•t [reeks ed
to the Dontin..,u. a .1, lei .-A lis. of which would occupy more .pace than the ;Ilia -
PALL" is prepared t.. es ; •• liar It to .sy it oo.aprue•ll .vet y desirable 1use.: o be
fo.n.1 with the leatM.. 'i.e., over* of C.u.da.
Emory hoe is already marked
and the above term. mai • my store the Cheapest pima is 0.0.41• to buy roar shoos
As int moose stock of
every .tyle h,ah in Canadian and American, Gluse Goodyear sake, which ate
abject to the same
A Large Stook of Ladies' Imported Bid Slippers, very In.. Call and
es them.
Cor. Bent -et. and Bouare.
Wm to 000ounee that M is now agent for
G. H. PgRSONs Liquor -Tea CoID as 's Celebrated Teas
Your choice t thene out ot a Beet Authors, given with eor morevery 3Handsome Volume
Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without !baling
the expense.
1 have • large number of Houses and late
and Vecaat Leads in the most desirable parte
of the Town -Ie! *ALS feller.
Now is the wise to secure property before
the BIR Mush. The C. N. B. is oumtmrgqtt sures,
surd in • short Ileo: prices will hese 'drawee
beyond lie reach of many.
Call and see list and Prices before pardon
ing elsewhere.
Real Rotate and General Inrrsssee Agent
0h!.. Wee. -cit.. third door (rem `quare. � P.
13T Ticket tad Telegraph Otltce. 61-11.
Trs.uwa wa!G. :_tash.
9Cords"I' NUS
Goderich Foundry and 'Lachine Works,
RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors.
s e!1 for d..erip•tttty catalogue
eastlaielala frmao..sr'•leers .t awls e•.
SSP sou immegesa
seed.. •. *efrom
ober, M200 fee Ilbienviteira&1. a
Or• 11•101..457 w p.. of 15M -Mol everybody
elr owe caws •ow sed don beuerA•e me
aieapss expert ase w(tboet .t Adapad to all
i.esdat awa liven outs Woo ores a me s5cr(d
deme e.a r ar•rtryws••a•.w•••[era Ave
+�vS II A-
aleu tlacamellin `1e ..s.I
When I ey dere i do not mesa
step th.s for a time. std thew
reruns wide. I
leveth.ereruw�1MANARADICALCY▪ ��hammade disease ofIli*
ylMmer sr ptarMg aleknw a lite-tamg deep. I twarvaal my remedy N Oars the
wont eases. Because others bays tailed Is we i_aam 1•r eat 00.1 rambles a cat's' Seed at
core few a treatise gad a Pres Rwltle of wry sadlaI3Me R•.eeeret
Give i
Otir• It costs coo nedelsfera It r.•.A0.3xGh pi
aop.. temawsk OAloss SUN MOM�T,
-14 it
Severy week. C talorose.NI pages,
scot free ; lowest prices ewer known.
Alden'• Ideal Revolving Book Case (tie two sides
are alike), prices $8.00 to $10 00 ; holds lift to 1390 volumes of
the average size. No other article of furniture of equal asst
will equally adorn a cultured Lost'.
The following is aa interesting r omprriaon of Contents and
Price of leading Cyr'nprdhs
ire.11 vote. teem Wm.** Bait Agents
applrtee'. 14 etc: :7:11OM1w
Joe..Jr.r...,• ' t i ot) g'e'e'•!12 Wanted
. he a .,ors wLws f
♦:de['• AmilfoA N tn.^e &&..raise
ALMS'S MA`(I/oI.D C TCI O/i i,l.t IA the BEST for popular
mr, a: well as cheapest. Specimen pages/re,. Cyclopedia&
taken in exchange. Mention this paper when you write.
JOHN B. ALOBN, Publisher, me port N, *w Yuma;
1:J ',aim* Ave., Ca110 mo; Tl WWtsWI BL.. ATt3rra.
.105.Ie0is! OO.epr$bra1ntan11•a
c•i•dN1/e�sp�r metro. =seVyeawlr.ess~
r.drdlsa .m price w.017 iso &. ISAStsose
- peeps wt* have purchased
wilt (este 7 le the blwsi of ter. •leee.t•teerwt.
.Paver, basil, Anile have ere w two a least[
(lapel e. the Asset ORO. W, 11003*. w►e relit sell yea dl
inn may rearm% gad give ram not db.Mleat
AT ROOK sorrow PRiCsf>! MR CAW.
Dent hegst tae alum. Wsea skis et Mew
9.11111111. OA.1i. NIL 111141a
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.. },.i�,rt(ltiL
Improved Land Rollers - - - Price $22.00.
..T 1010W =CI -v=3
Having made arrangements with the JOHN DOTY
We are Prepared to Quote Prices to
Parties In want of the same.
RSP i► Tim Z>DTD adSTINGS O21 *T_s_ =SICrDf3
WrAt.s TW%ft aft& T\%\t\c Letters, as vAth a 6..\i\vac., ri b.
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Mem d u
w rong soli k
their pima" 1
•pldlial L* all
T Pasco, Jae
wrinkle to
&Member d 1
gal as re s
d two Bopts
lie agitation
pie" tale ■
Sam" le
RIPS ••raven
wlfalam. 1t
fMraM. mad
N ec.gratule
Om 10 W00 a
fee. Perna
Oower meat
may dim la
N BMelbek
two Amer It
Yak 1, Me gr
the ultimate
Sok cm the Ja
' Mamma. JI
Alain i
day: ~Isis el
.r I. twined
imenereby he
he proclaim'
Minus. Jam
Sim as to the
aha coating
semi= of tea.
Itis Friesian
same to irrttr
at opinion w
•sed la the l3
lir. Parma
Aabab•d rep
ed by as tate
sty. Time tk
Marla Y.M0
Owing to I
mama of tit.
era Pena we
est tae ante
Bed eastward
ease, it le reg
it with tam
tis trouble is
A "Coming
Lose•, Jr
the Prince of
tovisit him a
politicians as
111gh.se sap
Lairal part'
toward Main
hes as mama
"comer( sorsa
alacrity la mi
eking Mr. Po
recogadesd .e
which hes am
Meson and s
1t is learned
governors d
"try about o
tact las Yr.
chequer. Ins 1
hada Plats=
Memo of afar
seeds caned
asareieg d r
trading alai
meow file s
ally as in .ddb
notal, a a.
o5rlmsd tram
MM. As ice
form at eve
ever, seems s
easmseeW p
11 a said by
the rhaesnaW
seders hes lose
mad that the
two haul made
}stied journey
Her Majesty's
fiat !Regret
quarter that t
the eget el a
the latter pie
beam carred o
places awn is
tlrmesat deals
remarked tLa1
trona the Nero
la•Ail bti
MOW fie boo
tab wank g ■
lama et do
Moir bays 1
ilea fiat re
of homes 1101
bad only dam
Mbar so badly a
w des.. _•1_ .
10sss gemendlai
bast a deals
sod res made
W wt* *purl
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boa▪ dompeg
Viamoseli Xi
Mira epee
MAIM adds*
Mews ofd as
eweiard nut A
Wm were YM'
panes firma e
Q0 .las
tesetaitrwst a l
sed soft deo
1t* bedew tie
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