HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-31, Page 5THE HURON Bub
We will plane on aur Cheap Tables our Entire Stock
Knitted Weeks Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Meet's Shirts and Drawers,
OM= Meal Lisa. ver, Chsspl
Ladies' Underwear,
Cardigan Jackets, 90cts up,
Knitted Shawls,
Caps, Hoods, Fascinators,
Now is the time to secure seasonable goods at
Call and see them whether you wish to buy or not.
mime Rales
. Takings is �iexp eesd in New Yore se
• atlriees Ike occurred in pscitt•a' as
Reed y. Lesn 11100,ll d
Fht-111. akirl� ter Nlddkn rte, Y dead as W
lira Harrison held Isar ems ceeepeon se
the W►M* house on Betsrday.
ofH h .Pr re eds&sow for greedy be Improved.f es lie,
Aaother fall d thew bar mesh he Weak -
.ds 1n the wasters tdmiM as had as ewer.
A. M. Sayre, a Noted strain. et Athol,
Mages, has d*.d d blood ptlr. LI. aped M.
railway hocked. Is
v mime/
Gen. IL W. Perkins of Now Turk, ferteerly
a staff doer under Gen. 0\er•an is lead.
The lumbar produce of tie North
HLotee lad year was over itd &Hoorne
leu than is 1tW.
An orpsslrtioa steelier to the W.C. T. U .
ClOII••• been created at easvelead, culled
�, &c., &C. National Crandon.
Five hundred and sixty one penman died
during eve days 1. Cbiaago; the death rate
bottom being sweetened by 1s grippe.
ice io lbs Hudson at Nyack compelled
boats to stop en lI•anrday. The prospects of
an ice crop are getting better,
George Lomnsbury, easily .0/ posit
Tree *Weirs eersr Platte .t
DOVNOIs Maimito. -Meat according t
title ea Monday, Jan. 20th. Pros-
t - Jos Jooa.ton, reeve, Robt Lock
rt, 4spaty reeve, Thos Todd, Jam
thee fond William Bettie, sounctllura
Thee took the required deolaratwu• e
gs.lidestioe and onor. The emanates o
former meeting weree read sod approved
The following u/toers were appointed :-
R. H. Miller, clerk, at • salary of $120
J. G. Ward, treasurer, ata salary of 180
John Webster and Robt Murray, aside
tete. Applications for once of seems.
were mono ed frits due Smith. W. A.
Wilma, Joan Webster and Jno Hicking-
botham. W. A. Wilaun was, ua motion
of Yas.. Luck hart and Todd, •pposnted
to the once at • salary of $60. The
treseerer's hood was examined and ac-
cepted. • oommeniestion from Judge
Doyle was read oumplaeniug of the iu-
et6ctieeey of •eoomc.,dation of the court
nam, Dungannon, and requesting that
better aocummudatlJn be provided.
Menne Johnston and Lockhart were ap-
pointed to act along with a aommltt.e
from the Aahheld commit in the mater.
The **email of Joseph klallough, for
one half of rent of hall fur holding court,
was ordered to be paid. A
tion from the tuwuship solicitor re Ruse
arbitration case was road. dosed by
Mr Bailie, seconded by Mr Gitwon, tbat
the reeves be authorized to obtain a
written advice from Mr Cameron ea t,
advisability of allcwn•g this case to
teal -Carried. Mr Gaunt rrlue.t
the council to pima. a grate at the
mouth of • culvert on the 19th ono., as
Matter was Cling his drain from lack of
grate. Mr Todd was requested to poi -
vide a grate as sated for. Repots from
the engineer, re drain un con 12, acne
sad ,alao anaeouoi.t, in en.urction there-
itb. of $1t to be paid by Mr Gegut.
e eceount was bud over. The f,ilow.
ng accounts were paid : Joseeh Mal.
uugh, half rent fur hall, $2.50; W, J.
d(er►on, repeuriag acrimony >f3 50; Jew
Sir yards gravel. $2 45- Jim hiller,
As wire (ones at Ibc, $3 40; A Kirk,
en, +4; cutting tree, 11; W. H.
, 13 rods gravrUu,r, bora 21 a, a
con 1. at 90c.$11 70; 225 ft cedar at
12. $2.70; Heigh Glro. 37 yards gravel,
.39; J. Rutledge 110, .1 (; Ward,
, John Gordon, . 17, ar•d It K
eller, 19 25, for *bosoms; I: Lint, 53
a grovel, 7., 03. 71, roadway, $4 2oo,
► $8 (:outdo adjourned to treat
Satorday, February $•h.
Ft K. MILLER, clerk
Mr J Clegg, Meeste, ped a earls• 1
of settle from Brussels, of last
Mn (Dri Cbisbolm, Wispham, reeler-
. .d ib. ..d iotellezence that her sister was
ee dead. The deceased was • maiden lady.
and for mate time had been in delicate
f health. An operation was the ooh
( chance of saving her life, and that took
, place at Ferrw,0g Thured•ythe 16th, but
it proved of 00 avail, the said lady paesiog
• away into the great b.yued on the Sat-
urday following.
A young hely ,named (`ineeJt ;s,.n of Mn
rifhth, late of C: itton,) k,i three (In-
a few days , I is,, by having them
eight in the e..( wh..•I...1 a ,uic) be w.s
ork*ag is at armed on, Man.
WOpti. Alts 1NMCE.
rseenn w4/ a woman M a of a
is •nIt has
leen *Marty
oa1wrt0 he is.
istetailttein yyyIe
Ire weak
i her its,
"' SUNDRIES' -ars
Prescription Drug Store.
Erauettinq Buitte,
T and depart at Ooderich ns fu
Rall air Repress. .1.5ll p. n,,
Mall ................................ e.t.;p.n..
Mixed ... _ I l nae a, u..
Nixed , i Y•pm
Mail asea�
Mei! sr.d Kzp,.se.t...............
I.S, p
1.w5 v n
W. C. 0000E,
The Leading Prescription Druggist.
telephone. t',nunhaikn parlor,
Night Attendance. Finest Work.
Moderate . f.., gee.
Bring me your I'rrerrriptions rr ask yon,
el)sieian to leave them with n•• and scour.
thee.. ad tsam&Ree.
Black Cherry Coma,
ltabam,9r.c. Cherub '-
Honey Cough ('ale.
1bc, ToothacheDrops Kir Toceib-.cbe Jetl
tag, ete.
McLeod's System Renovator
once in New York city, killed blemen at
home In Hackensack, N.J.
A drift in the La Plat. 'sine at Leads -II
Cool., was flooded from below, and the minw
barely escaped so rapidly did the wale
Or mus ,stere 1.$4 A4i1.enliee ewe Lae -
awes. em .he aeset►wesa
OrT•wa. Jaa. tr1 -The Ment In earttw
.want len week was, of aatuu. lir. MutRetig I
NH to abiltri french as an stated keine.
"s ''Wuw,wt tsrritertea it 1. ate are
Wee ry 4, meanie .gr sit to the art reading,
Mr McCarthy Woke tow contuse sad spoke at
FIRM hsgt. i , n.pyurt of hie measure. He
std there war au none important mnetsr r
the formation of the character of • people
ire h0gw•ge they spoke Nations amid
mos t• distinguished more by the urging
they make than, by the Loud supposed to be
comma to them all It was a matter of the
-realest lu.pnrtaua+ to mednev r to wake this
anuntry united : my bed speed asoma.s
gene nt sunny uniting the Atlantic with the
Minh, and the Maritime Pru.eaose wW
the centre of Canada Whet limit wap
Mat if at the mine time they were pad'
lag le ion and permitting Isgkt4 -
to Will up separate races, and peeedgel.
Mg that rads/ dut(nctnn eat only In
Q'rela. hitt In the new Northwest/ Why,
as • maker it* dollars and twist., the an{uit&
non of the Northwest had been a
ape.Ltiun, and there could be so cng
j fl.-
tos for the expenditure oxe.Tpt the bundling
u;, of a gnat and united mushy. Not only
was the: a the ebontx,tm railway expenditure,
hut the) bad been bringing Into the market
toexsnp•le with Canadian goon.
Wes of land, the effect et which wee, of
aurne to dlminrlh the valuta( the property
If the (armors in tine old Provinces, while at
the ,ams time they wens paying for Ms a°•
Medico of this laid in the Northwest. Tbs
ugly loses the' had had in view, was the
uilLay up.r1 the northern portion of the
ualtneiii of a great nationality and a great
country **holt their demendwts would to
proud toorrntpy, and that could have been
A report from Monument, Cal., say. the
Rio (ir•ade express was blown from the
track on Saturday and several parlors killed
heavy fall a warm ram has dome near
towards raising the snow bb,cade on the
Southern Paco& railway. of
A mass meeting of tumors, ores, held at Willow
barye. F's., has rasulvtd to demand a twenty
per cent. inereass of wages on Alar 1 lab
A large petition to Congressmen Chipman f
alta hied to 'mere the upeun g of the chan-
nel of the Detroit River in American water.. a
The law wit over the grave 01 George
Washington is °owduded, and tis. Mary
Washington Monument Asuc•atiun ham the
honored plot,
Al!r t Paul Smith, manager of the t'i,e•a-' Ilk°
the only object since Confederation.
When Cane dda wee meted to England then
ere not more than atom) to 6.1,(sxl remeh-
upa.kiag inhabitants, and that included thong
burn ou the bank.of the Illinois. If instead
Mg the Frux-b w their language
then, a p,lir•v .•f inducing them, not by harsh
measure., 4 NFe nit the English language had
been per uuol, wcwkl there, ler amktel, have
oil( wed that cleavage of rere new going on
and br.,:ning mere and more pronounced,
mt a aleu:ated to rend this Dominion in twain
unites w,:cx stop were put to it! No, the
French members of that House would have
been *peeling: Sagli::h. and they would Mare
been Engli.h in feeling and aeutiulent, just
(hoer a -bo go W tun. United Stats become,
g0 ('larioq home, fell dead in a stn-,' t , sr m
while to his way home from his odice. 1 i.su-t coni
disease was the came. i17
There is terrible distress in nineteen town-'
tier of Southern Dakota, owing to the failure of
u, four years' cops. Thousands of funnels re
are is want of the necemeries d life.
Adam Forepaugb, the veteran circus leans- the
ger, tiled is Philadelphia on Wednesday of of
influenza, wyea 'h ddeveloped into pneumonia. was
He as tin
An estimate mad. in New York pla(e. the To
total prad'ictiml of gold, silver, lead atld
copper during 1*44 at $1r,tff7.b16. against beim
8114,:141,32e in offse\ !said
United States tallows have street at Eng talo
1*.h hikers by n,mbtuing in t not C
to make over or alter donees male outsldel
the United Statue It
F. W. Burka;, ex -cashier of tux, A4•bl-on„ part of tow British Empire it wan because of
Topeka and Santa Fe railroad, baa dial'trari the French Caned.-. who dttfeaded the ferri-
ed from El Paso, 'res./. His accounts aLow't,ry from attacks of our neigh ,ots front the
• shortage of severe" thousand denim +cr.uah.
The United Stat, is to be socked by ti . Sir John M.edonakl-This bill iti in its
a g(tler•tion or two, aai:nil.ted and tart
p•rnd n( the Aantricem poop*., not nlere
in wuune, bet in truth.
¥r. Met'art.9y'. spt'eeb cleated a guod deal
feeding among the F eoeh members. Mr.
Itiviere, ..1 Prmeocher, Men., replied in
tanto, and said it was unmanly to att*ek •
handful of French Canadians mattered over
Northwest Territories in the enjoyment
Lite right to speak their language, Why
Quebec not attacked, where there would
be wanted able men to defend theumelveet(
thin day the official hummers of the Chair
1 Womb, wee French and so attempt ted
nmade to disturb it. The same might be
of Belgium, where the Freneb aid Flom -
tang -moot were tolerated aide toy tide,
made wn:+ nut a conquered, hat • orded
exoentry, though some parties welted to treat
Ns cc,nquend. If Canada was Goch
Turkish Government to suspend the publi-'tart.,, of no eery great nnprrtana. with
cation (f a journal printed iu the state., but reference Go its effect on the Northwed, but
circulated in Armenia, and whit: 'the line of argument tie hon. gentleman has
Armenian independence. taken rales a question ci eater a nature, the
a a street jgb1 at Sabath*, gam., ou Thar- a Mole tit« of hie any t9ent h of pucka kind,
day night, a pn,min.•ntcitimn was bitten .n aN 1'0 inv(,Ive the mmol, serious and gray.
the anger by u atraug�tir, and oto Rijn 5. -.questions, so grave that we must take Lull
siuce died :n terrible agony, ezhibitityg all Gln" to uxt'ider what ilio argunxnt. are, in
n of hydropli'iwa a hat directing they bed, nail e hat °owse-
gtlenee-; will follow if they Irepersated M. I
eVasloa. tt,erefure would hope that the di:cua,fon
A hunienne has done unmeant. dt:mag•e im wouki eel hoose, and after the carefully pre
Gel.anus. pard smirch of the Men. gentleman, we &tail
Dr. Tali:age visited Mr. G10134o00 as on the ..son:I mariiu,, hare an opportunity 1
Hawardeo Castle last week. of disco.;i:,g this grave gneatiuu W all its m
1t is reported that Ur. Peters, the I iernan M'arin'e
explorer, a at d9uloaki. ARRESTED FOR CRIMINAL LIBEL -
The pelages Bay railway has been coat
ple - d 4, tux frontier of the 'trews J. rap" Kammer et the ga.ire K:tere the s
The miners of Great Britain have donde/reli�, leaalstrate.
to demand a ten per cent. incresee of wag Trrantro, Jan '_''I. -The char;;•• of 111.1
There. are indicstionathat the Anglo -Porte- brought :1:;•,lust (rri;,ht.m. the manager of
game dispute hit been dipiom.tM04Iy mt. the Empire, by the Mail nowspsq . mow up
at the P'ulic Court Setur.Iay morni::g tend
was adjoined!. W&nets, N-ldtt ;levered
=11 1011.41411110 J10! CAMP/ le
A 411411111 ala ILLACZ.
8mp,ww,ms&a le She lerieleth Ila.sesse-
'rhe Leet Nearest flier -!he greeds
r5ay.aae-•A Ltoaseei lee of 0e&dl•swee
In P'ur • Meld Mhheey 1• Thus..
Loons, Jan. ill -The British bran,
which hag bees bghed throughout with aim
trio humps eta end with other improvem.so
at 114,000, i. Moet nth to be thrown epee
s'odmigs for the Was* of the working dem
es who have Werth W Yid*. opport salty
to avail tiem dris at the dveata .. the
piece affords.
Tomb arriving M varies. Logueh duct
bens •meriempartsreport baring asst with
fillelYfies of wreckage and dead cattle sup-
- Mad to have belonged b the Stational
Abe elle mehip Err, whlth venal L now
given top as lost with .11 os. board
(;arm.. Socialists are ponding factory
towels throughout Germany with hlorteletic
Mane outb rvts's eactrmprwnhlag opposition
to the Government .t the tuning elections,
sad claiming the rejection d the dahlia
Bill by the Rekheog as a victory which If
ha/lowed up at the polls will compel mew
poses recognition of the rights of the Social
Leafs, b MSWk Capital to ,reg Igo
Lhr.0. German Co.trel.
Lowboy. Jan ,N. -The Mtge aerator of
cipher telegram pawing remedy between
M. Bros, Boit Madder eat Foreign Affairs,
and the Swim Minister in London, hes
.rouged curiosity and conjecture. The
solution which gains most cred.ace is that
negotiations are to be opened up in Rag
land for • lune of unusual magnitude to
the Swims Goverment. The Helvetian re
public has grown alarmed by a consideration
of its financial dtaation, which ,Mows i
to be at the mercy of its greatest credito
and most dreaded neighbor, the German
empire.. The Swim railroads are virtually
owned by German bankers, won, probably
by -tam uatigatiun of thole at the head of
affairs, adeemed the mosey for their con -
'traction et suspiciously low rates, leader -
bidding English capitalists who expected to
obtain the rwnttacta In cage of a war with
Prance there is no doubt that Germany
would mice upon and make use of the
roads; and tunnels with or without going
through the faros of demanding the reim-
barsemlont of the sum expended upon thrum
in an incredibly short time. The Swiss
Government Ms become aware that it is a
matter of vital importance to redeem its
iron ways frun German eo,strol, even at a
oo miderable outlay for such necessary irlde-
p ndent:. but it may be expected that tier
many will throw every obstacle in tee way
of a Inn so tiaioralole for the re-
THE DOYON11111101
TV warttlsL Ger tilt Stlivasd g
W 0..a fatm.L
�b'�N. eta. W a N•,009 ire ei
maxim,heti *. f lt nae, d Montreal, le m. ewe
wing to his advanced ape
Mr. J. L Derides& was elected soundest at
s Toronto Board of Trade, by acclamation.
Geot.! .ohne has been given at Ottoms
Isat loth.mthe exodus vivoatdl w111 expire on Akre -
T1s BA Word, Wderi.tt A lake true
Railway will ba open for bale ow the let of
lrlaeeses wheels www removed from the
Kingston Iambs Asyhm to Tutmt, lad
Toa (' P.R. oei iah at Winnipeg deny that
Lha railway tout leprous lepNorwegians to 81.
V w ,ant
The delete hue adjourned t111 Feb. OM, so
:hat aeon wu•k any he ready when they re-
The Mumtrral wboisak trade, are o e,-
iaalnulx bitterly of dull buswasa and duller
Thr Kin,to-t medical ,tudeols deny that
they stole the body of ti Job0.t n from the
Ow of the female pupils' of the BrUevWe
Ineututk,a for the Deal and Dumb has did
of the iti/twma
The Termite Malice Cotnmiadonr•ra have
decided us a general increase in the .alarm
of the ftmn'u all rwln.l.
i Tho Kingston Fair lacked almost 0:(111 of
paylag expenditures lust Year, but there were
ext'rplluaal outlays.
Rev. Abbe Nenant, priest of the (order
of :,r. Ftmlploe, and director of Montreal
Collage, died of pueminonia
The annual report of the Mei:ill ('uiveraity
Mows that steady tonersm wets mode dur-
- ing the year. It has ie.w rite students.
Wwugs•;; b.althu(n(whna,!e...vvervd
a distxtwe aocceg apostle jwelyarnvwl
t grants which greatly rretolhk' I.txray.
Tice will orf Lha late Ja:n.s. Tilt, Q. C., Te-
r auto, which was admitted : 1 probate, shims
the ..date left to be worth 013103:.41
Ow ins W iBnews, Mr. lackey, M.P. for
Cum,ber:and, will mut likely be able to take
his seat in the. Dominion Howe Otis session.
Hun. Frane•:s Codechall Johnw,n was ou
Battuday installed in Montreal as Chief
Justice of the Superior Court of the Province
orf Grilses.
Fatal comes of la grippe eel tial e to be re -
period from dlffeteat seines all over the
eoultun nut. Quebec city and vicinity have
autrend severely.
The Caladian Society of Civil Engineer:
held its annual couvenu.0 in knout.. ,1. '1'h.
(ioveruur General. swim is an b,nur.u, merit
her was present.
'1 he French preset is very hitter against
Mr. Dalton McCarthy, and
se hint (or the statsi be has takeu on the
French twuguage gttesticr(.
An attempt le beteg made by theC'ansdian
Rigluig N:[:s ('ou.tetlJee, to pr. -a. -n( au at -
tempter' advance u the prarot duty ea
wrought wrap iruu.
Lady .tan1.•y,till matinees seri.r:aly ie-
dirgxr 1, anti to the bail whirls
was to have been hell %hie *,eek has been la -
definitely pre tiaeoai
The North and booth Wentworth Agricul-
tural Societies Mink the lianwlttw Fair i',nec-
ters have been too fret. with expenditures,
ani will not amalgamate.
11t:oN• . A. W. Morris & ('o., M%mitread, ton
wellemown o ndage i have nude
a turulal as.igunitwt. The Bakelite. amount
w Es.iJilU, of which 114n, low i. goeur01.
Captain Wm. kenmeely, who was one of
the crow Brut uut by lady Frtwlliu w t.varrh
our her busibaIwl in the Arctic rugine., died
mar 1t mnipeg in hit 76th year .w 8atureday.
Petition veers prey rated to the lkauiniont
H,41.0., trona the North- Wet l'errit,rks pray -
,.r,: eat uo 1ew be prated to abolish or ne-
bula the use of French man .dlfctel language.
T:,.• I hul;wu,n Ilwrym en i A's.cxuat tot
*111 * .1,11%outi*MI wool beheld in t1ttawa on
rein leery 1: I-, and 11', and the Fruit Grow-
ers' cots . elft ou ou tate IOW, *111, and . )st.
'Ile Montreal City clerk, •
dons i nine the, Council, has (..re ar dad au in-
vitation to the Pan-American 4eles;atss to
visit Ituotnal sanee time during Fein -wry.
1 h inquest into the lapeers murder caw,
Toronto, wee resumed, -taut nothing of ite-
prtamv splens -1 t. 1.e ewe ttsl, nod the in-
quiry was again adjourned until Feb. 411.
Ties Daily 'Crilwu ,e, u ►tri.: lly neiepe ,dent
yuuruel, aupttyrtm.; the Manitoba &ewers-
rlwut .'wp.r.ies bud and French language
µ.hey, a ill be published to Winnipeg tient
•l new.4ty.
The Toronto City Cowell has determined
topuut:on oto Lieut4uutnt-I,uvern.,r not to
;grunt tea street railway .udrtor asked by a
company at Breads Me, watt power to Opel,
ate w their city.
It is mid that in the suit 0f the Griot
Northwestern 'telegraph e'outpany Aga.' net
Me duuotioal Tu0egi&ph (',rupauy it is ex-
ps•te'd tas
t the dt,wn will laver toe tie.
Chaff la Hagar, who tom days ago brutally
paneled .lk,oabi McKay, • Sandwxeh rest
Garner, was arrtsw0i at .dae1a nue Cr.'-,,, and
cad pre; - cry e... uluauun et W usu.a.
and was committed ter trial.
W baby is to rail a lbuer'nea.of rupee.
.nelson,,o toe won Luke Gummi, Nerved
wily by naeaslut1rwktoe011ahiera&negate
..1 sta.ga.enutg wet roast, Aa., win pass
►,.(. t . K. cannot toUnine,dto tap the tow*
'11.e. e a uncal Bvuu a betimes the leew-
ioinea t Printing Bureau at Ottawa ens tis •
enders. h int• nae are son given an r,
tease d salsas •.A a seise( roue ..still
otos they will go on sir.. Ip
W el, -Wanner, '.he hhampkn ses..e.' 0/
tuterirn, &a 1 an .ugwrant tar tow t.., dap
0lrrui.es,ship. Wit '1 •'nntu, for tan Vrat,. et%
(.Mai wia.tr.: pea+.• ate OW, arta. ' for b,,.....'y,
u.•4 o.a,.tire ice Itls't..is rowMig to. tee
t pnvaw tetter revived in Noakes , r(tm
an ..Clad anion ammo, that um 1ha._ urn
einem or L'oflt.lyp.' aq1 strive in 1- ..ash
;omnibus •b.,ut rely rola or Jw0 le., MR'
pot easy won papa .yiyl slot to the F. •.te1.
pts alta a .o tee IM oduiun.
The permeated. gramma of tree t'. . L
e1' of bateau• 1.)..:l re tinct 1 y.. . (dM
has tswmi tt(nsieet..L a right tree..& a: .ODM
ret hetweets Lend at est 1 *.teem. , .bald
• intended t, a .ivae axe• te,,der pea .Jar
bmiala sS triton Ibe twat two uwmite
Mr. Rottman', y. L., to Ijm ertt'u.w Ir
C. P. Pt int *nen, on Mat..r.i . .44
For the Resat of Hie Health.
Lennon, Jan. 's& --1t u reported that Serpi'
Pinto will go to America for the benefit cel
his health.
Roll Destroy the Monep,ly.
ZaazleA R, Jan. 24. -TMs private com-
mercial boom Of Vob.en & Paul, acting lu
behaU of the German East Afrksn Com-
pany. is founding commercial fartoriee em
tlae Wrist Coast system. If the project sur
mode it will destroy the trade monopoly help!
nap British and Indian merchants for centur
Their Trust I. is Pannell.
DUBLIN, Jan. 231. -The Municipal C'oune.'
baaarkh,ted a resolution expressing eoutidem..
in Parnell.
The Greedy Pertug.ee,
ZA'zi*AR, Jan. W. -Advices fent Monsen-
Ague utate the Portuguese are a..tuiring a.
twit territory as possible pending a debut'
cation of the boundaries cf their districts 04
the Zambesi River. The British Afrio-at
Lakes. Company is making atidactory ]sea.••
II with the Arabs and Kamen,•
There hon been a prokuged mnowatorm
Hungary and Styria, and many eve. Lav lf•r the plaintiff, and Harry 'hock jod It 14.
been lost. Camels for the defence. The defeudan;
Her Donald Ptew•rt wi1l probable he Lod pl0 dad not guilty. ire N. atelt: nsrsl twat
and all leading relent medicines. Napier% aw,ma.or as field maral,•J of theot b case Wight come oft as early as po nide,
The le'dlral Nall and mN Britdmk army. �d aired the Magistrate to tale steps to pr
ALBION BLOCK. Cholera is raging in llew'prtjmta, .Asiatic
Turkey, and 3,0A, deaths are r•ts,rt..l to haat
'mu rind. 1
Come and see our
vest the B0e4 being r•c'peated. Tb.. def.-,,
roank stated they were wilLi•g to rials repent-
ing it. Tho Mali has retained M. -e artt:y,
ne to,jr.ler mill at Roslyn. e'er 'rSNn Oder • Co. Mr Ferner has r.I.ao taken pro -
burgh. has expiaded. Five mean were
ki csdsgr atganuai the >:nig,irr air 1 i a, retained
and copes injured.
Mr. S. 11 Blake and Wm. Loma.
William H. Godwin. ex -ens em e d of Gm
An explosion occurred. yesterday in a sol- Ontario Bank, was arraigned et the Pelee
Iiery at Pontypool, near Newport, sae.. an,l
Cosrt on three chard xe of omta•:a;.rM•nt of
five per a nes were ►iP*.d. the looney. 111 Use busk. T n ..... el •uta was
Letters !rani Brasil my tree palace of ltii into on the ,,{�,
gone eetarg.agm:u•!t:.dwfn,wiro
stn rti amcIrd until Jan. �tth. tt illoam Pink -
the president 14 lira:.il. , barncter, and Williams J. Fwurv,
A epnefal cehkgram sit here ,'. no truth student -at -law, were aceeptal al beteltm.en
in the report that the Bao'. cf Ragland in- in 81,0011 nal* and (kdww wax on.e more
free. " itre:1y" Moffatt was rvman,kd entil
the same day, taut without bail. As lac woe
sally re(ue-1 to concede the d..nardsof We suff.rtng from a trutbk""wa torso he was
riketr is the nal proud. distri t slMvreh, to der esn,rtor I)etorctl:e Cuddy, to
It is %tatod that the repo, of t4'.- Parcell i'gy • .reit tar kin d entidrk at the mos:
Cosuni.dtimi bat iv* ted to the: f whuo, (:.oder ,nertyne :.s was voce ,nor.
penes Speak- toms to ow •jail
er of lbs Npmie. of ('om,mon..
The Npanilb Cbmgber of Defeat to, by 141 NELLIE BLV ARRIVES.
t0:it haw pasted a la extending the rd;.•ht d '
.ulfrnge to nems Speller(' 4Syearsof age. alter Yoryt. Jan. 21. -The idle -.'dl nee as
Advtc.% feign Mentons my th••r. has berm anno.scxxl by The World . ulnen for the
• fnrt:ter .tevelcprrowt of gent ,n the ease ne arrival of `Nellie lily *ea •t 'l ." ciuo:k, thus
Mr. Sarandon. and that he is now enable to ' her complete ;rip around the world
leave that plow in, 6 hoary and 11 minutes.
Mr Stanley writes to .e fraena;: 'Mr hair AN she time for the arrive; of the tr...,
b like snow. but it is the erewe .;(1 tinny per. (hew SSW the excitement of td..• 'rrginz.
hot, and i wear it with r.rgr.. None gift of s rm of h'nnanity was Juts"'
flow." Ahem* bdosw the p-,l,l, were aware of ,t
Ton Porte ha. prohibited the rose et the the vole rolled lel' owe. (tett• n with tea..
Greek immense t. my M oho emu. alert. Pwlha.a airs •o shed. tt' lea. the (run
Both lawyer. end judge'. are iguoraot et the Nen. loss stepped t, the platform
sloth Mingeimge. was promptly timed. ]tayor Cleveland
The e.pidenalr s.1 int .,re.a M •1 !attempted to snake an address and pnpwnt his
throughout kende Anr,mg Write ate I flwww• hut it wap ltutstwihle on the poo of
are CaardinaleJNrcbini, Hdrnintw, 1 octrhi nM ertnb of onte. oa.r chs. the polka
and 4osniti. �I,Is.I roost ail noueroL Tis. ct.sor(pg neem
matey has been per,tiastd fora residence of
lamb Miugeilver nolle..
The German Tulse Owners' -1 .,s-int,,n he.
Cndy hv iVe Buse1
260 Dozen Florida Oranges
Dr. McLE1N'R aro
it O.
1 C'NOCOI,ATEM (English and Cansdlan.l
�lr r,�s 45 -
miA1bw11 tLelmialf &Ni ^'k
urwmb, fit IadYeeg refeetto
mental P and d,►
tam, uw w•o.t el. Ile 1f,n Ae's.
paws Anti - Moe,
t�naesrw Oreew :i
eeslt a
We sell the best Goods we
can buy.
Ton ftmrral of the Drum ..f A•wtw, brother; Flintily truer police farmed a rirele &mewl
of the King of Italy. Mink plass .n Waders Nc•II1. Rly amid the Mayor. and wine their
day is Turin. TM relsa1lt www phased with .aaans swat deals way t, na esu rime la wade
meds pnlnp Is lapel* el•tbedral. j,lgg.
( apt Tinier, the heue'h explorer. wb^ Wage tlhearrived at TM World sive voween.
erased tem wet to the out r»eat of IMAM M ike q.wger's room, who•., after
Atria*. Iv of hell ,min rtar.i l
tares a» i. tilt S hent y he, 'ravened a 41- There was aa km -
The Earl of (Fellows/ wap arrested ice torr
gow • anointing i�ng iley 4 ethe cjd therm
� ung
(Y.arlmed eat the goons/ that file charge war
neat proves.
Adak, fresh iM.a haver 111111e 4*M •n
0ewdleg 1.. ,h.- Priori press, fiat tot Coos*
d. Park fetes&. to vow 11141//11 Amen* red
1M Went ladies )erre . L..its, le Inglind,
and that I* testae, willenand Over NNW to'
drtt.tb er aro..
memo Mimi oaten* .4 Beni. Ply waved
her tNgerig nap alt IIIc int wl.dier. Auer
111.11 Ms
Mermen to Mr
rani �Nd eessibtees bre Alts Seam
whore a coil was sweet Nelle
rod mina. • MhatbMh whose, the muss
to New Toe* Assn tMIdsurs, Pe.
1_L The Gents leldtss Blegmheate
roseillrewe.dd tNLtestr. w4. erase as ss.
wave 4ap� with pert 1 i. has ace re •wdw
In the Even t of War.
FT.' F; Trt anulto, Jas 20.-A prolong,.
military ^nuncio here to -day discussed plan,
for it 4sian operations in the event
0f wear on the Chines. frostier
The !mid eminent °Alen of tM
army wereprevent al well 1.4 the Car's tw-
uncle•., the Grand Dukes Comtanttue an,
likhad and the Grand Dukes Vladmu,
Alexis and Paul.
The Gladatooe-Ree.iel NnpUale.
1.( snoN, Jan. :II.-Elab,ratn preparation
haat lawn mole f.,r the celebrat km Of the mar-
riageof Mr. Henry N.til*.(Maoist ne,thirdeno
of the ex -Premier, to Mle Maul Bendel,
daughter of Mr. Stuart Bendel. Liberal
M. P. for Montgomeryshire, to -morrow.
The pre nos are numerous and costly.
A ;told Robbery In Vienna.
1-ixcvA. Jan. h. -Thieves entered the
one, of a navigation emnpany here treday
and a ngeg d in romvervetkim wit) 111P cashier.
Suddenly one of the Leer threw pepper into
the cashier'% eyes. They then seined a large
win of mosey and esesped.
Ilene, Floods Meng the Rhine.
Rtni.ix, Jan. 261, -Heavy Soo.k prevail t
along the Rhine. The bridge. of Mets at
Du seilel,rf has been broken and settkxnx of it e
bare been carried away,
Lamson and she Iride lar.
(•ncr,T.trrtsrnn.x, Jan. "., - Iwn,mol, et- .
Khedive of 1:xypt, whit. in 1..s. 1. m ••Ighteen
mnntht age, e ettlin:; his affairs with the Brit-
i,.!i tiovernment, wee tent: ten by the.J,weren
of a y-mn, frith girl of e�..l treiddl. .•lar. 1
fnooiiy. !atone areompaniwt Ign•il t, A
Tor .•t. There enter herante Meal of his c
harem, nn t live) In oriental luxury.
Lately .h.e hem boon, making herself oto
en*ion,% be tau. n4her 1.11.., and moat. Mb 1
evenly ecanna hove owenrrwi i.nnail, ane
coining Imdr{traat, .jertwt Mer, upon which
.abs want to the. British enteemy, dewed
50.1415 isms bruised ro nplaine.l b4tlrly
of the pearliest which she evened were of
dimity n.vnrrenne in the seraglio, m d r.veeled
Homs polttk'nI Intrigues to which she was it
privy. At the ropiest of the sealmilq the
mama attired innail to he rept i•
enmiffurer.4 la him palate yeedi ie elrj
Into the affair.
Carle PIaahea. OI
Mine e. Christian, daughter of
foria,Y aa,
terg from enduessa .t Wien
Risked/ (Monks, it Mrri.b•r end •n anther W
ilay an the Ihneran lalet►l., will he iwwsfn•iw1 1•u
by 111ngimld bathe albs elf Chief Justine of ,.n
Os Ilapreine ('hurt of t111smeg w.as,d by the by
StedNrM. dogs, Man
7b lollop lls.setMrw, trove ]fd1A14, V►, tat mid
M. ffisitiletermssa. ha. f.• rained em the d
atle, s heft • ewer of 111 tial/ sit en 40'11111
Nig Ma
at feet 1."MOLDY' thew• here hem tat
no neve... 1n ram4r.oi,
,t hav..t of
erovatunaeil anis .u.q1 r( 1 ,' so
Caen any stow etai,n i woakl he. APO00118,1•041100118,1•0411.1 .N tensor lana
F!kat. ',sober !kat Nr .&.peal stars sb•
tpleet .at.,a, e..4l101 •.Mawbrai, 1• tans,
( (105(05)55,451.i amw
t elema,
Wig inwwAro
�m.l wto ashfasw a aSe
Iris y .up; 10 l e a the rude. , iota
wan el 1141141441. mew dm Amigos., I ace
res. 1un a !Deal beaten a..eh ofthe • .e
u1.41 JlenetltAeronauts), soil with tap
raj a We Qathufla ed Pro. . eat