HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-31, Page 4THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY. JAN. 31, 1890. THE CANADI,0N BANK OF COMMERCE garia•arim we% 44' MOD tIPPIt*. *Aiwa'. � NI T TQ . MOT. a E WALKER, Gamow MaNAou, ChQDERICH RflANCH. A farMrnl BANKING �tiMlflgA T...anotita Pansy* Ntyy., DilloOmmTio. DMPTO nttlSD POOMI Jl AT AU. MGM IN CANADA, MIS TVG entssomei. OM M T)* LIMED Warm" GMAT S.TAttt, "NANO& 1111111Mmed. S*UNSS MAIM INIPART111111111T. 111111111111T1 Oft SL(]O Mfa UPWAftpl iftemwiti. MID Oultel ., 1tATtGA of IMTt.gT $LLOwtS. ISITURSIST MOOED TO Tire PONIONIPAL AT VIM KIM OF ..AT MSD MrMllslt IM NA/O. V1.1. sgemed Aftmeltee ghee e. tee O.M..time of oMsete.NM paper, Obi framer.• tet.ft pot... ezio. oe. R S WILLiAllIk Manama tt u ti3ON SIGNAL. IT is "MeeO°d the, ay„f wry Balfour is to be ..tried shortly. H• FRIDAY, JAN. $1, 1M0 will be bettor prepared after that evert to admire the beauties of Home Rule. "LA GRIPPE.'" I r WLLL sow be in order to prove that It isn't safe to "halloo" until you are : Mr David Creighton is not and newer est of the woods, is a good, square. old- . was ineae is -ahs of the Empire. fashioned axiom, and we haws had it Krib's wilesss• could do it if they proved to be a tree bill during the past Wt tried. week. In our last issue we, in a tone of thankfulne., referred to the tact that op Wits. Mayor Better recently vroom- to date La Grippe had gently and .erci- emended the sale of the fire engine and fully pamed Tal Sweet by, and had hose reels, be omitted to state that the failed to drop say microbe amongst our holes in which the water tanks were stall That wee Friday morning last, mink might also be disposed of. bet towards smelting, when everyone, in- cluding La Grippe, had read the an. Mk P. KELLY, reeve of Blyth, thoegbt t, we bad cause to regret that the report of the selecting committee it was published. It seems Le Grippe of the county council was loaded on passed us by unknowingly. end when his Wduesday morning, and said so. Such attention was drawn to the matter a thing never happened before. Dye (doubtles by the publication of the item mind/ he retraced his steps and paid us a visit. The result was that since last Friday IT's really too bad that Editor Farrer, fire of our hands have been afflicted, of the Mail, has barked and we are enly thankful that the uric• union lust when the Empire and World robes haveut inoculated the presses and have emote to believe that its accomplish - types, and thereby hindered our issue meet was • necessity to the welfare of thief week. Those of us who are left this country have been potting in our "best licks" tai bring oat Tits S1u14At ou time, and next Wits' the result of the ballot on the week we hope to hate on a full staff, fur selecting cimmittee of the County Council experts tell w ler Grippe, like li;htniag, was read out en i'u•eday afternoon by never strikes the same place twice. the clerk, and the name. of Messrs Milne, Girvan, Ratz, McKenzie and "TDERA"S \'DTIII Y' Tv IT.' Cooke greeted the ears of the members, There baa been some tall talking in it lowed es If • surprise party had struck the Globe, Empire and !l-ur/d about the the Tory side of the house. They didn't Madand its editor being traitors to know it was loaded. Canada. We have read everything sc tar published by these papers no the Mk JOUY BktrrON, reeve of Hullett, subject, and we fail to see what they was on Tuesday afternoon last elected are driving at. 1f Ferrer is a traitor, Warden of Huron. The Wardenship of arrest him : if the .11u,1 is s treasonable the county is annually determined by sheet. suspend it. But if Ferrer cannot the political complexion of the members 14 arrested, and the M,,,/ cannot be of the Connell, and:this year it was a .. .1 by the powers that be, it's foregone COneloaon that a Reformer about time our howling contemporaries would occupy the chair, bat owing to gave their suffering readers a rest the absence through severe illness of This branding a man as a traitor because Reeve Proud foot of Goderich, and he says he believes annexation is within Reece IIIcMurch,e of Clinton -two Ry - the possibilities of t`,e near future Is formers -the voting strength stood 24 tc all wrong. If it is not wrng, there are 24, the result being a tie tote. Under lots of traitors up here in the Huron these conditions, the municipality having Tract -and they are not all (:ries either. the largest number of rateptyers had Why a man should ie branded as a the deciding rote, and Reeve Cooke, of traitor because he beIieros annexation that township, gave decision in favor of would be a better state than that which Mr Britton, as against his competitor, at present exists we cannot nee. There Mr Griffin, Reeve of Asbield. isn't a solitary editutial writer in To- -outo who is howling "Traitor" at AFTER reading the lengthy reports Ferrer and the Mo.!, who wouldn't, of the case in which the Empire's without hesitation pack his valise and go spec,al commissioner to %Vashington wan to New Y•.•rk tomorrow, were he offered "n trial before Police Magistrate Deni- • higher salary to write in favor of an- son, of Toronto, for criminal libel, we vexation. The present howl im only a have our doubts as to whether Mr display of stave thunder-- it iso t the Krim, ever was in Washington, whether real thirst, and hasn't the right ring to the Empire ever sent • special commie - it -and the public would do well nn to stoner to Washington, and also with re - be gulled by it We know most of the gard to the authenticity of the alleged men who are pumpn.g up the loyalty discl...ures published. The evidence thunder against the .[foul, and have no adduced-- from the ed.tors to the copy - hesitation io ►toting that the daily dse holders -goes to show that tbey were all tribes are nothing but the meanest kind ignorant :,f the fact that • duly accre of undiluted ret, and the half dozen in- j dited agent 1.1 the Empire had anything diridoals who are writing themselves I to d, with the otin down ase. on the loyalty cease repre ,'1'iestion. If Kribswriting wfallythe aerr toticfes the sent ncbody but their individual selves. We are not in accord with the .1Lt.l in its Equal R'ghts crusade and on other pt:ints. but we know s..mething about newapepers end newspaper men, and hare no hesitation in stating that the 31.i,l today is the hest conducte4 news the country, and every printer who ever paper in Canada, and Ferrer is the set type on a daily, snows that when cleverest editor. Its the .ld story of the special article. *ppear, such as those of dogs baying %he [citron and the moon still the Emp.re on the Washington diseline shining. erticlee, end if he economized the truth to the tame extent when writing that the other members of the staff did when on oath in the police ct urt, much reliance should not be placed upon his statements. Every newspaper mar, in WHEN Minister of Finance i''• ata'r gets up in Parliament, as he• will une of three day,. and begins to paint with a roseate hes the present prosperity. 1 this country, we want all the Tories who hare made , and all who want to aseiew, and all who can't pay their debta, and all who failed to pay their sob .criptions in advance this year, 'and all wbo are behind in their interest, and all who have had to pnt rn"rtgages on their property, and all who know tbat he is TIE SaTotr$ TABLE, *Weed se awe [teems few reineor,,. Aa•iw Iliac es AAM. .*Etat[ Ma*J,>Melt Nd ____ Te a en inti stn terns t Is k see el is ib. .gowth s��„11. , Tone of I Hobby Herpes rfg•i Laws - At by "hew se intra gt isoileiltellen "Talkie with allwedell 0renta,vivid '~sod p .eer.vf- -t the f k..Mi..! meny euoweeu0-M...hi ed Mr interesting early We sae hi pee= toward favoritism. James Heat gives to the public, lee the diet thee, kis eai.bss.nose el kis int& of oanoth�kiwi willWeeny. he leaden the .re- al. 418 "The &..di. Army of Ores& Britwim"-ib. 8---.014--.e sett-lilmaiat of the anther, General V4s-uaat Weiss - ley, K. P., eta The Mariam awes, .1d vigor of his witi.its. o. � h... the valet of rowelling the ohmmeter of log - tsars leading soldier, Mark Twee gime exemplum heft the awful record of "A Majestic Literary Fossil" Weeders Heart, the author of "Clots," 'Rita, e-.et.a. .try, "Teems," whish ia syes- up.thetisally lunate ted by Howard Pyle The other iotion of the number oo.seiste of two short stories, "A Plato.io Affair," by /balmier 13• Boyne., and "The Tw•sty-cietb of Feoruary, Brander Matthews. Asw.g the other contents are the following elaborately illustrated oracles : "Beoveuto Colliai," by Mrs Eb* beth Wormeley Latimer; the mooed and concluding paper on "Js.aioa, New and Old," writers and illeetnted by Howard Pyle; "The Lake Dwelian," b S. H. M. Ben ; and "The New York Banks," by Wheatley. This number is also notable for seven poem, ons of which is by the Canadian poet, A. Longman, whose work now compels recognition in England and this country. In the Editorial LI George William Curtis considers several timely metropolitan topics, u well as interool- le tiate athletics and "The Passing tf Mother Ann ;" William Dean Howells speaks of the form and binding of "the ideal book," and points .to recant exam- ples ; and Charles Dudley Warner dis- cusses the shyness of man in its relation to • possible social revolution. FOLKS TO Ot'. LADY RRADER.. The Canadian (leer's is now having its annual free distribution of choice im- ported dower seeds; a large package Con- taining an immense number of rarest yariettes, together with the (hw.va on trial for three months, will be sent free to each of our readers forwarding her ad- dress and only 8 3:. stamps to corer 'm- etal expense. Five trial subscriptions and tire paL:aaes by mail or express, (free of expense, to sante address in Can- ada or 1-. S., fur only $1.00. The Q ,n -en ts one of the finest Illustrat- ed Ladies' Magazines on the continent. it is detoted to fashion, art, literature, flowers, the toilet,hoesehold nstters,and contains the latest imported designs for fancy work and home decoration. The seed dstnbutfnn for 1890 con- tinues for this month cnly. No lover of beautiful flowers can afford to miss it. Address Tttr. CA�t•IIAI Qt'sav, Toronto, Ont. THE METEUn1?T MAI;AZINE sea FEB kt;•&Y, 1890. This is a particularly good number. A striking article is one on "The Land of Burns," with over twenty vignettes of soenes connected with the poet's life. JULIMM SIUDos H37,..arc.2-z=nte.10YERSTOCKED �e >� IieAM#INTEII Let, Per Wade 41t taro Masi 1. the hely y in tb. Aertl of Si Joseph by le+awed paster, Fath- namors, wee Mir M. J. TI.s.es, .t Turmas, the bruise - maid, who wore a heaawwl etedsme et ashes at roses, was Kiss Martin, [Eater .f the bride. The bride wee •estddly dressed is mesa wham" tarines- with ereem plash sad image ssoms, sad a wins veil with wreath. µ She was a .f levek.e.L The. haps w modal for their home is I ad- tthe•May . in these mew home. attend lea tasks oe -locates have an the legs lest o to the Wm. Qs carding himself say be Dee of t yoeng A esti. the morn ing. maid, The tired The ser to Mr where a to the Dud Dinner evening, servo tb such a thing gran grand wh After din tripped small bo fine, prod lady, Mr proved 1 clans. Orippe is aakisg very serious ra- ses* of our villagers hare. It itself 1. different ways. Some elle•ilon ut the throat, .tom• et but I believe the [most prows Do isatil. is of the heart, according ay. shown lee week by Mr. igley, who, as the 41st boat, .o- to the low of Moses, took sate • wi:e, and is doing so I most is to be ao.plimeated os winning he most pleaeiag and courteous kid..s of this pians -Miss Hannah The oere.ony took pleas in Mg, Rev B Boabat official - Miss Allele Ford acted as brides - and Mr P Aortia u bride was very tastelolly st- and looked her .(ailing beet vice being over, all drove Flantgaa • hotel, Kintail, boat airway couples did iodic, g things prepared for them. was served at five o'cbok ha the and Mr and Mrs Flanigan de- • highest praise for getting up dinner. The table was som•- d to look upon, but still more ma the guests sat down to eat Tier all repaired to the hall and the light fantastic until the ors. The mesio was very used by Mr McCullough and Armstrong and Mr Bailie, wbo hemaslres very efficient musi - IOOB5! Sweeping Reductions will be made in fill lines of Staple and Fancy Dry -Goods, Tweeds and Men's Furnishings. A G r'arr. H)rsxs.tt.-On Wednesday, the 15th inst., Mr P. M. Sullivan, of King.bridge, one of A.hi.ld's most energetic business men, led to the altar Miss Maggie O'Cal- laghan, an amiable and popular young lady of Wawanueh. The ceremony was 1 at St Augustine by Rev Father McGee, P. P, of that place, who also oelebrated the nuptial High Mass witnessed by friends of both parties. The bride was attended by Mi. Nellie Sullivan, sister of the groom, while Mr U. O'Callathan,bmther of the bride, act- ed as best mac. The whole party look- ed charming. After the ceremony all drove to the residence of the bride's parrots, !here a very writing diaper was awaiting them, and all who partook praised the hospitality of the host After spending a very pleasant afternoon the happy couple left Wingham on the (teem- ing train for London, Maidat.,oe, De troit and other points, carrying with them the best wishes of all. The presents were valuable and useful, which showed the esteem in which the bride u held. fleets. Mr J Smith. Morris, who ha. been Iittnfr the peat year on the farm est Mr Bell, 3rd eon., has rooted to McKillop. Mi. Nellie Turnbull, only deaghter of the worthy head master o14the Clines Collegiate Institute, was united iu man riage to Me C, H. C. Wright. Civil Engi- neer,Boa Lady Brasaey'a pictures with -pen and of of pencil "f life in India are very interest - adventures \\ r:>iht, of ing. The editor describes some amusduringing mountain carriage drive of eighty mile*, sod • salt to Chilton. Chancellor Bur - wash ahoy that Federation is by far the eREA least expenatve es well a the most efi- tieet settlement of the higher educational question. Rev K Maitland gives an se- t hrat-.. Mount ,.f a forest ramble with the late /lour, p ash' 4 1b • b M Oai■. M bels► ........ .. 0 Y1 w e >s Chancellor theles, full of the charm of Praa, y be.h .................... 0 St st 0 Jd iia brilliant conversatum. "rho Bis- Bwrlry, i bosh . . o to • le Rdatosa,.ew j bosh .......... tea ie tory .of • Star" gives the peso:[. . f the Hay. 'ton .. . 1 ii 'e i oO latent, discoveries a to the constitution Of Butrer,i a .. „ 0 is w • is the universe, Dr D..•uglaa•s recent strike . Koren, a a°packed P do. .. 0 lx M 0 f0 ing address on the White Cress move- ment is reviewed and largely quoted. A tine poem by Percy H. Punshuc, and in. stalments ,of Kathleen Clare, an Irish not buy without seeing mor prices Inspection Invited, , ,w J.A.REID&BRO. Mr Hugh Grant,of Pottage la Prairie, Man., has arrived from the West and is nutlet/ fried- and relatives in Tricker - smith and Stanley. M NICHOLSON, LD & A yang men named Brownlee, aged DINT L ROOM e •boot 21, was killed by a train oe whisk he > th Mor brit• Um PQM Orbe 'R' was employed es brakeman, ie Michigan, Uoossuc.. • few days aim*. 11e wee a ern of Mr TAR, L RICHARDS1ON, LD.I. 1 Win. Brownlee, who formerly kept the Royal Hotel, Gunton S L' R O 1 O X D 11 X T 15 y Mn Elliott, Clintne, wife of the late n°° aero Vitalised Ak. Thus Elliott,wbo died about two giver sty eittotteet►. glie ago, passed off quietly os Thursday, tire rs o trvimervawO loth tam, at tb• eat 0f b9 years. Kb. l � as W� Roderick. 5 . yh. leave • and energetic tastily --- -e1N-1v of five sots and two daughter to mourn I Loans anb 3n811Tance her lure Stra ed Animals. 1�. N. LEWIS. BOrri•ter, � multi.. Coar1 : Meapy' I Praetor y Derma t., private feeds. Stralgat baaamminste., fa- �,STRAY HEIFER. - CAME ON Mrocuiers.�il tperaoe•UITosts eery r wTiss•Tor a_e the Lase maces Renee. el the seesmiber. let 7. of July lasts heifer. The Oaib°rtrstabout the 'I $EAGER, ewaer is requested to prove property, py C CLERK PIRJvT DIVISION COURT. charges and take It away. Old JAS MoMANUR ' Iaeurnace, [Mate and U e,.1 Moeei to teed N new t,� Legal Sales Pl- _ Oometre 'snifters-tt tti•Ltf Dentistry. JUDICIAL NOTICE TO THR CRED. L' J. T. NATTKE., noes UP JOHN KAY, DRCKASIt:D, r Parsttaat toes order of the Chancery DIN LIPS, PIRA' AND ACC/DENT Ije doe [wade Ie re K. J. Kay, infest. 8Uf8A NCB AGENT, The creditor* of Joao Kay. late of the Town A nig North Rrftlah tt of Rederieb, le the County ed Hur•a, r..r- LirerpeJe,ett, •Le�at�ud�on a Glebe; 1►erwy cheat. wbo died is or about the meath oof f area of IP•r•h A - May. 1fi 1, are, on or before the let d.� jr k ��r ••� Aooiti*al aad Tows Pebraary, ItnO to mead. ay post, Drwpatd. W Lowest y s seined Messrs Darrow k Pruudfoot, Asrreetees,Oudee Mosey to Lea se term rids. their Christ:Ma aad surnames. addresses Con 'eyase and descrtppttlone, the fell reticular' of their Oiew-C�o,r. N 'I4.st 0saw 04 ��� claims, a „tatensent of the r amounts and the nature of the securities lif any) held by them : ser rr•. or in ,Maul[ thrr; of thew will be ) $200,000 PRIVATE FU N Dtl eze)tded from the breed[ of 1tea 14 Order, Every ered,toe boldleor any srurity is to To pit. ea farm and town property a< law Divdttcr the acme hefore mrd the 1. est intetete. M at my Chaurhera is Oseoude Ilafl. in tQe (•it I a ke e1. of Toronto, on the 4th day oef Vebnury. UI i lrsAll ih o�e aaaateab r*r ttenagtaNlaaa at 11 o:-tnek, forces on,t,tinw the inc appoint- t•y� ,� Lea/•d ad for adj 0d loathes on the a laima ol C. pans. tD°dke~Iawdaa cwt hated the 1,th d.; Til Jan lfn.. 1 N. & a isw'.,, l y 4.4 rpesMtt1 J:11tE 4 (' 111 W IITOHT, tbtrowers cc, obtala 412[, day, it title astfefactory deoaq t• ItegWnrU. it Ir ie7J DAVISON t IOHN/170 Barrister' d'o., Osd.lah For Sate or to Let. 6C.tM1 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON 11Vt-r t CAMKROx rod RENT. -TWO- HOUSES ON rtoh. rtrlp T1 Stanley -at., ono block from the eesua,e, Porat(,culers apply to O:ITEY TO LEND, -A L A R O I Mitts P. s]IrgTII. ••s•cotei on�ea'a hirinrestmes FARM FOR SALE toaAklt(JW k PK A•M3 ton, and sun of the late Capt _ Halifax. The f will offer for sale the fol R RADCLtFFE, lowing airy desirable (arm. consent of the `�, �1 �( ' esesery Ix0 apo of Wax k ••F,' a the'�th coo GIs:l1'8R AL IN$C'AANCE, li MARKETS. lefts on of the Tewaahip of Cui°wue, le the Oeuats of Herne- This ferns Is s runt- REAL ESTATE AND ed /; mita frog uoferich, enol 1{ MONEY U DHTUFF mils, t Carlo i ye. alnwoet r►rw, D bT xR c..utadniipr i lowest wirto y to Lead ori straight CeaeMPa rrtrrs rooms a large barn. e0 by Is, with catrk rate of fatere*t [-Ergo b __ w•i lease. at twe abed, 12 bl 11, eattacl.ed, and Due of the Intel salt tis awrower, orchards in the township. It i, watered b d' Street Roderick. dear trnit a aerentailiag tering creak and • Weal Rtrert Itoderioa, M}t�ttere About IlUacrer ekarod and free from goodsi we,. There is no waste land of anykind ou to place. Goon school within ! rots of me Diealcel, .Osee. Will he sold en reasonable terms. For terms and fort bar parricolan apply to JNO. BitECKI':.NIttJ'ov 0 11 R 0 17 , or Proprietor, Oodericb. • •• 14 O0 w 14 00 Jo»EI'H Ikki ltt•N, ................ LI N A 1. m 6 on t be prrmlrrt ng e of his tourist party amus • TILE 8 AND PROVISIONS. flood. rThttre b a ' cos the e b ,:Aver F7rateia" )AILING AGENT atcrr good frame (ware. {i. t%bes/e•s/e• itWolonied ,i•oucasck, Jan. err, 1800. ........ al" 0IN Shorts, i tee Aran w tori BChcroreninStuff, g., Wnod tale, and Mn Barr's Yorkshire story, H1.d""-• •• • •• • ct'rd make up • strong number. Price tet • 9heeoakirs.. year ; $1 for six month. ; 20 cents per App ;dA bush number. Toronto: %Vahan' Bricgs, tot � cwt cess i11Mit... 1: .FIRST-CLASS BRiCK HOUSE AND • • 3 00 - 4 e0 LOT FOR [HALE (►N NT. J'ATR1iK K •• •-••,........,,, 3 a0 ..4 0 -About two minutes walk from the .yque,T. 0 is •• 0 :'t Two ateeh. h brick addition int roar ••'• ,noon 0 70 " Otto 14+toriee,rpI�1, 1nlhlitrt covered with .tate, 5 cwt.... . i 4e1 •• '. sr main belidle E has 3 tarte rooms on Int flet, 0 M " 0 0o I ur,starn there are b tart,• moms. In Are rear stem [[mese/ler. addition there err, kit^lir--, p•wt.y, aaaahroom. Jan.2g41.11 . 1 M�u' , men room anti bathropti, Also shod wand old 0'rl ro o W Rite all riereaa_ry ineormetion he unflorsigned. who will 0 ,8 u n �,, btL bANICLGORDON. onto nisi e24to 021�`'ALUABLT•-FAI:Jf FOR KALE.- arl Der. bbd . 0 to 0 :>♦ That ralaabl. preperey kinown . 1 s0 to 2 f-► i M*;[land ran.. Ooderlch townalt of bt IM, o Mt ro o sn I m.:e of t:o.Je.teh. Ou the Sara are •• lanrc.• . 0 I3 to n to orr•hard, [(rood frame honor and kltchew. with 0 t0 to 0 I0 1 Rhino (,•hard and frame bent and stables: oni . 5 00 to 00 1 pri.w". 72 acres, wed? teetered • For forth rr . t n0 to 4 14) particulars applytou1, 3lWKaeo. the prem. L tel , o 0 mw 10.•w. O tel to i 00 :1fr24y 1 is to sof t� ARMS AND TOt\'N PROPERTIES test ('nttn FOR , N_ALL Lot et, !n Maitland ('on illative- a very ene,earm. Peter ttiusnq I.ot Ito f la 1stcon.. 1t, 4). Asberld, 'n ae,'ea price �Ife'ie, Lo,. n :End 44 is td (on, !''1 ODERItai Kinh,sa,Brure t Neatl, 100 array, WIU *0.sM l7r Mk VHANICB' IN eeryrbtap.Lns13 !t and 1PiorI1,inthe11th- TUoo LIBRARY AND RliADIX con. kani.sh. MO mores of ttoellent lead M eons' tor. of fast .treat aero aee•re lap on" 'rise i1•\•+ -n. Lot 7x.M.•isetMrall's 'ter Tow. of (bods rho Price Daly �a ire. 4 to e Int t'O tnwe of Q I....h. o. IJ�rat Hnnaa D m.. attd fret[ 7 to H R. meet Alta hrltk hots• and sta1Mo. prlre ABUGT 2000 VOL'S Ijg 1.46 .'a 4 dlm0. Los TI►e LADIES' 0001 JOURNAL. The February number of this publics- F t teheeene tion is on .-ur table, bright and enter- )tOrinrt Wheat tainiog as usual. "The Man Who Mad li.rtry noon... 4 (hitt........... Me" is a tat by Jonah Allen's \Y,fe Peas Apply., twin[ number contoins alai "Tum Lswto.n's fl,al er�. Sled," a .tory Lir boy., by \\-ilium 1'•, Chipman ; "Climbing the Social Led- tasdwood..,.. told in her characteristic way. The der, }ehcia Holt ; "$t ♦ alentine's ire t noon_..: ....... Day,'' Alice Orah.m Lanigan ; "Thr Story of Beatrice Cenci," Mary .1. 'Holmes ; "How to Eat' an Orange,' - Allan Furman ; "Lrte•t Fashio,r,r," Mr. She People's Itoluinn, Joh. W. Ro.hup; "An [)pen Conies- - - - Mon," Helen Jay ; "A Broken Print- `TAIsTaJ) -SITU ATi(iN BY A bred" Florence 11. H•Ilow•II ; "All riff Pio ti .hook_keeper k eep r;rr►u'ineaa'm's. Abort Footers," Eben R. Rexford : Best oft t . urea, the authorship is no secret to "Artistic Needlework,•' Mar F. Knapp: It J• M.J. J hp: GMeneb P.O. those who banal. the copy. The print- e,etinoations of several serials, and Rev era and nrroef readers of the Eon ire T. De %Vitt Talmage'- department, .,- l`e t\T$D -fir) Cl►RDS OF WOOD IIRS. SHANNON ! SHANNON 1'nydcieee S r entre at Dr, shammiesreeeae' Aoleeell•eK N'X'li.d.rieh 0. C. geaJ I,., Jthe Legal. C A M P I O N, BARRISTER, E. Solicitor, Notary Public, e t e. Olate Orer Jor tae's brag Store, the rooms t•rmever accepted by Judge Doyle, f' M It C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, ♦a striae t000ddrrtrhr o er ttek�raph Rest vane Funds to lend at g per Oast Wipe. PN • 1AItRU1V oh PROUD1OOT g l itlyTkfol Atorue r�si �It. AR tio'Iprich J. T. Oa,ror w, w, Prosiness. i7 CAMERON, A:JLT & CAMERON, 3edmich. N. Plarristers, Solictlors In Chandra &.. 0. Materna, C Cit Cameroon, Q.('.; P Nott, Y. Amusements. p oitry, literary nates and hints nom house_ i and tone of hay, N etchangy for Tire Tnwe of O wt.4i 9 w'e K Ip(ttr< cad pt. lore l.•mltriy Ihri/ R Y l ought to know Mr Ktib's hand writingI cane and wleg saarhinos n; ,ler oral rnakan Ane Mork wlehin the tj I4 M °° °urs 1° P r. r' �r�tr Afro ) keeping. Vnrtis Publishing Cnutf.aoy, 1 /nth• world. O. W. THt►ytarl�t, tower. Pvl. p Dal favi M rhe . �t+! tr:.rin, rte ew folly as well as those on the Mud i Philadelphia. I (i.sm tit. will br sold oeMA Tk" .bore proper- MKtIRi'.. 0.5 � ; p-. would identify bold Italian hand of I riaderk h, I Apply to w'm'fpt• m'°Ottai[ t�•e• -M. Mr Farrar -and the bol ass they do, were ASHFIELD. ( FARMS FOR $'.LE. t•. ShSbJLR geflprle A os. II v•B•-lfontr to coed at kin law rat h VM:Paten for the inclined to From nor own rorrespn.de.t end e7 1 llxarian. In ream. p received y tell the truth, the t have a vomiter 01 firma for in darer 8 MAhCtyyrlOr, Edward Andrew was seriously ill the lwere entpi.rt.ofOntario. As vonsrraw•nro.r I pox SALE. whale truth, and no1.11 bot the truth. I latter part ..f last week, but weare Riad IP"."'"' rlimi And lf� in ntwani a tarn 4 wmsl.r ` flet Arfhc: S• `m ernom fishy,nom ince at al tee [Vest half N let Oederlea, ateb naeee4sty The ,true thing is this and t*0 tr h. to hest rt ., •lowly re�'verine. ;.....,fin,„.......,,.„. to Mfr now, rtts•11 'wick e,t r1et, wlth h' M` Ir your 1Titans pi r. LrnrM's,. Me, trying to screen himself it would hare are lin.ilr4ton sell •)nn a farmer a small Wm Strew', lumbar of the 14th eon , was /ash t•aytttpab,prin,rrou ph my reel f tlmp eo pay throat-- Ict• Andrew. t1.r,i. M' O SoeiNiea, been more to Mr Krtb's credit to killed in ter lumner wo..ds in Michigan are limited e per nwsP u,oney ar r tow rate of tae �• toter*of Nnro : and Brir __ n. g Moret, them eaaMtnR you toaegslrp a hemp of Pierer l4 eteR louse oe K I° RC.M. _ "1 adroit i Amts the articles in q•es' i lastbark. The parents hate the .yin- 7"lrnwn most vastly. and hrlf fanA. ear. tstraeu lot �pL ,'0�--- - lion, 1 did it in the blit interest, and pithy .,f ,h. community in their sad Por_ lean mrd yenseand do mot eyed'. lttrf's Itanel.,,..1 Z Q �f1 public t+"lnil" $over•' lots Im •pporit, new a' tin M ( 1' as ?no owny .'whi mind rake for yr or rnesq sMw► ¢tsaeda vlx �`( r . telling downright untruths to get right I P Pared ° verify every feat, and I J eNewhrrc. yr yT M• ,g p. if7�� Th., mem•oria) aervie• im eon nl2-h 0tior, 1 well �O,r on Aeaowtlr{otN at rams to i. a • ar IOli.,,., . g yf '�'•ae,.., t . op and ea n int ..f cls stand by every expression contained in with tke late Mrs Nrahu, 12 A Ona tar eek to am I�i en ft"° 71 ye.. , 1 clapping their the eprira. That s the wayto rAnw t Preached in %.,,n ch0rob by the pea a =-in ty. Ntly rlwR A. •••11. et'mase. pry to D'tVlttpv h JO1tXtlTOX 'ai') 'IA hands and swearing milli that his utterances I he :are an the troth, the .Ante arufA, and nnlh- public that you say what you mean, and fur, Dr Sir ngnun, - -- T-,,,�r��- ! t+ e. ,ii Ls„fttlNrtf; _miss AOOI� Auctlaneehln 1 int bat the truth. Watch the .ln• Ener. mean what Jou ase. The akelku,t Til T1s (olluwiao,t .,1Newr' were eletfed (or TIIO21tM►N a g. +J the henry.tint he d in % ..n u1d Is.ses• om the Dfar,•we���aart°i, giro meets EUREKA OOC1rCi and thea moi ie your hill, That will Mr Krib• behind the "knowoothiag" sellout ever Friday •vewi i' ., «'t7t•mseaj 0 OHN [brows a wet y tag at 7 •at•f+t t.palre u nye �, T10Nt1stt�;Ox GElYEBAL AUCS Cil -11 0nria• L, NO Dake them Ammo their tons. Aa a nuts blanket oe the viz : P sot, J H arr'net ; ,cxw'�' M•v4agf,God at 710 toTea ter off times were never N, vet'''' ,peelal er,m. prt� si Vastly >�, bard u ittsiener works, president, mai R Rat e ; a eeata THF, H UItON HOTEL. M le Mnwa h they are lode, and sines the establish. R E. Brown; Treaeurer,'J. Rcl.. n, �• zap tas=hsM� VW wrest , loge p°MI f Meethg (a Tldbt wttl- and entreated to M., 1 �Ib NMI fsinhsr caw _ stoaCt of the fhlirit Hareem sit 1►ftawsi Mr R. R. Chem h. reamed his far- roflha and d�hotel M bee. ur sa.i hr sen m le M 4 to wvtm the Torry are baton, it mer pent'. u of k oak Mr Chas A acid fa Naw �+t�tt ors .11.12111...h � MMS h or ki the Sy h. retired from .*cam y�reep� ttlr tlii�mnirrrm i° EIS int li[ A 'a"c w Irak w Nut. ty ()resin Factory, Cline*. 1)ob•r- tiros. work oe m far. is (k►oerwh °`tm eaatl0t.er EN t,w.ebip and fuse meted into Clsota.. a setsatq Oedema. Oat A tPreprh ter BN* wT Et l 60// 1111 Is ONE AT Salk 'KNITTED We will plate on Knitted Woolen Good. Ken's Shirts and Dr Omit Pp dal Liles Very (9 Ladies' Underwt Cardigan Ji KnittesJ Caps, Now is the time Call and see them JOB] WEST WAWANOSH Ilea ~ewe correspondent OSMON . Mttarnao. -Met am tab a Monday, Jan. 20t t - Jae Joba°toa, rev., Sc rt, deputy reeve, Thos Tud thaoo and William Bailie, .o These took the required dealer geatidsti0m and office. The ■ former meeting were read and e The following officers were appc R K. Miller, clerk, at • eatery J. O. Word, trssesre., at • salmi Job. Webster and Rubt Mum tars. Applications for office of were Nein ed from Jos Smith, Wii.s, John Webster and Jto hwttsue W. A. Wilson was, on o/ Yeas' Lockhart and Todd, • to the udoe at • salary of $G tres uree'e bond was esamiued eeptd. A communication from Doyle was read complaining of efficiency of aeoommodstiun of I room, Dungannon, and reguati batter .on be p Mann Joboatus and Lockhart pointed to act along with • ce from the Ashfield council in the The amount of Joseph Mello, one half of rent of hall fur boldn was ordered to tie paid. A none Ron from the towuship solicitor arbitration case was read. 11. Mr Bailie, seconded by Mt Gibs the reeves be authorised to written advice from Mr Centeno' advisability of •Ilunng Ibis trial -Carried. Mr Gaunt the council to piece a grata th of • culvert oro the 19th [ter was fining hie drain from •. Mr Todd was requested a grata as asked for. Rep,i engiee•r, re dram un con 1 ,also enactment, in aa.urcuo h. of $11 to be paid by Mr pee- mint was laid over. The ias.rnnts were paid : .111.1p[• h, half rent for ball, $2.50; lt„r*on, repairing s rapers. $:J I 3& yards gravel. 12 4; - J,... ods wire 'unseat lbc, $5 40; err, $4; emitting tree. 51: 100, 13 rods gravelling, tor. , cert 1, at 90e1111 70; 225 ft c 12. $2.70; Hugh then. 37 par.'. .59; J. Ruutdrte 810, J 1, John Gordon, . $7, ar••i iller, 59 25, for elections; l: 1: e Reeve,, 7e, $3.71, r Dad a :,y , , se Connect adjoonre.l to Saturday, February 8•h. R K.. Mtu.r.,:, A young boy roamed Cook .r .n ei81th, late of C futon, i lust tar a few days tined by having t in the 0.,t when[ of a until rknog is at Brand eon, Man, WOMEN AMP MOM mann • orhyate MOW wrbase y p -n gt 110111111111 Ming Wo..M. rhe Wpm .Uro' TI Anti -All 1 O nmol. ss...ln0 to ill. eew4• • vial.