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J�► radar's Cki'istma&
Jack Bender felt very womb relieved
moo hemrade/ham on.
(Jhrtmtmee to lire that hie wife bl
e asompaMimd the eiliidtee to a jt•veede
pasty in . the The ta.t
was that Yoe po.ra beau sinew
i•g •p Mt memos lag weeks past to d►
oNMtikomapimmrst Dews that, itt o.eise-
o[ mews feolieb peeslableas
be seat tape to sats gaharked
be owed a bla Des of
imeney.Urs e M en his wife
into his the
meat of his dlfllming , it is potable that,
by mamas of her shrewd oossau• seam,
basked by rigid economy in demotic ex-
p..dih..k ha Diehl hove found himself
ea a snob len desperate ppaieeitaos at the
preemie molest. Bet, .bialy hese the
dein to eo•os•1 Lis fully, he had never
given her a hint of his troublesome se -
ere, and little Mrs Bender had out the
. lightest idea that anything was wrong
Jerk was too Demi and simple-minded
a men to be very worldly-wise, .ad, eon-
!sw.tl , his efforts to retrieve himself
had resulted only in further
1111001a. The Tho Doty expedient the oe-
eated be him was borrowiost Dieu, [row
the Jews at as sxorbitaat rate e[ Deer -
est, and it is, therefore, Not a ,
that his saatetiaa bad isere.aad o
day. At lesmtb the fate! crit Inti ar-
rived when his creditors' patients was
exhausted, and that very morning Mr
Lassen had intimated to him through
his lawyer that, wakees his debt was paid
by two °Week that aftgraamy the keg -
threatened welt of execution would he
immediately put into force.
As it was quite beyond poor Jack's
power to avert this dreadful calamity, it
was evld.at that further t
was oat of the question, and he had,
therefore, resolved to break the sad in-
telligences to kis wife immediately upon
his arrival home- Perhaps his unwill-
iage... to peddle this w ept...mit task
may have bad something to do with the
unusually lam hoar of his return, though,
to do him justice, be had been fully oc-
cupied during the day in reunion about
all over the town endeavoring to t.ise
sufficient money from his friends to ob-
tain from Mr Lazarus the indulgence of
a hw days' respite. All his efforts, had
Deo, futile, even though, in bis deeper -
. tion, he had spent some hours in boot-
ing for a detect oosaia, to whom he bad
written a pathetin appeal some days pre-
viously. This .owls had jest retarded
from Queensland after an abloom ot over
Sweaty years, and, as he had left this
ooentry when Jack was quite a boy, it
was hardly likely that he would take the
slightest interest in his affairs. But
poor Jack, in his infatuation, had gath-
ered wild bops from the equivocal fact
that no reply had been vouchsafed to his
letter. Taking comfort from the delu-
sive adage that silence mews consent,
Jack had laboriously traced his cousin
from the hotel at which he had first
stayed to his present abode, only to find
that he had left town some day pre-
viously, without neeotioning his destin-
ation. After this Jack had ooms straight
home, utterly weary and broken-hearted,
and, had hes wife bean at hard to greet
him es usual, he would, no doubt. have
carried out his intention of telling her
But his wife's ebsenoe, coupled with
the news which be had learned from the
servants that no emissary from Mr Laet-
rile had appeared to disturb the tranquil-
lity of the household, braced up Jack's,
nerves wooderfully and enabled him to t
do fair justice to his solitary meal. As
he glanced round the cosy room, which
looked gay with holly and Christmas dec-
orations, the idea occurred to him that t
perhaps even Mr Lazarus was human t
and had refrained from carrying nut bis
threat until after Christmas Day had
pared. Sieh kindly f. , Jath
thought, would almost re000cile him to
his creditors' harshness, especially se he
would be spared the paid of poisoning °
the happiness of Ism pcor wife and chil-
dren on the day in the year which should
be • day of pease and innocent enjoy-
ment, and Jack felt that, relieved from
absolute necessity, it would be nothing
short of a virtuous .stion on has part to
keep his secret until at least the day
after tomorrow.
Jack Omit Alia& help Whig Add by
the resolute toes is whisk de mei
spoke. as it conveyed draft that he was
reser epYMe- He was a ruegh-lealling
fellow, grey -bended. with a ales lite
dried ptrdmwt, ..d vary Looby Mask
nye- bruwa. Iw pails of hie shabby attire,
b. ewmed MW ehMft his ooeo+ation,
aid as do.tlb sees bailie doge►
pb••••t "Ahliala s he de," NM tth•
MOD "You ems pelt JN asy'lbM. out
of the Wee and •rpere,, ` being pot is
' W sat .18 '
Joel, tall ie , 111114s 1..per-
ate .mature.
"Doormat the lady knew T" .i.geired
the mem.
'Nu,' said Jae'k seemly, repeating
of hie display of holies. "1 r sot so-
quatsted with the in these
metiers," he added, after a paw
"What bnppe.e f Whet are year de-
s-ties r
j� "I rentals here for . fuur days," maid
res mal. "If yes can pee me of in that
time, well tied wood. bat it est-
7be Dias, eoiol.ded with an umlauts
shake of the head, whisk conveyed to
poor Josh's iniad • dismal vision of an
ssutioa sale, with the stair carpels hang-
ing out et the leading window., and the
frost of the house placarded with bills.
lie uttered • theme groan as be thought
of hie poor .ice's dismay at the prospect.
"If I .•old only pot off telling her tell
after Cbrietmes Day !" he murmured.
"Well, sir that might be managed-
!" said the maa "You need-
n't tau hsi .ho I a.."
"How an 1 to account for you then r
inquired Jack dolefully.
"Say I'm a fri..d come to stay for m
day or two," replied the man readily.
"I've known that done before now."
"A friend !" said Jack, surveying the
cornier doubtfully.
"Well, sir, 1 ain't much to look at, I
know," maid the man imperturbably.
"I'm rough, but I know bow to behave
myself, sod, for that matter, I've known
Aestralaai., or-" Innocent happiness around him diseased
"Australian.! By Jove! That is • good
ides!" Dried Jeep. "I've a amnia who
has been twenty years oat in Queens-
land, and I'm told be is a decidedly
rough danced. He has fast returned,
bat my wife ha.-neyr seen him."
"Jest as you like, air," said the man
with • grin.
"I really think it might be managed,
jest to help as over tomorrow, and to
enable the wife and youngsters to enjoy
Christmas Day, at all events," said Jack,
o ly arguing the matter stood
with hie own scruples.
"Christmas comes but Doe a year, it's
tree, sir," said the mat, "and I should
be sorry to make thugs uncomfortable."
"Do you think you could keep up the
deception t" demanded Jack. a shock which proved almost too much
The man replied so confidently in the for his fortitude. It came in the shape
affirmative, and appeared so thoroughly of • telegram from hie old friend Large
te relish the plan, that Jack railed at, Alloway, saying that his ship had arrived
further objection. He rang for the ser- in the docks that morning, and that he
not, and ostentatiously ordered him to proposed, it he multi possibly get away,
pt reedy the spare room for his cousin. to join their Christmas party at dinner.
Mr &epees, and, as the officer readily There wee nothing very alarming at
adopted his , , , for improving first sight in the communication, and
his persons' .. , Jack began to Jack onwepaciously handed the dispatch
feel sanguine of the emcees of the to his wife. But the next moment he
sanieuvra The man looked fairly Pre• started guiltily, as his wife said :
*eatable after he had brushed ba hair "Cousin John, you will newt • frie.d
n eatly, and arreyed himself in certain of yours at dinner to -night.'
aniclesjodiciously selected from Jack's "A friend of mine'" exclaimed Mr.
wardrobe, while he produced from his Johnson, slightly confused.
bag a coat of his own, which, though not"Yes, Captain Alloway. He tele
of fashionable cut and texture, ,was not graphs to may be will join us at droner to -
calculated to excite remark. night."
"I think you will do," said Jack, sur- Jack watched Mr. Johnson anxiously,
Toying him critically, but not without and was •mated as hs remarksblt .&f -
little labs Beane wag entimelg tlslgaA$
ohms of de o4identity bre "MD..
lead bar to diode that be was his the
he rs .r.. ated himself 1 bio
was an e.speakabe WWI to
Jamb, who was also agre.•biy •w1Rised
�. fled the 1lr Jobsses esgmmlred the
glaMmet disc etbrs is the briwmpe Old
s. be aeld
epoised hoe . ea that IMP
di'4.alji wen p e'by. kb* .lid breed -
ta* 4to
eemmwe.d en etattNm Ws -
shoe tif epee* old, inhie
et ruI
bguestioaaab.st gees M.,aa'aid
W We there, be resealed his igaoea•se
with remarkable immensity amid UMW"
ut iaveettua- Hs asked to the We the
poet of a skretieewt, and slightly ter
bsrressed e , re te�beriuao
y o.eete-
ly every Mile taaflp detail .ata: leek
had r mewled to tum. eat t.trud.eiug
his loomed . is a per/atly Niteroi aras-
ner- I. spite el Ja'k'e ill-ee.eesled .en-
.vesl.g pained of without
, Nod .vel pleas .
The .eat day-Cbri.tmeas Dry- -Mr.
Jobosce eootiesed to ingestion aismelt
with hie hostess, . bile he delighted the
children by dmeplayiug unexpected pro-
roDi..ey in foam of o°.jeri.g and sleight-
ot-h•.d. He made a Passable *seem
for keeping us -doors, sad even the ser-
vants-tbase terrible isogametes -had
no susptau• of the cause of his preseoaw
Jack abandoned kimaelt to a surt of ficti-
tious tranquillity, seeking to stile up-
braiding and disquieting refectioaa by a
determination to give himself up to the
enjoyments of the festive day. But sot -
metal and anxious thoughts assisted up-
on obtruding themselves, including un-
comfurtaole misgivings whether the de-
ceit he was premising upon his wife with
referents. to the man in , . . was,
after all, justifiable. At odd someots
be was inclined to resent Mr. Johnecas
impertinence, when he maw him romping
with the children or talking affably with
his wife, and 1 big .00ial sta-
tes aid voo•tioo ; but the sight of the
his vexation, and reconciled him w the
promect of the possible complications
which the morrow would reveal.
H. 000trived, therefore, to preserve
during the day a tolerably unruffled de-
meanor ; though, as the dinner hour ap-
proached, he was seised with fresh
qualms of conscience on Doing reminded
that there would be other guests at his
table besides Mr. Johnson. They con-
sisted of two or three neighbors and a
maiden tont of his wife's-nonethem
persons with whom be need stat upon
ceremony ; but still be felt rather un-
cohfort•ble at the idea of introducing •
8'fidriff's officer in disguise at the same
table with them. To add to his discom-
fiture, he re.ei.ed, late in the afternoon
morel misgivings. "I an tell my wife
hat you had no intention of staying.
so that I had to give you a rig -cut.'
"And I can soy that, havicg only re-
cently returned. I hadn't 0.d time to go
o a tailor yet," added the man, who, by
be way, informed Jack that his some
was Johnson.
"Quite so," maid Jags- "Two bet
beteg, though,lenes fig talkitaj 1. as an
much se possible ; still, there M not
much fear of your getting upon danger -
us ground, as my wife knows nothing
of my co..iu•a antecedents or of his
branch of the family.'
"Roysto., you said my name was to
be, didn't you T inquired the man.
"Yes, .Iohn Royston. I will oslI you
John, and you had better call me Jack,
till the day atter tomorrow," said Jack
with a grimace.
"It would be as well if you weld tell
me something about your comae," sego
nested Mr Johnson.
"I don't know much about him," said
Jack, glancing nervously at the clock,
which warned him that his wife and
children might return at any moment.
"He was bora at Carlisle, and has been
sheep -raising in Queensland for twenty
years past. By Jovea friend of mine,
a see captain, named George Alloway,
lane across my amain in Queensland a
few years back- It is leaky 1 thougat
of t, as my wife may mention his
name to you. I remember Allow,
telling eta a good deal about him once ;
how he was rather a queer wort of f.1 -
low, • little touched in the heal, George
end, owing to a sunstroke ; eeeentric,
but open-handed and mammas. I wise
I bad found him sn," added poor Jack.
"Capt George Alloway ! I sill remem-
ber the same," said Mr Johnson,
Jack employed the Deo
eel which elapsed before his wife return-
ed is giving his eompanion disjointed
of his enosin, with such
stomps of family history as seemed likely
to prove useful. Mr Johnson displayed
a quiet confidence in preparing himself
for hie part, whish inspired Jack with
great faith in hie ability to carry qui the
deception; but nevertheless he felttuncom
fortably perones and 111 at ease when his
wife, heralded by a noisy •dvane. gnard
of Loopy , , at length made her
Bat, alas l poor Jacks apprehension
was suddenly aroused to the highest
pitch by an ominous ring at the street
door bell, which somehow or other sees -
ed to e. in his heart- Impelled
by an irresistible impulse, he started
from his seat and opened the Will door
before the servant had time to answer
the summons. A. he did so, a shabby
individual with • small carpet -hag in hie
hand thrust himself inside the threshold,
and Jack's heart sank Into his shoes as
he io•tinctively realised who the tetrad -
se was.
"Mr Bender, I presume," said the
visitor deferentally,yt with a somewhat
"That is my name," said Jack.
"This will explain my hueineee," said
the stranger, depositing his hag nn the
chair in the hall. and removing hie hat.
Jack glanced vaguely at the docsiment
the other handed t,1 him, which appeared
to abound in etch outlandish words se .
"beeliwieb," "ohatteis," and other legal
y, and than returned it.
'Ito. mares from Mr Lazar.a, I sup-
pose,' said Jack, turning very white and
"I'm the Sheriff . officer," answered
the man; "snit of the party you noise, 1
believe, sir.'
"Come the way," said Jack, closing
the hall -Isar, mid leading the way into
the. ,
The raw tramped in after his, and,
in nbediseee to. motion from Jack, seat-
ed himself epee one of the chats whish
were ranged against the wall.
"This N very .nfnrtenate. 1 b'pe1e
that Mr Lazarus would have shown a lit-
tle forbe•ranee, and waited until after to-
>•.rrow," said Jsek, plocking op his
spirits a little, and fsaieg the nelope.
"Omit be helped Mr. U.ple.sant for
pr said the wean, not .sym-
"Wooid it not be passible, epee stygivitsg yam a written prosier to Auld yew •
Ny dear, hers is my omen, John
Royston, whom. yne have heard one
speak of. We met by modest and i
insisted upon bringing him here, and
keeping hes prisoner over tomorrow,"
stied Jack, in great I , as his
wife entered the ms. m.
. and resdi•ess. Instead of ap-
pteriag upset at the news of the arrival
of the man wbo knew the real John Roy -
•too, and would infallible denounce his
impervnnator, Mr. Johnson received the
ad .. t with . convectional ex-
pression of mild gratification His cool-
ness irritated Jack, who took him asid.
M the first opportunity sod said eagerly :
"You most make an excuse fur not
dieing with as to night.
"The worst thing I could do. It would
look suspicious," said Mr. Johnson with
quiet emu mace .
"What would you advise then ! Shall
I telegraph, or try and stop Alloway t"
said Jack wildly.
"It would be too late. Don't agitate
yourself. Lave me to act my pert."
"Yoe mean to meet him then !" ex-
claimed Jack, quite taken aback.
"Yee, and to dins with him. Treat to
me, and keep eaten. Here are sofas of
your guests, said Mr. Johnson.
It was all very well to be told to k
Balm under such circumstances, bat J
was in a stag of nervous
which rendered him almost frantic. Un- a
fortunately, the guests were already be- a
ginning to arrive, or Jack would probab-
FRIDAY, JAN. 31, 1890.
migt tiaMly lewd formed hem the w
peel.. side of the table, and Weed.
"Rowan yes, Captain r ha eatd-
"Yoe knew y beebend'e weer, Mr.
*syMmsl whom yes set i. Queenata.d,"
i.ssrpmesi ib. homess, as the Qapteio
et•r.4 a Mr. Jubilees with a mope
Immo while Jack est lib a .tatm spot
his .halt is breadline s.epenee.
"Mr. Ranks, 1 Oh 1 ;se 1 seetslMly-
D.bgblsd to meet yen egad en the Mehl
1 4. o1 the flubs," said the Captain ales(
rem; .ordinary abafgwer apt ♦ 110-
wsys ta.•wsr was sin* that of • mea
alio at the brit sanest failed to Meow
utile the features el an aequeletaaoe ;
bet Jask, with the meaty knoehmi e
that he pewseed, perceived that hie old
friend, b.riog taken aback, had out rea•
tared to express his doubt.. 11 was
..deet to Jaek that Capt Allows, bad
out been deceived by Mr Johnaou'e im-
pudent assur.dee but would, in due
course, 'peak his mind, sad bring *bout
the Im.iuest explosion.
Still, the danger fur the time was
averted, ..d nothing bad occurred Iv
disturb the general barmooy. This was
the blessing which Jack oueld out feel
.ud.ie•tly grateful fur ; and when he
reflected that Capt Alloway would pro-
bably adopt Ike course ot warning him
privately about Mr Johneoo, w that be
would have an oppot.nity of smoothing
things over by letting the Cspt•iu into
the secret, be felt quite Iighl-hearted
and ot.ivlvial. Hie geese humor issw•s-
ed as the dinar proceeded, sod he had
mimed to be the least analogs about Mr
Johnson, ween, apes the trackers being
op.•ed, that iodt.deal jerked aeries
the table to him the eo•te.ts of one of
them. crying :
"There is a fool's cep for you, Jack."
This piece of familiarity jarred aeon
Jack, especially as it recalled t hes mind
unpleasant realities. He swallowed his
iodignatioo, however, and proceeded to
unroll the time paper, whet, from the
folds, there fell out upon his plate •o
omiooe•-looking slip of blue paper. Jack
started (rum it as though it had been a
viper and then, with a era aeon fees,
hurriedly picked it up and glared at it.
It bore bis own signature, and was the
aooeptance upon which he had been seed
by Mr Lazarus.
JacekMooed it sway in his pocket,
with a frigbtes.d ghee at his wife and
at his neighbors at table, none of whom,
fortseately, had observed his action.
Then he looked soros. .t Mr Jobosoe,
too meth dazed and startled to realise
the embosses of the incident. But
Mr Job•w,a at the moment, engaged in
ooavrraatios with Capt Albway.
"1 saw Foe did sot moguls* me," the
former was
"My deer fellow, you bars grown a
beard, nod you have got grey silos I saw
you," cried the Captain is hearty tomes.
' .1 was startled at the brat glance ; bet,
of merge, I reougnized you perfectly the
n ext awaot."
"Reaigoiz.d whenr cried Jsek rais-
ing his rotas almo.t iavoluutarily in mud•
den excitement -
"Why, Royston, your ooasin whom I
metepin Qeseada.d," was the emphatic
nJayck turned kis head sharply toward
the sediment Mr Johnson. and was shoot
Lo atter some rework. which the latter
checked by a mining gesture. Jack
had jest mom sough left to hold hie
tongue, bat he eat open-mouthed end
silent with blank t for the
n ext few minutes, until the ladies of the
party lett the room. As they did so his
000sin moved from his mat and dropped
into a vacant chair beside him.
"I *spoon, you will may now that Allo-
way sp4e the truth when he told Fos
that I was eeowtric," said John Royston
ort a whisper.
"I am still it the cloud.,"
"I received year letter, sod I bosght
your bill from Lazarus, on. emedmtioo
that ha would moles to en-
able me Dreamt*
�sreamt* the .,of the law,explained Joke Royton.
"I wasted to joke for myself *bat
aorta fellow you wen, and to see what
your wife was likes I .mer i•teeded to
keep up the joke, bat I thought you
wen suck se as. to hero a mere frees
moth a °harming helpmate that I couldn't
resist , your pesisheant a bit.
"Served see right, my dear John -
mimed me right!" cried leek quite heart-
ily, entirely forgetting his past di.00m•
[ort in the pleasant that
that dreadful a.e.ptawsa was safe in his
waistcoat pocket
"r• afraid eve spoilt your Christmas
Day, J•ek, .osthised John Royston,
smilt•g; "bet Ill endeavor to make
meads I like you said I like year wife,
nd if I °.a be of any serves to you to
he extent of a theorised • pounds or
ly bare adopted the alternative plan of t
confessing everything to his wife, and
relegating Mr. Johnson to his proper ob-
scurity. But he was forced, hum sheer
helplessness, to acquiesce in the man's
suggestion, though it appeared to him to
have only one rsoommend.tion, and that
was that he was not called upon to do
anything. But that it would ieevtlsbly
lead to a d'eagreesble scene, involving
painful disclosures, seemed a foregone
coicl esiou.
The only ray of hope was that Captain A
Allows, mieht be prevented from 1.1611-
ing his intention. Poor Jack clang des-
perately to this, and It sustained him
during the arrival of hie other guests.
He plucked up hie enrage a lathe when 01
shay all seated themselves at the table,
though the Captain's son- , a
went for nothing, as be did not know
the dimmer hour, sad night tarn up at
any tine Still a wise11 or two of wile
and Mr. Joba.os's complete aasaranee
revived his. considerably, and he was .4
just e•rvin. the turkey, with no enamel-
ed thought in his mind at the torment to
divert hie attstio., whoa a heavy heed
was soddenly laid upon his shoulder.
"Jack, my boy, how goes it T' cried •
familiar Iroise, and the host realised that
his freed uttwd by hie side, bw estrum. •
having beat annstie.d amid the mirth ha
and uproar. la
w o-
My dear John! spoilt my Christmas
Day r cried Jack eostatieally. "Why,
my dear fellow, thanks to your tPltorvroi-
y, them .ull be the happiest Cbriatmss
Day I have ever spent!'
Eminent physicians everywhere re-
eommand Ayers Cherry Pastoral as the
most reliable remedy that ean be had
or colds, soughs, and peI.osery die
order's Ask your druggist for Ayei e
hwanao ; it is the best pubhcation of
ID kind, and full of itlenrmstioi.
gee Looe teemed
A stoat and aggressive weenies elbowed
her way op to the silver eos.ter at ate
the big stores the other day, and said
to the clerk, who was waiting
t the tare no someone dee:
"How mesh are goer loothpaek.T'
"We don't seep them at this mentor,"
maid the girl.
The pully and haughty woman seasi-
de girl, or tried to, with a look of
.ears, and repeated:
"I Saba es ybow mash w deem
The girl was evidently mystified, end
replied Main:
'Yon don't keep them 1 Thee .hes
re those! isoolaineed the women, with a
eighty restore toward a little velvet -
lied box eosdai.iag a dewlm Iittle.limgp-
obsled 1 four or Ave *obis
it .•., perhaps, as ..11 for Jock that Jerk Pawed nervous! M lap. Joie
the babel of young mess almost drown- ens, who, lobe the test.4the gsetta, was
el has f.ltorrog memos, and it was ear- looking op M the sew arrival Bo thee
lately leaky that his wife, with attend greens• his friend with all the warmth
ewrinaty, emmedi.taly turned to b.r be timid gsmmNid tend resom.d hie twit
rotor widest bee ►whe.d% with ble.ehed ebmebe and treeablisst
ernlfwdns. Mr Johnnie behaved with haled. Qper. ear= went •�R
ie Imam of mimes sad ie
d spngies with beade wee most to rsetly
s petg y
bedside .ur'eseam m It wee *Adam that lbw plass bid lee labs, *bee M. Jai e-
1etre Fee to ve until the day
after t 1" Severed Jack, uig.iA-
y _ be hood iii his
. petit.
sr h
alershle self p ese•dee. and reitpsste& wpm era map
aTbosa aro nnt-pits!., reams," said
the girl 1..areal dishiest 'mime-
TgTie ban*, imam bet beasalf In de
med w1*h � �-N~
lisrieek de s lb• iwar aza born-
, w
.s .-.,.i ,.N' �' t. -e4 r., •..;;ti„�..w�..- 'r 1;. ' v fir'
tt.wlae «+law
Aa aseas.te remesbrease of ammo
sad hoes has bees sailed • trio of
primes ; smother gift, showiest the mo-
bility of bulk heart .ed be.edi.g, is that
of puuotilinee meets" hewed the hee-
tta se well M Wase% the OD
•'w► amid a ells tied
who ee walking with � ve who
geoid slake bob* breedlsst. "is it Posh -
hie yon bow a Feer sank r
"I Lupe I shelf ldwsya be fused wor-
thy," woe the vise reply 1 "my wok is
• verysd mimeo"
10 I'd go oat el my way and
book ails, to stem wad hiss," said en old
Irish woma•i, ..thM
uaiamo•lly, w speak -
leg of the risk mea of her Wee: b.'s
the est! gine .s that takes et his hat
to me.'
A yu.og B.gli.bare, May.esgm at 1u.-
t•iwble•a w the time of Nspdioo 111.,
cheated to hill in with the royal party
while hastiest ie the forest. sod mad. •
pts..ao& impression eoee the emperor,
who Welted him to dieser. The young
mas loomed to aoeept so Ment as honor,
oat be 0.d prerio.dy made .s sp,ege-
mese to be with soma odd ladies at Gen-
eva, oa the appointed day. Doubt/ems
they would gladly 0.ve t.laasd him from
hie t under the plea of diming
with an emperor, but he did not eek test
grams. The emperor received his emus,
es, and the old belies his presents.
A r odeet, but esowditgly penotilioss
Reath/men. and Eaglish oleelgst.a, one
•fterrioue took tea with the post Teensy -
ems, who, as his 'seat was a0oet to lay.,
invited aim to take a walk. Med as be
desired (nether - with bie
hurt, the dergyeras was obliged to ex-
oaee himself and hasten sway to meet
um of kis humble p•risbioo.r.
"I should have been greatly pleased to
go with kis," be said, afterward, "but
you see 10.d promised old Thceopsom to
take a sdk with him, and of course be
came first,"
"Wily sboeld yes thank a earvNt I"
asked • fader, .he w.s load of the Bn-
eretic .ethod of tesbieg, sad loved to
gnestion his little .on, .until the lad
restbed wise by his own wit
"They w paid for whet they do. Do
yo. owe them anything bet money 7"
' I owe them mosey," said tlie lad
somewhat peploses, in expressing what
he really felt, 'sad I thank them b.-
oaaas-brosdse I owe it to myself to be
polite r
H. bad learned the meaning of the old,
nraaid motto, "Nadas, Oblige."-Yeeth's
C. C. Rattaapos & Co.
(bah. -I certify chit MINARD'o
LINIMENT cured my daeghter of •
severe and what appeared to be • fatal
attack of diphtheria after .11 other re-
medies had feted, and it to
all .ho may be afflicted with that terri-
ble disease.
Jew D. Bovviusa
French Village, Jany , 1103. 1.
Lord Provost Stewart opened • bear
at Aberdeen in aid of the erectioo of a
church hall at GiInwtoi. The district
is 1771 removed the first chapel of ease
is Seot ad- The pariah is of interest
in connection with the ministry of the
celebrated Dr Kidd, and as haviog pro-
deosd Dr Bain, Professor Masson, Rob-
ertson, the antiquary ; Philip, the paint-
er ; Tbom, the poet, and other n)table
■ ora sed a seeress 1n. esel ysirtaaa.
Kunz., one of the Cronin oouviets,
has been released os =6,000 bail. A
dime mamma manager signed the hood•,
and Kum. will appear in his meas...
Piero help ass she WeasMl.
In all aces of wounds, bruises, sores,
cuts and sprains prompt notion is Dwell -
Gory and the wisdom of those who keep
H.gyard's Yells. Oil on hand is demon
strated. It is • prompt, effectual and
reliable core for all injuries, croup,
rheumatism, sore throat, ate, Used in-
ternally or externally. 2
Mr T. H. Purdom has been selected
by the Liberals of Kist Middlesex to
contest that oneetiteeooy in the Previa -
sial ale:times.
a -e reeds 1'e.see ..d teal.
And all Diseases of the Throat .tad
Longs can be oared by the use of 800tt'e
Emul•tos, as it eo.taine the healing car -
tees of Cod liver 00 sed Hypophoe-
• tt.e is their fullest for.. See .hat
W.8. Maar, It D., L R C. P., sta .
Trico, N. 8.. says : "After tree years'
I consider Scott • Emulsion
one d tke very beet in the market
Very excellent in Throat alleetioaa"
Sold by all Druggists, 600. and $1. t
Brix mends Oroekery, China, Ghee-
I...ware, Furniture, etc. Bold by all dreg-
• s. les.
It is gives ns authority that the en
to heeled a railway from Qssbec
t^ bredor is a substantial see and has
• lemeneaa Repot.
Mr Jaime McOarf of Rounds k
McCarty'. Consoling Beres., Drwebe,
Oat, sates : - "Have used several
bottles of Bardoek Blood Bitters for kid-
ney diprder and Edd it a wonderf.l re-
medy. Previously 10.d been taklwg
/p11., thinking i had liver eoesplai.t,
De sew I ams quite well and will always
praise B. B B- • 2
(.e iedien Raped : Priaelpal Mee -
Gregor is sow in the N.. Twit Hao-
tal, when Le .ill have t0. bowdt .f
tse•tac.nt probably as skillful as es he
bad in the world. The missal ape-
iti.e. mired 10. ease •omawb hep.
They will sae a emend treat -
Mr t r shoot a ninth, if se ispewvo-
Y tire....ifest, the gsaatlon el
spooldeli epurMwillMom wbe eNm-
> messes tis m ass theses swam pew
$a1'p ri, Magaitins
aims he�rw lywt��.1 Hamra* m 7lasursaM
UTliato semememem with
Ur !ae "aadeM i djift�•q/leaei mesh
of • is
I . 4's�mma' iu.: tb▪ teltig
11 _Le t A mores
oenwlwa a omelette
t• three meet sal Nota velem
Vein ewe Ytpemmm
(mems wa�1 oodted Itom
whit `sale ii i a no weitAneewm g▪ r."
seer RM.
BI RP,gBy YlU�
Mir; 1ta1 Se /
t4 le
MIRYICKo JYut! Vfi J't#OtLi.,.. a a
.i a .e eers P.m toa r1 - to fA. f7tts
1 vvo�t1tteref the JrAeantt. b.gt.
tet nates, ear Jane awl
Der. Who... Ile. r
be Mil bogie with ale
1111 isuitveat at
ram yew ae ye`wok' ta •set meth binding. will
u"R far
pe sea by mall mosc4.fd a . 5. Wiadlag,
pr .aor vecme, b poet
«eareceipt ut es
ch. ltaa areliiYan.arusAlpO•betleaL
Analytical. sad Meek& tor Volumes 1 to
R laclusive, from Jam. 1505, to lu.e, feet,
ewe vol.. eve.. pethi, 114
Remlttasos Mould he made by Peet-OMee
Mosey Order er Diskte weld theme se
Arompojobro era sof is lAi. adarvfter_
••vanes awes' order .f Haaraa •
Dore ass.
Harper's Weekly.
Rearwm'e Weirety hes •
place as the leading ill.etrated �
America. The hlreem of its editor ems,
mete en earned pieties has earthed for it
raiment sed csa5ds•oe of all tin mein,sm. mad WM
therary eentente, hit* in 4adm
ekert Melee b 10. bum m.4 mist
miters, It R for the permit er people
.lOoet meem of tames adThe
W i.zi.T
vmrisy tatereai, w valwwe. .'um'r
mmmrwd to \rt.g the highest .ego as
to bear epee the WMrettma et the
*hammed phones el Mame sed 0r.Mta ►pee,
A Yeats sm.��, tress .ethe gas et resile
A. Jeweler. will appear la the Wuwu,u I
Tee Ter t
Marle MI ••h•t*AroUT/1teda8e4s
ansCtre*rag. beide
wke the
wtl etsmes iw.Jan�set asel each WMla
~reel the Number reet at t of tondo
r order.
Itsmd valamee of Rosana. WwnaLT. foe
thole estem bask. win
free of see_ Mby mall, ' mad.fit Mos net
exceedrelease.� per Telmer). for ST K
Clash oases hr nasi ,stone, set tteh5. ter
Medddii•ee.Mw� est by man, post .
-pail, ea r
sbeeld be
Money Order Draft. btraoid M abbe et
eer•Pe e set to row, t114 adeertis
N r
the 'arianenrrm silo oder of Rotuma •
Address RPgI1 i, ROTHII'RO, New York.
Harper's Young People.
The Elevestb vela.. et HA.rua'. T
Portz, which Melee wry the Number i
NovembernMjraem ie s. ot*.eohe pee.
,tram. it u to eta readers at yes leee
serials of the tonal lengthh,, sed others 1. c
er ' bre. PIMwase,. "I7le Red Maung
to William 0. et.gdard; -PRO .nd the/abr."
0. Liles; "Prime y� by Jul.
lKtuumenl�Osseell ; ..d ay
." by
L t=i Recta Bojeea• Two aerwo Mtn ies et
fairy Tales will aerate else ettratlos wooers
of the wearier world. a se sly, We males teals
told by Howard 1y10. Nod es admirably mess•
traced by b1 , •ad •ssdbsr swiss 1. • dulls,-
ant vein fly Freak ,14, sell, There will
NN P.�taries g er by dye�int
Harriet F�rv�easax� :Zona.
"' �y
Har rkl•h Bartemwprth u,w g
Malcolm Johnston, ate- Sophie
A Subscription to Harpers 'vegan
.•care• • juvenile library• There 1. axial
knowledge, also pteaty of .-Bow
toe 4doer! [dor .
TERNS • Poesy. press,, MM Per Year.
Voi- Xi, 7fwramber t, INA
Rpt -011e., Copp seat f. romp! of a to w•aaet
Resat*rols xmrm0Nei esti
Rethsittaaees ahruid M rasa
Mosey Order R Dmf.te avoid PaKO1.
sappaa moo
of lama
swot ori14.pot fee �s* ilia odeerttes
HARPRR & BROTRhItP, New Telt ,
Harper's Bazar.
Harrah itmai egos el5Hr the lentift
Gothic the latest 1m�rmegea M
the "seldom. Its .m.ne'.am nla.tratom, flea
Iw-1ep1p•.te• sad piattetra laeg uI
aided tbwn"`p. °ieMeeeM..a/ wmMM.°'ass
is souses Ito esehtla glfma ll
the btaiteee arca. ite clever the
nr play., aathoughtfwl meaty wastes(, NII
sad he peep b famous as a ..'. .
se alt sad le Its Issues ser ,-
pn.Wee V 1 whop le
ppaen Daring be OBver
coemitae Tarbes. H
Lea hum. win
ppae ipst
as "rhe n. ,• 15.
11se�Ir • hay.' std t•w�eir w
Peeled,' The .Tial wl wAww
by Waiter Boma. and Y. W.
HAItl'I:R'e WIg LY.
esas. t a. am 'Prop to aU Mentes. /s M
inn MVember ler Ja.s."aalumes er de sao► ye
se tins le Mtlwu4 eatl.rvtptia e
gm with the *amber- ~rem as t00. 4 m-
eals M r-
amid ♦ Bsaalt 11r
throe years hi Ib yweses seat tam. will
}� or
aloe ... vpf"empt t dose NM
ser her mar
biadleitne p mrak 11) velarp mems foo
In sailb�tiast-rahp oo
see► �)risr er is tem. iireid e�itra°64sa ei
ARP1! ort Bs1117IRTRI roes 1