HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-31, Page 1PING
veklasee ef all titbits
Elice° t
and VIM per
rating House.
)ns Merchants
to reduce ex-
lome of than
sir advertise-
() De
111 Of=
iy lines of sea -
that they al-
to offer,
re trying to
go as far as
,cited to call
intage of the
iey are giving
Worth 1
1, of
1 at course, is
ITN Eeigt
RIf01 ,,.
18 to select from.
As for old And
acus -rates :
Ire+. was Messes ver
illustrated "ever is)
ie Sunday &anal IUM
ee of IaterretleR hider
•ed sew the
tb°list iortb es...
Me espies tree.
fitness" Mee.
Notice of changes must be left
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later
than Wednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
up to noon Thursday of each
Leen. bivalve..
AU advance fierier, in tAe local eulwmtu
of Tan 8icoal' of Meetings or eater-
teiwmeets at which an admission fee
is charged, or from which a pecuwi
ary beiw 1t u derived, wind fte paid
fur at the rate of oto lent per
word eadi iaaertioe, tw rAarye le a
Mem treaty -live orate. Wier, ad-
vertisements of entertainments are
inserted a brief lotul trill be gives
lltjulT-HA nous - In Ileamiller, ea Owned
by the Rev. J&... Herm, tether of
the bride. Mr Joseph Rellerey of lien.
altar Ont., to M. 1/arraret aria Her-
rs. of IsBushier.
IIALL Ife.'lOg.omr-At the residence of the
bride. brother, Or T Henderson, MD t.rat-
lot aven•.e, Detroit, sir January. M Rev
C. H. Hendersoe. D. D.. Agnes. third
detnater of the Tate Peter H^_adrnon, err
[:vier. Ont, to Rev W. J. Hall R. A.. of
8teeewall. Man.
z -F arrow -At um residence of tb.. ride's
father. Oederlob tow..hip, by le v Mr
Young. on Jae. lath, Jams J. 1'...two to
Thomas C. Cox.
Lorre- Loomis -At the residence of the
bride's tether, Stan toenah
A Rens Tasay.-Chaplain Sear
deliver bis celebrated lecture, "A
from the Prison," in the North
Meth,dsst church on the 18th Feh
Dr M Nicholson, the West -et de
makes the preservation of the ,.
teeth a specialty. OMtkilmietsterrd
9 s. in. for the paielsel ettraeti
Rev Geo. Richardson was tall
Petarboru by telegraph Meoday
to atteud the bedside ••f his wit
who was believed to be sick unto d
At latest advice she was still hying
cry low.
GoDcalca OntiAN Co. -Things
booming at the urgent oump•,y's
eu Last .t. and an aelditiouel order
temity-tire instruments was race
during the pest week. Thin item
he balm of Gilead to the Clinton
We are pleased to learn that
Pruudfo .t as recovering from his
severe dittoes. Hu unavoidable at
from the County Cooanc0 this sass
is much to tie regretted, tor hese on
the most useful and energetic mem
••f that body.
There will be three eclipses, tw
it.. sun and one of the mown, this y
nut 11015 of them will b. visible in
oration There will o. It lunar aopol
b mom
le loll Mr Allan Martin, of Detroit, formerly
Voice of (iudertchWetland.,s in town Wetland., to IL
street attend the funeral of tits brother-1sw,
rary the late James Bailey. Opening Proosedinga et the
utast, The many friends of Mr Harry Per- January Meeting.
mural Iwo., Iwo of our towusonm.a, C.pt. Jame1
from Persona, will be pleased to kern that be
on of has been promoted to ledger -keeper at
the Bank of Commerce, Si. Catharines..
ed to The irrepressible Dan %loran, of Sim-
ian forth, has moved his beg and hsg,tage to
ether, G.dench, where he intends to locate as
oath. a bill power and light porter. Dan say.
, but all he wants is a chargee to do sumo -
are r Wm. Bieck brought into Ting Sta-
block NAL yesterday a cum./soy in the shape of webs one of those dusty little tbs which one
teed may see flying around on any Gemmel -
day. We presume the little fellow "got
New up too early,"
Perilous wishing to improve their
Reeve memories or strengthen their ppoower of
rt'cewt .ttwntinn .hould send to Prof. settee
aneeeee 237 Fifth Ave., N. Y., for hie prpec
ion to poet tree, as .dvertteed
In another
e •,t column. 10-tf
ben Nis Iennoertti-.-Mr Johnston Carey,
of Peterborough, a well-known whole- ,
„f .le manufacturer of boots and shoes,
ear, has decided to locate in Goderich and
this carry on his business. Mr Carey in-
.,, tends to take up his residence hers at
hat is a new contact of t
hee•rth's shadow on Jon, 23, visible in
North and S..uth America.
Freaks .d nature wail occur. There
as heen no sleighing in this part of the
Jan Mind. by gee Mr Hodttlni, Tunny J.
Lo•aa to Albert Elliott. of Manitoba.
vac -in Galeria' Townehfp.no Friday, Jas
M, I. Mlles Ansa, wire of John Burt, a
aged et years end 5 rnosthe.
stoop la Goderieh, on Saturday. Jan. 25. e
14.. Nellie Rowel. only daughter of Mr
Wm. Whoa, aged S years. 4 months •ad
I days.
ere where as • get
hung ere r.ow we hare bad two or t
vet of snow. In British Colum
•Do ft seldosu seen -at
"1 ea )
,wuh for sferttfi ng they have
.od sleighing for the past three or
once, and prepare for the smmediat
moral of his bwinees hither. W
teed to him soordiai welcome. N.
AcamgraD AID LI - Led
keeper Harry Brown, of Ontario
reran fame, was arrested yesterday ante
here at his residence, Beverly street, Toronto,
hie, on • capias warrant issued by Mr Oder,
east land agent. Browse, it seems, wee in-
ked debted to Mr O.Ier in the sum of 12,000
four which was paid two hours after his ar-
rest by Mr R Nortboote, one of the
of prisoner's friends. Brown was at voce
a in liberated, and made direct for the bank.
the Fsozre To Doom. -A telegram to
the Wednesday's dallies states theta wealthy
rs rsnohman owned Thole Elliott was frozen
an to death on the Big Fort over, Mon -
on tans, last week. It is to be hoped that
if the item does not refer to T. M.
dirt Elliott, • farmer resident of Goderich
township, well-known in this section, wbc
some years ago nettled in Dakota, and
F.. who has of late years been cattle ranch-
in in Montana. At our last, tall ezhibi-
re- tion be brought a number of broncho. to
D Uoderieh, which formed quite an turee-
n tion on the occasion. We await
tom ; cedars.
The Warden ear GUM le ■r Joao. M Nt.s,
acme M Unlink-Mrtkiag Ake saswd-
lag ceamaII.... -Thr ■taut...
County clerk Adamson called the
council to order at 3:30 p in. on Tuesday
last, when all the member, were found
present except reeve, I'roudfcot, of
Goderich, and AicMurchie, of Clanton.
The Ent business being the election of
• warden, Joseph Gnibn, reeve of Ash-
field, was nominated by Messrs Manning
and Raiz, and Joan Button. reeve of
ttullstt, was nominated by Dr -Willies
and Mr Cook. A ballot being takes)
resulted in • tie, each candidata receiving
24 votes, and the municipality of Hawick
having the largest equalized 'aseeusiweni,
the reeve of that municipality gave the
wsling vote in favor of Mr Britton, who
was de:lared duly elected, sod sworn in.
Mr Britton returned thanks for the
honor done him
A selecting committee to strike the
standing committees fur the year was
then balloted for, resulting in Masers.
1liloe, Rat:, Oirvin, Cook and McKeo-
n K_ zie being chosen.
e O1- On motion of Messrs Beck and Smith,
zt. Mr R Radcliffe, of Goderich, wa4 ap-
pointed auditor, and the warden sp-
ier- pointed Mr James Patton as the other
ranee, Messrs Peter Adamson and Jos.
Beek were appointed on tate Board of
Criminal Audit for the current year.
Moved by Mr Milo", seconded by Mr
Oliver, that the leuunty engineer act
with the s.gineer for Perth in having
a bridge built over the over Maitland
on the boundary of Grey and Klmo, at
the fourth . Referred to
fine tee committee.
A letter from the county treasurer,
sad the statements of non resident lands,
sec., were referred to gleams commit-
An application from the Ontario Rifle
Assuc•atioo for the usual grunt was re-
ferred to the finance committee.
A motion to grant 1300, to be divided
between the branch agricultural end hor-
ticultural societies, was referred to fi-
nance committee.
Council then adjourned until 10 a.m.
From oar own corropondeni.
Mr Hugh Matheson, from the Michi-
gan lumber camps, is home visiting.
Mr Isabel Buglaso has gone down to
Ayr to visit her sister, Mrs Black.
Mts. Jennie Cowan, of Kiotail, hoe
taken possession of her new Soho of -N•.
Mr Roderick McKenzie, of Lanes, is
hems from the Michigan lumber cam
looking hale and hearty.
S. S. No. 13, with a roll of 40, is
ronauditor. down to 18 (rum the effects of and
is. Ondertcb, oa Mondar. Jan. 27th. 1'0
Mary Hogan. beloved wife et Mr Patrick '
Tierney. awed 78 years L•
secs -At Montreal, on Astir -day. the ish. e
James Starke.Staged * widow d the lace
turir-ss. Goderich •at Saturday. Sikh last., '•
Jae. Halley. awed 12 years and Smooths. Id
Os ens R'►An -Mr Charlie Crofts
nelen formerly of Goderich, wa
own Tisesdey last in the interest of
.nd..n Soap C.. He has been in
mpiny .if the Rim for the past twc yes
wing .farted as shipping clerk
ven'naily obtained his present poetti
e ,sok• neap now all the time, sod
heel his soy there would be no
n tee fan' ,1 the earth.
l tmoats or ('near No. 253. I 0
nDseicu -Following is the list
fboers of Court N... 253, I. O. F .
nae tewan'zed in Ooderieh :-C.
. C R . Wm Proisdfw,t ; C. R
YCare Fits '-11 O. Root. tl
Wanted O. W. Thomson.
`kilo.. TesuroonisI.--J. l[. McLeod
Eltsetfea Wanted -J. M.J.. God/with 1'. O.
C . Surely Cured -T. A. Swam. R
floselssm ; PC R, A E Pride
V TO'W$ lsC R , E. N 4wia ; R. S , W.
1 lJ l . menm ; F 8. J T Acheson ; Trane c
inf.w,ht•tagvy Rho
i.ambage, ftplust CM
WIDOWS and siestas
h TA..Ni s'..p4sbw,
OA some Demon deal:
✓ g kaki of eke awn A.
11 mid sever afraid to
for twenty !MHO 1'*
:MI line her tteeweera-
erIag or westeeing
merest. of the / softy
',Diligence and dial.-
• ^/ iiniona have dif-
I. not The Shwa ea eek
o he mtlMfeh.. •
1 ninety 1. the yes
ermine MMB rawsh d
Of net aeon p.whs•.
c'raer for ►N rest of
1Hr2 me * duty, nasi
ho beat thaw N stirs
. sea,
..............,...Its :N
A......... t
iii .. ..
moth......... e st
as maw Tore.
1s at.
al Sisal,
A. Rhymes ; Physician, J
hitel, ; 8 W , J. Goldthorpe: J.
W' F Smith ; 8 8 . A. W. Corn,
.1 B , H. Hmitten ; Chap., Wm. Shea
CARD ter TwAIu
mpo.er of the "Platelets! March
to rickwnwiedse the receipt
2 15, being the proceeds of the coin
metntary concert given at the Grand
Open House, in her honor, on Friday
ening last. Miss Skiminss also Ines
thank Mn Macara for her indefati
le zeal in getting up the concert, end
hank the ladies and gentlemen who
kiadly offered their relent in her he
f, the press, and Mr Charles An
wa, ntanag.r of rte Opera /loose, for
it courtesy, a.••' the Goderich public
t heir those! cul and loyal patron -
"d .hie semaa' pe, tnk:w' were,,
.4•' fait* hell sweat
On motion of Meson Kay and Iia
ning, Mr Hells, of Goderich, abut
Turnbull, of (Linton, were appointee'
the board of Joaoty examiners of .L.,
The memorial of the municipal not
rention to the Lieutenant Governor
Council was read and referred to t
special committee.
The c »ncil the. ad journed ootil
•. w. Wednesday.
Council resumed at 10 o'clock. A
the members pre.ent except Meseta
Proudfoot and McMurchie.
The 'electing committee presented th
follnwine tat of standing committees :
ErtLALtzarloe.-Dulmage, Gnfl
Milne, McLean, Prou4foot, Hess, Rat
McMurchte, Johnston, Wilson and 11.
FINANcs.-Cook, Silber, Taylor, M
f$tl' Pherson, R,Iltor, Cover, Cox, Mannin
Saunders, $Gathers, Kay, Kelly, Mooney
Torrance, McKenzie.
day ROAD AND B•Iuos.-Orcoory Bryan
Sant, Hetriok, Garvin, Bassett, Kydd
Beacom, Howe, Beck, Jacques, Thomp
eon, Webber, Lochart, Castles.
Graham, Castle,, Henderson, Smith
Malloy, Wilson, Torrance, Taylor, Hem
JAIL AND CourtT House-.Johnston
Sberrit', Jacques, Errntt, Howe, Morri
win. Kydel, Heyrock, Webber, Locher'
Gregory. McKenzie.
SAtaha Ls. - Rollins, Gritfo, Kelly
Beck, Sanders, Beacom, llryans.
Sr►rui-Proudfoot, Girrin, Dul
mage, Kay, McLean, Graham, 11cMur
hie, Bissett, Cox.
WAaDisN-Mol'herson,C.Mk, Mooney
Eilber, Milne, Manning, Katz.
A circular from the county council o
Brant, requesting the co-operation of
his council to have farm at ick assessed
s heretofore, was referred to special
A communication from the Prisoner's
id Association was referred to finance
A circular from the clergy:nen of the
wn of Goderich, requesting the county
,oncil to erect a County Poon House,
as referred to the special committee.
A certificate of the lunacy of Mary
Hays, of Morris, was Eled.
A circular from C Chamberlain, re
itemising non-standard stallions, was re -
to special eommittee.
A ciroolar from the county clancet o f
Welland, in referenoe to the
ht of nilwsy property, was referred to the
of •peoisl committee.
A circular from the county council of
1 Simms in reference to railwaydiscrimina-
rlons, etc., was referred to special oom•
A letter from Major Jordan, thanking
e eouneil nn behalf of Col Coleman
f'.r the grant to the volu.teet , was read
and filed.
A letter from Jailer, Dickson was read
and referred to jail and court house com-
d The report of Mr Tom, i P.S., was
p mad and referred to school menseittee,
s The report of road ; % An.-
n. and other schools likewise.
ra, Messrs Alex and Neil McDonald are
ow orep•riag for building • baro. They
o:: have most of the timber on the ground.
Mr Alezauder McCauley has organized
a singing school in the temperance hall
i' of this place, which N to prove to be
he "successful
Mr James Johnston, sr., has had •
10 severe illness from rheumatism in the
breast. W. are glad to hear he is on
,1 the better aide.
Mn Archibald McIntyre and Mrs
Daniel McKenzie are ill from a relapse
of the iotluenza, and are in a very
critical condition.
r Miss Maggie R. McDonald is home
z, after attending the marriage of Miss
n- Matrgve Pagan, of Lanes, to Mr Rubin
Spindler, of Duiutb.
Tris Batmen- CONCERT.- The benefit
covert to Miss Skimmings u0 Fn
W evening last was well attended, and a
II ; /41 od pr)gram was presented by the
1•dres and gectlemeo who kindly gave
✓ their aervues to the entertaiumen'.
Amongst those who lent their aid oo the
• occasion were : Mrs T. Detlor, Mn
Cooke, the Menet Radcliffe, N ilkinso,',
o'f Co oke, Trueman, Le Touael and Cur-
ran, and Messrs Reynolds. Cooke, IV -
cher, Cameron, Iso Tuuzel and Porter.
Where all did w well it would be invid-
ious to particularize. We are pleased to
state that tt:e bandwmesum of #62 15 was
reaLz.'d and presented to the beneficiary.
A feature of the evening was the decor-
ation of each of the ladies and gentlemen c
who appeared un the platform with
button hole and breast bouquets of
natural flowers from the well-k.own con-
servatory of Slight, Toronto.
WHAT Hs Talgcn Or Conn t-11 - t
Mr D. C. Murray, of Appia, Middlesex ''
county, has been visiting in town during c
the past week, accompanied by his wife,
and s•, favorably impressed with Goder- A
ich was h. that before tearing he for-
warded the following for publication :--
rd To the editor of Tas SION•L--Dear Sir, to
e• -•I was in your town seventeen years
b, ago and I observe great change. since 'r
n, that time. I have been on the streets of
be Toronto, London, Hamilton, New York
r, and other plains, and 1 never en)uyed
ere such • walk se I had on Goderich
a Square lain 8,t.rday night. Every face fervid
y I naw had an air of comfort and respec
ability about it. I was ileo at the 8a
ration Army barracks on Saturday now
to and I was pleased to see the •bseace
the rowdy ohms, which is a credit to th
hoe and young men of the town.
h have come to the conclusion that
c Our post -master has been laid op for a
g' few days with the iogaeosa, het is now
• able to attend to business. We are glad
to see his smiling face once more.
' Mr Keifer, nor hotel -keeper, and the
' Fisher Bros , foundry men of )(wear -
dine, are heirs to a large sum of money
left to them in Germany. Some *3,000,-
' 000 is to be divided among 35 heirs.
Influenza is visiting every family in
this neighborhood. The people of the
whole section as far as we know have f'
had it. Although some very bad cases h
have developed there have been none
1.111. -
Dr McDonald, if Kintail, is nearly lI
run off his feet day and night, but as
- luck happened • gonna, quack doctor m
named, Stewart .prang up among os and e•
only for his treatment Mr W. Fullerton
and K. NcLvor would run a poor chance.
His remedies are simple and ere knows •o
f how they act, because he had a trial of
them himself. G
A young man named Strachan, from be
Goderich, visiting fnet,da of this place,
gave the people of the 12th con. quite w
an exhibition by going along the rued ti
with a three wheeled vehicle. Though
the fourth wheel was on it acted am •
runner, because it wee caught in die
cover of the buggy. The y lung- moan
was so interested with the chatting of
the young lady that he could not see
straight. Come swat., Jim.
Goon PassrrT.-The moat Reefs! girt mt
ego make is to gin.. a Wirt 1'en. Ap-
1. D. McUillieeddy. ,.teat. O.rieriuh.
Wnmsn•n CAMMLa Temperance (alas a'
In ,'•e beeeaxoto7Nest!:.1 Meter church hero
Tu •.der afternww. Prayraeetingat 1(3
"re. eseeting at 1.
pee sad mouldings d best finality asd
great srufasiea e a be tad tit 11. H. Sat
rudto. He baa worked eo a line trade ev
this line, le addition tots r.yrular business
Stewart, the ffamllton-n photograph- gab
Ms determined to go iarg•-ly Into the kiwi. to t
of targe met messed picture fnrutng, a,.4 s,
neuy p 'ed In stock a fine selw.•tion
pe yea don't -,,het fur coats and thick dre
wear this season, but 1'ridham tiros. ern the
your bili litany of the lighter lines, and can
the newest Items in spring wear. me fur
as the beeriest for winter. ,
La Grippe- has almost news l h o & aochestns t,it la P
e ler those with the rash. Let go our grip 'Wi
I1. Read their advertisement in this I,,u..
read It every .week, tb.y w 111' ransom Oat
ten oosxruing sums cheap seasonable leg
This will afford householders an on mad
salty sot sSe-4.d then very onus. The
bens. usder the ser. to t
t'OCLtT AoAtx. - Chief of Police
ldred, of Sarnia, arrived in town
urday last to arrest Pu,sley, the •I -
ed (nook, to whom reference was
e last week. When he west
be residence of the latter Mon -
morning he discovered the hi
flown. The police aathorita
rat or were communicated wit
an arrest was made on the trai
the person arrested turned out to
wrong man. Pug.I
r Rnht. Orr, jr , ss at present attend
the Toronto Business College. at
r John McPherson, of Detroit, is but
tang relatives and (needs in town, the
re. J. M. Tiede!, of B•.1al.., N. Y , tarn
sitting at her father'., 11r. Robert rde
11 KOOILLICUDDT, h s. !n
SIM A ?LR. -""
leans, none seriously affected. Our
Rialtos, practitioners, Doctors McKay sad
Caw, are very busy and with good tact
upon thaw whom they attend.
The remains of the late Stephen Irwin,
who was w suddenly called away, were
interne' in Dungannon cemetery on Sat-
u rday last. As he was a member of the
Orange Society, he was burled with rites
of the society. Quite a number of the
brethren were an attendance on that
seinen occasion from the Dungannon,
Nile, Belfast and other lodges. Rev.
J. Carrie conducted the funeral rites in
ea Impressive manner.
nose oar owe t
La grippe is mill on the warpath.
The staff of the sick committee .n now
neariy alt at their posts again. Several
of th"ai suffered much from it.
While drawing up logs of firewood for
hems use we regret thief, Master F.
Quaid got one of him hands badly hurt.
w hich will lay him up for a time.
Mies K. Macdonald sa gone to
Clinton for • time. Previous to going
quite a number of her trie.ds enjoyed a
pleasant social evening at her father's
residence, Monday of this week.
From our own correspondent.
The bliss.. Chisholm, of Saltford,
with their brother Charles, visited rel-
tiilrN here this week.
PsatoxiL--Mr P. Carney, from near
Weston, York Co., Ont., enjoyed a
week or at window bare, the guest of
his brother, Thos, Carney.
Robt. and John Barka, at one tame
residents here, but now of Albion, N.
Y., were visiting relatives here this
week. There visit to Ontario was a sad
one, they being called to attend the
funeral of their mother, the late Mrs
Burke, of Goderich township, who died
on the 24th inst., after • long illness.
[An interesting report of the branch
meeting of the West Huron h'armeri
Institute it left over on amount of la
grippe having po'seseion of the office
'his week -EA. Swots.
Items of Interest from over the
► Week1, Biaeat .r Ike Camel? %ear. aery-
ed ■p t. Mutt tenders at 'ere atrial."
tack sad Petal, flipped *ad t'ee-
draned Man Every mamt"a.
Chao Fisher, Brunel., left last week
,r Kansa* City, Kansas, his former
Mr. Wilson, wife of Mayor Wilson,
,•forth, has arrived house from the Old
David Taylor, Grey, lost • valuable
are recently. She gut choked while
ting ground oats.
A ales. ae •hnrtly to be organized in
Se•forth for instruction in phonography
d type 'triton.
Donald McLachlan, of the township of
ray, has made in assignment our the
netit of his creditors.
Mr lien Dyke, G.nferich township,
ho has been in Toledo, Ohio, for anme
m., hes returned home.
A number •.f 1Vangh.m citizens both
ung and old are prostrated with that
mm.on disease -the measles,
Mrs .1 A Wilson, Reafnrth, left on
ursfay of last week,for Grand Rapids,
i.. Kate and Tenie McDonald, Kin had
ere, are reties friends in Gode hull
re R. 11. Hodgson, of Brampton, many
Mitt.' at Mos resid.oc. of Mr W. R.
bert.. , n.spTeM
man who isn't * Q C. or hasn't get til 2
grippe these day is • pretty Ketti
1 s)ubniha
r W. Black, of Goderich, 'pent a nose
pie of days in town donog the Fast punt
-Wis)ghem Tian. Wsa
'Call it '1. grippe' if you wish to, but after
'the 1a grippe' to watching limn
"aye the New Toro Telegram. Type
s Rripp. holds the tort ht Bruss.Ia his d
lamas to who have had it and vi nae
efts bays it read the voter.' list. - not
•d to
w ork
not e
out t
ed up at Welland, and the follow
in to him was in 'tednesday
r(d :-The notorious crxok 1'
a hearing before Police Magi.trete
Isms today. The prisoner was
ed with hringing stolen goods in
ds. Witnesses and lawyer, front
parts of the United States were
nt. The oo.rt was crowded wit
woes. The case was adjnarned to
o'clock Thursday for the purpose o
ng snore evidence.
- town is one of this prettiest resorts in the m
f Dominion of Canada. I remain, yours
truly, D. C. Mtr•uv. Apple, Ont. th
trusty. -Charlie Th stepson, who
years ago learned his trade .s
er in Ten Seism., died in Seattle,
hitgton Territory, on the 9th inst.,
an illness of two weeks, aired 23
and 8 months. The Waahnngtoe
has the following in reference to
oath :-"Pur areae two weeks pre
to his being laid .p, Charlie had
been feeling himself tend had devoid
go to Montana. To this end he
ed hard and steadily nn the .Iour-
ntil hie complaint became so seri-
hat he woe compelled to take to his
room Becoming worse, he wso remov-
ed to (Irina Hospital, where symptoms of
typhoid pneumonia soon manifested
themselves, and he began to sink rapid-
ly. For two or three days he lay in a
deleriwm, mad only regained coaeeioes-
nem the day encoding his death. He
realised his net boon were neer at hand
and prepared himself for the wed, and
Ohms Death threw her onld mantel ever
him be passed quietly 1'. his rest. Charlie
was well kwon the whnle Paeilc Coast
over, and Ian untimely death 1e greed
regretted. Re had seen the smooth a04
rough sides of this world. The stroke
that blasts lite sblame all iia
eagle. fie was • ter whose gees -
amity fat eneeg.t hie pocket book, and
wbws Walt was as true as noel...
£tishiadose, • stater of Mr R. R.
C. 8. Consul, died sl Brook
Jaws. Miley. elm lam year ro
from the lip a the
hoist, died Ilaterday last from sa
a of le gripes.
"When mossy tiobt.- remarks th•
Mae • mos in the Gems medians.. fer it
Oilcan itself eingen"
• unity jegewel readers
king ep the West Mb. lady ehoslal
r mid Mrs Myers loft Ooderieh oft
day wrath for **INN& Maps. Mr
is Miterlden Wirt.
The foreeten Bentonite*. Comet of
P., No. 86. are booming ancient an
ellIesesful court, with their Inembereht
, *sir last meeting. The
inns manias they decided to have • toe -
Meeting on Feb. 10tb, M Orates's hall.
Then will be a sempteoes spread and a
dish of oysters fnr those who wish the
egos, with as additioes1 fee of 10 ets for
e ach extra dish required. After sapper
there will be a musical *ad literary en-
tertainment, and no pains will be spared
to seeks the whole anseere a gloriosa sad
• grand weeesea. There will be a foe el
25 eta.
Ma (Rev) D NeRise, Grey, who
west to !Myth week heforii last, on • visit
is lige mother. henna* afilieni with la
grippe jam ahoy resabing there, and had
in have the doetor twin to see her.
It is stated that W A 0albiek, Rises
e els, will make a vies te liesirsh Coleus
Isis is the engem of • ninth or se /with
the Ann of improving hie health. fie
bee bees **Amy for some time and does
gaie3up Ids &mirth as be would
desire. ,
ley was referred to reel andlidlito atom •
A telegram from the «met sleek re
widening sleighs was referred to road
end bridge ormensittni.
Four traders for the nenty printing
were referred to printing emu it
letter from the jailor
enairy supplies for the nal waa referred DUNGANNON.
in too
Prom our own
Mrs Tom. Doyle is *letting friends in
Kingsbridge. Ise
Miss Susan Cook is home from Detroit
on a visit.
ichigan, to visit her parents.
Mute Annie. dauzhter of Mrs Joh•
McIntosh, Brucefield, died in London
lain week after • lingering inning..
Rev. Samuel Jones, Brussels, reached
82iid birthday 5fondey of last week.
ts still vigorous and sprigh.ly.
Mra. W J. Johnston. Morris, while
Paring for churoh Sunday befLre last,
idenially fell and broke her ann.
The Brussels flax m sll had to shut down
'Frani fif hands. last week. La grippe,
ked them all eut oreept three.
Mr T 0 Kemp, Resifurth. has been
'up fur some days with au attack of
Our new secher, Mr Hudson, has be:
oome a general favorite and seems to be
good satisfaction.
Mrs Dan. Marray. wife of our k
school trustee, recent, presented kier hus-
band with • fine baby boy.
Tom Weis, our saw-ntill owner, !net
his wateh while oat working in the co,
Mr T. L Jobb, wife and seven
Wiaghaie, are prostrated with die
ippe." hut we hope to soon hear if
.0 of the department. a the pablie
mil of Seaforth helot bson dosed on
secoent of the teachers being laid
nude with la grippe
frowstier is remaining in the rarc•
school in Peel county, and this year hie
y is to be 11300 ien increase of frlfi
a than he rot last yeer His permits
near Cranbcook.
Le Grippe has taken hold of most of raa
our eitisena. Among the worst almal• oar
was our old townsmen, Thos. Davie. In
a is trout, s he has one enneolatifee,
for he says, "Begormtbe rich have it as
well as the poor. ' seh
Mr Andrew Dryden and hia moll Will,
of St Amalie, Manitoba, ars at present
enjoying a visit among their friends •nd
relatives hers
A letter from the sheriff, in Merger*
to lighting the smirk room, wee referred
to coon home neeniittee.
The anal motion la rant $3,000 for
the , of renaary hem tee
referred to Gnomes mineutities.
The resignation of Mr Itemise se
High Reboot grantee foe Clinics wee
read and
Mr Winn. thee the follow*/ muster
Robert Costae, end James
Snit to men mit the tarM of Kr Men
bee ; mid for Ooderieb, lire.
Os motion of Messrs Silber sad Tee -
in our own
Everytheag bane so quiet saws wi loam,d
In the way of marriatee end births we he w
have making preseet to resord.
Wheeling on the leading gravel road@ sa„g
is splendid, which, nit mute emeneare, may ead
for want ottainehing. Gram
The esesinipal eseeed of the town- At
shin of West Wainscot' will one. is the w
Town Mall on Smentay, the Ilth Ay el di.
TiehirearLeistil soneerned will *am wee
venni tree assordiagty.
Quito number eil erre einem are suf. the
faring from itio awls of mid mid emit
filitagesbk inather bet. hi
MeNtehol, Grey, who novelly
los farm, has rested a house on
farm of 0. Angel, Itch eon , where
ill reside for some time.
ReitIsZliton, formerly of Q. Peal
a, has perishes's! the sing&
wood tie tad the Nee.
as Rlashill, fireseele, has_ Finalised
residence of J. R Omsk Min street.
the stable ow mine street, mid Ohs
Wing Int en Tersherry street hotlines
pistons* Meek and A. Illart'sVe
a/ *flee. ft is • destrable piece al