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7'H8 Rt li()N SIGNAL. *PR (PAY, Jit. 24, 1890'
24 Sheets Good Note Paper;
24 Good Envelopes,
I Bottle Good Ink,
I Sheet Blotting Paper,
I Rubber Tip Lead Pencil,
I Pen -handle and Holder,
2 Pens,
I Memo Book.
At the name time look over our Ohetf►>D TWO of MUaio, Music
Books, Ao., Ao., worth from 30 uta. to $1.00, sold fbr lOa
2 sheets Irving's Music for bcts.
Cor. North at. and Square, and Central Telephone Exchange.
e iaeloh, Jan - Md. 11110. Mi/ -,t
Items of Interest from over the
A Weekly Digest of the Coasty hews Marv -
est sip Nasal leaders of "'The Signal'
rltk and ?Nat. MTtpped and Can -
dossed ft.m Every aertfos.
Mrs Comber, of Harpurhey, died tact
week, atter a long and painful illness.
Mr and Mrs M. R. Counter amved in
Sesforth from Winnipeg on Thursday of
last week.
James Clenuan, jr., Jennie Kelly aid
Jeanie Kirkby, all of 8. 8. No 9,
Morrie, hive gone to 8estortb to Masud
UN Collegiate Institute there.
Mr D. Buchanan, of Heneall, and Mr
Robe Elhcu, of Ssaforth, have both
passed very successful examinations at
the Ontario agricultural college.
A. H. N. Jenkins, of the Brussels
Budget notoriety, n or turns op in 8t.
Catharines, the editor of a Reform
journal. Jenkins ran a Conservative
paper in Brussels.
E V Smith, Grey, has secured • posi-
tion as teacher at Caledonia, not far from
Jlamilten. Mr with holds a 2nd class
arti6cate end will nu doubt give a good
account of bin..elf.
A man tamed O'Laughlin, of Mc-
Killip, got slightly inter.d by falling
out of his wagon on Main street, S.. -
forth, on Wednesday evening of last
week, but was sufficiently recovered to
go home on Thursday.
Wm Bishop, Grey, has disposed of
his 200 acre farm, 101.11 and Ilth cone.,
to Ferguson Bros.., tit Teamster It is
one of the best si.uated farina to that
section. Mr Bishop bas not decided
where he will locate.
We notice by the Post, o.f Seattle,
WasbinKtns Territory, that Mr W. J.
Daman, formerly of Seaforth, has been
sppninted assistant manager of the Street
cable road in that city. Lavine been pro-
moted (nem the position of grip.uan, at
$125 per month.
Tue remains of the late Mrs W.
Davis, of Mitchell, were buried at Lon-
don later week in W. Aland r. ane -
tory. The Bi.hnp of Huron, R -v R.
Hick. and Bry W. .1. l'ayh.r, of
Mitchell, conducted the peevicea. The
six sone of the decresed lady acted as
pallbearers Rev Camel Davis, of Lon.
don South„ It@-, T. It T)avis, ofiisrnis;
Mager. W R aid J E Uteri., of Mitch
e11 ; Hurry Dirt*. .1 Teronto, and
George (ghee, of Wingham, were among
those present.
A well -'hale farmer living neer Wing -
ham, named C,,nphell Hanna, tnrew
himself into the Maitla.•d river running
tbreugh hia farm one day Lint we.•,, and
was .drowned. 1'7•r.•e •.t het owihhon
witnet.ed t ho aet -reel rr.•hed 1•. .t•sist
him. hut the river hein2.w ellen they were
unable to do *nvthen.. A air it oe c .ince.
deme in contemners with this te that the
peel i,.ns own.' of Rsnns's fare., tired
MA' nit, .1r...ned himself in rhe .amp
rs.o. , r sine yeers ago. N. close is
Loown for the act.
E.rlt on Fed .T warning. th. lfhh
into , the me•.en,er Death Came to Wm.
Stew,rt. 1;r..v. a .l •mm'nen.wd him
sway He 1,..1 h. -,.n ill for sIwwI s week
p e• ilea wi' h *h.,' appeared to he
rbenmatte fever het it woe not thought
the end wavy near elt Stewart was
well knewn thr,uwhunt .h• .ti.a,, haw-
ing travelled t greet part ..f Clean town
Alp with a 11104/11111g ei H+ ;,sof nn@ ml
his (inns i.•jared when t Mol sod .as
ane.quantly net s• waive so hp other
weft "Poole have heen,h•tt her ate. t weedy
workieg, `eeeet man "Phu I vel hit wet
and did the .dear.. thin. Te (Iet).a.ed
was in hie 45th rear The tonere! took
place on Satnrtnv after.. 'en. the intet-
atent being made in the Brawls cane -
It is with fe.I '.gs of .i.e,, levee that
we teemed the teeth of Mr .Leh.. H•srxl,
third sean of mise let. Joseph Meet. el tee
Tod .•f Mrt..l.v. -heck 'ease.
rod nn Mende, of lase wrot undo, per
tienlerl, gad eirrnrnateeee• I hese a
week Mr 11..-4 •d hers • . 411-
,•.ntre4 in hi• mind sed w.. It I.R,.. an
violent that hes friends were ermaidering
the prepriesy of holing him sons to the
..vt.m Gist he mi .kt reee,va h.tte,
ageeli• 11 terminus's, wham death •,@ppd
la alwd relieved ham .4 ell hie soff-rings
Se name •m he smigmeel fee hes .melee
insets) .i.eww.thti. 11. was gMo.t 40
yeses sirs en4 wee Ireae'v re•p.et.d by
.11 *fan luso* him. The reneen• were
lamerved le label's ammeter, end the
femora) wee tllswtled M a very large
fiber et gropsthiaisfl friends.
C P Bishop and A J Sbisl, Grey, have
returned to the University.
Mrs Robe Rade, Waagham, haw r.
termed home from Perkdsl•, when alio
had haw wombs/ Christmas sod New
Year's, and at Use acme time •ttesded
the marriage of her eldest datigbt.r. Maes
121iisa Sadie, to Dr R•die, u; Toronto.
Above the wicket in the Bram& P.a
is the very teruleaot name "Lack yoer
owe stamps Ia this we
would add it would Dot be • very difficult
metier to lick all the meeilage uff the
stamps printed in these days.
Miss Addie Versate.., Bromels, now
spiting in HarrisIon, is eoahned to the
house with la grippe is s mild furor. A
doctor baa been an daily attendance with
hours& ial results, and we are pleased to
hear of Mw Addae's 000sslseoenee.
Robert Barns banded o io a picture
of what is called a Jumbo four horse
load of saw logs. It consisted of 21 togs
whish mad. 22,291 feet of lumber. The
load was healed Eve miles in Rab Lake,
Wie000sin, U.S. Mr. Burns' son lives
oat in that locality.-Bruasals Post.
Mr A L Gibsoe, Wroxeter, has rented
bis Bo ng mile W Howson Bros., of
Teeswater, who take possession shortly.
Messrs Howe)* are well and favorably
known, and will command a large trade.
It is understood that the unsatisfactory
state of Mr Gibson's health led to the
One of the teams used in driving the
creamery delegates around Saforth ran
away •hen near Ameot's temper shop,
and Mr Morgan, of Ottawa, jumped from
the rig and fell upon hie head, injuring
himself severely. He was mach im-
proved when be left for hu hole.
Ot Wednesday morning of last week,
Rums M., fourth dsaghter of Thomas
Roe, of McKillop, was called to her
eternal home. The deceased .
• cold about three years ago which re-
sulted in consumption, but abs was able
to get about until about a month pre -
MU' to her death.
From our owe .
Council Mennen -Council met to-
day, Jan. 20th, at Holme.vtlle, accord-
ing to statute. Members all prreeue
These having qualified the minutes of
last meeting were read and passed. Cost
of municipal election was pared and
paid, amount e62 53. Moved by John
Beacom, seconded by Thos Churchill,
that the salaries of the township officers
be the same as last year -Carried
Board of health was appointed consist-
ing of Messrs Cox, Bescotn, Elliott arid
Churchill, with clerd a. secretary. Dr J.
B Whitely continued as medical health
. fbcer. The clerk was ordered to gems
samples and ask for tenders from the
four local papers for township printing.
The council appotated Jam A Ford audi-
tor, the reeve appouut ed Jou R. Holguin
second auditor. The awned app a .ted
themselves road commissioners tor their
serest sub -division., ns : J. H. Ellett,
N.. 1; Samuel Sturdy, No '2; Jelin C .1,
No 3; John Ilescom, N.., 4 and 6; Tris
Chureht.I, Nu 5. Moved by 8s unit
tSturd seconded by The. Churee,t 1,
that Later Scutt be assessor. M .ved
in amendment by J. heathen, seconded
ny .1. 11. Elliott, that (len M.K es vie
assessor. Reeve oast his vote in favor of
amendment Moved hy Samuel Wordy,
emended by Jas 11 Elliott, that Samuel
Juhnsun he collector. Moved in
aeeodu.rnt by .John Beeenm, se••ondd
ny Tbe.m.oa Churchill, that Wm Cente-
l.,n be collector. r. Reeve oast his vote in
favor .f mason. The following accounts
erre p•otd, win :--Mrs Bray, 3 menthe'
board. =18 ; rent of P.O. bog for use of
Clerk, $1 25 ; James Fair, Clinton, la.n
her, $1 72 ; Mn. McRae, 211 ; Win.
(`•,1115., $18 75 ; Mrs. C. Whitely, grav-
el, $10 86 ; A H•Istesd, work near
Helmessell. bridge, $2.60; funeral es-
penses •.f .fames Fitzgerald, $17 Pk, with
$20 additional for balance of board ; J.
Trewartha, posting op treasurer's reports,
92 Mr. Herbert Elford was hoard by
the Council In favor of a contemplated
creamery and probeMe cheese factory
(site undivided). Pub'ie npinuen is
rapidly gaining ground in favor ..f the
af.reaaid industries, es farmers say they
may as well stop rasing grain beyond
their own immediate wants when they
rsswve arch a ptltry return for their la
hoe. Mimed by Thomas Churchill, see -
.ended hy James H. Elliott, that any
perrnn erecting • eram.ry en this town-
ship, the building and ell n•eansry
appanage shall be exempt from taxation
se lust ss et is kept i• operation either
ae • ere•mery or ehesas faottory. Cam.d.
Pette -masters, fsae►wtewers sod pound -
beepers were eppoisted; these will bo
spatially notified. Ooeneil add' reed to
meet again es the first Moats, is
.11 Arai PaTtrow, dirt.
IIy1CUR 1tlATEP NY 1plsDt♦ 11A^6 •►$ .liallNlUN PARL1A11INT.11 IRA SVITS OVERC=OATS
1 Vigorous, Prospereu and Progris*ire Candian Company
PtteSIDi11T-60X. A. 111AOT1LeMlt. M. P.
aa.Prime Mlaleter Cssa.1►
VICZ-PRZISIDillTtll t rNl1LLltll
T1s Wpm lassos Appeal ' erne of Polioses u1 t 1 it
n to the
elf does .r the Pdtoruln be wrest US et `loath darrtt .g the Wisir ,ni 1 Pp rledd. AID at • l•ddiow rr rate
theta a.sy ether Osmpaar .
siri t Attest.
• aondaese Lame 'real • Psrerre wee
dente/ Ueda' Ie.. •
The Col lowlog Mu or wttarh we or. r.
algid to potation throuik the a.urte.y
Mr Thea Kydd, us from • (..,.0 .• ••
dent oaf the town, who net .e.r .....k
Horse (lively • advice to "(1-. W...,
Surae of the •tatemeut• a..a .14 Yet. 4..4
espeaally ab.wt fauns, .at. h an• ro•••.ta
to Enke one's muW h wool :
Alton stn 1.. wish poi a happy Chat.t
etas and a bright Ne• Y.....
Vancouver s. •tell pn.,fran lot( nod .4
MY mast of the p. -up a ..weed ih..u. o
The city 'las made great m red.. .1 .n..g
the past •easuu, everytktng art.1 .•very•
body ..tai the move. Frame hu.Idtn,,•
bat. beets te.ru d., .0 and re/p i e:e t o,
one!' and st•,ne Mees Toe not •t.y s.
keeping pace with the city, cud n. ere- t
direction one may .re houses sprite/me
op, and small clarinets when., • 1.e
month• ago, welling but tr..-• 111.1 teis.e
*toed, and everything p....e. m•. s
grater activity nest apnea e'h.• heed -
mg trades hev. been awl .tea .erre
very bn•k, although there will he
two mouths donne the rein, ae•..no whet.
utile ase M dee. ...teed.- Carimtut.r.
earn $3 per dap of nine neer.. et pl..t-
er•rs $3.00, other trade• w pro,r.rti..n.
Laborers get 92 00 and C•ns.ea. 91 25 -
ot the latter of whims we base wore 111.1
What we need is farmers to, cake bold
of the country. Nearly all .sur 6...A u•
imported either from Manitoba or Ore
goo; this makes it expatiate.. Ts. me
farmers th.t • ei hers an. ail doing well,
and there is room for hutsedr,d• and a gnat
market fir all their memo.. nor years W
ciente I may *,.ton that trash egos et
the present tune ate fetching 604 per
doze's and Is the summer they brought
35c and • ready sate. A smell furious
could be made Prem a gram kept te•eitry
run .4 • few •erne. 1.1 other br.nche.
of farming the soil and climate are tutor
able for almo.t anything, especially ewer
crops, while for fruits they eauu..tlwueat.-
so in the Homioion, litres as It •s. fete
ripe e, picked fr.mn the plant
on the GPM Ef December. They venal
themes/Aly colored and of goo' flavor;
that will tell you .hat the climate u like.
Toe variety of sold fruits in the Pruvh,oe
is enormous There are three waneties
sf •..d of • size rgwlltue cut
tit .be cultivated unee, white unaekbrrrire
swarm everywhere; buceleber ler, b..tts
red and black, cr•bs,oh.rne., craib-rne.
and lust that 1 eater saw b -tore, sue a..
grow to a stns they do not steam
u, other pleases, with trie excess -too.
the crab, which is • nt.erah,e huUe fruit.
Its troop and shrubs there is an eudmes
variety, whsle ferns grow to a very
lame ••z-; some of them aro very hand-
some and deserve • place in, ant garden
where haedsome planta ere sporewated.
Tomo of the .hrune are alio, vety hsud-
some. Brutish Columbia i• noted fee its
tree.. and deservedly so They miy be
rare to acme ruing 300 feet and 9 w 12
feet in diameter at the ban. Tuere o•
a stump is •.vie Curlier of my pard• n
which by actual measurement is 1.rey
feet round at five f'rt from the
Remind. This to by no means a terse
stump es uodrrsteed hire. These ate
principally cyptesa (or thej's), salted
cedar. Tho pines grow as tall, but mn
au average not q.am:e se thick, although
some tory large now are found.
The supply of timber is • great stance
of wealth to the l'rovaine, •std •Irea-ly
Targe quaiotitiss are .hipped to fur•t,pe
e•.untnw, especially to Australis The
loather mills are running night and day
to supply the demand. sod from five U.
nine ships are always waiting its the
roads reedy to take ou board their tier -
Geese rMatera re 1 N 1.seatdies
. taa/idaaes.
f The hest Entrance ISsariaation to
- Heel 8uh• ole and Collegiate Inatitutes
. 11 be held in July. The following is
the limit of studies is the sariuue sub-
, jucl•
Needing. -A seeral knowledge of eb.
etruo•els of vu.talvwith
rp.ctai relereors to emphasis, indexion,
....t peas The readier, with proper
.sprtestots, of any *election in the Read-
.uth..rsrJ t.r Fourth Book claire..
The pupil •h..uld be taught to road io-
teuie.o,ly •s wells ,ntelhgtbly.
Literature - The pupil should be
Insight le sire foe words or phrase,
use.uu,ga which may he substituted
thetel.r, without impairing the same of
tile passage; to illestr•t. and 'show the
appr•.priatt►ueee of Important words or
plies.• ; fu daiugutsh bateau syn.
..oytus In common u'se ; to
d 2 : ,It pwtges so as to show the mean
ter wearer ; to show the of
the Ih.ughte to any *elated passage ; W
ell Ion. sllastws ; to write explanatory
or dr-erlptive rotes on proper or other
Inewer. ; t4. show that be has studied the
I. seaa thoughtfully, by being able to
I give an intelligent opinion on any sub-
Ijeet treated .4 thereto that opines with -
1.. the mete of his or a.m-
prrhrusu.n ; and especially to abos that
hr has entered into the *pint of the pas
.ager by being sole to read 11 with pro-
per expression. He should be required
to i.rtsortse psrages of special beauty
from the selections pre.crtted and to
repr.duee it les own words the sab-
eta..ce 14 ally of these selections,
or of say part thereof. He should also
obtain otme knowledge o1 the authors
(rete whew. works these selections have
been shade.
Examn.a-ioon papers will be set in Lit-
erature ..n passages from the follueung
lessees its the auth•erisd Fourth Reader :
JULY, len.
1 The V Woe o( Mires -the Reading ppM-- St
t -heel 71
3 '14, Mary In Heave pp tr-. gt
• 4 new fleetly, Sweat Altos p M
STheBwltof AM ... pp ill -114
6 Itla out. Weld BslM pp 1n-111
7 1 )'Kindly 'Arai p Its
a The merges of the Long mine . pp 155 -111
f lrrhl•rar . . . pp 140-1711I1 A Cbrtatasas Card 1pp AI
M Htx. p -21 TTtneg ret theitsan ltiver pi p ttrl
1 t The O. vas pp >M -241
11 The Snag of the Shirt pp 153 704.5
IS Toe Demes of the Deep op !!M -ell
16 IIFltabergb after Yhtddee pp 277 - Y ll
17 Caa•.ta and the United States epee --W1
is The Foteakgs Merman. . .. pp Met -3e8
At tsoh examination candidates should
he •b'e to quote any Dart of the seise
i.uns especially prescribed for memorize
'ion as yell as passages of special beauty
from the ,,rescrtilyd literature selectmen.
They .ill he expected b. have memo-
nz@d ■It the f•.Ifowing selections :
1 The Short !Zeeman (List /urea on page M
Y Tit reed a Wer or Make It . p 23
3 The Nellie llhsndns pp sl - - ax
4 To Mary to Heaves pp s - the
S Ring Oat, Wild Bells ._ pp 141 - Iftl
8 fatly Clare ... pp 10l- 134
7 Lead , Kindly Lit. t p 1411.
4 ltefore Sedan.. . p i e
f Tt a '('lieu+ Planhge.. p CPI
11 It d T
t .:g •'[aIle• pe y
.'porn -7n
F.Mgh P►eodd-n.. _. ,. >t_
I1 Toe Vomited. Mnrmao . N BO -3'f!
11 nht:•
(►rtkoyrupAy one (hUAoepy -The pre -
wee: at,...., the a) iushiontion, and the
•pr'tnng from destatlon of words in Dom•
n use. The correction of w. rds im-
properly spell or pr mel.:. The dis-
tinctions between words in common use
nn regard to spelling, pronunciation, and
There will be nm formal paper in Or-
th•eepy, but the Exemmer to oral Reed-
ing is tnetruc'ed to c insider the proem)-
riuion of the candidates in awardtee
goes of lumber as feat ae it can be pro- their standing.
pared for them. Two other mills ars Geography The form and motions of
proposed and at is expected will he run- the earth. The chief riefimt as cen-
tring next tear. All these companies tained in the anthonsed test book ; die/t-
empi./ • large number . 1 ono, white ai'•na of the land and the eater ; tiro es
the shipping maim work for as many ver the globe ; goutiest divisions ; nater
more, to say nothing t the geed they •I pheno.wena- Mips of America, Ea
do te trade in g••ueral. 'opo.
Asu, and Alne., Maps of CaL•da
Another great wenrce of wealth is the and Outann, ,ncludine the railway sye-
fishermes,in which salmon comes first and toms The pr,Juote and . - 1
with some firms all the year Das way or retetione -•f Canada.
another, a when not actually 6.hint (:remeiar.-The sentence : its differ -
they •re preparing cans and various Poi tongs Words their chief elates%
other work ee.nnected witli their hum and inflections. Different gratemstieal
nese Then cisme. the luiuerals, wench values ..1 the same word. The meanings
are being worked mere every year of the chief grammatical terms. The
Seeme chums are very promising and gram.atual values of phrases and of
nearly •11 are plying beck mousy in- clauses The nature of the clauses in
rested. The great drawback is want of easyeomp•und and complex sentece•.
rade; this will be remedied soon, and The government, the , sodnthe
then there will be such an output of the • of words The correction,
Trecious motels that will surprise •ny with reason therefor, of wrong forme of
u.e. not acquainted with the of untry. words and of false syntax. The parting
There Is uothins to prevent this Pro. '4 easy *rotators. The analyeta of site
vino@ taking a front rank as a rued pm pee sentences.
fleeing aourtry, while her forests and 1: . - The nature and the
riven, steepled with the climate, will in , constriction of different kinds of ernten-
a fere years mime people to 11.ck here !cies. Theeombmnatlon of separate stats -
(rem Eeetern Canada and nut • few from meats iota.wtences. The nature and
over the bottler. ' the :.f The
Veers tealy. combieatie.o of separate stat•tasnts into
RICHARD T. Ropteolu'. . Variety of , with
- the following oldness of et•roieee : Che.g-
Th. first trip on the Want/ord. Water ing the roles (or, ennjegatios) of !be
I is. A Lake iHrteilway was anode on verb; 'speeding a word or phrase ioso
Saturday, the l It s claw , contracting a elms into a
A i writes : - Thome wand or phrase ; ebangise homilies*
Knechtel, t tonsb•r for unto indirect aatratien, or the. crones
•ebnol Ifo 8, Osiborate, has roomed his transposition ; o1al the tore of a
duties se teacher for 1820, at s salary of seatlwss ; espaMios of Rinra herds or
WIS. Yr Ks.oht l has hese very ac- lists loss a sospeaitios ; to 000tne-
esssfel in pamisg two of his papas, Hen tics d Oafs ; paraphtasi.g prose.
ry Allan and Charles Robsitsmi, at the Tho d....s. ef pssetualitis. Mort
entrance ezamin tin. •t Osdsrieb. ifs nenstir.e ov ksufptloss. Prather
dsaervos praise for thea hawing slimiest- letters.
.+ the ditigen•e of the ynmiug meta. Mr History. -0.1148.. o(,LRliab history ;
L Dover taught mail lest year. We wish the .utlituss sf O .adia. Itiakay p.sr-
bim farther enema i• his oboes, hoe. ally, with pertiwler MINIMS lir the
$15, $18 A.1\1-13 $20.
Haller colic, "4 sss•ulems.ls taera ta dress M .se•
e:1r aw•ptaat ' . ewtalaaa ta baler almpllolIy of use t
MJ rw serest era►
Blank eti"ths
ars rrapwlil el,t.y tyMmarwMat taller teras est
ar Cat laatia lkea earl sea the /Nb sad prlea
ivellaeoe d all thlaes
ENVELOPES at $1.25, $1.50, $1.761$200 and $2.96 per
1000, printed, at "The Signal Steam Printing House.
sweet* '
b 1841' Tb• muni- NOW. IS THE WINTER
ape' instilet.uoe of Ontario, and the
Federal form of the Detention (lovers -
driSAasstre. - Numeratiom trod DOta-
tios ; the rules ; "restate
eoEmem, measure sad least common
multiple ; redeems° ; the aou.puund
rules ; vulpr and deeirual (mittens ;
elementary peroeatags sod interest.
K-rifeey. - The proper formatio° of
the small and the capital letters. The
pupil will be expected to write Deafly
awe legibly.
Dram s,. -Drawing b.s.k No 6, of
the Drawing Coarse for Public Scheele
Tew,p.ranee -Papers will be at to
tbis at .o optional bosom subject.
N .1h C. whim hes purchased the faro
adjoining the village of Attssod, from
Charles . • u The price laid wee
J. Dunh.r, , 1 Settle, Washington
Ter.it•.re. 'stied hews at Ethel, en
Holiday eft. re. ... o f Iwai week. He
hid been away atm.ot two years and looks
as if that country agreed with hum.
It is reported that Win. Tindall,
Elbe!, hes 'old the brmveteed to James
Linde., . The price pard is said to be
S5 200 Mr Tandell to le of going to
Nannette . n • eresprctieg tour.
'The 014 Oaken Jlueket,
The Iron -bound Bucket,
The Moes -Dover d Bucket,'
Is very !Moly the one that has conveyed poi-
sons to your system from anon• old weal
whom waters have become
from sewers, weeks. or prrcointsens from the
soil. To eradiate these poisons from the
modems and ma yourself a spell of •tatarlal,
typhoid or Minus liver, and to keep tea
liver, kidneys area leap in • healthy and
rigorous condition. mise Ire. Pierre's Guides
Medical DMa.very. 1t amens% all the ex-
cretory organs into activity. thereby (-liarle•
Mg and purifying the eysteea, free'bog It from
all meaner of blood -poison", no matter from
what cause they have tutees. Ail dieees.e
from a torts.' or d'ranr.d liver,
or from Impure blood, n held to is wonderful
curative propertles. It regulates the area
ark and beregi,,or0n
y appetite sad
dpptWenatbs. end curse Uyyaap. perm "Deer Com -
and (krona Diarrhea. t
Triter, ReaemaPrysli•Jete. etrv/ukius Sores
n od Swe.ingti En4aysed Glenda and Tumors
divappewrsunder Its use.
((;;ooltdder Medical ieatovery ' 11 the only
blood and liver medicine, sold by druggists.
under • positive of Its bene-
fiting or curing In every rear, or money paid
for It will be promptly retuned.
Copyright, ails by WomLir% Drs Mem Arra
we ,Yeas pet *p by
lie the Largest
keedsmee In the world.
D. Yam CoI w
sM.aamss, sed se Ism semen's rep
arra 1t Is biers' than saw. Ev-
ery .minpesos mI
Mid ad SEEMS should end far k,
D. M . rI N RY • CO.
Syrup Tamarac Com
Cures %lI atfec-tions of the Threat,
Lungs and ('first -retch as Bronchitis,
Whooping Gntvh, Cnenp, Hoarseness,
Indiana. Smelter Bcr.& fain in the
Chest, Coughs, Cob., etc.
This valuable preparation eseites ex-
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tion of the throat and lungs, giving
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Price 25 k 50 ctn. a BOTTLE
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olr OUR
In dull seasons Merchants
are anxious to reduce ex-
penses, and some of them
withdraw their advertise -
menta from the news=
until the season of d
is over.
handle so many lines of sea-
sonable goods that they al-
ways have bargains to offer,
and those wbo are trying to
make a dollar go as far as
they can are invited to call
and take advantage of the
low prices. They are giving
Dollar's Worth!
in Town,which, of course, is
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Tie Cleapeat Hose Under the 3n•
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Over 198 PILSMI17218 to sided from.
Great inducements for old and
new subscribers.
AwxcaLf. e:
UsitT Wrr►rrana 5
Wsea Lf ...• .. »i 1 M
The Northern Messenger. may amen" war
.naum. is the casems•t Wumessee
he world. Contains theg/5p IMiai
...named has almen
edee.1 1___Mlag
fee old sod yon fees the
erem.um books for old and new ler
Agents wanted. Sam.le melee free.
' • Witness" Ono*,
‘t. cure Ton id, Iellmithistory Rim
1, Neendstia landiege. Weisel Ma
. P.ar and Toyama -b. Braises sad Sprains
111111111 men and ilo nes. and some tweots soort:
i.to everybody like. lopes ash! of tba athee•
ee per *hie" is never dell amid sever arrearte
*plat Ila Wad.
DenseereP knew that for Meet, Tee Flo
mowed I lean At there esdaisse
ferret as births hem sionati of
Ike cowmen peepase: tt is eel The
If It ham seen fusilier lets ilts maga
the Presidesilal *tartlets of ISID. mod
the hogfitalop of 1111111e the host thee is
out le sesmisay with The aim
Dolly. re math.
I Vicearadear .
Atedian INDS SIM new Wage
III 41.
H. SPENCER CASE' Bi k N tes Si*
peewee eie. gs Kiser vrost.iiimithos. Oat all
SW anal Dratan"