HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-24, Page 7Ir.-,--
THE 11U1:0,1
ID hotter..
• Mesa-
s~b. t i Mem be In
the beat et teeth, sad
Wing seMnbien with
take piss. -
p Istma►ed ed ga ases-
Ilvid.d .olid materiel
, is thrown into the
• meelsani.al irntaml,
edition tit the mucous
of that organ wbiob
it dugs • .a altogether
s ed dip.two. Whoa
ate quiekiy sad klli•g
•.pe p red fund is
ties Mies is rw.der d
'wisp its proper fees -
WWII Wafer tomtit,
1 be easpossary wads
is required, or the
leak of ouurrbmeoL
go on for years with
t setawetly ata.twatlng
s why he suffers
o a assn may haling -
Mottos of hurried
Ito euesequent loss of
g why be is not well.
mese of his illness
710 01 tablac
that children aro now
old than was the ease
it is still common to
eau take to .Series
swing a low-necked,
I -coated dress is the
Che two parts of the
Ppm pontos of the
wee portion t.f the
N *nest important to
e of 1 are
old is r.odersti lobi.
diseases on the uoe
mplaiut un the other.
of the dress is chief-
s work and embruid•
is about as much
wire stews, and the
R such a dress are of
'posing a cruel leu,eth
I. I cannot see the
lucid blue legs, and
behold them cumior
of stockings. If the
shape of the kg, that
led to 5e much *A-
A stockings ; d it he
the flesh, beaotifal
obtained by !daving
o at the artistic putt ►
d stocking is iufioile-
es and red leg.
t kitchen cabinet or
been designed by a
her husband, should
kV -cheer. The able,
.d. is ubloes is shape
It aootaine four
le mid of .boot the
Pi in the noddle, and
sir st the other cud
to be used for solver
ing material, brushes
for duh towels awl
o utlier .ether small
h washing aod bak-
e several *helve* and
of different s.ses f..r
g -board, rolling -plc,
ester. of the ton 0 is
t attached to • poste
l•.Me.Wt which .re
end Cranes to hold
tee that
be cranes befog w
✓ ay be turned hack
e 0 not ie use.
he back of the table
barrow shapes, a .-
e t large es'.ugb to
iriow knaves, forks
cooking, which are
vertically In ib.
• small c us d cats-
at►kept the cook b...k.
isuraadh, the dour
✓ provided with a
bock may be b. -I4
at the right playa
Teat value 10 sat wig
y weary steps, OM
n•tree.e. who hive
, where every n.cb
sated. By :to aide
las.ke0p.ul may be
• •aodiuo, and not
leo as earef0117 as
rill homework mom
r woman milled as
for rooms painted
s tortes,' ant d was
Ite...lutt ,m Th..
mei 1m 54 54101...1
aerobe to childish
Ivoledemery ghost,
rriaitl7 the shod*
w owsMe t.. we ui
els he brass-irte-
wr•. wit nut weal -
et of 'drawers ton
* Id; to he mood
14.04117. The bine
be furnl.h.d in
..01, bet more 1r.
'tench furniture of
1. Mee, ovnam•nt
n . Ta. b.d.tod
perm of the family
pod with cartel no
re India silk. A
1f1, toad with Mee
glue,. ehIQ•sj.r Ip
e d tot's. fetniture.
if Mee ...d rhtto
ted or temhoured
...s A ration r,.ek-
• sad .him sotto.
th4bNrsd i. ,trio-
ls, with ...wore
iso the fornitnr.
.in e+notal shape
et with ..pleeber
Ilse. with • tattier
..e4 mot Mae lined.
term. .red outb-
reak hooey metes
o lisi.et body and
bar? ee�
tees ere
l ewti►dy ah.ea4.
1 rows .f the nom,
gredeetd abeieM
pallia.. la.e may
gMi.eoreek a drpia Merit
„SMA is vele Mo. itattled Mb . trey
onsehir.. ►tbuecorm-
lumensed frilled lhelps
(.rajah the toilet able. Tbm roues
sot s.tabarnd with eramessery kart:
aerie, bat a dent -bag, oak -bask
ureameated in harmony with its w
ntsmdi.gs, are included w the seems*
faroitere of the room. The room
�.Ixlbed will hquire some eapwditere
atuaey, but in • case where moan
•messerily of mors sir .,eideratioe Sha
time, a set of old cottage (meanere th
hes bantam shabby fur use may bedew!
td, palatal a solid obits with si
white sub eearaelled blue with enamel
hog. which may be bought at any .tt.
dealing ha deeoreiiy• uateriala.
pretty (toothsome table may be
by say mason:us person, .tot 1110 nth
iUitage of the room can Ind mammal b
snag cheaper materials at a slight •
passe. Satoh • room sit very :..rely telt
some touches of brilliant rot. like a gi
globe of crimson laeyltemiuut nein.
, 1M/a mut rams.
The rapid mese,im of knowl.J,fi i
this country sod the general spread
Iutellig.oce lu all dames u a Jest mune
fur pride in the natiuu. Vet theta
a comma danger which wise men see i
this app.reot,tbiret for kuuwledge. Tb
men htmrdag up of fact+ Dom rout edu
cote a buy ur girt (hay so lar as the
receiver of uutruotioi dogmaa tbw know
ledge given him, w that he cakes it
leu own area is wiser and. Sly,
• more useful person, has he been .du -
mated ur led out (e duet.) of himself and
his selliebnees. The person:who .roam
knowledge in order that be a.ay be
sucudly elevated in the world, bemuse
to a tread Ashes.'. IM... ..
M Dim Nem elm era •
k "What et the noting. a,
el. :iters Nesll's 5 year-u•u •
✓ ca0eht west ,hf bre d.... 1
ry c..ftlu Ian Friday u. t•.. ..e
de Mrsoatt,uu A.a.aarr, ea,
of queel tom el Shoe. 51.. 4•J , .•
n th. bier.
11 ''Papa je asleep they .
*t "Why Is paps Ill that u.
- persisted.
ne "Ile eau sleep Note. .1 .1
• "(loud -eight, paps.••
41 She passed u.to the s•
A and was anon asleep
The mourners sat •18..411 't.
or the dead ir.mai. .41 tenths
7 Mhorily before 1 . 'cl... ► .
a• jog doe rout( on the •.I
h often sunimom.d h.m 1.. 1. .
ase aa alarm for the Polk .11.•.1 4.
sounded out. anu •.• r ,
darns shoo the little vii,
o into the room uI her I. biz
,t dress.
Sid looked at the sjlrrt a • a
la thou ran to the side of the m..
• Climbing on a chair she r.-,, b . .. 1.
• a.rbn and shook her bt h. r ' y •l.• is .
it is popularly believed that "give $ la
a grnd education aid he oaunut but c..w
So ride in his carriage, has made a fedi
cal mistake The maser who boards u
twin in the recess of ht. yau!ta is poor.
than • literal beggar, because he has
that ill has uature which pope/onto ht
ever *pouching iia goods save - for th
most meagre . Do the ma
that hoards up knowledge that he has u
power to use is mute foolish than • child
that bas learned well and mealy
few things. The mere
.omtsce and knowledge is ..t no more
value than the miser's board of gold
The tainting of the mind to meet the
vaned problems uI life which must be
thrust upon every person is the duty of
the parent. Tue oars who builds a
Douse wisely and welt is a better -educat-
ed man In the true sense ut education
thou the ..an who has learned so: tan-
,tuage• and hes no power to use his know-
ledge. Only .het. the knowledge so-
ywred lifts the po.sessor into the pure,
tagb realm of wisdom sod becomes prat: -
Matt doss it reach the d1Xuity of edues-
There a no m.we shallow method of
jedglug s eau than by his mummy.
A head "replete arab thuuglsts of other
mei." may pass for wise for a time, but
the first practical test d his
fully. As 0(117 an tribune mind emu
grasp wisely and perfectly all the facts of
an wliuii. universe, it follows that soy
attempt of • finite mind to du this must
shallow and trivial. As I
broadens it w d more clesrty
that 0 u out the law of Heaves that w.
should learn a11. but rather .*c... _
e peclaluta of certain brooches, i• order
to barn l7 whet we du learn.
"SJuta'hou i• its deepest setae," says
Reskiue"as out the equaliser, but the
dtswruer of men." It tin mea 4014,
their proper places. He is educated
who has learned t. be accurate, even in
the simplest bandicratt ; to d. well and
wis.Iy the ask, humour lowly, eat be-
fore bpm. He is se uneducated eau
vibe has learned Duly enough to daimon.
Ws work, and believe, that the mere .c-
quisitiuu of language aud science, with-
out 14.. power ••4 wing them, wall ur twat
g i.e him any dlatiiction.
"Pap., papa, wake sire trial,
"Ther. • a lire! Wake up!"
The I...,k• of the p...p.. s.. .
and the strange elbow. of •.. loth..
frightened her.
Wake up. please. pare: iso • _ L adage,
her voice hrgu.ou.4 4,, q.o.v•. 4*(:.1.
you ham the he.lt Y...'.1 int-• •.• et,
The father still nut ..pe4.1..1 •.1* r).
d she looked ar..eod woueer,Nel. .1 the
• added what .hr !hoorah. c...td o.•s 1.-
- to bring loin to hu fret:
p "Woke up, papa. Yuu';I m1.• h.• fi .
• and I. bum:
Worn h., d.d tot stir he k n.
s something was serol g, 1..4 1..'...,1 1..,
• tearful, puttied fare Io the .'at.• I..•op .
• "Never mind the bell. d,•h... ,
• one showered, "pope sort'' g(• the tit.
• "Bus,:. persisted the ••t...
gas up before when the owl. r..u. ; wh.
wouldn't ate get up; Wh.''. ...•w . .
crying fort What's everyle.o) cryo,,
And the troubled little child ho -.t int.
tears and, crying pato Isly a1 Obi she
did tied know, was taarri.d gent ....k t.
her cut to cry hers. If to alerp .•sin
(rue Lery's Leek.
"1 had • disease of the skin for which
Ms tried ev.rrthing .be twuld think of
site .ttbuui .Beer, but the first bottle of
Burdock /flood Bltt.r. Iwed, I fugal
relief. 1' gar. ate greet tiefaetiuu."
Lvov Vai*slaa,(,re 11),
2 Bosmeraii., Man.
else.. eras _.Arm,
"Boni Mut gut mai y p.s ..," mid the
✓ allaut L.gli.h arch Edward III, m
be pecked up n slken band of blue
c moped wlik,slter, which the beastafel
C.'ui,tess of 8.Ilethury Lest es she stopped
. stately m.+•ere with his maje«y .1
the great evert hell mew rhea i08 eve
ago. ••H'wts Boit qui and y phase,* mod
he clasped the rsbbrs ■roger his left leg
lust owl ,r the knee, thus awning hoe -
..if the first k.•ight of the Order .1 the
fierier, whom ...Main, • dark bier,
r..ld bordered bawd with • b.M* aid
wedging .4 soh K, hearing she.14 motto,
hes. bee'. and is still were h all the
great kaighi. and ramose ems in Sae
land - New Tutk !Iola.
Flea Melo /be tat. wy..e.d.
In all saw of wounds, braises, sores,
ems and .prains prompt amide N seem -
mart sod tits wisdom of these Mho keep
Hasyard'e Yellow Oil on heed is demon
,tested. It is w prompt, @fleetest and
n lj.ble cure for all Milgrim, erootp,
rheumatism, Vora Sorrel, Ota Used in-
ternally or internally. 2
•.oast. Ya»meN Mmaurussa's rrs5.d.
An Iisghah treat has paella's./ 11..
pr.u.riss in Trenton, N. J., for 0,000,
Ot10 •
Burdock Pills care.r.k headaebe by
regulating the stomach, liver .ad brow- -
.1.. lm
A matinee/es line of telegraph now
Mies Rorepe and llaet Africa.
eta: sherds Omahas?. Mae, alma
were, Veroitere, .ee, Sold by e11 drug_
frees.e ewe and Deids
And all Disarms of the Threst and
Cress eaa be meted by the el. el .sett'.
Needhius, se it emotese the hra"•g sir
tees of Cod Lis Oil rad 1111paphos
Omer felling term. Bee whet
rS. Mew, M.D., L 111.1).P.. eta,
?,..., U, a,. hiyea
p : "atom three s/
eapetk ... I ear chit butt's Rom.14.e
ole of the leggy beef le the sierMt
Val s 1 as PIIMIMIlis*. 4
Tetras. el !..thecae.
I can f Haggard s Y. li...
O11 me • sure cure for tooth.. he. 1
suffered fur several days, then 1 hew-
ed my cheek and lobbed the Yet."
Oil on it and wsit tn..nedlately reliev-
Has Davi. a AtiivtT,
2 R.. -...I. new
Tear* Yep Mrs
To reed aloud .11,11 requested.
To cults -ALM a chtrr'ul •rep.,
To help their mother and easier.
To wipe their bot. on the mat.
Tu run, swim, carve and be lire(.
Tu sow • button a..d to do an errand
To speak pleaaaatly to au old wom.n
To cut Lind togs and to nog. if they
To help the boy smaller than them
selves. help_
To pot every garment in Its props
N..t to tease boys smaller than them
T.. be honest, make • fire and be
To remove their hats upon enteriug a
T.• hang up their bate and rester,
their teacher.
To Seep their linger nails from wear
sun muurotug
T.. hold their heads erect and button
their tsotber's boot..
T.. hew kind and helpful to their sis-
ters as to other boys' seen.
T t■ke pride in hawing their mother
awl slaters for their best friends.
T.. close the d..or quietly, especially
when then is a sick person In the boo e.
Dena he a fain.
"'ben trouhlyd with • Coogh or ta.ld,
ret a hrntle of Wilw.n's Wild Cherry and
..use it at one., before It hes time to
settle 0a your lungs. Why
wish wee •nd untried remedies, when
this old and reliable curs may be got
from .11 leading drueeid•. Th.'wssuds
h.'ar fMt14,.ny to the remarkable ems
rive pr•upertiee of %hoe. Wild Cherry
iv ouch disease* a. Bronchitis, C...ep.
I Whooping Coegh, Colds. Court, etc
(lot the genuine in white wrappers
cooly. I m
There is an better remedy for worms
. 4 soy kind in children or adults than
Dr lew'e Worms Syrup 1m
■sward's aa.tm.a a Caret .5Mewsper.
11 Weald am aaewer.
A disti.giided el.opfywn, says the
New Y'wk kilos.,, has reeeetly eon-
drvi,ned ail mesal sal polite &dans.
W hoe, for lastest*. • stupid bore esti.
e pos yew, be tblwke you Dight to tell
him that you are nut rind to t.o him.
net that, nu the eoatnry. roe
* re Derry to see bras and that
lou wish he woeld go. This
mot of Metal Irankn.m would sot do in
oke poll ak. ea e critist of the eternises
hes tweeted oat. A ol.rgyo•n might as
.e11 quit meta/shine olio Arnold begin
his sere.,s es follows ' "My sough
meet 1swerest sad despicable hear*.., I
.veld kke te Dail your prayerful ateee-
tiro to my tent, het 1 know met .If
yne erre thi.beg ahem. ether tatters
amid that roe b set .naso her'. to Isere
pot , b
t rather to show year seed
t and emblem a tenial porn...
Te one linea . -Plow Inform your
readers that I !see • positive r ntedy
for the ahem seised 444..4.. Wet fps
timely w Aege n4. of hoping mess
Mee hue. esemeel 117 sece4. 1 shell be
ghhi Need toe Inman of my teased,
trans M say .treed. a obs Imre
meaaspf s. if Steill e mil r.. tais
lapses ass P. Q
lAespseffelty,4 mow l+rrameA. 'o.4
Best of All
Carets eledleiase, Ayers Cherry Poo
Sorel is he greater demand than epee.
DM preperatiw for Throat and Lang
Trusttles is so prompt to its •te.ta, se
agreeable to the taste, and o wide lis
knows, mo this. It is the family medi-
cine b thou.auda of households.
"1 hare .offered for year. from •
bronchial trouble that, wheue.er I take
cold or as expose. t to Ittc1euseut weath-
er, .bows itself by a very annoying
tickling settsativa in the throat and by
difficulty ill brnatbtng 1 tare tried a
great many remedies, lost atone does so
well ss Ayer's Cherry Pectoral which
always give. pt relief In returns of
my old coin *Int. ' - Krone' A. Heger,
Inspectortd Public Roads, I.artshTer-
re Boone, La.
• 1 cunalder Aper's Cherry Pectoral a
moot important remedy
For Home Use.
family, litany times during the
1 have testa! Its curative power, lap=
tl.lrty years, and have never known it
to fail It will relieve the most serious
affection of the throat and lamp,
whether In children or adults." -lies.
Y. (:. Edgerly, Council Bluffs, Iowa
"Twenty years ago I was troubled
with a disease of the lungs. Doctors
afforded me fru relief and considered
my case butwles.. I then began to win
Ayer's I,.•rry Pectoral, and, before 1
bat howbeit one I.rttie, found relief. I
cautioned to take this medicine until a
cure was effectvl. 1 belie.. that Aysell
Cherry 1'r.•tor:d sated my We.
Samuel Grtg;;s, Waukegan, 111.
"Six years ago I contracted a Was*
co1.1, which settled on my lungs end
10044 developed all the alarinisu symp-
toms of t'onsuru .tion. I had a cough,
night sweats, hie, ding of the lungs,
pains in chest and .ides, and was ate
pe�etrouwl as to be confined to my
IMtI moot of tba time. After trying
various without benefit,
my physician finally determined to give
me Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took it.
and the effect was magical. I seemed
to rally from the first dose of this
medh•ine, and. after using only three
bottles, am as well and sound as ever."
- I;uduo'v Johnson, 8pringtleld, 111.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
raaPAee0 '
n l
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
&old by all Druggists. I'no• e1; us bolieer.6.
SASH, E00.1 and BLIND
I>••alera in all kind. of
• builder's material of every description.
School Furniture a Spwialtl
is Masi weary, so >, ohs pain
-tis teed. 1••14.1 et dustbin Mmetterm. n
leder,, is the 1 .4. lar, elm,
sad doe bs abseil Morins; loot to e:' m as
aborthesee; breis d glop. s; eat aewepapes
w woo; lkm ma now m mot- y rid. Mi-
aow m wiry plat that atom of ptelsbis
asr..da Aawotid.a is aa ad emoted t, away
pat sad.- -.d 1y fee. 71. do d0Ctwa of =Y:-
- Ir! tmdstsal tt, cad t1.dr sinks is bassi
is as aides, d ane thea twenty -1M yuan la
plash( tatvweftlag amtraats far sap of f!a la:gest
dM test amental Mrsen.w. A r-
ot. osis 1st two idlers: sample amiss 7tw.
. P. ROWELL & CO..
1e..p.per Ad./ruing Pur..
to (lessee St., New Yea
O.A EI A27DRE88.
Pittbros., - London.
Impaners of
Canadian Apples.
ee Siesta Yteurta-ea . Lea/.., ass.
Consignments solicited and
liberal advances made the eon.
'Fall and Winter i !
Ready • made Clothing
Prices to suit Pur-
MCIT Bt CI_e.tttett Orr.
The Tatler. Ween.
adv f1e..kae ayoae5. arab /1.41,7
Fere It.0Y. L.sres4 is ear m
Iliad w..adertae .,.•.d.
Snare child wale mdeN erre.. 1 a.
ureas t-'---- M Ow4.s.�ar
..w ol..a,- .r . Wes t e.
1■ m`u.i 1
1 i 1' . r .�.r thh.'."
t✓4. • t•ince.
�rw�a•w� t Jdah�
rim `eros A.... N. I f.
LAGLR (Bottled)
In ,ea r. - v1.• by
lW ogle ra.M� e�/se}a..ass ob. .a.yw. G
bet0 ,er wlddlistasrrraseoboe•.sow..
and o w .sysM. We Fp J •Uraser. Adistwo r a,. a ira. s-,+,.. 61 .11.I(loN I4i4M'1i. I.t*l)1Itl.'ll
lassansammaskaasai THE RtY-Th,L^L;1/
'Ciro 1 r tis .'terse I dont! me -01 n.•vr'y 1•
•)!r;. ,•soon
tor .. t Imo, see then halve ti.e'n t'♦
-n a"aln. I uKAO A RADICAL CLitd.
1 Lave tatuJa tL o disease of
X'',`TS. T.'.PII.EPS'Y or
r Arima SIC ESB,
,i!t41e4 t 44 r. 1 WAattAt0T my remedy to
l' ISCJf,9 R r,; d4'a. became .then liars
fooled a no r1::.o.t f..r not now rsseet ria g a ears
t-)tilre.r.ne, t..ratreatSousenda?Ste:.Ilarttat
of ;y rar,ttiytp 1'.attinr. Give Ecpce s
r'td Pent Mee. 11 rota yard nothic.: 101 a
Ii..II, and f: t• 1:1 air. you. Address
Tr. It, i. LL•)e7i. a7 7r1.4 L. 2ero.te4 Jet
The hichest price in cash paid. for Cast at d
Wrought !crap Iron.
1 have on hand
of various Ueda.
W.rer,..m near Victoria Street Church.
Grain ?nd Seed C earsPr
1. neoersity 1 us he the h. -r,, ma-
chine made fur tt,uro u.hly cloning gra. n au.l
seeds of ail kind.
Separates all Noxious Seeds
and chess from grain st else cleaning, Malay
and cleaning all tomtits seed at the naaw
l line out ..f any kind of g. non- 1t ran be Otte.
into any (►,Slag m111 without removiag Ih.
shoe• no matter how old the mill m, and
make, it do as goad work or better taws t11.
most Improved sew mills knows.
It allows n..seed to bet Mown into the chaff
It Cleans Speedily.
arE? 'ry cleaner • s rr. m • ,. N work ss re/re-
mated or no salami
Innrdrring M mail dugs Iasjde width of
aline and name ..t maker of mill if convenient,
sad .f .hoe h+a side shoe. or the old taddea-
.d hired skate.
A large Quantity of
on land manufactured fro a Apron's white
quartered pile.
..l)rdera by mail pr•.mptly attended
to Shipped toasty point
C+oderioh, Ont_
17 -ft
18 TO
Carry no Plock ever raven one Magna le meth. '. eves it we have to«nar• ear raetla +own
to COST AND UNDER With this .ye t u 0Mw, we are • tortes eon (Koch of
Wixzter 1vri1lixiery
atOriginaltr. Lo+l Oest. ' .. two Plashes, MR ant Mesh Rlh•... sit ate' foe ie .take wtoo ear 1
38- l m, Rest -et, a /dertch.
RA]&ZLTON BTitiour. s.
!time net reeeive�a choice stock of Groceries, Dry Omits andCoaled Fa�iaililntewhieh I will sell CHRAP FOR CASK Allan nota.'
FLOUR and FEED esuslently on hand. Call an 1 s ,am i n e
goods before partitioning elsewbslra
Farmers' Produce Taken in Exchange.
At Mtlne't Old lltae4. lrrlafMes
Dolockn•. It!trck rAr" i.t^i',..ate
Dawes. Klclne•Tv sled 7.:vet, ; ss
NICE 47'0t1601y w,thout we.J0 .r..• t
ova:cam, ell the tin iuriticit u.41 foal
L• tuuurs of 4 -.ocreth:eve ; at tho moots
tans Coned -113g Ac .t'.-ty GZ the .
Inas naoh, ctub,44 BUi ....atm, Dye -
peptide, Beadachr . Dillvdt e.•,
Heartburn. Oonetapaticnn.. 7)?yawls
of the Skin, Dram,Dimon: of
Vision. Jsut&oo, daft Rbe'm.
Nryw1 ,alas, Serot' n. Plato :'i:rg l7�
the Heart, RorToatneas, unci. Gee.
oral Debility ; all three and many
other a•intilrr Lc04.10,1014' j.la to the
inilbeneo of BJI.DOCZ
Hi.00D .IiTi1:R8
s �t6RT i flee. lts.ekitss, S'r_'eler
The Mem lwaew•fal Remedy emu 41n.w
*red.. m M andel* In Its sleds and dams
int hil•sm Mead pivot bolos.
orrice or Cams .= A. Anoint
mamma or
cUrrma.v arm Taoism* * ores Rosen II
awlawamis. Eta., loos- sl tit
pa Medi
�f lasuanty.at 1 ttidarl in1145 !• Crocus earth. !lime a moa la
a, say *. lar Wes yaws.
only truly. (141. L anima
Ihmosi.0*, t. If.. i.,5. t. NW
Da. Cu.
�: r
mar Few •••••••
.W ns�s,,,m,•� Its w••W.mvekSn M ..s.,�ell rmms�i�i
eons I..tThar.r Troy heard ' cis
.r, wryer.* Cowry, Omto, Da* NILA `J. Itruoiaii. et,.
Gents: Keel it int dotty to say what! la►mi drew
with yaw Rendall. apart. Cera 114... .crit
Sweaty.. hors (fat had 1a..1L. acme
Riad pe.r, ata. add. seri sN14 .Owe*. 9a f
r.w.d RM Jsw. aae.1 have 1 www your
t-oka .red roiloset uoe d4.5et sew. awe. ones
lost• we of any octad_
Tu.. tray. I Tomas. •
None roots
omen par hold? .rrat:►iny With. 'r
ate• I.a.w ti .w ewearme.seM4ys�teaarftygcta�.. 5 µ
.o.. in anyn. tm.ua.0a. nrw.vca s
BOLD BY ALL maroorwre.
11 .4 .' i .•10.1
Thr put. c . e . • ,irdll.fellio heflow
tt'NN,0%f ria ,aerMA -., by AE.sQasMka1 teem
wait wit. • ...• hranobea at the
.•M e'•••d. ►n '., •o •. ' • olio...-.
plod• r a ..• di e..•! •11.44, or 'orates proems.
0614.1 .e•• i... "wee h•• .eon. -Aoome-
1r1 in .•. I..• . ..4.01 .e the 1104.p•.•Pel.+•a b . • r 1.4 shit 1; for
,e• rit14r .err.,• uoe•. • �'. hm..., .iba.r h'
11.e 4.5 . e• t'r.w--e` • oil .n •retoad 16
Ihr tenor, ran.
O,wr1.t Aeh vervvt 'n . . rr • of .1.• rows.
T' a 15'►.• and 1... .d .,.n. and IW
al en .•.n 11.,..1 •MI.• . .•A. it, ...p,..
I hass rl.l. neo WIMP/ ••'1...'Un.c mr elm
1Metwe f ,r 'heir 1.11 •. N ret g 4.14 h' 4,1.1540
pr toe re .r.hln •A u,.. w, a tri err and
41.11*, 141,4 .4104 takes 1.1.•..nrw la re•...w.@ei
Id (lig Ml, no.. re, If- ,'. ... 1 vi .--1+ wise
mu M ie'.w4 .elf a eh .e.osehiy niilaWem•a.
et • ► A. Y. l'11.1.11L
ttnderich Scam Boiler Works
P. .MIN e - woe.
CI rystal St Black,
N a5. rs•w nren end 4ust.., Is
Are.* (Niter.. Pao I'..na Tanks, Viktor.
awo..eerarlta *.d all 11mM et sham
tem, iaera.
1«wo•"r *51.111.'. ' 111114. CSrl.m
RN..m•.t: ear rebs ...r 0. r wend g0ghres. Y
h1,.rr .n., ilia* 41 g.... . very 440aetblibe.
0.5.- rioting.. lipe sad Pim PINI eat
• 4511 ASnte.