HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-24, Page 6RHE HURON SIGNAL. FP" ► AY. 'AY. 94. D90. .s .ti tdtte3 CONTROVERSY. Ile Meeertsm MewMe• se tae umsssstker. AM is Iloilo fleas talo threes !limes a the hems .Mt. Loewe, Oct., Jan. 11, 11100. Tei the Moat kseavead, the dreAbisIop (elect, ej the Deems of Kit.g (u.i, Kisser tea, Ott. Mir Loral Aacott1•woe :-Wb.o I lost had lin leauw.r tat aIdreeslmg you 1 ..p- p..svd, 1 .tel thsok, th•tib. mature Su betw..0 ea had been est fully d•w•ut.ed Lhst au Intelligent pobl►e wee so . I,u.tunn t.a proytuoae judem.mt spoilt r.r.iu, sud tb.t ti would be bet Sar.teaeo,t ewes to Indulge••• to multi - ....,1.111 furthertltn:u•.tuurow, but yr multi- p., Iw 1.1 lead• use le re .omsider esy d.. 1. s, sue, et the risk of w.arytaa my •edt ace, to erase IMO Uterio elect be b. In{ moues the roue of t•.ur Gram'. aye • .t«•..tow what ha. lung .tile!1 bees ty -.rem u. yuur fellow climate. It eeweeiy needed your ateemsonot that w.41 I..r • pwct••d ut test years uceupt- • 1 j ,.;.., ,, •-item to call atteutI•.0 to th ut., judicial character of your • a • estod sud attera..oer,lur have we n ot tt eaewplill d iu obs calm and lave,. z .1 j n tg.ueut which yen patted spots the Pt .teswtt Kine asd young w ore •1. ..t the protium in which you Mee f w.a at out apparent in Lbw upio Me. which you se recently ezprts•ed in lits .•o•, se regard to your Prutestao fe•o r ves a-«•., well has it u..t Urea de N O. deo ey year utterauoe with re - goo ., i' -i .wp.l C.reu and the thou s....' •.t .•.our •I.r,Cit us btg.L. cots •• .oma et t ileo I+:yu.. Right& woo rmeut, W ••e nnt•.ui ..1 tote judgtua. t ytte ort« peaseed lir pruuouuce upon the • b1►... • e e..disldoal rhu In now address . • •.1 1 w �.t asci, h••weeer, overlook the ge.u.s ,d.busuauey emelt your tiraor w illos.ellistese by your c•.rrespttudeuoe w .r oete.hsl.y w that portwu of tt which dell• •sits the dusdvautages uu ire when•. you :•bur in having to newspaper W _ ,0•11 your Coors Surely s. *w itisu.t • 1.•41,1au, w distinguished a Mew eie•ao, on erudite a jurist, w ex eeNwat a j•.dlte and sot pre-euuuent an m.tleaseasee .equtrw uo such ads'et.tiunus. •IJ w eke a.s..tatite of a . , but enh• el beets deemed impertu•nut may 1 sea 'her Orme if you are not, ho .< I+wi«ntteg, • tittle unfair to that once grout •swan of public opinion, The Globe, for hiss et lot doomed your livery, dr. fewi•A weer position and ebo.en you fur step • u., •bile you delegate me to the l•.1, dem of retainer ut my "pat- rols. Tie Mail "1 Pard0 ibis digression and let ine now heves your .t•eutton to seat are the real .vuea hetweeu us. lu toy speech .t London` 1 quoted • Lon) • R••uss. Cathulsc jocr.al, publish- ed .,• the city In which you hyr, which addrraws ttaetf eepectally to those of your d •ck and whirr. gore to them and to the R .men Vathelsc elector& .1 the prov...ce mole too it. ,c the ac' inn whmh should take -based upuo the foe kwug aL•ieiarilt : Jlug. as we do, the balance of p •et.*e's the f.eeons, we are, if • 10 t.. ourselves and to the crisi. ilia wt to coupe up •u leu, ind .peudeut of either and ran dictate the terms u;i,U giblet one ur tither shell rueetve ant app .r' I t... •lalewent, i am. I believe to repr-.s••.1 y .ur view.. t pon this you adureeeed ai see your first latter and in reply t.. it I n•+oepted what I th..ugbt a... IM, plaits s. ferenee frits It --your rete sed tarn... of the sentiment of the. run •t.i - sod nor only dad I do thst puhl,oly. rout 1 ur•on.t.w•1 111 .uy future sddr.•..en to remove rite IwWee' on wbt••h .sty r«snails ought have produced by tere.e it, audience, %het those sena intents - v o.,t your Grace's ■1d that you ensued sub me in conde.nntni. them. Iliad you no other object in •t.. Al.', to call upon um to pot right may erroneous tmprea.ton that my re- miirk. might have tient d with record to your ser.umente. the corresp .ndence might have ended there, but this was not your uhject. as became apparent when you foluaed up your first letter with another assorting toe violently for basing wade an att.cs upon the Roman Csthofica sod having dechted for a peliey of oppression of thet.- cttar.ek the f.1..•y of which was iia eat dent that they hardly required from me the answer sled dental which 1 gar. N..w the .l...te point of the matter w' far as the quotation sad my attributing ort you its seuuments a coocernd Is : Was I right in attributing those eetti- men,e t. you Y .or refusal tt repudiate them and rear 0.a.i•m of making kits aer t.. ••.y Vice/ton, as t o w hether you di. ..r do not approve of thew, 1 ■m bound to say, jusu6 •l m.• it. retur.•ing to my ongu.ae Vie. th.t throe .nntintrni. ontneale 0.1 ,1 yonr own t.,wa. Y •u ..k why y..., should any snore repaint.. the titer - •no.. to •pr..t.o,. Olen i ah..n',t th s, • f )Ir S .'om•.n Whiff. on the .Irl I.er ..f &Sant: t-i.w1. 1 poor by yni r $I-.uosI 11 0 th.t Mr Whue is an mid%Peate .of wooer. non, wish the •Inch ..h non that have it from Mr Whole hiense'1 that lee waver d'd adt•wre at.... 1.1..41 t.. Ib. Baited States hut eel d••clrr.i Lie pre- ference for p...:itie41 anion to commerce*. denior., and rave his res• n. f.,r • , dour, but ee. o if he did what you charge boon with I am not s.hsm••d to srkuow edite him my friend, and 1.. say that ut r,rm of hi. petri..tic .1.1.4 •ipers the ileo) go.stitei., not i.nly 1 hut Si. c•untry seem g•nerslly c.su aff ii.d to f••r."ve hen pan that vagary, mere he ti.srte•tsie with it. But the eases are not parallel, i ven- t•r. to point not. for two ttaa•n.• at mos agape w lila ssalassa that Ii5 qw 'emus .ed tate Miele tcit whisk is tetters atilt apesWied matter, lot the 4s1 is ea Os the solar Maud, I have w eoatro', sad du toot pre rind to emeritus try, .net Mt While's etimartem, ser Il id ►o suss sh to speak ler say party or to odor it soy advtee or to direst iia meiotic (Y) Thos. who knew year Orem vws.d e.rtaiob jedging by their pad elportanes o1 dile, DOI be able at tome le may is enforestes to the quotation, ' • Thom rsmtastmots sr. sot the sentiments of the Arehbishup of Kisptun," but the ouu- ttmarr�� Marie awry se who keows w wu01d ort he 11g•aad to be told that 1 did sot approve ammonium •wttmeuts ur HAM 1 sea loyal t0 my endive trod. Bat the whole p.rpuw of your attack ie •rasspsrsnt. You see my platform *Suede standing ground 1.+4 Prttesteut and Human Catholic ahk` ; that esy principles um nut at ourI.*Iiug the rights of tie Roman Catholic misses or Isalrmu- reg his hewing d ooaselrnee, bet teat t e Asa of the adeptio• of their •ueld tis w �ai.ti.aw hitt tit ressst.og the ata. e.rtsis at least of the hierarchy upon he. rheum r a mimeo and as • ..au. This artstims whisk has beeou, t al's. it b. pits demo, will ow.tim.e to .row sud spread emit it shall be rec•g.itzed Irvin sea to .ea throughout this gra Dominion-- that .bile the fullest liberty of shall be accorded to a newtons bodies and ovary ow d to n, tb State shall kuuw and reuogtoo Church asdiem eat tams ,ur abuse th - otter and .bat to all Lis obligation..obligation..duties and **Mamma to the State the e.ti z•w'• action u not subject to caitrul or dictation from either priest or preseyss I ter, bbup ur Pope or any other .•cte.- 1.•u.sl authority whatever. For sects 1 devoutly wish. Your Grace believes it your duty to op Li ' pose a no have u quarrel with you ler so doing, but set 11 wimpy*. whack you use be those of hut. motile w•t'tarr, tut uufac efforts t, into r•preseut your opouneot• in order that you may lead throw with whom • gaud otsb',p must n.ce..$rtly have great in dueness to believe thous oppoueuts to be .beer so.ueea and onetime el their rely . tu tots and turc lent bigots, who would take from them the liberties which every freeman in • free couutry has th , right to employ. Shaw to your tel.... .•Veleta that you do not bold the i.e. teat the sod jwufies the means, face the issue 'queenly, dixu.• it fairly end I are c,u- teut to abide the result. 1 have the tumor to be Your Orao•'s obedient servant, W. R. Msltsortn. least (1) Yom clans and aeseri meet rent wady, 1 am told, your control of thn•r who are of your d•.ek in the dn..Iin .•1 (talth and morels, and 1 jotter froom stmt ap.bi.pisenpal otter,nees, whiek y, n ere • d•abtl..e familijy with, that the benne • rebs of that A..tnaiw are of a enwewhet abide and shiftisp ittseseter Now i assert that tA• anew* of the no .tettrtts i, etiolateily ittttmnr.t mod lease It fol- 1 Mail. Aber that distil ur.,I.. it room rase remiss is Ilse aselo maarw 111 yew I maim M yes pia isim NNW iw mrd uta dNeetk,R to MMtsesst Me infirmary, wham N epda fs Met haeskdve at laud hey vagaitio year Ot1,k Veersst it, or y approve of IL Yid My ail opt whiei= led diltsaos post Nees•, bad yen ass - a Tax PALACh, Klxoerox, Jae. 12, 1890 To William R. Meredith. Lep.. to C.. Dasa Sts:- Having got an tutee's' of oat after severe appuwtion to official business during the peat week, I have the boner to tura my attention ague to you, as in duty becud. C. , however, have reach- ed me (ruin venous quarters, suggeetttpr that I =tight well allow you to leo gout way at present, and that generosity t.. - weed" • v.tsqutsbed a•wtlaut will he ap- preciated by alt h.. h minded people. 1 410 &eked what need se there of proceed - .ug further watt the aoutruversy, shoo you bare thrown down your arms and .Ikea til, gerbil I am also reminded that by tddang to your humiliation, tbauu.lh ex - miser.. of the remais.tug fallacies of you. last and former letters, 1 may become chargeable with striking "the men that s down. ' I *.n o..1 uoa••nsible to the farce of these s igg Vu the utter hand, when I consider that the tbree mail passages in yo.r last letter, which I hal u.arked for special orlticmnns in the ".nmmieg up" of the o•se, have hewn presented by you to the public In the f•,r.0 torus of bare wertton,buld and reckless, without any semblance of reasoning I•• support them, it 'wenn hardly worth while to waste valuable time in their aoofotat,on. They cau do no hens. The humblest ruNdligeuoe can perceive their ewpuoese •,.d a' regards two of them, pardon the for sayioq, their childish:1,1 volity sad petulance. Wherefore. so. i forbear pursuing you with ar.uwieuta that nm. appear unueee,- o ary, i.. aUpplensent ul my review of the controversy bet.eso you and me b,•lure the con .,t public upon!:. I bat. the honor to remain, Veers very respectfully, 1 Anse VINCENT CLEAR%, Archbishop of KiuR.t is. The •e•e.ee or Adaertblw: tips well advertise! 0 .od inveigh ; but how 1 Alin, men embark in business enter Matta and bee money. M .,y sun « luat.dor money it their • tion• to wire-- tlae sad yet derive but little benefit from the outlay. Ad..rnnne ia a acien,. ; •1 requires t , he studied. Like every cher investment it rtgnir.e to be ter.• w.1 on banalities princ.pl.• Yoe pay r• meal meter for an n.ueh publicity. T... shrewd advertiser well sec Ire pose - city •m•'..g the people be desires to .paeh and Ste that he rete the neve •d ;hie rat am. The advert ger strew • et with wowtethiug he wishes the pub- lic to know. The .d t will net -wake hie geode bettor than they are ; it 4/111 not furnish the readers of it with tnoner to boy them ; nut if it ie prepared pr..per y it will put bmf•..e them evenly what the twerehant w.shea to tell them. That is its ..hj.et ; the merchant's offers .nd tM gn•lety of the giewis moot answer for ih.•.w..1v... And just here it may I • remarked that wsendaeity never pays -- • raver has from the days of Anneals* dee a. If as advertiser hie/Mies a cow tumer eitti offer• that are not implement ed, o by the h•anss hetnew s his ad•er- toseare.• and his basun,.., he will Inoe t'•• c nfadsoos of that ce.torner,and pow aero! s • rood ed is it °annus m.k• truth ..et of fsIMh..od. T li the teeth ! Awl mak. •oar sd•erlie•roesla attest tit,. Rp.eielise ; talk business to your soismerers Kits• your offer plainly, briefly 14'..', resort to elre•ellesetmn. Deet fr.. about year apse.. A reseler Otos (ot. she mime of • few weli played lines wham 11. moth, west May to ., to roe•«... • ''egslr. illeat rction of rr - dsMtlkMy. Ash ba partk»htr all oat 114.1 y.,.. erne Itrarphody ain't writs goat atv.vtiaemsata TM4 Ta, it M r bet there tui ilea elm Hags MSS is sidles Rood as. Lei year s Us.c• • p par pa s piss d $3,000 I.- the writing d • mils • ree- tiaami.-pusit- millest foe the mi. -puss kawomieg it - mil Im its ems •.Iomes. A bagful bee mad bee Ihois.sadt of dollars is p Mee for a.py. 0. • pod omit m u eyed in this work by • Phtledetu►•• twreso' ile Ores, and Stress a Lewin salary •g than soy r.lsrl employed oa. ep.p.t anter in Cons& Aud these me ••nu know the impanos of ".•sed witty." ham .• If you meet write the f ads. it trill pay tiro to get somebody who can d.. it. mauve • put your matter int. amauve .h.p. Wino 51 goes out to the public. Every kindly word and fee of •, es •r• g•.41 d. ed and thought, it, cry tir•ble asti'.0 and Impulse, is like the •rk- .let dove. and retards frpm the troubled waters of life bearing • grain olive btu °b to the soul That beautiful ah..7 sheen, so mu, admired in hair can be a -cured by t . ■ se of Ayer. H•.r Vtip .r. There . .nothing better than this 1, strengtbe.isg the sea'p and keeping et free from dandruff tied echoer ere,, - 1100111 last vetoer ••t hills wad to nhl • t»r«ro ent.l awl• h heeled •11 .«INan•. I deetorgit mob mere thing 1 . ••.Id get Mil to un •v■s . tr'ns1IJ I .:set Maryard'" Peeler I lit •m••. 41'01 rare her tan dotes aA oh twp..•.e i hoe, and to $ • e. -k •8e was w..l.rrlr ettre.l nit uta 11.0. MRS C Nosoai., It lto•/ell, Out. .1 Mens • b. sed-tas•Md. Secretary J•ekest, of O•.tle t;•Atm, New York, has received the fol' wing time hooch -keeper H Collie, who ,ryes alone at Let ht,ridge, in the Srt•isb lJueeu'a dontiniotr. in i be remot- 1.1 rth •est : • Data SIR, ---I reed to Om New York Netted sometime ago the. you bad prt.- v•ded some seen out w.et .i 1, wive,. Heine iu want of one myself, I thought I would see if yea amid do tt.e same for me. 1 hese a gond farm sod hotel, ur road ranch, here, and am pre,.y .111 nisei. I would like to tet a good ac tete girl, about 23 t.. 26 years old, who oats co .k and look after the dairy work. I would like a fairly gad -looking gir', but stn not parts. Mar about the crus plexien, as keg as .h- t. 1 of ver fsi. •,r red headed. i would pret.t an Irish, ••r English, or Norwegt•n girl. I au, iriab myself, and am an Epi•cnoelta.. If you can tied inc • girl I wooed hit you to write to me when to expect her to 1 live forty miles from town, ani would want to be in to meet her. 1 get my mall only once s Werk. s., w••uId llk. as ouch notice as p,o ,b:e b f..re you start the girl. Dart '.Isom 5..ds. A little ut 1:oib..nn's Parisian Balm applied at night, will soon render the - hands soft and white Parisian balm u delightfully perfumed. Sold by alb druggists. 1m rue DevU MAL Dr H --, who'. pastor of the Ortbo- d,i Church, had been for sots* nine au- to y.••I 1ny the forwardness of • la) brother to .peak wli•ouever an opp..rtun- Ity was . ties ed,to the frequent es slu sion of those enh .se remarks had • great tendency to editioetlon. This had 1.e... earned so far that the pastor whenever be stated that an oppr,nuotty .cold be offered to any leeeher to give an exhor- tation had sleep' a secret dread of the l•gnactous mew ber. On one special occasion, the latter prefaced a prosy, incoherent harangue with an account of a c.ntrt..er.y 110 had been carrying on with the great au •weary : My friends, .aid he, the deco end I bare been lighting f .r over twenty minutes. Ne told me not to -peak tonight, but 1 was determined 1 would. He said some of the test could ;peak better than I, but .c11 i .ould not keep silent. He teen •ho.nored that 1 .I.o.e to., often, add that nobody wanted t.. hoar me; but i w,a me to be put d awn that way sod now 1 have gained the victory, and I most tell you all that el in my heart." Then followed the tedious harangue aforesaid. As they were coining nut of the Ps. - tion -room. the goof -saetar inclined his head •.• that her month approach -d the ear of the mehtant m«enher and eh eper- ed, "Menthe I thunk the devil was right. ■esard's,.sateseot t. 0500 by Physicians Skin D seas.• are keel earo.eine bs- cies.• so noticeable. Ur L'Iw'. gels bur 8 isp heals and elean•es the skin. les r r., • . , ' ,l, 7! -fir IMPORTANTI 110euterbsellat tt.e.wr.elem to le•.Mth at Well Kowa Ca-adlews wbeas Oaaw wore t. awam epos Iagrosobli Prom the few of the h adnde of Wears we have received kiwi those who have bees restored 1e health -sad strength by the toss of that wonderful decovery, Poise'k Celery Composed. we soaks a few extracts. We hope that the thou- sands of Canadian wive sad mimeo who are seeming from •dumas std wasting demises, will profit by thee Tres and plait stateeseab of facts. D. S Davidson. of Montreal. mimed fu yen with aervooa dyspepsia, pain it his back, aad . He tried dor- ion without reLd, was losing Gash espidly. std had abort gives up heart whet hs comwie.ced the lea of Pane's Celery Compomid• "Noir." he rays, "1 ass a new- ness. 1 deep well std my food does tet bort me." Mr. Jas. Jammu. jos St. Charles Bar - ranee Street, Montreal, was weak aad envoys, had no appetite, and ootid not rest at tight. His is nerves were soothed and strengthened by Pairne's Celery Con pound, and he soon became well met .51058. Artie Costley, of River Reaudette, P. Q.. fot:.d the Cumposod a certain the for weakness, and now feels as well as she ever did. A customer of Harries Bios., drug- gist, Hamilton, Ont., told them that he was merely aped of nervous weakness by the see of two bottles of the Compound, ether everything else hes failed. The little debt of Mts. G. E. Meredith. 76 D'Arcy St., Toronto. was cured of Si. Vitas' Deuce by Haoe's Celery Conposmi YlcIALOA'� Sys11QI l :a heetrwsintr the StaoJard %lyd,ctne •• •tau day. Penises caillue ur •sltuy 1r.... ,11 psi i. of C.ua•la at.d the Cone' State for the System R -:meat, r It never f. tis to cure :.i.pure. w•-• tnd lush .rerlsh•.1 t•t.i•n' dy.pep.o. •heewta.n, 1...• , f me' y. etoechtt.• on•wcycu•.•. gall stole., lauml,cr. it.. •.ey .111 U1 linty aloannrr, St Vitu. l48.0e. lemma arr. ,lulartncs .. J vetoers 111.n:.f.rt0rw1 only by; 1. M. 11• LKUU, Sole* Patentee, hetet(«f t.hu., as "rhe 0:.1 D••.:Inr,• ) tr•gate-s•.. Gt.drrit 1 , 4) t. The System how valor is sold at 81.00 ono fie 0U s« r b..' 1 A COOK 800K FREE By conte any!•tly ssadag seitspilaf dike :.Idross. W ••L's, aktar/ss. d Co , Moalnal. 9CordsI 10 HAtZACHL (OURS S ion r al Win tee o&tataoas to seim5i0a rrom meimei d pert .s. tore mine.Whose Urn ts a s�a•.mso f ee wrm��drib. mum sew aeeepe. ineLbar Mae elms MO re, wish sorb e..sm.t b W am oi•issMs gaol everybody r me weir era rats mewed eelt1.mNrt1ssM. ',doh.* pogo or emeoraettata tame. ileo it ok sow. w wmYnit w AeyNd to all MAIL55ena 11.17 05• .tt.0wsa • raw aboal0 •yrs ow. w ul a Nt7emet M. WObMye,1At Book .11rltrl't Ideal me nlik,y, pones $K t:u avl•rnge. sit. i�u will equally adorn CYCLOP EDIAS- Tls- f••:2 i in- i • ;:-t :ni 'er-.writ•, ,,a ill lrll;.: ,n . t' .nh>otrsad Bice of 1 1:::a'" 1 Agents .. '. .•7. V• c!vd.. i'7t.a, t;nr.ia. (`aC %Sgen£B Apptrt.'•r N, t1". a ettlf .1.•1.0.4. • r .':bt rife twaaw•1. a 41 �. Mea Wanted wtJ.w•.:1arg.>rd u ALDV'1'S Mks rt;,a CTO[.ort:btA 11 the BEST for pol..dar tt•, ria well as ll.enpest. Sperlmen papa free. Cyclopedia tat -en i � excheare. Mention the, paper when Non write. JOHN S. ALDCN. Publisher, 35 reel at., Raw Yom: a t Wasiak Av., Coos.; r& Wbesbd 0L. Arum*. SEES A M JPOrL E ...$; Mai Mlles e4' t aper.. wlw•rw ye. ir yne wies• lois. let nertdty saved. A tiee.atelei t5 e• prima OSA, waew io the ram to � -NEW ISSUES Severy week. Cetirsiogste. 96 wee. tent free : lowest prieesever known Heroic !look Case (lux two aielr•a 00 to .10 00 ; he kis 123 its 1:.11 volume. 01 atom attic l.; of furniture of c.loml coed coltun.d hos.. D1SCOUNT l in.le .'deem toy Cutttemere sad, the MMIC rpaetally that I Mee decided t f oiler Me of Mama Ises emit fur SPOT CASH I real of, all patetismo of $1.O0,and Ism ilio. •3.00 ; 10 per off all eurchases 010.00 sod upward. tin goods 01 m7 owo meaufsotere b per lent will be allowed. (hare to hand vee of the largest aced of BOOTS & SHOES eta n the I1umi•iau, a detailed lint of welsh would ocoupy'tttsrs moos than the "Ni! - 165 is prepared to give : within it to say it eoapriewl levity irMsbie Baer% be ound with the beet Mansfaclurers of Osaada. livery line i• already merit. d BELOW ACTUAL VALUE end the abut• terms take my stun the Cheapest place is Cased• to toy your skew An imw•tue stock of RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES tele both in Canadian sad Atnrricss, Gluts Goodyear make, which are subject to the same LIBERAL TERNS. A Large Steck of Ladies' Imported Lid Slippers, very Ins. Call and all them- - )or. )Wt -let. and Square. -ret•IrtamWr 'WORT// ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD.- -ti, peoelte enho have pnr.r Merl WANZER LAMPS wren! GEOI GE W. THOMSON '1 .11 1et,.rep to pts truth of the above stat,•iwent. erEerry fwmlle eheeid tier. who sr two se leam.‘111 PRICE REDUCED TO 114.00 EACH. cane. low Awes& RIM W. TROltriON. who will sell yea all roe may Paquin.. and eve pee hall dueetl.ns SEWING MACHINES; PIANOS AND ORGANS, Al' Rock $OTrott t''RMMTES FOB CASH. Deal firpvt Ibe plass, West aide of Otsar.. ced.rt.lt. OIL 1L tom.. Sao E. DOWNING. JOHN ROBERTSON iris to aaeamnoe that he Is sow mom ter aha lallor-Tea Company's Celebrated Tari our choice of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volume by the Beet Authors, given with every 3 lbs. Give it a triA, and acquire a Valuablm Library without feeling the expense. 1 FEW GALLONS CF PORE IYPLE SYRUP LEFT, JOHN ROBERTSON, RHYNAS' 010 STAND, COR. SQUARE AND MONTREAL STS Joderich Foundry and Machine Works, RUNCIMAN BROS., - Proprietors. 1. . . . t-Ar"i .NThl i r t,tefel:f{ICH CM - i J Wit: ll.%Vfr ON HANI,IYOU SALE: Improved Land Rollers - - - Price 00 HORSE POWERS, GRAIN ,r,kU8HERS, STRAW CUTTERS, PLOW POINTS &c. AT I.OWTT 1 I - v =G 5 FLOUR MILLS BUILT ON THE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. Having made arrangements with the JOHN DOTY ENGINE & BOT4ER WORKS CO. TORONTO, We are Prepared to Quote Prices to Parties in want of the same. RFiP.&IRB dND CA$TZNCQa OB' ALL g1:TEPS EAtirita 0. P. R, 800.2 TOWN PROERTIE& FOR SALE. $100 AND UPWARDS I have a large number of Iloo•re and i.ots and Vacant Loads le the most de.iraW, parts et the Teens 50 maimIrelaar. Now le the time to .store property before the Rig RINI, The C. P. R. is eonsing sere, and in • abort rim, yrices will herr advance beyond the rrseh of many. t'a11 and s,s iii sad Prices before purchas- ing elsewhere. R. RADCLiFFK, Real Relate and 6Smnal iesnnnee Agree OMee Wes• -$i.. third deer from square. C. P. 11 Ticket rod TOISOWN Omee. At -U. DC4TROYS AND RCMOVC$ WORMS Or ALL. KINDS IN cm/DAM OR ADULTS SWt:ETAS SYRUP AND CANNOT HARM THC Mp$T 3. O LICATC CHILD 4- r Wines, Liquors, $&c FOR SALE 147 G. H. PARSONS ALBION BLACK. OODICRiCH- CHANCE OF BUSINESS. 1): The Carriage Rusin( o. of the late ALEX. MORTON has been purcha I by MESSRS. Si, CREATH & WALKER, who will con- duct it as usual in future Both gentlemen are well and favorably known. and the pubiic can look for a continuance of that prompt and satisfactory dealing a hieh characterized the Dominion Carnage Works unth r it3 late rnanagf-n1ent. WE ARE NOW. MANI FACSURIN0 SOha • .EMiict Claris Cu.tteIeom Any style of Cutter Mode to Order and on the Shortest Notice. Now in the time to leave your orders. Ohl Cutters repainted and retrimrned , and made to Look Like Now One., at priors to suit the times. We invitee por+tatal inspection. and guarantee low prises for the close of work offered. All work warranted. flNor MCCRIATH & WALTCF4R, oksie eon to Ale:. i(agjgp,) Tl the 1 ails* dear rid, seal mat WI the ps habit tamp ossa, ot too toter oyster Jest 1 deism his le from ally 11 diose hada or hl might Alt] more thirty see s0 tower short -i cold.* body - chest y •ei hat tam cry, worst soaks cold pi of dM beauty would tably e Mistily shape mantag is the solaria the lege of vise Iy prep Aro. We, i omen •s pI hicb od of miter mea fourt eell env cloths, things 1 tart. ' ail ins Bu high boa AO •oil jell: b 4. 1011 Fast. air leas in sM i•� al! the wit MQ as w torte the t be lash The fere to er 11 MO MI igh it ch esa1 Nor hero 11 •y C sad yes is ail dt with let aLeal re, weal