HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-24, Page 5• THE HURON SIGN 41.. -IAN . '24 1890. 5 ■ s e • • kNI11ED WOOLEN coons i NEXT WEEK We will place on our Neap Tables our Entire :stock of Knitted Woolen Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices. Ken's Shirts and Drawers, am= Lire Very Cher Ladies' Underwear, Cardigan Jackets, Recta up, Knitted Shawls, Caps, Hoods, Fascinators, Clouds, &c., &c. how is the time to secure seasonable goods at bottom priest Call and see them whether you wish to buy or not. JOH11 ACHESON. DUNLOP. Tree ~ewe eesereesdwa. le triplet had lest week a heavy let el sideeees, several of wham had a hard .et tt, end se ire prepare foe press these are a t•w macre sew sew. Mina Deellf Meedeaeld has returned trona Derek after an Meese, of over a year. Hon, Swear Hone. - Dr W. F. elttfk, atter as sheens of several years' travel ie the Western Slates sod in British Colenabia, is visiting hie parents, Mr and Mn James Clark. at Clarmount. NILE. From ear owa ooere eendent. The special services i. the Methodist church here ended ler Swndsy eight. Seventy wide ?marled themselves as seekers of naiveties. Twenty-five joined the Methodist ehurwb last Wiry, and thirty more will likely loin her on Feb Sod. Mina Williams stand* hieh in the estimation of Nita people as a Christian and as evangelist. La Grippe or its twin reached Nile lest week. Five or its are down, Mut none rarest, ill. &yr H In Me sad Mice S. J. Wil- liams began revival work st Ebenezer, on Wedgy nveaies, 90th inst. COLBORNE. Disk at the label on this paper. for the weenier platy of Colborne met io the township hall on Moaday,Jao. 20th, as per statute. The foliowing gentleness subscribed their qualifiestirnu and ..[ odioe, vis : -Joseph Beck as reeve, A Malloy es d.pety•re•ve; James Taylor, Nathan Jobas and Alessoder Young as councillors. - The minutes of last meeting of old sorted read and after two chimer wrre approved. A. Malloy nerved. seoonded N. Johns. that James Jenkins be sp- otted auditor for this year. The re.v. 'otcd Ratty Williams as the other iter. Nathan Johns moved, second - by A. Young, that all the same be re appointed. Carried. N Johne moved, wooded by A Yowl!. the ter, dap reeve. clerk, Joseph etherhigton sad Wee. Yowng, eerf-br- ted a local board of health for the year. Carried. A. W. Yom was appointed to see keep the road passable between i L die sed Carlow. The following '.r were paved, vis :-John Spotter- , repairing solvers, 50c; R.,M.. Hue. r pairssIs culvert, 60e; Hart & C . , for election peeper..., $4.10 ; , ter .Medoc peepers, $29.00 The edjoersed to meet on Wed.tes- , February 6th, at 10 a clack. an. 21st, 1890. J. R. RWaaap•, C,erk. DUNGANNON. *meows Loot at th. label on this paper. Weather in this oeighborh.e.d is usually changeable. At puss. s ... write, Jack Frost is king, then• g, however, as yet no appttarvnc t hag, which is being an:souali 1.:01. - for. -t.- 1or. In this village and vicinity, the in 'tents have thus far been highIy eared in being free from the •nto.,..i.• Mesh is so prevalent in .ether pla,;a•• knows as It gnppe of ours.. s,,.n,• oomplalslog of having caught c.•ld. t apparently trtetng. ,Thr priortpsl opie is ••pave you got is grippe?' • loch rection might be inverted thus : '•Hao grippe got bold of ).ow r Tb. mrnisipel wenn, of the Inunici- ty et' West Wawar.usb. in purauaroc. the meteripal het, held its first wirelike was appoieted auditor of amounts by the p�M� holders. The ironer of eoodeet- tott the business of the Coy. during the past year, being very disient, gave en- tire estiafaetioo. The standing of the Ouy. et presort ssems to rank very high, as there am fifty-nine Mattel Fire la 'ranee Companies in the Province of Ontario and it is ninth on the lief, there being eight larger sad fifty smaller. Oo the whole, in spits of vigorous snorts to underrate it, these *dens only nooks it more prominent and . Charles Gavin E.q , president, ...recopied the chair in ao able manner. A FATAL Rell•W•r.--Mr Stephen Irwin, an old and respected resident of this vicinity, on Wednesday last met with a sad accident, which resulted fatal- ly. While driving borne from the vil- lage his horses became bhp, and. on turning a sharp curve to enter the gate to his tBldenee, threw him out against the gate post. The shack ren- dered him insensible, and sbnrtly aher he aspired wtthust brine regained tea- r ot.otr The remains will be interr.d in Dungannon cemetery on Saturday. at 2p.In. Hark ! to the vaunts of busman, s wads! Millions of people with aches and with rob. Headaches sod humors. • merciless flood. Weakness of lungs at.d disorders of blood. Yet there's a helper that certainly mare, Tho reed. of people from premature orates. The remedy is Dr Pierce'• Golden Medical Disouvery. It COMB coughs, relieves asthma, checks bronch1111, purities the blood, herb sores, eruption. and unsightly pimples and is without a rival for all the ills that spring from a (Reordered liver. All druggists. Del t hawk. and hlnw, and spit, but use Dr. Sage, Ca•anh Remedy. Of druggists. LEEBU RN. From our cwa L.ok at the label oo dos port. The beautiful snow seems to hare come W stay •+hole the, time. Mrs H Relton has returned from a pleawt.t weeks visit to relatives of the 4th ata., Goeeneh to °ship An •fort is on fad towards holding a. Equal K•gh'a norm* st for point, and at.. J. he Young has been written to easing beau to prevent the views of the Equal Rights people ..n the queauro A breech meeting of the Farmers' In- stitute of West Huron will be held to the hall, o. Tuesday n -at, 913ih gnat , at 1.16 p . . All are invited to at- tend. Mr Kern'gh.n, president of the West H..r. u Fosters' footnote, will b. present. One s.1 the prr*cip 1 top,. to be di.cu..eed ia the creemery quest•on The recent Finns Institute b.ld t. Ooderich last w.•ek was ••tend d tet J •ho Linklaier, J H .rt.m, A H an,. J. G. ()tenon. The later, we undo seat•. t will esavw in ,mer eeet.on onto •.. ih. farmers bore to see how malty bo • a'. milk will be eines for the support .4 th. creamery talked of at the lute gatt►enov As • ricers) lhn•ui the farmers' wily,• have the hu•ter m..nev for Ihei• o+ use. If they give up their a .vas f ,r i he creamery, who. h will lesson their 'ah .• in butter w.ktt.g, it will al.o lessen the cash renterfor their own use N• the •nmen c••lleet the der. Iooa, ih creamery .b•mieteue ..r t heir boon .nd - • 15 they .gullet It they Inuit refund it 5. the wife. 1'he annual 1 meeting. 1 ti. Preehrierian ckur_h was h.•ld to. Wednesday turning of last wank. Ti.. 6nenceal ..•te•rOS stem iett.r than ..f as i nrevIoue pier. sbnwit.tl tn.. a ark y etunant p..nnised b) ea. h fsm-'v i. wards the eops.tnt ..1 the ch•••.rh .e- prn.es wee sib armful. A pr• eor..1 mad. by Joh,.',either nn 19eh41f of (7111)9111., J,.mes K•,vte fee him to .cake a eanvns- 1f110 h the township hail, s.. .101. -for a..! t.i redoes the prawn. .y••te too the 9at 0th he, on 'throb rte- Ithe ohisreb haddine was arr.•pool The ,those g stlearei who were a:eeted ! Captain will •h..rtly u,..l• rtal.. the .nodeet the Mier* al the ntunit Ips uy I tiaomat.•r. and we h..pr he will .mord a Jeeisratine of Aloe, alter •b,ch. I A oruniotee . 1 J leek later. A t:r. eo a bahers like..suser,th., prt.ceed- lend John Meese1 vise oppnintrti It. with the bMisees on Mend. Reeve its !Rae 11 new Dimness in brattnz the oh•roh "afoot, MI .our.., presided over 111.retold be made from th- t ruses mist is inl es his usual happyrMnner. Th.,re � M... The vnae of the meeting tended plisse% R.oht L-khart, deputy I u. e•.at.nw In notify .11 pet LOOS n. mar. •. and eo.nsdkws Thee. Todd, Jr. ones •iih the eu.n'tnr promoted trailer and William Bailey The in' Lynas before John N ,rton wee reanp..int ware appn.w.rd se veers ;-R 'td chareh treasurer for 10). R,.. J lief, rw-appn.nted clerk ; el. 0 ! A. As.dcr•nn arrived e1 thr close ..1 th. tresserer ; soriaere-lkoet. Mur• , n..ai a, t...tng been detained by two St Helens, and John Webster ; pleoean•. recants during the day in whit& ---T. Wiln.s. a minter's treeawe• .s always rr.lnired The anneal meeting of the W M. Wa to uf1 t4. jny. ,4 e,wrtehiµ ear h M•teat Fire Ieaeyseus 0.,'‘ was duos. 1 IAA m *shoe nn the amounts was gesso► a Iteral• asseletfn• .►f dm rig star by the ladies appended Inc old her. iw.wd Ihe !1w lest Icollected for mirror.p•rpoaes densis 4 Num the serft.ealiaq this etnlgrs,att.tt. Th. ""41117.."4")J1 The Urease s' sod uta hese�w�s se amownt to the resume were tteiettiunsuly adopted. The am1 01 Prate de Trembles in chaise see rat ivies itfaseeegas • �asa-s J .bw •• Bic S.1 Wort Qesui wee • rt. • 0515 r5ylp.tlt.ted. 114Jwba Wdsoe sissies. Iii• New sed Phis! Atlee o� old . C..naias e5wetsry tsf the 'Come One, Come All !I and get bargains, as 1 am offering my entire Stock of DRY GOODS at COOT, as I am going out of that line .,t busiurue to make more room for GROCERIES, dic., CROCKERY, FLOUR AND FEED. Be sure and give a call at the comer of Victoria Si Nelson streets before purchasing elsewhere. To?� 1 I ion . opt.. aederleb, Ja.. a lea gals. SOMETHING UNUSUAL Lubin's and Atkinson's Perfumes in Bulk, abo A Select Stock of Cheaper Perfumes. In Bottled Perfumes an Unusually Full Line. F. JORDAN'S MEDICAL HALL. ;if)! A 250=1Ni Uv ENVELOPES. We handle more Envelopes than all other local dealers together and keep our stock constantly sorted up to about 50,000. We have over that quantity on hand at present. Envelopes supplied to the trade at a close margin. We have a great many varieties and qualities to choose from, nearly all of which have been manufactured from fine imported papers. We supply them in all sizes, high cut, well gummed and neatly printed in quantities to suit We furnish Business Envelopes at the followiug low prices per 1000: Good Good Good Good Gond Gond Good Manilla Business Envelopes White Business Envelopes White Business Envelopes White Business Envelopes White Business Envelopes White Business Envelopes Amber Business Envelopes Pee WOO Printed. at $l 25 at 1 50 at 1 ti5 at 1 75 at 200 nt 2 25 at 2 25 Other sizes at proportionately low rates. These prices cannot be beaten anywhere. quality of stock and printing • 1. Orders solicited. Call at or address "THE THE SIUBAL" $TEA[ PRIBTING HOUSE, 0-0DERICH. SMOKER'S HOLIDAY000DS SUNDRIES l AT vv Prescription Drug Store. Srauellino (tinkle. bltAKI) ?MIRK RAILWAY. WE ARE READY. Come and see our ALL DEPARTMENTS FULL. Gaudy by tho Bushel • 250 Dozen Florida Oranges Testes arrive end depart at t:oderich ae fo FROM; lows : £caws Ilan Sr sspr m. LW e... iWisseedd:......................... Ity.1111p.in .eraetr. itsi1............. .......y.sl a. Mall saA.tzeeries.................. t.11 par Iliset.................................tJre. W. C. G000E, The Lear. Pveserietiee Draegld. ,m•.eltalw IIIeYt Allrwlme.x. Fleest Minot. M..elerata charier B l...e sews P.•.rrlpltwa of sett "sr �e releh• r. lma.. , hem wt1h er sed lest• (hien. sdva•ttpw TRYOUR Ile Temb.sM DfNs les lrwh-ashe McLeod's System Renovator Ped an I 5. tows mediat•ca. The Inedi se Nall sea esgeeesfr. ALBION BLOCK. Dr. &LEAB'Q Grove.. Tft. RA MINK ORA POI. DATOS CLIOCOLATRA Inagnsh sad Canadian.) FIQ11. LRMONR. RANANAA. 111C. We sell the best Goods we can buy. CHAS. A. NAIRN ENVELOPEB AT THE SIGNAL. Al ENVELOPES FOR ALL PURPOSES. WE KNOW YOU ARE! Looking fora Haodsone Issas or New Year's present at a Moderato per, We Know we Have it, having the Finest Lines of Silver Plate, Flat Ware and Cutlery ever displayed in this town. OUR PRICES BEAT THE BAND. Inspection Solicited. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. • TAE GB.EAT B. ' , .n 15 STILL ¶AY!II TERRIBLE EXCITEMENT Will be Going on at McLEAN'S I i m w BLOCK is the Plate Glass Grocery, in 000neotioo with Selling BEAUTIFUL DELF.1 As the Proprietor is Going out of that line, he intends to sell out his Entire Stock of Delf at cost. When I say cost I MEAN BUSINESS, and all of it must be sohl within one month. My Delf is well assort- ed and of the very Iatcst patterns, in Brown Rustic Tea Sets, Enamel- led Floral Tea Sets, Rustic Dinner Sets, Slate Rustic Dinner Sets, Sage Rustic Dinner Sets, Blue Benak's Toilet Sets, Brown Summer Toilet Sets, Begonia Toilet Sets, Enamelled Toilet Sets, also a very tine aseort- tnent cf plain Delf; now, if you wish to present your Mother, Sister or Wife with a fine set of dishes, do not lose tilts great opportunity of getting the finest bargains ever offered in Huron County T. 1\T. PLATE GLASS GROCERY. Throe doors West of Rr:ti." its •hnego Hotel Uodesich. Nor. lith. Imo. t'osartn... feeshy hare, GODERICH• A enny Saved, a euuy Earned 1 El3TABLIBI E u 80 YEARB- I still take the loll in -p.•cial value in DRESS GOODS Dress Meltons, from 9c. per yard up, Twill M.ltons, Stripe F.tule and Amazon Cloths, Stripe and Cheek Costume Cloth •,Velv»ts, Ril,b,nts, Sec. MENS SUITS, SPECIAL VALI E. - Tweeds, fall lines. Overcoats very low, Good Quality, 'Nearly all • Gone, Rice Sells Them. In Grocery Department, In Teas c,peeii ly, I Take the Lesd,hnth in Qualitv,►n.l I'rieen. Pure Un- adulterated Coffee only kept, price, 30e. per Ib. `Pure Spices only kept. In My Hardware Department 1 have a full assortment Glass, my oven iis*portation, from 7:9 to :'4:58, full supply. Crosscut Sawa, .loin. Wagon an.l Buggy Gears full assortment Goderieh, Nov. 28th, 1889. C. CRAB3D, kh111 i A R Ho yon lltwpxen ,tom Rub yotlr peepers Open wider each eye; Don't he creepers Bargain rearm Now's the time to buy. RIGHT THIS WAY TO DANIEL GORDON'S VOA a•rwr*IS$. rint.Cias!+•ockof Farnitnr., 4*0. .nob as 1' *55 •'( 41.7514,.4. RI.DR.Met* AIM rets, Utlf- iNa TARLIt81,'ir1'stilttt, h.•. lir aim ha:, always been to keep Flr.t-/'laes ^ntt.it•re. Th. past will speak for eta. -i'. Thew. are acme who search the ooea117 for fibers .da, ono Palm owls rt M ►'err Cleat ...••s. That will care itself. In undertaking i bane •verrtblue to M f m • •*ns -class retehli.hment, I a n the rodeo and snow aspriseesd FFeecal P r nae to t'. Inv y. a ateN.a TN% •gee& CHAM D A •.i,1U1•:1t all,. ser .t , O.derleb. Between P.O. est ton. ,r. tt..ntreni 'stages. UNOERTANIN6. MPT Ice Toa. 00t724"1•12".. MOT PI*5Prtr. SUIT ATOM DON'T - BUY - ANY r 1 I'1`Q4.X math re,• rail *oil wee A_ B- C0Gr't.N n,.cT ca•.aov UNUEKSELL sic s. MI ones 10w.t 'wan wren. ftaa stook of Bed Rootn Bettn and Parlor Bette, the Tables, Cornioe Poles, Pottle se..fie. A epl.s:o•III 1..1T or fElide`ttlwrds, Wixa.d.ow Just arrived. Blind Rollers Cell a•irl se. the NkW RAYMOND UWING 14.AonIMae. Machin» Oil A. 13. e'eP :VIt: I.t.., .&M1 L'1'O IQ -t1T- • • w� it i e 4siwl& e+•w► see et<esgeabTi weal bit, bet, as `r M N a/eeegis.