HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-24, Page 44 THE HURON SIQJAL FRIDAY. JAN. xi-, 1890. TIE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 11101111111411Sele tawT. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. SISYITAL (PAIR/ BI) Doi SELL11111 DOt&MD - • M.,01110yi_. .Te IL E. WAU(E11. 010400. WMease. e7Oe.NSi. GODERICH BRANCH. w Soitaaa BAMsmo Rulwmao Tioismovum Fmagma. HMS aSOOUSI.a. DRAFTS ISm D PAYAMS AT ALL POINTS IN CANADA, Ala Tilt POlsorstt dtitn a m TNt MMITID STATUS (B.AT B1aTAm, FRAMDS. BEANMIDA, , RAMIRO BAS[ DEPARTMENT. OtPOMi$ OF SLIM AMO Uhlman usoa to. AND otoutu1T mere or istrn eg•v ALLow1.e. MT{miuT A01100 Ts! TNR PMMstt/RL AT Tt1R sue or maw AM words$* les BA.M TSAR. Spools. AftwsNs. Overt to Na O.Uu *ia of Mreasa• wlal Pspwr, .aid F..1.rs Oahe seesaw. fipkt Vuron #semi 15 Pv$Ls o EVER. FRIDAY MORNING, AT MI "MAIN PRINTING o,Pece NORTH -STREET. OODERICH. n le s.A$.aw.ke I 1 devoted t0 anew sews ..d the diesemlbstina Of use. fel knowledge. RATES sr w tssrTNi s Ma year • 7ia for lox metas • No. for meetbs. It the uab•oriWoe is >.ot paid ono! a y will be c�•rsed at the rate d apes • year. ANIUTtsJai RATIO ti stair mama owed t leo. )ter 1st 3 Iles• per Ube �parell .amt Massnrs d by a Legal mafioso in oosperiel type 5c per Use. wsiIssabl sotbes to ordinary reading type le pe n..leea cards of six lines and ander 0 per Ad of Lost. Foss. Strayed ustbies 1scent. Situation Wanted and Iosmee . Chances Wantteedd,, not exoeadlag 3 Saes eoep•riel 111 per mostb. Hoose on Sale sad Farms a Salae, sot to sioeed $ mess, $1 for ant swath. 50c per sub- seenent moats. Larger dote In proportion. Any apecW notice. the OW.ot d whish M to promote the pecuniary bent.' of Imml- vid.el or comma to be Y tsgMmmg t d These terms will in r11 MOM he errictly ad- hered rater for larger or advertisements for exceeded prole& made bowls at the omee d pbbtlesd .. JORIIRR DEPARTMENT. A Cully equipped Jobbing Oma is carried Y In ooneectlon with the ordinary nesr.peper bo•taeu.. where area -clan work is turned out at ne•os•ble rates. Everything In the print- ing line can be done on the premises from an Illuminated poster to a visiting card. All .loos must be ddreesd to D. lee€ILLICINDT. Editor& Tim SINAI. Tmepbone Cal. No. 31 Godericb Ont. HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, JAN. 24, 1fO01 Tea House of Commons is in session, but up to date nothing of importance has been done except electing Mr Wood, M.P. for Brockville, deputy speaker iia Hon C. C. Colby, promoted to the Cabinet. Tui Atwood Bee is the latest aspirant for journalistic honors in the Huron Tract. Its constituency will be some- what , d 1, owing to the proxi- mity of a number of old -established journals, bet as it promises to be a busy Bee and not a .tinging one, it will likely get its share of hooey. Tbe. editor is Mr It. 8. Yelton, formerly of Brussels. the Commons introduced bis bill to abolish the dual language system in the Northwest, and spoke at considerable length in support of the meteors. The queaticu may be of big import ass factor In determining the complexion of the Hasse at the neat general election, or It may be • game of "guff on the part of Mr McCarthy. TEM Hamilton Sjortator draws at- tention to the fact that the Mayor of that city wears • plug hat. Would it kindly inform anxious outsiders what kind of head gear his predecessors in office wore. Did previous Hamilton Mayon wear Christies,soft felts, "cows. breakfasts," or did they go bareheaded 1 It's real live local news of this kind we al1 waist. "The Daily Neu.', has ceased eireula- tion. It has been auoceeded by the Daily Gazette, which made its first on the 11th. It is a 28 -column paper, Reform in politics, Arthur Horatio Nel- son Jenkins, editor."--Tor„nto World. St. Catherine' cor. The above probably refers to the volatile young loan, Arthur Henry New- ton Jenkins, who undertook to run a Tory after the style of the Arizona Ricker, in the village of Brus- sel& in this e.,s.ty,and wbo came so soon to the end of his tether. The Reformers obit Catherine@ mem indeed be in • bad plight when they have to depend upon him far an advocate. But what will his Tory fried. in Huron say t Nov that it Ma leaked nut that Editor Ferrer, of the Tomato Moil, has given Information to the V. K Seeatorial Com- mittee on the Tariff which may bloke Oomtese.W Units., all the Tories an bowling mad, sad say that the Y.il sad its editor ars traitors. The Tory efforts heretofore have boon to strLigle Com- iouroW Maine, and now that strong efforts have hese pet forward by the Mee to sad the ohjest of their hearts, whets w they hewW'g about 1 By-tb.- m y, whs. the ma a was Y out -sod -old R. 8. WILLLAMS, Manumit. Tory paper, and worked tooth and sail molest British eeeneetios, ws ismer saw • Tory get rd in the face end sfigma- tke it for it te.itro.s Is. gage. "What's a' the steer, kisser r How does it oome that so few poor people are affected with la grippe i It mesa he, like the gout, $ rich 00 01 disease. This •oeowate for die feet that comparatively spsakiog few editors have been •1Di3td. T.s doilies as sinkable, looking for soother content of "gam' Rights" in- dignation to 000setltioe with the adios o f Sir Jobs, who inserted the ',vote of Pope into thm preamble, by calling upon the recently elected member trom Compton to make the initiatory speech of the session. The case bas been ag- gravated by the fact that a Prior second- ed the Pope's efforts, and an Abbott at- tended to the atter in the Senate. Whatever the amount of the Ontario Bank losses by these "irregularities' Harry Brown, the absent ledger -keeper. seems to have got away with the lions share- nearly 140,000 it is said. It is u nderstood that when Mr Barwick visit- ed him in Buffalo he 1 to send a statement of the bases on which he would settle with the bank to AId. Lindsey, who is Brown's solicitor. Tbat document is now in Mr Lindsey's pos- session, but what its matelots are is on- ly probably known to himself and Brews. Some of the latter's friends as circulat- ing the report that be never left Canada at all ; that he is at his former home in Ooderich. But that yarn is all moon- shine ; Brown is over in Buffalo, and be is likely to stay thea until be gets a settlement with the bank and impunity from Such things have been dons before by fioancial corpora- tions when dealing with d shooe.t em- ployes-T.,ronto World. Mr Brown has not been around Gods - rich since the alleged defalcation be- came koowo. Some time since a rola Owe of his was in town. and boasted that "Harry Brown had cleared 300.000 in real estate in Toronto daring the past year.** The thing seem- e d preposterous at the time, but in the light of recent revelations it is only to be wondered at that Harry left even the vault io the bank. Rev. Jobe Young, "form the Niagara district," has been up io Huron county speaking in laver of equal rights. Brer Dan McGillicuddy, of the Godericb Sw- eat, opposed Rev Mr Young at one of he meetings, and in the heading of the port in Tea Sweat Brer McGillicuddy ma kes this admission : - Rev. Jobe Young From the Niagara Dia - Holds 111. Third Betel Right* Meeting Os invitation Mr D. McGillicuddy Pre- sents the Other Side. That is to say, Brer McGillicuddy pre- sented the side of unequal wrooga That is not what he meant to say be did ; but that a precisely what he did. -Hamilton Spectator. The other aide of Equal Rights is un- e'ual rights -not unequal wrongs. But, admitting that unequal wrongs is the other side, what is • greater uneo•ual wrong than a representative of a mai ority in any country preaching the gos- pel of of the minority, and endeavoring to light the fires of b goo., and intolerance by public appeals, whether it be on the pL:tform, as was done by the rev gentleman is the case cited, or in the oolumns of • secular journal of the calibre of the Hamilton Spectator 1 In Hamilton at the last municipal election the Speedrt.r endea- vored to defeat the present Mayor by rabid appeals against the minority in creed of that city --not because the objectionableondidate was • Catholic, for he was not, hot because the :spec. tutor thought by raising the pry that the Catholics were supporting him, the entire Prole@tant electorate would go solidly against him. But the thing work d the other way, and McLellan .0 Pivoted by a tmaj,irity of over 300, although one of the editorial appeals made by the :Spectator was that "if Me Lellan were elected every Cathohe in Hamilton would he an offnc,-.oeker." This to • sample of the SreeMenr's area sent on "Egad Rights," sad we don't wonder that it thinks the better designa- tion would be "Unequal Wrongs." Tea thi Sweat is a s-eestarian journal, with so hiss toward or prejudice against any arieChristendom,.d in Christendom, and even if •t times things mese in with • oserieslly small lions that we do at approve, we are nM nn that seemed d piing to imegerate • "Holy or a war of ruseruseThat .eheme hes bees tried many a dam earidtelt ; )t!•tsol McOrtLj Os Wisdom/Say d t re tr{c4 • t 1 mad although the whisker hag es diNseeet ee...le.0 been Mei M daee..h, IRO hist hew sem Wowed tie dp.�dtiiligd el the boued-id.d hem firms eat te- trad the vaag0ished,be taller k01is libel thq .q We are is Mae with the pet who wale Olrw I hit w that *. welt. De great bag memo stz snerillisalog ea lbw= e asit ahs lLItl%aw at an. THE EDITORS TAIL*. LOSS OF THE ME ERIN. M valga a se r Res-tr Worse Sat. New Yeas, Jam 2L -The National Liao etesaship Brio, whteh M N bend has bs.s MIM at see. elided ea passes - gum Ns lad • grew 011104 r sweaty awe. sed *beet Mess slowsts were ea heard. The Brig W a Mishima el daltb a plows sad • Seems! arra., la- ded* eaMo•, below d.sha. Oho was ear of the .wilt sad et.wehest d the sear voids of the Nstiseel Liao. F. W. J. Heel. the brie's meet hen. said Nat eight that he beheld the Ma was sleet, bat W probably brok.s dowa. The weedier ea the North Atloatt. • Wad or aww seems sew /etttileatb.. - Nie wilt has heea vary beristeausrs hofs* neve geese se Barad. ! hd +ty>edBsphie .fee e..not recall u1.., •a Lle'llte AGS. - anytime Mho it, sad the shop e•rpeaten Thr sasatlaas d Mr Liwwf /9r for the easeit.osay aoaea 4 it the wont wo•k. "di./ 11th aad laths J•aasry 1 o have alar emales has b A ..ring eo.:•1e Lit Critioiam i0 Fra."' I d *salty akawestofrly Noes has ties howling .the sad Reel.. C artllstritati lorets, of the balk. of Nowtosadlaad for the The Ohl MIkaimemy, mod Altteieet Ata- -klet fin wake ria 4111. , i. Fraser 01 1114°8. -hes so b . o t toasty. -Tb .teasyr ) sa roll. pp 1 Dat Prot5SI$utiaa, now lard oat doubtfiveday., and lama r hardly say doubt in maritime i. Batista, Niwsdsswdk Qreltiry;p..tr� bP eirelsa that some disaster has betfallen M.. d the World, sad A Lothian Fair, her. The lean sag bit safety National; Reats.. o tetiof a 11:10"1181111 rte bee. p;re•tly ar... tttd by • r.- Preaeher, Teiwpl. Bar: Q.ssa Losses, port made lay the British steamer Cr.- 'Jsndsy Xep.zinr: Duiutky word. tt, we (Capt Darwn, Eros Lei.vre Ilowr; Agaoag the S•rdua, forn- New Odra.., whling)ist oaat JasBradry 9 saw a hill..,_____,_; How $ Btwia. °Armor Rode to the. steamer • lifeboat adrift bearing the ,.. Liteerwin de repairs; Chad. „ism Erin Th. ono', bro.ght tot• Dibdi., GenSeesen's; Cauvwisg ills ' ho.t &loopier sad took from it tea sob R,.atis, Time; Browsing .ad T..2 ears sod • meet and sail. A lifebuoy, a sca. tor; wit\ "Joel Qerif. s Elle tarn,' "The Taking of Osman steamer's kridge, sed .n awning at were O�� � aka .sew fk].tiag nnar the lit•bo.t. and "A Modern Eastern Martyr,' ass'. Now York, Jas. 22.-Tbe •gest of poetq. Fr Iffy two members of silty- the steamer Erie is mashie to gi,. the roar largs pages area ;or lore t►s. i,- a d the crew. He thinks the' illi 300 patsy. • ysar) the subssrpti.o pries /�Ma to the Assts. The fiudis. of s ($8) u few; 'sorb. for 110. b0 the po•h- Woho.t of the Erin, he says, is no iodi- ses offer to sand any um• of the Amari- osti„n of b.r loss, u lif•bust. ars 1rr _ esn 14 soothlisr weeklieswitb The Lir (mody wnahed ouerbard. iwq Age for a year, both postpaid. Liu.0 A Co., Boone, are the pubii•hen. wipe AWAIL The February Wide A.ra.e opens with a good Persian ballad, "Abs Said," by Mary 8. Badley. followed by a stir- ring episode of Western military life by Lieutenant Fremont, entitled "Snow- shoe Tbompeou." There is an inspir- ing story of Greek boy -life, by Mrs Knight, "A Boyhood in Athena. 'bow- ing the effect of keeping a good ideal be- fore • young lad'. eyes. 0. Hamlett tells • bright instance of • young girls preemies of mind in her story of "The Frogsleigb Mikado, and Mn Fremont will interest all readers with her account of "Kit Canon,' in the second of her "Will and Way Stories.' Grant Allen omolodes his serial, "Wednesday the Tooth," in triumph ; Mr Stoddard in his serial of "A Rough Hoy" is proving that young Gid Granger is "no slouch." The Norse .eri,1 by Boyesen comes to a close with the escape of the "Vikings sad sons' from the grip of • real bear. blies McI.od'a second Acadian story is finish - ed. Ooo of the very bait of John Brownjobn's stories is given in the School Series, "The Wicked Waterbury Clock." Mn White gives artistic girls • good business bine in her article on Dressmaking in the "Rosiness Open- u.g' sense. Mrs Clalflo • Margaret - Patty letter is full of subtle social wis- dom. Alexander Black's "Confession• of an Amateur Photographer" is pion/int reading. "Men and Things" abounds with good original anecdotes and curious it o ! lore. The poems of the number are by i x .1 S Mrs Whiten -Stone, Mary E. Bradley, Receiptsdlvestork atthe ` - Mrs M. F. Butte, Clinton Seulkard and SMMun're.la',t ckYards•Pl. Martha Young ; "A Sad Case," one of the week 331 3?: l -s 33 the best of the long poems, u very 1<R over from pre- amusing in text and pictures by Gordon pre- vious eveek 37 37 15 Total for week. ... . 00 763 HO 31 Browne, the pop.lar English artist. Lan on hand . . t6 Wide A wale is 32.40 • year. D. Loth- rop Company, Publishers, Boston. THE MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS. Gedeeaeh Pates. tem:mocs. Jan! 23, 100. Wheat ei ' e N Flour. • wi:..................... 4e0e 3w Oats,• beak ................... 0IS• Oil Plan.�b..h .. .................. able 064 Barley.• book .................. • >a • • lee Potatoea,sew w btel\ sees M 60 Hay. t, tee ...................... d M 7 M Butter.* f ...................... d 1* w 0 19 lass. fres* sop.eked it des .. a IS + 020 Gees• 0 11 • 0 13 Shorts. •tea H 00 • 14 00 1 00. 1300 20 ` 130 N" 50 0e " 00 " 13 •' a" Basi toe Ca• ws Pd ! s ewt............ w•. w tin Wood HMe............................. Wool.. sees Shamokin.. .............. Dremed Apples. *HNMI w esR Flyer FW bis' heat,aew .... . 'els Spring Wheat .. ,. Barley• 1. Pees . A twttlutl dor-1Y...... •" Jae. H30 to OD to 07et Onto aflto Oilto 1 50 to e 40 to II 15 to 017 to 5 OO to 3 00 to 6m.o 0m to 6 5• to Swam Kegs Cordwood Beef .. Wool Pork ae.tegel felt. /*reel. The reni e@ d live week at the Stock Yards. Point St. ('barky for ending Jan Iltb, lak, were :- 4 0 400 'n 0 in 5 so 000 21. 5 00 0M Ole 0M 0 :6 0 Sri 300 ' 50 0 1S 0 1S 7 00 400 00 s to 400 MontresJ the week SALTFORD. From cur own 1'. Mr Robt. EI'is wu in Toronto visit- ing friends last week. Work was resumed at McEesn's oak works on Tuesday last. Quite a number A oar citizens as laid up with an attack of la grippe. Mr Rob. Ellis, jr , left for Toronto last week to attend a bunion college in that city. A number of fences around hero were blown down by the severe storm on Toeday night. The notorious "McGinty" has arrived in our village this week. We expect Dunlop will be the next point of at- tack Receipts routine* light with a fairly brisk trade for good caule. Prices were a shade lower than last week. the claw d cattle being scarcely of as good quality. The .been oos- ti•ue in good demand and no change la val- ises. The beg trade. with the .mall supply, 1 a stfht rix;there was • good de mond at 34.ep. ( elves soiree. We quote the following so being taw values Butchers. good . sees. .. . sic to tc Butchers'. medium sees. .. 3c t0 Butcher's'. MIM 2Ie to 3c Stump Sic to tie fiH ser �� es75 to ii -.60. r. •#m traat iEAe people's iLolumn. OST. -0N TUESDAY, AN OTTER for caffaf • gestlemaa's overcast. Pin - der will be suitably rewarded on leaving it at the Medical Hall. It. F. JORDAN. WANTED. -A TEMPERATE ELD- rr F:ItLY man or young man without In• Is wanted to do cbore work and attend stable. Most understand bones and Mr and Mrs W Arbuckle, of Zetland, ertch 1' U.milk cows. Address Box Hi- God - bavo been sorely calla to part with their youngest child, at the early age of N0TripC8..t1-THR COUNCIL OF THE eleven pen He Ina • smart, prowls- moot in rhe CortoHoer n the Towa odle- mg boy. He was taken down with rich on Tuesday the 2,4th Inst. measles in the first place, bet they never I•LTKIt ADAMSON. seemed to strike out right, and he died M `'t' County Clerk. on New Year's day. i41A RMS FOR SALE. From the Joliet IMily Republic and I' 8w1, of January 10th, we oilip the (o!- 1 bare • somber of farms for sale in daGer- ant pans d Ontario. As • en ars aware. farms 1 •wing a former nmslite : were never se cheap in this province as at the -"The curt has appointed Geo. Hing- 'Ment time, and It yon wast $ farm 1 world ikon the official a reeetnmend oo to b°y now. if your meso, putter of the 'Armpit are limited mw• sell yon a farm on a small men, and it is expected that the buss- cash WT•ss•it giving yno ples1y d tInw to pay SOU of the entire will be great) et- ttalanee d p°r°ae'e money at s low rate ret In - r telt_ theta emabllag you to acyuln •home of roosted. Mr Hingaton u an adept at your own sesteastly. the business and and will fill the poet- if you have means and do not minter credit .loo admirably."i men 01 vs 7 d augovalue for year money as Tou ata� i0f ssewbere. Rlerohd bat, is brought to mob an forI saw is r•u deacriptiosya M fam r• We art now that it is almost impossible for JOHN J PA ai lo ya' the casual Observer to tell the genuine 22101y M glar-at. Pest, 7coeswts. San Bot if in • carefully arrangedfrom the artificial blonde, says the N t THE HURON AND BRCCs LOAN head of hair is yellow as ripe wheat goo rernl. sal m euy a the sstCOMookholdm•'�et an detect one dark brown or black hair 'hoe rmm�a.y .111 be 0PW at 2 o'okck p. m.• at the n• .. the neck or neer the .Sr, lin' .-ompany'a nAloe, Nath weal, os f da* 1rh February next. for the rupees*" 0( the .tory is told. Stave show which race:, in, tit* financial Mate]se•t W the pnat way the wind blows, and the single dark year, apnniniing ihrectn,i and .lies gee - hair tells where the dye uierd The huaiseta ItORACE dark -hatred woman olio u determined to Gedesie.. Jas. Mth..ttt7/. 0.lte11Ru•' be • blonde must lire the life of a slave CONTRACTORS. - to this de.rre, chair grows at the rate Nt1Te4rrs TO r.,4,. by tba wager - of an inch a month. There is • shade .= A ie an.l be lee the b' curettes under• n Jan. ftitA for tN e^rrtla d • ..f natural auburn hair whish is inclined far S. R. No 17. MANN. P1•.. In ti atr*ak*d and °veil lighter at the ,.md ran lee sere ue Mr S•sem Iwwls' let 1 A•har.ld. Tendon wIU y dna' then et the Punta This kind at epes.t(ea dela at 'o'clock pm. hair, now an fashinn•hl., might he mil- laq, ��1(wla, ) taken for the streaked and striped el a AS. RO lawn& .. }Tritbea b'esched Monde by an JAS. RO TSO, . 1 1 lye. ace .1 gl•wey, iwvhe and healthful Mi'MIO LESSONS. -MISS AGGIS in tone it is sen to he natural, no met- TH itpagb .Mtp•r"m to glue .malt ter how v.ried as its stades, while if it Im .i Dee Qr. r� is dry and heatless, it is eels to semen alas the Moocher's art. A .teal pal. 'nide, MBA Id011011 00101 h,onde has Mande eyelashes and .y. 1 brows, cad is reel life Meek eyelashes nested ming ted sod itiiig fkr w tae. g,oid. heir .sloe* •sad 1. tmw owes ge wes Itr km 10 art. *.,worst mesh w•a r.mm.t� rosy gad *hie enMnation ia heroines of -"' "' a" Som e% Se% Oemwls► K t- • OYERSTOC Ere TNTER 1100115! Sweeping Reductions will be made in all linea of Staple and Fanoy Dry -Goods, Tweeds and Men's Furnishings. Do not buy without seeing our prices. Inspection Invited. J. A. REID & BRO. Jerdaa'. Block. Ooderieh, Dee. Silk, talk Strayed Animals. EStTRRA•Y HlI�FB�R•. - OA NI ON meal w sari . rem Os r•"'eee . The °sneer is re sesta to prose prepsq, ear cheroot sad take u se" . 36141 JAS.leallUHW. Legal Sale;. JUDICIAL NOTICE TO THR CRBD- iTORS Or JOHN KAY, DECEASED. Pursenat teas order d the Ch•merry Divi- sion mads la re 1. J.r , tali per, Tbe creditors of Juba 1f the Tows d Oodsrteb, 1a the (busy se area, seer - cheat, who did Is or ahem the mootthh of F Feay,bruary, cry, 1� to wdk b athe im ptl , p MW, b Mesas darts. t Proodtoot, ftiM► rhea, tame Christian sited ssessmer. t ad mess atoms, the tb ee res of alai.., a Maumee' off taeislr rssya)ssmmae.am the matures/ the esearities Of held them ; N r4 ta dssOwner they will 5. p �mptoriy e arose the basest of Unsaid Order. srdrtsr bolding nay seeurlty M t o premum the mese beim roe, 00001041100. d are Chamber*hh la the*50. sill e' forenoon. the ttesearpslal at. d far djadieetlos a the c vas. Dead the 1715 asss of Jemmy, Ila JAMAS CADMIIMBT. q2h Registrar 0. 8. D. For Sale or to Let. r10 RENT. -TWO HOUSES ON ete.lyst., owe block from the Square. For partkcslars apply to 40th MRS F. SYEITH. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned will offer for sale the fol- lowing oelowing eery desirable farm. consisting of the easterly 130 acres of Block "0,' In thy 7th cos - remake of the Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron. Tata farm is situat- ed ti miles from Godericb, and I; miles from ('arlow, cn the )pain tiny& Road. There is • good frame house, LI - storeys. almost new. M by 0 oostaining 7 rooms • large barn, m by 0 with cattle - shed. 42 by 14. attached. and osse d the ascot orchards in the township It is watered by - a serer -failing sprtsg creek and • good well. About 110 acres Hoard and tree from stumps. There is no waste land of any kind on the place. Good school within e0 rods of the n oose. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For terms and further particulars apply to J\O, BRECtls\RIDOE. Proprietor, Ooderich. or JleSILI i Mi:KkOWN. 0. os the premises. FiRST-CLASS BRICK HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ON ST. PATRiCE ST. -About two moat .. walk from the Square. Two stories high,brick additiOO in the rear I; stories high. bonding oovered with slate. ain building has 2 urge roam a *M fist. upstairs there ere 5 Ism mora Is the rear additlotsthere are kitchen. pantry, washroom. Upstairs. girls room and bathroom. Also good cellar. Apply to the undersigned, who will give all necessary information. att. DANIEL GORDON. y'ALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.- That ALT- That valuably property kerma as lot 1(1* Maitland con.. Godericb township• within one mile of Godertch. On the farm are a large orchard, good frame house and hitches. with stone cellar, and frame barn mod stables; euro• prises 71 screw weft watered. For further particulars applyto Oso McKaea oke rem. es- 2191-17 FARMS AND TOWN PROPERTIES FOR SALIL- Lot 15 1. Maitland Con Colborne. 112 acres --a very fine Harm. Price Lot Et is 1st con. R. D. Aabfidd, acres price 1120. Lots 43 and 14 in 1st Con. Kinloss,Brrtttxc••ee County, 100 acres. Will be 11.4.1 very cheap -Lots IA. Mead Wi of 17. in the 0tb con. Wawanosh, foe acre of excellent land in one block. Prf.e 11.1.101. Lot 73.Mrpougall'e Surrey, Tows of Dederick. Price enlly Lot toe, town of Ooderich, oe Light Howe street, with brick boom and stable. Price only leek Lot 977, 074. 1015 tied pt. 014 Town of Goderich, nearly Ib of Y Mme in one block within the port d the town. Price only 0100 The ahem peeper - !les will be sold es e.ey term st p ymsnt. Apply to C. PRAGER. OMesich. N.R.-Money to lend at very low alta 97 FOR SALE. Wvet half of lot ler. Arthur Street, with small brick cottage thereon, Rr,t.ntwe Lori. --1M, 10. 344. 241. Elgin Street. tit. Andrews Ward. CB. coiner of Huron and Britannia Read. Frame It story hour ori Keays Street, lot and half land. Several bio . Reed's Survey, opposite new show °prounds, via, : Nos At 24. 2d, 30. 52, 51, 0e. et R AAy to sbov. at IOW RATER. 01141 DA VIOON at JOHNSTON Legal Notices. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GiVEN .bat win be made trio ten Par - sat toatan��(Items, el„ tit• at Its nal t SI Victoria.se t.f C•e pornthist The t . P "�- Iae Penile anette Rail'''.Rail'''.• h tke .rybe or J pante.: to said ill_ to b d,.e co.mrscted viaIplower le, eh a ert Ala ' rt wish Lake r�est- b chemise the of the build a bran71'rt ere sad to estibill lig iisai�/erese wselth�the lea Patine Rahway Co mpnay. or vM!u say Mho r Railway Compaay. sad to enema the Uwe for the ee teso.oes.es a.d asuman Ilse ei the weld railway. Gamow t 131ststrovvlrr. ONiultees Mr the Awpl-ants. Diatom at GoderiA, the 07th day of Nevet.- bwe. 1410. iso. Auctloneering. JOHN 8001 01111 L AUG T101frcll •ss/ i�. T he Or'le.wi+ Imo t sarreesse so him yam. rl v Aswew. Ed Insisti 1I tr Dentistrt. M. NICHOLSON, LD.& DSNTAL ROOMS, Eighth doer Odom thetali' Ossa, fi 4 DR. L RICHARDSON, LD.B. 0CBOSON DENTIST. Gee sad Vitalised Air edinktio nsd 1.r pant•satreeing of tomb. ilmesial attesel.m Kona to the MmsrvatMY et the hire sl TSO.saw-[a stweed Opera Os*.rteh. H 1 , tresos W-lv Loans area insurance. INN. Ilt�. Dervialier, Prowler in c. BEAOER, CLERK FIRST DIVISION COURT. C .. e� , Ineur.aor. resew .ad dement Yo.Frato Lend at w ieeseimee�d. Com. Ormos-Nestle 07.es.11'e P.rt.0 .{ritere, Ockseisb.FJ.T.NAFTEL, LIFE, FIRE AND AACIDSNT IN- SURANCE AGENT, A North British t Ite•es.Hle Liverpool. Limiest It Slobs • Notevvleh U.i.. ; neNorth1 N. W UN; eel Aotdd.nt issue Lowest Rate.cut .! melee settled p.ee��..�.e�� Mosey to Loan a Firs sad Town I1,tw.tj Conveyancing dose. Property val.ad..1o. Omoe---Cor. Nankai -mid Savers, 70od each. $900,000 PRIVATE FUNDtf To lost- en faro and tows p o est Interest. M om mimes char yenta for the Trost lead Less Company of Candle, the CLaminale Lamina Credit Cospasy, the I.aemse Y�,� C•s.g•ej of Canada. Interest, e. dk d Tper esat. N. 0.--- Borrower pas MUM gamey in day. If title 100DA t 1803a SOHNMTON. Barrtstan de., Oedericb e500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON Hour tCAMERON;Des rich. ee iiirONICY TO LEND. -A L A R G iI 1 *resat of Prly Is.ds for inveatassiiAwn u lowest �irtseM -a-wm- to DARROOWm f PROUD R RADCLIFFE, GE.iTBRAL INSCRANCe., REAL EST ATIC Alb MONEY LOANING AGINT O.ty Ptr'st•elass (tstsp.ttye Mlpriesenhm ST Nosey to Lead on meals hk vena,.. it s lowest rate of interest gelsg, is my way to exit its oo rower. Ili OFFICE-Meooat deer frostarn West Street Ooderteb. Mad Jfieaica1. DLS. SHANNON & SHANNON, Paysicisas Surseoaa, Aecoschsss, ae. sroe at Dr. Shannon's residents se fir tae gaol Oodertce O. C. Bsalsol. J. los Plow. Legal. FrC A M P I O N, BARRISTER, MeeOslieltor, Notary Plaine. etc. ee -Oyer Jondes's lent( Steen the rooms formerly micepled or Judge iloyle. 11125 0. HAYS, SOLICITOR, se Spare aed Rest street Odd tches'over t.Maaph ease. Pri- vate %muds to lead ate per amt. 110. (IA RRO W dt PROUDFOOT, BA R RIOTERS Atterams. Solicitors, Ooderiob J. T. Darrow, W. Prow/foot. 17 GfAYERON, HOLT & CAMERON, aCcCSw.f C P.�/.iyp Amusements. CIODERiCH MECHANICS' INSTI kfi TUTZ LIBRARY AND R1ADiN M, ow. of East street and arises Laic Oyes front 1 teepee., sod hoes 7 to 10 p.m ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY; Larding Deily, Wetilf;esd Illwadtwded Papers, df a;aa►wer, *c,, en Pik biEng tree se fltem ONLY •e,M greeting free talo oIt(eeLmllnry lead razt• Amnesties for smeshaehy vwestvd y Libraries. Is rooms. S MALCONSON, ovo. wrry Ifsf+.ry Preat, oderleh. M archhtta b o . lea. ..aee Societies. ligNIAS DP TM,' iii' ti` .T , i SIM . We will plae Knitted Woolen Ken's Shirts a: re Haemal Iles Ladies' lin Oardlg 1 Now is the prices (fall and see JO UN- DUNLO new ear ewe e.rras.sei Ls grippe had Not w of ..Etre*., sated of of tt...d ea we there area few mors r Mils Deep• Mambo trout Detroit after sa 4 ger. Horns, Swear How (;lark, alter as sheen. travel ia the Wester British Onlelobis, is vi Mr and Ma James CIa NILS From oar owe oarreneent The special minims 11 church hero soiled 1a Seventy auris peeeeot seekers of salVStioa 7 the Methodist Amok thirty more will likely jird. Mies W illiame at Istissatioe of Nile poop sod as evangelist. La Grippe or its tine week. Five or six as serioesly 111. Stet H Irl sae and Items began revival arilOn )11.4.7 tveni•g. 70 COLBOR book at the labM on elead polity of Colborne nmet hall on Moaday,Jan. 21 The following gent) their qualification sac *See, via :-Joseph 134 Malloy as deputy -reeve N.tlm. Jobe and Ale] conncdloes. The minutes of last emend read and after t approvd. A. Mallny N. Jubna, tbm Jami .inted auditor for this ailed R.hy Wdlia nano[. Nath" John by A. Yong, ttu °Senile bet re appointed John s0Ysd, •ecrode at the reeve, dap rea .eheria*tou a.d W s. std • iueal board . t year. Carried, A. W. shame was t keep dm road phew iia .red Carlow. T were parsed, vis revelries short, rephirna advert, 1 for election for eleetioe pogo .djoer.ed to et , February 6th, at 1 an. 21st, 1890. J. DUNGAN/ our own correspond Look at the label on Weather in this meetly changeable. write, Jack Frust tr, however, as yet ghing, which is bon for. In this village and 'tants have thus vend in being free fr hich M so prevalent knows as 15 gripppe .ompiai.ing of Nov t apparent!) trains opo. is '' Hrtve you got emotion might be invei grippe got held of) • The seuniefpel sounc: tT el[ West Wawat.o the m..ioipsl am, he or 1890 it the tewneht P. the 30th last• Aare gpifemen enadoct the affairs of • Jeelaa/ion .d of a bonuses Idle swain with tke bossiness oil oaten, of eoerse, Ina; i. \is usual hat present Relit I P. end eoonallora std William B were appointed tiler, M -•pi, ,nli 11.00801wr ; •Will 8t Haloes, and 'serif -T. Wibn. The anos•l ltasettng . Meted Fir. In hors ea Tonsils* wee galea • too s.seswsed from The dtmasb wen esuaeterami retiring 4i0peaAs, . I.Y. Felker es wen reappodetedl. t'URERA.O013NO1L, 110 103 OOD +£ inion.-->gees'eeege�t�� swtlst e. em•�enellsge�selemr fag r hspsewres Veraesaiese •rr"'fl.slkl' tfurtherthe Negaziatreti. ENVELOPES INS M I$ SOME AT SIGNAL