HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-24, Page 1DRING
ii1pN 1M redeems se .S WWI
use ..t
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am Printing House.
;ravelling 6uas.
ve sad depart et emlieriab an to
Mersin...,... Lettun.
• • ........ •""•• --"It
.1 -
..::::• ...La !.m
'tome and see our
1 61 the BIIZhOL
:oxen Florida Oranges
IcLEAN'R Grove.
LATES IEw&ti,h and C•.adisei
the best Goods we j
can buy
2Zdl1cON' S
I'rescri mime Drugstore.
Rportapt 11!$bglwtatt
FOR 1890.
I PREMIUMS to select from.
nduoemeate for old sad
new subscribers.
AxxcaL 8t'secittrrrrtse:
n y W rrrrtas se
ret LT
.....{1 M
rhrrw l[aesnoger�esiaas mit
the Int••
l▪ id
_prem. lit .
soda lard' 'std mewIlse
✓ anted. SrmrM espies Item.
"Witness" , ,
- TO ADVERTISXRS, La,t at she lube m this paper.
Notice of changes must be left The joke "sea Mef)tsay hada salla
at this Office not later than
Monday noon. The copy for
changes must be left not later
than ednesday noon. Cas-
ual Advertisements accepted
up to noon Thursday of each
Legal leUas.
AU educate notion at els teed *haw
gJTVs SaseAs. b seertin0, or tram•
tetiismenfa ed which as . heeliO1s
ie derped, sr /en whist s peeled
try better* is derived, meet he jeHel
for at the red it/ one ami per
word fad imertion,these teatestv-liee cents. so elierge Whereeirreissesnate lee,
Mewled a t ,o ,w pisinars ma
-At the Brea* Zschaam Hoek
rick as Tbarsd• , Jut. IR UM, the wife
of axes. B. Cox, eta daughter.
Maines -i. Dederick se B!!d�a.� J.., 11th.
Imo Jobs Haien. Br., la his diet year.
>lsaeI Belem. and re n,� th•.ofm
1Swtc_ Iter irwl �.°� !i tat.
Theamigral will take false• hem his late
mar at >� rDDussaiiei ea Someday. Jas.
Ran. to Damn' tem.
Leet -F. Jordan.
Te Rest -Mrs F. Smseta
For le Csea-Prsmr t Peter.
Farms ter BN► -Jena J. Pates.
Cama One. Mese AIL -4. M. Proadfoot.
Syrup Temente Gem -H. Dowser Caen.
Masswva.t Waned -Hex ung, Gedrrlak.
Biggest MOWS Week- 8aaadors&Sm.
sidled* Notice to Crediting -Jamas Cart.
"A e4(da
Ani flea A peen it.+sde
A Goon Passau*.- The most useful gift
ma mate le to give a Wirt Pea. Ap-
se D. Mo011neaddy, afoot. Goderiolt
The west soveh.ss la the le lite
always be ebtaimed at the
a GStewart. our. Hamilton at
The W eaean�an 'sChristfan Temperas°.11nioa
f�ih._b...mestef North -et Meta eine
• Prayermestise et
titled se U winter bad roma at
wa may bare ea.orth of it before we
tb*stgh. Tema ores with the loweriae
& A. ti, IetsD"itera It would he well to call at
the pa.N.'s ailor,.
Ovvalpp .. ter 1aI.eass e•. be cured by
gdo.selyme Teasers° Galt, *zoom
Care. every &r. QelaNss Pith every
time. add by F.
tarda& tet et • *hetes .till
en wittteut nse.is& at R. R. sallow(
is oddities to his regular
mew en bead • full liar of n meeffra mat
w mesh be is sling with sr without
remain V required he supptlss
Ate the beat melding is tows.
w to lameat their mosey I. •
these wbe live ape limited rietweileini
meet. The sdvertlsout of
and Ilea, on another pegs or this
epees ups prinked* ed* mesas of atwttlair
toe your dollar. A visit to their
gems will always repay those in
h of ae,eesarles for the home, and you
always etre to gad what you west at the
house seder theme.
Look at the label on this paper.
Mr W A. Colborne has returned from
visit to Paisley.
Mims Ai. Trainor, of Chica'o, is visit•
at the residence of Mr Thos. Rut -
Tb County Couroil of Huron can-
on Tuesday, 28th inst., at (lode -
Mr Will looking returned this week
a visit to hie brother at Malts-
, Mich.
Ile MoDo.a,gh will he in G tderich for
eltation on the first Saturday of
try month.
Miss Darts Cooke, who has been
tang fries -iv is Dungannon, returned
me thie we. Ir.
Mrs Robe Donagh has refereed to
we floss Detroit, where she bad been
eddies for mime time.
Georgie Martin left on Saturday
epi a few weeks' trip to Galt, Hamil-
Teresto and Fort Erie.
De I( Niehol.nn, the West -et dentist,
ate• the preservation of the natural
a spessaity. Ott administered from
a. m. ler the painless extraction of
It,, H. H. Smith and two children,
Wheedling, are visitingfriends mod
re, tektites. ThiMrs Smith's
trip to Ontario since mooring West
years ago.
Lsnttnlf Pre d Ilea Drad�tRi
meow iii seem
Megb Dream
leffilese 11111111 .r b,sdluq _
Person. wishing to improve their
or strengthen their power of
should mod to Prof. Loisette,
Fifth At.., N. Y. fns his prospie-
tree, se sdym'tised In another
air B. H. Robertson, of Oarrow &
'a ofaes, this week pared his
iaterssediate law examination at
Hall, Toccata. He divided the
best ofswellf first passe ge
with a eelat•ee
abaft last, Nr Jas. Williams
,leash hae tiis (Ake a ember of d.e-
dsMsms Is Mee. whits he had ed
lima Olt she la he tram of hisPress
esent apposearese then tral be
m+ mem m is Meese omit after the Ink
./ Kaiak. Wham Ilss wan at hist,
Sed leek le It.
res ; bet it le set ttmiy r great
se the i'.auamse is having, as everybody
IrruaaiT Sommer. -The fiat meet-
ing fur the teem et Um High Sehuol
Literary 8ociety was held us Friday
evening het Fut:owing is the program
reedited :-Churn•, Ohm Club ; reed -
nig, Miss Roils Williams; radiation,
Mims F. !toilsome : reading, Mr Carr* ;
readier, Mr Oram ; edit,... sebwttuse,
Miss Doyle ; Chore,, Glee Ulab ; re -
diaries, Mir Hutto° ; geeeiioe drawer,
Mr Strang ; chorus, Glee Club.
(Jreold mead "Tom" Cowan, post-
master of Galt, was in town last week is
connection with the (loderieh Organ Co's
macbioery, and called upon Tai titosai,
In the good old days teWre Mr Comm
was placed on the shelf by the Outer" -
meet, be was a power on the political
stump, and although it has been our por-
tion to disarms with him uo the plat-
form, is social lite we know no more
gonia) soul than the same "Torn" Cowan
Foot BALL, -TM High School foot
bali aasocatwn stet on Monday ev.oeeg
re -organised for the present term
Olken were appointed es follows :-
Preeineot, Mr Currie ; captain, Mr
Pries ; secretary, Mr Terser ; trwurer,
Mr dsltuws ; osanseing oomaittee,
Messrs. Gram, Mx and Niamey. The
association has received sums challenges
already and purpias pastime the practice
in order to Si the members for sense in
the shortest possible unto.
Fates Aussr -A man named Png-
aley, whoa few months ago rented Mr.
Brown's farm on the Huron Road, for a
term of years, wee arrested on Saturday
charged with fraduleut de.langs in other
parts of the etientry, Oil Monday be
lett fur Furs Erie ill charge of an officer
fr�ot,m that section and Constable Yule.
He has since returned to town, and it
omits se if he was • victim of a tales ar-
rest. We understand he intends to take
proceedings a,tain.t the parties son
awned in his arrant
DaaTII or a Foarsa RESIDENT -The
friends w G•derich of Mr Francis Bol-
ton, who a few years ago resided in
Godench and attended the High School,
will be sorry to learn of hie premature
death in Colston .1 the age of 29 years.
Deceased was • .hood teacher by pro-
fee.t,o,o, and wl.il i i town rivet:with his
mo, bur, Mr. J ,he Struthers. When he
left here several years ago, he was in
poor health. being .Meted with coo-
sumpHion, which dread disease, we pre-
sume, carried him off.
Le Gaur. -The infection knows as
la grippe struck the town during the
week. sod a number of residents, of all
grades and conditions, have been afflict-
ed /Lorry other man you meet has an
odor of camphor about him, and thv
man who hasn't the disease aye he had
it last week x the week before, so as
not to be out of fashion. Tan Stuxai,
op to date, from the "devil" to the edi-
tor, has «soaped the infection and want
to continue on that line. We don't
want to ape the ariatucraoy even by
catching la grippe.
Btwurre Cosa's? - The musical
fraternity of the town hare arranged for
• benefit o•meert t., Mise Ski'.sin,. this
(Friday) eveni, : The program to be
presented is a e cud one, and the object
of the concert is praiseworthy in the ex -
trouts. Mir Hkimmings is well and
favorably known in musical circles in this
section, and has in her oapeoity of teach•
er done mem to bring musical culture
here up to its present high standard, so
much so that her many friends deem her
worthy of the present manifestation of
esteem on their part. We hope to see •
bumper hour this evening.
O,ITOaiT.-There died at the reel
deuce of his sun, Chas. A., on Sunday
last, an old and respected resident in
the person of John Nairn, sr. De
mimed was • builder by trade, but for
the past nine years had done little ac-
tive work, owing to injuries sustained
by falling from the roof of a building at
that time, which greatly shattered his
former a worms frame. For some
months pest he had been in feeble
health, and early last week was attacked
by la grippe, whi,h on Friday last de-
veloped into pneumonia, to which he
soccumbed on Sunday. as above stated.He was one of the oldest Oddfelluws In
town, and was s must enthusiastic and
loyal member. The funeral took plate
from the resident), of his son, Mr Ches.
A. Nairn, on Toeeday last, and was fol-
lowed to the grave by Huron Lodge No.
$2 and Hertel Encampment No. 28,
1. 0. 0. F., and • leap co°ocuree of re-
Vicroma-err. Osmium - anneal
meeting of the Board of Truster of Vic-
toria -et. Methodist cher h was held last
Thursday evening. The venous dean -
tial reports of the past year were pre-
sented and audited, and all other busi-
ness devolving on the Board at the
anneal meeting trammeled. Were it not
for a few ked liabilities of p/'aeest� years,
financial matters are in a mtidietot
healthy esmditio•. TM Board, byyreso-
lution,sad regse'ted the pastor of the
cherub, sonedime i., theth of Feb -
every to solicit a .pads eollectins of
ninety dollen to meet past indebted -
sem The Bawd we enbrgad for the
purpose ut mister eglelesey is the tram -
sodas of business. The Steed of Tree-
less, is eesseeties with the Qeanerry
Bawd, are resolved M tasks ?accost. -ss.
ebuaek, led by their peens ememetio
pester. Bev Mr Belau,, one ed the Mesa
nth f �ttd ...I,,. seethes to the
Loot at the label ea this paper. "God Save the Qom's," the matinee
Mrs W. N. Hustle is visiting
Mrs Wm Seita has bees vie
the reddest* of her sea at SIsem
Mr and Mrs Gee. Aaheses ha
to Athens. Ga., where they wtl
the winter,
Mrs Vasey Elwood and sen are
at the resid•ooe a Mr and Ma
North street.
Eno: cheat Band of Hope wi
on Saturday, 25th Feet , at terse
sharp. All are invited.
Mr Joh. Nairn, Jr., of Detroit
ed tows os Monday to seised the fam-
rel ut his father, the late John Hain.
On Wednesday last, four out of Wisg-
ham's Ivo deuton were laid up with the
'rip. The sole survivor bad a beg time
of it.
A Rau Timer. -Chaplain Searle will
deliver hie celebrated lettere, "A Voice
from the Priem," in the North street
Methodist church on the 18th February.
Rey George Richardson has been does
with ii,fiuenzs for the past week or tee
days Renday last his plaos in North -
arrest Methodist pulpit was acceptably
filled by Rev B. L Hutton, of Victoria -
street, church. Mr Richardson, we
learn, is on the mend.
i D. MoRILI,ICV. PR:i ___
ftieode (Papas,/ The eel, disagreeable feature
ofothe evening
was the 'oldness of ib. Tae ramesea er west aures Meld Meld
was owl to estrum' Third •nasi •teamae,
�seventy of the weather. pro -The third eased mestisg of the West
will amount to between $40 sad Hums Farmers' Institute was held is the
• ILL Rias Tug Mlcsoss - As ss. ariesi hal/
w� r lest, e� was well
change nays : "Steer dear of bast notes woe.egrlturtmte of the s•.
visiting I as you would of rattleecakes. "La The
P. Holt, ' Grippe" microbes are lying in wait in president. Mr John Kanighso-
the soft texture of the alluring gram prime address. ens. tbe proceedings with a Spats
tl meet back. ' If any of our delinq.ent sob- l4 O, O. Castes, of West Biome, fol-
o'aloek scribere have • earplug of green -hacks lowed with a carefully thought out ed
we would advie' them to forward the dream on "The Profit* of Fruit ;irowi
Sam' to this o
itisg d Sag tbe
ve goat
ruseh-face. We will risk the
Maourrlaysa' COURT -A young man
named Smith and another named Black
were before His Worship the Mayor on
Saturday, charged with disturbing the
Farmers' Institute meeting on Friday
evening They were fined 50c and coats
or eight days in jail. Th. Mayor has
made op his mind to abate this public
Arra Ha ALM/MT.-For • prn•pee-
five journalist who is going to carve •
niche for himself away up high in the
sewspeper temple of St Catharines by
totally "eschewing Mowing and bead-
ier," the young man of the Gazette
makes a very modest start. A young
man that can take hold of the frame
work of a paper that published 300
copies a day and jump it up to a cireo-
latios of over 2,400 oo the first diy of
its re-ioeee without "blowing or boast-
ing" is a daisy. Sock ample minded
modesty as this knocks Tb. Star out is
one round. Arthur Horatio Nelson
Jenkins will hardly find a held for his
superior guslificaticus in St Catharines.
-St Catharines Star.
Tan R T. or T. ENTgtrratNtrztrr.-
As announced. the supper and concert
tiers held on Tuesday evening last,under
the auspices of the Royal Templer.,
masted by member. of the other local
temperance bodies. Altawe4h the ele-
ments of nature, combined with the
extinction of the electric tights, owl
a break in the wire, which left
streets in darkness, militated to a s
extent ageism • large turnout of pea
the affair was quite a success. The to
were loaded down with the choi
viands that could be provided, and
cooking bore ample evidence that c
nary skill is not on the decline
Ooderich. Nor was the quantity Ii
d by the excellence, for after the g
ly number present had had en es
there wag plenty to spare. At ei
o'clock Rev B. L. Hutton, pastor
Victoria -.t. Methodist church, took
chair, and to ao able manner mad
very appropriate address, after whit
program of rare excellence, and t
which has not been equalled in our to
for some time was placed before
public, The partiap•ets veers Mr
G. Reynolds, who sang "The Tb
Fishers" in good style, mud was follow
by Miss Crabb in "A Bird from over
Sea," with violin and piano ac"amps
went. Misses Donogh and Truem
favored the audience with an gust
mental duett (violin and piano). e h
justly received a hearty encore. which w
graciously responded to. "TI e W
rice," by MIs. Fraser, was well reeeiv
The next Item was a solo by Mr R.
Tome!, "Rocked in the Cream of t
Deep," and although the occasion
the drat appearance of this gen -
tleman before a public audienos,
he was heartily applauded. Miss
B. Wilkinson came next in order
with "L ov,. Old Sweet Sang," f..Ilowed
by Mr. 0 L. Cooke in "The (lid Bri-
gade." Rev. T. M. Campbell, of St.
Mays, was billed to be press at, but a
tele/ram announced that through illness wad
he was unable to attend, which was
quite a dirppnintmomt to hie many
friends in Osd.rich. However, by re-
quest. Rev. Father West, pastor of St.
Peter's (R C.) church, made • very neat
address, in which he esprered himself
in favor of the temgersttoe cases, and as
in the past, so in the future he would, as
far as pneib!•, endeavor to do what he
could to dise•etag* draokeeness and .p -
hold the temper�snce'tan,.. After hum-
crosely alluding to the intemperate n• -
tare of the weather, the rev. gentleman
tank his seat amid hearty applsws. Mr.
R U Belcher then rendered "thee Hem
deed Fdtbea Deep" in • misuser that
.heated a hearty encore. The sloes,
lumber was a medley geartette, taken
part is by Messrs. Rel her, Duremoek,
and Porter, and Miss Crabb, which wee
alio well rendered. Mr. Julia Wash:
Ingtoa moved that the thanks of the
dimes be bemdred M all who hal so
kindly taken pert ill presiding sash an
steeliest perms, whisk wee monocl-
ed toad ettrrisd ueeei.tosaly. The shelt-
ies. thea eseeush d that as there was
• Imes sli previsions
head, • gsapper � wecM' held ice. the
beseooM si Viands -se. aura Wordage.
day mediae at whisk as sdsissiee fee e
IIS,. weaN shamed, sed thee singing
ng to
Le let them atopeet
growing vegetables, Ain't
Shite we • privileged claw ; If their rotten
advent of the mierob.. and will them give
credit for every della, reeeived by es
REOOTggaD awe RproyzauNu.—Der-
ithe past week Mer Hutchison, M.
W.Pro oot, P J. O'Dea, T. Wessherald
and a boat of other well-ksowo
town folk were does with iniseaze,
but we are pleased to Isere that
they are Dow all either recovered or
recovering. Mr Proudfoot had a
particularly virulent attack, and at
one time hie case was the subject of
setion, thought to hie many frame&
We are pleaded s to learn, however, that
Om waited past, and we
look fax his early return to his regular
duties. La grippe has proved to be no
joking matter a Oodsricd
Ws e a e[�eara&a,t ma,s,a�td hdd am� a ter the
selves to Nbii•eessUoae and amom ebrie&
To the Miter of The Shed.
bevies ims 8e, think l bounds, Or i s
to acknowledgeour • n of the
kindness showus byp the appreciation
Goderich, in giving us equal privileges
to the public walks and parks as bipeds.
And I am sere that we shall greatly en-
joy and ever feel grateful for the luxury
of :be shade trees, the drinking foun-
tains, the sweet green gram of the walks
and parka, and the genteel society of
the gena, Aowto.
I really du not understand how any
one eould object to our genial company.
Du we not make the very cream
of society 1 And we feel doubly grateful
that the people of Godetich appreciate
our society, and have been so willing to
accord us the same rights to the public
thoroughfares es patter citizens. We
need not now be afraid of the bull -dog,
the bas: boy, or the pound keeper.
In the summer time, when our beauti-
ful town looks its beat, we shall be glad
to welcome excursionists, treat them to
toe cream for I scream) and enjoy the
music of the bads while we recline un-
der the shade trees, chewing the sod of
sweet content By the way, I beard a
chronic grumbler say that if his neigh -
but', sow had • right to tate the grams
bellies his door, he preferred cutting it
whimas parMinted with Ordinary Farming,.
comment from many of
those present. He also wave a pe•otical
lwtratioi of pruning the grape.
Wm Cowan, V. S , Galt, delivered en
mistiest speer► es "Breedieg Hurbss,"
sad gave a somber of valuable pointers
the hoteanes present au the googlies
the proper handling of horses and tire
moat nutritious food.
A deputation from the Ooderich Board
Trade, consisting of Messrs James
itehell, A. Senders and R. Radcliffe,
vacated the establishment of • cream-
y in the section, after *kick Mr. Miller,
Parkhill, read an exhaustive paper on
he bonsai to be derived from the eatab-
le' of a creamery. Mr. Miller is a
inent member of the Creamery A.
sootatiun of Ontario, and from practical
perienoe in the running of a eve..ae,.y,
as able to give much valuable informa-
A discussion on the question took
lace, in which Messrs. Linklater, J. 0.
shoo, Jas. Porter, Joe. McClesky sod
athero toot part.
Mr. Miller answered the questions put
him in a satisfactory manner, and the
lowing resolution was pot and carried
nanimotmly :
Moved by D. McGillicuddy, seconded
Mr. J. Mitchell, that • oommittee
'Dieting of Mesons. MoClusk J. Var-
It. Morris, Matto*. Jas. Punter, A
cabman, W. Young and J. Jenkins be
ppoint.d by this meeting to canvass the
meet to ,ea it 500 ouw, can be mimeo -
in the event of a creamery being ea-
After • few remarks from Prof. James,
the Agricultural College, Oeelph (who
uuforttnately afflicted with la grippe,
thereby debarred from taking up his
lar subject), the meeting adjourned,
meet at Victoria Hall in the evening.
There was a good atteodancs at the
evening meeting, and a large number of
ladies were present. Mayor Butler oc-
cupied the chair, and after • bnsnrou
dtldress celled upon Mr. A. P. McLean,
who sang in good style, "The Queer Folk
o' the Shaw." President Kernigham
read a thoughtful and instructive paper
on "The Farmers' Position," and showed
beth sides of the case, but proved con-
clusively that in other branches of buai
nem there wore greater and more ser -
failures in life than amongst the
Mg community. The paper was well
° instrumental trio by Messrs. Par -
(violin), Belcher (ooncerten.), and
Martin (pianist) was enthusistioal-
r. 0 C. Canton, by request, repeat -
is remark, of the afternoon on grape
ore, and then delivered an address
Beautifying the Home.' He took
ground that farmers too often ve-
to make the home and its surround -
what they ought to be, and attri-
the fact that young men often left
arm and took up other vocations,
use their home life bad not been
as attractive as it could have been.
ring the delivery of Mr Caston's
ear • Cfaple of intoxicated young
who re regret to say belong to
erich made themselves highly ob-
•ble by loud and vulgar interrup-
After being repeatedly cautioned
e chairman, the constable had even -
to be sent tor, and the disturbers
of the peace were very properly arrested
and looked up for the night
A duet by Miss B. Wilkinson and Mr
Cameron was fittingly apprewated by
an encore.
Mr W. Cowan rave an address on the
bast way of keeping the boys on the
farm, and ably supple nested the re-
marks of Mr Canton with regard to mak-
iog ho=e life attractive.
Solos by Mr Belcher, Mir Wilkinson
sad Mr Dimmock, followed by the Na-
tional Anthem, brought the meeting to
a close.
himself and giving It to the cow to eat at f
her own stable, that he did not wish his
front door to look like a barnyard, What A
an old curmudgeon ' I thought he must tee
be a lazy biped, and told him be ought Mites
to be glad to get material to enrich hie I en
garden so cheap. He said be did not y
propose to become sta batboy ter hie neigh- d h
bora' cowl, or enrich his garden to grow emit
cabbage for me, the heathen ! Another on
cow heard • kind-hearted, though mis- the
taken old gentleman say the privilege gleet
we received was to benefit the poorer ingg
citizens. But, bless you, the poor can- bated
not afford to keep us, at least very few
of them, and then it is some poor old tb.c.I
mongrel cow beneath our notice. We made
are thoroughbred, and belong to the
well-to-do, men living on incomes, re- Un
tired farmers, &a, -they are the people mu
that cultivate oar society. One of mGen'
sisters heard • young lady remarkGod
that some of the poor people c_ald lection
not afford to build strung and ezpensive aloes
fences to keep cows away from their bf lth
vegetables and garden stuff. Wall th really
fences fall down when we rub our itch-
ing hide against it, I am sure we can't
help it ; such a foolish young woman
to talk that wey, I am glad she ain't
vote. An old bachelor was heard to
say if cows obtained tree posture in
town property and free drinking foun-
tains, the town should have free milk
•Iso employ men to clean the aide
ike after nes An aged spinster
remarked that the town council should
keep cows and gilt the citizens cheep
milk and butter, and suggested that
your worthy mayor superintend the
churning, the batter milk to be supplied
gratis to the "poor tired fellers" in the
spurt hoose, for that beverage will not
injure their complexions. I hate old
maids and bachelors; they lack the milk
of bovine kindness. A friend of •owe
said there coedit to he more sows is
town. He was opposed to monopollea,he
knew some who had fire or six sues,
that every man had as moat right to the
same semher, whish would give the
town about throe dimmed cow".
Wouldn't that b Slee f We would he in
deem then ; that is, if the tows could
grow sn iegh. How joyfully we would
raise ear veleta in the morning in
thanks, waking the logy deems is bed,
mod moth the ofwith the made of bes lle elllee of tealin-
deed Tieseia
to mm ewes =Pet eve toes.' fr
bevies, emwepseiseMattis by tis 4sedrs frog
ww with
b.Sheeeelege m ler their
peasestue Abets ear belt, 1 tle.a.is
yams. mod opsidellp,
tITUIDwr asuwoN,
The Institute again met in the town
ball, president Kernighen in the chair.
Secretary Mittel read • well -thought -
nut paper on "Seams in Farming,'"
enrich brought out discussion.
President Kernighan delivered his
annual address, which was listened to
with deep interest.
The prosodies* were brought to •
dose after Mr Lissom had given an in -
Weeding address on the hereat• to be
derived from Farmers' Iretitete•.
The meet meeting of the Wast Heron
'meioses' Institute sill be held at Des
minima os Marsh nth.
Mr Jobs F. Dale, Cho work. 200 aeras
of land so the Ileum rued, Taekeremith,
reseed sold to Mr J B. McDuegall, of
*beet K Iamb, for white he
uuee ed dams M $504. Thee' blob
wen all raised tela Yr Dale's ewe term.
Mr Dale it one of those 'bemuses farm-
9fimy, lays he has bees pretty meow -
efel as • frrmmr, bet this Yale esy�1m,
he hes
dens toss ie his best dqs. itis
oldsd sir whom the see wtps.se
vas Glasses K t et ly Met.
The statutory meeting of the tows
ensued was held In the tows hall at 11
a.m. es Monday.
Owing to the resignation of Mr
Skase, Mr IL W. McKenzie was de -
Mired domed as a oosaoillor fur St.
Patrick's ward.
After the members elect had made
the teal deolarstioo of q oelideatios aid
ofice, Mayor Bethke took the Mak.
Messrs. W. It. Rooeraou and H. W.
Ball woes re♦ppointsd seditn's, and Mr
William Kay was re -appointed on the
High School Board.
The mayor informed the semen that
he had, subject to the approval of the
meson, mads a enatraet with Jss.
Robertem t Co., of Toro°to,for 10 tone
of half inch pipe at $ 775 per ewe. f, o,
at To onto, The co°traet we. ap-
proved by the 000nal.
The brat and third Friday is each
=oath were named as the regular "set
ing nights.
The following members were appoint-
ed as a nominating oommittee:Coun-
cillors Thompson, Nattel, Nicholson,
Humber and Holt. After a short ad-
journ ent the nominating committee
presented the following report, which
was adopted by
the council :
Cemetery McKenzie, Do _sp_s' Smith, Marney,
Court ofReviaion-
Proadfoot, Holt, Natal
Fimanoe-Prosdfoot, Holt, Reid,Cam-
pion, Pridham.
Firs-Proudfoot, Pridham, Money,
Smith, Thompson.
Harbor -Nicholson, Holt, Campion,
Reid, Humber.
Market-Canteins, Morney, Thomp-
sm, Smith, Nand.
Relief - Mayor, Dunlop, Canteloo,
McKenzie, Murnay.
Public Wort-Naftel, Cantelon, Prid-
ham, Humber, Holt, Thompeoo, Nichol-
Nichholsoo Campion, PMcKtenzie,SDtun-
lop, Husb,r, Reid.
Water Works- Mayor, Naftel, Hum-
The first named in each committee be-
ing chairman.
Gentlemen -We are met together to
carry on the affairs of the town for 1890.
This will be on easy took. Oar feeds
are very low and • great deal remains to
be done. No ordinary people can carry
on work or improvements without mo-
ney. The waterworks committee may
be required to lay down MUDS on main
streets now asking for tows water.
The following are some of them -Welles-
ley St and part of Britannia R isd in
St Andrew's ward ; St David's, Stanley
and Hincks streets in St David's Ward ;
Bruce (east of Victoria), Nelson, and
Albert streets and (perhaps) Newgate-st
west of Victoria in St Patrick's Ward.
All these are demanding water, and is
view of the disease that has scourged our
town and believed to arise from bad
water, can we refuse 1 If not, where is
the money to come from 1 This is not
easily answered. I bey, to suggest use
way of raising it, viz : sell the steam fire
engine. Wa ought to get $3,500 or
$3,800 fur it. This value put in
pipes in the yr mod with more hydrants
will give os far better fire protection and
mans per citizens to procure pure water
where It cannot be got now, We also
want a hose waggop instead of the reels
as they are not suited to the new order
of things. They are neither so useful
nor easily handled as • seggoo. The
harbor hill also needs attention.
A petition has been sent to the Gov-
erment asking their attention to
the deepening of the whole harbor and
extending the North pier. It may also
be dvisab'e to have soundings taken to
show the Government the need of
dredging. I am esti•Aed f. -roan the hate
seven gales and the open season that
the entrance is greatly filled up since the
close of nark -stem. The Pubic Works
Committee (I think) win cot require
much money this year, as there is ase
new work needed. The repairing of
sewers, a few new drains, or extension
of prevent one,, and putting some more
cmodere on our footpaths is all we can do.
We may have to put op two or three
electric lamp in one or two wards if
you think we can afford them. The
house water service will, in my opinion,
be the woe wetly pen of our work. if
the demand for services be such se I
anticipate it will take about four thou-
sand dollars fox this season. In view of
this I arranged for ten lone of lead
pipes at a price that will to 20o per
hundred ler than the very cheeped
bought hitherto. This le subject to -02
your apprroval.
Wednesday moaning. 15th inst., word
was received that Harry Hutton, Wal-
ton, well known in that vi:inity, had
died near Paisley, of typhoid fever.
thesick Ramon,
SBrussels, is on
gone to the home of
her parent. Fee a while. We hope she
will ser s be feetaed to bee usual good
health. ��—____
Ya %
John itsaRE; Owl, who had
ben ill (.rr some time with diabetes and
latterly troubled with pleurisy, died en
Tweeds . 7h suta
tet us She sof • very
epheeerfdel disposition and to e lest aG-
Mrs Mateeesl aher ges 40 years faith is c r
bed hese • resident of Grey lewm.hl, Ar
au daughter ere left te mowupwards of *0 yeem. basket: