HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-17, Page 8s THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JAR. 17, 1694. SCIDOL 0?: , INV School Books and School Supplies of Every Description -AT-- Fraser T Fraser & Porter's THE LARGEST 5c. Scribbling e cbse Book°k' . Prices always Guaranteed the best that can possibly be done. Full Supplies of all the Latent and Best Educational Works, authoris- ed and recolnlnended for High Schools, Model Schools, Public Schools, and Separate Schools. FRASER & PORTER. Cor, North at. and Square, Central Telephone Exchange. Ooderick, Jan. Ned, 1Rs. ASHFIELD. Prom oar own Then are quite • few eases of Russian inflames, but we trust it is only a mild form of it, and that the patients will soon remover. A literary society is to be organised under the suapioes of Maple Grove L. 0. L. in school No 5. The first meeting will be held on Monday evening, 20th last. We trust all will juin in walnut these meetings a success. The public are cordially invited. GREY TOWNSHIP. From cur own c t A few in this section are affected with 1a grippe, but the crass SO far are of a mild form. Auction sales are not very plentiful u yet, but where held, stock especially, go off like hot cakes, and high prices. are realised. Nearly everybodyis wishing for snow mo as to get woobuilding material', Lc., hauled into position. The Pioneer Debating Society at Shines school house a again is full working order for the winter months. They have already debated the House of Refuge question, and the next in order is a big literary so t. A. Mcfotosb 1s prepariov to build a large bank barn next summer. The sixtesoth will soon be hard to beat for good buildings. The annual meeting of Knox church, Crsnbrook, was held oo Tuesday, 14th inst. All matters are in first-class shape. The . , obi is steadily growing under the pastorate of Rev D. B. McBea, wbc is well liked by his people. DUNGA NNON. Prom our owe t Politica on the whole are quiet at pre- sent, se also railway matters. According to statute, the Municipal Council of West Wawaaosh will hold its first meeting of 1890, in the Town Hall, on Monday, the 20th inst. All' soocerued please take nota Weather very changeable, with heavy winds, ram and frost, alteroately. No sleighing as yet. which is quite unique at this data of the year. Choppers say that it is excellent weather for cutting wot•d. Mr Samuel E. Sanderson, of West Wa .nosh, took • trip eastward, and on his return homeward last week brought home a partner to share his joys and troubles of life. We wish them a happy and union. Rev Jas. Livingstone, of Clinton, delivered • good, practical and humor- ous lecture in the Methodist church here. on Tuesday, the 711t int., subject, "The Huiran Voice." The attendance on the omission was large. Those pres- ent were pleased with the lecture, it being delivered in a manner beyond an- ticipation. The annual guesting of the West We- wanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be held in the court room here, on Tuesday, Jan. 21st, 1890. All concern- ed will govern themselves accordingly, as the last year's business will be taken into consideration, as also other impor- tant mat ars in that line. A gwd at- tendance is expiated. Mr Peter Moffat, of Washington Ter- ritory, U. S., is visiting his sister, Mrs Walter Steen, of this village. He also Intends , visiting other relatives and friends in Ontario before his return homewards. He seams to like the land of his sloption vary much. It is up wards f ten years sines he was in On- tario no a like toter. The remain* of the late Mrs Chaff, of Ashfield, near this village, were interred on Monday, the 13th lust., in Dun- gannon cemetery. Rev J Carrie eoa- duct,.J the obsequies. She was aged 7q years. She war high) respected by all who knew her. The bereaved haus the sympathy of obs i1y. DUNLOP. Tram ..nr awe o.. oarresessadeat. Miss ilrms Allen it visiting eardttie . Mies gnome Masllieier is the greet of Kies Marta Jewel, in Ashfield. Junes Moms, of Buffalo, M viaitiaagg usd.r th. parental roof in Oairbread send melee during his Way assay of his old tri.ts& about here. 'We wish hiss t pleasant sojourn. O. tate as4 Mrs A Lawson, of Dodge rich, end Mrs A Thoapvon, of Hay ()it,, DC , este smiled here this week to be V.. -cot at the Ieseird of their Mese, Eat. .;.rine H Lawson. Psean.i .-ora Postlswheite, for seine yeses a ts at of oar hers when 11e et r4id tbs bas of village constable, is now one of the' workers in the staff of the Salvation Army in Ouderich. When in Dunlop William *uses( prompt with hip duties, and the Arts, JSicula have made a good cboice with him to help them in gathering is strayed sinners to then fold in the crroalar town. Two Colborne pioneers were in our midst • few days ago -Mrs R. Jewel, from Dear Beoeiller, the guest of Mrs A. C. Macdonald, and W. Green, of Cannelton, Dakota, fcrmerly of this township, visiting old friends about hen and taking of resent events and old memories of lib years Among his nar- ratives arratives was one of the launch of thees easel noticed by Tea Sweat. -1 April 5th, 1889, which took plane in tioderiob harbor th its early days, 56 years ago, sod at which event the narrator was pres- ent. Wheu in Toronto yoor scribe sew John Hidden, the first headmaster of the Ouderich High School, who said he also w as one of thou preset at the launch La Gsarrs.- This far-famed malady made its in our burg on Wednesday night of last week, dooming mi a few minors and a °amber of the little folk Some of our sick committee nurses met the ravages of the scourge with atroog doses of salts, and its well known helpmates, 5500• and castor oil. Thurs- day the official report showed 18 sick, Friday 19, and the snhool roll counted only 12. The remedies used among some seem rather successful, and on Moody, nearly the usual number ap- pearing at the school, the trustees decid- ed not to close it, as talked of for a week or so. Bat those who waited on the sick last week aro oow down with it, and as we wnte-Tuesday-ars waited on by some of the recovered patients, xpence whose past eeriof suffering prov- ed useful to them in easing others. Promo Fame 1 -s. -A deep cloud of sorrow was felt among our community, old and young, on Thursday of last week, on hearing of the death of Kathe- rine K. second daughter of our respected townsman, D Lawson, at her father's residence. Those of her schoolfellows who saw her daring the pat year juin with them in their studies and play in the school ground,little thr.arht that she who was with them in the school group taken previous to the summer holidays woold with the autumn winds like • flower bend down and fade gradually away from them : and that those near and dear who watched her for nearly four months in her illness, with nursing and tender tlare,would see her pass away in her 12th year. Often came her elms- mates lawmates and fnends to see her with • kind ward of enquiry and the hope that she would join them again in their studies and pleasures. But Phia was not to be. Silently and quietly they slipped into the room to take the last fond look of h er peacefully sleeping in thst deep slumber that no mortal can break. She was a constant •tteadaot at the Sabbath school and church at Leeburn,and learn ed of him who said "Forbid the not Some one kind hand put in her folded hands a single lilywith a bouquet of Sowers with her to buried i. the Col- borne 'cemetery Saturday afternoon. The Iunersl was largely attended. The The pallbearers were her late teacher, t t Q R Williams, with M J Tobin. J M William'. of this placeA H Clotton, J Lin6sld and W Felford, of Leeburn. The Rev J A Anderson, of Leeburn P chetah, conducted the funeral services, and on Sunday at Low- born alluded to the recent lees is Mr Lawson's family. The S 8. I - dent,:Mr A C McDonald. also smoks of the death of one of their rega'ar attend- ants who would never retern amongst them. NiLE. Prom our eon Nile is ruing. Mies Lacy Dodd is at home now, and, only for • severs cold. is m.ch improved is health. Mr and Mn James Dostow have been eoafined to their home with upness for s ample of weeks Thepn�ce.d. of the Xmas tree gather- ing on New Y.sr's Ere were $35. Rev in Kin- Joa Edge delivered a clever and force- ful sddrom as "Burdens." The 0rsngsuen cad L 0. 0. T. have pat • stone fossdstine ander their hall, e nd have also painted and other wise is proved their property. The distri.t lodge, L. 0 L, leek at Nile on T,sdy effusions. As we hid mot the "pmmword! " we cannot tell Tru 81loRAL what was flame. John Dustier is the sew R. R super- iateedemt. We HAW had held this position for aereral years, sad rseefved a wdlejessrvee vete et thanks for the al - steel amasser is "thigh he dM his work The d *harsh�enmity nf}Mo thee severely triad these Ntmriao Li Amu Cioy ! U:ICORPOI ATED7T$1 ROUyA01$OFpOlt11s10ea PARLtAMRtft,g HEAD OFFtOE, - TORONTO, ONT. FUL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT. 1 Vigorous, Promos and Protrusive Dustin Company PR>rlDRRT-BON. A. IdAtALelEllf. M. lais 1[InMK Lasa. vlcs-1 R>11 maw iR aOE IIA$AQDfp D R 1.3. A., lots TM ikRp j lam all Aprowl Forms of Pollo:a RETURN PREMIUM PUN. EMIUMS PAID In .dd�c Tis Pelts MM la tee w i hath during the RN OP ALL la honed, tat • lowerrateNI bee d the Putts V Ike wad d dam say ether Cempsn7. 11111i5 F. J. T. NAFTF, sights. M William. is still •eaiatiss /hs pastor of Hie mbawk is revival work. Quite • good wort bas broken ort is the neighborhood. The flbsppardtos Methodist aurae has purchased a 6a. Doherty ocean, stheatsl ease, with sob-b.se,-trole Geo. Graham. This eharoh is is a flourish- ing eundition. Besides the large som- ber of members received oa trial is Dr- asmber, 1889, the pastor baptised moth- er adult, and received eight persons os trial on January rite, 1890. Last Hob - bath be baptised three ebildres. Theme are .till others to unite with the church. The Sunday school is to be kept open all the year. The church is felt at the Tuesday evening pratermestiogs lead by the members themselves. PORTER'S HILI From our own The people c.f our town have been about the unsettled state of tite weather. The heavy gab which prevailed no Monday did considerable damage to the fences. Several barns were unroofed in this neighborhood. On the llth Inst. McDougall Bort lost their tine imported horse. They have been rather unfortunate with their horses, as this is the fourth valuable beast which has died since they com- menced to import seven ,ear, age. Rev Mr Mitchell, of Toronto, former- ly of Mitchell, ottioiated at Bethany loot Sunday. Hs is a good speaker and as be has not a charge the congregation should make an effort to secure him. LEEBI RN. ?contour own . "Ls grippe" has spread over from Dun- lop and is visiting several families ben as we write -Tuesday. One of oar well-known pioneers, Mrs Andrew Green, sr., who is pest her 94th year, is rather indisposed this week, but we ars glad to state 1* His 21nr BIRTHDAY. -Thursday even- ing of last weak our popular townsman, Mr J J Wright, of the Point Farm, en. tertained a number of oor residents and his relatives toa social evening at his re- sidence to to the attainment by his son, Mr T C Wright, now of Ot- tawa, of his majority. All present, young and old, s t a pleasant evening, wishing J J Wright many hearty con - 'retaliations oo his arm's past somas and hopes of a . future for him. We might notice that his sun was born in Oodericb to January, 1869, and in 1870 Mr Wright came with his late wife to settle here, and the Poiat Farm hotel, now having a contfnetal reputation, was started. In course of time, Thomas was sent to school to No 5 here, and early learned the rudiments of education. Later he passed the en- trance examination to the High School, (ioderich, which he attended fo,r a time. Then in 1886 he decided to undertake a 1 count. at Wcodatock for a term cr so, al.() assisting his father es bead clerk in the hotel ; fur several seasons. His courtesy and steio- bility to the numerous euevts were ap preciated, as shown by an address and presentation of a purse. In t he fall of 1887 he was appointed to a poet in the Nordhotmer music emponum,ofToronto, discharging his duties so well that he was appointed to a higher trust for the firm in Ottawa. Wherever No 5 boys t r girls go, in later years they are always et the front. - Otaahry mad the Ilene* of ibe bask (ea- ltsesa From the Toronto Globe of Jas. 11th. 1010. With wonderful snterpri.e the well- known "World Publishing Company, of Guelph," annuonce that the complete history of t'tanley's Travels in Afnca is already in course of publication, and will shortly be Issued, thou furnishing the earlieat,m..at complete and authentic information of the and adven- tures of Stanley during the past two years, and of Emin Pasha's life and pow ernment in Central Africa since Gordon's death. The complete work to he lamed by this enterprising Publishing Company will leave nothing to be desired, es it will be a summary of all that it known of the Dark Continent down to - this data It *ill be a large and bend - some volume, and a perfect panorama of illustrations, all from recent photo- graphs taken on the spot, or from sketch- es made by artists Stan ley, and the other trare.aers through ; Atria As we turn the pages of the book, the I disrnveries of Spoke, Grant. Baker. Livitgetnee, DaChadlu and others are . in taro folly given and megni8c.atly il- lestrated. bat, of eowrse, the most im- portant place is reported for the mon re- float aiadimprrtant work done by 8tsaley. ()then works are to he published, bit it is claimed they are simply old books, with a few pages added, and that this is the may eotirele new book, with three times the illeatratiens oostained in any of the others, sod WWII a .»ries a es - emirate leaps sbowiog the whole route of Etude, said other erpler This gnat were la bs4. brceght est imehnsoely by "The World Pwk1ih- log C a.patty, of nest*" sad sae of the Wisest sod trsrhhiest pehliel M inns is the United .antes, sad tee s.p.tre hes boss wend te make the week sow - piste. Age els who want to wake leasey win apply at gas for to, .d territory to "The World Publishies Oomppl," Guelph, Ont. Magni4cemt circulars seat free oa application. Pros - us* Dow ready. t THE! MARKETS. BREADSTUFFS AND PROVISIONS. CedeeOeh Prima. uonsatca Jaa. It la10. Wheat.. • •• 0 M Flour. •bkl...................... (w 1w Oats,, bash ................... 0 R • J fe flarleyPeas, i ►see 0 N w 0 M se Puisiss.a a bask .... a 40 ++w s tem. 000 • Tao fel kr,. a............ 010 w 0 10 ush oesek.d w des .. a Ito at 010 0 11 N 0 13 1t 00 It 00 �a u w 12 eo WN pd 1 ewsIIN 1 p Soreshblsa. • owl ..... g 00 " i aro .......... H 700" too Wool 0 1* 0 0 renaidl altis., Aopalle. a bash cwt o 10 g " 010 Mama •eebe.ss. Jan. It. ......... N 3t• to 00 �l rtt-lte t.ww cad std 0 10 to its Spring wheat 0 i s u. 82 0 3n to 10 • 23 to Z • is to 3, 30 to 00 -N to 30 IS to 15 17 to 10 mto 00 Cordwood _... 0 to 0 Wool e M tBeet oe 0010 . Pork 0 M to m 0essswsd Cases 0iwet•e. There were about 070 head of batehare cat- tle. 8 mutton crittenlasd two calves offered at the East Sad Abattoir Monday. A larg^- number of butchers were presest and with en act ire demand and rather small supplies the bigb prion d Thursday were well main- tained, cad oommoa hoes brought eves b15h- et prions than on that day. The bent beeves sold aasbeet 44e pre Ib. and pretty good Sock at is to{� 4a- c°maea dry cows ofd at about Sic. cad de less beasts sold dews to lees the. 3c pet lb. The market tor butchers' mune is very arm sad amiss there are more liberal Coppices .hero, priors will p ap still higher The few Moan critters offered Monday were of rather Iadt0reat quality *ad sold et about tic per Ie for plied lots. There .re sot many tat hop brought to market and priors matinee atabew1 44. per 1b. Harley 0514 rawAttains. pee. bM _ Busier 1 Is a ten. sortie corer m joy to menu as '1lJliM NEW PRIZE /TORY tor. reed with pleasure or de. *bee tnasod ssi4e and f�rge� who react of Dr. Piercer 1.- resd it again, for they stir bus motional e imam dem d Of tike painful disorders o demur M weir ear. Periodical crruk Ineersial blEgmamtk.o and ulceration ,erbea and kadted ailments readily yield M to Its wonderful we and beeline poen. It 1. tie only Oae01n.' fax women. nuts by druggists. ■.11.P a postai we from the, that it will g veritie- s/ slmsey w 11 De re- printed on tarried out b3,••. or six taction In funded. Tia the bo the - for many Ma bottles fox (opyTtpL us by WoULD'S Pro Motu Lara, DOCTOR Vreeew5 PIEROE's ♦aai n` PELLETS qt' V • Pont, "'note - 0 8 �8 B ar • e..wlass i-n.quakd as a Liver P111. tmaliasf, chwvestmi., eaek•et too take, di me Pellet a .5. 8911. not ' rg/eader'M,atCorral`i- tlea, IM/seedN.e,, ML.tes Attar and as derengeasb of the domed' an bowels. Pat ap tsokra vials, hermetically Ie�ated�v , `1esbAMI sad M to Mas .1 4000 teesalb W dr.saI . q► bertill, according 1THE ELECrORa OF sr PAT - . RICrd WARD. LAnrs.art Osinsray. - Wham 1 allowed my name tone s..boutled to es aaestt41ate for mantelp al honors at the retrut .lection in the weird 1 war nM aware that ay beldam, • sootiest as one of the LI..le C.maMeMeu- era ..f West 'Imes dvg`nelided ate her heM- inx'n•ei°lpal onto.. tt.. .. iy In .rielat the law rveardu .In.(Mee,lifleattona 1 ee, my disability. a tl seeordinitly *oersteds..t 1rn., yew reamed Is me when yea gene. as yoi r eesl d iw a at the p'.11. Ms ttN art; pfaer whreoe.sbueerdesappetrel o.r.mtart loea tw.lrprairies °erosions, 1 wllllaMly rens- gash any team at the I'nueeil hoard to the gentlemen who.0.teine4 the Sneer cot third d lee word w11 b sec Tee abed ,mit ort.5. or. 1A1f11EL S1.OANE. -a FINE TAILORING F'ALL WITS AND O37E1100e8T8 FOR CI- 1CNTLAIC t Nr $15, $18 A1V37 $20. ilje �aa/w •A �ra1e�.' ars at�atvatPAte1 Mmmeder«rlle�tiaOMsa Ware est sig. Oe sr =is 111. slaws tee nude edge*. 23- 24..Cie.,cCorreleac.. EFVELOPES at $1.26, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.96 per 1000, printed, at "The Signal" Steam Printing House. Auctloneer>tng. travelling Enid*. TOHIIf KNOX -EN L AUO . o at u� i - - - .'�-+-. MONEY EASILY MADE Some Persons get a life term in a Penitentiary for making money easily ; but the person who calls on SAUNDERSSON during this year can make money in a legitimate way by the saving in the high profits charged by the other fellows. We are selling all Goods in our line at very close prices, and, to show that we are appreciated, our business has never been so large as last year. Some people say we are foolish to sell goods so close, but "there is method in our madness," and we will continue to maintain our reputation as Mt MOS ORAltD TRUNK RAILWAY. Ttalae snow. out depart at 8e4uuleb et Is Mwe : Mail and Zgsess 3.Mem. altasd HOLIDAY C000S WE ARE READY. Come and see our ALL DEPARTMENTS FULL. Caiidy by the BllzheL 250 Dozen Florida Oranges Dr. IcLBII'R Grove. NUTS, RA 'SINS. DRAPES. DATES CHOCOLATES tMe,lhh sad Coondlas.l Mr., LEMONS, MANANAS, ETC. The Cheapest Hoge Under Ike SID. We sell the best Goods we can buy. Hello ! CHAS. A. NAIRN 114vet3ouir►edSMOKER'S ofNealih ��Jo leis°app it is expasitc. ROSABERMA Cerro Mapped Ra.as. Sore urs lloaglir SIMI et use Shia. deli shwas. Chat; sal. nmsaara. Tao. Wrora s.. ate . fife. This fragrant preparation contains sablseg Mick)) or greasy. and 00 adesirsb y adapted for the sass of tie toilet, tendering tbe skin beautifully soft and emu aka restarted 14 natural firmness. elasticity and freshness. and to gentlemen is Indispensable lifter Sharing Allaying all Irrttatioa as the instant. Refuse all Substitutes. Large Bottles Twenty-five Cents. PREPARED ONLY BY H. SPENCER CASE, CaYVr Ain Dateot r. Bev. SS Rian N. were, 6 setwen. est Seal by all Dreggist.. 1(► -L FOR 1890_ U. pimple aorta wlti Flo Roo a (pinus sheat nes sed Walk sad sees pesple la�s*'t., bpaInn r d Hiroo to wr hold ter ae per w a0ebresi .ser dull sad sever .hats 0a speak Itit Distow knew s that f cr t ere s i rtlisIattsefll ssssmsdstsb1 1151 as Mika bassi seem�ast et aNns bays sit bee e s (Ws is tb tbM-wfi 1 th. tee favism the tee eat 1a saes MSrMRdine awe is p• osit y ....::.• • .,•............ Oar Mt &Mom 11111 sR. isew easel. iR,*. Al ENVELOPES • suxna�a � Air SLENDBIE$ - AT vv I'reacriptica Drug Store. THE "WITNESS" Iloportoot AQeooitoolmit FOR 1890_ Over 198 PREMIUMS to select most. Great inducements fbr old and new subscribers. BSS THE PREMIUM LiST. ANIMAL 5cnscarsru>s.s: DAMP Wrrusus 011 W sits LY N 77t• Northern ,Yessreyer eels easeas. is tis choicesttee evert& plstyst.� lli ey"w win sadt;boi-wrjeof� wisdom sl Aar eY slate a w Assets wasted. ample espies be. JOHN DOUGALL BON, Oise, MONTSSAL. ILL Ossa yeti el IanMbarMb rialt=tAtaisr=a41 W. C. C000E, sT . i.sailag Du(IgglaL 1ff+t inic aM «p"' -k �Yr. of cess TRY OUR e 1 SIC Kul Elpftp Loon t a twiwtl ii111 sir