HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-17, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JAN. 17, 18905 • lave tta.i.sd es ear OM et SH IDD woo F M per est allowed. ES se epee thea ib. Roes ▪ dembohle s tae E VALU heed& w buy year ahemahe =OM m' deeoohs, wbleh are • eery ice. dB arse TSON braied 1'�s iand.ome Valuate •ry 3 ib.. ry without reeling SYRUP LEFT. 0 IOrTRLrAL STS Line Works, tenors. IItie II..., of .Rant filleteellet w bwr- ••ekesTithaeit l.rep* lee away bog east age sae r....l°alliCtbelleabseed, goer w w •• etheellkse Wm.. lialeelpielithet trio mil itle boar same lwerete w.tk*Metter OW AR1b.t. moesidelletkee • gates ./.t ileeelellitie mid sea - fila Ille, a is • Price x110. BtRS, STRAW &c. TRES I OVER SYSTEM. JOHN DOTY TORONTO, ices to He. L LL 31C1-24/113. was *b- ike • • Wes that ever b. tbsald Moab trots lnts[M Sotsher W. ea the esseesee of e awriege, atter eighteen of Bb tiouse.s., free waisted w wa- d o end mit earned beg* net of hie selene e Ips had out t[s.. ion- ise *1. was mot selll.iess ROMs imdwleile f this t emii- eked we may of the ds .titer hi egmbeighig her awn�q sop. amid pimabar Litb.r that hod sheedd hit pati, and ever his fellers 1 What Woken - to kb embalm she sok hsepi, what 1011a11 bre possible fate ! hs anima does not dttir ban the e.edn.t .1 miss "moiety" booms, sad who 'blah worthy of .Il esteem Thee walk of lie in oar eo.atry Oen i• whom the appetite della it droopy than the love of M pagaer itr.ns r Show the love w ile dyad diatom, eteengsr than the el hem. ..d bow, stw.mer then 1010 Ai erect lits iaelt, mad before meg "egisty" will pour •tilt tine Mil " "Ndnot know Ne vulgar display d 'talky and sheer mead nook m makieg of theme saes aid more sabres* of their families. • L atmens Lesabeemaa'. pliant. A torn jacket is soon mended, bat words braise the heart of a child. 41. Qs.el.men.. A writer to the &detinet do meson three very simple ezpsrii.ata, bite show .eros of the phaetons.* of jeisUoo. Be dtreets tea eiperi. le bite two eggs, ow row, the hard boded, sad suspeod them by from a nm.-6zton or other support, long Ude bass vertical Theo if taw goody torsed .mead omai or wise, it will e. found that, while the egg eoatio.ee to tarn, the nor Gamma immediately In root This disu..se is owing to the fast the boiled spa is B solid body whole egg tonus ; while the raw apt r Rued euutai_ed is a gall, sad theot I ahead is tweed by the twisting 0f win, the amid r.mmidog statioosry. el 81r William Thomson, who devised is sad the Alava, eaperimeats, livors • • OF THOUGHT. We note here smoothies. w wee from norm er'q' Teeth is a iyoRthN to be boiled by e./ .M.asd hashes the sunbeam. ie beam to be velar .ad tins neem ee AMR to .N.. win. Bad Dot be ea Ike meat debate, the moot .e_sible d plower*pleemiD Fromages the elegem iiw.dal le m bit of false mwty and he Rhoparse it is fragee_sly as bed as he oripeolly mien it Keep dais( -sheer dams. WisbiK, dn..uog, iat.oding..o.t.MR, WWI*. siffklug. and tag are idle and lees hapredt To spud ba.kw.rd i pjs deyog �or forward tram k ward b the at now, la amply fetal to the highest purposes sod lessee of life We era enmity manage if .o will inky tab Bash day the burdee appointed for it. Bet the lead will be k _ heavy for ea it we add to Rte .eight the hordes of Mummer before we are ailed to bear 11 Retaliation is Lt• the storm whisk sweeps ibrua>th Ike Ionia io devrwetioa. Kiadn.ss i. tike the setabioed Weimer of the sea .ad the rain of the ,loud, .inch gsresiaetee seed toad *holds their bona and odors. bona It to the great ort sod philosophy of We to make the beat of the present, whether it be good or bad ; to bear tie one with reeiguatios sad patios., and te •.joy the other with tk•aktd_ete and moderation. There is s large and fertile awe in e very Id., in whisk might be pleated the ..eke sod fruit -gees oI soltgitenad principle sad virtuoso habit, which, pb.ag up, would yield to old age en eloymeet, a eor'i..ud • shade. /lid's beet gifts ere the eem.00e•t- ha air, the kght, the beaky of the world, the bio of heaven, the winds, and sere, sad ssttwts, the tatet's mid•, the.otber'• tead•ra.r, the sweet &aloe of sister and (spud, and wife Tbn treasure -hoses of • mat's life i. i. heart ; sad be who bap o,tbtng there poverty-stricken, though he roll in geld ; .bile be who has a good deal then rue, whether be bee a root over Gia need or net. Iwfs blahs -at Y used by lRtustdsaa. It se to the bow, if anywhere, tb•t social i.stinots men be wisely develops .d guided •.d that the beat prep.n- eo. fur social welfare son be .•.te. The wry geotint that warble bn,tb.sn and caters to live happily together abe 6t them to live beppily with their fellow mets tni after -life olsaasfe -assent Oates derget v awn Boas Is no oeatizad parades of walla The elements of pace and trw *tams. are there. sod so too are the masa of discoed sad misery ; rod it Deeds only lbw bitter spirit of the world itboot to make it a psoeseosioa, or (..wing game 0t. harmony to make the prompter of every .I.otioo.te im- eau of the proofs that the earth is r she• body, sad not. as .use have sop a , • thin crest of reek serreendtng a pe or "pasty soda. " In that cave, he mays, "the observed ewiogt g and oboes el the earth'..xis in aid .1MNi.a would be im- possible. The some phantasmic a shows is lolloweag ezpri teat, though in . y opposite way. Take the two and spin them rapidly os their ea a mirror or other perfectly durfaes. If y.0 pmt the palm of hand gently epos the baled .bill it N spinning, it of worse to move Bad remains motionless you have lifted your bend. But d ruin do the same with a raw egg will inotdistely begin to spa again hes the hood is removed. 'added it extraordinary how loos you caw bold load wpm it without destroying ice The r.moan of this 1s no doubt t. The fluid within the .1011 to revolve, though the shell Matimeary, while in the utter case the egg ts Moped. you attempt to spin the eggs on the Me a top, foe will Rod that the egg will spa for a wooiidee.Ne bot the ether .ill fall almost tim- ely os Rte ride "Professor Ilan - hes ,.marked that this expert - foreign. • solution of Ool.mb a' -hod to Beate ao wx Mead on : Irk boil the egg irrd, sod thea :." ESS. [ORTON has ban yR, who Will ems - well and favorably dthat prompt on Carriage Inks SOka ttszta. e Shortest Notice. tad. to Look Lite low priors for tis LB:ER, to Alec. Nodes.) Misers Mailbag. When troubled with a Cough or Cold, a bottle of Wilson's Wild Ohuny God it at Dees, before it bee time to es par lungs. Why expsrlm..t mew sad maid ren.dlma, when old sod reliable awe .. b. got all tarthfo� Waythe reportable pnpartise of Wilma s Wild Cherry see diseases ea Bre.5itie, Otos% ONO, 0444 OooRb., eta t gehei.e ie white ware Y. 14011.s fha.tbd. rime Issder of Iambics would earelkirte fa a Men won has, Mead wba we seller with ser beg Ia going up shire we have to pr. - a free band fes els ehia5 up the le book or tie robs the knees two three imams higher th.n would be usosseary, ie order to INS drama well out of our .y. Zan we 1.Mmed in akar* the fre.t in .saver, we efbe trip oun0ves op trendies Da the aide breadth& w.i11 demi Maim the gown rad. the .td* _hove the one en w111 our seem Bad U there is any o.e at bead fl, board s R while fee wearer _ of bele, ealitimly . steres leas k ,, from d the rltu j. d�e.�o �'- ii le te pees, oath la brass il r.Uwsy Isiah a to limit, egg to k, r oder that it M kept hem the dost it need rap ham .. feted. 1 1055 rose wawa who meld spots a Meshes wallet' If tlillr.eti-$ M. -Mals. lr L as boiler messy ter warms Riess qtrips - midisIkea 0.Msa5 ha Contains the great sok a the. American Republic, sad Herded' Blood Bitters ao.taim the virtues of roots, banks and herbs from ow Gelds and forests, mak - ine it a woed.rfui remedy for eon.tl- biood, .ort •.p ado diseases. had d PHYSIOLOGY AND HYGIENE. Mr..e. Seely Mede Peso es a mamabat . a/ r..veaa.. •t..1..ta1 alas... It is aatrad, by mw of prolusion a ability, that whoa rho system meads eti- mulstuw, mocking .quart a cop of freak ougee, rad that few better substitutes for wpiria sea be fated than serous, mew nude aloe enthuse milk or agar. Two moose el softs, or o.. -eights of a posed, to one peat of boiling water makes a Rrrt-.ba beverage, but the eater asst be boiling, not mere- ly bot. Bitteruees comen from boil'ng• it too loan. L the Dotes required for breakfast be pot te a greniteim.d kettle over night and • pint of sold water poured over, it ems be healed to lost the boiling point sad the mist hawk to prevent' farther ebullition, whets It will be toted that, while t►. strewth is estwst.d, tle delicate asoma is preserved. As oar tmentry eo.seaw/ nearly tee pend• d ales par spits it is • p.ty mot b have It made in the beet tmammtr. It is as- serted by these who haw tried it that malaria tad epidermis's nue avoid- ed by those who drink a clop of hot clothe before vas into the morning sir. Burned on nab it is a disiafeetent for a mist robin. By mom. of Bar best pbyaoi.as it i..ou.idered *ails is typhoid fever. The Vallee el Slogan& A Meat .rite is the Beene Hireld .d,oeNu the parties a leashing sag. fag se • aeons el pwventing a teeemp- tioe. As Dr Bogey eptly soya, if an hour a day were devoted to it in our peblis schools there maid sot be the sod ups.Imele of the beep*, withered. h.11ow-t eeted, Nwi-tbsldered e►Ud- raw. Void salami a •xtr-f nibs of the lento by d othe lties•• itself. The plop i_ improv- ed of Battle, whish astwwl►y tate little exercise and eve boned meek of the dome, am .o_sideesbly ended a mks .1s, eoeepsrd with ,hose seiner maims .l bb.rty. W se b is with the home. rose who had bamstive Nees deemed by 54,81 sfio_. Oseseseptioe =1.Ri_s et the top of the helms, there pert etre more bedi.e, mad beaus. the Messkld taboo am so air with milky Um. awe may t bees the dthso W~•lads fly r=res d air pee a outs. If be will Irak as the nam et Int mike mm Mat be ail breathe UM sable ii.h.s. Inbenessm mere them in Ir�, shake Meg tril=re all the amenity et t1he veal mole ore l_Mm im.._a o with halo* shwa ewe w .M► logo mmeth, s _Qty peel mmg . psslmt► m mlmelspet w axme web krMse- m�ens, r Wthe time the hes forea } d l ores l►�i a ► ieallMmm..• t Seed treenoslirtbeellm.11e-1 el . 4-ia..it,.eowd , . wee a.sil.d - d llip ie la pamphlet ils..b... babes • k10 -d with ny swords. his eavoi sad ordered bee to beg for ekb. "Neverr' .BY Woa/.,..d-.-•y.«r. till I sat per patim.t." 1tlmdt5 Pills wale gist ►d..ta.be by rugubliffil the stemeek 1..r awl bew- ail. PMflewe el repent All Ifembed is, teeny ea the 'tibiae of piper pith.•. Yon tear the paper into very small peewee, Dot Meier thea your gager oath, and then pmt them hob • fore salt of drilling or Mgbi holism. They am very oak foe hot onsets., sad moth superior to feather pilhwa. The Jsrpianos appeals fur them pal aNewspaper M not atop to Dort, se then i. • iiayp..sib a odor from pwiater'• yak; bat brows or white paper and oto letters .od envelopes .re the best. As you tsar them, acrd them bib as old pillow -owe, maul you Baa Ret eao.ub. The same way is to tear or out the paper in blips abut halt an inch wide sod the tear or wt agrees. The beer it is ibe lighter it mates the pil- low& SCRAP IRON. The Malmo once t. rash Dal/ Ar Cam aM WnesRbt Scrap Iron. 1 have on hued PLOWS & CASTINGS et various Wads. PIPE AND FITTINGS, Ac. _ wareroome sear victoria et rest Church. Cs £ EtriBEa. 11tf ARMSTRONG FARM MILL ANO PUNP WORT( ARISTRONG'S IIPROYED Grain and Seed Cleaner S ail.. °lame Iyar:641= sg togs st .gid seeds of all kinds. -IT- Separates all Noxious Seeds lad ohs. from �estn sI -is avl.g sad =Man at t nae mu nay tt ito be sited �}w removing the =asp tls.s or heeler thee the is, mid meet iaptevd weer *ksews. It allows an said *keepers. tato the chaff It Cleans Speedily. ar!very .Maser werraNed le wart as repre- sented m or so la ordering�anila inside width or also* by amike 0/.111 if ooaveesbst. end If shoe sshake or the rt fashion- ed loran Quantity of FIRST-CLASS PUMPS es Mee Mae deatarM fans Algoma white gainers&b..Ordere by mail promptly attended to Skipped to any point. dLDDRI3188 ARMSTRONG B80S., Goderioh, Ont. 1y -ft PLAEftfilN GIlii. GILL Rama & ROBINSON, mvYAaroaaan. SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers la all kneels et LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES AM bsOdarl meterbl of every deocrtppes. Bohol Furniture a Specialtj PRINTERS INK: 4 JOURNAL IrMer YLRTMSLRS. b hued way, IM 4 the egrmMatlp bend -Me leen lend if mean skeet eta. a llliehe5 .'-i-- -a.a oho iso bra ihtn. W same 1e ibrrlt dwttse; lav M watts a 11.tnlm_e1; bale Ilegleg..; N.tseimeg e M lent for mak easy M sesel-1. Ash • some o two pfd est deals ef p, Its eierda havefetg b mid 1sssWsd y ass lel mkeile d hyla.. >ha r.drtl.s tf r!m!- ! kdR .tdonsm/ >L and tai stria Y lend sees masa of sere era tom. j..w ,ass Y shim e e sfadig es•os15le Bald las iagM all mrd sMsaf 1 drawn. . jeers silionlg. Ila MM. loyal Odin: smile into rhea Mese h- 020. 5. 005.54.5. a 00., Ir..weeger A4..reilog ala..+ se Ips.. 1k., I(.w •mart OaMlL.111 ..r)Z011a3Ea1R, Pitt , PITT BROS02 CO. lmpmea. of Canadian Apples. ea •ererr /'w.mta+a. *•sees, Ina. ott Ilb,raCl i r -:art 4dlsnen. The Teacher Wbo aa+fwd her pale is keg *edit 4 the sme s{ myoma. keg dess illepreshird Om Volk b the dalt. aeaW visor. For persons of d&Lome and treble seettinSe r, whirl/se Tong or old, Me eme mot Agee' mallein. ranaltably Seseapardle. lee of gad fall I take a gam. "-Mrs James s ti..eho, nor. "I as.. cab.. Ayer's Sarsap.rfI ifs.. Thin L :01yoi s., Pelt health." Ira. Yd. "xdyam. .. ..r. eat. W segereClat iLe peat year [roe • General Debl lty. A f... wombs Mate, we bapn le vivo her Ayer's Ila Herbealthbee i1 11y aV•avM•" - xre. Malarial p+w.. easre G.1maWrd, N.... ass iltees iJe Ile a tee 17 =ref tam beWsaathniugligisie Or - occasional doses of Ayer'• mam x.50 kt.i�udi bhg1t nasi w►sft.toa�..m.�rf.M Mat I rrsrii s IL A. llabb.m xeluoeop )fie. "My daughter, sixteen yeah old. i. ming Ayer's Sarsaparilla with good ef- fect"- Rev. S. J. Graham, United Br.thres Church. Buckhamion, W. V.. "j suftawed from Nervous Prostration, with lame back and headache, and have been much benefited by the nae of Ayer'. Sarsaparilla. I am now t0 years of aaggee,, and am satisfied that my present health Dad prolonged life .re due to the nae of A Watt, SsreepariiL."-Lacy att, *rlingiy, Conn. Mn. Ann H. Farnsworth, a lady 79 fears old, So. Woodstock, Vt., writes : After several weeks' suffering from Dervou. prostration, I procured a bottle ed Ayers asrespsrllla, and before I had taken half of it my usual health Ayer's Sarsaparilla, • rm.PAI*D BY e Dr. J. C. Ayer 10 Co.. Lowell, Masa, Rha SI; mfr helm, et. Werthµ • fettle. Fall And Winter GOODS Beady made Clothing at Prices to suit Pur- chat►ers. IIC.T NK CLILARSU Olr. H. DUNLOP SW. The Tllliltq desist. M ICUBE FITS! wheal T w Maul doom mean merely se tart amis. 1 MRAN A RADICAL t"4";)^;. Wer. 1 • U nt•. •adt•.. pmt� them r - 1 Late mai* Me discos* of is s, lamt.Epsir or FALLING 8IQSNEmi, I E ' "• Acer rti,.i r. I wlaaAur try remedy to i L tf.e „•.not Cases. Sesame .tear lett.. reed n� �•• ors. t nacme. f'eeda c...�.. ,rautre.•-ltot81:411,11E1110111%13 o/�n v Isla. Eaoe.Dy.lq.u.. a1.. rant tie v."�'t m.0 you ttptB.o 1sr a :r •, And i, r •'U t ---re yr. :. A ')'. iI. r. PIOT. 87 Taepa IRr Tanta Ora. Now Is the to get Cheap Time! Good. -from now till Xmas, as T_ 1 PROT.7RI4OOT is selling his Dry Goode, Groceries and a fine assortment of XMAS GOOD:;, also Flour_4k Feed at a Great Reduction, for cash. Give him a Call and be aSatisfied before Purchasing Elsewhere. Farmer's Produce taken in ex- change. flat 7 NEW GENERAL STORE, SZ]1<ILTON E TRB fflT. I have ,just received a choice stock of Groceries, Dry Goods and Gents' Furnlahings,which I will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. Also some CHOICE XMAS TOYS, DOLLS, Etc. FLOUR and FEED constantly on band. Call and examine goods before purchasing elsewhere. Farmers' Produce Taken in Exchange. 2 7_ =3OIRTON . At l ori ewes OM tsaad, Yaailtea. t. 0.deri.h. Nov. Mat, 10. DO YOU READ THE COSMOPOLITAN THAT BRIGHT. Si'ARKLiNG YOUNG MAOAZINI/ The Cheapest Illustrated Ionthly in the World 25 CENTS A NUMBER. $2.40 PER YEAR. a.larerd. e.e•b.,. ,map, e. /ma ragas. Tar CosuopnuTA1 is literally shalt the New York Man eat1. at, "As /M peke. the hregase.e. menu varied and bwr edtsed of the Illa..aea..." >AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR NEW SUMMERS. FOR OW NM NILE. The Cosmopolitan, per year. - - The Huron Signal, " " - - The price of the two publioation., - We will furnish both for only - 5140 160 8.90 2.60 This sew M only 15 sew ab.crlbais to Tau OnwrorouyA,..ad slay t.r am year. "It has mere articles le ea.•h smaller that are readable. and fewer naiteredhg pow Shu uy of Its mak.porari.a'-Rale. Je eros& "TIB 00111110POLITAN' r'URii'afssff99ft Ti i FIRST TIMM IN MAaAZINI A SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED flIIODIOAL AT A MUNI EITSRE?O D" TRY IT FOR A YEAR. I1 won he. liberal Wooster to every ',ember of the It will maks the atom part any her Sens. preaea. Is will give fee 0..e tar tee aeaq yea eta ' MN. le Do yon want a first -clam Matasiae, &lag annually ISM papa by the ablest writers, with users than 1500 illustrations, by the cleverest amines --las readable a Magazine an money fan snake- a armies I&at slates a specialty of live subjects"Th . v1t r Me e p.bllehm133 u.ee . se ravel tr are a...p--rkYd ..jplfis liefekke80nd 59.60 to this Ocoee, and secure both The Oaamopolt as and The Huron Signal. • nvelopes, Note, Letter and Ac- count Papers at "The Signal." • MO nor- • •1101••11144 ei t►•.l• IS. t. t •..D�d•rt.e . ... Raver sail Adak gesso,. .1 t . _ Hama. w. CAREE., ' ALE c _Po 3 .le a *r� cilimeei ivAtili LAGER (Bided) Pala fists by (. H. PARS° IN S M ALBION BUICK. tan +`ttr�: