HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-17, Page 61
aQap. H. O, Job Dtaotealseta the
Mention oa its Mtge its
ire lin-Peenetter..d P.ae.Mae Stba-eee.
et *.sole. Stplsass Has tutees rise
as ceneeNreseeinr sod teen
Mar .mast a Veers
In m the Turuato Yolk km. Is.
blwraaet. Jas. 9 -- lut.re•t to the
Jetted estate quietist Y Mille' s•• be w
erss..1 by w MI 011111141.1M •IW Imp quo. t
letter Irma Mr H. 0. ).4y. . s-Prtuse
IML Doer .4 Q robed, wbaeh s. d+cwt Q.r-
bre, J.uu...1 7•h, asset is aWI ward W
the 1(•sesor . tritium.. llt J•.sy, se 1.
Win buoys, ie a T. • t.eb 'P.u...t.t.t, .
1Nm.we ..I tee A..miSsau Co..ruh, arts
Was op .i.•d as loader of • h• L.b.-rela b,
Prseater Mercer After ret. , . u.* to M.
Modest es g ec.sal.ar to p. s a r h, Dues.
of east •ur..,s..* • da•.y.•r.•u. •41.•......
Which 1.0 u.t entity led iu• ,.reeeri.
ouu..,..r air. tat ter••, Mr J..,y •.r, that
nerd sr lb. . veseel''to. ..f it.'. •... •. b. • Doi rr
Nide Our Ulu Jesuit Lata .. •..t ••n ,tt.
*thee apposes ..Ipa. Dry L n• .i+,r•.s wad. Wm sued •ages Waimea.
from both sides to the r• ..•.......a. 1141 Soa sevesk gowns ere woo out pria-
ioml fewl.n* ..1 Ott. 1.•• o • u•. ...• t part • •ase fashion, oe are gives the appeas-
e( oqr (au.•....i• oat n.oaoty. 1'. •,•..,a t.• ant* of being entirely in one piece, meter
the Jesus IC•ute pi.,. t ' . ••, .r•: - - iestaote, a grey doth comutre trimmed
t'ut W r.• u... to • .. J-- .t leo •s.•. - with Persian lamb rod intended fur
b. ' .t is coo woos t.. rnq•I " s... meat street year and skating, is nude os •
01 ..e... au•, w.udrwu it, ....1 •a user. - emeeset fouss•tuaa. The bodice is
ft a en sot of h•orotitl ti.t.. •skis the (hooked at ale back, and the basks, ts-
tro.uhle to rant and •cuss ,• Al. .•vrr- ember with the pleated material, are gut
wttel..r•ne ,usj any ..t them ..,.0 'et a to ops, with the front drapery covered
ed their opu.n•u fr in foo •u ' 1 • part way with fur, and underneath with
are r0ee+tet$..d to h. .h my a.ah •
placed c•o,Fds••.-.+. For 1.. 1, Ir. Its n..
to grudge suebraseu with was W. r• 1, e
THE ITUROtilleliAL FRIDAY, JAE 17, 1810.
sad ehj.aM1l *M* ut iIl,.t>•.e.y bat
mesa furteretrfwiwller m wql aleike
the pati..; re. der, wysitellyit b. BO
sees sere taigas know telleget, se MUM*
e1 the Moe te iiimes bees Ulm ID
.seers a veli' aha alma
kw rimples.
1.1..11 ir.01:44url
1. re.. to a Meal) imps tri
law 1;;ken by mina � will
weed. At the same time I hope that
the will ~.ad-., a th khe Noe Pregame �
`ee�igin a:dOerwmi late _oma mWm* al itis`
otos. Orin thew age that �II
meet n their good -will b eyelid all
farther came o1 stise.daetaa4Mig.
TS.o..a of i.estiste .
Oil as a sere mire fes t..Wteee. 1
mitered for mescal dim Nes I best-
ed my cheek mead rubbed the Yellow
Oil on it and was ►ma di.t.ly reliev-
Yes Davis G. Amnon,
2 Russel, Ma..
mai bands. These bend. are about two
inches wide in trout and arranged above
seat other over the different parte of the
seats,' of.. 11. tree , ..1 the feand•troo, where they an be slipped
statute, hut they ere .peak's.* u•.det a wider or closer together scoordiag to the
stroug muse of pi...toe/awl., • tach u.a• style of the Agars. The drapery breadth,
to • utsrteut drurea buts the., ertlgm.ri• est is one with the books, is pleated on.
and lead theirsudiene• • fur • r thea to. y der and joined to the treat drapery,
really intended. They auremnty and cru °aught up at the aider, and sewn on to
1y, I am certain, protest t:..% thea u. the bodice at the upper edge, terming
teeters is trot to emote .oy u,.tr.e..uy tie latter under.
fetishes •,latest either Romeo . .tho.'c • F•shion•bie bodices are becoming
or Freoob-Canadians; bot .f ',ley consul- more lone and easy in effect, and the
air the roe Ai they eau a'.utt that they taste for Greek and Rumen fentures in
have, however unwitctrsly , d•.,te w. I dress is constantly hungering. In reality
firmly believe that the real o• ere of She the bodices are glove -',.tine, but the
Jewett Roams Dell is not se. t outlet segues arrangement of dupery gait.
• 'stood by those who condemn it so ate, conceals this fact. There is • passion
lately. For instance, the pey•nrnt of for plaids sines the Duchess of Fife's
the $400,000 it tune:I: nunud a. t b•• e•.4oa- tear -lane. Plain jerseys are decidedly
mast ut for one favored Chest h et the pretty when wore above some tartan
.:pause of the public es arse..., Why skirts. A good many people wear plaid
repressor that payment as au endow mem I bodices also, but one should be very care -
Dom an rud....ment q.+uer►Ity c..osiet n. Val in this matter, as plaids .re not be-
returniog to the peri .. rnJua.•d "hot earning to the ordinary figure. Of
ones inally lseloogal e.. rh4t tore., . a sures a good deal denends on the drea-
ur tt, eq. ,siesta Why sot w/l at et once maker. She au modify the sharp linea
what it re. ;y ea, the ort tlege* 'It of • 1u116( •.1 a plaided waist by shaping the blocks
loading cla.ml It is perttctly fair to at- diagonally, the slanting, curving lines
tack rho v-ildiy of the el.imo ut s4te es- taking away all the warden look of such
istsuce .4 a mains ought net to be iga..r- • garment. Above •11, lades., do out
ed. If it be •rgJed 4441.iat the talaJit) have plaided sleeves. They are hideouaj
of the cteuo shat the pr .p• -lit, bas .who Wear large velvet sleeves and velvet
confiscated, 1 tueintau, th•t•it has not yoke teo, with a plaided bodice. No
et a •bt+orted, loot react.ested. Thew woman could loot pretty with those huge
,e•: coat. is • most Itnpunrot sine when blocks on her arm..
it cu ilea to • question of equity. A. A pretty skating dress could be made
Blseket,oe says MI eo1.A4^..tu'u, •'It u - of • plain short skirt of the Victoria
the forfeit ur... f lauds and raids for of- tartan, slightly lifted in • puff on the
fences ' What .•ff•.oce he 1 tar Jesuitsleft hip, showing a plain skirt of dark
of Csnsda committed•merest the Cruwe I peppy red 'diet beneath, yoke, and
of ingkane since the croy'l..et to jstify wide sleeves, with a friar's piddle of
the roefiscation of their pr•.t,ertyl But heavy silk and wool knotted loosely at
when their order had heeu suppressed - the waist The colon of the girdle should
by the Pope its property became vested ; match the sleeves and yoke. A pretty
in the Crown in virtue of the law o1 es- toque with a softly folded poppy 'sleet
cheat, which applies in cases of failure of
persons legally entt.'.ed es hold poperty.
The claim certainly deserves to be lu.htd
epos with much more favor thou if the
property had been cof:b,cated in punish -
inept of an offauoe .whist the Crewn. If
the order had not been suppressed be
the P..pe the Jesuits of Canada would dear one. Well, the "luxury of was"
have kept their property. An it is, the is the tender hostage that one offers at -
Crown only took p•saession of it in the the shrine of buried treasurer, and it
year 1800, after the death of the last will take much talking and many ex-
rarvivi.•g member of their order in Can- simples before we discard what is really
ads Pieter. Confederation it is not an o•dgrowth of the p.rest and deepest
likely that such a hill as the Jesuit Es. feelings. When the credte is empty,
tate. bill could have pasaad (though, and the clatter of little feet and prattle
"ter the vote of lest session in the t of sweet shrill voices is forever stilled,
House of Commons, it is difficult to fore- the poor mother -heart wants to show to
see what slight ha's happened under the world how dar her darling was to
certain political exigencies). llut nc.w will her, and it is hard to blame her. Now,s
anyone wonder that in the Province of however, physicians step 1t and tell ns
Quebec, where the Roman Cstbelica are that crape Cannot be too strongly eos-
in great majority, a claim to property of deemed, for it contains chemicals that
such a natore se the Jesuit Estates prop. oft.e seriously affect the health. A
arty was should have been ultimately crape veil worn over the face has pro-
settledl It is generally feared by those duced some terrible oases of cutensoos
who condemn the bill that the payment disease. Upon perso.a of $ highly ner•
of the $400,000 is only an instalment to vows temperament the wearing of mourn-;
be folloeed by much larger sums. That - ing has sometime very serious effects.
amount is so mach lea than the real value 1 knew one lady in Ireland of a very
of the estates that there might be some seneahoxas
ve ganiration who wabsolute- I
just grounds for appreheneem were it ly drives to inanity through enveloping
net that the terms of the settlement are herself in very deep mourning. Rhe'
an absolute bar to any further claim 1 would never left her heavy crape veil to
will refer your seeders on that point to look at a peep of sonebtne : never see'
toe clause of the settlement sanctioned the bright outside world except through
by the hill. "The Government of the the same sombre curtain, and the d Da
Province of Quebec will receive a full, ton agree•1 that the intense blackness
complete, and perpetua! onncession of all with which she surrounded herself was
the property whish may have belonged the primary amus of the melancholia
in Canada, by whatever title, to the which afterward. seised her. However,
fathers of the old society, and the Joe- it will be difficult for women to stens.
mit Fathers will ren. -ant all rirhte tom themselves to westing a gay dress
gon.nlly whatsoever apon Doth prop- with, as is reooslaended. the udditiin of
arty, end the revenue" therefrom, a black seat of nun'. veiling tied loosely
la favor of the province, the whole amend the assist, with a black neck tie
in the name of the Pape. of the and trend on the actin, such e. gentlemen
Sacred College of the Propaganda, www,. llourn.rs should are id 1ueeinees
sad of the Roman Catholic Church at detail in ordering their gowns. as
to general." The int rod ucti0n of the everything should he made simply and
Pope's name in the preamble, the se
ktaowledgment of the necessity of his
consent to a settlement, and the Marine
to hint the distnbuthen of the fond are
atesstrued into contempt for the Quer's
authority and dignity on the part Of
the ' Legislators of Quebec, and assn
abdication of its legislative functions.
Had I been a member of the legislature
at the time, if the name of the Pope and
kis emend to the settlement had Omen
omitted, I would have insisted upon
their being mitered into the till before
aBom* it to pas. if • bargain with
00l wosseruial or other corporation in
eels; slto be legally biadiov meet here
11e tmmetis of the proper sethsxiti•e, Don't terry mammy in the pocket oe
the baser of directors. era majority of the right hand side of your trousers.
Se shareholders. as the moo slay be, PSekpeeksts *spent to tied meetsy there
'clog/ ea iwareesable c eersiebt it would
hale bees to Dogleg °Mtai rine the mac -
tine of the eeprwmn heed of tho Roman
crown, pierced with large pearl pins,
would make up a piquant*, lovely cos--
There is an agitation on foot in Eng-
land to do away with the heavy mourn-
ing that has w long beets customary Por
us to wear on the death of • near and
Weak eyes seed iaA.i.ad Mde iodises
es Magerm oaeekiaa.l IM Mhei. The
hell r...4 s. 4er'e atraseirel.. 11
'Wiest Mir blp.d, aAmitee tba smash
team toad await sM ,ttltddnue hooters
Weed «a Witte.M, ?Moo =1.
Shr'd a greet r vetoed hao.wledge,
pinked up Ma female outlaw% a
ge»dtstim, ,. seed paws-
She was .smiled/ wile sr.dits . es yes
stile • leather easelo., .il• the sie-
stas el the ..Metes sad sloe ksow-
ledRes of the gaet,
Ube bad stained the aid le.iss.s of
Per.vt.ns sad Itagioane. their
theology, , -oey, swig geology
Wes stew all the brM sod teener a of
prsbtstodeetesiuro.--iobLtt os.sn.,
pieeiussar.s, asr'oea. us, sad
away, many more.
She'd describe thwasoiest Tonnage, sad
the Beegaes, ..d the Iltrearass,
their griddise.a.d their beetles, sad
the victuals that they g.awed.
She'd disease the housed Maumee. the
theology of Brahma, and eke 'san-
dals of the Vendee, and the madams
that they Mee trod.
She knew all the mighty grata, .ad the
master wads of masses. all the
learning that was turuiug is the
burning salad of is...
Bat also eouldu't prepare • dieser for s
gsuut and hungry sina.r„or pet op
• decent supper for her poor, v
mesons papa, for she Dever was our
intruded on the old domestic pleas.
A lie saaa• Ellen.:.
KW Jams YeQet�, et R'i.•edmr�pmA�
IlleOu t,'. Odkseti.g Rsmsam
OM. mates : --"Om* mes, matiaal
bold. of Nmrtloek Bleed alien fee W-
iwi disorder sed lad it • wonderful se -
seedy. Provi.r.sly I had hem Mkt' g
pili, thinking I bed Mae soapisi.t,
bet um I ma quite well sed will always
peals B. Irl. A' 2
Syne R000vator
is besos.iag the 8ta.dard ]fedieie of
the def Parties selling or write*, from
.11 pert. of Oaaoda and the U.is.d 8tatm
for the System Wseamtee.
Is sever fails to ears impure, week
and impoverished Mood, dtyspe i ,
rheumatism, lora cf memory, baeaaaitis.
oomemptiou, mil•dsses, jamilme. kid-
ney led winery diagram, ft Vitae'
dame, female imeguiri.s sad p.eral
debManntacteredi..ly by
J. DAMcLEOD,.Sole Patentee.
(hotter kaolin se "Thr 014 Duston,")
Newgate -wt., Oedema, Ont.
The System Renovator is sat at 91.00
lid 12 00 per beetle.
DiaLeod's System Renovator
tie- Mt &ti. W.Qn at Robe Mid Mrted.
`Wou?LanD, Dag.,Oot. let, 1889.
J. M. YcLaaa,
• Date fats, -My daythter'Wooe years
of ens, is down .tett. Her heart is bad
and her head ;she to out of her egad for
Me last bee weeks. Tse doctor was
w her three sr four times; he and she
would be &Bright in s few dye when be
Irene first Elbe is sail getting worse.
Dr says it is all from the nerves of the
heart. She keeps rubbing her head
when in pain. She doss sot talk moth
-moms days none .t all. We cannel
get her to gilt sometimes I would hs
burgeon theakf.l if you timid ssod her
something that would do her wood -
Yuaas, do. ,
P. Pauux.
Infant Feeding.
A physician of • New Yosk di.genssry
has rres.iily grade • aretui study orf the
valise of different 1uuda euawutanly
given to heats deprived ut uuning
mothers, with the following conclusions:
(I) Infarcts deprived of human breast
muk sbuuld be fed, first of a11, with
too.'• milk, diluted. (2) Intents •rtafi•
malty fed should not its fed every two
hours, ter the reasto that'more than that
tithe, ea a rule, is essessary to digest
the teed Rives. herein is famished the
best o1 evideuee that edam', eves in clog
earliest days of life, ought out to be fed
(dieser than sauce In three hours -Elan'.
Journal of lis•'tt.
Work Too Hard
Ms Riede ie gN-Memanees. 7reeveue.
sere and a Rrekea.p.weibyt.m, ellen
Ending in Insanity.
'lbotsands of over-
worked lookingss
men, wearied lxaia-
workers industrious
mechanics, and tried
women, in all pmts
of the Dominion
are to -day in a terri-
ble position. Their
▪ nerves are weak.
disuse poor, bead aching, and they aa -
sot sleep. work or live is comfort. This is
what ills our Insane Asylums. This is
the cause of that terrible Paresis. Before
it is too late, use Dr. Phelps' wonderful
tii00very, Paige's Celery Compound. it
e meares the results of overwork, restores
straigth, renews vitality, regulates the
whole system, and tones up the overworked
brain and body. Do not despair, but use
this woodevful remedy, and be restored to
health end happiness, the same as was Mr.
John L Brodie, of Montreal, who writes:
, I have great pleasure in recommending
your Paine's Celery Compound. My sys-
tem was run down and 1 was not fit for
business, could not sleep well at night and
was nervous. i commencer! taking Paine's
Celery Compound and improved imme-
diately. I am now able to transact my
business and endure any amoant of excite-
ment without bad effect."
Pain's Ce Compoand can he par -
chased at anys kw one dollar •
boIf bsot have eon hand.
order direct from Wiwi. 11ICar►g110011
a Co., Mcstral.
Answer sed medicines sent Oct 9t1s,
1889 :
Waaayt.ane, Das., Dec. 18th, 1889,
J. Y. IIcLRon.
Daae Sts, -Yours to handsome time
ago. da I bare Mao watching with in-
terest the aim of 1tr Pesten'. daegbter,
which leas bean prt•nousoed very cnti-
till by her former attending physician,
end em plumed to state to you she is
wonderfully improved, to the iniaite
- joy of her parents and friends here-
- abouts. I must confess we had fear.
that ;she never would net better, but
' now 1 think she will be all right ere
,00d. Wm. McDuoes,h, who has
beim eufferiue terribly tram rheumatism
fur years, has been benefited greatly by
reset emediciues; his ease is chronic and
neesmanly very stubborn. These par-
ties are ready to give their testimony
verified in writing to you, believing it
o be their duty to make known to rho
public the benefit they have derived
from the see of your System Renovator.
Rime Gray, another party,ha just begun
use your medicine, Ito I shall note
artfully the result Yours, tie ,
Wa. M. C.,
County Clerk.
By smite any lad/, sss41g es hes pert 01 s
Ahem. WNts.111MI s. & C.., ttesksd
at e10 isrst • f= words uveeeetsa�toaa�e
tel tees.. A.a�s'ess eeosfws•,.w-
runner. a mw lis tor Spee laws eat nes
withseem memosby tag snot of On W e'erraedr
era aN Year own awe new w do It Miter
1 ;reg le Wenn Osw.m. u ail the pewa geseselr tat 1 have t graded'M sir wet
lowing Iheeeer.1 res
1 per gnat .t ell peratteetr of $1.00 and Isis thea $s -OG 1 M per tales
ort all perebasss .f SR OD mad seemed.
O,s goods e1 mycoses menufs.ture b pee foot We Mellowed.
I have ea hood owe of the lamest shears orf
in the Do.laioe, a detailed list o1 whisk would oesspy mesa .pew klieg trite 4ira-
wss. is prepared w give ; audios 11 to my it osoprisesf see., d.ei/abla `ala los'
toiled with the bees Manufactures of Canada
livery lice i already marked
mead the above terms make my der. the Cheapest i » Chime& he My year ahem
Aa immense stock o/
is►evswy style both in Canadian and Amenosn, Glove Ooodyesr teaks, wbltlb rile
•ahja.t to the seine
A large Sash of fridjsar Imported Kid Slippers, eery fiat CW aid
am them.
Gar. Idsmt-.t and &mare.
Bees he as eetace that he la sow arum SW
The UqiirTea Cefflpaiis Celebraied Tm
Your choice of one out of • hundred or more Handsome Volume
by the Heat Authors, given with every 3 lbs.
Give it a teal, and acquire a Valuable Library without testing
the expense.
Goderich Foundry and Machine Works,
RUNOIMAN BROS., - Proprietors.
'•t 1. 11FYR,.'of ,,kl\1.rl••trl%, • Al
It: 1 ,TR1•E1 1..•1.1 t:lcH c le
Improved Land Rollers -
AT Z10W .'2a- S
Having made arrangements with the JOHN DOTY
We are Prepared to Quote Prices to
Parties in want of'the same.
a, P. R, BOOM
i1P. U$ a, :g. ;a�w.��' TOWN PROERTIES FOR ZAId.
Oak �•• h"" ' °•�• Ild - $100 AND UPWARDS
I have s
targe number at Houses and Lente
and vacant Lands in the meet dominbte parts
-NE/17 TOO lJ .TPB
Saway week. aetala/se. 96 pages
eat flus ; lowest price ever known
I hfen'„ Ideal Reoolkeiwgr Book Cage (the two sides
ere ,:like), prices 98.10 to $10.00: bolds 125lo 150 volumes of
the average size. N.: other article of furniture of equal cost
e i!! equally adorn a t uito ' ho
roe me.
'the ita111owtng :; s.. interesting comparison of Contents and
PeOe ofhullotedtC
Mu. cf w' .per , words. r".t. cya n l�
ar••etessst M t.. IIs..t.tas s
A 1r1.art.tla N t0
remelt k a •i k• WO ss.ee.4re t}.,.e
*iambi* *11011 %.4 it Alta l4Aa.a 0 ea Wanted
Atilt l'r MA'ITOtD CvrrorxMA 1. the REST for popular
well na cliespeet. Specimen page. Jrre. Cyclopedia.
Lei of to excitant., . .deaths», /Ale paper when Foot write.
J:4K11 D. ALDEN. Pubti.her, ss Prom act., Naw TOM;
1:2 WSWa.:a Are., Ceicaooi 711 Whitehall
plainll, for h •'style" Is in e 8 Eft, $AMPLI BOOKS .t the nnle., of t,ttm}e�.e .hoose yea ase with, enses
worul possibletoo foroucm. DNI Meeks andth> "ver : vet r it. o - w y..,r •",arse wY uYseh rhe cart of trera saalin. erg
soft Olin sr WRuN1 K l
lend. a Ilemr.l ndt.c• s•.t h re W over mhsmiam. se the Hanureta aMsaemmn.
clog metered' are in the beet
Wilrnn s Wild Cherry tyres ('.."ohs I
and Colds.
tame Levy's Leek.
"I had a diesesss of the skin for which
Ma tried merythise she mold think of
but without affect, bat the ifs/ bottle .:f
Hurdoek Blood Hitters I tried, I Tonal
relief. It nn me great aetiefaettos.'•
boo Vsneetes,(.gsI1),
2 Roia.vain, Mae.
Akin Disease ani most mealtime bo -
ammo so rwaesable. br Low's 8aipb.r
Cetdie Ohara. the Pope,without Meso keela cud elewasee the skin. le
shish .o eelgb>rsol eowid be eoander ss
gad .. Gard, A great portion of the 8th. meads Crooked , Chia., pia.,
mutest. of tie preamble to the hill .p- ware, Baraitese, etaY
Am -
pare at Aid eiAt either est d piss. Oslo.to, b all lase
don reals who ave Ftweh.s.d
is .11 1'1411y M tie teeth se tae above stalemsst. •
e • ery remit, ebeutd have as er awe at tlaatita
,•n the Arose ego. W. TiiOWDON. who waned yes all
n• . • • •4 ogre, and give ode ill nesse ae.
AT aOCV 9p'T7O11 Melte P)* CA811.
Dual emit the Sara ward ;res of Menem
' • •.rtes OM. % NIL
of the Town -Fele SAILS cYL p.
Now le the these to ware deepest, before
the hila ttu,.h. The C. P. R Is ootal1yr� aesssn••.�
and 1a a short these pprrll.eam w111 have ad
bolland the reach of many.
- ('all and see 1Jat and Priem before parolee -
lag emewbsre.
Real Estate and General !assigner Agent
some. W.et-8t., third door tram .comm. C. P.
R Ticket and 7blegnph Ores. at-tt.
Wines, Liquors, 8&c
ALBION ADS eomaicu•
The Carriage Business of the late ALEX. MORTON has At
purchased by MESSRS. M1{REATii k WALKER, who will con-
duct it as usual in future. Both gentlemen are well and favorably
known, and the public can look for a continuance of that promad
satisfactory dealing which characterized the Domiaiou Carriage Werlol
under its late management.
afruirest Clasen C'..ttexc_
Any style of Cutter Mede to Order, and on the Shortest Nonce.
Now is the time to leave your orders.
Old Outten repainted sad retrIsaussa. and made to Leak eke
New Outs, at picas to nit tie Musa.
We invite a peroral itsepaetion, and guarantee low prisma for tilts
clams of work aired. All work warronted-
(Succeavw. to Alex. Moils.)