HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-17, Page 44
-veimaimem ages.
HEAD wince. TOS0NTO.
*METAL (►Aflo ttlq INK rM+AR PdgolLANS
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L L WAU(ZR, oaa.b t Moi then .
A elmaaal emetese *aims* TIMANIMOT1D. FAIIIIMID MOTU Otapowrree.
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11101111111111111111 n WIN Y.
epeeist Alf men Oven 1. els t uNu_ .f O.sew.Isiat Paper.
mad FmrnMs' Sales Metes.
EQUAL RIGHTS. sad told themtoerased go to the day
vest, two moss were ebwreed passing
.lost the road sear the how, but did
mot attempt to ea. Tbo .set day Sate
lar tactic* were repeated and they hap-
pened to meet one of the ds.ghtera
They asked .by she 1.d oto
attending the school, sed wh•o
aid that her father had told
bar nut to go, they tried to
indee her to slip over the rail -track
and down M the oomrent without
the knowledge of her father. And this
- was only • specimen of the .sanest to
-1 which io.dious efforts were made by
1Roman Catholic* to proselytise sad
as undermine the truthfulness and integrity
obs of their ooaveat pupils. (2) Too norm
power was exercised by the hierarchy in
the matter of edueatioo. Some yews
ago "Marsion" had been placed upon
the let of High School subjects by o
order of the Council of Education), sad
with the approval of the Minister, tut • of
Dopy of the work in the hands of a Re-
snais Caliche) pepil was drawn to the
altentto. of • priest, as having in it a
reformers derogatory to the priests.
The priest brought the obenxious boob e9
to the nitios of Archbishop Lynch, and I be
on the complaint tat that dignitary
book was removed from the High School thole, ry
curriculum. Then, again, the hierarchy
bad canned the Bibb
The Question Discussed 1t Oar -
low Friday evening.
Nev. Jolie Teems, 'sem the Masters os.
MAD ■ s TMrd Lama M.hls
■*sates -em I..N-sle.. ler D.
memaaemMly Freese..
.he ether MIA
Sane $b et_ Wily ptwwos attend
ed a ell w ender the scapi
cos iMIo of .v Ental , Aso-
ci•tioa evening last, which w
addressed by Rev J
advertised to _
Yong, of Drummondville. A number
of ladies 000spied trout seats. boom
months since Messrs Young and Needy,
siaiat'aa from the neighborhood .1
Niagara Falls, held a series of meetings
is this motion and Tae Swett. took e1-
ooptioo to some of the statements then
mode. The revolt was that Mr Young,
having some time on his bods, again
visited this part of the Province, and
during the pest week held s.seiag. at
Auburn, Benmiller and Carlow. Mr
McGillicuddy of THE SIONAL was invited
to attend, and argue the question with
the rev gentleman. The upshot was the
meeting on Friday at Carlow.
The chair was occupied by Mr Ale
Robertson, one of the prominent am
ton is the section on behalf of Eq
Rights, who called upon Rev Mr Yvon
to open with prayer.
It was then arranged that each ut th
spskere would be allowed an hour, and
that Mr Young, who was to s
first. would have fifteen minutes to r
ply without introducing new matter.
Mr Young, on coming forward, said
on • previous ocoasilo be had visited
this section and spoken en the question
of Equal Rights, and that at • meeting
1.1. in Goderich he had been misreport-
ed by Tsa SIGNAL. It was stated tha
when be was questioned upon certai
etstivtics which he had made use of, b
had stated that his authority was • fly
sheet, and that he understood the rigor
he had quoted had appeared in th
Witness. The facts were that be fur-
nished his authority, which was the
tbrnstian Leader, and hs had also reed
the extract in the Montreal Witness. It
had also been stated that he had made
misrepresentations about the Portage
Road between Chippewa and (Omega-
town being closed by the Goveromeot at
the instance of the hierarchy. He was
here to state that the road was closed,
and he still believed it was because o
the influent* of the hierarchy. Fath*
Smith opposed the road being kep
open, and it was closed, and •Itboug
a deputation went to Toronto
to meet s deputation town Ottawa on
the subject and arrange the matter, h
was told Archbishop Lynch opposed the
opening of the road. and it was no
opened, and still remained closed.
The road was not all closed, bu
you had to go uit of the
way now to avail yourself of it. In
addition to these misrepresentation/. it
was stated by THs SIGNAL that he had
said that out of =70.000 expended the
Catholics received $40,000. What he
said was that $70,000 were expended
upon general institutions under Protes-
tant auspices and $40,000 upon Catholic
institutions. He had, bowever.heen com-
rm. onetime, ▪ mace hie wits mend Yet mi-
the Man manly *kbhrd d4
ihsst bis =deed mY "Wee iI toy
sethest,.* B. s' add he eadnr-,
is lb*
w ed ha▪ s ed some appeared bed dank& U stelae
ssrEgbem b elmisd to hamdwds of ph-
arialir. Leah' fatal It awe s rains
is his (Mr Mssrttir�. � s) .led it thea
anisionsa. Aa
~aminstiss at ahs Qnsdhs Ili
Dirosiory bad tea roved the test.
sad Ito we of *elm that the time was
.g.�s� ems pktemd in s mmio ase .s a
bs et Nimes* flue the sperm!
ass el Spat Illights apsaltars et
lags .has. there was opposition At
my aha., Mr Tones W shown that 1.
000sidmd t1. report is quest/oat fairly
••estate by en this mermen the
'gems from Tea .o.t.ist g the
previous report. kerma .1 prebuilt' the
oritdsst dyninet. tImerghter.) Hs (Kr
Mail.) w.e net hese to held the S.
mss tentage -he was here ass* to
see that t1. Aper 1. wpaaastd was
not .tt..ked, sed to ess that
the testy Miami gat a fair show. At
the m.stiog 1. Odseii they W limn
.eiamstiesd r tr.ekl"se for males, sad ..
nose who had no primoiplss or honor,
but 1. was prepared to show that tb.re
were Y loam and 'wearable mei
•ien.gst t1. politicos. r the
apostle of Equal Rights,.o-walled. The
Filmset ...ting was • .perms.. of an
Equal Rights gathering eoodaded on
Equal Rights principle. We were hen
t0 diem. a great gimps .ad the
greatest plank in the platform was the
Jesuit Estate Act, and yet t1. speaker
of t1. evening had onlybarely swtion-
ed it before anther ss, in the hope
that, atter his oppu•st had spokes and
his lips were sealed, the viatica could
be taken up when theee would be io
pportunity to reply to the closing
mech. That was t1. Equal Rights way
doing it, but it wasn't the good old
fairplsy way. Equal Rights was what
the politicians wanted, they wanted
Protestants and Catholics alike to have
nal Rights, bot they bad so m e for
• jug -handled commodity that was
mg hawked over the country by tie
erica! gentlemen who had taken op the
, as Demetrius bad taken up the Dry
against Paul, for the sole reason that
1. out of the schools and the Scripture T
ta- telt-book had been sob•tituted. (3) ere
sal The separate school law was an in -
g justice of a grave nater* to the , t
Protectant maJ0ret,, fur whereas is the
• Public School Law it was enacted that the I H
"authorized" text -books be studied, in es
peak the Separate School Aet it was stated `o
e• that s"ssiform" system should be adopt-
ad. The result was that an inferior edu-
cation resulted in the Separate School
.y believed "the .raft was in danger."
he Jaeit Estate. Act had not been dis-
esed for the reason stated, and the rev
tleman had instead devoted hie hour
unlocding little serene that he had
n 811ed up with by Tom, Dick and
arry, and for which he could not ad -
nm • particle of proof. It was a well -
own fact that hearsay evideica is •l-
ays debarred i:i a Boort of law, and
as inadiniaeible as testimony, yet ben
as • rev gentleman coming, after
heaving this same *peach at every
eating, without anything bat hearsay
•ridenee to submit to the intelligent
jury which the audience comprised. The
first of the series was his repetition of
the old Portage Road yarn. He had
been caught on that question before, sod
had its absurdity expand, and yet
inateed of making an apology to the
tuo much time being devoted to Roman n
Catholic religious training. In addition
to fire •ebe Separate School Lw .
allowed elections for trustees to be
t by open vote instead of by ballot,
o and the result was that the electors
• dare no; vote against the behests of the
- priests. The statistics of Ontario showed
es that half the criminals belonged to the
• Roman Catholic body altbcugh the
as -
elation was only about one-sixth of t
Province. During the past tew yes
there had been a marked increase in t
Dumber of Separate Schools, and t
constituted • menace to the Pedestal)
of Ontario. On page 2484, of the Sta
uta, clause 48 it was stated that the
se.eor, if he knew a ratepayer to be
Roman Catholic, should consider th
fact punto face• evidence that he was
f supporter of Separate Schools, and
✓ secs him accordingly. The consequen
t ° was that a Roman Catholic whc wish
b to become • Public School sopporte
would have con.sdersble difficulty
having the matter changed, and would
• - subjected to great persecution should he
1 undertake to have the change effect
t He was told by one of his elders that
Catholic had come to him and told hi
t that be hoped the Equal Rights agi-
tation would to successful, as at pres-
ent they were priest -ridden tq a
great degrea, and had no onntrol of
their actions. The rev. gentleman then
made the statement that he was in favor t
of the Dopey Bible being placed in
mein for tbi. riding• Cabinet Mini
ter- -for putting in circulation such a
story, we have him to -night trying to
believe it himself and trying to mak
others believe it. What were the facts 1
The Michigan Central ao•tructed what
is known as • railway "Y," one line
going on to Buffalo and the other to De-
troit. at • point where the Portage
Road crossed. It is well-known that •
oobtic road crossing • railway under
s.- such circumstances is particularly danger -
es one and to obviate the', the Michigan
Ctel made application ani succeeded
r in closing up the Portage Road at this
111 dangerous point. But the road was not
be thereby rendered melees for traffic, but
was only diverted about one-eighth of s
ed• mil., when the regular concession road
was struck. After travelling along the
oo.cession until • lees dangerous point
was reached, the track was crossed, after
which connection was again made with
he Portage Road, by jugging op another
eighth of a mile, and the old mace nod
was need as of yore. These are the facts of
he ase, and it I am wrong the rev
sntleman has now the privilege t° cor-
rect me, said the speaker. The road, it
u true, was lengthened by about a quar-
ter of a mile but the danger to man and
at tt• crossing was dodo lie•. He
thathe was leProstdt *toy
ie that Oho
balk demi ed den. BIW l --b is is
the *atlas W mat a.te.t le mesh.
Fitt. w eases.' is whish w.
Mal* egWli.s tees beteg eimikenel
e wtsietly leaked as It1 this brass past of
bis eseeeslbe tree. *sassed bet ti. -
ttiag et the p Dahl* ass the
Jess .swiss s. Ib. althea s
aide W eats, and the ahslltba et asp,
raft Sisals meld mob* *him teases
e .M __dd. L a assess whets awe.e
wet trash. ware .ppmMed, as s smatter
d *sass* W Doeay DEW west M
1 milad set, sad se blondes dor 'to
the <Stthdi. pmpile, ems ie • soboot with
hese. Qathelie tremor , amthorined
DM* weld maim west sartsq, sod
the rastomaat pupils would water ; so
Mat '--teed et W ksvtog eq ss.l right.,
n ewly every use woad have squat
WSW In t1. modest of the Sepses
Sebsds it was *outmoded by the sat.
,emib.as that two glerisg *.mute ex-
isted. Tim int was that whereas is We
Allis Schools it was sroemaq that the
•'aetboriaed• text -book* shook' be meed,
in the Separate flobwls k was only moss -
airy tea a 'vattorm• scrim Amid be
u sed T1. objem was to have uniform-
ity in t1. tuition of all P.btie Schools,
and also onitxsit ia the tuition of all
Swpamp themls, at if t1. books rad
t(me►i.' wen to be t1. same i•
the Public sad Separate Schools
what would hoopoe" of the retina
of the Separate Sehoufs, whisk were
guaranteed byUse British North America
Aot at Confeeration, and whish rook'
not be abolished except by Imperial legis-
lation at Westminster 1 Rev Mr Yeseg
could not abolish them, Rev Dr Caves
weld not abolish tem, Hoa Olivet
Mowat took' not eboliob them, and Sir
John Maodoeeld could not abolish them,
unless the B. N. A. Ad was aseoded by
the Ispenel authorities. The rev
gentlemen had also found fault that
O':q: TO
Sweeping Reductions
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Do not' buy without seeing our prices. Inspection
Jordan'• Meek Oederi•h. DIA estb, 110
be the ge.Steatlon for oleo, and
man'. sreed amid .either dobe' nor
exalt his any mom than the soler of his
Mir or his eompl ries. Yet this we the
key -note of the Equal Sights agit.tias
aed without sash appeals to landmass*
a .twtit.tiosality d dm 'nestles ars the
•l•nym••, some of whom ware - sa-
to you by the preview n lather. I bare
sat a word to say agaisut aq of th.s,
pommel's'. for I look epos them all M
hang sem in their pl•er, hot gime '
and bigotry t1. sovameet .cold di..
What would we my if a Rosana Catholic
priest made tt his yabotoo to no from
place over the Proviso. too-
voeisg to stir up religiues strife, se-
toitond•r ill feeling .sed raho bad blood
between neighbor and neighbor, as thee.
Equal RVtkts preaches' w dais' 1 W.
w hile the Public School trustees were would tell his to go beak to hie palpit
elected by ballot, the Separate Scboolaaad attend to the oftioe to whish he was
trustee* were elected by open vote, so- ordained, sad we would do right when
that the priests meld elect the trustee - we did fee. And in like manner the
that suited than. Well, that was a meddlesome odea of all demominetioae
curios. °antetios when everybody knew .hosts be dealt with. They tell as the
that t1. Equal Rights people were Catholics are priest ridden, at the time
eternally shouting tbat eves ender the when they want to ride over pe, and
ballot the Catholic vote was a corporate there was mighty little difference
vote, earried in the pockets of the betimes being priest -ridden and
priests, and at their behest Mowery case. preseber-ridden. (Hear, hear.) And
I the Catholic vote was a corporate vote, now a word or two scoot the
and owned by the priests, as was Doo- q.mion of the coastitutioaality of the
tended by the rev gentleman and his Jesuit Estates Act. Io this discesdoo,
triose", .hat did it matter to them mid the speaker, I have not had =-
whether whether t1. vote was open or by ballot 1 fortsait, of makings prepared.p..ob
Fmk had also been found with the is- nor of rebearsis, an old address to s
craves in Separate Schools. Well, that *041.0. so that I **old deliver it with
was a thing that could hardly be him gusto, as my reverend friend has had. I
dered in a growing country where pop- haat b... forced to follow him in his
elation was on th* inewaae. The so- madonnas after matters of little so -
commendation had to be iocreasd almost sent, and, as you all know, he almost
yearly for both Public and Separate ignored the vital question during his en-
tire addoees, hoping, doubtless, as I said
before, to discuss it in hi' own way whoa
my lips were sealed. I .ill briefly
allude to the question and touch only
the salient points, etas for story state -
Schools, but it was not true that special
efforts were being mads by the Catholic*
to tnarwsm them. No ow was cited by
the rev gentleman when he made that
statement. As against that oonteotioo,
it was a fact well known to many in the meet I maks I an produce tie proof if
•uds.soe that at a /Provincial election • called open, as 1 bold • copy of Han
few years ago, one of the cries raised card in my hand ; and so sea. has •
satinet the member for this onnstiteeicy right to Dome before so intelligent am -
and t1. Mowat Government was that di•oa, be 1. not h la
Pr , mom e' a yuan
- while t1. Protestants wanted the Public:.nd disease a public question without his
School ,at KingabridTs changed from a
Public to a Separate School; the Carbo-
• - lice apposed the scheme, and
were r•ocossefol in having it con-
tinued as • Public School, which it
retains to this day It had been also
stated that one-half of the criminal
population of Ontario were Catholiea,
and it would bo well to koow where the
data was obtained by the rev reatleman.
Rev Mr Young -From the blue book. from the King an actual promise of the
Mr McGillicuddy - Indeed. Well, grant of the Jesuit Estates. Lord Am-
woeld you kindly wise me the figures. hent'• heirs claimed the estate., bot
Rev Mr Young -I haven't them with public protest was so strong that the
we, and don't remember them. Government dared not make good its
Mr McGillicuddy -I didn't expect you promise granting them. When in the
had the figure., and I coot believe that year 1800 the last survivor of the
the fact is as stated, for it certainly does I old Jesuits died, the Government m-
oot accord with the criminal atati.ties of cheated the estates, but according to the
Huron comity, the second in population -Ad law, which had not been abrogated,
in Ontario. There is here merely • bald the property should have reversed, in the
st•temeot by the rev gentleman, and, event of no heirs, to the Ordinary of the
as in every other assertion he has made, Diocese -the Bishop of Quebec cr the
there isn't a shred o. evidence that he is Bishop of Moonset On eight different
able to prodoe• in support of it. The oeessirm., between Feb. 4, 1793, sad
next point raised by Mr Young u that Jan. 2, 1885, protests were raised against
in the Government Printing Human at the possession of the estates by the Gov -
Ottawa there are 88 French printers ernment, sod every attempt mode to dis-
employed sod only 60 English, of whom pose of the property met with failure,
Ane- are at o- owl to t
tries to bring in the race _claim of the religious authorities. In
e pubiie schools, alongside of the
Protestant Bible, as there was not much
difference between it and the I'rotestant
Bibla. His own experience was th
of much good was done by having the
ible in the school at a11, and even if it
as removed much harm would not be
one. (4 The Governments truckled to
he hierarchy in the natter of appoint -
eats. In the printing department at
Maws alone, out of 148 employees 88
ere French, and GO only were English,
.d of the latter he believed one-half
were Roman Catholics. This showed
the manner in which the Government
pandered to the French and Roman
Catholics, and should be frowned dow
by the Protestant electors of Ont•ri
He then read from THs SIGNAL a repo
of his G..derioh meeting the statemen
in connection with the employee. of th
Senate and Cnmmons,which was credit
the / Ari -tiara Lead,r, and cited it
other instance of truckling to th
ierarchy. Unless, sand the speak*
is influence is .tanipd out where wi
end 1 As it is, we have the specracl
1 a Roman Catholic at the head of me
dais Department, a Roman Catholic
e leader of the great Reform Party
d • Roman Catholic Minister t
esti*. If Protestantism was to main
Min its proper position a atop mast be
put to them method'. The goestin
that had "reused Protestant sentiment
and npeoed Protestant eyes to th
alarming imitation was the passing of the
Jesuit Estate' Act, to which he 'veld
probably rater after Mr McGillicuddy
had spokes. He thanked the audience
for their kind hearing and resumed
ht. mat.
Mr McGillicuddy, in repiy.said he had
hese invited to attend these meetings,
het until the present occasion had so
epportenity of attending owing.;to i11 -
wee in his family. Even although 1.
had attemd.4 thn evening be had rely
iao.ndel to report t1. ret. tlewtlesan's
address, were k sot for 11 fast that the
speaker had elm out of his way to at-
twek the •eeursey of • previous report
and attribute motives*. malice to the re-
pereee. It was welltsown flat the re-
port of the (ioderieh smarms did sot
permed M be wee. forme bet the report
we 5. t1. maim comet. Whew the
plimented by Tns Su:NAL so ons of the n
fairest advocates of Equal R•ghts, and B
when he 1 that such men as w
Rev Dr Coven, Rev Dr McVicar, Rev d
Dr Carmen, Rev Dr Douglas, aid other
well-known and respected ministers of m
the Gospel bad advocated the mune of I O
Equal Rights. he felt indeed that • great w
compliment had . paid him. He a
cited the actionsf the presbyteries,
synods and conferences, sod other reli-
gious bodies on the subject, and gave his
hearers tc. understand that the principles
of the Cross of Calvary were involved in
the present agitation. They were fight-
ing the hierarchy, but while doing so
they had nothing but the beet of feeling
for the Roman Catholic people. There
was • marked distinction between the to
hierarchy and the peep's. The people a•
deserved oar sympathy and loving kind- h
proofs. At the time of the conquest of
the French by the English, the Jeanne
held aortae properties, and it the con-
quest there was so coohscatioo, but the
000quered were allowed to hold al
rights previously held, with the edd;,
tion of acknowledging British sovereign-
ty Things remained so until 1770,
when Lord Amherst, sctpeted by a de-
sire to build up s lame estate, obtained
at he believes folly one-half C h ng ha cloud eapo. the title by the
away with ; the chaoge was elect-
ed by the Michigan Central R. R
is the interest of the public, and
Archbishop Lynch and the hie-
rarchy had no more to do with it
than Rev John Young. The next mat-
ter to which the rev. gentleman attached
importance and deemed a new party
necessary was that some Protestants al-
lowed their daughters to be Bunted at
convent schools. That was a matter of
private cnncero, moa surely the Oovsrn-
° sent onuid not be held responsible (-for
°' it. The speaker did not think
rt the little hearsay stories of the preacher
t about convent life were of moment to
e this discussion, as after all there was no
0d direct evidence submitted, and in any
as event people who were shouting for free-
° dos should not hinder otter. from cot-
e' ting their children dated where it
nese. but the hierarchy was a mighty th
machine which was used to influence ft
governments to our injury, and must be 0
fought against. There were four ways in M
which the influence the hierarchy was th
king itself fel
In (1) the educationtofno urrsyP ngnce won... Jn
Many Protestant parents sent their
demisters to convents to he eduestd,
sad the result was that seven -teethe of
the pupils .ventrally embraced Roman
Catholicism. Only the other day he bed
rood of one of thee pupils embracing
that faith and taking the veil, but. be-
fore doing so. ebe bad to make over all
her eroperty, whiob was eomeidereble.
to the Ch.rsb of Roma He knew a girl
who resided Orkin tonality who had at-
tended • eone•at fee tuition, and al-
though .he said .o effort had been made
to make her shames bee relegates belief.
yet *ben he asked her i1 she had
rot to bow to the image of
tike Virgin and other savages in the
eesve.t, mho was firma to admit
!hat mob was t1. ems. He was told of
mother cam tJ tho melon ohm's be war
living to shear the insidious way in
onkel the noes worked to obtain pupils.
A father bad daughter' .needing eke
easement "shawl -for tom n Jointed at
Niegent-..ad eb).eted to their gwisg,
11 voiced them best. One thine was oer-
e tain, the hierarchy could not make the
r Government compel Protestants to
' mod their dasehtere to convent schools
d to t,e educated. The rev. gentleman
had also .fated that the Bible had been
taken from the schools by C.Iholie in-
terference, and • Scripture telt-book .ub-
e stitnted. This ma not the ease. The Bible
remained in any school that the trustees
e wished, but for the convenience of
teachers, and at the instance of tho rep-
resentative ministen of the Prot stent
denominations, a Scriptural text -book
had been prepared by an ohm -Protestant
Mr. Kerr --for mm is the wheels„ .o
that isdiaxin.inate Bible reeding by i.-
exp•risseed weber* would be obviated.
Whin the proofs of the teat -hook wore
! submitted copies were .est to tho hoods
of abs mikes rdlgbas bodies for their
approval, .sed ammo' others to the bate
An1Iihep Lpa0h. That gootio as •ma-
r isled test la t1. Lord's Prayer the word
wear aha.ld bo substituted for the word
".Nob" it the armies settees, "Oar
Father, whish art in heaves, ' sod that
was t1. .:test rat biorarebis.l inter-
feese, It rel, .bowed that the Amrh-
bishp was a soma grammarian, and o.
grammatinal aromas the ohmage was
made The rat. pstb on W also
question bore, by showing the excess -course of time the property, in some in -
of French over English. Well, that Dir- stances, beelm valuable --or would have
cumstanoe is easily explained by the become so were it not hampered by the
fact that, owing to the larger field in peculiar conditions that existed in
Ontario end Quebec for priot.re in connection with it. The value
English, the Frenchman who can work wait 'alienated at $1,200,000, but the
in both languages has the better chane anneal revenue showed only 122,000
(or Ism than 2 per Dent). Under them I
conditions negotiations were entered into
by Hun Mr Chaplain to settle the quo
tion by a payment of *000.000, but he
left the Government before the settle-
ment could be completed. Then Hon
Mr Mercier took the matter up, and ef-
fected a settlemeot for $400,000. onl
$180.000 of which went to the Jesuits,
and $00,000 was given to the Pro-
testants cf Qo•bnc - • is. propor-
tionate to their yr,pulation. If • clod
was nixie any ordinary title was it not a
oommun thing to bare it quieted by the
payment of a ane for • quit claim deed,
And of such was the emirs* is ordinary
business transactions why should not s
Government settle a vexed question in •
like rational manner, From the start of
tbe negotiations to the finish the
spirit and letter of the Constitutloo
has been oMervd, and while there
is not an authority on ennstitotiopel
law who takes exemption to the ennetitg-
tionality of the Act, the beet •othori-
Li/e in the land uphold it Bet it will
be seed that Mr Deltas McCarthy is •
0n etitstional lawyer and statesman.
That ut•temest, said the .peaker,1 deny,
ad i deny it hemmer Mr McO.rthy ham
proved himself so estsrnt failure in
ovary Pod oral- Prwtiesial nous 1e boa
held a brief for. I dem, hie authority
ii. eon•tketios•1 1air berms• of hie fail -
.me as • emstitatomal lawyer. and I
deny his (Asim. to Mste•s•wship for the
reason that t1. oaf, Parlismwtaq A•t
that 1. emir fathered, and wheel basso
his aro--4h( M(Cmti, A•t--wbes
tasted in the DOOM roosts net bold
water. •ttsewgb k ems towelled to bald
• w (UegIM.) TM dMstUsest-
of mg haysehmos she ants
with Meertl .•s bo mmeted ow tho
lawn 01r .�rsd, Mid the salt ethers
who lobs tats p1541.. M tab m t1e
for employment. A. • resat
French compositors coo almost all
speak and set type in English, and are
therefore able not only to do their share
of the Government wort -one half of
which is done in Freooh-bat they can
also do English work, and • man that
can make himself useful in both Dan
guagges, other things being equal, has the
prefereme. Again, Ottawa is located in
• Freseb and Catholic section, and the
workmen' in all callinip in every town
ase in proportion to creed and
nationality. The rev. gentleman heti
unearthed another iniquity a1w,,and that
was that the head of the Militia Depart-
ment, the leader of the great Re-
form Party and the Minister of Justice
were Cattbolie•. Was not that • great
cry to raise against theta men by an ex-
ponent of Repel Rights to all 1 it weld
not be denied that each of the gentle nen
named was abundantly qualified for the
plies 1. 155.4; they were all brilliant and
able men, and it was because of their
ability they held their present position.,
and not bemuse of then creed. Why,
ur, the first Premier of this Province at
Confederation, and the ere who laid the
foendatioe of the premien program and
pro• eriy of Ontario, was • Oat olio -
the Hoo Jobs Mansfield Macdonald ; --
and although opposed to many of his
polities! principles, and diluting from
hint In tweed, i firmly believe his name
and lams will sadists in the history of
t� moos Rights
.. t , w e all theen called
tion wk' be fnr'otten. Yet the
apostle el
qual Rights wanted to have
t Mhsead bosses* they did not wwor
ski so Oed set the came strias as be did,
aIthosa Ise every ethos, way they wase
amply ipiattled M hold Diem. -If this
woe a spasimon of toss emsM endows* it. Rbhte so hose*
()spooky should
.f them have had a brei trumiej, sed
it is • well•knowm hest that whets Simi.
te, are taken from their arms tmlbeg et
la ren that they attain slew.. in -
•aotber vocation. I have every ralpst
for then, pulpit opinion., hat elms It
gets to a matter of law I Mmes to the '
duly aoereditad and sxp.rins.d adm.-4I
omen In aostraie to these orti ham ale
ablest lawyers and statin... Bite Naar.
the **teras Prasier,Sir J
who, although I oppose Me PoikleMillirdit
believe to be ono of /ha most *sate
statesman on earth-{yplamm) ; w•
has. Hoe D•tid Mills, who in tthe pre-
paration of some of Ontario'. pro.issi5E
rigbta oases proved mon than • metal'
fcr lir Dalton McCarthy ; we have the
''*meet layer is Casads, aha Hon.
Edward Bioko, who he gives motes
and vote in favor of the eomeitstioWity
of aha Act ; w• ham* Hoa. Aha. Mr-
kansiie, who, altbowgh not teob•ieelly
lawyer, has few male in his know-
ledge of cosatitutiom•) law, and whit
left hie sick -bed at 3 o'clock in the
moraine to poll a vote against bigotry
and intolerance, cod 1a favor of Fairplay,
honesty and 000atitwtional methods
we have t1. Hots Wilfrid leerier, and
be is the nal, Catholic I will quote,
bat, although opposed to ms ow
aha question of creed, I must sash=
that whoa be delivered fan seely,
Christian speech in Tomato, and secs.
am uncertain sound, although polticaU,
kis broad -spirited anemone miuhi Delp
against hint in his native Proviso', I
felt that his words on the oesasios planed
him far and above all others I had heard
fir read in exemplifying the gospel of
the Cram of Calvary, tho mops' of
pone and good •.ill. and in carrying out
the prompts of t1. Sermon on the
Mount. The question Amid Dot be
locked at front the narrow view A intol-
erance, bet -
11. chairman - You have already
spoken your hour.
Mr McOilliawldy-Well, you'll allow
me to finish a meteooa
The ohatrsaa-Certai•ly.
Mr McGillicuddy -I as informed s
time is op, and need only say that I
hope everyone will take this sebjeat to
heart and after exasi.inf it to refelly
remember to deal with then neighben es
they would be dose by. I thank you
very much for your potion! hearing.
Ray Mr Toon*, then re"e to reply.
He did not nook it necessary to rply,as
Mr McGillicuddy bad only talked ab-
surdities. Mr NoOillieuddy had said
that he (Mr Y.) would probably dismiss
the Jesuit question after h. sat down,bst
th. gentlemen wasn't moth of a miimd-
rrader,for the question world not bedis-
cussed to -night by him. He would Daly
my that Sir John Thompson would sot
allow the question to go to the Privy
Council. He then paid • tribute to the
rev. gaatlemen who were carrying on the
agitation, and said notwitbatandiog Mr
McGillicuddy's opinion their knowledge
of the questsoo was exocedingly gruel,
and that they'would survive the sneak
here made upon them. With referees*
to the aseertiow that at a previous met-
ing the politicians had boon spokes
strongly against, be denied ever having
dote so, for be knew there were good
ern belonging to the old Political par-
Mr MoOilliooddy - I didn't lay
you did. Mr Mordy did it, and in •
s.oet un ualitld tttannor.
Rev Mr Yong -D am not reepooatble
for Mr Mordy's attempts
A voice -Yoe wee* in bad eospeny.
Mr MoOilliesddy.. Zvtl oommunica•
tions corrupt good .•.sere,
Ree Mr Young, 000tinsf.g, said that
notwithstanding what Mr McOilliaoddy
had said about the Pottage Road, 1.
still held to his former opsins that if
Father Smith hadn't intarf.red e1m rail-
way weeper!y would have gone on with
the work at t1. seeming. Re thosgist
if Mr McOilliesdd ad t1. Senses on
the Mount three and took it to heart,ould
he wbe mmm.o�l robeeoltted. He sea
*lad that boll aides bad boon heard.
Ts obainatin shoe a vote, the
hooit being that *boaa d eeds
went up for Rom' Bights a .xpkI..d
by Mr Toone. thio rots was leesedd
Wine ft, end those bur•lkin of the
aedie• a dfd est trete et *IL
Kam, the Tome* •rtln me,d(rer, will
be kswged ea Duh. 111th.
Oa New Tea►'. di Mt it.. somers,
of MaKtIlop ta latter Worming
him of the death of hie third sot, Eiei-
.rd Sesser., tibiatook arse ser
tos. Dante, ea the !1st d D.wmtrbber.
The deemed we se led uwefl.s., wade
yeses awe, Si yin et age de west
to Dakota two yewws sham toot ta'ste'r
end was de.mg well Ibsen He had Uses
etteedieg to his hewthse Wittiest. who
woe ep with typhoid Amor. The
Irether Dossed tat abase mid ease. c boast. led Rickard 15
ee dm* some blow to Yr Io.md. The w miseries tr low