HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-17, Page 3TSE HURON SHIN•AL. FRIBA Y, JAN. I7. 1890. Tom' POET'S CORN ER. ISOM ewweshaasae . Er.. * bilrn armee to hes Ilea sstslate. as In soma none IL WI* erne animal about July. The les ease .ad the Omaha" wm. V tlemal, present their kIL The Pfee./..tamer Wird will roe In Amami to ohm men kiss. The WV memulOtl Niel; ere, Lillie !mashy wW bas. Likewise the bett.e y, se lest. • WIN agitate We nervous awl Bash unseatwW Mahood lie Aar has assets years imam kr. When em.es alo.g ttir vw4 at wing. The pest will be heard to elitg, Aad from the manage par el !date ' will prtek the mhos of a rhyme. The flaw net W Jokes wta ,lack (rho earn aid jeb.., w aleawrin, OR 'nasal' alible. wW bv rte sit Fer beers and watch the firelight Mt. Aad. whoa the summer ernes. they stW open the beach wee coo.ad uw. "The eldest ms." seta fear. pest. At l.tw..te will breath. his 1..., la .fl wades meraiitle who are won. V usual wW d urtielts la hies. than, things and mess stere. la Mare is ,fere. had set with sorrow in It Reelto ; Utlapp. year ! It aide with N•ctav- iaea THE FASHION& • Variety of Jewess that Will eemerest the Fear se:. Shepherd's plain Airco with sloth to are popular among Eoglinb Opera eIoaks are many of them is dark rich shades of plash and velvet gbh embroidery and *bowers of jet Or- nament* falling from the shoulders. The trimming of hats sed bonnets is as leafier piled up bow upon bov a,d the whole* nrnoaoted by feath..rs. Low swims and Amt trimming it the favorite ,sed. Narrow black *ilk cord in edgings of and curves sakes se inexpeseive dressy trimming oa woolen goods Bosse saw dresses show as ','motive sembiaatios of striped silk with wool, IltIb. 'stripes poinmag upward in the middle of the front of the skirt and of tie waist is what is milled &del tower Gray promises to be a favorite shade dor out at door woolen dresses. Some smart little French bats are made et the wings of birds, with only a band of velvet for the foundation. A charming tea jacket is of violet vel- vet, with a flowing frust of white China .ea Whim lands. A little of (laboert'. Parisian Balm applied at night, wall soon render the bands soft and white Parisian balm is delightfully pert awed. Sold by all drnggiete. 1 at PUTTING ON GLOVES. mw rt mime weer lamas Are Massa or Ramp. A great deal depeade on the Bret pot- tj•tt on of gloves, says the Dry Goods obwtidy, Have the hands perfectly dean, dry and cool, sad never pot on new gloves while the hands are wanm or damp. When a person is troubled with SWISS kande it is well to powder them before trying on the glove, ; bat, in most eases, if the bands ars dry and cool, this is not needed. First work om the Angers, keeping the thumb outside of the glove and the wnat of the glove turned beck. When the fingers aro in smoothly Olt in the thumb and work the glove on very carefully, then, piecing the Meow on the knee, work on the head. Whig this is done, smooth down the wrist and button the second button first, thee the third, and so on to the end. Them smooth down the whole glove and !metes the first button. Fastening the lint button last when petting cm a c for the first time .ekes n dud d difference in the fit, although Mat esss but a very little thing. It n et Wein the part of the glove that aka aslset to strain at first, and pro- fit* enlarging of the button -hole, of which is sure to take place if begin at the first button to fasten the When removing gloves never begin at the tips of the fingers to poll them oft, bet tern bask the wrist and pull off osr.folly, which will, of worse, necessi- tate their being wrong side out. Turn them right side out, turn the thumb in, smooth them out lengthwise is as near am pnanible the shape they would he if on the bands, and plans sway with a strip of white oantin flannel be- tween if the gloves ars light, but if dark adored the Isan.I may be omitted. Never roll gloves Into emelt ether is . wad, for they will never look as well after/. Then is •lwsyi some moister* in tbem from the hands ; onnsegeently. when tolled op, this moisture has no amen of drying, and soot work into the gloves, making teem hard and stiff, and of very little use after, as far as lecke ar it are cooeerned. A. (1 travelling .aa) -"T hare but d .o .ismtea Say. will Toe be my wife) 1 must amok that trim. ' She (never Here a wort) His-"Oal7 three min - 1 se he; 'maty the word, soy darling." Rh • (Watt as, the pave.) He -"Ona i natiLleft I Promise to he . wife 1" . ^ hi promise." H•--"rlllake the deal train." A Milder hod his naigbbor en•s1•d *P- S ralb• deep of stealing wheat hoe ►b !r, bei being tumble to esbaMMiet• • *ago W prowl, doe wort adjudged at the tiMapaboell oak. s. •plea Ha sMItsi. "Wall," says be,! "1 a va bad_ gee snsiewl tow radian .y wheat. Tamil gown It, and an sorry the If Pe and! a EnNmeky ebeetnst. 7o• Beauty le desired gad .laird by W. *we w slurp with* WWI Pam be Isms ee embalm psrs.ul least: is Or daily w ed dyer'. Hair Vigor. No .aster what w erne 01 the heir. this ptopa. lp•_ partly ems Wile greatly to Its Ilheidd dui bah le Ida. harsh, dry, er amide gray. Armes Hair Visor will testers the color, brills out a awe. 'taw srsgtb. and seeder the old soli awl .limy. Fur bmsp$sg the scalp clean, eeok sad haeltby, there is os better pspmraelss 1. the market. " I am free to Dealses that • trial of Ayer's Hair ♦ has menaced sae that 1t ie a g*m.menaced article. It. Deo bas .et osly oared the hair of sty wife and daughter to b. Abundant and Glossy, but it hes given my rather stunted mus- tache 11 tache a reep.ot.. eannggtthh � and &Pilo saes." -B. Briuo., Oskised, Ohio. " My hair was owning oat ( without any sesiemsee from .7 wile, asiaeiitberl. I tried Ayer's Hair g was bottle. sad I tow• bays as gee iy s head of hair as any Ore could wok tor." -i. T. Bok.lttot, Dickson, Teta. " I have lased Ayer's Hair Vigor it sty fatally for a number of years, std m- ord It as the best hair preparedot I know M. It keeps the scalp cleaa, the hair .'ft and lively, and preserves the =timeMy wife has used it for a foto titre with most satisfactory re- sult. — Benj.si. M. Johnston. Il. D., Thomas Hill, Mo. but My shar�asing ball . beharsh coming bade Ayer: Hair Vigor It grew black ltd glossy. I cannot express the joy and gratitude I feel." -Mabel C. Hardy. Deravan, IU. Ayer's Hair Vigor, ST Dr. J. C. Ayer li Co., Lowell. Masa Bald by Druggists led Perfumers. • www. vide. Last winter .y little girl eaaght a Noor. cold ebieb luted all mason. 1 dndored with everything I wield get bot- to too avail. Finally I got Hatyard'a - Pectoral Balsam and gave her two doses ',kWh improved her, and in a week ober was eotirdy oared by its use. Mu C Noalui, 2 Hornell, Ont. • To Prepare a ■ Mix the mustard with the white of an mr,t, instead of water. The result will be a plaster which will "draw" perfectly well, but will not produce a blister, even u pon the tints of an Infant, no matter bow long it is allowed to remain upon the pert. -Medium Olsessss. 1Doe't ley yeier bald -bag, e*m1aiaing your pfd•, on the strmater .4 a aim while Tutt walk ammo w urn to .reed.. good.. - s$>CEStAXrs woam POWDZMR. Aft ptes..a e, heat Oweisin tater ewe . reeponv. Ile a mde sere, and Milierael rmmysr of wirwr la C didems er •helm WE MN! 111111 AEISFA PEi ill MU. Bhr•nSIMIso Ns..ts M.,i • Cswrv.w. KING OF THE WEEKLIES ! 1889-90 TM sof T BIKING POWDER ;raw meNltr d GARTH MOST SIIPP IES Vaasa kw lar. Pay Odom Ad ramp. fern amps Ilea Coda Midapl Leak, ''"1Mn' I. RISMIAll STREET, IIINANTR[AL. J.A.MCCA!'K{ll.f . Co TARRIA:I= VAR��1'�t�r.�rll 4 S;iVFP,MF,,AL SAW1Hr, D Free Press CHADWi IrSILuggRom LONDON. ONTARIO ,SPOOL! STIEL-UllitTAAMILS auahr THE HANDSOMEST PRINTED PA- �+ L eteal PER IN THE DOMINION. COTTON LlSWEll ltram ALL THE N EW (� '''°' II't"i mut TRUNKS *he « Aimee hisee 17844 In IN FVI•L • Nlu la SOPEBbs. J. BTBLBIGH d CO Corms. Telegraph. Tele.boae, Bail aCors• MONTRCAL, mmearMsd,ao. up fe the hoar of p*Wlaatioa. A$ FOA IT. �IIQ: i�b�$ Iladr'r "�'p`�"ai'�'F�"�HOTEL BALMO AR L ..e give■ ear. •ar$o&tural s c.pstai Mary always naaa.am. l.gpte.e ramie Cainnea. ■.esere.. Beadle ruin' THE THING rOR THE FAMILY! Every member of the household *wetly looks for it each week. TheAgnes/tend is a noted feature et the "rye.. Prams.' being always up to the titles. and conducted by persons peso. dually skilled la farm work. Large $1.00 Paper. la Clubs of four and upwards. Teo. each. Balance of 1889 Free. • E•NDSOMI Ohristmas Number —•Nn— FOUR 013 RID RE0E1 Given away free of charge to every subset +. ber for 1510. Artists who have seen the ad. vanes sheet, of the Christmas number pro- nounce Its ••geeemm.. and alone worth the price of the sabot Won. Agents Wanted Everywhere. Liwera Cads Commission Allowed. The most popular paper to work for. More money can be made during the fall and win. ter season working for the -Free Prem" than Many other employment. Address -Fast Plum!, 32 fit LONDON, ONTARIO. DUNN'S IiRATiruL-COMrORTiNG. EPPS'S COCOA BAKINO POWDER THE COOKS BEST FRIEND ctyal Vluriko AT LOWEST RATES. For the benefit of the le- gal fraterni'uy we now carry a large stock of legal blank forms, which we sell at low- est city prices, among which are the following : Affidavit of Disbursements. Affidavit of Mileage. Affidavit on Production. Affidavit of Service. Affidavit of Service, &c. Affidavit of Service. Appointment of Examination. Entry of Action. General Warrant. Judgment in Default, &c. Notica for Jury. Notice of Motion in Chambers. Notice to Produce. Notice to Produce at Trial. Order to Produce. Praecipe Fieri Facial Statutory Declaration. Subpoena. Suhptrna at! test. Writ of Summons -Defendant out Of Jurisdiction. Writ of Summons. ■ 1Ri&EIAST. "11 • ear enh keswledtre of the natural Meat wlieb nevem th* of digestion nod _ ,b411ms, sad ea u a tables with of gamy ,....s.I1L.$ g� Cocos, Mi �' ear breakfast tables wi[k • favored : hoverer which may save betq &notate bilta it is by MeMe of suck articles of dist a essidt. s may be graduaiy bulkups gua el Omisf to Newt every yyme'..krse� Iraadrede of subtle drdk :heaver around as ready to at - la a weak point. We mapsoimee wellertlbd with pure b amend R • kW shaft by ki Ow.a .surhhe4 trame.--"aril Serrie,- lamb with boiling. water or milk. held kers by grocers. Wowed tbo.: JAM it ises. Enlen.*Iaaad. Hom•wpatblcChem- FALL WINTER G-oo=s_ I have just received my Targe consignment of Fall and Winter Goods, and to make room for them I am now selling off my Previous Stock At figures away down. - I do not believe in carrying over goods un- til another year, and will always sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES rather than hold them over. Being anxious to keep up with the times I have just put in a handsome late •glass• front, and intend making other improvements that will make my extensive pre- ' mixes second to nano in town. I am here to exchange goods with the public for Cash, 'and and bound to do it. Orders by mail promptly i25' attended to. Manager or -Toronto House. LITHE SIGNAL," GODERICH, ONT. lit fiLE a,. x sire his.. wee .e s. r�rimb Walcr Seiec & Itcpairs The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of tWater Services in connection with the Town System ,foDwell- ings and other Buildings. Alar► REPAIRS �, m '� Toieteam Engines, Mi11s, we. top; ts..••ess..rmr..ws•..•ws••��� l tors and Machinervol all kind. Preaaonable. datisfac- tion Guaranteed 4.6 istri It= t r� ' ��"r � WILSON SALKELD. XoNTBstAL Detre 11...e5L.. w er Ib. mast .astral and elegantly famished Hotels to 1••• City. Acaemseod.ri.s for loo gnosis. Mateo *Ito $* ear day. E'. v. T kIg r DOMINION PEARS' LEADER BOARD 1.311 11 if irm*. COMPANY. J. PRIERS SON Wboi.ml.Imv �tr..f SBESTOSR1lLROlAJ DRUGGIST$' SUNDRIESiA 1743 wag Km It, Seems Peeking, MONTREAL_ FRICTION PULLEY BOARD, mit ire Pwierat;alw„ SOAP. RECKITT'S BLft. THE DEFT FOE LAOiNDRY psi. PAPERS. Wrapper, NETS.sq, @f3 ALL SIZES 0 Aao WE1tiM TO ORDEN DeitaNa IIs:-Pertu t. • Ott 0115 PIo_ELF THE 6REAT MENUS 61OTIPTi poo Tim *ICN LIC . letieTIOIONYER. aC J POWERruL +` INVI000AT3R Wanted i 1 to purchase during Inc conn- ing winter Ole moa Feet of Saw Lou. Vine. Hemlock. Elm. Hammond and White' and Black Ash. at highest market price. Har- ing paid the highest prlges ever paid in this district last year. lI shall do Um same this winter. Custom Sawing Cheaply, Promptly and Well Executed. i have on hand a large quantity of No 2 Grade Rue Shingle., which l am *Miring at $IoM per square. JOS. NIDD, jr. xt 1n. BIT "T" ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER, BIL HEADS, i'tc.. Etre, at THE SIHIAL FR11f11RA Dmuu. r LSC Another large consignment of Fresh Teas of .suerior qua In order to,_counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE & SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. M 1 LL IN ER Yl In the latest and best styles at MRS_ SAID IS4 I IJ J DS - Also a number of HANDSOME TOQUES at $1.50 each ---Good value. They are going off fast Call early and make a good choice. For 1890. Consider SCRIBNES:S MAGAZINE when you are deciding reading matter for next season. The subscription rate is year upon your low -43.00 The standard of the Magazine in high, , Its spirit progressive, The illustrations are interesting and of the best. There is no space here to give even a summary of the features to ap- pear next year, but among other things there will be a NEW DE PARTMENTIand ADDITIONAL PAGES, and grouPs of illustrated articles will be devoted to the following subjects African Exploration and Travel, Life on a Modern War Ship (3 articles), Hues in City, Suburb, and Country, Providing Homes through Building Associations, The Citizen's Rights, Electricity in the Household, Ericsson, the Inventor, by his Authorized Biographer Hunting, Humorous Artists, American and Foreign. There will be 3 serials. Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute in 1890. Each Subject, and there will be a great variety this year, will he treated by writers most competent to speak with authority and with interest. Readers who are interested are urged to send for a prospec- tus. 25 centa a number ; 11.00 for 4 months. CHARLES SC I I I I NER'S SONS, 143 Brohtat, lbwYert WE HEAD THE PROCESSION 0 0; GEO. BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the bent of value in all lines of Furniture -from the sinallent chair to ths largest and best bead -room set, or parlor suite. • Call and see his stock and get a bargain. --o-- u ...L�,1.�+�;.t�T.At.i INT Cf. In all its branches, promptly attended tc tar EMBALMING FLUID always kept o.i han.L PICTURE FRAMING a specialty. OHO. BARRY.Ramilton-Bt.. 13od•riab, EXPERIENCE, CAPITAL AND SKILL Are the factors employed in the purchase of Goods from the best houses in the trade. The general verdict is that Munro is abreast of the times, and in all departments fully up to the mark. My _—�,_� increasing business is an evidence that my efforts to a.. ]yI� ,,« please the public are appreciated. �rgI.iyn1I2y: -i« w And while I endeavor to keep almost everything us- MMi]mft*s r ually found in a first-class house, the general public may eisiri "' • rely upon getting the correct thing in every department. Notwtanding the advance on Silk Goods I will CAVEATS. TAM RAMI$ MEI COMIMMIT tied. sod all bey.,•e is the UN. Pates altd to at MODER/ TR PRAM Oer silos =i o e/ Lala Pse V, B. pI�sfent OR moa w I frail i..e? IPIO mK M Met MODEL OR DRA WINO. W. d. '1<1'li'V iii 'J A:' s%81 A11%.1:11.1°411"°.ThilL12:1:41 MMeto acteddey� e,..risea sell Satin and D'Lyons, Surahs and Satin Merveillieux at former prices. My Sjsecia/tics for the Season. Linen Goods in great variety, Laces and Edgings, Fine Hosiery spd Glues, and all the leading items in Bmallwares, from Needles np. AU Goods marked in plain figures and strictly one price. A 1 IX. MUNRO, e t