HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-10, Page 6THE. HUMOR SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JAN 10, MEMO. 11'K t:44$T11 OFF THE MASK. Iladaed, aid ea.. oy .W yes, +,Calmat Ibti profess to dean hem m issi's ts- �� ter•trlt aeelles ss A.rMeaee Yaw have too Iwo set wooed . teswV .ham say gaieties sDs-. sti ie ss Lwow. Das.!l.—Hem Il t 1leewhot Se east—the assess Oaths* pet seememe 11111.ainaitelAsidi bat bees esesaiai .1e tammt1011611110 high pea !'emill nteled- by the Due of mmtsee ; * Is hseht MM ; ad ad" h .mil lee MOW so wpm es to ssrresdee it Is yes. Is as M asidtsg : ")SIA; le tad le itb .sore dN .settee by the Pam wseld aq, ' Ueste, NONLe. i••r el the Ohrietha mai- • us ed mife it' " Cloud! trap - ma Nis.. was A ass be s child sad, fee sot the $seat ah iisg Iwwsus that emir rs sees haw. w we sow Alwit za►sF wee besap mimed 1. a oil NV= atlsmpl• , "is stew is wisdom aid fell Isere the hips .I • palette sese—s .vee eel it 11 mss. limos. far el et .q sips and pass Weirs clod sed se.." a.- /rs IA ewyts l. book .a• wli bo. • ttssl Lemma. old. Dec 11, 611th. whish yew sw sew .+skip We es a seise die the l; p of the earthly es- =IA of ss.sy t:4, ammeats. 11r Lo. limns, :—I have the heeler agsiaat roll,deasre'ad from tb. • &siset dCslei he Rim t bylig. Hesvesly Fathom: New, Mr lff tl $tat sew eliniah$ to aoksowedoe the mutt of row how „lisebeqm sof their duty, but I hes as this 1t wee held imod ezeresesd by Oetbolie a ablating, ..d sat did yon est wa•ity d Dee. 1Mbrat the we. astidaMies of bsfievieg that, wleseseeedeem hoes ilia. Presume Ware your " imtemtkrs, should tM wer .1 ( mid o... r.u' with ellset my de.iai ssius .I pria.i�-s stay nod before the Beide► try .grin be yoppress, to oppress ems loyal, i.sp.el.is1„mum it weal he ea. hese em y party, se myself, wed M may Belk Amen a Am, and was bravely r- 04sl, mewllees, religiose hsahulie asp is the mass of .zbortstius. entuest- be Ilbat year bees..11 el the e..&I may sesisasised age lest enemies ;sure pew- mi nisi 7 11 Milli be the '• coal mus ice and fatherly ed ositios whish si woe. tr.i.m (fur 1 know the egad sl Idol dam ,oq mad wee Ilmilir still...- trs.est' asset oboe bwh political oeseelem, lied whisk resshm rte skims the emceede yew seek Is. pesaehjti these i.s/dRee ho,ps Brows sad the, Pith, hoe* w 6ihn fur their veep motet" mew yew stay for a smiaowthe torr..* principles Inset eil rely N b whsle of dst.essnate to W M it :+msss what alio pumi►1y result haw ..p- oi yo.r skqusst timed" to drop • eadometies by Meir vete, ace they lie lispesr"s ameditfem of poem is Oeste• wed, if eseds be estmwwu 1 sysepstb.tto tear M the 'hooch, ut the now el the eseeisei nee e1 the psspls .t siet sed woe wanatfsyfy .sebudisi Ise' , th. +..ha. mso shinty bo • "Kraut briery 1 hate dose to .y saws+, w w- Oasts. bawler Nisi Una,w theethey beam Let el O.s/tiem. sti•demise se the 8r.a," doss at est be - cognise tbt: hast twurt of the dory mole- 'keit 1os•d11•i.s all tba h.et at The pe.sdul i mod free .mI . Mesew . es► iast mid imperative dewy of Mastic who, at the lest provtucial Mss- Memel iodise, and the' eat she tee- Mee shade pmemel rim hes hobos the limas to protest Seek by deprs..iaa enl .lectto0, swept &sacs Ontario wish means of then *see ma be so toll bees wpasied se a errs/ Iewere, that :avid them ahrtwwb the anany hie denumMtione of the pasty l ked the t of the Prisd9les of .i•Y melees sod peal* 101 mem happy he at p...4 I cod dimes dr•.abs1M honor to lead, •ud exburtuoa—sy..ns- ',ad w Oben, wkM iek llama dorm a m o& Mw meld eld hops to be is • t 1 I Luke the liberty of rop.mi1 mending— those of his episcopal:eek 10 mesh fur ►m s•uity nod for mese .fuse mdlast mbboeims merry el *Omer memorial bete 1 wrote ie t►m reM ferent. cast their ballot. sawn., tt. Bot tt bag than fee the Romeo Olishelie tteistrity d papas fee themselves. bet .f darker :you • WW1 ..:— baa s um ibis for you to eoo.a•1 ew the Crest ..Pira et w►iSb w• form • amt ees,mmsdtspa Netball* ohtlfilretw. Hero Dal the Bum. Kr Newer or the h,eei- tieely your true eesymeutme, or w hide ttaiCeifiaant part 1 Imre thei hamar M g pesir. ever wW yosreelf why Anse:- . se of the Mee. ppoeitioa lathe Quebec L.- I the motive or object of your attack. eke Pie 705r gram's oh.dient eeriest, seism, so highly teemed b?.even et your kW* atitwm1)' by they dgsjKrme.tml tool/104 1shy der you spsek d my ag••Mge W. R. 11smmmsltm. eie. sem oeiat0asse t bas mes loom sone- of Ilea sired lo saws lbw votes of the *i.- c trinsdel or wL do you Wk of the 'Yew. The Most eeerea1 las Arohklehw urs t- d 1••••••11 WI the alholba 01Oseetio e - ibi.kteg p�.polsc., end tetu.r.ce De' - 7 the Oboes et lCI•oser•, IClmw.se trs�t a elms 1 Is has bees s. kegs.+• t.. Begot.. paeet.w $gtato.t the Pro.trosaut .tow b:Ioi." of the Equal Ragbag meow - atioe, or falsely charge me nib downs* Ar.hbMehaseam lesl.reewitelk. to oppress the Roseau Cathuhe mist Mt,. or with e.ekiog, by di.gr.ceful tuet►..ds Tee Peirce, litaanvs, to catch the votes of the enthiuki.g f3wr$ta►Y, Itisb Die.. 1881L populace, and influence religious posies To W. lis M.e•dtt►. Ent., 12.0.. ILP spasm the Romeo Catholic uimunty .,1 Data Bim.—last eeenine s seed Oaten ; tor, mask It an you may, tba brought Ise the Toronto journals oas- is the charge which you tauaeato,thougb tai..tag a let1or orbit& purports b b. yes m do not •ppopenly to snake 1 y„us reply to mine pntebl•bed w drag• I can appeal w a lifetime in lava ovum day esoreing. loth at, a tb• soot, moody for the anew., w the chore. rt papers. I confess to diwppoistmetrt end intolersooe sod bigotry which You in .o..e degree of surprise that after four ante egoist me, and to the utterances days a you have Wed to of nearly twenty years of pubilo life ss produce a single argumeo' in reply ts ga deform, against your 0alu15010415 ,nine, and have found it nee mmey to enatge. Treed by the same test, can you substitute wgry invective for ramming, sok • verdict of acquttt+.l, on • like and to scamper off into the ltu.irlesa to charge, from your feaow-oitisros 1 I gens of space, frothing and Tenoning with trove nut. Tbsy do not, they cannot, Lerrtble &to aato,. I .toeer.ly multi forget the cruel, the wanton, sued, having been the inuooest onne.at 0 of which you publicly made upou the d•- 7041* grievous menta) dteterbane.. But foamless girls and young women of Ole you should remember $bat you have tarso ; and that. too, that you might been the aggressor, and mane tsar bees maks a point soeinst the public school simply self defuses. Had eau sot system of this previa Nor can they thought fit to make • direct personal forget the language which you thought .trace on me, when aside.mtno the Lair fit to see towards your Protestant fel- .rel Conmreatte. A,s..oiMice io Lenduu, low -citizens when you were addressing a you would most certainly have passed body of Rumen Catholic gentlemen con- . 16001 • word ut °,mensal o0 my pan nested with an association which had its I would have left you and your utterances meeting not long ego is Kingston. to the poditio.ns, and continued to Theo, too, by what rigbt do you spook attend to my , offi oat of thaw who are ouuoeoted with the business, pprobably without rooming .001, ve Equal Rights moment m ferocious epeseh. If, therefore, you feel bort, be bigots? Such language from • politi- candid enough to blame yo.r..lf. ciao, in the heat of $ pulitta1 haraugse. Although your letter sots no ergo- 000ld hardly be palliated, but what is to meet before use fee I be said of its use by a high dignitary of take note of yaw ealo.y of floe Equal a great church, out spoken hot written Rgghla A.eoai•tioo, whoa. "ferocioua in the seclusion of his study and when bagotry,” poured out in torrento of bleb he was penning • charge of inI.lerence bling vitriol upon the platforms of all sod bigotry .gaiust a public mita 1 the cities and chief town. of the Prot. Thinkof such language as applied to ince, is an unction of sweet odor to the recognized leader of the movement, your soil ee you stead to the centre of whose positlun in the church to which your grotesquely combined allies lust he belong. Is as high as .hat of roar now. grace ie your own, and whale seer- lit- I also Dote your reiterated demand on tersooe—while he spoke with clearness me to morale the pew when it dares to against • piece of legislation which • diesgree with your idea. It may be vast majority of his fellow citiitsna, that in your mental excitement you whatever view they may entertain el overlooked the reply gives by me to the constitutional queati,on involved. this singular demand in my letter of date joie with him to condemning—was ''22nd inst. Wherefore let me repeat it ebaractenz, d by that broad literality. here :— generous toleration and true chanty W- W.,. I or any other prelate to vier - wards all mei, which shu_ld pervade oise • raid censorship of tbe press, suck the utt n ice., not only of • Christian as you demand, on political tonics or on minister. ut of a Christian gentleman. •uy other than those directly bearing o0 'Then hoe do you justify your attempt faith and moral., although you would, es to make me at; oppressor of the Itomau your letter intimates, applaud our ac Catholic minority, it not iu act, at least to 0, many •moo,st your modern se. in intention 1 I had thought that you societal would, I w convinced, ring concurred with me in deprecating the out their loudest denunciations against advice given to the Roman Catholic mi- the Catholic Church and proceed to rilb- nonty by the writer of the article in the fy her from day to deft. and from week ( a.ndi•tn Freeta,in, to whish you referred to week se the very type of •'Jespottem,e in your first letter, but u your not letter the enemy of ''free thuagbt" and • •mod - seems to leave that matter in dcubt, the ern civilisation.' the citadel of "ohacur- people of the province, whom you are mum- and all else that would dopes - addressing, by means of your ow0 .hexa- Meta her before men. It nowise con- ing are entitled to know whether you do ens me whether you have rightly or or do not approve it, and if . no other wrongly interpreted the naked .entente good results from my . you haul prodooed from the Kingston with you, mock good will be done to You know, a well as 1, have obtained a clear definition ut your that • sentence withdrawn from its view on that subject. But ylu my that antemident and subsequent context may parr,r1 and preceptor. The Toronto Pfeil, my proposition to meet *eel a combine- be plausibly promoted to the public in a which has ezcughated this,and many oth- tion as is sogvested involva the oppres- sense wholly foreign to the mind of the sio0 of the minority. Granting your writer. Wherefore, since i have no � pr more milked theories, again for its own per-, premises, I deny your m.ncingi„ti, and j knowled a of the contest r. ediag tri of malignity against the ('atho.d 1 am astonished I that in tbe face of the I g I t. repmuit and hes not been ashamed or following the short walee you ex- t, repeat it hundreds if timet in the lest ash, the esgsirysaed thepaimaey ales- mummy el Lawns Oasad., your moue . masa ageism Annexation alweeeeddesei mem of rafts* sad far }dreg Mous: tsars, . fres hews the adveMage .sjpy.d by par -.4I true, rim up is node noun” arab ea is We caster fur the religious 1)5111 polatteia•a' berbariSy, David, tee rearing ef their otbpris g_ Aad your royal wins.., fe4 so mama of "meld &troy thio strung aced of 1.701- over the weeder of the beers and tasib. I sp it yes amid, and rob Twee 400,00/' fel Mims ahem' bed b. bed denied, rill 11:tbeles follow -.rove.. of .bis gnosis/a the prupb►u/ Oud appealed to the ere- duel right, and then coolly toes to me .zteg.ubwd spark of nets& destine in aid my Loa don't ooneiir it "opoev► his bream by a parable of iibustely Sees dimmedthat have gradually dimmedyes down to eament +objeterrorcts. Int terror Canada be your present depths woa & straw you au your pnwble. d . the $,.sass al ` sec .lie eisority of Olsten° sot- eif your position sod elm Milian, of your N ss the le• portarbed by your demon - sew wasters would dame d it of yes. Religiousesno buttes, noose .as tell where it may step. Th. lemon of history on $.his wbyis.t ars preementw with weenie'. The easees of the mum infamous srat51seis the penal ends of the Tudors stet Swans, that now tong .bm s blush of shame to every Engli•s's cheek, used w nay, as you my to -day, lent sen that they did a . of their fellow-w.tbj.s, lye only the os s• - torcement wf ruel rights and oke rule of conformity. Tell es mit, thereiurs, that you are any longer the liberal -minded rentlem.5 yon formerly were ; or that yvu aro charitably deposed towards the law-abiding minority of this Province in your eg.•rt to despoil them of their re - Ilan and civil liberties ; or that pub - lie jute's, or social peva or the good or- der of life among musses, cr all them tuget:ler, cobstltute the priuciple •sd Emotive of your present crusade against the Catholics of Oat•no. Lay your band on your Bert and you .ill feel it onmtstaksbly ; it a the pulse of Despair r.spot.ding w the throb of Ambition. Your "intention" to oppress and, in tact, to ruthlessly crush the Catholic minority of this Province is still more forcinly proclaimed in that part of rear adding. to the Liberal Co.serratives of London wherein you took unfair advant- age of an ambiguous word written by some unknown person io • Kingston pa- per, and, after odiously in.erpretiog it to • sense suitable to poor purpose, hastened to charge it with astounding recklessness of aspersion upon the entire Cathodic population of Ontario, and to denounce the. u a body worthy of uni- versal execration. Hear your own most awful language in reference to that fic- titious charge: ••I• there not greet dan- cer to the State in this solid compact o1 the mmor.tvT' '•Domer to the Sts'e' has ever been the keynote of penal legu- latioo. Whence the danger? From the • *olid compact" of the minority . Now, sir, when you sought to inlueuce the al- ready excited passions of your auditory by this unworthy appeal, yao knew full. well—every residual in the country knew--thst there is no "solid compact among the Ceth..licu �f Ontario such as you described. It has never been hissed of by friend or foe; it has rood teen or- ganized, or projected, or in thehlowliestmay suggested ►n public or in secret. It has existence fedi- in the been of your .gooe ." y dr air, tib. roe shoed grMe.o.s tepid d....e to one sot bei in still mow brining cols lo , let me add that the key- elation and• threats of . . Wet . Deas their peaceful .ttituti/t., their stole lute ender meets erase' re v cession. They rely on floe poetvtr 0, of the God est rtlhte-mor.as.; uw the stabilise of the Constenitton soh the fidelity of our .most evacuees Queen t. the Royal Charter bearing her sign assegai and the Royal 8ea1; .n the sena of justice and fair pity and Chn.hao ab•n- ty sad public honor .o 1 social peva that animates the greet Protrestant •.ejs.ri$y of the eleetorste 11 Outran. in Imo -table ✓ ivalry of the great Catholic majority of Q.ebec. Three years ago they oars the world • op ended proof ..i tbesr pusses ion of thea vtrtew, .8.6 are the solid bane n.Nemal prosperity. Why, then; should the C.tholica of Ontario he .farm- e d today? I mega, door err, yours very respect- fully, i JAsrcv V trcaut Ctsasr, Archbishop (Meet) of Ktegetur.. declaration which I made as to the prin- ciples upon which I believed tbst the goverpment of this province should be conducted, you should make such a charge. In this province the Roman Catholic minority fits been treated, not merely justly, but with generosity, and if—which I do not deny --prejudice ex- ists in wane wieners against the Roman Catholics, it is. in my judgment, due mainly to the pallor of the cherch,which forbids the youth of the country being educated together, and to a system of .education which tends to separate ir,m the not of the community a body of Oa citiszeer by creed lanes, u well as the injudieiuu and iotekaperate utterances of men on both sides, who do not knee or have forgotten what civil and religious liberty miens. • I have no quarrel with my Roman Cathnlic fellow citizens. I have nothing to do with their religious views or opin- ions. and cannot be, drawn into • a,n trovor y as to the merits or demerits o1 the dogm:N or practices of their church. I am ready to 41 18 to them every right which I enjoy, and I seek to take trots them Holly that I claims FT myself, but 1 am not willing that exceptional privileges shnuld be granted to them, and I pro - trusted from the Kingston eloper, I am usable to form a prudent judgment as to its meaning Neither d..ea it appertain to my *business in any way whatever. The 000doot ors of the paper are. I pre- sume, able and willing to give you due satisfaction." You ars pleated to my it is a `bal- 1 any" to impute to you the "intention' of . the Catholic minonty of Ontario, ehoeld you ever succeed In gain- ing power. This sounds very strange in- deed. If there be calumny in the impute- tion,your.elt is the author of it. No words 000ld more clearly than yours express the iatenta-in, the design. the pamionate determination to oppress goer 400.000 Catholic fellow -citizens in the Pr.•nnoe of Ontario, if over you gat the power to accomplish it The newt copious divi- sion of your London speech is devoted to the multiform assertion of your purpose end the repetition of the stale old sophtools by which you strive hart to assure your mrdern ai,uas that you are seriously of a mind with them in regard to it, and that they and yon are etesmb'e In mak ing war upon the educational rights . f the minority of the Province of uotario, guaranteed to them by the Constitution ettslly and in exactly the same terms' ae test against, and shall use mT best es- to the minority of the Province of (pm - daimon to provost their utilising the I bee. And RIO, you ere pleaaed to say, party *retest for enablibg them try moone j dose sot mean " . it is op- dI the balance of power which it i.I pression of the worst kind. it isotope...- Mooned they hold to din '. their terms soon of the dearest religious and civil to politiml parties. As to their separate I liberties of a 1,•yal, honest, enoflendtag sebr.ols i have notbisg to add to what I people The l7stbolie west has u have mid, rapt that the principle on I moos right d you, air, to educate his child for this life and for the meet in the light sod warmth of religion axording to ba faith. He dose sot ask you to pay for hie child's edneetion He pays cheerfully oat of his own pocket without legal en.pulesos, without eneesrage- ant from the &tett to do en, end de mute the eoeial d rs and de eeitfel ahibeas of pnlitieal agitator. over ..Ring bora to betray his nwla sed hie child'. temporal and Herald in- terests by the di..,.e of religion' from ?ortbfnl eImeatios. which they. in my jodgntent, rest, le that their organisation end support de solely on Ilse voluntary motion of • Rosman Catholic criterion ; and that t0. Mate has in their creation, fused for e•,ndoct, committed to its eiliun., del m.,t the hierarchy, the , . 1 ▪ ebotr.,l of them. dipole no other 'PAW and on no other view •d their true .totes esti the existence of them, is a s eon.try, be exceseel, meek lase de- ed By the priapism whish I hive '►ire, my party and myself meet be three yea... From the editor of that j..urral yo, h. rrow.td it. and to his puts p eves yo•o her striven t, apply it. Tour aim was to aro e all the evil passions of ' the fanttcs the: hu -e around the skate of the two great txaitis-al part,e•,snd,tn lash them itoto fort,y .0 shouted,• -1. therejnot great danger to the State is this s.►ii4 compact ..f the moriority? I sav it is one of the dagger. to in .dere cirilix regia, one of the greatest evils we have to con- tend with in Par liameftsry covet nment.' O. r yet en•.uth. A'•.ndoeing yourself Jobs Limon.. who •&sabot near Trus- tee eine days ago, deed yeesertey. AT LAST! A wee4wers Vegetable Dlseemry Thas Rem,ves the Terrible mesette ef Overwork. A True Invigorator. Weakness and prostration of tbe nervous system surely follow that overwork and worry which brings sorrow and suffering to so teeny Canadian homes. The terrible results of nervous weakness, are seen on every hand. Pains in the back, poor and sleep, 1:..-k of appetite dye. pepsia, and lost mercy and strength, are the first symptoms of more salon and danger. outs trouble. This is the way that Paralysis., Patesp and insanity begin. Do not delay • moment longer, fes some time it will be too ate to regain your lost health meed vitality. Use Paine', Celery Compound now, and the dull eyes will regain their brilliancy, the cheeks will grow rosy, this Drain become clear, the nerves stroog sad steady, your sleep restful and refreshing. appetite good, and health and happinges will take the pace of misery and suffering. A. Sabiatoo, the well known lithographer of I.Io.t ml, writes : ' In the summer se 1133E i Sad to work very hard, and was troubled considerably with insomnia (sleep- lessness). I resolved to try your Pause's celery Compound, and after taking the (00 05(s of two bottles, felt like s new non. A good ni'ght's rest gave Me streugth for the duties of the day, and instead of starting out to hpsaear in the morning feeling's if I bad completed a day's work instead of bong atom to commence nae 1 'tatted out in good spirits, feeling fresh end etroag. My wife and various friends, to whom I 1 the medicine, havvg� been benefited greatly, and in fad • Pdhe's Celery Compound is a household word i• our Brady." "WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD." :tr, 11¢o1.1e who h.ve purchased WANZER LAMPS GEORGE W. THONSON 1'. 4 t.-at.l. to (he tr•••h of the aL• •. r •talement. srF,very-,fa.. ' =short., have one or two at lnt.t PRiCE REDUCED TO $4.00 EACH. ('a11 with, Am... aro ',t'. THOS1n0N, who will sell low all re''• may regnt*. and give Inn full ainclime . SEWING Mecun ES, PIANOS AND ORGANS, AT ROW'$, BOTTOM VIM 'Es run ( ASH. I bat forget ft* teem. Wiwi aide ef *mare. Oulleriell.Oct it.Itlm, tttllm WtIOTICE. ernbe time to make out accounts. "The Signal" does good printing and furnishes goo4 paper. the "1, I lts+e deolaed y eflsr Or 4.11... SPOTCASH fi per slat d all psrehmee .1 $1.00 std lase Mas ia-00 1 18 P• ego •drag psr•h•ses d 01.00 •ed spwsad. Os goods of es owe aad.oteve 6 per wet .ill be elewei. I bate os heed a. esti d the lersew Musk. BOOTS & SHOES i is the Dominion, a detailed lis of whish and ..espy mote epees them floe "fhm- %li sats"e prepared to wee ; seen it to my it eu.0riee4 eaey dwimable 4mle. 1M Iosaaf with the bees Manefaeter.,e of Canada. Every nes is shoed, marked BELOW Aux u AL VALUE sad the shove terms offs. may .tow the Obe.peet place in (.teed+ le bey year sbem. Aa.lesemeee stock of RuszE1tS AND 0 v ra HOES isvery style bee hi Comedian and AmMom ... 0uod ... makes whish est% esboot twtba arses IABERAL TERms • A lean. Bank of Indies' Imported Kid Klippen. eery bus. Cell •sdl ase thous. ()or. Nomura, and Ocisara E. DO w i.nip iulLf.Wn.n, n■ —LI •!• ••• u u.. Tea CoffipaiiflCBIBhIaJOHN ROBERTSON - Tea C4441 T6a Iagoor ted T Your illogic of one out of a hundred or more Handsome Volume by the Beat Authors. given with every 8 lbs. Give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without Ebeling the azpssa . 1 FEI OALLO I OF PORE LOU SIRUP LEFT. JOHN ROBERTSON MYNAS' OLD STAND, COS. SQUIRE AND MONTREAL US Goderich Foundry and Maim Works, RUNCIMAN BROS., - 111.1t •. w'\r %It 1411 -hes $$Ltt.Sriaw (a acmes. \traesrcP•: 'Ot1.• t FAST STR4-ET(OLFlilChCti, WE HAVE ON HAND) FOR /ALS: Improved Land Rollers - - - Pries $22.00. HORSE POWERS, GRAIN CRUMBS, STRAW 0%) L A ARS, PLOW POINTS Ac. t.E�T .vise F=C aCSRRS i ail FLOUR SILLS BUILT ON THE UTEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. 1144 Having made arrangements with the JOHN DOTY ENGINE & BOILER WORKS CO. TORONTO, We are Prepared to Quote Prices to Parties in want of the same. IiJaP.A.IRB .&ND O.ABTIMCIF8 OF ALL 0. P. mt. Boots TOWN PROERTIES FOR SALE. $100 AND UPWARDS 1 have • large number of mouses and Lots and Vacant Lends in the most desirable IAV or the Town -Mt *ALI fmtor. Now Is the time to centre property before the Bia Rush. The C. P. ft 1s coning M.•rrse,, and Ina short time prices will have ads •moed beyond the reach of many. Call and see List and Prises before pareb .. Ing else iftere. R. RADCLIFFE, Real iCstate and (ren -rel Ignorance Asset Mice Wept -Rt.. third door from square. C. P. R Ticket and Telegrapb Once. tot/. Wines, Liquors, &c POtl BALE BY G. H. PARSONS ALBtON BLOCK. aOSSRICH' CHANCE OF BUSINESS. The Carriage Rusinn. of the late ALEX. MORTON ham been purchaneed by MESSRS. M —CREATH & WALKER, who will con- duct it as Clonal in future. Both gentlemen are well and favorably known. and the public can look for a continuance of Neat prompt and satisfactory- dealing which characterized the Dominion Carriage Works under its late management. WE ARE NOW MANUFACTURING 8Ohtt. 1 irlat Chea. C itteze_ ' Any style of Cutter 11ede to Order, and 051 the Shortest Notice. Now is the time to leave r(mr ord.ra. Old Cutters j I' .,,, 1 and retrimmed. and mad to Look Like Now Ones, at plrllli, fltlii the filmes We invite a persist) inspection, and guarantee lour Brice* for the clans of work (Tiered. All work warranted. Meet McCREATH & WALKER, (Successors to Alex. Morton)