HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-10, Page 2•:
►,Bev tea erwaret Law of eaaysataet
orneante aro erltelleMININ INS
sow- um.
bi the e.arbw.tien et Ms Mob mime
W beta peemee, nN w eepomodit
of aMsm weak* a
esetimemigkitheite beam =mei.i is ming
t1sm. The ..sem d Mr Gimes* panty
tae mesh tee kr seen his wait Alt
- the test ef him appeared to eve bees
!gad out at the terpenes el ►k We,
whish. usable
name me se •
T.. f * M this shops et fele leas wee
Mewst. Qi.sb veilnin up Ake this. How I. ha too buy
bis assrarem 1.a-Mgsf wee es new to t•1. oboist it. Let me =weir=
whit d.� e• d - HI I write wt this amok.
ea▪ lfrototempt
They -k test 'Whir
Were, 4 some, bee* book at sea "Yee, he the �006 ek 1 thick that
sod HEW= by .cerwo
t rld se7a. exit you limy. Hee
his .toot hiiory
lir they Nnett mot
snows* Nese awns eem
"wen. SIM It over. Good more-
ins ems no =Mews thee Oak T
sahhyy-e�wemswintwos t ireef Nose, LBssk"tai ems sad Mt OWE,
wanof erdwashes.washes.. „AFL who W leen reg dine her ever lis
seemed quite m mseeUe that be (11681669"Willes to T001 ..-
dtowd feel toward them we h.nhy. m••,
His diem= fa
cr them did net, Waw. "I doe's know, sir, needy," said Bob.
with hen n Is i sew* pee, "bet 1C tbisk .h.'• some kind d • don
hells let be wemk4 hews Sewer =emir tor.'•
hoe� � thea es he did we fee lira "She moms te e usable' poky R�
u 'Ifst .wa.11mtwe lei, whit all '.♦sd lbw/ pis bailor .0 tr NOW
her um= vitas., .cad seat leggin 45.1.05.
Mans hags, Tei t oe she "howler .e We a geed MN.
bait lei tl�lteU. N� tr.�s. 11 die ear. i1r s ahs tea, she dealt
feats.., a1d M mal M /4 e• hotly amt per w soemh
Wtad. hsbr.• •
m.vesed � �er••w
W bee tort r ".- .t�Mlt} j i "mess t It: r` t"11 .Ia•
mat le beer. i..r WOK 1 le hat
askjt stew "tb WI sMr heet MMihe�ib mad. se seal". m1heshale
eons•. raga.• : 1a�1� sleet ter t svtr al claw» so 1•• he beamed Ma ik ate -
>Y ehih .Lisa~ Imre me- h mad Mtui�ll.+•.raatsd W andr. 1.1
Beaker, Ba.k, ••••raw te 1k emsele NM a die
sp be
It••h.l' taw• SWI Desks. d 101...11•.1. w then °S-
well dailies and fest, awls, M poo 1.a1{sa, JMtr10 U game . iprr mel dolt•
rhea" is las 01.11'• tire, W M e ii.d th l
"That .ass like . ped deal of mea- ao.ig er mesa then ea say Mime
q7." oes.e.wi Mass Bsu1. j.1a sled fel this wan a esetela !m-
eted, mew, is i., .ins." add 111, dames is w mem obi&.....' te b.
"tat leu as a Weida. • god d..t,mia, a u1Ms 1.11 him and Bab. They talk -
mostly awry day Mid .b ser. w Mesas. ata the. Genal .mi is al-
T.: es aided mese this msM► them ewer. •IhaN war sheet gad
'.W11 �'t le pk..t. hem. .1.1 That let
.W..he�.• .i.t `lM.1i .s� . ir.1.Noel �..ii•aM
'ad la
eminent? .oche 1 my bili we be whisk aim laeke.•t be orUd names.
No wee net keg pee, bet epee bis
rams Os ttdlm. we empty. It was so
mreeaal a for Mr Ciesh to
p set that see wondered sot • Utak
whet had hippened. erment
i.wemed the Amen din. ekes
end Mr Oka.h did nes arena. Nobody
w eld MA where whoa he bad p..i..r
i whet -- bis bed been
sired, de W ..t aw d 1k seeps
er any etbw =Melts No essay d writ-
ing be .Lead that One the least
lightdid t� uta. teese s up wtlieg ith whom •mam-
my=b.w Mb.
1 and ne esem
tiauwd Bob's send. He
knew OW Ms 010.1'. dementia It1e win
ant /with.N mu.ast d bitter.., mod
e win mailed tet one el them W
pmpdad hie =poems* s* t the ease that
taenia The net tet
meet lehe hie 'heed wow ser.agrbeeed
marded k, bed stet bag.s Whin a. °r+ kg I" pps bre bin t10 dmf abet
married Mr Olaf He win then a aimilea k cent, 1100
sight tee mad bat bee wee .a- " mars lee think eke dads.."
.mm a ism Lee mar abara"wil m.e, es mar es I amid ane
W hewed W ��� me,
amt labs "UM ism bee 6°467160 nlosat►
▪ ..apMmtiwey meet tees„ .ad she -k wera I bad that dsdatt gal
W sew 1.k quite =de to sew=Ms -it_ 6° IT dhow. los mo
Obf. 1W be wee wsot at ..w i wan atm' leee h
Athe Imoot be th e
LA 10 gbt that this ousel- tae, 612‘ k "6 16° tb.mplo 8066er
INK ample were want= towed mei to a 's it thingin w • 112b012 WI o'
ether le se most peens .W1 a earp.t-1mr oiask In tW in
s arm. I w
k awed, mad
had =al sad loved together nearly • m 51.51 fepint 1t �souida WV-
gamierd q
a esetla, and had shared i. w"69 'e IU d
sad, ale some ism and 264me111
diem rears their fell -.rime of joys end • .cask, est .bile Ot wee 166291fe .104
morrow.. BM los Oiaei win net with. .....d .be give e a link ems�ni. eery,
eat her boson, end when e1e win este- 'wt's 6r__266.,101? I IBM"! Ass • bile.'
Miming ae acid humor AO weld not g -t , ♦ wsay .1s.
.bee he besd'e l kip oat of „ ♦ b .,' mfr L
Jiro mind.
'Ob. so,' says she.
No matter what may have been the "'Wil, if lea deal thick so,' 0751
subject that 1001 ogioaalIy that w. u look thee,' m7. I. mid I prodoos.d
was to ivrisble euperienee them
the nil`, wbiels 'reseed M M he to prow
leas bemuse to finest° whisk bee meshed 4 ba~ do• k and ties as M
wed =saran, sed then. isMai.
MUM a weed, .e ... ted m Ttsm pawls, 'well, wW d ►
•• 'Des's Tem sdl that $ bib► 0075
bard to deal with.She woad resell in illi- 'and i! yon den's think is harts
tar the 'withal= had awned her 'd better.' Tw see Dais'
witlt abet. e•d honer/ler lees, end ,e yaw , �
wood plainly intimae that in som.titeh. 62617 with to harts d it, "hie se on-
heg thew be bed sated in an unfair sed oo*Oura 1 te•Rb she ens ".ski'
tmanly way. • (07
aBet she aye, '1 me
whet yes m11 • I mid e
This was netmrelly distressing to Mr think it h I7w
Mack. He keenly felt the injustice 1051 kd
of the insinuation, bet •t the seine Why what i it► ale _1771:„,r= i
ria. bis mind was *11.4: with bot. Little Imo d red
s.P.� l bet. It...'. Ewa. How ems k1 ARA
Was donned trees es to.:hoe-d doe's live a; wall thaw west ter .Imes.
pita tied from havingth.. straight.
way taken of by the redskin that an
esterey legless hoehmid wee mot likely
to be more estafmtory. epos the whole,
Nes ear whose lege were bowed.
11 wee tram • deems= sen. sack M
theme sesames s have indicated that Mr
t]lae1 Ismael ems aorniag recently, and
pesain5 out through his hallway into to
street es tet M he meld wobble, he
tumbled into his =Wog crepe and her -
SPA daps to Whams. 111, Cinch
Mr W me will. It doeee't feel, or pt
tired, .r weer set er do d to dings
attributed whoa. jest bailee S o'doek. a toLat by It sed Woo form �ly
IMO tin. Mee Old•.► lotted with toga- as to tided, the mel, the vital Fore.,
✓ ise. Ms Uieb'e life we te wills that 1S shall. It r.'peds to the
melts m to d t1. ..I. famines, at tut bowed
stow He bed goat bene at 4:30 your mind ie se fade.'
p.. far sweat yens.. Bob woe really "Whets very_ le tune
alarmed. Be made a earef.1 sea= year .Lad must a !" mid Mr Gosh.
thraggbal The .1.5 s. That tailin. to • •It's 'mat m wed not M en woe !"
g4 . Li. to slightest its, a wast to ")lir." aaiimed it Ssi.tist,
e Mee Peek earam5iy, "it it is te e oat d barmo•y
When a told SW enmesh imam with W Mid Usivmtd. ♦ad now we
that the buaead W 1, oda eases M the mal pit The thing to
seamed sway. The ma- tare i the thine that is tisk. The bow-
iaddeet d to .u..ssp wee 01111 new et per begs i to reloads). el roar
i her rpeewt .iwd, •ad se bowed =ed. 1treigiren yew mind
wild eve as .r•bt 1151 bur o tr-wm- and year legs .ill e ea dmlgll ea yew
risd lord 1•d ewe= ie to Berth River .akin stick. 81ut your eyes, Mr
to pews d mid she W denied him i Owen, ..d weir may d wet I my.
11e bo... Bob meld net ..&out her. Not►i.R i nal exempt to idea. The
B• weld only appy • wet towel M hes oorpormt realm d anted bong eorr•-
bestd templet and beg bet to 0 elm. woods y M the sanditioe d the
This a d� with prerswostby idle•.•e ideal. yes a to peat t'
dining 00 1000 s. when be left it wits with the el the vund ver- "bas 1 g. be Mr" replied baser if feebly,
.tending that, if she mini= .w we wee to opo .T epee"
n et sew or Weird from by to nut 'No, no. no 1" Dried to Sciesti.t.
.esei•g, a w•.M seedy to polies and "It is highly nttss.ry to keep them shot
eve tea.5nd tet a general s*0 . and tweed inwards.'
This, indeed, W to a dost, Nr "I don't b'IMMv. I one toms that,
Cash W disappenwt. Hie affairs were mum," lir Cinch rejoined, s 1.
all riebt, bit fortune ant eehed and no 17. "My eyes is getti•g a bit old."
e motive anywhere &ppsrmt why be should • •Sink 11e. Lar into your enol ! Look
have taken so resale. • step. The there to led Torr bad end ugly *desk !
poUao eroeld pt so tram d him. Fat Give mit yoer hood, Mr (=eh. Them,
e nd 'bowlegged .nee were ' . l with our bands Mewed, .ill eve .pirtt.al
ad it it doe t law how conk fell We . two, (here ani , were .sisal a•dwwteetk ga seem tae. Together we
sod q...1ioa.d, bat from .o.s will perms our I..stig tions Otto to
yes that feels seed bens, end you have of the =adepts d the sewn win to m d your ethereal nature, sea
made yowrs.0 believe it's 110 httk lump .lightest bops extracted. Two days with to ages new broom d ia.pte•d
d red /a0, sad you've gem and painted gassed, end still soother. Det to .7t- rears, will we sweep sway tb• testy
it sad greed it esd wrapped it gap end tory a .best to a dark and =pee seb..bs et bad Veda 1"
fooled with it, whoa 1hese's nothing the seeds end burs Cued win wrapped i• an Mr Crumb heaved • hags sigh. Bet
miter with it, and •veryWng to matter wallops of grid. he shot hi eyes vigorously, and mei..
with yon.' Thee ..1 she meld, beans ed into his big hard list the Scientist's
tat dead is to% jet"
stns ills taper el a Bevy Diable, se
misdYaent bald le mash .minis 17
the psbMs end to trade. and kiting
a a1sateat revenue. HOD
woe owe of the largest of Lie kW 1.
New York, a feet which, with may
others squally =portent, win set forth
In enmist•k able phrases upon Mr
Olncb's beanies mrd., copioo.ly illustra-
ted with cute of prancing hones egad
beedso.e vehle ee and of the examen
promisee in which they wen kept.
The of the crepe as it roll-
ed into the stable tstcbed from the neer
ease Mr 0ss1's manager, a b.1d-beeded
yam" man, with red eyes sd • hope's'
Doul, who ' wired hie em-
ployer to alight, and aided him into the
Wan oaks sad into the huge armchair,
so pined m to cr.m•sd a fair view of
the mike establishment. From this
ermaeir. Mr Cieeh rarely moved
throughout the lining day.
ail, Bob," d Mr . 5o soon
as be bed .amgbthis breeth,''how's things
pig r
"Fab to .iddlio', Dir, fair to taiddlia'.
The regulars is 'boat the Dame, but the
...eels is light."
"Well, a men cat's always have tbiaw
to way 1e waits Bob; .t be crud
there =olds t 1» se mach trouble a
throe, sir, that's very true, sir. nor en
mime fou, niter, one to think of
"How do you make that set, BobF'
"Well, air, ofweld have
owned, whatever they owd, there wedd•'t e
muoW a.itereet 5oiag os. d pt
tired o' woman before beg feerfal that
t1• she'd mete then then wouldn't
bs satha' to wast."
Mr Oil was quit. imprm.ed with
to horse of this philosophy. Bot's
views es mem and thing, ofees enter -
Imbed Mr 0iwob. He bed • good deal
d raped for Bob. Bob's
had d.eied him .•e7 of than early ad-
vantages .1i.► are so useful in e.ltivt-
teg to habit of profo..d *5oaght. and
yet, M his greater 'redo, It meet he mid
that he mat bfrrsjuentl performed a deal
d while 1a this hs pi,a.d
Mr Cib,w .0
•woo by se mimes .Ii a mem
of beef and Wawa Mr oisi W read
• ..wtia.allo qtemy of poky sad
wee • whined= to • =esti= periodical
De bad a dtetded teed.w.p towards m-
e ek . and had reached that
ides in hie orthodoxy when he 1.-
�d thee were a amid many more man ma talk me tab belie.' that I '
tamp tW w. doo't know than that gas *•a 'T. he an I do. At the .a.e time
do. e►s.'e tet bow IspT' if you tat, yoer legs an bowed. there kt,
Ho W t.rs.d neer Rob's remark Bob �w'd. Be Inked M Mr of worse, troehle
She** Seise r rh iniad. ad • r rest Clad' leen sad eariewdy. Mr (Mesh "Of scorns," asae.td Mr Cieeb.
took um his walking ark sed tow ••
M est, %s.ethi by ..y of .joist., lifted b1 . 1f t ha teat h we d ue.. le, .ben 1 et, per
"else the elmse door wee opeed sed • poo pie wood rya a the lege 71y o'eld
,amen Indy ..t okawvimg that •1. ave • prhie lege, 'a me 1. aka fon =lion ash your age,
ttllhed mere eotabtusetinsi, of Sash •ei 11s.i,
fl....�Mil, wtU-drw.ed, sitemlly out
Wanner. b . g� ye New embi p.! bl Unmeant sad fel hew -
le! s1mtlit 1 ed. et kapok nosed, or long or short. t.fit g, a
Vis, , �- ,�vs �, ?.'
=ft, rat, lis a ..
sr shelirelimil
smithies also PM se thy *•stat M
sed all d their .gats .pima, es treatli
were a w.iat gal •f.id
mos M d
elagly meng sleeps imaimete wafter.
Oats .0 asam.ea Deal lea hates a
weal etisr
"Wil, see" smp115t the old Neem
slowly, "1 neat thought d MW
I -real.
hew�eddellel mh.tu.te
t�ia sat. .0emit ge 4 he
hooked dews toward them dabiuosy.
"4/.46 'par to be bowed, saw, duel
be filmy dee ell woe te Yat
Sat Seel let m• prow that,
71ey"gam bowed, they d*da't de k.
Uwe. Zee were to hen them est Of
.o.� , w•W 007 so oa sed bow
"Ofa�o.m.e net." and the Soieatiml,
triempbeetly. "net ekese they didn't
bow the.. - vas. Than who did bow
them 1 rU 1.0 you. Yoe here does
it, Ms Cheek, you, yoonelt"
"Mete= I did, mane I did. I weal
deny N. Bet this I will esy-that I
Bide% go fur to do di."
"Perhaps sot. Set,
17, yea mid bemuse- well.
kw waist of • better work, mak. I. that
salt rendition it bogsn to look awed
lar • plow in yoer lady to r*Oe0 its
Seeable upon. It shale year less sed
.Y.Igbw•y yoer eyes, prompted by your
dammed e
to toll you that
w , really r mist MrOMe►, "ww
very pian make it"
"11'. eases! W see em will tea
Matter, tbseh, :.ea ..t ..t
Mat -
little white one, end murmured, "AU
Mt grows r7 idol is• Bob's story .boot Mie anemus d her right, ; whip pp lively."
tweeted in veb's sesoont of this poo.. navel vat.. W profoundly impressed Mr "Vest Waist are bet ghosts," said the
lir t . . As Bob 000 oa he 04.51, mad being so constituted that licientiet, "o..Maatione of symbols
had .unwed .rotund ie his ars-ebair. wem a got hold of an idea e W M The eembtsatioce an the seal
mad W draws baa area intoe r.1.otive give 1s.tstf up kilts consideration, Mi. that they symbolist nowise. I ko t
abet Barb tad to possible effect of her eon- your body amid it Mlle e of yaw soul.
"I don't know es I eederstsnd .bat venttiem 'epee his legs kept revolving I tee • foal fella doebt anti darkness,
that means, Bob," be observed, mations- baton his eyes all the morning. He was dbd to doubt and darkness are 01.-
ly. _ not able to tons any very definite idea bolixd a the carved sad a"1) form of
through t look hone eira good why to get it of what she Wen t:e expected to do,but your lags. Break •.a7 the doubt !
og hetthooibt it quite intim the powbili- Dispel 11e darken' ! Aspire toward
"bot I think I e w t she wee d �g ties for her to improve the 0ituatioe. the lib of the Spirit. and as your espi-
nt She mesas Hat (a atao'. body is The notion that in &Assets of all kinds ratios• are t.naaoos they .ill d55w fear
jolt Bk. en7 "I" mater •ad dent than was a ken element of f
task. feolimge, sod that it's hi foal Mat kgs into the .haps 1 bs. Ube the spiritr
.els lad oeouerd b pita frequently when it typifies, will a an beth. Dosa year
boat the t .g, . 1 that .en W hod Made, M Mrs Cash'. amounts of her .cal respond, Mr Climb 7'
Isek 1d a salt he bee a bila or Ms m..ms.t "WOW tribulation, and he "Welk onem, I donna. I'. trying
.Dile or the, and bo"ia. 0 was by no mesas
Ind as sere this legs were hard, I
pos 91.01.55 sad take pant, gabs e es bad a they W I 1. He "Ah, the le eabelisf there. I see it
ought slot to do =TWIN d the kid. theft= it might well b. that be bad -$ Work aeaitein-olo.d of unbelief.
but oeght to talk M bin sad get kr 40101.4 as =operated notion of their Faith, Mr Glob, i. the .thiel law of
to con lie .• . Tet'. to gay i1• 4efe5siy, •aid tf Mi. Beaks merely 'revitalise. You already feel its ia-
giv it to me, saybow. She talked hero sassapdad i tosviecis" hint of that. the Ounce. It draws
ter half a bar- She mid Mat it neepwad a srathic Be To• to the ill walks
to eel your =fags down to thie or "' picked is d Femmes- Yomsdl.he walks
�7 7 bo( ap to address -book daring the morning is the shadow, but toward the light.
that plate i your 8e and she and ' 1 that she lived in a 1st*. Ynu are being dra.n away from the
road fait to...while shot to -or, ap.rt.ent-home in Broadway. distant doubt. Don't yoe fee yourself being
lot's en, gravity, no, yea, grsvi-.11f
b, 1 fro. hie stables lea than a block. Whit. drawn, r crumb 1"
bore ! .hoot tee of the sold Bob was •t luncheon he got upon his "I When I do, meta ; I really b bs..
sad .y fallen would pt good ••d to feet, west to the door mad looked down I dee That left lee give a kinder twitch
bib go down." the street ea the big fiat. An irrs.isti- just se yes spoke
"Oh, eat.!" n..rk.d Mr Oiasb. ' Die desire M w and talk the matter over "Ot eaar.e it did ! Of bourse it did !
"Well, I dews knew, gar," replied with Miss B..ks took pom..aion of him, T.,e are ie the Gee of Infinite Thought,
Bol, debefelly, "I dent Imo. het •ndslme t before he baan it he misstated Singing, floating like a .nip os the wat-
wW I *alk thaw i..em.thiag in h." is • litYe r.septioo-room waiting for the .r. The evil wane .f falsehood, doubt
"Oke!! Bob, how kis than e1 Do of the remarkable young .o- and sahelid are kyle; to teat you .way
705 tams that .ha ant. ole 'at she .aa who professed to be able to talk frost the Oniest d 'Mtn, -bat, so !
.raid eon anything by jest talking to away a boil It shall frog e ! I .OU stet bf b d1.e
7002 Five did not keep him-weitie" hong, them here, and M emit ea those r
"Not.xaotly; so,sir. Her p'iat r that and Ores .he held out her hand sad waves that .i11 her you Leto to current.
what we sell bila er malaria or-" welted him "Good morning," he was One is apprm.le= now -the Wave of
"Bow-legs, ..bb.," pat in Mr Cine1 red galla it.t.d with bar cheery nape IS Ms
towhee Toa wetly, L
both jowisad and re.t.0 Toa oa iM instal boom, sod, .2e it
,."Talk sir, bow -lege." Mr Clash promed.d directly to bed- leaves to do 11. mane duty to another
V401681 mesa F.ee be took from bis pocket- floating chip, it moves
too -wry moll Just ee book me of his large .ad prof.esly Wee- mare M m the Cermet. Amow, see yin
to .
gay bow -km as kiln." tr•ted business .arte and delivered it
' Well, Nen." with eo..th' of , ame1W.2 maimike Lo,p h i. i..pis4 pt-
' AU web 110iap, .e m k . � pride y .a7 of ie• d by the dieeovd•st ripples o(eespieiom,
appear- trod•etioa. Thea be remarked that b. sad • stream). ensues ! Bet, look ! Oh,
noes. Our senile bang seek. they lona had heard of ►.r and of bar way of don prytbee look I From the obits gaps of
through oar eyes he • .mer cook .yd sawing and he thought he'd Jest drop endue the wan, larger, purer then
easy sod ....o.51k ., tb.y mill • bile or aroend sod ase .hat .be oould .o in his ever, emerges, sad .mese et: a9eea it d
a pair of bow legs. T1e bile and the ease. is the Wave of Joy ! It mem. q.iehly !
bo. -lags Mal really there, you keels; "Why, what sin you ►' .be ..ked. It takes 7.. .pea its sparkling meet !
we only think se, 051.5 is jest se had as "Top look very comfortable." Manes the dinned li"1t of bappim.n
if tsf gam tier•. 11 .. ase to go to "So I be," replied Mr Quell, meth =dies 1 Merrily flak 1 It heaves yes
ter and get our .o.1. well, we'd look gratified, "but it'. all Moog of .y legs." swiftly ea 1 0. 1 Oe I A5 ! Yee !
est of our .yes straight .ad wouldn't ens Aad .hat of them r Nares I Nearer still 1 Um more i.•
no bila er bo. -yep. Neitlw would mo- " Wall, yoe see, their sowed, ad-" pulse .md you are t1 . I it lilts its
Indy elm. This ie the beet =planing I "Don't my whet I se., Mr Cask We 'littering 1.•rs spin ! And NOW !
sea do, sir. I ' it pretty well see with our aisle sail ally through -(M, 16 Cinch !ie are is the Oer- f
et I met talk it. She'.. daisy talker= o.r eyes My eked is healthy, ad se real ' the CURRENT ! Do yo. not t
tboegh. Rise tan talk Bb • dictionary.' I ase your lege there's eotWg the ma 1. fool its swift manna 1 Th. °erten' of
Bob," amid Mr (Nook, solemnly, do ter with them. " troth' Brightl]. joyeusl7, swiftly does
tom mean to tell me that this 'meg wo- "Toe deet ssy so !" this Kpieitwl Golf Stream bear yoo to-
ward the Great O..tr•1 Dal. ! A1 -ah '"
The ,M.ati t was evidently km a greet e
Mate of . lisle 's. Her vnim had
rima ton keen .uprose ke7q sad her eyes
sparkled wildly Whet she W finally
see ceded in eating Mr 0i.e► letn the
Carnet. elle fell =eh is her .hair, q.iM m
Neither spoke for several aia.tw., and
then Miss Beek. sad: "Open yew eyes, •
Mr osier the .M tris imbed M be 1600.
with maim' aerie sky. "Tea tank
Last , "sad 1 ` Magazine
Ink' Ms Oink OW
many think I fret seam r
gale Nought end net mmeelse. 110.
pee s*s IMAM end that ewe" d teary,
Keit the eneyelitiese /oral.ee dyew
SAN thew mei, impand. Tea
seap0* pemmdt Remy temilmest
fees Maie m.s.at the atimeim s
e«i 0MOdr .est net M Mat. Tee meat
mat ge bees. or le beim% • oat et
this tame, mita ter Wad 1. ►10021b17
heeled. T.s.eat sot eel amt of the
Garet emit you see safely le tee Osla
Olen. "
111 was the !north dal atter her hus-
band'..Tennis and M55
Rask woe mead in die beet parlor
ler ikeelae hose., su.sivieg minima
.oaeolatioa from w aidery clerical
geotM-mm. "Oh, sir,' D1. was .Matt
"he was sash a good as, es pstle
easy to get store" with. He had a
hersb words, no mane bow mask 10
lied to bear. Ad I'. fearful it wee
good deal, Mr Grower, I'm fearful k
wee • good deal: '
Mr Onager sighed with .so► teeing. sf i
and said ohs meet mot repine. adding in d Ttr
$ way that the world wee p
aussel1 t�,�aaidr a .a serorb .t
.p l ash tale ars tb.
tl�J �$rp
Per rears
A4RP�Kit SWis M♦M
mode tuartsS rally rifflPz. ......._1 M •.
Pewees Ave
O �a s�atfeade. M' a She
the Itam►m. /re�swie -et sash
fell of sinew.
"Yes," mid Mee Carel, es •bo•gb
greatly mewled by that feet, 'I know
it. We all eve oar =edam end I
leper, .s need 'nes. "
"Indeed we do, akar Ciel," 112
Groaner replied, "bet ter ser berdeel•
we •head grow vee sod .tmt41y."
This damages reed& =kg in Mee
Cash's wee rendered km aweeieg
through to mpp5.5d death d be
tee geed tis.. 'reseeded 1e
lamb. op,
mrd of sesetag •n thaw �peed, mol .1
drewieg from the mournfel 'Yankee
tbo minable Imam that earthly ali-wins•
game empty sed void. M.'10 W hoes
to natVatteatioe whoa a famressesiliag ilies
dick wee heard in to treat decor lash.
Mrs 01010 started.
The diet wee repeated sad thew the
door wee flab" apes, sad • heavy foN-
t•U sounded in the hallway.
William !" stied Mn Ossob. •'It'.
William, Brother Gramm ! Help use
■ p ! Help me M rima and .int him 1
Williams. my dew, god, sweet, bow-
legged old Williams ! 0, Bsoth•r. Oroes-
er. I Ash go a tq with 1.pp1sem l
Hew 1i ail feet. hese se them deer
bow-I..e d kb, making a..usd that I'4
know 'meas tem tboeseed ! Om...keg,
Brother Groaner. some keg."
They gat ileo to 111 with m .ask
spatia possible, sed there. miming
ward thanklessMr OM* his sowed feat
lighted with a pao.hl .mils. He peen-
ed, sell Share was semsthamg in his s-
e w met attits& that aausd them to
press m well. He brought W podgy
fest b
Me fears
ie loftiest possibility, as if
to mall aunties to its perfect brit,.
"Meriky y deer, he said, le deep
low taw, "I goat is to C.ImVe0,.
of Infinite Teeth."
• kok of profound alarm same epee
Yrs Cheek's fart, mad she "leased .t to
Res Mr Greases. He .book hie heed
Mr 0seh observed than deans looks
mad he babaed to dispel than.
mem in =nosey with the Universal
MON," he a•14. "Look .t them yep ' "
They looked "Tee, William,"
answered Mrs Cioeb, profoundly dis-
terb.d, "I see them legs, and dear,
area, peados. old legs they are, Wil -
Iia., sed if I one s aid they ww't, I
told ..tory and goodness knows rvo &of-
fend mom* for it in the last three days
and Weide. I love them mans" old
legs, William, batter 'n all the reel of
you pet together, sad I deal ears where
yo.'re floating Dor .hat yoe'a in hw-
mooy with, I only jest know you're beak
.gen with the seine boa ndel, chubby,
round old legs you took sway, and I'm
downright crying happy sod the rounder
they gets the more I'll love them ! "
And, unable longer to reetr•in her-
self, the good old lady rushed upon him
.ad hogged be. Meek .ed blue
Mr Cmek may still be fleeting in the
Calm Centre of Intuits Truth, or he
mat not. He ay still be in harmony
with the Universal Misd or he may not.
He hasn't mentioned lately. Bot this, is
sure truth -that wherever he teats Nes
Cinch is floating with him, sad what-
ever Mae he may be in hammy with he
is certainly i• harmony with her. He
wobble. and toddles up end dewe pet a
he used to do, bot Neer a word does e
hear to tbe prejedise of his legs. ♦.4
whether they bees rooked se • ram's
horn ora straight se s rifle barrel, be
can't see them amid she waa't-eo what's
he odd., anyhow h L. II Q.
The beet sectlyee mid 1 for
the cure of oolda mad meths ad all
throat, long, and bronchia troubles, is,
undoubtedly, Ayer's awry Patera/
Ask your dregwiat Mr its sad, at the
sun time, for Ayer's Alamo.., .tisk in
tree to all.
Mr H•..ond. el Manitoba, • bestir
wofMr. James L ,kis045..
tom. oe a visit ; it bill years Mem Owe
W seen sash oche.
Ween dlet1 Mea Iowa
by discos teed debility t1e buss.
system betimes were net and net
nova before he times. Keep the head
dear, the bowels regular, the Meed
pre, the kidneys and liver main by the
win of B.rdook Blood Bitten, .sten's
great tarsik, and regulator, and diatom
east met. 2
T. iris were• .-Pkesse bforn your
readers that i eve a positive remedy
or the •bo.e seed drew. By isle
,usely w theorem.' of hopeless e
have ty surd. I sham be
glad to trod tee bottles et m7 teases
nee to say of your reader who have
if ttey .01 teed me Mei
welts and P. O. alike=
Reensrefell7, De T. A. Steam,
7 144 W. Adidade .t T.re.M, OM
s 1 /shed.
W ilwie s Wild °berry nes 05
old OoW. le
_ mast:.
eksa NO. r�
tLeet. sheens .t
lees, wr•w��.
..eta` 4:14 e`. w . y H.aemt •
Blloga a mann p. Ifo. Tek
Sleir " s Weekly.
• ►mews ems�_M~ wtw.. . tae
✓ st i d emwily . ref MI6= mad -
M▪ ean ee•tsmt4 wire =aide gnat
w et aeries be the Met sed meet
K far M t peraeai st ramie
wisest r.,ao of lass.. sed pe
..reed i. rater fast•. kttmt "'''r7.8•27t
e.ltsetf�jie titfaatillaa re sad=
.br. v05 anger t .the Winahr
M Tears
was[LT ....._.. ^ 4/1 at N .
ZAEDes ......... .
O mAwe re en ealteeribeett Bs the
dem. et w wat.v Male wiet Mertes. l t tis
a Number
el itary et allail year.
e e theealesetelleas .,mecce
wish the Number sun.~remat ties. ell
sf srdr. ,
three Some et Havas's elmeay. kr
be years teelm,�atetmastp.akt�he Vag. will
tree et expee sesa s ties the treisftly p/! ' if
meted nee per velem* tee p pee
o~eglpt of'p eaab.
asst ie 101 weyt-pw,r►
Meaty�D010...t i/ Meuse sh
oboe werent tNewspapers ee � M'de/ Ha
HARP= 4. ROTRBB*. New Tort.
Harpies Young People.
'Pao pith Teams et Bat seal Them
Peons. wW1 Meta with the X..atr 10
November 6. Ma enema sip .hretive pea.
It ,if the a tyo fes neem at nest liarwan r.
or three porta, ..�.r._ • .iii •i t
ywomen a
rC. LRLN; s,
oewplf Carroll;L Seamier; two b►wy,
Hlsim Werth 'Wes aresea.riesef s
Twki r st the
»ate>esa et
wtrtea M Ma. i i other series ka
iDe Mart vete by orries ank Toy W. 'a. _Thar'
BeeekW Bat Uanw��g ewsta,Nimes Pm:Lary Z. W
Malcolm Jehaetes, fes.
A RDMestptiee le H•r9wti Yomme
k'owi1ned�gm. a J,, ow Neat/lle ef . Ti.', M. -/les
tee AJeertteer.
TERMS : Peewee PeN.5:1~ 111�"a
Vol XL
stSpe -1.ea Oapt meat es resent d a 1t'e.ust
Etwets Ninown .11v. awes cash.
Remittances rht H•wtoo
weary Order or ae a0Nd l
..„:174111,7 .10 wr!/b e/
BARPss a BaoTRER?, New Teak
�E�C'5 e
ptraf!+ is .Rlm.st l.beta.tl's gash 116, helm
iwptatsa. oval'erasirTsn ga eNemNwmoti•
ed .iib ***wall, "•Meta
oaks.. tdIle �eow
«der iertvewem
pay r/•
last attlr (e allertV
at Mt humor. Sts
renew Phir ei ell •=iiie 111• 411
as.fil:.sth rr' Jus rr.5,lpa w
.wti..sd w apnti
11!! M 11.a0r e,nebt M rlti.e � 2�►
MWee▪ r team sig ■.sae *.., wlegage
1v.wwe erg
'sei""t w mow. seder et Ile f
>tAe per