HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-10, Page 1OEVOTE°0 coUHT ' NEWS r TO ADOERTISER8. otice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Monday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas- ual Advertisements accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. Lean' [Saunas. - A AU adewice notion in tee local cofuntes of Tits SluirAL of wsertinys or enter- tainments at tate* an edmiswow fee is chtuyrd or frost which u yrecstni wry benefit is derived, must be raid for at the rate b one omit per word each inertias, no chart's leas than twenty -ire cents. Where ad- vertisements of eatertainmrats are inserted a brie/ Jowl will is gegen fret - t 1'10104. Averse -At KlattehrYna. as Doc. Leib, the wife sf Mr P A of • daughter. houiaeow --On the 3rd et Isalaar7, the wife of Jams. Robinson, et a daughter. Hukro,-Os the nth of Des., ISM the wife of A. ohms.Le.barn�ot a see. MARRIED. MoLaoo--Mcit01 5. -la *Meet, on the mth last., Miss theme McDonald, daugh- ter a R v� essio. td to Mr John Mc. Joswwroty-McLgan-la Ashfield, on the 2:10t last. Knew McLean. daughter of Donald lieLesia. Isle sten, of the sassplacce, an of John- lend. DIEM aay.Aa(�-sIoa�Aaodericb. ea the lith Jan.. Fraa- Oeoeg. Rhy.isle w eed lb... wratsea h& The funeral trill take pace rtes his meth. era reMdnwee. Seet.et.. en Saturday, at 3 p.m- Colborne. .m.Colborne. as Jas. Sth, Catheriee Iflteab eth Lawee., se led daughter of DavidWaw ma. mem II retire, 8 month. The funeral will take place from her tether's iesiesse, bet 1. Lake Road Shore West, on flsto dqy, Jan, 11th, at: o'clock p.m., to Maltle and eemesere. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Mortgage Sale -S. N. Lewis. Masa, lielfse-Jes.Ideideans. It ssderaa--lits Spwoer Owe. Anneal Meetlsg-te,as. Horten - Medical Dlopenssry-W. C. Geode. System Rowovstor-J. M. McLeod. Winter utlpls.ry-The Mimeo Roland. To Farness_ I:. 8. Wiliass,Joan Keraighaa- Netioe to Ceatraotese-gas? Lewis. D. John - .tea. Jae. Robertec.. TOWN TOPICS. "t there amens ra fakirs' seem I eeeit* hen peels/ it." Geo. Stewart imatinugs to torn oat the W- est cad,o yusoreerr Mandtet ltlteo photography saad at his parlor parlor A (loon Pnesame.-Tbo moat useful gift can make is to giro a Wirt Paw. p- t' to D. Moomiesddy, .mat, oceme ca. if you don't want to get 4 grippe. you had underwear order of some F. k A. Pimm , the raeebmama - Mrs James Miller, Maple -s ., bas n• covered fn'm her recent severe ladle- pueetiun. Mn Robert Wilton, Maple -at., w the recipient of very many valuable Christmas and New Year's gift present - ad by her friends at home sod abroad. Dr N Nicheolson, the West-st dentist, makes the preeervatioe of the natural e teeth • specialty. Get administered from 9 a. m. for the pathless extraction of teeth. We are requested to onitradit4 the rumor that • son of Mr Magnus Seren- e.* was sflicted with diphtheria. The lad has recovered from his recent slight Ind ispcsi tom. Mrs W. 8. Jamieson and family ne turned to their home at Niagara os Monday, after visiting at the re dsso, of the foormer's panto*, Mr and Mrs John Acheron. Slim Dully Weston left town on Tues- day last to visit her sinter, Mrs Mann, in St. Paul, Minoseute. She intends to make a two weeks' stay -ever at Chicago on her way thither. Mr Marlton will shortly lay the keel of • fishing tug. Mr M has already gut a large portion of the frame work ready, so that the work will proceed rapidly as soon as the keel is laid. Persons wishing to improve their memories or strengthen their power of attention should send to Prof. Loisette, 237 Fifth Ave., N. Y., tor his proepe° tow poet tree, as advertised in another column. 10-tf A1roTnsg Q. C -Our townsman, Mr E C.mpiun, was the recipient of • New Year's present in the shape of a silk gown from Sir John Macdonald daring the week. Hereafter his address will he "Edmund Campion, Q. C " Ooderieh is keeping op with the prooea.ioo- MDetloragT ANstvgsaa1T. - Th anniversary missionary sermons of Victoria-st Me,thedet *beech will preached next Sunday by the Rev We.ley Cowes, of Seef,orth. This young minister has abilities &bees the average and stun has the reputation of being one of the best young preachers of the Guelph Conference. The Royal Tempters of Temperance supper aaiconcert is deferred to 21st inet , to perfect 'be arrangements. The pueltc may expect an entertainment of sensual merit, as the names on the pro grain will melody the beet local talent of the town Look oat for posters next week. Members' meeting next Tuesday in the Hall as usual. GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY, JAN. 10, 1x90. Mr Jae. titreeban ,peat a Nw days is Amberly ibis week. Mg W. A. Colborne left town yester- day to visit his father at Paisley. Sir A. sI. Robertson left on Saturday to take charge of a school near Auburn. The High School opened with the fol- lowing staff: bead master H. L Striae, B.A., A. J. Moore, B.A., ti. P. Halls, B.A., P. Currie and Miss Charles. The editor of the Mayhem Advance and be of the Brussels Putt recently re- osived a Christmas turkey each. The other county editors got the "goose. Molxtogaar MESTINo.-The Rev tr►. E Russ, M. A , a returned msssweaey from the Pacific oueet, will preach next Sabbath in North st Methodist church. DUNATlone To Tis Poos. -Amongst the donatiot • to the poor during the holiday season was the rift of 50 !be of meat to every church in town by Mr Wm. Bowden, and 100 lbs of flour to the needy aft( nor church by Mr Hutchi- son, a. the Big Mill. The Goderich High School u booming. The attendance is 160 already, with mon to come. There hat been a large addi- tion to the upper ofMiss Charles, ted the recently appoinS(ndern Language teacher, has entered un her dates, and hes made a must favorable impression. Mr S. H. Clark, the distinguished reader, and his wife, Mn Annie Frolics Clark, well-kgowo in the eastern part of the Province as a singer, have been engaged to give a night cf readings sod song early in February for the H. f3. Literary Society. Further particulars anon. A Cusses cos A Beer -Dr Richard- son intones as that one day the week certain parties of predatory instincts got seems to his dental rooms in , the Opera House Hook, and sb • sanded a bast of Sir Walter Scott the and two statuettes entitled "Mamma" be and "Papa." A best of Sir John was T allowed to remain. If the party or per - ten will call swain during business hours they may tale the bust of Sir Joke, and nu question, will be asked. Pt- sue ScHoot Orsptpo.-The pub - lie schools rpeoed Tuesday with the fol- lowing teachers for 1890: Principal, R. Park, and Ibsen Bier, Sharman, Allie Sharman, A Campbell and M. Cooke, Central. Principal, Miss F. Williams, and Miss Addison, St David's ward ; Principal, Miss Burrett, and Miss Me Lean, St Patr.ck'• ward ; Principal, Miss Wateon. and Miss Atkeakead, St As- drew's ward, Gar A Coon Poturtow. -We eoegret- elate one towussaan, Mr A. MoD. Al- lan, on his appointment to the position f outside manager of the Imperial Pro - hoe Company, of .Toronto, a position :loch his business ability and tact well edify him to fill. This company is formed for the purpose of tarry- ing on • broke- .,,e and commission st- nese, acting between the producers and the communing markets of both the United Kingdom and Greater Britain, including our local markets. Tame% ARE NOT WHAT TROT Sums. - Along about noon on polling day, Dr Whitely drove furiously to the poll with the redoubtable John Sheehan in his carnage. Mr Proudfoot •nd ansae friends were standing on the sidewalk a% John and the Doctor drove past, and John's homorsome phew had more than its usual fon in it. Shortly after the doe. of the poll, and when I roudfoot's oleo - ion was enured, Sheehan hove in eight, d remarked to the eseve in his own persuasive style, "Misther Proudfut ; ore aplaaynncea war agin me todey, so they war ; bot, Misther l' oudfut, appayrince. is often desaitful." And those who remembered seeing John driven in . state by the Doctor in the forenoon, joined in the laugh at the witty sally of the jovial Hibernian. Ray Ma RtegaahwoN AND T,.. Urot Tannic. -The downpour of rain last Sabbath eveang thinned the congrega- tioe at North-st Methodist thumb. but the service was one of more than usual interest. Tbs preseher took for • text 2nd Chronicles, 16: 8, from which he showed the depravity of human nature as exhi bitted in the old forms of idol worship Then he showed the evil of our modern "National Drink Idol :"-(I) It is ex Comsive-it destroys over two million hole of grain and wastes $32,000,000 of our money anosally. (2) it is (asci - eating -the eoovivaility of the treating system frequently drags to ruin oar brightest and best. (31 The example of men high in authority helps to make drinking premier; (4) The worship of this drink idol is demoralising ; (5) It is as much the duty of our Government to destroy this drink idol as It was for king Asa to pet down the idol worship of his time. (6) The pulpits will coati/one to edoeate towards prohibition : (7) Good men in all churches end true temperance' men on both sides of polities should smite on this nee queetina. Prohibi- t/olio sant the preacher, could be earned S ow if we were united. At the oleos of the sermon over •eveel signed the total abutneees pledge Then, win he • temperanee prayerseef:rsg is North -et. church onee a quarter, when the pledge back will be presented for *eerie es. The Woman', Christian Temperance Liable 0 ILs tae-h•chum"essof Northm Mein chum" d Titan'sahereoen. Prayermeet ng at Per beadiness neweithogs. thatbbbeeussfr Ipas ed q the time Nthem it u R R hallow., say Ume during business He ma satiety yen. anew will bringseighiag. aad that will Me Carmen to neve stoves. Jest notice that Sauadere and flea are este agents tee M a C. Gurae Ods standard stoves rages, sad that they a a large mock brad, atsd further that they are dying gas prime. Every stove is guaranteed baker. Calk and see them at the house under the sun. BRIEFLETS. r Bedford Richardson had returned Toronto. ✓ John Nairn, jr., returned to De- co Monday.; ice Mary Ashley, of Detro't, is home ng her parents in Gotten/in.t an Ws F. Willows was confined to the by indisposition dunog the week, eh F Herding and son, of London, t present vitalise Mrs L Costes, of town. r Ceo Norris, of Guelph, was visit - friends in the circular town the week. ✓ I). Donaldson. of "arna. was visit' t the maternal residence oa New • day. MaDnnagh will be in Goderieb for Italian on the first Saturday of month. Will Green, of Khmardiee. is g friends and relatives ia Gods- end vicinity. G. Bissett, aeeompaoied by her n, left last week to join her bil- in Chicago. M. G Robertson left for Eases on Monday last to resume charge school then. a Chards Used of Hope will meet turday, Jae. 11th, at 3 o'clock. invited -to be prespi Mabel McKnight, of Strattntd, nod hese tet Teeeday after • tee visit to frieede is Goderkk. Pries presided at the organ at St 'a ehureh laid Sunday morning vesleg ie a at satisfactory man end Mn Nelson, of St Thomas, +he past week visiting at the rest - of the lady's weber. Me, Stephen J. Gordon, wife aad child, of At ea, were the pest week visitieg at idsos eof the gentleman's parents, rid Mrs D. Gerdes. Basa's A Ciaucz roe USW., Sri. - A gentleman who one.' enjoyed great parliamentary honors in the county of Huron, and • very clever scholar at the same time, writes • very indistinct hand. At one time it letter written by him had to be read before sonnet of justice The clerk labored with it for a long while, and finally, in despair, handed it over to the author cf the eame, who was at a loss to read his own manuscript. This gent- leman does not stand alone in the learn- ed and great who in many ogees could not read what they had written. -Wing - ham our. Choton New Era. THE CAMEL AND THE DEACON. The nominations now are made, The candidates are ready. The working Moss are now on laid. The voters may get beady ; So we most bustle round. you know. And every rote be metes': Get up and be. hustler. Said the Camel to the Deacon. I don't think that would be the thing . You know It might miscarry. And (hen ii's "in the soup' I'd be, And Proudfoot mightn't tarry; He'd jump en me with beth his feet And do what any man will, He'd slit my wirand. very neat, Said the Deacon to the Camel. Now liercon. have to lost your head. Or are you only funning 1, Tent you're ai,aid It you're found out That Proodfoot would go gunning. And Uft your'icslp off from your bead. All gory and all reekin'; I (bought of sterner stuff you're trade. Said the Camel to the Maws. Oh ! Camel bold, you've got me cold. When thus you do upbraid me: It's mighty sudden. I'll take bold, . NOW that you'll not gainsaid be. Remember that in days of yore - And 'Eighty -eel en can tell - Round brave Kimall I made them sore. Salt! the Beacon to the tamed. With that they both bent down to work, From door to door they berried. And not one was slowed to shirk -- Each Tory vote was worried: And none were to their Jedgemeat left. And none allowed to weaken. You're got to vote, or well be cleft, Said the Camel and the Deaoos. Election day It carne and went; At 6 •'clock the Doll closed, The Camel to the Deacon sen(. Rut found the rote was foreclosed ForSmith and Proudfeot on (hat night Had heard full mare than one tell Of the little frame to win the fight. Ry (he Deacon and the Camel. MORAL. Come ail yea. in se David's. Rt. George'. Patrick's, Andrew's. And listen to the warning Thai's to you free. thin had news: N-hewe'er on polities you're heat, Re tare there • no owe peeks•' Or le Menet,' you'll he newt Like the Camel aad the Nacos. - SAT, AUCTION SALES. All parties getting their min MIM pprri1nted at tale oMee will get • tree settee IrssrtM ah n'1, list no to the time of sale. A sale of household furniture will take Owe at Stor'ey's old stand, Hantiltoe-s► , on Saturday, Jon, 11th, at 1 o'clock p. m. No reserve. John Koos, see - t io beer. Chattel mortgage sale of'Ieete at the marble works. flemilton-at., flnderieh, on Wattmeter, Jan let alit 1 o'clock p. m Terme cash -John Konz, sue Homier. THE ELECTIONS. ANS cENERAL INTELLIGEN IA Tawas, them •meeseek Ilieeemee. During'tbe past year Miss Nellie Tighe, of (authorial' has taught the eskool at Results in Town and County- Mu"nt Cassel, std it will be eatiefae tory to her toao, friends in Guile alt The Changes in Town. to know that the w highly waisted in her present field of labor, as witness the fol - A. Hwageaues teevasek on nes" lowing from her pupils and trustees : 1t'Atdreet rats. of Karel -e epyy. Dias Tiecsss,-It is with glad Serve evoke Hee* met see hearts we hear you sre going to remain l'rewder Dint. amongst us, and if we hays in any way caused you trouble or aagoyanee; we are now oowpell.d by the kind and. en- deanog manner which you have always shown towards tie to ask your forgive - sem, and as you are to remain longer awoug us we will show you by oar ace tions what we cannot now eipreas in words. It would be needles@ to speak of the great service you have done us while teaching hen ; for we all reooe- nise your •otlities s• a teacher, and the uodurm kindness which you have al- ways shown, even in enforcing the school rules and rehulatuon., has left a deep impression on our beans nut soon to be effaced. This little gift plebes ac- cept as a token of love from all of es, and we only ask this of you: when you look at it think of us. Wishing you every happiness, and that Heaven's choicest blessing may ever be thine, We remain Your loving pupils. Moved by Ad. Mellhargey and seconded by T. Coughlin, M.P., that a must cordial vote of thanks be given to our teacher, Mee Tighe, for the eery efficient and successful in r .be has conducted oar school for the past year,' and that this motion be reseeded in the minutes of this meeting. The elections are over, and we're all glad they are The fight for the Gode- rich reeveships was the feature in town. It was thought that at any rate the reeve as well as the mayor would be elected by acclamation, but early in the season His Honor of Keewatin, with a few chops friends,asmtly organised op. position to Mr Pruadfu t, aad at the proper time Dr Whitely wee trotted up to the lodges' stand to take part in the race. To this Tug Stout, would nut object if the candidates were allowed to run on their merits ; but a systematic effort was made at the last minute, wises uo chance fur rebuttal was possible, to handicap Mr Proudfoot by the public& tion and dissemination of false and misleading allegations against Nine Fortunately the people of Goderich are not gudgeons and don't swallow every thing thrown to them at the last minute, whether it be clothed in halting ver- biage in a party newspaper a'swtrolled by a clique, or in the fervid oratory and fiery invective of ac apostle of Black- stone The charge against Proudfoot went off with a loud wood, bet there was no ballet in the gun, and while the man at whose bead it was levelled es - aped unscathed, the fellows who held the weapon to their shoulders reeeived a terrible 'kink." The retests and Chinese isaterw prepared to celebrate the Doctor's victory were not fwd aad Gad be bad at a diseouot for cash. The 6ght between deputy -reeve Smith and Mr McLean was • keen one, bet although the latter was "quite a work- er," and worked hard, the plucky little deputy led the pruoeseioo front start to 6nieh- In St Andrew's ward the old members were elected. Io St Patrick's ward Masers Holt, Pridham and Sloane headed the poll, the former taking the largest vote ever given by the ward. THE VOTE IN TOWN. roe nava No l $ 3 4 a e 7 Proodfoot..31 42 68 56 52 58 31-339 Whitely ....62 50 39 2.3 30 62 41-307 Proodfuot'a majority 32 FOR naruyy. Smith ....42 47 58 40 43 60 40-330 McLean ..62 45 48 38 39 62 29-314 Smith's majority 16 ST. Altogiw'3 WASH. Centelon 83 52-136 Neftel 84 50-134 Reid 78 55-133 Strachau 71 33-104 Gr. PATfZCI'a weer. Holt 82 78-160 Pridham 74 49-123 Sloane 59 36- 96 McKenzie 66 38- 94 1 2 3 4 5. 7 For cows.. 75 37 38 53 47 71 47-368 Against ... 16 24 53 17 23 51 20-204 Majority for cows 164 The Council for 1890 is :-Mayor But- ler, Reeve Proudfoot and Depot -Reeve Smith. Councillors -Se Andnw's- Mattel, Cantelou and Reid ; St. David's -Humber, Mersey and Thompson ; St. Geurge's-Campion, Dunlop and Nicholson ; St. Patrick's -Holt, Prid- ham and Sloane. COLBORNE. egeveY-alevi. f Joe. Heatherington 11 b3 69 64-167 A. Malloy........ 97 50 69 25-241 ('DClICILLOa.. F. N. Johns 88 51 70 18 . _ 27! Jet Taylor 35 44 66 81---226 A. Young lei Igo 96 34-208 Thos. Good 49 40 31 21-141 J. 0 Stewart16 23 22 23- 113 John Varooe ... , 12 5 58 18-- 90 The vote on the now question was 280 to 100 against shutting them up. WEST WARANORH, SRI.n. 1 M 3 4 Johnston, Jas53 76 47 42-225 Stuart, Ales. 65 33 61 61-210 Majority for Johnston. - 16 DIPOTT-a ROT& Lockhart, R. 30 64 65 77-23s Bowers, John78 42 42 37-199 r Ma jnrity for Lockhart - 37 For councillor* - Th.r. Todd, Jss. lithium, Wee Bailey were elected by aeclamat ion BENMiL:eElt. From our own correspondent. Rain continues to fall in this locality in great quantities. Mr Joshua Moore and Miss Nettie Gledhill were potted in the holy bonds of matrimony, by the Rev J. Harris, on New Year's *Ay. Miss Craigie is teaching in the lower division of No. 2 school. Mr Tho., Elliott has charge of the senior room. Mr Enameled Mohriug has removed from Si. residence here and moved into a hotel in Luokoow, which was formerly occupied by Mr Isaac Martie. PARAMOUNT. From oar own eorrwgwdeag Mrs A. Towle and family are at pres- ent visiting at St. clary'.. Mrs Philip Tsonison presented her husband last week with an6 a baby buy. A gentlemanefrom Toroottt is expected to lecture in the`T gapetanee Hall here abortly. Mr Angus Mclnnis lost one of his horses last week. The animal seemed ap- parent) all right at night, and was found dead in the morning. Mr Harry Horton, of Toronto, enjoy ed a few days' visit with us this week. Harry looks as if city life fully agreed with him. Miss Johnston, the retiring school teacher in this section, was presented with • handsome gold ring by her pupils on examination day. John Davis and Peter Murdock have returned from the Michigan lumber wood.. They report times doll there at present owing to the scarcity of snow. Two of the ol,eat residents of Ash- field died here recently, Mr Malcolm Morrison, of the 12th eon., Aahfeld, aged over eighty, and Mrs McPhail, of the same place, aged over one hundred, Mr Calvin Callande- r, of Parkersburg, West Virginia, has been visiting iq Clinton. Half a million people in the city aad suburbs of Vienna, or 42 per cent of the population, have suffered from in- fluenza. A constable went to arrest T V Pow. derly the other day, but' found the master workman suffering from influenza As the section men of the (j. T. R. and let him alone, were proceeding east Prem , Sesfocth station one day lately the handle of the "jigger" broke, throwing Mr R.. Wilma on his back in trout of the "jigger," which passed over his, in- juring him severely. The raddenoe of Mr W Wiss,Oodrrich township Jig• the scene of a happy event on ednsed0y of last week, when his yeeng rt daughter, Frances N., became the .wits of Mr A H Plummer, son of el Plummer, Clinton, and a teach- er in Hallett. ,, Mr Jos Lsatberland, Reafortb, aerie - kat year in Japan and which slowly ed boons hom the Northwest • few days moved east around the globe. ago. He spent the past eight menthe in A number of seheols in Tsroberrs an Manitoba, also visiting Pembina eouaty, aogistg teachers Mr Crxnyw leaves Dakota, where he own• a gond farm en which hie tenant is prn•perjig. being one of the few fortunate farmers who last sestas harvested a good crop. A young man named Henn, who basest been nght in his mind for some time, and who was living with hie meth - K, near Attwoed, got sway from his home ou without any the union sehool on the 9th eon., having boots, cat Ctorrhat on, istmas Band could not be Comte/ear Towlrsnte. - For Reeve- 'ma a betide position elsewhere, found until next morning, when he was John Cox, 3!5; Gabriel Elliott, 213. One of the biggest %tailors. that has disonvered lying deed in a emelt. Hs For cowoeillors-Thos, Churchill, 261; ever oecer� ie Uurnn.awN • is an" had drowned himself, $,essoel Sturdy,742 ; Jos. H. Elliott, nouooed in the okspee and ()n Tuesday, Dee. 31st. Mies Jena? 1106; Geo. A. .per, 187. aseignsseit sf P. C. Rogan • Oo , of Joheatnns was waited In matrimesl ee Srwels, gene Morsfeepnn, prevision Mr Richard Serino, of Ikaytwt,fnrtp Retire makers lay tbtre's snow profit and ensmiselee m i h.ste. Regan R ial!way agent in Wine/ham. Mr ee Oa have hems in babess for a Nog time is indeed • privileged per«+w in is their b iaiaes• this winter. a„ d gee aegstred a .etsseerdd sic lace he hs. in•rt'ied a most y Mies Clare Porte., of Tereherry, is wh,eh is knew,. all s W,s/,rni pp visiting friends is Goderieh. �G�ie- 1&dy, is tut s,ctstd he bei 1 rlo. They will owe sheet 1111,006. O. holidays in which to enjoy The next Horse Fair will he held in Rirrell & Cu, Load.., aro., dlrore for men,,, and • free ticket t Seal teth on Wednesday, the lath inst. a Sae# etsutat. whitbermoever they him lot D. nioom 1.iui psis e`m'�a' COUNTY CURRENCY. Items of Interest from over the County. A Weekly Imam *robe a eewty Sews thee. ed up Meow Menden of '•Roe .lanai: Mb arta Pees.. dripped and Cee. lensed Reek Ivory McNN. The population of Wriseter was in- creased week before hat to the tune of six girls. Mr Hugh Thomson has returned from Muoeejaw, and is Dow among his old friends in Stanley. Mw Hannah Bryce, Tornberry, had • growth removed from her foot, tend is now doing nicely. Mus Aggie Rivers, Turoberry, has been laid up with as abscess for some time, and a still very low. Mr Maitland Anderson, Kipper, has returned home from Michigan, after a sojourn of one year in that State. George Brown, of the ose- mien Mr Tech./smith, who 4bad th hiss leg bruise a short time ago, is again able to be about. Mr Duncan Clarke, who has for the past two years been school teacher in Culross, near Teeswater, lett last week fur Winnipeg. The buainess oftioe of the Ontario Salt Association, which has been located at Clinton for the peat year, will be remov- ed to Seaforth for this year. Mr Eldridge Kellam, Seafortb, has been engaged to teach in Trowbridge for the present year. He is a clever young man and will make • good teacher. Miss Fowler, daughter of Mrs F. Fowler, of Harpurbey, returned home lately, having spent two years visiting friends in Oregoo,Dakota and Manitoba. Miss Jenny Barr, daughter of Rev Mr Barr, Seaforth, has received an appoint - meant of assistant teacher in the Kincar- dine High Scheel at • salary of $600 per year. Mr A Kerr, who is well known in Zest Wawannsh,hae purchased the Milne farm, on the 3rd Zine of Morris, contain- ing 140 agree, The price paid was $5000. Miss Minnie Cummings, eldest daugh- ter of Mr James Cumming,, of Tucker - smith, left last week for Stemmer. to, California, where she goes to reside with her brother. The Turnbull farm, on the 2nd eon. of Ttsckersmith, hes been cold to Mr Wm Ball, of the base line, Hullett, tor • sum eery clues to $6000. It is a good farm and well worth every eeryt paid for it. Mr Robt. McIntosh has sold his farm of 100 acres on the 7th con. to a gentle- man from Waterloo for the sem of $5,600 00„ Mr McIntosh has purchased another farm of 148 Beres is Turn berry. Mr George E. McTaggart, who has bad charge of the White O.k cheese factory, Seaforth, for several seasons, has returned home for the winter. He takes charge et( the same factory again next year. A man named wa, who had resid- ed in Baytield f a number of years, hanged himself on New Years Day; his wife died several years ago. He leaves three grown op children, and n¢ tan.. is kncwu for the rash act. All the pall -bearers at the fuoaeal of the late John Grieve, of McKillop, came to this country with him in the same vessel 52 years ago. The circumstance of their all meeting together on the sad occasion was purely accidental. ' Mr John Cummings, who was report- ed to have lost his life in a lood in California, is alive and well, although hie trunk and other articles went down the stream. This young man is a son of d Mr Jas Cummings, of Tuckersmfth. The cue against county constable Davis, of Blyth, for interfering with a bailiff in the discharge of he duty, came before His Honor Judge Tome on Satur- day last, and in the abe•eee of the plain- tiff's solicitor was adjourned to the ses- sions an April 1st. Prof. Z. Stone Wiggiee, the weather prophet, offers an ingenious theory telt the outbreak if 5. grippe or Russian in- fluenza. He says it is caused by the ex- cessive carbon in the stmnephere, gener- ated by the earthquake which originated eh No. 3 to attend the liaii seedy. Mr Hartley leaves No. 5 to tale charge of • school in Cairo.., and is succeeded by Miss Pewter. Mr Blackwell lesves No. 5 for No. 5, Morris, and I. sneoeeded by Mr Will Hartley, of Relmeire. Mr Rhnrtresd, of Mn. 6, goes to lt'leioore, in Bruce county. Mr McLaughlin leaves