HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-3, Page 3t telenenta DOW. tea Odeembe net leek sesemilt s• *dooms sleep, and thinks so mote of slap and rem thet she Wimps Wit they am take the plea .1 siliatileate. These are lbw views AVM rest : ettiradliter rad body to bather. The haboriag Ma lad tat after WI day's work is ie make. rig with* et deifying. *mere mos bete his rest skied, in reeseat r he t hi*Mary elteeeise,i191,of s 11ey seam that ems his . Rom people flud where ethers !add am1me el - led NM a1 the thsetre,and whoa my wig tonenies Wed 1 always go there some away greatly refreshed. Rest what theg4le 4 this country want mak give so little thought it. They atedy bow to do everytbiag asap& hew to feet, sod this want of rest is the ansa of so mock eervoissnees and, 1 alba, of so much dr•PoPeill• deem Weems would require more rest thee seem mem, bet • east may wo- men mat to tet along with a great thel leie Arrest than ot'aers do. The tom rest for a lay ma, I should think, amid be to ask ; bet is this votary we doe% have to um that much, be - mese there see very far limy persurie bere,dad so we have time to urge them to rest. A ember of women owes to me for whom I have to prescribe rest. This reel goimiata of all lands of maploymet • eatable ol women tell me that lay haws really ambito to do, nothing to ammiry their minds. Miet of this kiad found in the boarding boom of this eity. II advise may of them to study mistime, but they toll mo that they 't. Then I advise theta to take up *object and stedy it, ie order to Regis mind employed ; but every- thing a tell them to de they tell toe they cao't, that they have no taste for aseMen Jiro &mg* Flewelling, St. John, N. B., writes :—"I suffered from weakness itaid emotiveness, so I bought a bottle of Berikok Blood Bitters, and before I beished 14, mated a Moog*. After se- tae three bottles 1 am now entirely cur- ed, and reatamend B.11.13. as • plea- ttve cum for oustiveness." 3 Oit Wednesday afternooe of last week W. C. Dominic of Loess tooliohlP• Pima Co, and Miss Aimee Yoe, dam/ti- ter of W. Yos, Grey, were united in marriage. The briteessaid was Mies LOU. Earle, of Logan, aad the grooms - abut Jam Ramon, of the same Wm. Rev Mr Wallas, Methodist miniater, tied the nuptial koot in good style. Ifibesedli Linlinent ImoshimmanS Feleedi Callsore Iltixams. Live itest. while loo sea, die when you eff tatKeep oat of the frying pan and trust the broiler. A alba taiga is an enemy to ti• A whiff of the Ultima is sometimes totter than the bees Mervieseet at meat seems a loo( bee for the doctor. Bridle the appetite with neeng,and save the stoma a fuss in the (Itch. A limy appetite bothers the rick as. more thaw au active one doe• the pi,. r man. Live leisurely. unless you are anxious to die in a berry. redOf all the Menem acme is more area - to the welfare of hutasany then 000kery.—Exchange. Rated mammas at %alter's: "Nom if you will excuse me, I take it that, bet- hought these silk loodkerchieb, r.o wifl here to send them at SOWN el ao to the laundry. lf you are • bachelor, you can't help it if your laundry ruins them; bet If you are a married man and have • servaat, Skimp this idea Me her hesd— tts silk handkerchief should never be put into • teb with other clothes. Tell her to put them in lukewarm water, to rinse them two or three times in clear, cold water bout soy blue: wriog them met, fold and roll them tightly in a cloth, bet im not let them dry before ironing. 'ltiss simple thing to remember, and yna will tied that your handkerchief. wall remain soft as they are now, if Ib. rgle is observed." Buffalo Welles. one gill of riee 4. three gills of water until soft ; Seek4. hot rice two tablespoonfuls of geraternity we now hitter. sift • pound of flour t woe, the a+rge stock of lerl hi THI? HURON SI %! 4O. 7k* Wed t• tattier*. WA, ima shatenielk. oe thin asd torres.eced, s&mrs sae he ao health. With thew °Nadi - =all the fentitimos of the body are sad the remelt is • veriety 04 danderoo's emplisatimas. The her re- sell, /krer's Estesparilla, Imei Lake, Hiwessia. \swim' derided to lad a *Mile We au losips, mewed for Platteville, where he was married ea Welisesday of lest week. There lief a reeeptioe gives hini, by a hum member of (nada. st Ms father's residua* on Thersday evening. C. C. Ittegssas & Co. anda.—I itertify that LIKININT eared my daughter • meets and what appeared to be a fetal attach of diphtheria after all other re- medies had failed, and ressaimeno it to all who say be &Rioted with that terri- ble dress,. Joint D. Roomiest. Treats Village, Jaey., 188. ba Early on the barn on Elytis. and weggon, were is the mood vowed by th property ha Ineend lariat the cause of Skin are wont annyins be - douse so ble. Dr Lott'. Sulphur Soap keels cleanses the skin. lm ri oar sesserehers The speed announcement which ap pared in ott alumna some time since, - announcing* spacial arranganat with Dr U J. leaden Co., of EaoliburIth Fella, Vt., pislishere of "A Treatise oti the Horse sid kis Disease," whereby our subscribe were enabled to obtain • copy of thalraleable work free by seed- ing their &dregs to B. J. Egioa.u. Co (ant sooloteg a two-osnt stamp tor tailing ma), is mowed for a limited period. Warm all will avail themselves' 04 tas opraunity (*( 0 bisi thM valu- able work.*To every lever cf the Horse it is indimpteable, as is treats is a sim- ple mono all the diseases whelk amigo this noble nasal. Its phenomenal sale throughouthe United States and Gm- & makes standard authority. Meation this pap* when wading for "Tres _ 31 rday illOY11113f, the l4tb, he Moor* Boyd fans mate, also reaper sad awned by fire. This ilding that has been de- lay elemat sum the longed to Andrew Stoen. supposed to have bees Rich and Poor, Prises and Peasant, the Milliestaire thle feensdy, amass the world -wale isp Ds Imbeser, hy thee, mama eselln mitten of Aries P1140. 1.11:2 Mew reseatinead these Roma mad Liver Traddes, Cost4 am, lathieness, gad Shilf iffendashe also, toe ItheiwaseMea. Jammliee. s. lleeselom Thar see seeimeseted ; ism tem atimmet ; pismire, hall hest sesdislas Patally CM, se 11 to easselime ; sad. therelsra, the tor ?masa sad Tonsbea. " I loam derived greet relief from Ayer'. Pill& Five yam ago 1 wa .ita so 11.1 what Rheumatism that I was nimble *0 45 any week. took Mee bozo Ayer's Pllb wee entirely eared. Mom Met lime am sever wlYseet a box of these alb. Peter Christagowg, Sherwood. Vb. ferelly upwards a twenty "Are" Mho belie twee to se* tez have completely verified alrat:al im elidesed RR them. la attacks of piles, boa which selered may years, they sillerd smut sate Ma say ether niedlciee I ever bled." — T. P. Adams, Holly Spetsgs, Texas. "I have need Acorn Mlle for a s bit of years, and have aver bend say thing equal to theta for (Mug me an appetite and impieties energy sad strength to the system. I always keep them ia the hunee."—It. 1). Jaclunte, Wilmington, Del. " Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured me of severe Oa Teem* of Valiask mead sod of 1s Jake) west 4 1/1 AM& The ...No of bill demon wee a blimits•• of iismesa. Tim fume/ wes ea Tandy, afternoon. Bev 1 B. Milian coMegieed the envies. THE BE$T BAKING ?OBER licUllErS MIR COal RI No mum- lawauwilssiems. =NSF GANT &CO. FACTORY MIMES Valves, as k Lase Pipe Lases Paley Olas, able Jet Pape f arm Peas Wed Mos, Comm Swam, Dairy aid Lome, thsalls 511111111111 STREET, MONTREAL D.A.MCA KILL& tY3 fazAN_PFA'' P'1,AE• R VMNISHE,SellgAN .4 -SILVER MEDALSAWAIP %Al" rl Headache, CHADWICK'S frem which I was long a sufferer. — SPOOL Lam Keyes, Hubbaraton. Mass. "Whenever I am troubled with cos - ".017014 agitation, or suffer from loos of appetite. -oar Ayetos Ma set me right agate." —A. J. Ls.r, Jr., Rock House, Va. "Ayer's Pills are In team' demand among our customers. Our sake o' them exceed those of all other pills 00116. blued. We have never knows them fail to eye entire setlitactlee." — Wriffai & amorally, San Diego, Texas. Ayer's Pills, AAAAAA ED BY Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Dealers to Medicine. L OM TWAIN, MEd' latrAtei=1" For Iland mead TRUNKS irac.kbas 1,1,e. In the World. His IPEROR. 1. BYELEIGH & CO ASK FOR IT. In the latest and best styles at MONTREAL. Willi Was Detil • °1, "wo#416' • PUIE11..4C NOTIC Anothe'r la4e consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. In order to counteract the dis- 1honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE & SON. Hay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. MILLINERY! HOTEL BALMORAL. MRS- DIONTIMEJIL• titre name Bt. meet Me ubm4 ..at.' one Magantly isusaaasa Heats to the Also a number of Aoaesnanedatitia for 400 gewes. Ramos emesperesy. Los it • Iry Ili V WOOrilff, J Louth, who left Windom some three weeks since, for Battle Creek, enc.,* be that he is heartily tired of the place, Lod wishes that Le hisi never lett Huron. Joseph Leagsh's mill. &neva' 'has of late peeled into the hernia ..f r MoNTREAL. FRICTION 05 EARS' J. PALMER& SON Wholesale laspqrs of puesisTr SURRIES 1743 EIII DAB If., Im""` P"king• DOMINION at $1.50 each ---Good value. They are going off fast LEATHER BOARD Call early and make a good choice. HANDSOME TOQUES COMPANY. Menatacturses of - ASIIIESTOS 11111.111101110 For 1890 Ned Thoniss Stewart PULLET Bona, )(insider &MAXIM'S MAGAZIN': when you are deciding upon your S 0 H . 711. Prefov Fries ion eading matter for next season. The subscription rate is low --*1.00 year. ""lat h.v—ePla Piativr":4111; Wanted readers s tive not for the Dove named disease. By it. timely ustlsousands of hopeless cape - have beemernmently mired. I shall be._ 1 ant prepared 14 par.:hasp dolne the nam- ing winter glad to aid two bottles of sty remedy rasa to cy of your readers who haw. consussitin if tray will send sae then Kgprees *ti P. 0. address. Rs:Fully, Ds T. A. SLocro, Adelaide st., Toronto, 00'-, SIRAP IRON. Ole Roll Feet of Sal Lots. Pindneinali,eknitlochk.. trlOttrri jielrewood sad White _ this winter. do t rttisea.iti haikbeer prime ILK Price. Hay. 141643 last yaw iiijr" paid in - Custom Pawing Cheaply. Promptly and Well Czeouted. I have on head a lame qumtity of No Gra Roe abingles, which i ani offering at - square. The *rig twice ia cash minter Cast aed _ WromrWrap Iron. 1 bare hand PLO/S it CASTINGS . ot various kinds. PLPIAND FITTINGS, &c. C. 1117.21BER. 11 tqa! Xlianko A- LOWEST RATES or the benefit of the le - gild time adding to it two e• en table - am. of baking powder. Seat four , fMs, which we'se at low- astil Itglit, add one pint of milk el city !irked, among which Ilse lour, two teaspoonfuls of salt ei the °Hewing .. sad two taelespooafals of earn mil. " Beat thororighly, aod by deerees eid lavit, of Disbursements es.ther piat 4 milk. When beginning davit of Mileage. to lois tl• wade pit the whole quart davit on Production. • et alibi where it will keep MIMI, but not more NMI moderately so—not hot. J davit of Service. Is bating do sot 411 the waffle irons davit of Service, &c. hit Imaitti rocas for Milo. davit of 8‘i-viee. IpoinLmen4 of Examination. It b a fat that within a year • lads '4 fooki„ ha. essoged al I, num .try of Action. liceiermatiming yorkg worsen of mellow kier& Warrant. sesta. and :serial*, sonsingesests gment in Default., kc. Wittles gra"d1"1"r .1114:744 bit Mud" otic3 for Jury. father se hie valet. tedy of fashion/ . sot know this, bot her meld does. °tie" of Motion in Chambers- otice to Produce, otice to Produce at Trial. to Produce. Pa Fieri !Pedro,. tory Declaration. Oren& slubp•ena ad test Writ of Summons—Defendant out of Jurisdiction. to 2110,000. I Writ of Summons. A. siteimpl is bollix made te to mese the M*1 fit Orders by mail promptly ;stiZik IM the seal des*. 1 attended to. — ew Orleans Picayune. The Hebrew seetshiste of New Pedrosa tu sehalilish • paper to he pie ha Hebrew. Ma* llama iPlato to'oersobs that has esialninted so let leaddity Ibilove Grimier proposes to take et Monettal, the population he believes sow rotas, • writs ler the &fishier tow have bees imood. Th. see' lake plass se January lek, oaf �i thellitli. A .1 Raj, who BBB owe a ministee je 64 Choi* Meet drem 'THE SIGNAL," GODE'RICH, ONT. JOS. KIDD, jr. ECKITTS BLUE. THE ItitST FOS LAUNDRY USX. FALL & WINTER G-00=3_ I have just received my large consignment of Fall and Winter (1oods, and to make room for! th••m I ani now selling off my Previous Stock At figures away down. I do not believe in carrying over goods un- til another year, and will always sell st ROCK BOTTOM PRICES rather than hold them over. Being anxious to keep up with the times I have just put in a handsonie plate glass front, and intend making other improvements that will make my extensive pre- mises second to none in town. I am here to exchagge goods with the public for cash, and am bound to do it. CrP Wal.wtas.. Nanagei\of Toronto House Water Sem icc The undersigned is prepared to undertake the puling in of tWater Services in connection with the Town System to Dwell- ings and other Buildings. Also • IEPAIRE1 To Steam Engines, Mills, Fac- t °ries and Machinery of all kind. Prices reasonable. Satisfac- tion Guaranteed WILSON SALKELD. Mee 70R11 POWDERS. Are ploasont to tato. Contain their c-wri w.^e. is • atm, rim aad ..m01 ✓ awer el *mime aClikatima or Aiiala A COOK BOOK FREE By stets any lady seedl.g us her post ernee address. Walisi Richardson & Co., NostreaL 17 T ENVFLOPES, NOTE HEADS, LETTER PAPER. BILL HUBS, Co.. M.. at TIRSIONAL f Mania itMCIE. .,bs*lir 1.',Z4 .4,55 wt.. the ATENTS VMS. TRAK SAM 443 GIPYRICIIT * ed. se: 11,11 r....11.thes.pw.S.eill`sitatott. semetleil ee !Make Pxns. OMB htee Was feellg= ".itt; i *Anemic Nowa b1.4 Irma We ad- Valstinin so ifille;Lellsenterieeet.thee7.4 tie aseeeis rows wiletee. Wiftle 11111- woes 'Itiittt=itatripeaD.C. • The i•tandard of the Magazine is high, Its spirit progressive, The illustrations are interesting and of the beat. There is no:space here to give even a summary of the features to ap- pear:next year, but among other things there will be a NEW DE- PARTMENT and ADDITIONAL PAGES, and grmlikg of illustrated articles will be devoted to the following subjects : African Exploration and Travel, Life on a Modern War Ship (3 articles), Homes in City, Suburb, and Country, Providing Homes through Building Aseociationo, The Citizen's Rights, • Electricity in the Household, Ericsson, the Inventor, by his Authorize•I Biogra pher Hunting, Humorous Artists, American and Foreign. There will be 3 oerials. Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute in 1890. Each Subject, and there will be a great variety this year, will be treate•I by writers moat competent to speak with authority and with • interest Readers who are interested are urged to send for a prospec- tus. 25 cent.• a number ; 31.00 for 4 nionths. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 743 Broadway, leivIcrt WE HEAD THE PROCESSION 0E0 BARRY, the Furniture Man, is giving the best of value in all lines of Fumiture•—froin the smallest chair to the largest and best bed -room set, or parlor suite. Call and see his stock and get a bargain. UN IR,1111k_JKITTG-.. In all its branches, promptly attended tc 117 EMBALMING FLUID always kept on lista. PICTURE FRAMING a specialty. GOO. BARRY,Hamilton-St., iladerich. EXPERIENCE CIPITAt AND SKILL Are the factors employed in the purchase of Goods from the best houses in the trade. The general verdict is that Munro is abreast of the times, and in all departments fully up to the mark. My increasing business is an evidence flat my efforts to please the public are appreciated. And while I endeavor to keep almost everything us- ually found in a first-class house, the general public may rely u_n getting the correct thing in every department. Notwithstanding the advance on Silk Goods I will sell Satin and D'Lyons, Surahs and Satin Merveillieux at former prices. Iffy Sfiecialties for the Season. Linen Goods in great lvariety, Laces and Edgings, Fine Hosiery symi Gloves, and all the leading items in Smallwares, bon Needles np. • All 41•141 marked in plainfigures and strictly one price. 1064 • ALEX.. MUN._ ,R0 Draw and saaecrwiteem, •