HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1890-1-3, Page 1•
ADVXRTIBIRS. Mr AL Addineroof the Mu.4.ry Times,
o(dj.ngs. must be left
this Offlcs nod later than
y.noon. The copy for
must be left not later
y noon. Cas-
ts accepted
Thursday of each
tieing Menses.
.di' de loan creases
ligena_. etesesikip sr eater.
skid adoemiest fee
so fowl said • peesose-
kioetllt 4 derived, meet 6.1 paid
ed nits 4 ewe mit per
SW sag iniereiese. ramie Imo
dilet kreeeTV*b: Marc ad-
Melliemosis el wawkittawrib ars
britqf bad wul1. ine
=sit -Os the
.sitt tize ser
11ElailLeWiettrrhill.rtes Air=
awed more
irgelialltar=atea wigilmrhs 0"1.Tt
DIMPPLIO-811 en Weenimege. Jaa.
miler et the kin
mop Mon bon the reel -
at Widest
lea. liellert Deuess,
wee tat mere dads( the anti re -
Digh Bridget, me et the old Sionm.
beim. sew et Tartrate, wee at tows for
Oleristmee Witty.
J. B. Naha, a former Goderinh print-
er bee, now the Wink** Pereser,
Debi*, is speeding holidays ib town
with rs1.UvL
Mr A. J. Sperling.
Soothers Manitoba f
meeths, retuned house
Dee., and will remain
dime, if oot permaseall
Wait, bet likes
Ni -'eh- Amnia and
Camilites. Deno formed
aim diem, relatives gad
Iteruiddp of Aohlekl sad
bath weU of the hied
although their load. 0110
The Hempel T
was to have bees held es T
el img wet is postponed emit
day is ?abeam', as the R.
Aelikielit propagations to hold •
meill estertainmeat on the
gediselare of which will
met week.
hie base is
the mei one
the 30th of
for some
He likes the
Ford, of
in the
bye ie,
te Fair
Sereame Smoot.
,--Yllowieit are the sum
Asp Mita Simi whit elliabeed
1 media at the mist
4th dine-Megy"retrrilbilliy,
Gambier. Heim Doyle,
Gregor, Teresa Chisholm, P
Austin Cbultelea, James
Jester 44-A
gormintw.. gime
Wog Oeseine-Penser & Porter.
Ile 111111esee-Jelea Meneallk flow-
SPOIN asseetta Petrist's Ward -I. J-
70 the Menem et &Tows et Gedsette-Wai
alb. Patriot's Wardl- Plitlip
Rama Ageleatteral Iledety- A C Han
ilimehmee bo -les WM....
Pm IIIN-Tbe Sm. New York.
Mines 1st -4hie. P. Nowa & Co.
Istsb-dientses. Oen.
libte's Pala DatorsaLeater-Denew it ea.
Pleatee glawleg Machlag- lard and Themes.
even -
of T. ere
Mc -
g ad
Deegan, James Payee, John Tbeioffolee
Dam, Loretto Corry. 1131es
Fonts Seneme. Siang 3,i -Jobe
Webb, Gertrude Doyle, Minnie lab&
Tun Wise or Py. -W. Ive is
this Mee tb for Mentes
the wiwk et wok in the &swim
aerobes is the teem of Gederime. 11..-
'.y, Joinery 411D. 160� -Nth -01
Iliethodiet Agri Bobjest-"Difee-
doe eel seppillato Speaker. * Dr
Urs Tommlig, jaawary 7th. 181. --
Kees V , therelo Sabot--
"Nadems sad their name.' Sperm,
Rev Deo. Ritherilana. if=
Jaime: Iliheribile190. -Prayer
megaed the
Wk. 11190-Viendieit Methatitat
IleAteset-"The Church as Hoer'
Speaker, RAT J. A. Andirons, B. ,
Friday. Jaeoary 10th, 18110. - Km
I church. Sobject-"Ti
Merck &broad." Speaker, litm B. 1
The Montreal Winne is offering
."44 =rms. aebbe wets..
meet O.' it:documents to its aebsoribere Ulle year Hab"I. Jobe E
in tits way of broke and pieteree, ems
5.5511155 ass sesames tbe 'oriels1911 differeet offers, ieoludiagAsdemm. glimheth
.II' Th9.11" I. mdt Iii. Wonky'. and lionee's Histories alweastar. mar?, 8
These ezeininatioes for tbe 1 at West Herm were bald at Orderioli,
Exoter and Dengeonon, ou Dec 18th, 19th anti 91kli. The esedidates were re-
quired to take as Oast 35% of the marks is .ask sobjece sod an sonnerate of 50%
ei the teed menater of MIA& The minimum required to pow, 367 souk& Tb6
het beiew neentaios the names aad marks eandidatea Ily pained tbe
Examieleg Board. sod the *shoot .1 which emit was iodinated. The marks obtain-
layeash modidate will be met either( to the leather or madidate by the lospestor
-r --
SAWS 5( 5*
Crone, Torii% 370
Cathie, DOMINI' 439
Crosier, Della 41
Earl, Carrie
()nosey, Lanni
Joke.. Lana 441
MoDellees, Hattie 494
Brownie., William 444
Dervelley, Charles
Follice, L000ard
Gardener, David
Sweet, James
Miller, Janie
Sombrero, William 508
Cook, Charles 417
Fraser, William 500
Kaiser, Albert 460
Groh, John 395
Nu. 17, Weisinemee...
No. 3, Hay Mr George Brown
Einar P. Mx Thus. Gregory
OS 46
64 44
464 64
se it
•• 66
Verdict of Guilty against Yrs
Edwards - Four of the
Jura* Dimmest.
The Widow et Me Lase N. & Widest/ GO
Stood Mot Trost -TN Tostiessey er Wee
Medial Rapers, -The Memo or sai
cornier -themewei 1111111100.1111 Casa -
•d by Ow Teta.
Cuirror, Des 30. -The adjeemaitill in-
quest into the Whitely poet:elm owe,
whisk has caused seek a great sonstioa
during the last six weeks, was remised
hoe today so the Town Hall bolero •
very large crowd of people. limy of
the medians were old people from the
osssiry who kmw the 4.-
. 54 priermor daring their skald -
hood. The expert medied wag
gives by Dee McDoisagh. of Toronto;
Whitely, of Godeneh, and Appleton, of
Clinton. D. Calbeck, of Wiseman, gave
important evidesee as to the iajeetaie 04
a oat of laid through the nostril. aed
month. This correepoeds to the analy-
sis of Prot Mill.
Bengali P. $ Mien Jennie Murray.
Kr Edsneatel Elliott
lir Robe.. Riellosileste..
Mr W. H. Jobeeten....
No. 11, Stephen
Hope, Mae. 375 No. 7, Snaky
Remelt, Houser No. 2, Hay
Curtis, Anna to Molted
Webb, Mary 376
Shassee, Cheeks
TISIIS, John 4
Aghast:la, Eva 4
Genie, Lizzie 467
‘1146.12HOO, Mamie 41
iffortioni. Kate.
Spence. Hattie
Tait, Nina
Wiories. Vero
Miller, Ellen
Bailey, Horace
Cox, Amos
Orem, Fred
Houma, Abner
McLeas. Herbert
Naftel, Percival
Stokes, Fred 456 at DI
•• ••
Oadiek, Jeasiina 412'o. 3, Aellideld
Austin, Philip
Osier, Al
Gledhill, Flamm. 4471N.?43.2
Del, Annie .
MoKonsie. JANIS
McLeod, John
McLane°, lialeolas
Bose, Maggie
Sallow., Mead
Toothy, Mary
Allis, Henry.
Robertson. Charles
444 No. 7,
452.1fo. 5, Ashfield
a t
Ilehlowne. Albert
Sister Beeedieta
8. lir G. H. Tom
111110 MOE 00110151 TO •tr•L T*T.
"It appears some doid was injected
iota the man Mtn death fer embalming
purposes, the composition of this duid is
unknown. If you find aremic it would
be well, therefore, if yeti also determine
whether the areseic could have been in
eimesgeseee tae emeakeitig oe wheth-
er it nest have bees administered other -
POOH MO?. SLLL1 TO ommtoxita notes.
"I bee* received from you by ex-
pellee a jar, seals unbroken. The jar
esetideed souse partly dm:on:posed hu-
man remains. I examined NM. for
aremic, and dinned from 100 grains of
J D. Mati114.1CCDRT.
;Lk • YUAN_
sworn. mid :-1 visited Hegb J. Whils-
t, with Dr Reeve la os the
2etk April, 1868, and heed the poles
week and Mow. The waa
about eorual, Nage" moist and tailed
is the metro I foetid no teethenem
over the stomach. The body seemed to
hive OM lank. I maned no rash. The
okin wee slightly yellow. I was told he
had taken some &seam broth the day
!amities, and was very Usk. I was
& ewe die spoon from whit* the imp
me takes. TM spore was Dot It fee
u se My opinion is that nehmen wee
tamed by int cold, means
ot the stomach ..d bowels.
I bad no idea of poem:sling, and thie was
n ever meetimed ie . with the
ease. I elan my opines to Mrs White-
ly that he might newer, bet wee doebt-
&I. Wham I mode my vitt there were
no symptoms whatover of areeeleal poi-
soning. I would not NIT LIMA weenie
might set be the came ot death.
Mrs Quad*, recalled, said that the
chicken was made into soup about
dark Monday coming. There waa
aleo pomp made from ehlekee
ma Saturday and Stieda even -
imp. We examined the uncooked per -
tion of the chicken and found it all
Holmes, of Goderieh, the Comma%
then charged the jury • very fair and
impartial manner and was
on all hands for the satisfactory manner
in weieh he bee orindected the inquiet.
Every hinted. wa. allowed the jary and
semmel to bring oat eddies. beirdeg on
the men Kr A. Bell. id Weedeteek,
imbibed the ineoreeke et tile didenee
The follewing mee imaprised the jory:
Renaud, foremem ; Geo Swallow,
El R Wafter, D MoCervie, Wei Alm -
ender, 41.z Zweig. Wm Keys, tr.
Hanley, Rote Fieggimene, David
tea, Joke McMurray, J C Stevensea, D
A Forrester, A McKenzie, Thomas Clot -
elite vinare 90 milltgranenes of arsenic. ot, Hoary seam, Lima Taylor sad
This te • term quantity and I shield
think more likely to have been derived
from arsenic injected into the body et
tbe deceased after death, by the eni-
Winer, tban from weenie absorbed by
dm timess during life. Arsenio is •
meal . t of embalming flaida
A person dyne with a ble
Mies Jessie Cowan quantity of arsenic ia the stomach and
64 el di bowels might also have as much arsenic
No. 8, Colborne lir Q. H. Williams is the einem as I foond, but it is not
Mr A. Duff meal to god an much."
Mr Theo Elliott D. Caleick testified that lie was the
404 Nu. 4. Asitheld Kr Frank McLeceaa undertaker at burial of H. .1. Whitely;
uojeated through the nostrils sad esooth
me pint of Acid ; noticed the o.,dy was
Mr John McCrea of a yellow odor. Onside% tall what
Mies May Joao. the fluid wee composed of ; it was mark-
ed M. and L., New York. Took the
Mr Thos. Kneehtel fluid from the original stone jar.
Ifwalfloreak Richardsoe
397 ' •
485 No. 16, "
No. 1, Colborm
44 44
No. 9,
.111, 0. C. Rebertsee.
kg rna sweines. Raters
Owes away.
• Ilimelinfii ssepetee.1 gt
IVA .. Ti..re III win
. mist. ilederice.
Oen %mow Meta shuree
l'ilelltetri=mmTeelerealligur lembesZoireace ilia
artmgamemettlaget& .
=re meet gr ) wees yea are
itellebt =deal &rase
:111 aattlik="pistes• 41,2
le ear awe te salt Um
1416.11res desters.
awl for
westber 'eel beet us Y. it
at Iseeder & Ws a see
the Yessois. These Mei
to bey ea does days
.1 16.
I tll le area
will rat=
ea* wily. tempest Wear
Er G. A. Thorpe, of Toronto, spent
ew Year'. week in town,
IVM Yates and •ife, of Winghem,
trim& in town.
B. Elliott. of Loadoe, *peat
Day in town, the guest of
will lie in Ooderieb kw
sormiistiss ee the first Saturday a
once aneeth.
Dr 11 lifislishns, the Vait-at &petit,
mobs Um of the seders*
Meth . Dee administered from
the pias ortrsotios of
whiting to improve their
or atireestbee their power of
Abele! mad to Prof. Lo;aisto,
Av.., N. Y., for hie peonies -
post 17.4. as advertised in another
ilerneereinery. of Drayton ie
in the •ieinity God.-
tgestiory wee sous time
of Ridgewood farm, Col -
ItegioadDiekini, Walter Scott's Work,
Charge Eliot, Cooper, Thackeray, and
Waebiagton Irving'., haed•ownly booed
in sets; also Panay, sod other leading
books Tee pictures are "The Horse
Fair," "The Asitelpe," "Christ before
Pilate," "A Seettieh Raid," all oelebeet-
44 pictures of the day. 1 be Winos ea-
ten on tts forty-fifth year, and matinees
to be the favorite family and
champion of tit.. omen°s sod moral re-
fer.. lb County Hietential Story Com-
petition, which every schoolboy bas heard
alma& mrd whicb has crested so mach
interest 1. the Dominion, is being con-
tinued this year, prises of greater value
being Mimed. The premiums are ex-
teeded to the when:bee of the /htily
Winne and the Northern Measteger, 50
*5.1 041 mil ban an ty to se-
am them. The prises of the different
ono -Deily Witness. 93 00,
sabrir"sy fribism, 91 00; Northern Mei-
mow, 31)
am -Psopls est lariat( radi-
i.' their own Amine will Gad
baths at J. WOliame, toe -
pram. Illiimat/a mew bomb.
styles chi Ass prism
-Tits baser of MtS
, brain halo
Os atoms' of the
mid a iimistity of
shwa was wk.
bad bsb anis le
maill Ohs isammta owl
vm rambilitri Et-
yen. babe la
a, Sarah
Inbar, James
Serer, Thomas
mean. Joseph
Werke, Annie
boat, Jessie
ass' 46 Si
441 No. 7,
880111111 CANTITA. -The attendance at
Northd. Methodist church Sunday
manias hat em unusually large. A
barge silver afar hong over the choir,
onladeinatio of "no Star of Beel\leheni,"
After the meal opening et: sod
reading of Seriptere, the awed manta,
be Night et Glory." ernsietine of
solos, diets, geortettee sad ebormes,
all bearLoir on the Nativity, sad me -
Waging twente-siz nunaben, was given
by the elsoir et the eituree. The obli
into soles were ilisely minuted by Mrs
Balky mad Ks Pridliate Tis. deans
by Mimeo Adman. Waimea sod
Graham were beautiful in amtimint ead
Tenderise ; the quartette by Mimeo
Greer and Waehialton m.4 Moire
Armstrong and Pridlittee was sleety ex -
vested, and tbe soles lie Mies Gook and
Mr Cameron were wen gime. The oho -
rases were live in eneepoeithie, and wore
rendered with peakion in the attack
and well manned throughen - the
Anne being reached In the chores,
'Hallelujah! He shall RAM" at
the eine. The preledes, inter -
lodes sad pooludea. essay of
shish -era rematitaidy beantifel, se
well as Millasilt, were ably rendered
by Min Tisawas, the semis* wissita.
IL brim al swiss was that is tbs
slifilati ES masa Es satire saiwra
_N5..4 *Gel is Ma sissies of
"lit awry alsiese, Vary Tribe," is..
vie a airlines witbesimasa. Mr sabre
emitata, is asstisemt, ssessalitss end
areetteetaget. wee lempfetag .54*5, si-
ckest sl its assimstrs wassImi
Ate epee A* Asir sat the brier,
B. P. liana B A. ?be swat dellyheful
surviss loss Meseta te a ships by a few
turrarlis appressatia ths sessaiss by
sod Mr singing of Sear's
wit saes Cyst its
Mr R. Z. Brown
MrJ. H. Cameron
84 64
MIN*. 4, W. Wawanoek
4131, " "
ockhart.Evelyn 426No. 12, "
ickhart, Maud 4171 "
r'aoad. Annie 4.12 No. 1G, Ashedd
Ilia, Jeannie ..... 452 No. 13, "
, Hamilton 4141
Vitty, Mary A 3$2jNo. 9,
Snick lime 41 ..
Tlearen, William.
C • William'
, Aden.
✓ . Riskin,
item, clan .
Illr J. B. Woothsrbasd..
• •
Mr Joe, Stalker
Mies Kate Struthers....
blr Thee. H. Alton ....
Mr Thee O. Allan
Kr 0. S. Woods
Mr Thoa McKay
37 No. 2, W. Mormon
409INo. 13, Atkin:41 . Thos. H. Altos....
A W rr Awe &boot New roblieattosul
that More Vomit to M.I.
malleontooro m Ati VINR I IL 5.IN•
17ARY, 1890.
Th Mot rolutne of this eicelleut
II:itiainisiee'opees with fresh end
vi menet& The first article de
scionnune of the adventures of the
Editotad his Canadien tourim party in
Earn% The woad is a graphic se -
count the old emote of Wartburg, ie
"Lat. country." Next is the first
of • se desertion; Lady Bralr
"Last gage" in [oda and tbe
The ertorings in all the articles are
Itoodo the last are exquisite. Of
these a hundred are to bti gine in
at articles. Prof. Ooldwin
minable paper on "A True
adestry," Thomas Breasey,
with menial interest. Mime
on "Modern Diocletian
logly written. "The Herr,
vide," extreoely tocoh-
Insh story 01 Wended
thee is bun°. as also a
Yorkshire liethodion. by
each et whose life is deo
dine writes of *5. 1.1.
reviews at hearth Breen -
Dr Snip' " W hither T"
the thee to subeeribe
r 91 for sin 'meths ;
amber. Toruato : WU
will be
de ISA
lee of
ing. A
Mrs Barr
even. T
ete. OV
Pries 92
10 mete
las. Briggs
To follow
for Jamey.
tants aish is
Itamisa Aso
ties boo
Of MO Orate
tient Chiristmes Num
ley miatireet is the
.1 Ileorw's Mertaist.
yeamarts a 1151of see -
rod intorsst.fla
tabs limas se '15,
tabs a sort paha al
IP *feint
Ronne national character that no MOTS
voted. observer could obtain. The war
incidents used by him as examples are
related with a vividness which points to
the author as so actor in them, and
Tibet. curiosity to leen) his nem", Moo
are Pyle has brought back from • recent
trip to Jamaica a portfolio of illostrations
in his best manner, and he supplements
them withthe drat of two articles on
"Jonsio, New tied Old." Joseph Pen-
nell. another artist who reveals the very
soul of • plan by hie sympethetie &sw-
ings, los illustrated a by Andres 01
Lang open "St. ..17::" Anna C. W
Brackett tells. is a practical somitiou- Weir.
sense paper. what "A Woman on Hone. ' ittreine
back" should kuow. Other articles whieh
greet. interest in their subjects sre:"Two
Phases of American Art." by Mrs Lacy
C Lillie, illustrated from rare works of
earl. American artists; "TM &Eyr-
e" Fig Hornet," demeribing a pictur
esone iiirluetry. which reiterate Ellis
illeetrates with eleven drarriap ; sad
"The Philooneby of Chinese," • piquant
amount of tionaliaritiee io "the idiom of
Ah riis.." by Jobe Heard, Jr. Lateadm
Beans, the author of "Chits," mete
Moe dm first instalment of a seventh.
in two parts, witted "losneo" illus-
trated by Ilowardale. Three ether
story •writers -Ka e /4 liaegookl.
setter of "At the Red Glove," itt.;
Etizehetb Stoddard, whim novel. ban
lately been repotilithed ant X 1 11
Davis. of the Souttorn school in Amid -
elm literature- nob eontribute short
fiction. A Mere that is aot Amino
Report of Prot Ellis, the analyst, as
given abov• was here read.
Dr Whitely, of the Town 4 God. -
deb, sworn, said : -I was called to see
the deceased on the 1st of May. 1888.
The first symptom noticed was congas
Om of the eyelid and I noticed the
neve coated. There was
over the stomach and liver and abdomen
generally, &leo • jaundiced condition of
the akin. The temperature was about
half a degree below normal. and the
pulse entail aod rapid. I did not de-
tect any enlargement of the liver. I
found the can to be chronic emigestion
of the liver, and an irritable condition of
the intestines and stomach. There was
vomitiog and pairing at times. I pre-
scribed for the symptoms and saw hien
again on the 3rd or the 5th of May.
The symptoms were the same Si at the
int suit, hut mach weaker, and I
think at this time I noticed $ rash. I
*amend demised to have some other
grin celled in and came again
with Dr licDonagh oo the 7th of Way.
The symptoms were ?under to the form-
er visits and there was a partial paraly-
sis. We decided the case was very un-
certain and were in doubt about the
diagnoses. I did not suspect arsenical
poisoning. The sr:atoms were such as
would be produced by slow arsenic
poisoning. They were also symptoms
that would be produced by acute yellow
atrophy of the liver. 81,q aramical
poisoning would produce yellow atrophy
of the liver. In my opinion oriole
poisoui ight 10 caused by arsenical
pato ni
egh. bt D, 311 Termite,
.-At the request of Dr
isintiojemospd on the 5th of
nd him suffering Irma
ion, pain and tenderness
oveethe stenerh and bowels. weak and
rapid pain, inismed, watery eye*, end
rash on the akin. These were the most
prorniamt symptoms. From tip. history
nI vomiting and panting exteliffine back
orer three or four weeks sad Ins of ap-
petite, I formed the opinion tied the
eymplowie were prodeced 'oy sense irrita-
tion of the blood, musing inflent-oetion
of the stomach sad bowels. Inanima-
tion of the stemaoh and bowels woad be
sugicieot explanation of the vomiting
sad pergiag. The °octillion in which 1
fogad bier meld 5. produeed by slow
theme poisoning. and weenie raiglit
have produced the symptoms as detierib
id by Dr Reeve. There were patehes of
rash whisk I ontioed that wield be
found in mute yellow atrophy. This is
aut synoptete of areseinal panning. I
think it would be improbable for • man
to take throe or fear maim et aressis at
but 1.0 • mid as tree me it seem. i in- dinner and not feel the effete for hoeru
ary, ie "Barthelemy de Iimarty's R.. afterwards. 1... of the minim that
wiesee," by floe. Cherie. Gwen. I anomie mold M*0ia the seep without
Rees Hawthorne Lathery. May Riley Woe fatal. jedgiag from the timidity
&sub. alsi Hoary Berard Carpeatite I taken by his_ 1.. ED* prepared 1.
ate the pieta repreeented. The Christ itirtoiatIli• mese of &sub ban the en -
gem Miil inietteme the editorial
Reite11 Kt, of MO%
' • •
Jambs. K.aaa
The following verdict wee brought in
by the jary :-
That the said H. J. Whitely came to
bia deedi from &ramie, criminally ad-
ministered 5, 1.. wife, mid we desire to
record our opinion *5.4 15. see of anemia
or other pontoon drags in Waft
fluids should be prohibited by law.
Four of the jurors dissented from this
Mies Claseaday, of Berlin, visited rela-
tives in town New Year's Day.
Mien Wilkinson, 01 0.11, was in town
New Year's Mediae her parents.
Mr B. Richardson, of Tomato, is
speeding his holidays in Oodetich.
Mr and Mrs Wm Warnock left for
Florida 00 Wednesday lot, on their
wedding trip.
Mrs Brayley, of Toronto, will take
part in the choir Denies of Victoria -.t.
church met Sunday evenieg.
The North American Chemical Co. re
joioed the heart of every me of their
by the presentation of a
plump turkey for et ramie..
Mn Davit'. MoBriem, jr., of Goderieh
towuship, died on Friday, Dee. 117t5.
after an silage. of about a month. She
ma • daughter of our Weems's Mr Jae.
Reid, mod was well known and highly
Up to the hour of going to press every
candidate before the Mutton had
enough votes promised to pot hint in
with 100 or more to spare. The returns
no the evening of election day will be
sant to verify the present mooed.
Harry 13ates, the well-known Mfoki-
tan horse bluer, will be at Polley's 11. -
ery stable on Wednesday, January 8th,
for the purpose of buying one carload of
heavy droved horses, me car of two
and three-year old hones, and one car
of street car bones.
THS SloN•L OillTion held their annual
oyster supper in H. W. Beil's restaur-
ant in New Year's eve, at which a good-
ly portion of the staff were present.
Owing to pressure of more important
matter this week the speech of the
"devil" is unavoidably crowded oat.
DIED IN CHICAUO. -Archie W. White-
ly, .00 of our townsman, Mr Thos.
Whitely, who left here a year ago last
fall sad secured a rood position no the
Illinois Central R. R , was striekee with
pleurisy recently, and despite time beet
medical attendance 1 to the
dense on Monday het. Hie body ar-
rived in town by the evening trsin Wed-
nesday, mei the funeral took plan ow
Thursday. Dammed was • line young
man, genial and intelligeet, and a favor-
ite with everyme who knew ben. Elie
relatives have the sympathy of the °o. -
inanity in their affliction.
Mileoui•L linewoe.-- A memorial Iller
MOD With h-ot. 0615.-
49. 55 last, by
Rev. G. Rielia of the
late Rev. Dr. Wil
hey and rapt% were
dimmed The re
wer• of a telling nature. a
414 the Menton waa toward !althea
Moist as the Orem Exemplar, as the do-
tted done. All might an have
the id attainments, or the
ty for great work for the MktielMilit
Dr. Willieme undoubtedly had, bet all
meld mead themeelme atter Chrima
likeness. es he 5.4does. Several toed:.
Hag allednati is the issi SMISSIMIT were
swig demos the sertana, aid matey (e
the enestremitioe Imo assply .154.4,
At the ermeiesine, of the Gordis toe
misseki played "Esi Dad Abe*
issi" •