HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-12-27, Page 8MAMMOTH.HARNE88 DEPOT kssmott (sp311!A®�nca� Lid VMS. MAD/ TIM][ .U« 'IIIlvoRPOSATaD fir.P1101A1 � D01.110"PARIAA1/R1tr-N WAt�- AC�'��sON; TORONTO, ONT. ••"• .f .:tte�." viegi"• ,: HEAD OFFICE, g�brrs NI.. ��;;... FULL 6OrEIMSEIT DEPOSIT. a �O '.k.ws�'-. suss ...W,s' ' t ►.r,.. t..a.r 1..�..�,. �....f� 111,Oroa$, Proapereaa and Pregreuire Catidian Coypu] MAMMOTH FARNESS DEPOT. 1 w M'TT.PRia ILICST--BON. A. MAOGLsnI1R. M.P. Mieiaur c...d• TON -BT.. C�'OD�3R.Z�7H_ A. Mo soja p$ IDwTw A '►£ Ate. T.1 £.. ri Jit fMet •eaueuts mast *e embed by cash or este Were the asst d D•swhSr, 1M� MANAGING'DLP.WTo f1g IMAM IFIRIS dl AnlwSl Fern cf P.lk:fs t!>A Artitis ILIUM PRE/IUS PLAN. TbsOUARAIRI� A agTuiN or ALL PRICK"; PAiD 1.1.441" •Nl er•nM fan thea say utas: tics of eke PdisyI7wpaar- k+ tete seed ui death Marisa tee Ieveetasert bared at INE TAILORIN( spa c irsatoaterri FOR Ci'IEONTL�M�N. O 15, $18 A3 D $20. A r 1� pew I• �rww� iM deekfl�ttw soil y! tss171:id te=e "' eltepY•mfwef aur arae Cot i MelIr ossa aa/ w u. sass• red BrMm• 2\hte.cCO Wm THE WAY TO a MERNY CHRISTMAS THE STOCKINGS MUST ATL BE FILLED. WOW IS THE TINE AND HERE IS TOUR OHA1fOE. TOYS, BOOKS, NOVELTICS, FANCY GOODS, TO. SEF 1T. YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED With its Magnitude and D.1'el d •ruts Ya "k THE VE IT LAROHBT GIFTS AT THE VEET 11111LALLZEIT PEWEE. Toys at Half Price. Other Goods at a Sacrifice. F8,ASER & PORTER. Cor. North st. and Square, Central Telephone Exchange of Uoderteh. Dec. lett. le F. J. T. N A F T E L;,, Asset. (lion sad Mr JasmineMr fl.,r.ce Foster, Clews.. is the p s eiad Mise w' I o „f t,,, lees them 199 d•fferw.t were well re ere. . Iverieirei s f plants and d.'een. w«. w.0 ,..•batt Doegall alp, all of Adel is" Mr James Shade len mitered the �I siendi+l dhue ate. W. wish h•ed , hist tne a tl�110 SUMO wren the ma of e The marriage took place ea the loth fest. at the bride's reside." As►geM. Quiet a aambse of oar seam' Are is this visiaity attended the wed- ; • *I TAIL 11spSONSd Masa Scheid. EssalkwrARe.—oa the oecrri6e .t; ny parting with you, I would like., tjros k Tea Stowe, to say • farewell i woad to los, &p,soder the etrcentetsuu•e, I wield sot give expresstowa to soy thone d that kind when school closed Friday my three years' work. oe rather.. aees mama you Came to • humCld I roman aching, I do not ex - pest ever to spend au Inuit • term s it h ism tenable and so mush pleasure en eat Cwftif e sialums.A1 r section with my work. As the time tent termed e,rc tt among yon hoc hemi, lo me, pleat =re=ise their oras et a bearla weed braWIN LZZBU RN. Tram our owe rlerre.pondent. Patuin1AL.—Mrs Hugh Chisbdlm i. enjoying • plesaaot fortnights visit in Krng.bridge, the guest of Mrs P. Austin. Mr and Mn John Morton visited ill Mullett lest week, and were the gets of Mr and Mrs John Repeat. Bt- will I/OLE-` tea — Oar jovial Friend Capt. James Reis is bums again, and seated oeoe more in his .rw chair relating his tdventur.• of the mighty deep of his 3&h •e•n.0 as s sailor ou the lakes, •ud is as jovial, hearty sod healthy as when be climbed the mut for the first time thirty eight years ago. The public echo,' examination of Au • it nverleteitte with • Lexie staff of 5, Col astnT ce t hf os thisy aftertownship wwaaiter*. lied the anneal treat of candy to nox.o last The teachers of the toweship the scholars, the proceedings broke up. Williams, of Desists. and R. Moriow, trustee d Use seethes. The latter ea - dorsal the eibeirew's remark, saying the sabred bad dose well and the pres- Mt teepee would tateb it for 1890. and 10108 he world do as well with it as in the past. The ratepayers of the seedsal teed oat wet Amongst them were Capt. A. Bogie and ooanoillor J. Taylor, Jas. Kirkpatrick, M Foley, R. Morris and J. Boyd. A umber el ladles from Dunlop were Mies K. Meedosald, C. aod Susan Maeelli.t.r. G Allen and Aueie Lawson; from Bideford, Miss Jessie Saida. A quiet sally of the chairman in reseed to the majority of lady teach- ars brought forth load applause. After refreahmeota were served Miss Sarah -ley Agnea Bogie and M. Balteni.g- ant, I do nut forget that a has neem fob, Parr dace, ktleht we, age s •>t+cl'-►y. 1 Largely made so by the reser fatlu:g kind- ed�e►eIo f ° �t 'meApassports maim WinkIIIWOB.nad iresimiartr ass peculiar to tbstres: olrsiror u Vssstasnvmse em snakes atilallaa r to : Tt let Favorite Tneertt t MAeara mediere' or wanes. odd M [t.Rgt born tis waurecturer•. that Atli Etre mtsddiee to every ease, or mosey will De re- fuelled. Tye miar•meee ties Deers printed es tat bolts-wingeers. sad faithfully owned p�mtt f�let mase ere. $L411 per Nettle Roltl•s for liege C.p i*L tum, by Wow's Drs Mei malt. nese shown to rtes by both y,.0 and yours. The little tnadeut that occurred last Friar shimmies at the school does not prompt me to mike rush remark• before 1 .pest cute month among you I learn, d w time that 1 was surrounded and supported by • crowd a warmgeestrt- ed little frisud•, As such I dope 1 have treated yam, es has been my e.roeetlsu- dweor, and as such I feel auttident I have parted with each end WI of you. As 1 w taking only a .t -p from the dear old wool house No. 3 ao No 12. 1 shall, if spared, have the pleasure of frequ.ao 1, . o iut again the sebolare whom, 1 thine, i shall never forget and in whom 1 .hall a wars have a warm interest. The handsome gift I rwoetved from you as our relate:e se teacher and pupil. was *ever -d, I will ever cherub se • memorial of our ptea.sut years together, and I oan only wish that each cf you, when y..0 grow to be men •md women, occupying pusitiwoa of trust, may be is warm,' sup ported by those in your shame as I have been by yourselves. A. Goidsmt:h ex- pressed his kindly feeling toward hes brother so I oats express mise toward. you. "Whereat I roma. whatever realms to see My bean untrardled fondly tures to thee . Still to my scholars turn.. with ceaseless pat n. And drat at sack remove • leegtbeniug chain.' Wishing jou all • bright sad prosper - .u. New Year, I remain, as ever, your friend. present were M,.us Junes at.d St tows, of Nu 1: 11 Beecham, Saitl.ird, No 6; St 41 H Williams, D.inlop, No 9; Mies Robertson, acting lately fur Mies Plum- mer, of the Nile ; Mies Anne Burrows, of Port Albert ; nearly all taking a part to examining the scholars in the different grader. The teacher of the school, P Stuart, at the close of the examination c.11ed ou the large oedemas to select • ch•irenau for the program t.. be µoven by the scholars. The lot fell co our popular veteran trustee, J detb- eriogton, who expressed himself well pleased with the proceedings and the progress of the itchier)! during the year. especially the lam half. Sauce they met last year the roll had lea.aoed li'tle though iia area had teen trimmed off floe the new school section of Duette, and no death has occurred du:tng the year. Among tb.Me present was one •.f the trustees of the section in its pioneer days, and later on he would call on hew. Mr Wm s:resn, of Caeselfun. Dakota, replying, said his heart was toxo fall to answer the kind words said of bite when. in former years as • resident of Culborue, ke was a true - tee of this meters and could not exprres himself en return. for their kindness and the welcome to him. He was much pleased soh the examioatiort and the protram given. Those on the program in their differ- ent roe:atuns came forward and ally gave their numbers. In the dialogue, ' • Pat item' in a Drug Store,' we noticed Arthur Fulford ably mixing medicines, gellu,g them, charring, petite; and answering intrude of quest iu a few minutes oy those coming and goi•g, wbielvicas well done; sod ens by • trio of tjlree j re, Maud Horton and Sosir Fi.btr, ;the former as mamma and the latter Its nurse. Their merinos faces when the doctor, A. Norton, gave hes advice. to core the eek doll upset the house in r..ars of laughter. Alex lio.gee, a lad of 8 years, gore several mouth omen selections to an able manner, which yore well rendered by one so prime. At tinea the voices of the scho- lar, suite in ascot uuieon. "The Song of the 1:,..ck" sur sweetly and prettily sang, melee the other select -toes. The •t C. n:s of three vis bns blended in hat • t in the 5.7 of enstrnmental orale, • .• , by Jame, Linklater• John Mac - ..y and A Thtirlow. To the musi- eiat.e • v rte of termite was moved by R. aY FoIf.e.l fool e.rtoet. Ne sloe was ple.•i-1 with the primrose of :he school daring the yetr. In h.s address Mr It.a arms noticed that parents should at tomos visit the school. 11 cheered the tesrher to tern out at et•min•tiens. it Lt.. the teacher encturagettent is bis wet k. Hearing ao cowp:aint• made bila think he war doing well, and gretltta prase .ueoarsg.d him to take mote la boost. The teacher of the schrw,l, P Iitnart. said if a Dimwit fond fault w.'II • towhee lar pnnt.hine. hat' IOWA o.r in regard to his *tethers, he •timid 1 •oe bee -n and he would try to shear him who was rifle, sad not express hos dire per.rst before the ehil.l, as it lessened rnnldeeres betimes masher and e•bolar the,. T'nnrlow, trustee from Hurt Muer-t S. N , •=,nosed himself pleased .iib the etusal$ntiew. ea oleo deaf*. B Afterwards, the teacher, P. Stuart. entertained his fellow teachers and other friends to tea at his residence, where • social time was spiel In talking over old school days. tTboes present with games and ringing passed • pleasant time, breaking up with mat, kind wishes to P. Beware foe tee coming year, 1890. as teacher et No. 5. NILii, cress oar ewe oorreareede.t- The roads hereabouts aro the worst fur year Special serviette commence at the Nile odNew Year's eve, with an old fashioned Methodist watch -eight service. Little Bertha McWhinney met with an aoeideot that might have proved fatal het week, by falling backwards from a waggon. Iospeatnr Paisley has been around Nile •gats. It is sato he meant bast - ems. More power to hue work fur t.mperanee. Musa Lucy Dodd has been some better. She expecte to come boater when the weather heroines brighter. John Taylor lost his little dea thew. carr Bum IS sTILL w► TERRIBLE EXCITEMEN Will le Going .s et McLEAN'S EW BLO Plate Gla Jas. A. COWAN. the 1. connection BEAUTI F Grocer th Se11iag As the Proprietor is Going on to sell out his Entire cost. When I DR. MERCE'S PELLETS Purely Vegetable 1 Perfectly Harmless 1 As A 1i IOZR iEesleet a tate oss num Petlet • dose. Cures Met 81nwr. Hewdacbe. t enstpts- or ie Attacks.St'macand •idece KINOSBItI DOZ. wrest ear ewe oerre.pomictat. Our school dosed r)d Fnday. A very flue program had been prrpartd by tescbuts and pupils, but. o..ug to the dua,greeahle weather, very few visitors wore present. At the ohm of the pro- gram, Ala. Landy was presented by the eumpanied by the following address pupils .with a handsome work box. ac-, •ri( Daae Mus LAYOUT. —This season. us i euam a vW. by druggW. Il DELF. of that line, he inten k of Delf at cost I MEAN BU eesd t11 of it must be sold within one mon NI std of the very latest patterns, in Bro ltd torsi Tea Sets, Rustic Dinner Seta, SI Rust,. Dinner Sets, Blue Benak's Toilet Sebt,llegortia Toilet Sets, Enamelled Toilet meat rf plain Pelf; now, if you wish to prt Wifewith a fine set of dishes, do not Ione gretet; the finest bargains ever offered in 1 WE'RE IN IT ! WE'RE IN IT! The Ch'rit.ttnas Swim. Saunders & Son, The Cheapest House Under the Su h .AT MS II1ST sally sofull of joy and happiness, bag to . us brought sorrow, f re now we meat say farewell to you, our kind and loving y� (, tI[,11 (send. It was with deep regret that we Buildi• nb0 D1Jc1tL', Wanted of your intesded departure from out midst. and we have taken thio op- �! po rLoi.a tur app 2 our deep regardyour I � •n LanteIIlsi for you and our r„otmtios uI nor en- t!! argue diligence and foruest labor in our seed 9 d last week A throat silk - behalf Though the time is not long alae• I ells ---100 dos ence tl au . indness you n q death.Nhave greatly endeared yourself to ua,.nd Mechanical T Nile circuit (4fatbodi.tl membership I we fel that in rtin4 with yon we are has bees increased by the addition of rU W n ew members at Sheppacdten. 12 of l..eong • kind, derotei friend—one whi tee convert. west to Port Albert Lrpisro- had our best interest. storeys .t heart. Fancy China Ware, ' ter We take great plea+•ire to presenting pal h b and two t'it's ...ms to have been rim cao*e ofd your many sots of k you eameamot.gStw.vet by your pati to the f reaby b forChristmas and New puotlo n[ fees `8- . o. a e y e ore , a you with this work bee -x, hopinw that t ,� church. will accept it • ....v., .r l.f our Photo and Scrap Albums, Muss William• hu gone brume tot f you y _ *1 N'ishin you ■ Tear's, •m, m mu merry Christmas and • happy New ba' h needed rest • m., to the children, wee mueo enjoyed. Mamie Kamm. and a thousand other .,ot'eltlea Her text was, "I am but a little child. Mat A. Churns. which you can have at your own and ksow not how to go in and set be - ton thew." :Nus Julien was also presented with • price, as they moil ire sot 1. On Sunday evening. Itev Austin handutoae dressing caw, accumpauied by i Putter preached an appropriate sermon the following address : to t..ehers and olFiears of the S. fee , To Me..: J t LI$s,—Today we art e6"ed COUGHS. - COUGHS. from "Tak• heed that ye despise not apse to utter one of the saddest words one of these little ones'- Many favor to as English langwge.the word ' Fara able comments on the sermon are heard. well,.. and 1.. us it Seem* do.uh!y sad, as it is to es said to • kind and loving friend. ASH Fl BLD Derr t*echoer. we, your loving pupil•, 1 Veen" nor own osrrropnedent. hay. leer^ed d your deoisinn to Separate Syrllp Tamarac Gym The tea -meeting in euooeotioo with 1" •rnal cannot find w ntde'wften- urcb was held .on the - ( 1 SS, My Delf is well a+tsort- Rustic Ten Seta, Enamel - Rustic Dinner Sets Sago Brown Summer Toile also s very fine assort* t your Mother, Sutter great opportunity n County. PLATE GLA ' S GROCERY Bagel, GODERI Three dews west of British 5 x oederiel ev. ink MI l' Y„�,, w obtain mac n w. are your 'ovine Pupils. Jeweller, and Plated Ware, Her sermon at Nile, haat Sunday, Yes**, y' M►rr FAa, CASE's AR IRON. Tbe civet no Iron. Md for Cast and bare tkt kung PLOWS & C1�STINGS Par. PIPE AND F Zion Methodist ch with to express the Brie we ee tn part- "th it'd' 8...'. Messrs "mg' Canon ing from. you. For the past two yea sad the pastor gave interesting address- hay. In zs.loe.& in ono be rs yoe y es, and the choir rendered suitable melee, and by your kind and gentle man. trona for the occasion. The pr,ceeds ser, have won nnr affection r $ w as well as ou amounted to 4, bosh will be applied d.pest-rwpeet. We always found in you to purchasing literat•rs for the Sabbath • hind and loving friend, •s well as a pa. school. brut, persevering teacher. We fear, The examination of R S. No :r. tarok however, that we did nit always riepond piste oe the 90th inat. There was • fair b sur kind effortn in our b.h.11 Ant attendance of visitors, when the inolem • sorely te=nd yonr patient., ; yet we furl Nary •br Mica. - Mr Camevnn andl (len Andrew, felt. ami remember es only as obedient with the thenar, Wondertow the examen• of the w.eth is taken into consider- tree koSu that yon will forret our many alien, sad pet the pupils through • rigid examinatioe. The visits ei ettprwod themselves well ;deemed wink th. di.oip- Iis..nd prubauaey a the pupils Th. entertainment ivied Xmas tree Int eesn..etine with Zana 'OMNI .•hent wee held on the 20th inst. The ehurrth was s.II filled en+t.iderlag the inclemently of the weather The program was in- termitter sett the poplin did their porta well. Mr Ossa•.• gime splendid r,cita• puspil. asd sincere Preemie. And, now, as • slight tots* of oar appreciation, we ask you to senpt this little gift, loping that it 5111 s s . r•mem biome of yonr pupil. of R S. No 2. le eetsclweion, we wish yna • merry Christ I PRFPARSI) AV ass and essay happy N.. Years Sign- ed On behalf of the p.optla. Cures s11 affections of the Threat, Lungs and Chest —eech as Bronchetb, %'hrwoping Cough, ('roup, Hoarseness. inluetire, Spitting Blood, Pain in the Chest, Coughs, Colds. etc. This valuable preparation excites ex- peetnratinn, allays and heals all irrita- tion of the throat and lung., giving instant rel•.f In any pain. and imparts strength to the affected parts. Cures every time. Wareroont. Dear V O. A• 25 AN CENTS P (Pace 25 k 50 Us, a BOTTLE Mph.* all Mastllet... H. SPENCER CASE, 114$14.f• Lswsgty a, I No so Cfeg Br wrist ftaesftfe. Oat M►al- WArrv,i, KAna MAIM. Tree the Mwt Perfumes is DI .LOof tl.el ih Frr 1•. LS od GS, &c. .*Street Church. BER HO DAY C000S E ARE READY. dythe Piihet Dozen riga 0 aasrgxr: to TwILST .ItAP.t1. ItATM' ..h and (' andiaa.• i.i ANAB. ET PLU A ODOR CA SHAVI DR JUS? Call and wh th w Mc S\soe Ru d le berntnincr meetly, $ the day. u, rental .. sur+ all parts of els and Ik.ij.t for the Systole Renovator it never fails to erns , and impoverished black rheumatism. inn rf m annum pt ton, gall stoner. j nay and urinary disease. . f ease*, female irregularities ate. debility. M.nufsrter'l oar he 1 .1 M McLE01) (role i'aten 'better known w - The 1114 Newest* it t r. ei it field by all The A ystetq Renovator , s 0-1 lead t2 00 per bot tlw LrausllinQ n tltuibe. NEM Of4IIDTRUMK RAILWAY. Trains arrive sad eaters at Odle lil as $ tows serve Wed and lipim t.. ��i) .»r.... p.m Weed ••••••••••••••• • an a ss INtlsd........ ......f..tap-te eir �/Elea ltlpreS. �.....'•t.„••7.1s itis a�r r,.; ..t4Mart