HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-12-27, Page 3If • lip Mees tftes.r..W See • MBeeima. Ng De yet bow whet • •vtosa of the weld is t The somas .I the ward L use who sensidssa wast YDS IMm, sod attempts, M her ottanfott, m. wet ss Fuss., to etre A he yes. :.. She is one wheoe m.e•n.t. ars SIMI', �srleet tend who does •..t ti mid ou by pej., Jttshilt(w f reesi•r. She le see whose Roane attract tet i salves by their ab.diate salt - 1 is the ewe who .an hs (need,, Nine tonsillar, sod who eaa re. ltd silliest .subbase/. • She is the one who remise snow Mlimose thaws, sot wily because it . msh il rein the ape el her Nisch, bet (tress.e they are a se bad taste as swsf- kWShe is the see whew keel's how tc 1 e meet dignified at a diener table sod yet who esu enjoy a lark at supper time. Abe is the one who al ways esekes yo u feel at ease with yourself and the teat tai the world She is the ose who, it stewed puppy was served at dingier, amid prates its Savor and talk ab ad tb. civil::ataoe ill CItt.L_ w —S"• the one who oats %sake order 'YAid tdisorder has hem regnant put everything sod everybody lust here it or they should be. Sher the one who is never mingles. astir aoudad. She is the see with whom st N a delight to amociate, and who., after 111, may b. governed mot only ly Sys oma desire to snake life ..00.t 4., het by greater sad higher bs411ts thee FIR ovulated to her. • Shea the one whom It is INN Sar your daughter to imitate. mat, els M•tay Is • ported sure for croup and std I cru recommend Hagyard's Yellow t>d—one bottle of whist cored art ill a very bed sold I would sty to all .of furore, make bo dela/ in ussog it IN it gives quick relef. 2 W. J. Kim, Stittsrill., Oat. AIMS Ansta.s t0 elan {letters. '•I wonder more and more .0 the time,,' said • letter currier to • voter in fierier weld Kitchen, "what sates pro - pie ao ougioss to get. letter. Ii • per see is expecting to receive a chal;enee to fight • deal, or the reply of hos lady love to • proposition of marrjage, or .van a check for $25, 1 car maderstaod bow I1 can be eager ▪ d excited about it. Why, thine . are goose people upon my route who. 1 rosily believe, don't do arything .tie bit ret down and wait for me to cam., er oao stand at the gate or window to Wats( f: r me. They dual Ret a letter more thea new a month, but they watch fur it every day. 111 bey 'nothing today,' they gases and .link swat. If I band them a letter they fly with it into the house as if they had found a locket - book . " A Chiesi,s dispatch safe the weight of It NOVO the awl of Pune( U'2lulls- M!s than he can bear. Com - bas laud its fatal hand epos he real&:,, ba days are nas`.r- oot live 10 past soder the el the Joliet Pen stestury. His iOMp w broken niabt;y by visions o1 his violet said the scenes serroondind the swrder and there us a general impres- sion that b. will DOJO lift the load from Ms laird by telling all he hones •bout the great axlspiracy, The State Attor. bey is anz,-ull now only for tx'ufeeeions which will fasten the crime of murder epos otiose who e..; ♦ the attest• today so free men. Libertyawaits O'Sullivan if ha reveals the biden band and. fur- nishes evid.ece There ie a doubt if O'Sullivan was in the confidence of the areh-eotapirators Jr knows as much •e Cosiehiio. • As one of the ternksys nn night walla in the murderers row at the Comity Jail watt p.eatotg by U'$u:l.veu's toil Wedoseday• night bei heard these weeds, uttered in piteous tones . "I cannot face my God with thus load on my mind" Moos Mood ttioOmeas I son state that we have used Hag - yard's Yellow 0.1 with areal benefit for .olds, sore throat. outs, burn., chapped heads, eta We e•* rseommeod it to Ise very useful and Rood in loamy different ways. Mau Asa. Elms, 2 Rose Island, Ont. Preliminary to ha demand in Perlis - moot. when that body shall assemble, that the Government take • distial cog. niss•oe of the West gsd Club scandals, Mr Labooebere oubliettes in Truth a swathing review of the infamy, which. tbout( trs'ing of the daub. of neces- sity. by ioo.,endo, is the most thorough Inhibit of the rottenaem of a certain dais • t Ilioaiii aristocracy that any jotted hoe vee dared to plum before :e. raodera V/bile mestioniag on Games in sossastios with the affair, the moot casu- al Wader of the distinguished Radieal's .truer* Minot tail to recognise an per- sons likely 1. be .stied to am went despite the sa.ifest desire of t.. Go erom. t to shield them. Oise peer implicated is • the seasdsl, Mr Iaboaehere ttnsert., hes eillisi) dy tacitly admitted hie roil! by met Mi lwVi:a( ale soeetry, bot cooks e 1 .A nal ess*eiotioss in the serviette of Vitae, 61 Turkey. whose entourage mil doubtless be alts Se parfait How salve in the rcdootsests of wise through his =podiums sad osanpla. Hugh J M.Cortlssslt, Osaadr's abase - JOT:, N. B., ice R. hula, Ilei in., e he op skate Axel Ps.aob. the flet IMO a aids sari the of 'tho world, is Trow Y.ar. w. The Iefsideo ai Jetties ha. pniLtted tiles biter at hide (lortroda Beistsmen, 11110 was bored to death a1 Hamiltons Ohs ether day. 04 was is the Costar! Flukes Dat oath leatlts. maids Soots sed :uo'wsr, preasotsi ebb a haaatitul biter tet /.r,l * ss the pNo of their have sdsparss,s for TONleg It ilin pat toneless' ealissis d Boast OMNI, the leaves easetatlatlea • t ia.l a pep.• bider. .R. It.•rel lyt, : *ski -ty uu the •ucu,uulal,J w.dth of the kieed..sr, r►a atN..eNted le netted emotive, tit 1W 4.. £Iot(10 00esous- Thile-winat gave t.1 esah saes• tate• rte tic. kisstrio m • iwsr..w,al share ae&o j..1,or to £470 If the sever.' west - totes wore to he ..Pirated Rolland ...oddworld be sanded to ow per his', tleetlead w £*4.1, and )seised to 3.71;4. 0 owns' the dead. endorse 100 1A76 with **two ptuviose dainties (n ma end heti, Mr thee. Leis the: ite every item sit metes.. of capital marked the decodeesshi. S dean newsroom h instances t a dears..., owing to agricultural * d leduetr, .1 depresak,o. Mak lug • ev.t. palace* .1 the richest three .alto.e of the mor .t, Mr 0.II.., finds that the wMltk per heed at copiloting' Mande a. Freiman : Great Britain, £270; FrQle £190; United Slates. 1:160. Buuve Boats.—kleaturtb £rpt eitur : Mr M. J.,wa.., werebaut ..f this cleat, wee eufortustate L. other Jay su 10 tak. in * counterfeit live dollar bill. He dues mot know trout women h. gut It Rud was out ewers- ..t Ha character omit tie had paid at wit W smother psny, and that person eau failed to melee anything wrong with it ustii he tm,n It to the Batik, when it was detected by the tal- ar. It is oo the Beak of British North 511110104 5041 tic defects whoa. ..,spared with a Restates ball on th• mum !Etta can mai, be wafted by ti.e•r,ak.d syr, elh►cugh other',*, only au expert would be apt to uouow r,.ythiog eruug w ith it Ile the f,we of the uote the w ords "itrc..rpuratcd by uu the left hand sole of the Royal arms *Would have two strokes or Refreshes under them, the same s• ate seder the words "H ya1 Cam ter- WI the right land side. L. this amuWirt 14th.sestrukasere IA serash. I.. is. cuunterf.t(the dates the 3rd •d Ju1y, e borealis 1* the g..usue t Ill the date u the bib. la the a,ontesfeit the eyes ,o the paters of the ()ween aro Iuukiog o the outside of the bill, whereas they should b. !testator straight in front. To • ,oust s.uttcesble dsflor.use, however, a us. the beak of the bill. to the ward. "lion. of British North America," t .e word ".d" to the counterfeit slopes up- ward, whereas in the tteuwtto bill 0 r straight across the Mme aa the other letters. T. are other points of dtf- fetuses but theft aro rice moat proesin. n• oars and are quit. *efficient to enable any per.oe W diet,neu.ah the geuusue from the spurious when known. It is altogether likely that there are other bate of this character in crculatwo, sod it would be wisdom fur persons t&L►n,t bal.'s on this•Be*k to scrutinise them o.osely bsfure amfptiug them. $rex meted. Glassware, China, Crock 5ry, eta 1 ea Miss Mitsui* Lavin, daughter of Mr T Giese, Clinton, bar ueeu re engaged ss t tither of the .mooed depsrtmeot in the llun'elk school at an iocresse of elm iu salary. Frank Irvits,, (.on of Mr John Ir - whim, Cti..t..n,) who hes been employed with ti. retail boss of .1. H Wath., & Co., C51045., SHAM ate oommeflc.oneet i . business. left en Thursday tor Lar Aoleles, California, %where he has its - tweed ..n ea.elleat situation To tree a.b.crthars. The special sauouuceseet which ap- peared in our coleuses some hoe since, ann..unceog a special arrangement with I:kr 13 J. Ksndeli Co„ .1 Enosburrh Falls, Vt , publishers of. "A Tresis. oo the Horse end his Diseases," whereby our subscribers were enabled to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by send- ing their address to B. J. KaRDALL Co. (ani eselcsing a ton -cent stamp for mailing soot), a renewed for a limited period We trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtaining this rate- able work T.t every lever cf the Horse it iia indiape.sable, as it treats in a aim- ple manner all the r -s. as.. which sillies the noble animal t;. phenomeeal sale throughout the I :;tad Stat.. and Cana- da makes it ■i.. lard authority. Menti.;,. ass pap -r.. -n aenelseg for "Trams. f.s..' . 31 tgat Otanhci AT LOWEST RATES. For the benefit 'of the le- gal fraternity we now carry a large stock of legal blank forms, which we sell at low- est city prices, among which are the following : Affidavit of Disbursements. Affidavit of Mileage. Affidavit on Production. Affidavit of Service. Affidavit of Service, Arc. Affidavit of Service. Appointment of Examinai.ion. Entry of Action. General Warrant. Judgment in Default. &c. Noted for Jury. Notice of Motion in Chtsmbcr,. Notice to Produce. Notice to Protides at Trial. Order to Pro.luee. Prlrcipe Fieri Facia.. Statutory Declaration. Sabpoens. Subpoena ad test . • Writ of Siessoos—Aefendant out of Asslogemon Writ of Simmons Orders by mail promptly attended to. dries THg RITE ON ERG, AL• FRIDAY, DEC. 27, 1880 Constipation D•s1.4• Frit tr..tns..t. • The 'w emits of neglect amiy be serious. Avoid all harsh and drastic p•rswr.g, the Modesty of which 1e se weaken the bowel•. T. best rettnb le Men's rte' Being purely vegetabts, their sales ssle pr.spc and their effect shrive besail. They are es adnetrsbls Liver and Aller -dinner ptu, *ad every- where endcnsed by the p.oismlo., " Ayers PPIb are highlythe p�and esalver- sally . we. I m ke d.tly ewe eI t`ese la sy paean." — Dr. I. i. Fowler. Bridge- port, Coati. lam recommend othhers loteger'pro ed above table se • ratpartic ter nsyy.aeelt a04 family. • — J. T. Item, Lathe%hl te, P. '• Fur several years Ayer's Pill• hare leets used le my tastily. We sad them $0 Effective Remedy for eobatip.tion sad I.d1 .suoo. and are never without them la the house,' —Moses Greater, Nowell, Nass. "I have sed Ly.r'. Pills, for liver destines and ftadt estbb, duringmany 7••$fl, ws� *Iwaya pprroosgssllt`!� In ricerfound them •.tion."— L. It. N. Y. " I Watered Irons constipation whish assumed such an obstinate form that I feared tt would rause a stoppage of the bowel.. Two boxes of Ayer's Pills ef- fected a complete ears."— D. Marks,. Sow, M.. "I have need Ayer's Pills for the past thirty retie, and coaeld.t them as in- valuable family medicine. I know of no tatter remedy for liver troubles, and hare always found them • prompt cure for dyspepsia. '— James Quints, fa Middle .t., Hartford, coup. Having been troubled with costly.. nese. which seems inevitable with per- sons of sedentary habits, I have tried Ayer's Pills, hoping for reltef. q as glad to say that they htlfie served mb batter than ally other medicine. I arrive at this conelusiva only atter a faithful trial of their merit.."—Samuel T Jones, Oak at., Hostas. W. Ayer's Pills, raarl►ann •r Dr. J. C. Ayer 4 Co.. Lowal. Mass. Sold by ail D..bre f• 111e41al.ee, - The cheer factory at Walton dis- posed of • quantity of choose to Mr A tchiw,* at 1111c. Mr. W L Ng, of f:.,rrie, mater of Mr. ll F McAllt.ter, of Ether, oh.. hes been i , the h• spitsl At T••ro„ woe brought .Twee by nor friends on Saturday. 7th lost :the was eonsevrd to the rts.dence d H F Mc/Ultima. where .he bow Is.s o • prrcari•.us ca.ndtttun. R filar rurc.sded I, diapn.inv of Ike balsn.:e of :he cheese of Ethel factory at 0. vale of Listowel last 1'hur.dey. It is. shipper; ..n sf •.,day. Time price re- n ,zed rots 101worts per p„u.,,1, being tict outside item* for colored. 8 John Smith. b.ap-.ems• .t the 4 T statism, Win.h*m, met with • Mase, • wtd.ot. Ida was .meting tis Maw rtes on Ih.Swis aid fbN bats lar .f rho ear ilii—i hook, bug ase of hie ribs and.Narwtse sojourns Frim. THE BEST BAKING PONDER wilts RIME coors No Alma Notions iaierisus. IEflltti EIEi VEIL GARTH & CO. FACTORY MIMES Ys.,heshLes/►y. Law May halm , Fans WINN% WW1 D 0'.. Swims Dairy sad L.mky owl. CM CUM STRUT, MONTREAL. a.A.PCA KILL f& C° CARRiAGE VARNiSHES&, ' 4 SILVER MEDALSAWhR MGNTRFAI. CHADWICK'S SPOOLk COTTO$ For Hand and JLachln. Use. H'S fly SUPERIOR. ASK FOR IT. LIGHT 11.MUI STEELED TRUIU In Bawds Le/dige all otter kieds.sted Lt",,.in:4 al Slmittl TRUNKS In the ViortG. J. EYELEIGHBC3 MONTREAL 3011Itt31ath 111141'1 HOTEL BALMORAL. )'MONTREAL. Snare Doane At.. esw a ts►e meat eeetral std elegantly fsrelsbod Rotate to tilt C1t . ♦ oo rasusa oUoo for 400 1-700P511411151.St to 3' 3 yew day. S. V. T V Xihaaleu PEARS' SC�t >)L 11 161 (hI213, J. PALBERI SON Wholesale Iasp•tn of DMICOISTT SUIIDRIES 1743 08t IiLE MONTREAL DOMINION LEATHER BOARD COMPANY. Manufacturer. of ASQESTOS fz!LL30.BD swam Pssek tee, FRICTION P1iL1EY BOARD, 11.. va Psrfw.IF sled.. RECKI1T'S BLUE. THH REST FOR LAUNDRY USS. Wanted PAPERS rappin i am prepare.: to perrbaae tfnns rfor tie emu- 3[2.12ror nag winter D S. O ALL Oen �oo Feet of Fair Lop.ljlj -- ' $*se`s ay MCKOM so Pity. Ilemtnct. Kim. Bassoon.: and White YO OADRR and 111a. k Asti. at Madsen mutts price.. Nat. 3 � ,R paid the highest prima ever paid ins '� this district last year. I shall do the seine this whiter. c Cu,•oa thawing Cheaply; Promptly and Well St.o.ted. 1 hare no hand a lesse quantity of No .2 Grate nue shluttea. which 1 as offerin,t Al jl.n per a suers. JOB. KIDD, jr. FALL & WINTER coo=s. I have just re eeive,l my large consignment of Fall and -Winter Goods, and to make room for them I amu now selling off my Previous Stock At figures away down. I do not believe in carrying over goods un- til another year, mord will always sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES rather than hold them over. Being anxious to keep up with the times I have juin put in a handsome plate glass front, and intend making other improvements that will mace my extensive pre- mises Second to none in town. I am here to exchange goods with the public for cash, and atm bound to do it. O'3.:ZEA., Manager of Toronto House. S'i'i CC 1iir The undersigned is prepared to undertake the putting in of tWater Services in connection with the Town Systen( to Dwell- ings and other Buildings. also REPAIRS To Steam Engines, Mills Fac- tories and Machinervof all kind. Prices reasonable. Sttisfac. ion Guaranteed ,WILSON sALKELD. GOOD BORA IS 00 IE I USA "THE SIGNAL,” t GODERICH, ONT. tt i T0Hf4STCNS (yFU,lDBESF THE GREAT TH 61 P inSTI_CT FOOD CrTia 3104 ARMING e, 0.rnc5; RAS.' r A powEn•-rut INVIGORATOR DURDOCK L.) PILLS A SONE CUNT root BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, craziness, *telt HEADACHE. AND DIO8ASC5 OF INC S TOMACH, LIVER AND DOWELS. T.ev Asa MILD,TWOAouSN AND PROMPT IN ACTMN, ANO FOAM A VAIMAOit A10 TO nu.Oocn 5e.os. SITTt.O ow Inc TNeaTMENT awe curt or CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. A COOK EBOOK FRE e/ slap N sq TrI N her ped aAs s�. WeW, kkrtsso,! Co.,llatlbasl. ever ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, 'LETTER PAPER, BILL HEADS, Kw.. Etc., at Till SIGNAL Its 5711111 arra E. i" �af�a�_ sg sets "a m Baur 1st1�Iusgd�a, l,.tn�er tri r .611 ma �lplsd tbls sOMswMir �rss. /gr QgH aid leo nail set PATENTS p CRUERTI. TISK etfitgt *13 g1,1111lgT Oftbi utiaAsted too at M K•RATS VA e'en Our ls p M tJ. R. Psetws t 01. Soukab we esti ma RBs.sm 1tRlb Nan these rens... t►t .IIBB!! o Ma OS SO Wgoo ,fl.1�sD11r7iJ�'iSi O: T wegkbemtnEa..Upe lir wogs • WNW O1w.Ne Passe Gilles SININ1D.o. P IC NOTIOE 1 Another Targe consignment of Fresh Teas of superior quality. -In order to counteract the dis- honest practices perpetrated on the public by peddlers and others, we are offering Special Inducements in Tea and Coffee, and solicit your pat- ronage. REES PRICE d►& SON. Kay's Block, next Bank of Commerce, Square. Orders by Telephone promptly attended to. MILL.INERY! In the latest and best styles at MRs_ S• A IJ E lDS- Also a number of HANDSOME TOQUES at $1.50 each ---Good value. They are going off fast Call early and make a good choice. For 1890. 'onsider S•'RISNER'S MAGAZINE when you are deciding, upon your •eading matter for next season. The subscription rate is low --3.00 a year. The standard of the Magazine is high, Its spirit progressive, The illustrations are interesting and of the best. ''here is no space here to give even a summary of the features to ap- :tr next year, but among other things there will be a NEW DE_ PARTMENT E- PARTMENT anal ADDITIONAL PAGES, and grouts of illustrated articles will be devoted to the following subjects : African Exploration and Travel, Life on a Modern War Ship (3 articles), • Homes in City, Suburb, and Country, Providing Homes through Building Associationq, The Citizen's Rights, Electricity in the Household, Erieeeon, the Inventor, by his Authorized Biogra pher Hunting, Humorous Artists, American and Foreign. • There will be 3 serials. Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute in 1890. Each Subject., and there will be a greet varietythis treated by writers most competent to speak year,twill iu, interest. Reactors who are interested arrged to h authority tn i fur prosper tits. 25 cents a number ; $1.00 for 4 month., CHABLIS SCRIBNER'S SON, 743 Broadway, New !Uri WE HEAD THE PROCSION 0 0 GEO. BARRY, the Furlllture Main, is giving the best of value in all lines of Furniture—from the smallest cl.Air to the largest and batt bed -room set, or parbr .suite. Call and see his stock and get a bargain. • UlTIDERT L i1J-_ .In all its branches, promptly attended t. 0 0--- 03' EMBALMING FLUID always kept on Lunt PICTURE FRAMING a specialty. BABRY,Hamilton-Bt., Godsriolh.. XPERIENCK, CAPITAL INDSKIL Are the factors employed in the purchase of Goods from the best houses in the trade. The general verdict is that Munro is abreast of the times, and in all departments hilly up to the mark. My incrfkaing business is an evidence that my efforts to please the public are appreciated. And while I endeavor to keep almost everything us- ually found in a first -clans house, the general public may rely upon getting the correct thing in every department. sell Satin and Notwithstanding nB, Surahs the and Satin Mon Silk �sI will eillieuz at former prices. My Specialties for the Season. Linen Goods in great variety, bites and Bdgings, Fine Hosiery and Gloves, and all the leading items in Bmallwares, from Needles up. All Goods marked in plain figures and strictly one ALEX. MUNRO 4 e