HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-12-27, Page 2e l A PATRON. I the salt tdsw ei hie eel la nae *4 the .hest.emitem . slams. 119 was mehderini whoa wee abogt Mm. the Ore =with- piens at oidstems det�ig int whom, bet bbd foil of an imsgieery report d h10 at the Puha* Ooest. He sena some of the papers might love de a short leader w him, for his as . Waage uta. • tattered Rows of the est peUlhr Cosford b.co.k.rs of arta, with • . cap upon lira bond, he had i• dayhpbt walked down Re- t break' the (amps with e abet: - I'.iieeed� calmly sad with- out meas", and followed by a rapidly in- ereeeiag etowd, be kid srw,sbed some half -dogs before a policem�t appeared and todtbjm into melody. Al the Po- lice Owed h. had told the magistrate that be bed Bele bees an amiWat master is • eriool,' t had lately gel his beteg o0 the tgrf tramp, and is other more or lass ways. He was willing Osoegl best oo01d Pot get •m' bad broken the lamps by war M • t. He had ooa tittle eel asks against the B. amine, Charles Mick Bread, to owl that oto*r refused to !•giber the sharps sheet with W -Bachelor of Arta, Roo Oellege, Comfort 8es- y*te day. imprisonment writ 1. as quite right in hM}urmiem. His maki•s • good deal of sea- Oatirss a the prima walk It was • sleek e, and editors were rather short . . Meats. They deemed Charles 's exploit • good source of whoop ,and they were sM wrung, for letters et it posited in freely. Some of his college friends even proposed to do thing for him when he came out, a three weeks is not long there sat a chanes they might not have trues him by the time he was roles& As ells prisoner was musing his cell door gin thrown open and Warder South he official tones announced : "No. 119, the chaplain to we yon." The Warder was not, however, quite accurate in bar assertion, for the clergy- man who entered the Dell was not tel regu:atchaplain of the gaol, but the cur- ate of • aeigghburing church, who was visiting the prisoners while their easel paster notuited himself at the .ea - side. Dr prisoner stood op and faced his v r, who shut the cell door behind rid. As noon as the sheep got • fair k at the shepherd, be exclaimed : "Why, Jab, old fellow, bow are you i' at the same time holding out his hand in addict expectation of a frieodly grasp. tel Rev Juehua Bamlett recoil- ed a little. ".1 don't know. prisoner," began he, "whether you mean this as a joke. Let gee tell yea it is hardly the way to-" "Uh ' tem it. Josh," interrupted the msabashed reprobate. "Do you IMP to say 700 duh't know eve. It•. my beard, I suppose. 1'ity I didn't get • spell loop erwog; to have it shaved od I'w Charles reed." "What ! )Meklereed, my old Camford friend 1 Yoe, wow i are it is. But oh ! Charley. Cbarlsy, .hat has brought you to thief' "Protimatelf. the (:, vetoer toot omni- bus known se 'Black Maria ;' ultimately, that common seeplaiut-want of em- ployment. Dent you know why I was sent up t 1ue n t mean to say it isn't in the paper. .and Mt Micklereed, set ienaly •haired fur the success of his scheme. "I have too busy to look at • paper these dais," replied the clergyman. y ought to tell me what each p r has done end the length of his voce, but my visits ate se hurried Iberian. et sometime*." "Ah ' that puounu fur it," said the pri.cn.r, appaeelttly immeneel relieved. Well, I took • Lief from the Irish•. book and committed an cottage to call attention to terdieteras. Smashed some lamps in Beefed street. Shouldn't wonder if they matte • music -hall song Out of it. 'Cheek. Micklereed smashed the lamps to boll himself provender,' with an accent esu the 'en,' has as good *lilt sheet it se that thio,g On the other Charley atoll tee milk at Chelsea, anyhow. Just look in the papers when you go home and tell me what they say when you call wain." "My dear Mlidklesged, it's against all the tales to tel a pisoner what is in the papers. Ilei fon'', pray dcn't look at this serums Ming in that light way. You 'Mak me terribly. You seem as hard s. =' "An old hon. shoe nail " interrupted the prisoner : • atel let me tell you, it's a good Pail that lets harder by hammering, . illy th, bad break.' "I an !limy no eager now," said the cls ,se the Warder wag heard cow - tt �t, { Joao due vendor ; ' • 1 will some arse noon -rum Has d• try, say nbd pruned, to kink at ode melt t er in its tree t. R'ell, don't yne get shout tel pen then," wee t .ener'• parting moot. • The Rev Joshua it went straight 10 his own lodgine. a sad to compose bis mind. 11e ..t in hie easy Asir, lit • pipe, Net 1 nto a reverie Bow well be remeni the old Cam het tkys when he en I arlee Mickle- reed had lodged in the • bode and Wowed to the same It .a. not in say wiry • omen sod set, and Miekleeoed bad been • of ho»nrary member of it. That trie lsang tin always seemed to rd the obi - *entity as a monk del a world -he was u it, but not of it He was an orphan and bad gene 1.. lord against his ewe will, bat in a awes with the d his father. Hi. f had bad a belief -founded. i1 is we to say, tea *rennet- _in the vel of • Cade - hard deer.., whish had ind biro to ppmake his sou's tnliereterty depend oriito.q. his hide that wadenied diliodM ' s the sas•wt d !Willed tMs ensdiIion as ly e mold, and spent the mousy leiekly w Thea he test • be emeid get brio, w tie on h., to empire twlmg « a swims mime, be good crit k Teem that U. Mr boasted Illeifitiecat eight e1 his Need, though be bad wesdese d ttrbtti W bihlwie of bid. It \epees.* that the wife and family .1 Wallet 1li.Mk tress Members d Hasalett's megregdiati. The Warder timed( woe by the adore of his u slsI defies, esegwlled to *Stead the .iviesm dune of the prima ah•plda, bet es priWelly Oiliest t• the bosom of h family he was wolf koowo to the overate. Mr Hearten thought it .meld do no harm to M.wler«d to r.oseaead him to the IsvoraMe adios of his gemedsis, so he seat • esewge to the Warder asking him to step mood and see him as woo as be w.s of duty. "Ootid evening, Smith," said he when that worthy pat to an "I watt to speak W yes abet a 119. The set view* of this Warder relax into a kindly grin. • "Rein oastomer, sir, Met ha r said h.. "WINS I took his work to his eel this mor$ieg. said he, as cool as yogi plow, 'Ab ! sty Warder, 1 suppose. Well, yon look • dement suet of We sad I Amway we shall est sloe, well enoesk.' No. 119,' eget I, 'don't you know it's smiled the rules w talk ea necessarily 1' 'Ob. blow the rules,' soy be ; '1'd only boe toe three weeks sod I mean, to eojvy myself.' '111 report yon,' says I. No, you won't, ' 'eye he 'you're sot that sort.' Bleeed if 1 did report him either. Couldn't do it, some koro." "•I +m afraid, Smith," said the clergy .an, "he does out realise kis and post tem. I will try sad awaken him to it. Mesewhib, be as leakiest with bum as you eat without neglecting your duty. 1 knew him, that is, I met him, yearn qo., and 1 feel an unusual interest ie hum" "Jost what be told me this *harpoon after you'd gone, sir ; only be it pat in ver rather a ,oway," replied the Ward er. '•'Warder= say* be,l•yoe know that good gentleman r Ye.,' say. I. ' W sl l he's an old coilogs frisud of mime, and would be much dietrea.ed if be heard 1 was under p.oisbment. I know you wouldn't like to trouble him, so 'prey let us bear no more about reporting.' Talk about cheek ; a pare pig ain't in it with him. 1 oppose Ibe was only a -kidding of me about tb. college, Uri" "Alas ! no," replied the clergyman "his story is tree ; we were at coder*together. Witt has brought him to this I can oat imagine. Does he seem to yon .t all mad r "No, sir, not • bit,' acid the Warder promptly, "as eggeentric as you like, bo mot mad. I was attendant to an asylum beton I same here, and know a lunati when I .ea him. Blew you, sir, h feels it mere than be prtteods." "I'm glad to hear it, Smith ; very glad. But be as easy with him as yo sae." "Al! right, sir. Trust me for that He's nut one of the sort to give real trouble. I've read his saws and fancy h really sae precious hungry when h broke them lamps. Starving .nen has done worse things to get a meal befure Dow. Good, night sir," Charles Micklereed had always had peculiar knack of enlisting the affection of those about him. As a sort of ho man cork floating on the sea of shames banterer seemed to have any aim., an oonoequeotly be bad no interest* to clash with those of others. Therefore hie .c qusintanose had alwsys looked kind! upon him and been ready to do him small favor*. Mr Bamlett bad several other later visors with his friend, and strove, ti: al appearances in vain, to exorcise tb spirit of indifference from his boast. "It's no use, my dear fellow," said Char ley to hid one day, "I don't bdiev your tbseries about responsibility grid all that. Wish I did, bat I don't. The serious troubles of life to me are hunger, cold, and dittoes. Should soon have been in fur all three if 1 hadn't smashed those lamps. As it is, with my moderate appetite, I'm fairly warm and comfortable for • fortuight yet, and I'IV bet you whet you like then'* a philan- thropist waiting for me, when i got outside, with the offer of a situation." "But will you stick to work if you ,gr. it 1" asked the clergyman. "Of course I will, if the work will stick to me," replied Mr Micklereed. don't pretend to be In love with work, like so many humbugs nowadays, but 1 bow to the necessity of it. Honestly, I tried all I /meld to get a job before 1 came here. "But then what character bad you-" began bis friend. "Character ! what has character to do with it Y" interrupted the primmer. "Isn't the right to labor the pet theory o/ the present day 1 Besidee, there was nothing •gaiest my character. I didn't drink, I didn't .teal I dedo't eves lie. The lad head master I sow, after seem- ing satisfied with my anewen to all hie quartos' about my eompetenoe. had the impudence to ask what were my relig- ious oplaiooe, and he showed me the door when I said I hadn't any." "Do you really mean to my, Stickle - reed," remonstrated the e yeses, "That you can't see that your boast of rndifferdee in religiose matters was Filthily fatal to your ehanes r "Of inures I can't see it," replied the perverse individual, "Doled you main- tain that he who fattens oz•• moot him- self be fat. I gave up the school., thoagh,.fter t hat,and tried the docks, but they wouldn't hats see there. Thee it was prison or work how to get • meal, and i chow prison as being tower to get into than the other p:Oce ' 1St It.mlett.ighod and gar* it op for the present. 'H.re y.,gi any mita plaint to make 1" he waked msshani- eilly ss he prepared to leave the cell. "Ye., by Jove, I'd almost lorgoeten," eselalmed the primmer. "Smewti• we in a bit of Ohmage the Noe of a pea neat time you saw. 1 can't 'teen with- out it. Wish I meld, for it most be en commonly amity to •w•tbw. " The madness rot the request took sway Mr Bem!ett's breath. He told his iriieed be would trot ore sty wamoeat enmesh web • bomb of the trust tepee - ed io him. For five asi.Nes they se. geed the point. The ciargyeasa pleaded euneeiss.. ; the mimes, the defies of friendship. TM� softies ruse left owsattl.d, bee mit htgM the prises - sr. with • memel Of %banes M ►k mooth, y'M better that She w tube bed Mepolled him with it The $e, it, irgbtt'� *ewndwee wee frauds. read *9b be germ way to Ibe tnporhti- ties of bill ltiesd ea two or three saber rM rwiese he wee ter Riad orb... ere fur Na IIJ to theft the Dios aloe* eseeee&M hoomied t ebbiMeroses d bin 1011 empsert alleMa .ed dories the Mei treat .f hie ids m bused ease Woe signs of moot - ease, es taker Of we.si.gtge.t that be slight, after et* have eerie a Iasi et himself- The gee Jades was neither peegd tee eohieht` aid dM act ears pie to aelssdede e M ltssasN that tteotioe had perhaps eaeesuLed where he bad failed. As a emober he knew itaeoutbiog effect oa • truckled cud. The roles of the pr were sweat for the prisoners' good, and if by beeakiag them he bad duos a prisoner gad -bot be dare not follow this Jesuitical line of reasoning may farther. 1Gckler•ed bad promised that who released he world eons, to his friend's lodging,, but greatly to that good .aa'. diesppoistment he did not put to an ap- peaeseow Weider Sonia. who saw him visa s tb. prism, mud that '•a lawyer - /coition gentleman" had met biat sad takes him off in a hsa*oa Also that No. 119, moaning hies outside the bate, had borrowed a sovereign from the "•law er-looking gentleeean" seed Wen it to him, saying : "Tell Mr Banded he shall bear from see, and thank you, Warder, fro your kindness." Three mouths pawed awe bot Mr Banded homed no seore of his onforts- oats friend. He hoped his relations aught have nose to his help. The readi- ness of the "lawyer -like gentleman" to lead the soverrgn looked as if ke had friends, but the curate was rather vexed at his Nieces, and merseured to himself bard sayinpa about the iogr•titude of Matt One Friday night, however, Mr Bear - lett was roadie., the Guardian, and be came to • paragraph which ouneiderably astunia►d him. It no as follows : "We understand that the valuable tie- ing of Plattoe Magna, Ssoothabire,vas•nt by the death a the Rev Sam'l Woman, has beets offered by the patron, C. M. Masterton, E.q., to the Rev Josh- ua Banded, curate of Saithin'., W. C. This living enjoys an enviable dis- tinction .t the present time. Most 'of its tomos.* is derived from property in the City of London, so that its nominal value of Pd00 a year is some indication of its actual one. The population of the parish u 260 sod then is a good vicarage. We congratulate Mr Hamlett on his good fortune." Nonsense," was the curate's mental comment ; "the Guardian meet have made • mistake. Tbere must he another MAP of the same name. Those papers are always wrong in details " He took down the "Cherry List" and ran throogh the Ilam1Otts,but there were not many of them, sod not one, save himself, rejoiced in the came; f Josh- ua. 'Surely," said be to himself, "it can't be true. 1 know no one called Master - ton. Besides, I should hale heard of tt direct." Just then his landlady entered with • letter. "This came for you, air, this morn- ing," said she,"an'- I'm sorry it has been mblaid. " The letter proved to be from Teibell and Tories, the solicitors cf C. M. Mas- todon. it contained a formal offer of the living of Platoon, and mentioned the .oliciton' regret that their client was at present abroad. They regeested Mr Bamlett to all opon them as soon as pouiblr. He called, aeeepted the livine, and ham read himself in and taken pole semi es b.fure Mr Masterton returned. One morning be was walkiug in the garden of his vicarage, wishing h:s patron would Dome bock that be might make his acquaintance and disuwvar what manner of man at was who, Hiding • good tbiog to site away, s..uaht out an obscure curate as the recipient of it, when be row Charley Mickleteed open the trate. Could it be, thought be, that Charles had not deemed him worth visiting be. fore his promotion 1 Did he mean t. levy blackmail upon him j It would not be very Mia to have the story of the tobacco spread abroad. No ! he would not believe hu friend, could be eo bus ; especially ae his friend to judge by his clothes and the arouse of hue cigar, had also prospered on worldly sffain since he left the prison. "Well. Josh, my boy," began Mick- lereed, ":.ow do you like it i /time !II right, isn't it 1 I told them to pot everything sgoare for you before 1 went • aro told the s 1" said Mr Bamlett ; "bet what on earth had you to do with itt' "Everything," replied his friend ; "I'm not Charles Micklereed no., you know, bat Charles Micklereed Master - ton, lord of this manor and patron of this Living. Puseibly J. P. some day. Wooldo': that be • joke. eh ! Josh 1" '•I don't understand," said the vicar feebly. "Ah ! I .nppoes you never heard of my great untie Masterson. Well, I hardly ever did Were I came o.t d- yne know what. It seems he gusrreled with my mother's mother for marrying my grandfather. She was his only near relation, and until the novelispers brought me to his notice be wee actually without any one to Iwo his money to, He was pleeod to say I was • men of spirit, sod made me ds jetto what I al- ready was ire jrerv-bis heir. Poor old chap ! We woo only together • month hefore es died. The only thing k•• *ek- ed me to d, was to take his name "Then yogi were the patron of Hite living when Mr Soman died," said Mr Hamlett in a disappointed tone. it is sot plummet to Sed that ford and not merit, after all, has led Io our desoos- meat. "Certaicl I old Rollo know no me who dourest it better thaw -- -= yin. Sboeldn't have a•rsd if I had, Un Tuesday •'•mist .f lid work • •tj�' eithew. i ewe yne mare than kb, very •sisesslsl esisertaseessit was rive" , y was, ., and i hot his Mead, tho.gh with some dis- k pnn A luta Ie abeitiiii. 4!t "Welk the w the yes bass wet M hall." odd Medea so p•.steg "Bribe' 1F. poll pod mime ....M Mende el poets at t►. lodaa 1'w mmedw .order .$•p patekea'er. 9e cladthat ►r 1•mily wees do.. yesterday. Weeds if he over .m.k that whams. Sees. tures I faeeied he did." The etergytttw as..t.ly hoped Mr Smith's olfoetury serves were but keen. Whether they were or were sot th.t jediaow iud.vidual used breathed • word aro the **hgeot. No ooe in the pedalo ever bee. that the man who, •itb • military salute, tbruw open the perk gate as the Mier west up to vee ba mead, the Squire, had dose the same sort of lhiog before whoa the clergyman visited the lsym.0 under very ddtereut nevi .tuto.a The Squire was popular and wade w good landlord, but the vicar never could persuade him to take Itfe as seriously as lie would have liked. Occasionally the pair talked over the lame. -breaking ti - plat. Tbe vicar proved conclusively that tt was wrung and foolish rod bus friend admitted it, maintaining never- theless that it .as no ore showing a moo ONO a winning outsider really had nu Mow, aid that the result of the race was • fluke after his o•cked the animal and (tot his seamy. C. U. RICKARDS & Co. Greta, - We oosatds MINA RD'S LINIMENT the best in the market and Medially reoommesd its nse. J. H. MAMMOS, M.D., Bo/Revue Hospits!. F. C. Anpmauox, M. , L. R. C. S., Kdinbur;gh. M. R C. S , England. H. D. W uslos, M. D , 1; ui of Penn. lm OODERICH TOWNSHIP Housssviu.s, Dee. 16th. 1889. Council met today, according to stat- ute- Members all present. Minutia .f lam meeting res+ and passed. Report of Mr John Cox, chairman of the Weal board of health, was read. and passed, the report showing that no complaints had wow before theboard during the year of ill -kept premises or any deaths trim contagious diseases and that the town- ship is at present free from any iufrc- tioes disease. The treasurer handed in his report of the receipts and extend - diture of the tosooship for the current year, which was artfully rad over. 'Moved by Samuel Sturdy, sebunded by John Beacom. that the treasurer's re- port toe accepted Nod the council bac. 150 copies printed for distribution et the nomination and the requisite number of copies posted up in the township. Cou- rted. The following accounts were paid. via: Henry We•ton,outlet for drain, $2; Jas. Alexander, gravel, 99; medicine for Mrs Bray per W. C. Goode. $1.7x; Nutt. -Re Ord, printing, 1117 50: Andrew Cementer, gravel, 13 30; Wm Nicholson, gravel, $1 80; Robert Doper, gravel, 03; Tbcs Trice, we of scraper 4 days, $1; Joe Wilson, gravel, 11 80; Jas Dili- ott, 5th con., gravel, 13 60; Jas H. Elli- ott, cut line, gravel, $12 36; John Weir, gravel. $5 86 ; clerk, for services •* secretary to board of health, two yore. $4 ; John Beacom, inspecting spite driv- ing •t Holmenille small brider,one day, $1.25 ; Thos. Churchill, twc days some, 99.50; 8 Sturdy, three days same.$3 75; collector, postage, $1; Mn Sowert.y, deg wrcogly assessed, $1; treasurer, b. rrow- nig money and preparing his report i, r .tominstioo, $6; Ed Swart*. use of hall fur council purpose., $50; collector'. salary. 11170; treasurer's salary, $70 00. eouneillon for their services as such, each. Council adjourned to meet again per statute. JAB PATro i, clerk. IThe rpiei.l geulity of Apet'e Hair V ig- • orbs that it restore. ,lee natural growth, color, and texture of the hair. It vital - it.. the riots and follicles, removes dan- druff. and heals itchiug hectors in the scalp- In this respect, it surpasses all similar preparatiow- Minards Lea/meat L.mberseaa'. irked. They had• t Want ss Appear 1s hist. At a dinner not long ago W:Ikte G.1. tins related instances proving how im- pssible it was to introduce int, a novel descriptions of places said thine., wholly imaginary. In mos of his works he described a house which he had never seen, and which was. entirely the of1- rpring of bit imainstiuo. A few day after the publication • man called opus him to protest against the introductiee ! of his house intn his novel. Strange to soy, the pages ut the novel contained • ' perfect description of the man's prop arty. At anotber time be awed .s one of his characters a men who was so enact about his eating that be weighed every morsel whiob entered his atont..b. Mr Collins bad in reality beard of such a mar. He was greatly •aprised, one week after the appearance of his book. by the visit of as otter stranger, i who wished to know by what right Mr Clotho, made him ridiculous in print by meutsonint one 1,1 hie peculiarities - I New York Star. •sash Ismon ag arse $rah tr Calomel, Morphine, iew biter left •Imes. Theeyye , oftenars wishes eves et ming amoeitif otto., This llrriek Blood Bitten never dors, it gontaios no mnoen! or other poison, sad eerie JI diseoses t.( the .to.eaacb. hires, kidneys, bowel.. and blood by aalnek- int the s.ereuam. and 'remuviut ail im- panties 2 A M ites.ewt 1l •est ... tlel t"f. *seam ut 1lkll attssl.eh, liver, bowel., krdays air blend This reekaltsiest .attreist is soggiied y Herded wend Dittoes shish repairs waste, doves est x11 impurities sed smiler beak!) le the entire ',spot. 2 • Rum Whsle careful to have fresh amuse al 4',. ready fur the table, we soda risers bet that • vouy large pr.,portuuu are cook- ed belies meg. To this the wins house- keeper gives addition. and w varies the c.e.king that they du trot oot°e esu le rho tsl,le rare* iu the same seek prepared in preowly the same way. Tart apples are usually proferred lar c.e'kiue. Sweet apple* etesed are not inviting, but baked they are • delicious, and for p-oklterg they are equal to the pear or peach. the variety of apple may be vatted by the use ,t.( d.lfervut spews or lavw.ags; nutmeg, sin.uamuu, eluvee On very emelt geastitie.), lesion or ginger. A fruit ll.vor 1* blot ',teamed by eddies/ • little fruit jelly just beton' taking (roue the tin A leve tableep.,udul of grape or ourrer.t jelly it. • quart of preserved ur baled .pple. make* a delicate dish. Pr. i.rnei quince u • rich ltavurinr; war quince and a little nftbeeyrup will aav,.r a quart of apple,. The spemes, nutmeg. cion+mon oval cloves require thorough cooking, slat ginger tact (which is the beat way t,..ow stogy,' with fruit) Any eztrart should be added when the app;ea are quite cold; jel y or preserves • few minutes before oto apples are **ken frets the bre. rhreele 1..mae nod read. And all Diseases of the Threat tied Lungs co be cut ed Le the u.e et S.ott'e Emulsion, as it a.ntaine tile' healing No tare of Cod Livor Oil and Hypophoa- phite. in rhes fullest tour. Sive what W. S Muer, lie D . L R.C.P., No. Truro, N. S , sap.: ••After three years' ezpertence I consider Soot'e Emulsion one of the very best in the marks'. Very excellent in Throat a8.ct,uns." grid by an Draggida, bele. and $1. 4 IMPORTANT! Notwerbabas >R,errerattew w Blesiltl of Well Ka•ww Caaadi•°e wines Oases were eitw.p re Womble. From the kw of the bandreda d ktter. we have received hose those who have been restored to health and strength by the use of that wonderful discovery, Pain'. Celery Compound, we make a few extracts. We hope that the thou- sands of Canadian mea and women who are suffering from nervous and wasting diseases, will profit by these true sad plain statements of facts. D. S. Davidson, of Montreal, suffered fm year wilt nervous dyspepsia, pain is his back, and sleeplessness. He tried dare ton without relief, was lasing lab repsdly, and had about given up heart when be commenced the nee of Paine's Celery Compound. "Now," he says, "1 am a new man. 1 seep well and my food does sot hart ow' Ith. jar Jebnson, 3os St. Charles Boo rove Street, Montreal, was weak and Nervous, bad no appetite, and could not rest at night. His nerves were soothed and strengthened by Paine's Celery Com- pared, and be soon became well and Annie G.nrrlry, of River Beaudette, P. Q.. found the Compound a certain cure for weakness, and now feels ai well as she ever dd. A customer of Harrow Rios., drug- gist, Hamilton, Out., told them that he wr- entirely cured of nervous weakness by the use of two bottles of the Compound, ager everything ehe has failed. The link chid of Mis. G. E. Meredith, 76 D'Arcy St., Toronto. was cored of St. Vitus' Dade by Paine's Cdkry Compound c w sus r.ee liwimogerillftwiplei Warp. (�l , r.w ills,•' a .r., .eh .we. Old5 ..aha". e.ae0 A5 ra - seri t.+a1*e .0 155.0 aa. mea watt►1. uas.ttf.w lime: .."hare•vee"ra. •nitv-r AMh..•Nr,. ware se sur yew re 'bee . w ren-rr MMM. W sod Nor abase e.�-.iees•e.,.ee.i,. b w...... .w•. ere wile. Maes 5.'ewe .-. ,..sari., * OW ww we en aawapay alb ewes. r•iele..... Aero ,w .es el. 1/ •• web fee I. jwee u.. arises• ! e`w. �vic ra id= nrsli'w' Y ii. eoe •r ICURE FITS! 1Ci►e 1 .a; (1 ': ars I tie not on Os r!' !7,' n t. t •;:•c, and the. hers me e A IAD►C:AL C 1 i..e manta alas disease el FITS, 1.:PILEPsy or rr..LLICc* SICK 1 WARS 4w!'„ 14e •..est t'i+ea. }'re.iitas.,3�iere leerier :Ah•:. �'Y i• or me. t••.w rt4.tylae•eeA foodeoo. to etre..t1seenda Jf P'7 rrrA1..r'Wee R*i'iwT. idL'.' 'ed en Ke,:.. yes tilt tale it v sureage A N. .'1 14101'. 37 Tu,ge sA".ww.Y_ tier. C41.12L211 .T)D1t1131111s., for that *Mimeo," replied hie 4riead. wades els tloFles. of tb. Royal Tsai - "Dos'', prey dr'a't pat it on that Om we i!Snpl ....a, Exetec it orom. - - groaad, Chaelwy,' rensemetrat•d the dried d • p pt•tram •rod aro d - *dm ; 'you ms .nt imagaa. t►m tre,M, dt.m tga. rte .• O H Rridglem•n. r.( PITT BROS. & CO. 7 ene.eissee lee gins esu over t hat �aatsIL 116 geeaaw two mar vet miner. 14 1 kid knows the afar same eery hied, by tel tedimsis, wd gore • IrtOet.r, .1f flhamgyo. 1 Amid riot lava aanpeed the 'N7 ••itoUb side''.*.MollCanadian Apples. "Jest what 1 was afraid d." /alerted I Tkteo.ia Otwbdle ail*. ie a grwt aid es «... vorawsroas.. amosew. sem ahibs Mynd ; "that's bey 1 sone k titers. M Meted seeillles le the Mmtes mist et 711eetuUwwMet salted of ,s* shoe lied M eetelelesie wires. ed aw1. o! Il ftl� Ilenntll solicited endr'1aiR+�R, - LViib o A new IrwU A. *em=0r 00 tooLitle im the . tura of a of the HARP HARPEM'! Peckers Ott all 'S PERIODICALS. M Teem 4 ♦Lila ........». 4 UVB PWPL. _... r or McMehw. ae. • w v MeV aeroiMon J tion. rwry •with airs of of order. of three yeses ll H to seat 111 per vuluore. tet* weft gook -by mall. eompald. lads: Oa H*arineeMeeusr,ra,Alaws�.tt� A.al7 tlaa4 ao4CMsa{ad for Vg�aat�s-! - ea, Iaclueve, fres• Jas•, lice, .. 1.., tit, owe vol.. Sao.. Cloth, fte0. Reesittsacu. ebeeJd Se mado by Post -Moe Money Order it Dveift, t• avoid abases ed does, ud with ugare wet s cope MIR ll • meld without the express sills Bt HARPER t IRbTHaa. New York 1890- �er'e Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Haiersie. W asou r leas s 1esmes ties toadies Wu.Ust•i as. .,. eta. TM Otlr,.. el ha R .�s� palates aa ds- �g Mk oryd atheme svtsariee mialf •mei e►stt wets~ y tel Isar aha meet , writers, gt h ter the perm& et tt.m obs of widest mess se tame. sad Wessex sespism,nts are remarkay. r letterset, avvalise.• •me se 1. mg;id o brise the Mewed wider of .nl.tis to boar epee the m.arats d the cheeped parse of home and taraiwn A Mexican comers•, tress the sen of A. heavier. will appear la the W sag ,y Is ins. HARPER'S PERIODICAL. Per years HARPERS W[[RLY ... H♦ PER'SAOAsix1-.. - M 1e HAkPlttett TOI.'8u PIOPL.Y. t • UPost 11 a haw to .soierribers is these The Volosaof tOe 'easter beefs wit WO « Maj, ant dumber of January of each year. w nese ismeatfoaed. wtscrlptioes win wick the ,cumber current at time of r ..f oMer. Bound volume* of Hawrta'a WEEK LT, ler three sear, bark, le neat cloth biedisg, will be seat by marl, pcmatte paid. or lir eapreml free of e pe..etp..hled the freight does net exceeeedu meteone dolls per rolm1, a.ror r7 r Cloth eases fee metevolume. suitable fob Windiest. roto ••scat by awn. poai•paY. « ern* of rl iehsh.o iteau:ts.t,. M be made b' , Honey Order or Ihah, to •void theism hoes.' irepoprre err net to t*ia edeeef/.b writ rif*o.t the tLDrrr• error it/ HARMS e� Hiu,vwgaa. Addrw. Il IRP[R L ROTH[R8 New York. 1890_ Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. The c-1.•centh Volume of nutmeg Torte ?Inner, .Ak-b herd.* with the Nembr for Noreen..•r i leer, prreents as attractive paw grans. M b5 Baal to mothers r fear twe or bre. barbs. wearer. ••7 -he Red M N infs.0. 8u.ddard: •'PhD as ib. b3 Luey 1'. Lune; Petnd, TOMOS " (Onioln Carrell • *ma "Methyl% ' lir Ia.rggaant lt. Carrell_ et y 'ter; two ahemHjalmar Werth Imye.aw- Two series a Fairy Tales .ul •tttaa the ate, mime of lovers art the weeiter-world, n•mris. the medal tales told M Howard Py Ir. and se admirably third by hire, and another series la dliar- .•nt %e.a Ay Frank ]I, Bicknell. w111 he short strn-ies by W. 1.. Howells, \chow Pave Mary IC, willow. Nor. Peery Harriet Prescott Raoroderd, hard . Hesek fah Rester wortn, Sophie Swett, Bbhard Malcolm Johnston, . to n eubeoriptfoet to Hanleer's Yews IZzt erre • tavea&e library, There le wfei knowledge. ales piracy amitesonemodlas. tea Aire -Meer. TERMA : Post,. Prepaid. 9!'e Per Tem Vel. X 1. emeassencei Nen.ns►w A. MIR Rowe mew Cape snot esu receipt./ s tinerenf atnw.p. enema Nome., Five Coots sash. Re.iittaaoee ehcgd he made bp Ps.t.aee ]tone, th4.r or Deaft,to avail stases of hem. ficwwsteer rf Aow�t are test toerpreeespyyUA�, .drerri. . aley'r e.'i.e. I/ Um= B Atkinson HARPER t ARO '411LRt, New TOM, 1890. Harper'• B ,tzar. 1LLUSTRA1ED. If .%ar•tot'w FNMA* fit a) somal for thethe Owing the mom Whom oleo with rgtYrd tai• toe -l' Plunkett*, its m$weser,•m Illtsstretleae, /.sir Indiciado alike i• beam mr.aeker ..e tis atnliirteavigad.: la Istrt ie•.r. ' server at, parlor playa. elo,otd►efiil mays stie 15s0'.. aro Its tel 1 alt • I* l'IMIDUO all a or wit sad h hi lea j. ee•e ihheimin. M eweloil i s but . et ensu men- Declog 1te p:lver iWekiiners hristine w 1lme*tck. wed ]maty • payers we -she Kat Rowefleet- s MewM • has." • orb. Warman the Period." The odd melte will ba verities by Walter Bodes and P. W. itobine••e. H A RPER'S PERIODIOALI. Per IIA WIMP" BAZAR feat/n HARI'i:R'8 Y 14 +RPhke t�ilAltTli... e HA itPICR'U YOUNG PIOPLI.... 4. ! U. (dsflr Rus a •R mNMerAsrw do fe (b..4 , er Ysadrw. The Volume ,/ theRaw will ler . arse Namhseaml ler Jat tarp et ..n Owl' Rim with tel Weleihse acnes& a time of ;» it 1i. ..... mer es coed ens tier Oar R• A per ihare tear.esrtm.s, »: at Mir+ w I 2710WrAerattt slovirtitew Reed Ptemere.W hes • Lawn Dr yes lute. what • .arts tumid i• 1 The ~is e1 the wield ie eogmidet.Ilat }u•. IMO, •d for hoe e-ddt, as well se 'ow Mia to nee whose meaner'. *r met end who demised urea bgj�g emitting w heftier. eke le etre whom gowos galena by their aim &t a t i. the ewe who ora h. **owl Woe hmiliee, sad ehc pt it *thee% eaubbiap, Ae ie the am who refrain Qafiss000 obi aably b 5 tail roto the of hetmt mo 1Mwse they are es bad taste •e le the es* who knows ho most dignified at a diatom tale. who mu enjoy a lark at supper Wo is the oao who a..,s a feel at ease with yourself and the the world Dated the nae wbo, if stewec was served at dtoner, ovoid pi dealer and talk ab et the cavil:o, Diaon. who nsa gook, ILibdisorder has been pat evorything sad every too t s it or they should be. She is the ooe who is never . idly candid. She is the me with it is a delight to associate, .no after all, may be governed sot o her own desire to make life sin bat by treater and higher Nebel am credited to her. • She is the one whons it is . your daughter to imitate. take me relay t 1. a perfect cure for stoup and Mail 1 esu recommend Haegrard's (N --os. bottle of which creed se very bed .old I Would star to • torero, make be delay in wing it gives 5sick relief. tf W. J. Kalov, Stitt.villc Inseams 1. sees Leads, g'I wormer mora acrd more s ' maid • letter earner to • wr .ad Yitc4rw, "what mates Fla M aogimaa to tier • letter. It wile is eapecting to receive a chit be fight . 1, or the reply of has isms to a proposition of ma, err meta • check for $26, I Understand ho. I e can be Old excited •boot •it, Why, as. masa emote upon my route May believe, don't do arytbinl bat milt down and wait for me to as elm stead at the gate or window to ffer as. They duet get a letter tee an a month, but they Ovate it army day. 11 I soy 'nothing 14 day groes and slink away. If I Aft • letter they 8y with it iol !litre as if they had found a It bask. •• A Chiw4o dispatch dye the wet It tpva tb erul et Patnck 0'; ism then he cam bear• bas lull its fatal hand be realizes bar days an net Vow, not live to peso odd of the Joliet Penitentiary. deep is broken night;y by visions o violins nod the onsite• aerroondtor Reorder and there is a general ten Moo that be will soon lift the load his mind by telling all be koows s the great conspiracy. The State A eey a swanow now only for cootie* which will fasten the crime of est moo cheese oho welt the .treete 1 as free torn. Libertyawaits O'Sol if he tweaks the biden bond and. aisbee *widows. There is a door O'SaIivan was in the confidence of areb-eon.pirston or knows as moo Cocghita. • As one of the turnkey on r watt ark in the murderers row at Cosety Jail was peewee by O'iio:l,i oaf Wsdoeeday• night he heard t woods, uttered in piteous tette' waste face my Gown with thea Ivied my Mad." Sem Mead nem*et*. I men state that we have used I yard's Yellow Oil with areal benefit golds, sure throat, cuts, bores, shag hands, ate. We can reeosiseod it t very useful and good is many dilte ways. Ma. Asst Hatter, 2 Rom island, On Preliminary to his demand in Pa meet, rhea that body shall worm that the Oeveragrsot take . tboial niasooe of the West Bed Club sound Mr L•boseb•re pablisbe• in Tree aoorehin4 review of the idamy, .b though treating of the detatb. of no sit,, by ion.eindo, is the most throne exhibit of tree rottewwuM et a oar dam .1 idiot srisbsrssy that Jamal W ,es d.sd Ne before rrmdgltL Whit. on SWIM eaedietloa with tie Aar.moat a al rosier of the dYiapihed Relit striatum esanot fail Iso reeegnis. the I ease likelyto be sailed to am dee; ne the a.iam todesire of tae (loveram to *WI theses. Oee peer implicated theeaseial, Mr Isbosebere agents, y Witty admitted hie 'gilt by ieedirg the mentry, hut by seek -nwei•tions in the services h1 Turk.yq, whose .nttAlf bikes be able 10 perfect the tletitltl♦ In ala redomnetts of vies three kit lltpertesee sad .2aelple. Hsgh J M.0oinmelk, Canada's eh, Bios Orator, haa bus his bone et J.10, N. B., for at, Pols, 111 white he will skate A:el Pamirs°, 1 I11p14iait. fee 1800 a site as4 hrepiesship of the world, en N Yeeies day. df Jestise has poria 511.011. Gsttrsdo H.ietam lag *oil bused to 400th d H.mila Ile Adieu foe l,v ♦ e b the Cwt Walter Sart wed riff/were present w1M a los stif. Aver tea servtss on t et their dgp•rts.s for Tomei have how rWmste of Winght the past fiaertema yards.