HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-12-20, Page 8••• messill01111."..--" IITHEMURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. DEC. 20, 189. THE MAMMOTH HARNESS DEPOT • STILL LRAM THrhl ALL. _ — Wrist- - A.01-IICSOINT, mi, ) z7...... r.,.. t. ;w, let ow s ti=4 ot Iiillito_.10 MO R lag $addles. Trealut. ii trams Maker. w4.h ta ot the toasty et Peres keen lt orate -.mot. Neese meek's* Weirs, alters, Serettedes. eta.. which he re ere-Ht4 et 4 t ..160.4 te...... f.e. cue. as ho is ••••ruil es I ta rodeos hie large stook as Nvw 01.. I istwiLit IP WI 4 weed ciarelvtalee to ere wee a can benne Maytag are term calms" -es the Mara:mai cask ha r ages eras 0 f I M ir County. Remember abs stied. .• • ' MAMMOTH HARNESS DEPOT, 0-01)3Elit101-1. All book soomults mast be sottlorl by oast/ or nets before thefts' at December. ISSL 104 teat. "77=1:1... .11-0esom. THE WAY TO • THE STOCKINGS MUST ALL BE FILLED. NOW IS THE TIME AND HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. TOYS, BOOKS, NOVELTIES, FANCY GOODS, ETO. SIIE IT. YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED With Its Magnitude sad Delighted with its Mom. • THE VERY LARGEST GIFTS Ay THE VERY SMALLEST PRICES Toys at Half Price. Other Goods at a Sacrifice. FRASER & PORTER. Cor. North alt and Square, Central Telephone EA.clinng . °oder/oh. Dec. neb. ISM LOCHALSH. Irrom our own correspondent. The youth of this place purpose hold- ing a meeting tomorrow evening to con- sider if i1 would be beneficial to start a singing school here for the winter, Cameron, Murdoch & Co., of Lock - now who nave a branch store in this place, intend ouittink, business here and martial( in Dungannon about the brat of the year If all we hear is true we expect to be able to inform you of two or more sooplee that were made happy on Christ- ina. day. Miss Flora R. Finlayson haa gone to reside in London for some time. Nt.. Mary McRae, of Looden. is at present visiting her parents Were. POPLAR ROW. from our own core/open ten . I la l'needay,Dec. tithes 'swum match took place on the fern of Thos Camp- bell, for the championship of Celbnrne Four saws competed. worked by John MeNevineter.,and Tho. Campbell; Thos. &aloes and J Tin; John Sallow, and Harry Morris; Jas. Redoes and John Mt:Nevin. jr. A maple log was sawn 4ft 6 inches in diameter, (nen which 37 blocks 2 ft long were taken. The match resulted in a tie; the following is the result: —12 Monks includirg the hut! were taken cff by J Scillows and John MeNeven ; 12 block* by Ul Morris and John Salle ws ; 11 blinks by Thos Sal- low. and J Tiffin ; 2 blocks by Thos. Campbell and John McNerin, sr. Another match will take place of the farm of Thos. Mallows .,n Friday, Dec. 20th. )UNLOP. From our own corroapondcw. Mr Jas Tobin attended county court lest week as a grand Jury man. The perquisites wer.•;up :a the standard. and the work was light. Your scribe wishes all the readers of Tag SIGN al. a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.aad hopes all will have a pleasant and happy time. Though from changes, perhaps. during the past year you may not see all the familiar faces twtether, blanks having been made by removals far sear, yet letters or tokens of rereembrancetell you they are thinking .of you and others far away. Thoughts •I the friends of haappy meet- ings past, that draw family cir,As into closer ties, and of throe that hare gam hence who were with them last year will not be forgotten. Tears trey he shed,but still the thought of the pleimmat word. and floor of gladness in orate past will always mem and bring pleas eat memories st this . ---------- NORTH ASHFIELD. wroin our own correspondent. ITo late for lam week.) Mr F. Cook has been to London this week. Mr D. McDonald and D. McKenzie sprat Sunday here. Mr Fe:gusher Murray is helping Mr Will Davis cut saw -logo Mr Peter Mclienzte reoei red a sever* kick from • horse lately. Now that the waterworks have been completed inLucknow, dm boys are back to our midst again. The September and October make of &mese has nut yet teen disposed of. A good price is expected, as 11 1. firat-31ass okeeer, Mr Alex McDairmid has moved into his handsome new edifice. Dame Rumor says he will soon take unto himself a worthy partner, to help him bear the thousand cares of this life. We wish him aucceas in his entirpnge. If reports prove true coo of our "most accomplished young ladies will soon leave es for a far distant laud, where the will take upon herself the trials of house- keeping, and frying to be a dutiful wife as she has ever been such as a daughter. NILE. h em our own correspondent. Nile Methodist church was pecked nn Sunday morning, the 15th, to Apr Mies 8. J. Williams preach, Her Per - mon on "Fight the good fight cf faith," was a miming appeal to Christiana. Mr MacCormack and Miss J Plum - mar finish teaching at Nile nn the 20th. MON Watson and Mr McKay take their 11 1..,. regretted by many warm after the 1st. Our old teachers friends. The Sheppardton revival *till goee on with increasing success. A reception service M to be held next Friday at 2 30, when the right hand of fellowship will be offered to all uniting with the Metho- dist chereh. The services at Sheppard - ton will close nn Friday might. They commence at Ebesomer church. Oliver's amghborhood, on (be 22d. Nile S. S. bolds its annual services on thuaday next, Miss Williams preaches tc the children at 10:30, and Rev A. Potter preaches to teachers and workers • at 7 p.m Rev Jos Edge, Clinton, is die.principal speaker at the Xmas tree oa Tuesday evening, the 24th. • Mies "Dot- Hetherington changed bra name last Wednesday evening. Many warm friends womeased the inter- esting ceremony performed by Rey H. I Iewine. George McPhee is the lucky pop. We congratulate him on his sec- . Imes in winning one of Niles handsomest rrespeePARAMOUNT. daujhters. We wish the young couple oar own ' much joy. Whose tarn next Tram codent. ero late for last week.) Mr Peter McKenzie had the wonder - It is a peen, daughter instead of a tone to get his collar bone broken lea week Igoe that (a.m. to Richard Ryan's boss* Vi John Cook, ei Whitton, is spend (lat.'''. I Mr John Taylor slim is the proed km a hie weeks among his fneuds hero father of a daaghter which mute lea • Wm. McInnis, who had hi. ler tao ' Monday. The mothIr and child are do badly welded in the eat block at Wing- jog nicety. be., is rapidly improving and will woe be able to handle his axe *gain. Mn John MeKensie, who was so bad- ly hurt by falling down stairs last spring, W5 Ore sorry to say se not improving any. The Paramount ohms. feetery is dos- ed down for the winter, the patrons haw- words "1 have planted. Apollo. watered, ing disposed of the reanain of their bet God pee the increase." He showed the relative of hennas sad Cheats seemaes ia the seseese elpission sr, effort*. Itis sermen wes mash se- Oer school teacher, Mies Johneiro, joy «toad .111 100.417 sod the missismary is manse preeerstiowe few a Christina. ‘enstribetiese at Nile. We wish he tree in connection with the esaniteetiee meld mum amongst es more feangsguy. Miss Williams promises agaM et Nile nest Reeday 10:30 a.s.. awl the pee. for at 7 p.m. That revival servisee at filseppardtose Fraley everting hare dertnitilbe whaler, are pens lie weinvierahle There was a very large fathering fo hear Mies Williams preach in the Mitthtwitet ehureh last Runday mortmeg. Hew S019,101111 WOTO very acceptable. Last Sunday Rev Geo Rtehardson. Godwrieb.prenched the annual missioaary prison to ;the sem* church trees the A rood time may be expested. Mr Harty Hedges is esigaged to Mesh the 1110111issa year. Raligioes Will be hold Amy North Arica lik Assuraou Comply IINCORPORAT ET2111101A. alitt:"$ MIEN PA RLIA MIN t HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, ONT. FULL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT. 1. Vigorous, Pr03pe1 sus and Progressive Canadian Company PRIDMIMNT RON. A. MA( ilik:NSIE. 1'. Prlem Mlatenor Csuade. TICIS-Pitre101041Th 11,Trig 111)Atliltelk. MANA01140 DIREeTtlit WILLIAM MiVARIC. 1. L alla. • l'bsIloopasi Issas all Apprond Toms if Pslis:ss acrd ArcitIes RETURN PREMIUM PUL nia Policy GUAR ASTERS. • H.K ru RN orALL PRIEM I* MS PA ID Isc addition octet hill km ell the Polley in the sweat of death daring the Investment llyeriod. at a Dower tete thee any Mier Compasty. F. J. T. NAFTEL, immir Dien t Spat. already. Miss Willies°. is winnikg gold • en opittioss. Her preaching is thought- ful, systematic and lull of power. Rev 14. Irvine fortuuate haviug such an assistant iu reapiug from the pest iamb- ful seed sowing at Sheppardton. COL114JR.NE. The council met in the township hall, Carlow, as per &twine. Members all present. 1t. iniuutes of last alerting read and athrumni. l'he following ac counts were polkaed, viz : Wm Robertson clerk, and reputing culvert. $1.60; Joke Symington,grarel.eertitied he W Ncialcti 70c, gravel, certified by J Robertsou 81-16; J Symington, road allowance t gravel pit, $1; W 0 Jonee, inspectine $2; J Roemer, gravel, °ensiled by The Oks.$1.15; 0 Jones, toed work last erie ler. $1; S Sheppard, muskiest reads ui dtvision lens un Feb 8, $1.50; S :Thep par& breakirg roads on division lire te April iith, $1 60: C Stewart, bleakly's rnads lon (Oriente line btli $3 00 Mr. Jail Glen, crewel, certified by Join Dustow, $2.10. The Ciitit4cli adjouined until hall past one o'cloek, •nd then re sealed busitutea. Wm Straughan, erect Mg snow fence, $33; '1' Geod and others repairing B. M. bride, $16 72; Itich'd Walters, ditching on 4.h con, $2.2ii; Jac, Shaw, charity per Mrs Etnicilley. 33 weeks to lieu 14th, *33; T Boyd, culvert. $16; N Modien, lumber. *23.24; Ed $traaghan, ditching on saw mill ined, $2 92; R Ithowiden. repairtns hole oil Fisher's side n.ad, $7; J Mclarty, ntan and team for halt a day, $1.50; T Gled- hill, balance of salary. $20; T attendance at court ot reviaion, $1; Thial Gledhill, gravel as certified by T Cruse. $5.85; Angus McKinnon. gravel, 810.45; A McKinnon, repairing hill below ceme- tery, $1; A Buchanau. gravel, $2 75 ; W C Treble. repairing culvert on divi- sion line. $2; 7' Jarvis, shoveling snow lest winter, $1.60; C McPhee. repairiaz croesway, 86; Mrs Jno McPhee, gravel, certified by R Rhvan, $1 45; Hutton Sitsaf., printing, 70c; Jas Yates, ACC., $1 60; J CUMIN, gravel as certified by if Nesers, 75e; A W find emelt-on division line. $1;.G \coherent!, lumber, f144; A Sands, gravel certified to, 87 66; N Rutherford. for door lock and repairing hall door, $1.50; Clerk, broom for township hall, 30e; Treasurer. for postage and stationery, $2; Reeve, clerk and poetise r iti7Clerk, dor; Zit,' $V2e5e;tiVerl. j:lerurtur:: of P. 8. act. 50c, care of safe, dfc , $6, balance of salary. $35, ear, a township hall, $5. Clerk paid $48.50, being the tremors on cemetery It•ta sold this year John McNevin paid $10 for rent of Mrs Brindle, property. Theis Good wee re- funded $3, of statute labor tax Jarvis $1 do do. W J Hamilton $5 32 of taxes,being an ermr in hi. aseemment. It was decided that the reeves and coun- cillors receive 830 each. .4 Matkolf rooyed,peopded hy Xt. Tellor,that a by- law be passed that tee municipal nowt- natiene be held at t-rnship hall, Car- low, in Monday, Dec 30;h, at the boar per statute &,,d the elicivot if • poll be demanded mid he hel-! tot the rollmop, Mimday, at the following places : Ni 1, Middle's shop. Rentedlet; No 2, Tem- peratiee hall, `ialtford ; Nit 3, township hall, Carlow, atid Nit 4, ten.prinsivro hall, Leeberri, with the f../loct 1140 iltiCtola, tItuiltro:i0.7:06g51.,,Ara;drear ii•Pot7 "'- No 2, A Sal da, deputy returuing flicer; No 3. J 11 Richards. returning I (beer ; and N 4. Ratty Wil - The mimed then edjoircieti. (.Ttgai allanks Items, deputy returning officer—Carreed. • WE'RE IN IT I WE'RE IN IT! The Christmas Swim. Saunders & Son, The Cheapest Haan Coder th g SIM LOOK AT THIS LIST. Building Blocks, Magic Lanterns, ;IDolls---100doz,, Mechanical Toys, Fancy China Ware, Photo and Scrap llbums, Jewellery and Plated Ware, and a thousand other Novelties which you can have at your own price, as they must be sold. HOLIDAY COODS WE ARE READY. Come and see our ALL DEPARTMENTS FULL. Cally by the Bushel 250 Dozen Florida Oranges • FROM: Dr. licifiliN'SGrove. N 1. TS. -RA 'SINS. GR A PES. DATM. CHOCOLATES itaylish and Canadian., TI0e. LEMONS. BANANAS. ETC. • We sell the best Goods we can buy. HAS. A. NAIRN. be dewed her with sonotles. Mew the meidise bit tweet. Whoopee& rows or true iierotkos. Two old. nid MK- roe 'mow Owl, re"' Prom his circled ems upporftente, WI a taw she tantral sway. Aad her vote, wen sorrow visortrop. not es* my bride' &.y. MO enemata° speedo twohe Ma up bad*: bee "rhea sszp0.Ined that bee apprecarm arms woe on the fact of an faker. Hod predlepreftion enswarnpuon in taw redly, be waved her teem bYt a sear pr Pores° hoiden Nettie& Menovery for asv. and abets sow the Incarnation of health. Ocewoomptine teeter tie kinild epos virellee Ter.14:411•26esurat rmto= of esa771 gthleitos al melee 41 meet 05 0.0.. totem the theme Is too tar adreseed la order he be et ..v.. of y paid tor It ertPlca If take, In Mask and Orem a Me Mat it retain* Pre W..k Lungs. spin I sop et 1111oodl, filtortmove ot Ireet0. t rove= *mama, Severe Coughs, red efrehleee. III le IS eaksent roneey, tameacmis. ma, tay Venues nas. area £L. fltafffElentlitMawnLee $5011MEI prewelseree et Dr • gele rle=1. tee AT LOWEST RATES. For the benefit of the le- gal fraternity we now carry a large stock of legal blank forms, which we sell at low- est city prices, among which are the following : Affi.lavit of Disbursements. Affidavit of Mileage. Affidavit on Production, Affidavit of Service. Affidavit of Service, kc Affidavit of Service. Appointment of Examination. Entry of Action. General Warrant. Judgment in Default. kc. Notice? for Jury. Notice of Motion in Chambsti. Notice to Produce_ Notice to Produce at Trial. Outer to Product. Praeipe Fieri Facia*. Statutory Declaration. Sublerna Subpeena ad lest. Writ of Summons—Defendant oat of Jurisdiction. Writ of Summons. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Address "THE SIGNAL," FINE TAILORING FALL SITITS AND OVERCOATS GENTE. IDOR $15, $18 _A_I•Ti) $20 Huller says. "A ateettesaaa's Wet la dress is opus principle the avoid/Lime at all eitrsvagant ; it roosting in the tioiel altapiicity Mart tier ot• III Wore'c41. These goods ale' refeily handled 111 WWI s.* tall suii.ogs sari ovveost•aes ere viol &tractive, of C sod are preyed; eon an.I trimmed. No city yerckaut silty terns out elm or waft durable -Inc Caw at wise aed see the Imo& sad prices. :\Za,cCorxra.e.c.. THE GREAT BANNER IS STILL WAVING! TERRIBLE EXCITEMENT Will be Going on at McLEAN'S NEW BLOCK 111 tb. Plate Glass Grocery, in connection with Selling BEAUTIFUL DELF. As the Proprietor is Going out of that line, he intends to sell out his Entire Stock of Delf at cost. When I say cost I MEAN BUSINESS, and all of it must be sold within one month. My Delf is well assort- ed and of the very latest patterns, in Brown Rustic Tea Sets, Enamel- led Floral Tea Sets, Rustic Dinner Sets, Slate Rustic Dinner Sets, Sage Rustic Dinner Sets, Blue Benak's Toilet Sets, Brown Summer Toilet Sets, Begonia Toilet Sets, Enamelled Toilet Sets, also a very tine assort- ment cf plain Delf; now, if yon wish to present your Mother. Sister or Wife with a tine set of dishes, do not lose this great opportunity of getting the finest bargains ever offered in Huron County. I.. 1\T, , PLATE GLASS GROCERY. OvIerfek, Nev. UM 11101.T05ee doors Wes: of Rritivh I:change note!. GODERICH. Courilsnuse8yeare. SCRAP IRON. The Mabee price in cash pald ter Cam sae wrought Scrap tree. 1 bare on hand PLOWS & CASTINGS of various kiwis. PIPE AND FITTINGS, &c. W 'rooms lie- Victoria Street Church C. A. nUMBER 114 25 AND 50 CENTS PER OZ. Per the Mei Easilsh. 1 en -h and Amorous Pe a Ames in Salk. IA odors to ehouse tram. IODIFFERENT ODORS 1 0 . ot Sachet Powder te chimer Ireen1 MO A i IIIGIC III Ca. MAIO 11111110.4. TealLAT IlleiTII, MIMED Vtiblialte I AMA. ale. PLUSH GOODS A Good meortmeat of ()DOR CASES, SHAVING CASKS. DRESSING CASES. " JUST RECEIVED. PRICES LOW. Call and see the Goods and Prices whether you bay or not. "7711.47.10INT'S Prearatitles Drag Saws. McLEOD'S System &Relator is bessea* the Steadard Medicine of Me day. Amami eidlieg or grata/giros. all perm el °awed. wad the Caked States 10, 0*. flyseem Resatareeer. It nearer fails to mos ampere weak mid impoverished hided. dyspepsia, rhensnation, lees of 0.embee7, bronchitis, sawseseptioe, 1011 stones jaundice, kid ear mid twittery disuses". Rt V(tae' domes, female irregoleritwo and general debility. • Mashiostured oat, by J. M. MelL1110D, Sole Patentee, (bettor kuoirs as 'The a HA ()tutor.") rl —M — '1 Nati* at Mc chi th. tad 41 .4 qfTl tam lir chi arg ler mend MOO *Mid Omar /oft 50.1 Mao IllePento aritic Noel Plies aerd PC '.4 14101"kla spa them - A Goes Za50* te D. The WI miSu le OW: Deal fa 2611416siea Ribble w A. Priebe 811111 the ertetnert aterted I Darla. th this Use eessepollo Ow evoke wilts re 15011111 101 Tat II BLOXAM'S Electric Hair Restorer • • , RESTORES GRAY HAIR —TO ITO— ORIGINAL f1LOR. BEA UT). .-'4 OFTNEM, Keep the bead Ctrs*. Cool and Tree from Deadrut Cures Irritation and Itching of the Scalp Oil ma beautiful glo...4 and pertain* to the hatr.preduco• a melt grow th. and will mon the felling oat In • few days. Will eat Vol, 10. 1.0 cr the 'nest delicate head dress * ruu. IlItaCCTIONR WITH CACH 1101'. TLE. Try tt and be coevinced. Price Flity Gala per Bottle. Refeee all eabostones. AOKXT Mt CANADA H. Spencer Case, .beinilt ani prOpriat. 30 Vag Si. West itaisiduca, Oat. hold by all Druggists, (1)-2 Hello ! have fou tried Yoteirtof Heal* fl Yoitet Soap? exPuisitc. travelling MOO& ORAD TR( SR (- TVIIII:Larrice end dope AAA aril Itarposes. at -eat Mr We relatives i Miss %I visitittg h Rims E speeds lag Mies M is "pendia town. 11(r Joh *madam home. Dr Mei ,mesiltatia every mot Mr sad visit* thi Louis MnW, maimed ti vial of sea R. T. of be bold oa New Yew Hall, of 7.: An *echo horee-5,,0 buolt and graciously i "To dim says John Pug mem rola so. you mom le Performs memo. tee vim* .1 at 237 Vifth A tea post fro column. De la NS makra the t( 9 a. re. for ('th. s.tic/ Alia "fi• ego l. PIMP t1,41 teaehe 7r.ofts •••• atm_h 6 "VIPs 1444 for th .. 7** Birth c 64666eashoira:71:ofeb4 . jes• A 1 servie• si ii. b 1 tii mittiny,b,„ 1111 "d , 14— br WO • , ter it, tarta'm MI A 0, h''' of id., mumbin 1* tool i