HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-12-20, Page 6..ewer. v. M 6 TI1 X POET'S CORNER. VApashellg 1 sea tNsht wNsdkts' whim i �I.ia -r, r.,w�i,�.s',a., _-.... W I1M tlMisa ma every t Jim Theist* se 'ta aMMillie banalities' Wigs Ilest ley lead as' mit Soh gpeetalty ilia. wtlry .r,.<uisuy Jiro. riots • .. d e' bavia' •sm mead t Sr,e llr Jitr • 1 welt ,+a +i• will' to settle down At' test lip w.tb blas. ie .re eats married one heady in chili Twos vow lo.l f..11 to the bot.: 'Tess. tb•• tapir a ay to age rd e' '.m an. „ 'tipodali, Jim. r • Nr* tit .11 c , dr are slight, at first, bet Clow dewy is to «o lower the tq.lem the. et 'EP mer becomes a ready victim to moo prevalent disease. The use of Araya Cherry Pectoral, in the tt.giooinq of a ..M, would guard against this dearer THE HOME CIRCLE. HOC .&SOLD acl nsa. la .141 news women had a motto, "Keep , thing sever veers and you will And a use for it." So they kept things until seven times seven yen have mul- tiplied.+.n i t..day we ransack grandmotk er's gar d_,t" find treasures of antique fur- niture, ..at.•male and historical relics. "f3"iue.tea,l" was then • word which meant something. Ona settled down to b,..ise-►eepiog a marriel woman ought comfortably calculate that she would die in the same house or at lead upon .lir owe farm. Ad tions, doubt- less, sod imt:mvemente, ould be made from ties w time ; but her household would never be inured very far, and, in well ti do familia, not at all. The idea of p•rkisie, changing, and moving every year. er even every two or three years, wa ss not yet conceived. So the home - wife of m .re ancient days had her begs, barrels bi.zrs,booka,raftsn sod closets in and under slid on which she stowed away the accumulated "rubbish" of yuan of housekeeping. lo the broad low garrets of •cane groat houses, the quaintest thine* found • place of undisturbed rest, and even the broken, leaky, deferred, psiotlo, handleless uteosib, the vasa with edges or bottoms Kone, the pictures and glasses brokeu,thechaire with no sate or backs, and the useless paraphernalia which bad once done active duty were put by and hidden from sight until their owners also were laid by, hidden from sight and covered with dust, to the cem- steriesof sighing piney, somewhere ly- ing on a sunny hill on the outskirts of the village. But tbe good old day of quiet agri- cultural industry, with the aloe pan at which they all went. have departed, and "rubbish" is now to every housekeeper an unmitigated nuisance. Where noes it was an economy tc save everything, now it Is about as much economy to ttiow away. To the average housekeep- er, who lives in the city and whoa for- tunes vary or are small, ''a moving' from ons fiat to anther, one bona to another. and *too one city to soother, often becomes the regular thing. To pack up and go every year or two is the unfortunate necessity which prevails among the middle and lower classes of financial incomes, let them be of the highest wr,tally and morally, and the meet culture.: or artistic. Per "our days areas the gran indeed, in the rush- ing changes of business speculation. and he who flourishes as s preen let tree to- day is halls to be out down asdIosst in- to the oven to -morrow. Under these conditions, the inconvenient, the broken old thongs which were once tressnsed tor possible uses later, become a Lorded', a trouble, and an ezpeca. In s dat where there is no room to stretch out • full sized bed, and only folding furniture is admissible, surely there is `no place for rubbish. Thee, when moving day Domes, an added ex- pense : More packing. lifting. unpack- ing, straightening - all for possible future on. which never come. Rhee people begin afresh in • new place, they 51 Dot satisfied to ire on with cracked Buser,, teacup• with the handle. oil, tee pots that Inst sod "won't pour," stubs of brunets, featherless dusters, patched ornaments, clocks that don't get, forks bent .11 nut of shop., and the thousand other articles with whioh they "got along somehow' while "temporar- ily"settled. So many good people, alas! sway live "temporarily." They are Dever permanently fixed "We don't ez• pect to stay, you know, says the tired mother, with • depreosting air, "so of coarse we did not care to pay out very much money for impmvealeota" So, slowly, this :temporary home gets to be an socumulatioe of rubbish, -melees the rubbish is always every day, resolutely and economically burnt up, or thrown or given away, according to cis grade in the standard of "possible' or "probable" use. I am not advocating the throwing away of anything really of value. Rat so many people see • value where there le none- -nothing at all. • new Menem Must be Hamad into the blood of the weak and debilitated, who suffer from dines* of the stomaeh, liver, bowels, kidoeys or Wood. This revitaliting ono stituent is &applied by Burdock Blood Bitters hieh repairs waste. drives out all impurities and enthrall health to tie a enters systole. 2 It la well to be situated as Mr T Holum is, in the element mouths of seserner lc work lot im the beauties*. nature. ishaling the healthful home at but when the bleats of wieder onme, to find there is no plan like "home " twe- oolasatly calming heck to the wed there in the Ern ode, Seib a National Pills nvisi • mild purgative, aoteg roe the Stoussch, Liver sad New. MOM ma PerMiies eft 11 is WI - m& tad mine ewe &NU tisk . -UM sheet ontoase w beemede and wattss r is gess el out weafekewthelli OM et wee isele-enters. The %lit is gear long. Julies /ewtbsAi b tastl hams toe lir sexier for the walla* of his him headdaty l meta a i.- el leg • be liege them. ibesisu bey Wisest b a►ddl.m, het .seer bel a wa.Ia a mere sttsetive ►whom+. His Hardeed.gy►heirAleeb'T waist,blerMrl Io bis , al.l apes+• the pas ilei d his rim Wee Oen W. Cable hes six 1 bink. e.4 dewire boors for their psma.st sad ioditida.l ksmt esti... Freak k fiteektou regents his wife the superior of s7 'time is oe ens of his sgniatenee, Edmond Clan sees litdntea has. hesutit& biome life. Dr Holmes has sot to.ebed his poo to pa- per f2tsaymoea beim wirkencethe seed of is wife. AU know what Lues - fellow thought of the Tomso whom he warned fur years. Will Canines pre - her the company of bis wile and mother M that of the most brilliant gathering of Ilterary people. Robert J. Burdotle'a lows for his wale bordered on reverse*. It would bo diimolt to tied a more mesh nee tomo lits Nola that .. joyed b, America'. amnia literary Donald 0. Klt.bmI The novelist, Howells, make kis wile the itemisation of his stories, sad the characters of his beet heroine are deem from her. I have given enough testae/et, bowevo►, I think, to demo.Nsate the fact that li- terature is .al a hindrance to domestic happiness, and that Pegasus and Cupid can safely be platted in the mems hareem with a skillful Ariver. I11111.HUEtO1r SI(RAL. FRIDAY IW(". 20, p47-8. smear.'. Staiasent ties canal la Caws Wild Cherry Bark, Elsesmpe.e, Hoar - booed and Se..ga. Then sr* rte r.- medie with which Dame Nature has •applied Canada for the cure of Colds, Coughs, Croup, Whooping Coogb, Bron- chitis sod Luse of Voids. All thea are 000tai.ed i. Wilson's Wild Cherry in their rebel active form, and with other medicines eo.sutete this moat reliable curs for all deems et the Throat, Chest sad Lungs. Wilson's Wild Cherry is iold by all draggles. 1m Ask For Ayr's lilltelftimrlUxi dew 1114 Ne 131111 Ms W yeses • .el sioL ib ems aempled t Blues Drew-- yea cm awake me mie. take la pemb thtgi • Mew Tellies that Rah,. "Stop trotting that baby !" I feel like saying this wbgeevre Ise any one trot- ting • dear little darling of • baby, sod . e the look of perfect mi.sry, or at least simple endorsee*, on the tiny fan. Can it4N explained why any an, en- dowed with ranee, clan imagine it to be ple•asot fors baby to be perched on some on:s k.ee, and • regular "get there or die" trot struck up, that n••{ly unhooks iia head from its .boulder., sod almost jolts the Breath out of ire little body, sad leaves it so tired it csnoot uvea cry t Some people sem to think that when they take • baby in their arms they moat work themselves into • fever to keep it quiet, when • great many times it would be chid to be held in quiet. If they do hold the baby still they .ill wiggle • piece of paper or some toy before its eyes, which would be otcen- dumble to a grown person, especially if it should be something he wished to ee. How battere•I it mat be to the eyes se baby tries to fix them on these wav- ering object.. Some other persons have s way of trying to ole how near they can come to either killing or crippling baby, and not do it; The is by balancing the baby on one hand, in an toeteedy fahioo, when too small to help itself, or, when • little old- er and a great deal heavier, to take it by the ankles or kens. and spy : "Now stilly op. baby," sed op, op It goes as high a the psssos can reek, -Ladies' Home Journal. Expel the worms by using the safe and reliable anthelmintic Freeman's Worm Powder,. lm T4 tee .1 setae. It is averted by men of high profes- sional ability that when the •yatem needs stimulant uotbing equals • cup of fresh coffee. Those who desire to se- cnre the drunkard from his cups will hod no batter substitute for spirits than strong, new -made coffee without milk or sugar. Two ounces of coffee, or one- eighth of a pound. to one ptntIAf boiling water takes a first-class beverage, bat the water must be boiling, not merely let Between comes from builioq it too long. 1f the can required for breakfast be put io a granitized kettle over night and . pint of cold water pour- ed over, it can be Seated to jest the boiling nettle sod then set back to pre- vent further ebullition. when it will be fowled that, while the streowtb is extract- ed. its delicate aroma is preserved. As our enontry .00semer pearly toe pounds ef oofee per capita it es a pity not to amts it made in the best manner. It is amend by those who have tried it that malaria and epidemics ars avoided by those who drink • sup of bot c,ffee be- fore venturing tato the morning air. Earned on hot coals it is a disinfectant for a siek room. By arms of oar hest pby.tciane it is considered • *peel- fie in typhoid fever. tyrt x needs everything. Pries 160 le es - Ten shoe traveller were .t the Brwsts- titick hotel, Wingham, nae day recently. Mrs Byers and family have left Brea sols for Imataintton, when they /Ain Mr Beres, who has taken • stteetitie to that place. His removal leaves e meaty on the Behool Hoard that wiN have to be filled at the doming election. Om fleterday, the 30th Nov., lonassd Kerr, *fent WM a Robert W Took, of The fenerel was held ori Monday after moms of lase week The eltild woe 3 meethe and 13 days old. On Thursday weaker, the 2tIth Noe., Rev R Peel lied the matrimonial beer Wee.. Wte. Heeitt. Road, sod Miss Betsy Kamen. of Rev ett , The see et the bete of Neil Mos, Kill street, Heim MM. Kr Hewitt wilt bemuse a resident of Brossels, tattier the heftiness Mod /Moly mats/ by Jas. larws. Sarsaparilla. to say Mbar. The tore -roaster eg me& ere bleed madras. Ayer's Sareepsrtpia Is still the moat pop. War, beteg in great- er domed than all others cmen4led. "Ilya" fl.arspsrllla is sell*, faster then over before. I never heehaw is. seeorsm.sd it." - O.oep M. Miter, Drtagglet, Albany, Ind. I am safe in saute( �rthat my .sine of oel them el any ether, and N gives them eggb Ism w ao. — L. H. Bush, Des Moist*, Iowa. Ayer's flareaparUla ted Ayer's PINS, sole the best selling medidam in soy etre. Iran rectitallsoail them .nein.. densly - C. Malmo, Pharmacist. iao*eiwsd, III. . Ws have sold Aysde Sarsaparilla. hoe for over thirty years and ',limy* r.eeenseed it when asked to name the beat blood -purifier." - W. T. Mel.em4. Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. •• I have sold your medicines for the last seventeen years, and always keep them ID stock. as iota are staples.. • 'Thera is notbls( so good fur the youth. �1 blood' as Ayer rrbb Ehreapartlla"- Re L. Parker, Fox Lake, Wis. "Ayer's BaraparflLa gives the best 116thdaction of any mediae', I have in giteck. I recommend it, or, as the Doctors »yI p,sscribe it over tlbe counter.' It never tails to meet the eases for which I recommend it, even where the doctors' prescriptions lave been of no avoid." -C. 7. Cabana. Moumouth, Hausa. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ttrr.ZZD *1 Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. Lewd. Mesh mdse to; eta beW. , i► Wrath M • bel. SPA rsrW-Milt obi I,,t• EPPS'S COCOA. Mfr Joseph Griffin, Ashfield, has been •opined to her room fcr wise time with • very bad leg, but her many friends will be pleased to bar that she is get- ting al right again. lr. 1....6.....1 tee saival ••=•(*eIsmerhose d' wsetiw ri'Gtd ="dt•W. w ors. artld.a he MY WPC ''..11111111111111.46=0001F10 MOW PIMP* geff.M 0,011/hrt tags loop Itiliweve= Is • wadi we eeaiye rMl ►y k.rsl.a ole y , �"" he b -"Mal Berra" elle �iei.Mede step* with bailee water or .tt:k. �YJadergee1■ffi..ete nra•=cobqgm m..p.ths. ishan .+ brUN ARMSTRONG FANNING MILL AND PUMP WORKS ARISTRONa's IIPBQVXD Grain and Seed Cleaner b generally acknowledged to be the beat ma. chine made for thoroughly cleaning grain sad seeds of ell Made. --ZT— Separates all Noxious Seeds sad chess trees grain atone claming, saving and cleaning all timothy seed at the acme time out easy kind of grata. It can be fitted tato any fannitig mill without removing the . hoe, 110 matter how old the sill is, sad makes It does good work or better than the most improved new mills known. It allows no seed to be blown Into the chaff It Cleans Speedily. orlvery cleaner warranted to works. repre- sented or no sele.ma in ordering by mail give Inside width of shoe and name of maker of mill if convenient. and If shoe has side .hake or the old fashion- ed hind shake. A large quantity of FIRST-CLASS PUMPS on hand manufactured from Algoma white quartered pine. Mg..,Orders by mail promptly attended to. Shipped to aoy point. ALDDRESS ARMSTRONG BROS., C#oderioh, Ont. 1741 THE CHANGE `Of BUSINESS! �r iOLDSL MIAMI BAST -ST. FLOUR All FEB STORI MAS CHANUkU a .*NUd. Tb.s•Were herenotifiedy that the soar Mb/mg imam formerly carried es by AJf ha bees parch• ed b THOS.. J. VIDEAN astead, hf0•.t awry utm. in Ith ubt�arat•r°b`..t the Under the maaaremest ed Turemo proper" • lecithin beams bee been the muse sucesse. fad inns Ilse et say In town. and es tie sew hes bees dentl.ed with It ler ovv e t 1nen, there wig he s• falling Gem the (..mercy exhitaa5d la keeotug it in the frost rank. Goods deemed to all parts of IM town. 'rhe latest and boat 110010i dour and feed always ea bead and cb..tee seed. In warm. TUNA J. \IDEAN_ 1 take t►f.oeport.•ity of tbsaking my cus- tomers 1►tomer for their liberal palroes.e d.nag tae pprrooppsri.reap of the roam Plow sod reed Sto.e st*ad adse take pNs sr. in recommittal tag my sseosssor, Mr Thos J, t laean. wk. will be foaled to be a tbentughly reliableness. 27-1,1A. It coLLis TME MEA FAUNA IEU$PAPEA IM C' NIA. L.Ta..srnnan Nusti PULP' • C.*Tt:uus. RING OF THE W EEKLIFS t 1880- 00 Free Press LONDON. ONTARIO. THE BANDER/MK/3T PRINTED PA- PER IN THE DOMINION. ALL THE NEWS IN FULL. By Telegraph. Telephone, Nail, •ed Correa. poodeaoe up to the hour of publicatios. IHtatMeaaMa.. PYaetleel age gvfel. aha gave• each week. Seee•el Mertes .eperiseens. sgrr&a.r.l .apse talent Capital .eery always ease•. lag.let.us Pupate (.1.11.. Memorises Ne51. . JUST THE THING FOR THIS FAMILY! Every •sealberbf the household eagerly looks for It each week. The Agricultural Depute eat is • noted feature of the "Fres Prow" being always up to the times. and conducted by peewee prat. tlaslly skilled In farm work. Large $1.00 Paper. 1n Clubs of four and upwards .Sc.;each. Balance of 1889 Free. A NAiItbOtlr Christmas Number -•sn- B`OV R QSROMoe elven away tree of eberge to every wk.crt- ber for laws, Artists who bare seen the ad- vance sheets of the Christmas number pro - Goatee it • "gets.' sad alone worth the price of the subscription. Agents Watifed Erenf.1.eve. Lilnra Qua% Commission Allo,r iI, The most popular paper to work for, More mosey can be made during the fell and win. ter season working tor the "Free Press- thee at any other employment. Address -Fess Pham, affirita 34 Cit I.osraer, UaT•lito. bIBCOUNT. f:ris iR.iaaR 1111111110 1.0•iwos end w Paws ;-- y that a have +eche+ is offer )6e al i. SPOT CASH I per eget off all purchases of At sod lees lbws MAO ; 10 per oat •lla4 mark -es of %«► sad 1pward Ow god. .f my ow• msnufuture 6 per and tall be allowed. I Imre se heed oe of the lareiret stooks of BOOTS & SHOES is the Dominise, a detailed bet of whi•b would .soupy Bola ode W Ii1t " .- sat." s prepared to give ; sato. n to ay it ouoffrt•es • •rf s fumed with the bees Maasfaccer.n ./ 0..sd& Ivory hue is already marked BELOW ACTUAL VALUE and the shove tri make my Nola the Cheapest place io Comas* bey your shote. As Menem stock of RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES .very style both in ()mediae sed Amorist, blue• liotldyair melte, which subject to site same LIBERAL TERMS. A Levee Smash of Ladish'. besotted Kid Slippers, very Sae. Call sot see them. Cor. K.. -.L and Hamra. E. DOWNING. .ate JOHN ROBERTSON Begs is rr.e.aoe ghat Nis ... asset M The LIquorTea Compa.nrs Colobiited Teas Your Choice of out, ou,l of a hundred or more Handsome Volume by the Best Author" Riven with every 3 the. `give it a trial, and acquire a Valuable Library without Soling the expense. 1 FEY DILLON OF PRF IIPLE SIRUP LIFT, JOHN ROBERTSON MYNAS' 0l0 STAND, COR. SQUARE U0 MONTREAL STS Goderith Foundry and Machias Works, RUNOIM[AN BROS.. - Proprietors. tit Saw w LtS.STratt*LIMES BOILIaa,Tap•SHttie N.$ItS Facet, S'Ort:, r:olCHS eti.riratce S -area eaSTl,c. FA T STRFET (;1 T 'RICH CM -� Ws BAYS 0111 HAND yea BALs: Impprrooved;Land Rolla'. - - - Price $22.00. 1 ! HORSE ' POWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW. ;CUTTERS, PLOW POINT$ Mx. tamtiT 7.10w arc-vrEs FLOUR MILLS BUILT 01 TIIE LATEST IMPROVED SYSTEM. Having made arrangements with the JOHN DOTY ENGINE A BOER WORKS CO. TORONTO, We are Prepared to Quote Prices to Parties in want of the same. • RRPbZRB '.A1r1 O♦STI iI Q OF' ALL 3EZ3'Q'DIL WE GET THERE Seems to be the popular verdict in all the lines we carry. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, and we can show you the flnestand most complete assortment of goods ever shown in Goderich. We have lately received several superb lines of TABLE CHINA, To which we Desire to Call Special Attention. CHAS. A. NAIRN, FINE GROCERIES AND FRUITS. COR_ HA.MZLT02Q-AT. SQL7AREC. ANlesale and Retail. it. B. -Try Cordia Flakes for Sa comer "WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD. SO 1eoiil• who have purchased WANZER LAMPS TRAM GEORGE W. 1110103011 will n•atlfy to the truth of the MOTO statement. aTEvey family should Mee eater two at Isa.t.111 PRICE REDUCED TO $4.00 EACH. Call o• the Aunt, ORO. W. THOMSON, who will sell you all roe may moire. and give yes full directions SEWING MACHINES, PIANOS AND ORGANS, AT ROCK BOTTOM PRiCLS FOR ('ASH. D..t forget the plate. West side 5 gess+.. Ueaerisl, set fli, unit y y. 0. P. R, BOOM TOWN PROERTIEI POR SALK. $100 AND UPWARDS I Nn a large umber et Nooses and Lots sad vaiYt Lada is the most desirable parts of the Tenon -ret; •ALA Ent?. Now is the ams to Beate property before the Bar Rash The C. P. R. N coming sere and is • sheet time miens will have advasoed be end the mach or may. taill f and Paces hetore purchas- ingR RADCLIFFE, 1e•1 rotate sad 05151.1 Iaenr•no. Aim Mee we5u.eu. third deer ppm Square, C. P. R Ticket sad Teisumsevase, tl.tt Winos, Liquors, SSc POS 114111 BT G. H. P... SONS AII.mM sunk 000fauca• CHANCE OF BUSINESS. :0. The Carriage Bnsine , of the late ALEX. MORTON ham been purchased by MESSRS. Mt'CREATH It: WALKER, who will con- duct it sol usual in future Both gentlemen are well and favorably known, and the public can look for a continuance of that prompt and satisfactory dealing which characterized the Dominion Carriage Work.. under it' late management. Vfflgeleremera rhes. Nee. '• igew Whig. h � ar. ef .t osesiieMs tirMeiosist aLwith a e iormaYor- �ag�h�gg of lltn y...s Wwk► M wdLbar..I.dbsaseletreek •'Nee- " grime she aet.etttras mum. wheel es her .snort were It a sae of time trips 'het she stet young Montrealer. They were in o.tas.l, sod the .tether of yoo.R roes tboughfle..ly Wetted "Neoekale- " amid bar black eyed daughter Int.• w their ff..stm. The invitation wall e. sod the visit lasted • some. Dar - this time young Brunn was devoted the fh•oiwtier Indian modem. mad wee as fa*moited by his devotion, e when the parties sates there wee • n.dersteeding that the friendship gslckly formed should be cootinued b1Mee. Irene retuned (o her home de Mx Nat:oss Reservation, where misled milk bee aunt,* Nn Puffier, a tbouth she wrote regularly to her she did not always get ao eerier. ig something wrong she enlisted rims !ladies friend to sestet sad es . sort of distributing Every week came the ye lades missive, and faithfully ere they answered. Eeeb but *erred whet Brass's deieamit atiun to possess dataghter of "N.e.kalets," and finally wrote that he would meet her on, Soot- y ktet, and that they should drive to • ager, be married and leve at once )1(caYoaL Mrs 1 owls. "smelled a " and was determined that Irene not marry the young man Tboui h k.ew Dotting of the arrangements Hendry, there was soestbing in '• sctl"o• tint made Ger very em - 11,. Peerless told serrate of friends among the Indians to keep • lookout for the young pale -face, when he put in an appearance to run off the Reservation. But little had her staunch ludian friends, and they assisted to smooth the way. n 8ssiday Brpce drove from restford accompanied by • well-known tag Indian through whom tt is imp- tbe correspondence was kept up. a spot near Kanyengeb, the lovers , lost their meeting was intruded up- beat, was carried back to her bums, a Renee was put no • ferry and sent the river. Irene'. friends arrane fur a meeting on Monday. They met, we rapidly to.slouch, were married ted just started away when she wa :tisk:oar. from him Bruncouldd".ows, and, with • whisper of dro,e rapidly to Bnuifoed lastest* legal pftmeedmng• for the re- very of hie few el wife. But .hole he t .Is.01ed with his lawyer, I54im s serest work. During Monday t N they .tole her from the house, i o.ght her to this city and delivered a ✓ up to her hatband Jo Tbaday ey left for Montreal as happy as two ung dove. - Brantford Expositor. r .ton Co. 'e eeeidmr MINARD'S the bet io the .market rod method its use . H. Haws, M. D , Bellevue Hospital. F. U. Atrntsaola, M.D , L. R. C. 8 , Etinbargh, M. R C. 8 . England. 11. D. Weeps, IE.D , Vet of Peen • Met gates le Jewels, n lockets • quaint idea is •o e•ateel- haod satchel. t,e of the.lat..t fads in .Dari pins is a r shaped pearl. If buttons are issuing in enamel sad nted to represent porcelain. • the appro.sbing holidays Obeid sky it bound to be in demand. miniatures in triangular frames much admired soarf pine. whaled wire rings with knotted tees ars • whim that exist at pre t Quern chain pendants are is the mar- tashiord as trainee in beaten Id. A tasty rine setting is a .emioirele of moods and sapphire• •bots • rare 1 plats Roman her running through rose gold circle* is • hairpin top that is pules. A very beautiful shell hairpin has a ova of Bohemian garment set is 111 - ea gold. F:ifeetire a a !unpin is a plain bar, whieb is • wavy ribbon of diamonds d ranee. A favorite ring .ettine is comprised of raw opals set between • sapphire, dia- end and ruby. a tl r • 1 e t it a p fi • ar ti ■ r tl is so so lw L CI w of ail n all A els tri no th br a ole du tot A delightful little chatelaine adjenet mol • diminutive nihil pouch in oxidized ' by wet for stamps. Its Chased told creamed hrooebe s are mak* I their appeaasn's with precious stones nk into thew., *Wel heedi4 for a side eomb heavy raid loops artistically in fan fashion, nil spur terming three small seeoessive sirs* is a late ad W aeerf pita NOTICE it soon be time to make out accounts. "The Signal" does good printing aind Am:ashes good paper. WK ARE NOW MANUFACTURING SOMr - Ans.. style of Cutter Mode to Order trid the Shortest Notice. Now is the time to leave your orderi. Old Cutters repainted and retrimmed. and made to Look Like New Ones, at prices to suit the times We invite a personal inspection. and guarantee low prices for th class of work offered All work warranted iSUCOeSetir, to A l- Make we Delay a 4Mf.N oar* for eroup and adds, I w recommend Hs/yard'. Yellow Ass bottle of whist ..oared me of • hied sold I wnold syr to all sof- , make so delay ie using it Si it g link relief. W. J. Raspy, Wttteville. Oat. h•• was re.Mesd of the death Hire i1 fN. tar i00. v'.�.r I'epor was e former met- ,s•A4mre Les•b.erar.'a hetes.. Jas Brows. of the Heron rood, • miehi ta,..1n dip down and d1. shou" - Hawk. ANL e not aid Intment of COI Or to i tiro its beer and 11, 01 of I ing bee tit roe sat hes Are The 7.01 ler tr-