HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-12-20, Page 5THE HURON SIGINAL• FRIDAY, DEC. 20, 1889 KNIITED.WOLEI C000SI NEXT WEEK We will place on our Cheap Tables our Entire Stock of Knitted Woolen Goods at Greatly Retlt:ced Prices. Non's Shirts and Drawers, IUo-. /epactal Lia.. Vary chaapl Ladies' Underwear, Cardigan Jackets, 90cts up, Knitted Shawls, Caps, Hoods, Fascinators, Clouds, dsc.,!&c. is the time to secure teeasonable goods at bottom Gila and see then whether you wish to buy or not. JOHN ACHESON. VERY CHEAP ! So say all who Jiave seen our Plush and other Fancy Goods. If you want BARGAINS Come and see us. If you want to par more for the same Class of Goods do otherwise. F. JORDAN'S It-LEKBC RN. From stir cora csrrespoadeet. Hewes Dennis, of Hamilton, is the guest of his uncle, H. Haltos. Mir Bell, of the nth eon., Gotterich township, was the gust of her outtuo, Mary Raton, last week. The annual Christina& tree entertain- ment will be held in the Preabyteriae church here on Totality, Dec 24th. at 8 p.m. A choir of voices has • serves of Christmas carols. in course of prepar- ation for the otwsion under the leadership of Mr John Linklater and Mia Horton. The aisles ,f the church and choir stand have been laid with new mat- ting, and the organ has been reared to a Dew position. The entire church was also thoroughly clearest and otherwise improved. The work thte year was not done, u of old, by the baud -maid- ens of the church, bet by tender. Quite a number of nar residents have •-1 attend,the recent payer meetings ab Sheppardton in charge of the Itev H. Irvine, of the Nile, assisted by Miss Williams, the well known evangelist. Her preaching bas made many think of taking a better step in futore on the narrow path which has no turning off. In recent issues of the Parket and tees of (hillia, we see our former townsman, Dr W. f1. Clutton, now of Elgar, Sitrt.ne, Ont.. publiehee the fol lowing report as Health Officer for Oro township, which, after the recent races of diphtheria ext much talked of in Goderich, and the late cases of tiiph- thesia to a family near theta bury ieg ground of Colborne, may be of interes• and lead to hating annual report• made to the various municipalities :--''I have touch pleasure, in. returning my report of the ssnttary condition of this town- ship, in being able to state that very f.+w cases of infections digestive have come coder my :tante where the causes could be attributed t., anything like • Bltby ...miaow') of the surroundings. Con - earning the outbreak of scarlet fever in f dear and vicinity, 1 moat ropnrt that ;reale same ..r p.IMihilit7 of con - odd be found. Though a few eases-ecorred later, yet its Knit •honld be gratifying• Of "ply. meet one .as fatal. One other *tel ease, n.t the *am : plata and time, onld not cith certainty be at!rihuted to he same cause. Of diphtheria, only lire. fie font edam have appeared. here did mit appear to beany intestine& n any from other MOMThe seems Add not he asoertaieed ; all were fay - wattle. In t.gard to typhoid fever, I aRiad to report that net of the town - Wit has been very tree ken it. ('ef yen eases treated, two have come from eteide. and in others no positive ranee nald be foetid. The malts of 'How ere all favorahb, (7otecereing lbw thy rums. where I wee asked to ia- teset the premiers. 1 mist report that ^»+drr*Me improvement Might be '4.. A enntplide'removal of all et -n'dr• {wasters, inelding the pini hnsid b, iaei.ted on in bath (motile' t k• oft larnMt eedea•ror to AafaR • t't r- tt ossa in • '•'".Ittlt n ''1- '•' MEDICAL HALL. i v I keep it from the school well, which I have been informed is not in • good sanitary state. In an.aectiun with the above I would suggest that all physicians attending cases of infectious diseases sad typhoid facer in Oro, should be re- • quested 'o report the same at once to i your Huard, or Health Officer, in order that a full and correct account might be submitted. There is.one other point to which I w. uld like tog draw your atten- i tion. In this township burying-groonds • are scattered broadcast. Some of these • are in most unsuttatle plume. and afford most ready moans to spread cnntaginn. i To remedy this the Municipal Council ! sliculd :provide a common burying Around, in a suitable locality, where every chance t•f sprea'ling disease would be •voide•.I. The above I beg to sub- mit, gentlemen, as being as nearly eor- rect as pwaible. -W. H. CLt•'rroe." AUCTION SALES. „All parties stetting their sale bills printed at this office will get • tree notice inserted in thi• list up to the time a sale. Valuable house and lot situated on the main street in !he village of Dungannon, heiontfing W 1,,e • state el the Tate Mary Davids..n. The ells will be held at Martin's Hotel, Dungannon, on Sat- urday. Dee. 28th, et 1 o'clock p. r. Jos. Mi►llougb, auctioneer. Lar Hae WALK - An exchange nays : "If any of our raiders are interviewed by a respectable looking gray -hatred hseefueaaage. who woman of aboutthorsbe.eCHRISTMAS GOODS AT A BARGAIN. Mold not pay her fare, and has • tele- gram urging her to come home on the nest ttair, beca.tse her husband is dying: mad irshe says she lives a hundred miles away. and she most get home if she him to walk, tell her the walking is Rond and she had better start, She and her con- federate who sends the telegram have de.:Mt1it pe•ent stock of Toys. Dolls. Christmas Cards. Booklets and New Year's presents of an .ma. worked this dying hnsMptind racket in St 1 !teasember .li must be sold. apes yon egos !pat the Goods at your own pr!ora. Thomas and other towna at net profit, it is Beared, of 816 a day." CREAT DKCE '" BEP S&LE Going on all rgh the month CROMPTON,o APPELBE & CO!S. 90 ltirst-class (foods in December at usual February prices --That's a Goal Point, isn't it f This Sale presents an opportunity to make 51.00 do duty for $1.2S in the ordinary way, for all classes -of I)ry Goods (edtcept poor trashy kinds, which: we don't keep), Millinery, Mantles, &c. This Great Sale presents ♦n unequalled opportunity to heady~ of families, and ail 1'uyers, large or small, to do thernselveei a good turn, and save money. The Character of the Stock we keep is a household word all through the County our goods are purchased from the Bent and Most Reliable Marulacturers, far Cash, and laid down on our counters at the Smallest Possible Cost to the eonrumer, and all this month we have put the Screw on Iiard to Squeeze down the Prices on a par with the present prices of Grain. Call early and reap the benefit. CROMPTON, APPELBE & CO., (Successors to H. W. Brethour & Co.,) 9G Colborne -ss.., . BRANTFORD. WE KNOW YOU ARE! Looking for a Handsome Xmas or New Year's present at a Moderate price, We Knov7we Have it, having the Finest Lines of Silver Plate, Flat Ware and Cutlery ever displayed in this town. OUR PRICES BEAT THE BAND. Inspection Solicited. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. THE STOCKINGS MUST BE FILLED A XMAS TEE will be on exposition for the next two week,,. The fruit on the tree will I* disposed et by draws at 5e. and lea Suuno valuable articles will be in the lOc. draws. such an A DOLL, t3et LLAWN TOILET IET. Moet 1•LTU EEC AN. M. In the S cent draws A DOLL, net READ WATfs MMES. tart MAMEBALLS IIT. IS rest.. Something on the tree for Everybody. G. C. ROBERTSON ow is to time al (CRABS'S BLOCK) *St. here is your C t hate JGBT RENO TEL, • lot of studentschairs and platform It .ckers. Sideboards. Hall Racks. Loargea and Picture Frames. ode aper thus ev. r. Wood take, 1. exchange for fur- niture. BIBLES AT CO+T. NEW GENERAL STORE, SAMILTON STREET. I have just received a choice stock of Groceries, Dry Goo k and Gents' Furnishings,which I will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. Also some CHOICE XMAS TOYS, DOLLS, Etc. FLOUR R and IIFEED con3tantl' on band. Call and ening*, goods before purchasing elsewhere. Farmers' Produce Taken in Exchange. 11.. �'_ 23C RTCN', . At Feu/omen's Old Stand. Hamilton -A. Oederteb, Nov. nat. 18019. 31-11im. CLEARING SALE As i hare sold my premises. and asa giving •p badness. 1 wlj sell A.t exs.d. MBelow Cost Wises the summer's yew has fa 4.4 N•hat shalt moan 1t fair agsla 1 W1 ,-n t:'e nice with path is shaded What shall dura away the pain! Never shall a blossom brighten After sighted M the frnat, Rut the loa.l of rain may lighten. And we need not mount as fust all the rlesadre of life when the wife and ru 4her. noon whom the haprinees of home sn largely depends. is afflicted with the delicate diseases peculiar tt• WO - It ie terrible to contemplate the misery emoting in nor mi.:at because of the pre.slence of thee, disease*. It is high time that all women. should knew that there is one ,•ore remedy for d female r-.mplsints,snd that is Dr Pierc,s P•%nrite Prescription. Do nut allow ill-bealth to fatten itself upon you. Ward it toff by the sated this standard re- medy. But It It has already crept in. pet it to roost You elan do it be tits tTttsit 0.d.rl,h. asIwer P.O. asst thank of *1 .trcah ENO of the "Favneit. Preseription.'' It 34-2t. • C. F. STRAUBEL. . Ho! you sleeperlt, Ruh your peeper., Open wide each eye; Don't be creepers Bargain reapers Now'n the time's buy. RIGHT THIS WAY TO DANIEL GORDON'S root React AiwI. /1nt.Clasa !'teek d Furdlttuw. &e. ecoTAas 'Afl1d 01 SU MER ISOMy aim has slyer. been to keep First -4 Fnrultore. The root will snook Jew itself. Thaws ya Mme who spare' the tawdry for cheap goods, and palm them off M Fret Claes rooms. 1 will '- 4.. . le melte-taking 1 bare or thing to he tnnwd ins arsaelw rraldMbment. I am the eat orad most ex feweM p"tsaerwl ltlrc+'tnr to th (MAROEtt ]IOUIGkATI. - llRf)ROOM ITEM. DM. eM p•* a caddy, $ATeas'a. Tie% ext a7. N etiorwnteed to K}ve satisfaction in every1 t--- . _ ...+.--•-- - el•se, ss. moneq paid for it .ill !%,.tan• nntatesr sick b.ad•eb., to i • 8 PV1111 Saeed, a hillf Elfin 1 3T'ABI.I33H�3D t50 YEARS._ I still take the lead in Murial value in t DRESS G000S Deer Melton'. from 9c. per yard up, Twill Melton, Stripe Foule and Ammon Clothe, Stripe and Check Costume Cioths,Velvets, Ribbons, ire MEN'S SUITS` SPECIAL VAL% K. Tweeds, full lines. Overcoat. very low, Good Quality, Nearly all Gone, Price Sella Them. In Grocery Department, In Teas especially, I Take the Leed,both in Quality and Prices. Pure Un- adulterated Coffee only kept, price, 30e. per lb. Pure Spices only kept In My Hardware Department I have a full assortment. Glass, my ova n importation, from 7:9 to 34:58, full supply. Crosscut Saws, &c. Wagon and Buggy Gear, full assortiuent, C_ CRABS Goderioh, Noy. loth, 189e. SQUALL CHRISTMAS GREETING I MERRY CHRISTMAS COMES AGAIN And Goode, IL. Urt,f,flst, bat is t helped many uI our propte to enjoy health the pact fear, uuw desires to :auttiare tbs eojoyuteut of all by proridin, a Beautiful Assortment Gift Goods at Rock Bottom Prices for the festive ow -on. BEAUTIFUL VASES -CHEAP, PLUSH DRESSING CASES, PLUSH SHAVING CASES, i'LUSH PERFUME CASES. SM(►Kl'R'b SUNDRIES, SACHET POWDERS, Fresh and in good variety. A11 our plush goodantd dose to cost. Call and see before buying. PRESL'ItIPTION WORK, as usual, rteeelves our fret atteatioJ Cos•ultatioa Parlor! Telep!.one ! Nigt. Attend ace Liv Char.cs! W. C. GOODE, 17- URl'OOi4T. AL9ION BLOCK. Now is the Time! to get Cheap Gcods--from now til! Xmas, as T_ M_ Z5RC'C1 =1:790 T is selling his Dry Good., Groceries and a tine a•:urtnii.nt, of XMAS GOODS, also Flour & Feed at a Great Reduction, for cash. Give him a Call and he Satisfied before Purchasing Elsewhere. Farmer's Produce taken in ex- chan e. M17 Boo -NEW ISSUES every week. Catnlopae.9ll pages, .tent ire,:: low trot prices ever known. Alden's /decd Revolving Book Case (the two sides are alike), prices $6.00 to $10.00 ; holds 10..'5 to 180 volumes of the average sine. No other article of furniture of equal coot. will equally adorn a cultured ban••. CYCLOPED1AS The following is an lntt•restieg crwniwrison of Contents anti 1'nce of leading Cydv tio. or vols. rases- ward'. C«� Agents seay'a 2y . n t iu 6OC alae.'. alaalfole w xs,FA 14 rot Wanted ALDS.`t'e MAtrreoLD CTCL01'..ilt.t is the TTh T for popul:u , a� well as cheapest. Specimen pages free. eyeh pediag Iu exchange. Ifeutiou this paper whom you suite. JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher. sa Noir! s1., Naw Tosat ne waheek aye., Catcs,o; 73 Whip -that t Sa., gnosis. SAM LE>ROOK$ at theecce of this Jasper. where you ran. it ynewish, team your r. y thus c ubbltsg our odder+. with '.there. the coot'.f 1 rn'tattun may saved. A liberal ruched res► le t. eerly.ukrsabref s.0 the llatnauw t t oeats. . �partlaltyi I DON'T - rsi.1Y - ANY U#OERtAKIRG. itttesrr to nix �'Z ni\ t4su1r a ipai COUNTY_ un1F1 ; . ow ,„eitfl et NEST w..Att r.•+. s•n,t•.' A._ B_ OC C.IN 'S Beautiful stock of' Bod Room S. - and Pilaw Setts, Sideboards, Centre Tables, Cornice Poles, F. s.3. dell. Tont (*won' NOER®Stl! MOO l.Owat4 tut , t -A RI•LI ....... .i)T OF, Just arrived, Blind Rollers. C r..•i see the NEW RAYMOND SEWING MACHINES, Machi A. COit:YEe:i.i�p THE CHRIS' TUE QUEEN OF THE HI Forty Parrs of tt.s.artifu1 Illestratinns spastic.. mattniltrent Press Rork, Mind.. Two laryn, Superb Luhngtaphl-- Plat. FRIENDS - - - T4 Frnd. Mtddteteo. ! writing e THE alw,tta upon hada( per tweed so at • to me to h..take equal to any to vera and the grouping not tae WIT." The whole auntlte.r la, v 4110111a aonM try./anti much up*tintt•o the !r•.at /mat Mewls. spits.11Morrie.To had Immmem all EA* r'n re.. TIIE GLOBFA P1N?II ()carrs Man the OM (Lamers smut A PrIIP 1P S1ff111J i;NVELOPES at $1.25, IAS :..1.._..s.. - IDGERS FOB 1889. • -) Icsart.er. Centra Paper. Colored Litt•• a,adtossiElhay th -• n•enber, entitled CANADIAN MILITIA. .^..JB'-,ttle atter ..4 moa congratulate '-4.0e a - ie re -r well eve. mvt .. sad ea fire 4 t nnitotm are . orre tly i • s toyr ger looted In this cone - W -h dinelu:.e s. Be t'aaaa/aa raa•tly . ,•xa»ire. . -.4 ♦ .,S *Mee rt i .41' 411 N " ) frOltUllt 1. U f w , .d '7 a4dk.naal 81.S..ed? *NINO , $2.00 and $2.25 pet