HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-12-20, Page 4• 4. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE / • ......11111.410 OM. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. WITAL (PAID UP) SIIINLLION DOLLARS • OUT, • B. E. WALKER, CillUeltAt. 14.000e0 GODERICH BRANCH. A Osstatt. 110000 suing* TILIAISAITTID. '*us NOTES Docouemto. DRAFTS 1011101113 Paraftot AT ALL POINTS m CA114134 PAO THE PPINCIPAL OITNIS IN THE UNIT= STATES. GAT 1111111TA/K. FRANCE, Bitiessune, ao. 111191110111 Wit INIPARTNINT. DEPOSITS OF 61.00 AND tseweno• alaCalVILD, ANO CURRENT RATES OF enTiolailff AiLLowao. ISITSIMIST ADOSO TO TIM Pette8011104 AT TIM sum Or MAY Alla NOIVItkalleM MS 100108 wee& 841.000.00o. 0700,000e Attusslikest OHM Ilet Nee Oelleselltee of O•nemessretel Paper. end Pemen' Sallee Notes. R 8 WiLliAMS, MANAGER. 1e Ifuran fignal is PVILLAIIIIIIIP EMERY FR I DA Y MORNING, AT ITS WEAN PAINITIffin NORTH-IT/It/CRT. OODERICIL It is • wide-awake local newspaper. devoted Ira musty news sod tbe dlarieruloatiosi of lose - al kaowledie. SAT= 011/ StIOSFR1IFTIIMI t IMO Year 73o. for six mouths Mo. for Iletselb.. If the subscription is aol p.Jd Is advisors ubeeripUoit wi.0 be charged at literate of Ate • year. A5TIMIT91118110 SAT= Legal and otaer casual advertisements. leo. per hue for first insertion. rad 3 maul per line for each eub=ent insertion. Measured by • nonpareil Local notices In nonpartel type 5c per Roe. Local moan:Oslo ordinary reading type lo pe wool. Business cards of six lines and under $3 per year. Adverdsenseots of Lost. Found. Strayed, Situations Vacant. IStotation Wanted and Badness Chances Wanted. not exceediag lines nooporiel $1 per moath. Houses on Sale and Farms on Sale. met to eloped II lines, $1 for first month, 50c per sub - 1010e01 month. Larger side's in proportion. Any epochal intake, the object of which 1.10 promote the pecuniary benefit of any Lee - 'Ideal or compasy. to bn considered MI od Tertisement and charred accordinrty. These terms will in 4U cues he strictly ad- hered to. Special wee for larger advertisements. 0 advertisements for extended ,periods mark &sewn at the office of publication J40111116 DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing Mlles Is serried 00 10 connect ion v. it it t be ordinary newspAper business, where drst-elass work is turned net at remonable rotes. Everything in the print - line can be door on the premises from an illunsinated poster to • visiting card. All communications must be addressed to D. Ille11.1122110111118T. Editor or Trig StoN•L Telephone Cal. So. 30. Oodericla Oat. HURON SIGNAL. rit*T, DIM 14 ailL emceed murderers dost wear high callers this ammimm. IRK Ontario Lawildature will meet for Vie transaction of bus,noss o January 30th Tue municipal elections are not at- tracting s great deal of attention up to date, but possibly the calmness is the weather -breeder that precedes the storm. The number of men who are anxious to become public servants has been narrow- ing down of late. and mit many suitable men now offer. It wouldn t be a bed idea if the leading taxpayers of the town would make an effort to plate the best available tisk* ia the field for the coming year. Ir is almost beginning to look as if the gad old.fsehioned Canadian winter had become 3 thing of the past. Recently green Christmases hare been the rule, and the result has been complete stag- nation of busint•se at whet *hound be the busiest time of the year. 1-p to the time of writing there is little in the air tio suggest that the festive Christmastide is upon us. The Government *hold put a prohibitive duty on all Old Country Christmas seasons entering Canada. We want Canadian winters for the Cana- dians. Is the d •at h 1Rev Dr Williams, Gen- eral superintendent of the Itlethodist Church of Canto's. that body loses one ABOUT “THS SIGNAL." It is now well on to the middle of the tooth year &nee the present prupristor of Tits Sweat assumed oontrol, and a word or two in refereace to the progress of the journal during these years will sot be oat of plum at the present junc- ture. During that time Tug SIGNAL has not duos much boastiog about its progress, for it was not necessary to tell the peo- ple that it was meeting with success, as its adenine showed it every week. We promised, wham we tcok hold of THE SIGNAL, to make A a live local paper, Bad now looking back over our fyles we feel satisfied that even those who differ with us politically and otherwise will ad- mit that we have fulfilled that promise to the letter. The interests of Goderigh have been carefully looked after. and if we have at times erred, the error has hews caused by our anxiety to guard well the inter- ests of the town. In our edforts for the public good we have also secured • large measure of success, and time and again the warning voice of THE Sweat has caused • halt, when the interests of the town were in jeopardy. That our course has been approved cf in the main is testified to by the facts that our subscription list has been large- ly incressed,that our advertising patron- age has been pearly daubled, while our job. othce has had an output of work Vats years second to no coantry prititing aloe in tbe Dominion. Today we occupy one of the best posi- tions amongst the provincial papers, and notwithstanding the depression io trade throughout the land, and the scarcity of mooey, we can point with pride ti, greater impmvements and more perfect facilities for turning out work in uur slice than can any of our county eon - Per. J. During the past year we have been f Jived to arid to our premises so 0 to keep pace with the times, and the re silt is that we have now • commodious poice, fitted up with counting -room, edi tonal room. coaposiNg room. and press room. all of which are specially adapt el to the various glasses of work loci dental to the conduct of a first class o iuntry newspaper. Our press room is the miell complete outside of the chief and contains three pretties run by steam power, which are not allowed to grow rusty for want of use. The entire premises are h ted by steam, and everything has been done to make work in TH. SIGNAL GlII,Ns pleasant alike to employer and employed. A go d indication of a successful busi- neas is the manner in which employees stick to the old offiw, and in this regard THE has • record that can be beat- en nowhere. Of the regular hands em- ployed, one, the news foreman, has been in the office since its inception; the job foreman has been with us for over eight years, and the other members of the staff hsve been with us • term of years, or since beginning their appren- ticeship. THE SIGNAL appreciates its workmen - for they are all good - and he result is we have • loyal staff to de- pend upon. We don't need to toll the public that 'goodwill is esteemed lather than money;" that "we treat everybody fair- y, giving 4oth sides of • question a eating ;" or that ' 'we hold the 'trend- ed( of our subscribers and advertisers " A glance at our columns, and an enquiry of its best men. Ile was • man amongst men, and his friends in this action, who knew and loved him, mourn his ,lepart nre from the scenes that will know him i no more. During his rtaidence in (lode- h rich he not mar end, ire 1 himself to the member, of his own in.:rogation, bet also suczeeded in winning the admire - i4 all those of other denomi,ostions * ntn our methods of doing business, are officient to make these facts apparent. THE HIJItONSIGNAL FIWAY, DEC. 24), 1889 rebate ef ND seats to ail who par .p10 advisees or midge Wu yeas hems tit timed rimorraal. ta aU WW1 mass the oforgs all 105111 be dWgill easiest sebemeibers paying later he the pear, sad SI seibeet all over a year is arrow. This nee will be steistly satersel alter ha. tat, 111110. We here also made arrangemeste with a somber of coeds periodicals with w hich Tag SIGNAL will be slabbed at reduced tales. Following are our prisms ; The atonal, bp mdmess..9. 11 Ths illsased.ffrr desist the year -5 i: Tits Iliwnal 11001 and _9/444 tit . .... 0 • 91001 sad Weakly gunk. 1 MI ra: M. y. �s4ttaa is The ingest and said__ 3 se sad proportionate redustioua on other • lesdi DurisaIll0eomhseyeer we intend to improve TIM SainteL very materially sod, in addition to the introdeetion of ad- ditional interesting departments, we will publish • succession of most interesting eintanued stories' from the pens of souse of tb• best authors. We intend to run the paper on straight hnes, without fear or favor, and all we want to enable as to maks THE Sontat second to 00 provincial o... - paper is the continuance et the exoellent support which we have illeeived from the general public in past yaw Thanking all our Mende of the pare. hoping for a continuance of their kind tame, and wishing one and all ths complimenta of the season, we.00nfid- ently await the result. The Hamilton Spectator, which • short time ago roared like a lion at Meredith, sow bleats like a Iamb for him. The Spectator doesn't own the Tory party, but the Tory party owns the Spectator. Teta Clinton Netr Era went somewhat oat of its way last week to attack County Attorney Lewis, in the matter of the Whitely investigation. Mr Lewis is not the sinner that he was represented to be by our Clinton confrere, and in the case in point was acting strictly within his lines, and under instruction front the Attorney -General's office. ALTHOUGH railway matters in God. - rich are apparently quiet, the leaven is working, and high hopes are entertained for the cooling year. Mr VanHorne's latest utterance is highly favorable to the early prosecution of the work on the Guelph Junction Road : the Hamilton & Ootario directorate is pushing along the prebusin•ry work in connection with that route, and the newspapers and public men along the proposed route have taken kindly to the scheme ; and last, but not least, the connection with Wingham from Goderichis in a fair way of being practically taken hold of and pushed to Ultimate success. What is wanted now is pluck and perseverance, and all the schemes in coatemplation will be brought to a speedy cm:wino:na- tion. Tar Cronin murder trial is ended at last. the jury after proluoged delibera- tion having brought iu a serdicL Beggs, the senior guardian of Coop 20, was sainitted ; Kongo, the litre Gr - 1 wan comedian, wss found to be en ac- complice, and was side:iced to tkves years in State prison; and Burk..." the laborer, O'Sullivan. the icuonan, and Couglin, tha ex -detective. were brought in guilty Of murder, as charged in the indictment, and sentenced to imprison- ment for life. The course of the jury in fixing the sentence at life. imprison- ment instead ot the extreme penalty :1 the Law is oluestioned by many of the leading jou. Is. That a vaispirecy was entered into against Dr Cronin, which coat that man bis life there is no reason to doubt ; and that the priscners were implicated in it is also a fixed fact. That the three principa:s in the case escaped hanging can only be attri- tinted t a merciful jury. THE EDITOR'S TABLE. A Wised or owe *bent New Fablieatiesse Mat Mn Foos to Mood. I 'ffRimiTMAR NVNIBSti.L. During the past week we hare receiv- ed • Cnrismas editions, many of them being msguifiJent specimen+ of ' ______==eleweeeekameaumememe BAY,IKLD. hem ear owa Oaamissies=e-71117 Methodists of gyERsTo this Wiese will tootle • Christmas tree mitartainiment is the tows hall se Moo - day ovoids', Dismember 13cd. • good time is eatisseed. Admaimeue 10s.t. THE MARKETS. BREADS/TUFFS AND PROVISIONS. 1110000 Neese atememean. Dee. 11. tele wiset. se - se Rear 9 1111. Oolo9 bleb ........ ........... • en Peas., beak /1 0 0 Staple and Fancy Dry -Goods, flartay.111bes , • II • Peestess.aew ibus0 ......I W Sweeping Reductions ts- will be wade in all liner of 0 11 0 W I Wieetratit 1•4••1;iii. ii.:: • Is • le ............... ............ • 0 13 &arts. • ten..................... II * ll NI • 110 12 00 • n • Pod &of 9 owt 1 0 " 15 __,ow* ... II SI " 0 115........... ............. ... 3 0 " 40 0.......:-.: .. .. . ........:. I:: :II: 9 .4;1.0.. ...... .. ... 8 01 " 1 • 0 0 " II 0 01111080211111181$011118. neer eit 551.0 slraupdairwiwaa.whistamirsiif: 8 11 to m :13: "to 410 a Is to 011 • S3 to 30 553 34•13 Ito: 0f :I 011 r&ri.Flets Apples. Mae 11117 Pow •••••• M., • •• • • ("ordinal. Haat Wool Pork t •••••• ..••••••••• 0 17 to •• so e •re tt: Meinsreal rasa* startet. The receipts of live stock at the Montreal Stock Yards, Point tft. Charles. fur the week ending Dec. 14[6,180, were :- Receipts of live stock at the Mont res I Stock Verde. Pt. St Charles, for the week 886 le 27 Left over from pre- •ious week 88 Total for week. ... OS le 27 Left on head . S Trade for the week has bees rather dun, receipts of cattle fairly large but of poor quality. selling mostly below Ir. Sheep in fair demand, some nice lambs selling at Sc Per lb, No improvement in the how trade. the stool' supply warranting higher prices tam what were given. Some good stock is expected in next week tor tbe enristilaae market. wtth a brisk trade and a correspoud- lag tire In values. We quote the following as being fair values : Butchers'. good Butchers'. medium Illutchenr. culls Ie ge to Bogs. Per cwt.. tam to 111E1g. Calvet. 16.0010 MAIL Strayeb Animals. VSTRAY CALVES. -CAME ON .1.:A the premises of subscriber. pt. lot 11. boundry line, E. D. Colborne, about the !fah of Nov two red calves- • steer aad heifer. The owner is requestro to prove property. pay charms and take them away. 31 It. 0./NALD McPHICE. - - - rSTRAY HEIFER. -CA ME ONTHE .1'.4 premises of subsoriber. lots A. R. C. con 3. W 1). Colborne. on Nov 27th . a red one -year- old heifer. The owner is requested to prove property. ply expenses •nd take it away. 33 It. ROBERT I LLAN'. VSTit AY LAMB. -CAME ON THE 1.4 premises of subscriber. lot 8 eon F.. 11. Colborne, about the end of Septeniber. • Leicester lamb. The owns is re- quested to prove poverty, pay cbarwes, and take it away. 133-1•1 PAt L SIALPItt.. ESTRAY STEER. -CAME ON THE premises of the subscriber lot 15. eon 3, Wes Wawanosh, about the tith ot October, • red and white seer rising tyro years ol I. Owner is requested to prove propeity. pay channel and take It away. 3541 THOMAS LEDDY. VSTRAY SHEEP. -CA ME ON THE .1% premises of subscriber. 1.1 1.5. Lake Road West. Colborne. about the latter en.I of tko.. two black ewes. Thr owner is requested to prove proteriy. pay chargee and take them away. GS It.1 WiLLI•tt G. Bonus. Legal Notices. IN Taft SURROGATE COURT (IF THE COL'NTY OF HURON. In the mat tof 1)e sip o • • lfay I ols , lock, the infant child' of Marshall Pollock. see of the Village of Exeter in the Const3- Goma. gene Fenian. deresied, t Notice is hereby given /1/14 after the eclair- aloa of twenty days frotn the drat publieslitin of this aider in the Ontario (M:ffr. pp Hon will wide to the j vre o gate Court of the Coen' "-end( Iturofil.tos behalf one k. of the own of Doderich. In theCounty of Huroa. widow. mother of the said Mabel May Pollook. to be appointee guardian or the saki infant. • Dotted at t his 3rd 'MY of DerNober. uAltittis"0.411tcdPoirts(jkrilltiP(pirric.ant. 33 S. Amusements. _ V-2 TUTE LIBRARY ANDMISADIN CLIODENI011 MECHANICS' I21STI eRrt&V.t. cur. ot haat street and amtere tut Open from t to d p.m., and From 7 10 pi. ABOCT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY, ir irso /lot te rc,.-try rind filsetroteit ..Ver,.:;pre, , 6/l rib% MEMBERSHIP FICK ET. ONLY litre granting free use of Librery and Rearlin • tf10111. ApPlieatlon for inetalserxtlp received to Lihrar.an. In rooms, e. m.u.,comsos, Gro. s-urtoo.. Premien% Ooderielt. March lOvh. 6115. Se. rclary • Tweeds and Men's Furnishings. Do not buy without seeing our prices. Inspection Invited. J. A. REID & BRO • JartianS Work. Godarlab. Dm. 100. UM. Dentistry. NICHOLSON, ASA. 11111141TAL itOOMM. Wightb door below the Pest Odlos. WescaL. 000S103111, S95-ly DR. Z. RICHARDSON, L H.S. SURGEON DENTIST. Gas and Vitalise." Air adoilaistered for Painlessextracting of teeth. Sesta' attention given to the preservation of the Natural Teeth. 01110-Cp stairs. orsed_Opers House Klock. Kateeitellen Wara-40. 020010. 21111 -IT 7"•• The People's. Column. az:PACKER'S FAVORITE- lus- pro% ed Yorkabire-i bare seared a retie above ropular breed of pigs from the listed breeder.MrJos Ireatheretoe.ot SPrinefield-on-the-Credlt, which is at the ser- vice of the public, at my farm. Lot 6. R. W. Colborne. Terme, jaw et thee o' ter- rier. t33i1 I JOAN LLNKLATLIt. CIENERAL SEWING DONE. - A -a Ladies w Whirs to have plain dresses or sewing deanesa• he mom oxidated by C:inmlit orders at my resides,. cur. East 6'4 Viztoria Miss Lot' ii•ILEv. POARDERS WANTED - FOUR LI gentleman boarder, can be aecommodat- ed at my resideoce. Mita Gists t•: It East -.t. oor. of Victoria. OMINATION MEETING. - THE Tor Sate or to Let. FA It/1 FOE BALK ' The undersigned *ill oiler for sale the /el - 1 topisig s try desirable Son comistiag ot tbs I sosterty INI acres or Block -r.- in the Mona- 'cessi•va of the Tuerneitip ot toatisoros, te the Coasts, of Huron. Thie brut is sitoan I an Ii mike from Oodericb, arid II miles from Carlow, ea the Halo tireeS Road. There is a good frame house lft- storeys. •tineet Dew. 21 by 311. coatalalw 7 rooms • Large bare. 0 by 12. with cattle shed. 12 by 11. attached. and one of the nee* ors:herds In the township. It is watered by • net er.hsiling spring creek mid • good well About 110 acres cleared sad free from Mumps. Thews is no waste land a any kind on Om TGood school w ithia 10 rods of the ill be wirt oa reasonable terms. terms sod further parocuters apply to JNO. HSECRENttillOK. lempriettar. Ousletrieb. or Juelf.P111 3teKitowN. II. ea the peessises. -VIEW CLASS BRICK HOUSE AND I: LOT roit SALE ON ST. PATRICK 91. -About two minutes walk trees the Squalla. Two stories high, brick oddities' la the rear tit stories ides. building corms/ wont shoe. Main building bits 3 lorge roomette era Old. orooirly there are 5 large mama, lathe mar addition there are kitchen. Paoli Y. Cesium girls room arid bethroosnlv= cellar. Apply to the underslgOed, tvlso wIll give all accessary ialormation LIANIKL GORDON. VALUABLE FARM FOR SAL. - 7 That s alisabie property known as lot NIA Maitland ems.. Doderich township. within otell mile of Liodertch. Ou the farm are • orrhard, loud frame house aad kit/chest. lir 1 electors of the Tows of tioderich will stone -liar . and frame barn awd Saigon ems meet at the Town Dell on Monday •Ift•Ilibil• Winn 73 acres, well watered. For further her. 30th. IWO. 51 7:0 o'clock. for the 11414111i41411- =Mare applyto Geo McRae ea pie:mew tion ot a Mayer. Reeve aad Deputy -Reeve for the Town of Goderich, and for three Coon efUore and one Public school Trustee for ARMS AND TOWN PROPERTrze F each of the Wards of ot. Davids. St. Pat• rick's. Ht. George, and St. Andrew's. for the '.rec. "Id Liwrew_ir-- „rya hign.340traLtlitbdprkeeosi ensuing term. eccordiai to "tat"' 4/14t BY' nen Lot E.t.! In Ist eon. it It. salaam, law No. 8 of HP& We. Men-mm.4 38 acres. price Moo, Lots 43 sad 14 la Id C*. Dec. 19th. IMP Hewett* °titer* Khdows.Bruce Comity. on acres, Will be 3a xt. very ebeap.Lote la. Magid WI of 17. in thel coe.Waratimb. 30 acres olexcellent land la ems block. Price $15..0.. Lot 73.Melkomall'e nerrer. Town of Gods -rich. Pelee only $0. Let of& town of Goderich. 0 1-101t Hoene street. pith brick home and stab0 Pries oats Non. Lots W7, 9:11 IOLS sad pt. me block within the loseinesie part .2 Town of Goderick mealy ph of ask amm toele- Prier ani; 8101. The &bore tkes st ill be *old r tray terms of parys•=t Apply to MS 0 - -5 Ot " N.B.-Mimes to le at refs lowitleteArigli i(EAor.r, - -t FOR SALE. QPECIAL OFFER FOR XMAS AND *)NEW YEAR WEEKS. Ora.. Catalogued at ADS 110 for *IS Oil " Oft 00 i5fl • • .• .• 241.5 •• 75(5 • • Pianos 1M kl 041 WA W See Sewing Meet:lime " 3600 (11 " 00 • • SO 00 I This is a grand chance or save imesey. Come one. COOIC all. W. Titostrillge• Music drove, goner.. Slim Godoleb. BOARD WANTED. -AFTER THE beginning 0( 1). New Year. board and room in • private family. Apply. satire terms. asommodations and dimes. mous the High ultimo!. to "Box Se. Guelph. Ont.- 31 O L. -10R SALE -A GOOD WOOD DIN - 2. 1NG room stove:Wild Apply at "hie melee. 33 It. FAROE BLASE BURNIR COAL 1.4 STOVE IOU SIALR.-4 SIGMA ED FL (SIC LESSON& -HISS A I E 4,1 THOMSON is prepared to give II1UPIC lemons on the piano or organ. For esti- eulati itionire at Geo, IV. Tbomsoa's Music 33-i F. WOOD WANTED -TEN HERS IV will be received by the unders'igned t 11 ' Jan. let. fur 71 cords of erect. wood, beech and (staple, tour ft. long, free from limbs •nd back 101101. To be dedvered at the public schools. Gederich, by the 1st of March. Tenders to he for not loop than 10 cord.. td wm. macolet.L. %Vest halt of int so. Arthur Street. with 1, wal1111 britt cottage thereon. lictuorto Loi'.. -104. IN. DI, 243, Elite Street. St. Andreses Ward. 1 431. sooner of Harm and Itritannle Itosr1. t Frame Ii story house gm les). etreet, lel % and bull land. „l serersi l..rs in Reed's eurvey, opposite new x labor Omen's. Ilk : t•• Nos D. Ss 11. 20. Mk 54. td. 0. 04 .... An tbe *box at LOW ILLTEK, Apply to ..., Ilt tt DA rukus II JOILNSTOW Loans area insurance. 1,4 N. LEWIS. Barrister, Proctor In me ourt ; Money to icon al 114 per retif.• plicate funds. fttraight loan, In- tereat yearly. rotas very moderitte. For particulers call personally or write. $1 C BRAUER, CLERK MINT filVluttiN (VCR?. ry *neer, Ineurente, Estate sod berverIll Arno. More to Lend at Low Rate* and Cost Farmers' Notes leterounted. OFTH 14, Convell's Ponta Goderieh. Secretary Public elcboul Hoard. Goderich. F J. T. NAPTILL, LIPE, NEE AND ACMI DENT IN - IV(.YrICE H E It EBY GIVEN, 1- • Hun enolicstlen win be made to the Aseembly of the Im% Entre of On tetoo, at the nem seasion thereof foe of Act to ine..rporale -The Huron and Ontario nail - way Co.," with power to centimes and oper- ate • Itailsrav to run from the town of Gale - or is. in the County of Huron, to a point at or mar the 1 'Its- of Hamilton. In the Como, of West worth Wel" NU EA NI:11 AG ENT, Setementlog Norsk Mrreantfle • !Aerate:it tondos& Globe; Nora wit Union ; North American Life ; and Accident Inoue - SIM" Of North A merle*. • lowest Lessem 641414d promptly Moriey to Leon on Farm and Town Property Cm% cyan/ins done. Properly valued. etc- HOLatt. (*Alio:n(1x. Aft ANDREW CA NE. Offiree-Cor. North -et. anti square. Oodertch. Sollelitirejbe A ppl tr.. ra e pro. len. potent at Toronto. 74- it•il h day 0 Vol -weber. 1189. GI $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS ,.TICE Is HEREBY' (HY rt; To len. on farm end town property at low 'No applkati..n w ill be made to the Par. eit to-LetTel• lioromort Purchaser!. 'No II., ,,.,,, of canada. 55(1* ni.xt .K.s.f,". for an IthlOt•Ifiti . Itirri Pgrtits toe the Trout and 1.0.11 artistic work and literary exoellence. -- - ---- • A pets, i..c roc .-•rich atfd Anson:tat the number deserving of Jim. I iris Railway compeny part1,41an.: to enehle the oil 111V r,i 3ir-nd the •Oathie IA k .‘t V ktaria "ffin"^1 tslItt,III. the Conada Landed . ,..,1. a , h., ii,,,,Hitrip,n.e.ifbission.aidoiii.lohowologr 1 ' cri li nit t .00,7P:01.,r4theleaLion onimaionial.ob:un (1-..:otnimpaity 4 'ittis01411 lot( Inc of( °bad,. Ittil'reid. a. ai and 7 Per (vat. 4 mid'," to be day, if ark seristnetory. . eltb power to Boil MON tib.IXTLINSTO9f, no Lake Heree. 5270 ars dm.. Glatiartak TrinpaollirritniT"I'mal iii00-- ,--000 Til -LOAN. APPLY TO pirate will be eW Societies. eparyial mention are : Toronto Asit,,erlAy emetrut•ted :;. 1/0.goth.011 Need, London .4,/tertieee. L pocks Free 1103114 a Oraireh to Port Albert Press. t11111IMS OP tot-heel:elite names of the P ore and to rashly thy said 1, liti pia le\1 with whom lie c..rne in contact. The re- ' And as in the past, Do in the time to W• hare received from the publa es% tee tire! for th* 00nlinfmo,m 41., IIII, os b. t Railway Company Wm. Beyer, T....iesto, • copy ,,f ••1- pon • ' ' ru • a ':. 1 tion of thasaid railway. ed, east • feeling of gloom 0/ this entire front of the procamion• We don't *al a novel of agnostic tendencos, pnrport- "oil7.-o: section, but we do say e• have the fury "f tjhr;ttata atallitZati""• ( /rth'Idr•lf Ill. . "UPON THIa garatate. Or rit I ftrilli.44. 4 h * .41* 'Immolate Pit,'01.• Railway Co conic les Sinost. will be found in the port oe lila death, althrilieh not nnexpret- tlos Rock," by Wm. 0 Byrne. whizti ix • x"' 'Cs st timotow t CAMKnol! 110or ACIAMDIRON God moony, or vrt..ti rich. tie . and extend • etti and comities Nii)NEY TO LEND. -erA T. A R anti, ?tors ria we bine the "otmaijeco- paper in tail ing be life chronicle of the last cen- report et Godr..-riah. the nth community. Laraaall. --------------- B% the regulations respecting en- "beat, ' ar.r1 we invite comparison along trance IxasninatWine it is distinctly laid , this line. The faesthat not w ithstanding down that such examinations be held in 1 the "cheap ' offers of others we are able the High Schise,, if there he ono in the : by our circulation and wide-spetrad 0 - district. Where no Horn School exists, I diener to aintrol 'swirly two-thirds of them the examinations will be held at .the advertising/ of this diatriet gnaw tar soeh pleas as may ha approvod of by the to prove that the cheapest ie not always Minister nf F. luoation. The oxidaut,. the heat. MO, examination' were held at qbe This year we make a departure from nor former method in regard. to subscrip- tion. litostrifore we slim -god all oer snbeeribers 11.50 • year. if they paid during the year. The reseh pse that aohsernmes paying at New Year's, or in advent*, reeeteed no hotter treatment than the "elow-payers." This year we intend to dieverisninatit in favor of the provapt-paring imbeeribers, by tusking a Public School, and we observe the exam- inations now in progress see hell et the same plea,. 11 there not a High Schonl in (ind.rieh, and why are the entandina- trona not held there 1 Who is PilerhISSI- hie for this change is the !retentAlities so ler as Oodeetch is onto -wiled? They don't twirl entomes examinations et lassforth or Clietroi st the Peldie Rebottls,. REK COI Neil NO IfE'. (101) readers may Pot agree with the de luctinut. 8 4 Kit -Semmesmeeting MI TIP alay made an many capes, but the Ia. evehintrillst .1k l'eutperlinee listi \with *toot. theme! Tomporsnen lbw -tins Erse reasiday Wk. limed . ono: terra r moo r. OM. to pellete, wort hyleif parriesl for all that. 0. eale at the bookstores or)Ou From strewn oorreepoodeat. *----.40.•••••••••4..-..- reseaidir FURS, FURS. 4aytti.1,1147t sot itiii,,a,rjo.trealirup3torinc,r14.4:30euoy,00,31oriessiree Apple *mond, or Private trestle for ineestroes (fa& KR AL IN - SURA.N!..1d, TO TAW, LA1flr4 OF tiooKtoot Jorn REAL ESTATE AND _ rictsrry The ondertgisel is reef -mom" to t ican or re. i, bleeder. ii.•nite fess one ornstewi .,n4 r•- illod, 1,!tchrti price mover ra st- foot. m•A rt. MAN. Klogvtots istrvet. Seen , (Soder ieh. • per en full blast &ISM Mr It re Mharffes is 'waning his shier! t%.- e pi tighliMitfiCR, rrhE Hu ittlal noTgL. 11' /eaglet ere -r P kil • form"r1/ allinittitd It!' indite Ir.)... . metier+ s rot isttn d tooknin the r soy . all k wiel eite • node Mg 4.1 Ms Donsinicie Alliance in Torooto Rev Jas Herm is atteadiei the most. theimo ormy Amiss.* fang room. OP. poems ; known eretrpopsOar hotel Its 'tern Auctioneenfl2. Mt/NET IA)ANINO AGENT Oreq_Prra-eina• cpatiartai,• Rearrerarrd sr Mone; 10 1.0114 on Ittraight Inane at. abe • Lomat Noe of Intermit 1,041,14. in .07 WAS tO .101 tit 11Wirrgiver. grvif" -Seemed door from wranare wee Meet h. Fes-tf this week C. H TY1 1401 ro menet IThere win be a Okamoto trft "nrliat the German chawaytan Chrtetnisa (14" Admission 15e. s The missionary meeting was hal al Betowiller ne Sends, 'vaunt,. ?bpi aiirrte. Iran entrileetad by Rest us ars- rin poem, and ft. r Mr Power. rof Dew pranoros. Mr Potter tare a veer MUM, *Adam fur the oesseares. - and i• new mmerie non4" e ss et 7 bit the leneeltle• entitle. Good R. 00m. earner co Fla", and es, nrownm..da not tor trawiteat R. l'e • . W1ivrItt.i10, Swam. riellarials. 0,t. • Notelet • ..r.:2!..............._...j.L.tr........m.wih..r....7...7:.......oe th• yam Se•wit.f. simony ot JOHN 111104 02/4111:11 =IPtintle in boot at per rant. Ilkelerien over teleeraph cesehiogri (JARR111W1/1.11. 41111illi 'MTV Illgf=' OW & PROCDFOOT, OARt* 11E8. $11ANN4IN CIAMERON, HriLT lb 01/11:110* P.,raiefava Pm -Irmo. 4100.e.14" itc N.J lloryisrvraletnettasi salP onyx m Dr. illhatseen 14.1111/..hrt MVO. lilv• 7ederieb camerae, laTittraMtt, at, not cletterteh Sot Ae000 !LIVIA!! AI ACV- TIONMILIt and 10041 Tettsater, dowlerteh oat. Rawls, had eterstdevabas ereperienee to .„.. be etellenteming Soule, he 5. 1, a position Isebares with them -milt satistarilmi ell com 1. sawn estreered to hint. Order it left at antes I or solo hy wag e my addrses. [It: Yt • Aare let . ek .1:X. teretaliy tn. 101111 nivrtn r• •