HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-12-20, Page 22 THE HURON $IGH A L 181»A Y. DEC. 20, 1889 TOM'S MONIMENT• "I demist int sight te NOW M a katet table. y' realest as .•beds tet rim drowsed as et 1 sea him to the bottom o' the massa *is mirsete," said Mrs Job ru,s.Y, Wiping the teen hums her w_sslesd shooks with hoe wits° spree. "NI it did* sea' to resole the% he was dead, tblst ate stover fails, 'a' I dew tbtsk *rid der hey deepen enough for Ske pee hors nosery to git elm setae, 's' =tut ut in the lot wtthuet wants' eke losgs� "Tea, it's mer*'■ a year saw, s's the B■rey Belly bassi bee heard from. 1 epos, likely she must be' bees lust," agreed Oysthy Aso, the daughter of the hoe.., ani without • certain (berm enjoy - moot of the situation_ "Stan is deet - fel osmosis*, aeybow, bet assts' awe bsia't bee Ole to give him any fnseral, sur hev the stisistsr, sod seek op for the mwlesers, it memo tee at we'd oche hey a mdsielant for him_ I sea'% ready ase hew we kin do mesa, es the Pater Yamada got one fur their Charles, 's' I any to mars, it won't do to 1st them git ahead of eta, poor es they b. P'r rya, g=s yon 'a' Tom was es good es yeto atet'otbsr, you'd be wil*js•. looney hive a little ov yer ssh.ol-k ssostowards gitun' the taooswset, r°' I'm grant' to pot off gnus' married for a while --though tett is dretful pat oot about it—'n' ave all my rag mosey, till. with what maim takes fur butter, we shall get ssotlgh " The ponos addressed, a yowsg wo- man with a moth', sensible feet, shiv- ered a little, and shook her bead decisiv- ely. 'I don't believe that Tom is dead," wail she. "Oh, don't talk about baying a mostlseent yet. Wait soother year, and if you do not hear from him by that time, there will be rw•oa to—., "That's jestlhat pa say," intervupt- ed Oyethy Aso, "jest became be doo't want to bee it that Tom is drowedsd, He •semi ter think, somehow, that by . hangin' off 'n' not eves owoin' of it to bila.elt, he ken keep it from bee' so. That's • way some folks hes" "He wits awes )jest so headstrong an' unreasonable," sighed Mn Fernald, with prolonged use of the calico apron. "11 had the imperdenne to say this very mornin that it 'peered ez of we wanted aim dead, for the sake ow Kevin' • moot - meat for him like Peter's Charles's. But to look at things fair 'n' Nome, what chance is there that he kis be in the land a' the livin' / Didn't Beth iimsllidge himself go to no the o.nen of the $arry Bully over to the Port mora'' a month ago, n they said they hadn't DO more ides of ever been' from Libel veal or crew than nothin' at all r" "At that ouncarued moniment again, be they, Rbody 1" growled a weather - bastes old man, whose fume bore a cur- ious rasemblance to a wood -carving, ap- pearing suddenly in the doorway. 'Bot don't you listen to 'em, dreary, fur you 'n' I knows that our boy ain't no more dead than they b. Even of he woz, we couldn't afford to git • moan - 'tient fur him. Dead folks sleeps jest as well without any stun whatsoever, 'n' of their bone, is a-re•ti°' in ibs nee, of what use is a stun on the land r It can't tell nobody jest when they b. Somehow the folks in this place, spec- ially it thu family, has got a marvellous craze for mcnimenta Brother Lysarn- der be made mention ,t it w en to home ave year agn, 'o' seam that the craze has been growin' 'u' grown.' Even the summer boarders over to the Harbor puke fun at us about it. Sam Smith showed me a newspaper where gat one on 'em had been a- writin' up theest place, an' it did sound as et we wuz I the cur'o. folks. 'Teas evert word of it , ye true, too. 'n' went XIiI to say that the coo Herrin' Paint folks fur the most pert .bic lived in little weather-beaten huts that tayi were dretfal poor pertectlen from wind it w 'a' rain, 'n' wax a puaur er leanness 'a' men poverty, coz they're a-avin' op money Cy to buy themselves moniments to look dies splendid over their gos%es when tit. right wuz dad and gone. But for my part 1 oted don't want to go about an ;holler while oil I'm • limo', for the sake o' cortin' • dash him when I cast anchor. Anyhow I wouldn't fur, agree to • great moniment a -loom- hev t in' op oot o' the family buryin'-mound by n, nit overtoppin' the old house, like a jest steeple over • m ishroutu, the too Peter's Charles. dors." "Ob, ;pa I I never thought you wax so awful .or dly minded before," groaned Miss Cynthy Ann, with • knot of horror. "Well, I be jest worldly minded annueh to stick to it thea I won't live on them 'tarsal bony herein' till the boos, prick, through my Mesh, nor drink cur- rant -leaf tea, nor if,. tor• 1, ver •. Ill - stickin' through Toni's old clo'e,, while you wimtaen-f„Ike is •-sari.' up fur thee there imszln.ry pert c' moniment as it were. Elam• of us 'II die in earueat soon enough, 's' then you'll have • chance to show all the teepee' you want to, rs' her ha m a stun in •irnest.” talk i "Oh, pa, how kes you talk so bigot fully d 1 Ain't it awful to hear hits, acted Rhndy r' The RSoela smiled, but remained silent ; Cynth and, evidently wishing to hear n., mote Small concerning the 'Hair, suddenly remee- bered that it .aa ach,00,'-dim.. and took • hurried departure. The old man re- turned to his tem -mending on the sonny ride of the wood -pole st the beak door, and the ten w.nn•n, after a pec - longed on'..ltation, finally decided that they would wait another year before buying the monument, se Rhody had segttestee- In fact, it would be neces- sary to do soots the eirl would contribute nothing toward time fut.J, and pa was dretfal trowhleenete when he warn't humored. Bet .. for there being • chance that Tom wasn't dead, it was alt nonsense, sad 'twee treating him shame- ful rut to take a mite 0' motets of his death, tern. Days and week•'werst un in the old U desmons. manner at Herring Point The orogen.. ranks of the gelds. rod and asters were eut -town by the frost, sed the wired. swept away the 1.. red lase.. "bleb stored the nodes of the asalookiwg hills, to maim a clear path fee the homy =seek of winter. The sea, en loss sloop smiler the ewmw.r ee.sahhw., h•ssn to .how mot more the wild fiereniess of its nature, and drove hems the hots of the fialowinen, anti lashed the reeks airily through wild • *tile . ' 'b' 1"p id as let' house t "Lodes tatd� ehfid s nig FitrY trot agetd !jet Sumach semi owl hot lieboriositise. is the .,-«oder dtwl Mee pro � iwfaeOhs tosekel, sad aa.l - .u.n4 .bb the vides el the dpissdid tall muse - most Meshed baleen bar meet.l pee. hawked rags ttum is the msesie� .sail late into the s$ Her bsoksd rage were is d seer. lag tens& summer boarders bed admired sad par - chatted them, and sire that time ■oddly every lady at the Port bad bees aimed with • desire te pews oar • an oraa- meet to bar best peeler. Pa divided the time between gus.aps.R with his old sailor scrotums at the store sod sitting meditatively by the are with his pipe sad almao•o. Ne msstioa was made of the mosumest, and the old tow drank, his .tore tea in triemp•, ol!arine so ob- jections to the °errant- leaf beverage with wbisb his wife and daughter as. At to resale themselves, .ave by an oa sesios•1 grant of duapyroval. No sews eases of the Hurry 8e(ip or the fate of her mew, and .a the days enpt slowly sad drearily toward wisp, tboesh pa still persisted in his belie( Oise Tom was littler, all hope died in Rhoda's beast. Bet se to herring Point peerage* she sad Tom had not been really pea- mimed ro-mimed to one Vallee, sbe felt that she mould sot gratify Cyotby Ana's wish, and espt* s her grist by beano; mourn- ing 'Primate, tb,cgb it would have given Aar s sort el dreary eswfaottoo to be able to do se. "She eoelda't be' gaged Deakin' shout Maio or she wouldn't wear a blue bus - nit to mmstia', 'o' him'dead 'a' , ms id the eigbbon with one accord, foe Use nal Melte of the ease was ucknown to them. ••P'r'ops she's atased 0' scorns' away Js. Colliss of sly should pmt on black ; bee slims ben a trytn' to git her away from Tom woos they woz boys'u' girls together; ' a' now Tom's lost, they my he's enemies to her es a bumble -bee is to • imariaooL " Bet Rhoda ram little aisturbei by these remarks. Her heart was very sore because of Tom's lots, bet then were circumstances connected with bis going away which caused it to be sorer still. 1Vby had he not spokes before his de- parture, if, as she had every reason to think, be really card for her,and wished to make tar his wife 1 More than once during those last day be had seem- ed on the point of doles so, sad theca hesitated, with a painful doubt olouditt( his brow. In troth he had not been quite himself during his stay oo shore ; sometbiagseeso.d to trouble and vex hits, sod he would remain silent and lost is thought for almost boon when they were together. But os the day of his departure bin face brigbt.oed, his man- ner changed, and when they parted he said with a great deal of meaning iu his glance and tone, "I shall write to you as soon as I reach Boston, Rbody, and mind you answer my letter main." But the letter came. Now the buds were swelling in the April sunshine ; fishing boats were rocking on the water; the wo- men gossiped with each other in the open doorway ; the happy young people look- ed duorwaya; the haPPy young people looked forward to days that were coming; the sad young and old people remember- ed day. that were past. The senshice *nue: picture. of them. The birds and wind and sea sang and talked about them. To Rhoda everything was elite with Turn's memory, and one soft, lovely morning after a rain, when a karat mist lurked in corner. of the violet sky, as If urs were drying her eyes of the •i of handkerchiefs, she walked up l Fernald cotter., and present thy Ann with • folded envelope wbic twined all thwlittle h,.aru of mune b she had saved from childhood n g in a choked voice that she thong as time to think about the mono t now. ntby Ann • face became fairly ra t. "Ism glad you've Dome to be -minded," said she. "Pa beti bt,c n' sot softest it yet. But there' need o' sayin' anything about it tell the stun'• all bought 'u' psi 'n' ready to be sot op. He won' er do without no worldly comfort means, ez Carle Lyssrnder be sent us a little present o' money. I come jest • like Proverde.ce by mail when we woz stalking aboutf4he seoe,- ment t'uther day. maim 'n' 1, 'o' no name to it at all. What do you think :inn .tout the verse, Rhody 1 It had titer keep be something "lose ' n' 'ramie', I a�' it was te he oat up frith appropriate ssr.- .5-.-a Mrs Rsnsld .ad ()pithy Are were gee feitisg baro reposes over it .. fish - iambi. My went= weld bene fake is- le teptures war • sway impeded lists tries p., who bad mem bass ""tis' teere,beeteward *Meg the puh whiahkla4 eirw.gh the oesbard. As the Mepaseloss seisms el white marble seal bis eyes, be step- ped short with wrath .ad weai.►meet. "Well, et this sib's the setaredest o' week 1 ever heard tsU about ! me overboard el ru Nee' skit sasses..! Here you've ben a-beyie' a etas es s' greed a beaker Hill Monier for ••Hy - t.' buy, to say notion' o' the ridisatht.s- sees td Doh awaarnd poor folks •-tport- se' met a flung. Et's math muni is the old Mess 'o' the lot o' lead 'a' the oats 's' AMOK -beak all hove together. 's' you're bet ' ' 'pest all Lyeareder's mosey, 'n' Rbodj w too, 1'11 be booed, of As was fool .nosh fur ter give it for yer, poor gal ; a' k ..neat -leaf tea with morias• for sweet'nia', 'e' pinch- ed ysnel.es on Iojoa bread without no butter, till ye're es lean 'a' ugly es two witches. Winter's s-ooasta' biaao-tty, too, et '1u spring oow,'s' my •.bio' won't amount ter much tau year. 1'm• -g t&in' Ino old an' stiff ter go o.t now ; folks hes too much human eater' er be able for work aper they git ter be seventy, n' Smtb Smallidgs halal 'ol no mon backbone tb•c • jelly -fish. bet's good luck of we duo's all starve ter pay tar this. I tell yer Tum ain't dead, author; 1 know bum a 01171:1 deal betters you w innow -folks abet sever eared sorbin' shoes bias bet tar stud him with norms to show oiler the panes with, 'a' tor starve him into: s•yi.' &bet Me- rin' wax es good ez roast beef ; 'a' I boo. he ain't the kind ov • feller to git drowndd frets a wrack Der dretfal easy; nor ter give in 'o' oast anchor ashore, 'yak .atblu' more'• common tackled bun." "Oh, pa, bow you do discoonternanoe Proyerdsoos !" sobbed Mrs Fernald. "Duoounternance Proverdenoe or not, 1 won't het that there woniment put op is my lot. I reckon I'm mater here while I live, whether or so, Whet) I heave to, though I'. hopis' that' woo t be till my toy comes huts."—with f. little softened quiver in his wrathful vuice--"you'll cut op of you think fit, ow wane, but while 1 hew my mama that then thing will be out ov sight. I may mwoond or lose conscientiousness, but of yer set is up then, I'll hev it hauled down again es soon es I Dome to myself, 'a' .o teen's no mss talkin'. " And so it proved. The tears and remonstrances df lou wife and daughter only caused the old Mio to be more set in his determi- nation. The solemn advice of the minis - tee, who was rifled tuthe rescue, was with- out avail •iEf they had bought a small, reasonable stun, I would° t h.' made nu objection for their puttin' on it up, par- son, ter it would ha' given 'em any atia- f•ction,tboogb Tom ain't dead," he said; "bot that muslment—Lordy ! it would he' shamed the hull place ' So the mouume °t was bam:ed into the woodshed, placed prone against the wall, and covered with ea old rag carpet, in- stead of towering pruud!y toward the s sky, and attracting the admiration of all t beholders, as Mrs Fernald and Cynthy ly Ann had fondly anticipated, and was esentioi • i no more in the household for • a loog time. Early in the autumn a Cyotby Ana and Seth Smalhdge were ■ married, and beth came, brintring his d worldly effects with him, to dwell in the Fernald cottage. As the old man pre- a dieted, the winter proved to be • hard of one, and at times (cod was scarce in the co household. Seth, who was never known w oto have good luck, went off to the Hanks g ed on a fishing voyage, after the hooey tit h Intros was over, but soon returned witb sit a frozen foot, and spent the remainder w of the winter by the fireside, dozing over ch ` • pile of ancient newspaper. Bat to. en wards spring, when pm was attacked with dr his annual spell of rheumatics, and fur- as tune seemed darker than over, another Did ao gift of money came from Lysander old ass was ew fret "kids be woo hats M r.- oires.iM�£ midi bet reg esti sift. era lets.Y .at bith bier �y eloped gree, sad whs shead emit aiseigkba .steed the hoose Todd remove is for as a .sat aid Mat tete tears, malaise'; "Pa was Armful' btgmNd sheet that them moniment—he roily wee; 'hi seer I'm steered be weal sever gis well, ter he takes water-greel feet tee meek su a Iamb, 's' he wouldn't sever look M it helms of he scanned ter death. Theys as awful bed sign ---it wisely is." Bet, ouutr•ry to pg► mpeetatiom, �be seddeoly began so these, and begot* %be Iodise summersmoked melt .way he sat op l a. easy-okstr by the window. Still the old mos was not quite eke sir salt. 110 seemed straskely sm[tes.d by his illness, sod was so meek .od gentle is his demeseur that she family maid epos him is smoai•bewiet. "Marin Cynthy Atm," he said, esti bright morning when he wassails to walk .s far ae the shore, "I'm afe•rud 1 hey ben • set fired bigoted old mw,es you've silos bee • esytu' but mein' ea the Lord hes spared my lite—fur which I'm truly thankful, though not beteg afeard o' death, fur I hain't got tired o' Brio' yit, al I add, 'u' hasn't quit* outlived myruin... aybe—I'a a -going ter take m e • new tack 'o' sail a fax es I know bow ter steer, 'n' He bmlpis' me, in the right way. Now,about Chet then mostt- moit,I thoagbt when I woe a-lyis' then sick that p'r'eps 1 hadn't dose quite the .quare thing al•wg of It, I gums yos'd better git it sot up now, 'a' invite the neighbors 'n' the person, 'n' bow ez good a tante ex ye ken. I bsin't emits ter my a how I 'prove ov the moosmeot so more'° ever, nee like the potion ov it a- toweei,' over thu little cabin ow ourn, like a light -house cyer a clam -shell, but el y e'Il find satisfaction in it, I'm more'o will[°' 't yer should be gratified. Itdoesn't sem likely 't the buy'll ever tome back '—with a hoarse choked rules —"but somehow I ken's seem tee (eel abet he wus drownded. Now after brother Sarmwel wus brat, though we didn't know nuthin' fur certain, every time the wind rose at night she kept a - 'Bayne', ez plain es ken be, 'He'. gone ! hes gone !' The waves key' repeatiu' the same word. ton, 'a' si that oosearnd bell -buoy didn't keep me awake nights with its everl•stia' tollin' 'm' koelli•', fur it seemed edzactly es 0 'liras.-ayin', 'lee's hers under the water : a.. here!'" Harm and Cynthy Aon were moved to tears whoa the moonmeot w mentioned, though, to tell the troth, the prospect of 'hens' it sot up' was not as delightful as it would have been once. They bad become used to being outdone by Peter's Charles; and then monuments bad become lees fashionable at Herring Point, a taste for dress and house dem,nt- ticn having been excited by the .simmer boarders. Still, it wee a great satisfac- tion, and in the course of preparative for the important event Cyotby Ann recover- ed •omethiog of her old enthusiasm Mrs Fernald drained again of the long table that night, and declared in the rnorn:ng that she believed "it mean uthis murs'n common this time, f be dream didn't run the way it comm did by • great deal." Two days later, one golden brig harpoon, quite • crowd •sembl round the little burying lot in the orc rd. Mrs Fernald and Cynthy Ann ha onned mourning apparel for the ,w, canton, but presented a not altogetb ournful appearance. Pa won • Ito humble expostulation nn his venereal untenance. Rhoda, simply dressed i Aute, .turd somewhat •part from lb room and answered as briefly as possible n e neighborly greetings which we owrred upon her. But all the other omen were in ray Iodide, attire, sed •ltd with unrestrained cheerfulness til the services began. R ,.y apples upped from the boughs overhead tens and golden -rod nodded gayly be a the wall ; the wswes plashed mer 7 against the rocks below. Some galls w overhead, and broke into • .c -rt of one laughter, as 0 amused by the ap- ranee of the monument which tower - or high and glared so grandly in the ,shine. Mader .uses, 'a' Abbot. Bet I rtes . too big aw•rd to my as thong to her Moen it ; 1 thought I ..mil Waft ar it it she ahueld toil me she likedhim. Bet 1 waves to her teem Boom, where we were ing leadihe,,see, sad told bee it she dads'% esus memegh iv as to *eery m whim whI pt hems hest theshe moods% swear the letter, bet it obit sa to WNW right Abets,. We .rid at the wharf two weeks lifter thee; bet 1 tidal bobs a ward icon bar, sad ebb t Sergi Bally sailed I left as if 1'd rather be druwad.d than sot. Life didn't asset weth beteg." •'ilk, Tum, I never got year ldter," Rhoda. Rbod• "Most likely that seouudrel Jos OW - fins got holt or 11. l'm a-guiog to bete • little interview with him whoa I ksteb him—well, he ain't been ter -day ! But whoa the .easel did get 'reeked, 'a' everybody 'a' everytbimg was soloing to the bottom, I thought 'twdeld be worth the while to save myself, attar all ; a' (h Joe illare s—000t the crew —'•• I clung holt ov seem spars till we was picked op by• hag bound fur (sldurny. From there 1 thought I would gu, to •e rslla 'n' hunt up I've• Lysander. I ooeldu't come boots as thing. stood. for I e tablet ha hurts to ase Jum 'a' Riad, together, so I rwokosed yes might as well kiosk I was dead --fur • 'NNWst In.a least ; I meal much bettmr'e that at the time. (feel* Lywoder agreed to keep dark, though ek he said he dado't believe ia senog. mesas, sod I tell yes aloe old man gave me a good chase. I've piekd up quite • little pile of cash is thew few years. You've gut the mosey 1 seat you every stator all right, hewn't you r a-- "Shot S•, Ljsnder 'tenet so Mind libral after all :" maid pa, wiping his eyes oe has omit sleeve. "Bat I was beginnira' to gain s little Imre courage, 'a' to think I might be able to go home 'n' ase the folks before long, when Sam Smiley—the feller that u sed to work over at Sgsu. White's— made his appearance at the diggun'a tree day, 't' said he'd been over to Herne' Point only the week beton he sailed fast r*u sog- Aud when I beard (rum Lim that Rhody wsrn't .darned at a11, nor goon' with any one, 'u' never had bad •uything partaklar to my to Ju* Collins seems I'd been gene, I didn't .bit over °feet before I peeked my duds 's' gut read to start fur Auieriky," said it bow my dream about the long table woe ditrreut fn.= ootamoo. both see us it meat $',eddi s' this time," ba qqu vered arm, speedily env dieg ber- Yms." agreed pa hriglitly, "so it did ; an' Cyotby Ann, even you ma's keen co/maenad fur that coaenad old tsooimett aim. Let's haul it down 'o' kiyo, it up site, 's' el the parse• don't object, tura tits solemn delights of thus occasbun tu- to a bit ov • frolic." faamt aard'a Llslens M need by Psyeartme. Foe the waoa.ev is 8. S. No. 4, Muni., there were 30 applicant.. W., Sloan, filyth, was audi- t successful odi- t date, salary 1275. ur ani ht And all Diseases of the Throat end !'armed. Coughs .ad Colds d I Lung. can be cured by the nee of Scott's h. Emulsion, as it contains the healing vie- d ( tut. of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophoe• bs in their fullest form. gay .hat er ! %ite, 8. Muer, M. D . L R C.1'., eta , k i Trow, N. S., says : "After three years' *' experience 1 consider Sorts'• Emulsion s one of the very best in the market • I Very excellent in Throat affections." Sold by all Druggists, 50o and 81. 4 nl "IS promo' that Lysarndcr should be so I de s lib'MI, fur of be is rullin' in echos, her to to got a mily ov hie own ter look after, pe. d 'n' b. only half brother ter me, wither, ed t u' used ter be moderately tiebt till • * to: spell ego. Strange he don't write float- * i° .hen he sends the mousy, too. Th font time he sett any be kinder hint Bot when the minister c ammencod to e pea ed wa i .n Ms ing t. an Th du IDS you that we d otter be ooleeged ter him in two hull p.o.e. It seems now ez of it Dome (rum the Lord, of I am a miserable • et, 'ndon't make no great effort to clear o' Filen. But the Lord res I m thankful, anyhow," 'said the man from his sick -bed. me rolled on in mush the same Loth - t Haring Point. Three more tem - nous winters teat about the little et, froze the sea spray on the win panes, drove wrecks against the and pinched and desolated the • of the poor. Four still, fur sum - stirred the sleepy scents .f the pin* ripened the berries on the hills. ed the brilliant dowers in the Balt hes, and bronzed the cheeks of the folk with its hot glad s.eshin. seemed proop"roue and peaceful at rations season. b Rmaliidge wits still unluekn, het spite of ►a "human nater'," ►u ty-four years, and his "spell n' matier," continued to be hale and y enough not onit to e°;oy his &It- etps, but to 'Make them suoce••ful, veaoder still sent his yearly tem too of money, Do, though thee. two other months to feed unit*/ emelt' roof, there vise nothing like in 1 e faintly main. Sloes tea bubbled fragrantly odor the Ire, and "tbeta pesky bony h.rrin' " were not al- ways the chief of the (slimily diet, greatly to the old man '• •ati•faiseion ag all this time nothin, had been frees Tem. The men who am ie OM lowered their •nicer when they of the :terry .'.folio, and were dieter of e'wilaetenne how sheeams to iter Bet the monument still reprised is *.wort of tbo wood -shed ender its of rag carpet. sv,e Cynthy Ann se furgottea its glory es to make ing-elsee for her week -toile, and epos*. Ti But Rhoda bad already slipp• ed out of the door. She was in no mood for talk- 'N's • ing to Cynthy Ann- She had felt assist- 1>e d of Tom'. (death for some time, ham. bet consenting to the rootinment seemed dew like formally giving him op, like pre- .h.ore paring lot his funeral. Bat it w:s all honer she could do fur Aim now, and it was men fitting that the stone should be raised in "nada open Mire fisher Life this g 8.t pa, in emory, though she dreaded the t would oeoasic.n, and the mourn - festive stones which would be ne- in the • burying lot." ' nett day Mr. Fernald and y Ana, accompanied by 5.th edea, • brisk little fisherman who resemhled a seed -peep in blank clothe., ssven drove over to the Pert, and after a great rbsu ilea) of bickerung and cansultatinn,"nf 1,1- ilea/ waiting and d oubtunr, aid delight and depreest,n, made the puret.ae el the and L monomest. Cynthy Ann carried the tribe money in the toe of • Iiond.y' 'oolong, wore an ordinary p.'ket boob not being audit. the F seemly safe, and host. Din Fernald and want Neth ...feted her in counting oot the sem r-g'isred Io onmp$ei. the perches. ''Well, 1 gores fetor', Charles's won't honk mach a.mpsred to thug, but I'm disappointed that it ssrn't he seat ham. Den bef,.re too -morrow," said Mrs Fsreold,. the beard as they drove homeward toward eves), Mg. .poke "There ain't nrdhine like it in the tired , bet pall grumble host the emit fat. We eke'n't hear the lilt ..f it for Nobody tie .eel knows when, pa's lest an bigs,t.d," .over greased Oy.thy Ann, a shadow .tooling ilsbad Net hew tag eoent*namee. O1Mby Ana's daoghter, a'chubby little mewl tall *Willem and splendid. as wmot as se Moe Pa wobstinate es *em is his seely the nett morning the mettimid id Monett ovni over to the Paint. Tam's name and age, and the suitohles mire s. iota. worse tram • hymn whish the shiers himself had "packed net" esgraved oft Ire eer(.q add was 'mend is the little family lot. Is � �me d three, inet.d no such faseieeti•s for bene!( or her boil y of ng be d•baemiaattes not t.. bars tt set ay is the beryfeg lot. and bbd eves torydee t\e ..above of the "seaweed *Mg" i• \i herise. Bet kis i. this lutw rima., the y in his chill formal tone, a chanty. s felt in the 'ionosphere. Even the redline seemed to loo.e its warmth ny of the women subbed, remember - their own old sorrow,, it may t.,and o Groat tears stole into Rhoda's eyes, i remained uadried upon her cheek. en they commenced to wail a mal funeral hymn. but faltered in the- y as • broad shouldered, bronzed ng man Impel over the orchard .all, gave • quirk, •mated lr•k a1 the monu- ment, awl then darted forward into their midst, .eizino Rhoda in hie arm., and kissing her repeatedly, "Couldn't help it, Rhoda, stein' those tears nn your cheeks, and considerin' the ..ccashuo," he exclaimed, as she stared .t him rath- er wildly. •'It i.e't often that a roan emus. ter life at his own funeral," Tota Fernald !" "Why, Toni Fer- nald "' "How on Girth !" "What blotted yon here r "Whored you come /rum r " 'T can't be your ghost, ken 1s r'—wage exclamations heard from every quarter. °I d Imre ! gat hem jest in sear,n to me his moniment set up'" said one lolly sailor And then it was noticed that p• had Known very white, end es. holding** to the wall foe support ; and Cynthy Ann, after tasking • /tryst effort to greet h:r truther in • suitable manner, fell bsek, and, as the family were wont to express it. 'grist o.nacuenluoouiem. "1 •11.re knowed ex how you hadn't emit anchor, Tom," said the old man, re- envmnne himself •Imo.t immediately, • ' ' ▪ now here yer be, 'o' ben I be, seem' the Lord pre..rved toe to sea ye." Marro, for the lack ill an apron, re- moved bar shawl !nam her shoulders mad er..apletely covered her head there- with "El you hasn't hin dad, Tom, where bee yer bin r also inquired faintly, from iia depth., after • little interval. I Tota, who was stationed between pa I • and k'i.nda, \mein; a band el either, torted to her with • distorted aroma ns•oe. " W here 1 hadn't niter boys bees in An■traNs, with one. Lyandp, It ors e11 oaths' a that perky Joe OeMts. Tee are, before i went away, ielks ewe assyie' that he bed moles Rhode • way tree ow- -bees toed se told me himself Mat h was so—'s' I thongbt sea anisel Mr Will Dempsey has rested hi. farm I in Cloderrcb township to Meson W. & (1 Hoerr• for three years, at • rental tt1 11300a year. 11.. TO MAKE ROOD[ 1011 OUR Cliri8tmas Dpay ! WE WIL1. BILL THE STOVES ON OUR MOIR AT Reduced ,Prices. eoLJC Austres yet The E. & C. Gurney Coy's Stoves and Rages aekaowl,Aaog by all to he the Angle Stoves in Canada - Tie cheapest house over the sea 1890 - Napa's Xaguiae. uzuorriuna Jraa,awy.trrw A .itsg.s I M Moore! ehe =ovra# 1earm b Ma.aays so shade �eaarr amemeete tow . Mm, t stsslsalvr tiv t1s asses. l�• se teemm.,' trump eMeedu b �. �iJtlmm` �i w.w.teki one east ,.s Mkr.Z..14 0eats revs td g.�e.� esm.,-beadeoate- 171., ustest d sae te rte o5Of .osbsswyt.w emend laterest. puma sad timely masks. the M AMIDs will miatata its well-known M•.eard. HA $PER'S PERIODICALS. le QQyy Per raw e /HA/�pllfd WX%X 1' •seed, ... M M m.ila lH'S YUC'Ntl PW3PLl.. • M a ate••• tm" C011101611. a' fs t4 IMP tb• velem.. Of tae MAuat int. besm with the Nstskan ler Jess said Daomebar of each l� whoa so tame Is specified. subscrls the Xeeber carnet as umbar modeld tir. %mod Volumes et Ramat Mao mums. tar throe seers hook. la pet syr, W , .1R be sent by mail, .18=aloe'ea ad R per volume. rleta Dents each by .au lades to l C1 HAM:••'OMsasancs.A Aaslyiic sad .e.l*ed. far V=41111; to laclaslve, tram Jean MK to Jams, Hew sae woL, eve.. Ctedi, to IMc..RelakOr� �M seem PestAllas .10... et Neeepapies are sat to tkla .dre,e .- meld without lintrru(81 *sprees wrier a/ Hearse d! Addrees RARPYR k BROTHERS, New Teri 1890_ Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Haarga'. tt suety bas a weu-.stattlktbee Owe a• the leasing; illustrated vee .rare pteerr b America. The routed. d he .dccr.rul meats on current *Minos hoe yarned fort the respect mid eooedew's( all larparttel isad- ers, rued use varies awl eseelleaee d W worse/ oo•touta laded. dede •orrial .bort medias by the best sag weft p� widest ranee et it fed the penes! or people d rbc w lest anee d teams and pursuits The Witt fat .pieatent: are of ret.arkabte ereeet. and value, No expense is •emiIlly to bring ear t e Woken order of waste changeful phases ot p"bsime and foreign reign at the A Mexico, ro.aa,,, trots the pen doTemas A. Jsarier. well appear is the Wgg.ti in Iset. HARPE R'S PERIODICAL$. Pee Tenet HARPER -8 WsXJtLY ..,,,,, ,.� HA1RPER'S MAGAZINE /1 •at HARPER'S BALAIt ..,. � HA RPER2I YOCNO pLp ...... t de United PStoles. 'Qttoad.�t! seaaribere in !the er Alterrre. The Volumes d d Jan Wa 4.v byes, with tit. first Number Bary d aweh year. 1gq�yyya.. .e time isNumber ~resit a'. mepii., wtllk Warr the Numberosrreut •t floee d res�g d oiler. Bound volumes et HAierzere Wgsgtr, !or three years beck. is neat cloth bending. will be sent by soil, pommy, a•y nr zipmem Mee of expense Ipeorldoef Use'freeight d ues net xceeeed one dollar per Tatem..• ter le per C'Iw6 rases for each volume. Botta ble far mediae. will be meat by mall, poet -paid, as re- ceipt of III each. Hemitnances should be made by Peet Money Order or bra. to moral cha,,,.MI bran. Newspapers art .et M ropy Ma ,•d swat wMAo.r ter trypmrs odder of HART BWrrBgt., Andrea. HARPER t ROTHERS. New Tett. 1890_ Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED W'EEl►LY. The Eleventh Volumed HAnrrra's Tor'tse Ferret, which brides with els Neither lco,embee 1 i*u, piraenas an a•trerrglve M se▪ rials f thew W tent[ b• and other, s neertoreei ,t '1 or i here porta, namely. -Th. RM it by whites O. Btoddard: "Phil sad i be $a . by Loc C. Wale: ' !'rine Tammy"*slow Russell (• t eH : and • Mother's Way, - by 31 liangeter, iano short .erten key Nja mar Worth Noyenen- Two j d the • Taira will ll attract the att. ntion ...o( lovers tees hr onward f°'ld, namely, the quaint take toted byle- and so admirably Wow hie,, • another series in a differ- ent te,n by Freak M Bicknell, Theft will be ,hart stories by W. 11. Howells, Thomas Nel.,s Paas. Mary E. Wilkin., NoraPeery. Her -ii* j,rertora,rtt eho.'.t' Sophie t,ktc klalculm Johnston, a lc, David bete meows �p .veiion l 11lHarpers You.tr knowledge. alb, plenty dyaninse eThere :%a'°fv foo Advertiser, ao.. T Vol. S : Postage Prepaid, Sem Per !tsar. oonsme.«. No►eseh.r Rptrjma on e. Copy seat ryrelp e/ a Mr.er,ty Ki cors ferments, Fire (bents each, Remittances shnald be Insole by Dost -Ore* Haney order or Ihah.to avoid echance.fImo erynp!"s err not to .» ineaf without the a Moor anis {tor. Rtw.THkta, A7,nas of Haan q Address HARPER a RRort'HgR.. New York. 1890_ Earper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. 11AR1'tlt'. BAZAR is • journal ler t he home. givinlb. rash Ions, Its nnmerou. illustratiwith ons. h- ion p5.,.., and pattern -sheet su >en lasb- n.linetIalenot'k alike to the bees,o an are p'et'wsion.l modiste. maker Parr+d to mak Ing X. expense 1. ng Its artistic Minion venom d the highest order. its elver short s parlor playa and tho�htfst eseay. Jt S!ijM1PS!soil tastes fide. whit Ue. _! o d w ft and bnmr,r. Il M. w'e�i as a �w•g'et thing to In.IndN which V war •.yt '- m Daring fid Oliverto via [>H'cRt mer Asyrlek ar.A Iww will furnish "" II Christine Ter holler• aseo a -Three papers na will. meati el at Fish a melee Dtwh A Isar - *en 'The Noonan d the by Walter7HHeme�taand li W, Robinson. nwHtttm Arai EPILEPSY or :'4 SICK issetItZ.m tet.. � Bd/1 r D.at.�r. tat sew :taltL ars. IA YM -twesttpit Ibtr. s seat s, yyoL HARPERS PERIODICA S. ItA1tPRR A Pee ice' it li pRR'8 'Iti _ •Sall ot It AiPEtt W. y iiAHPR-R'8 yul \�O -•-bel........... e P•sbice, Prer fa oil ea ' `rel/ Vsi1v, Maim.('anodtq ver to PPa. Tim V r[uni fa or the beies no time to ter far January orates year. we* N gte with the Nosebag' et t a kw appt1 of onle► Masi of r* Rnnnd Volumes 'brae year. 1 ace. m AAt� '} RAgat. till Mt '� '• will winnow? e ntte*ynenime preemie one. ben n �A . A�� voter** nn• dollar per vNsmai the PA per ( 8 „ser fee .bee Ire, sent ay sukaly Its M4 ever.. �wM r"o"e tee eniap emitwalk bele. tee 111144 Heady t"" ' s aMeeld be na4. le Vat order a ihaf4 i. sweet * *a ss are 4.la rs.aj sa.o N mpg, thirRe a nt tiAnriyt ; _'-_ "'** New Task. 1, e 1 to t me eh lar se eat Tc 141 sal