HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1889-12-20, Page 1�i GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY. DEC 20, 1b89. TO ADVERTISER$, I Dr IKeDioeagh will be to Onderial foe! N G B .wbeer otice of changes must be left' "seek."' i on the first Saturday of at O.,d h ugtiMaot Sedgy with Stitt Tim Cont. --Clinton New Eru: Mr Tama. Shipley moved hu family to I radon, so° of (fuierich en 1Vedueaday. u (chub( had the m' tNta spout last p'Ntmaster Ifriends is Brussels. -Poet. Mr at this Office not later than I eery tttorlth. Monday noon. The copy for; chanes must be left not later than Wednesday noon. Cas -I 1(41 Advertisements accepted ifbp to neon Thursday of each week. - torah /erase_. _ -_,— Ail 0JU°wn Notices in Me local columns of Tan Stotrm. of aeorti rays or eater- tainaietets al whit* on elhaian ow fee u churord, or Prow whiffs a pectin( ary betu/Pt u derived. must be prod for at the rate ill one remit per word d earA i$aetlius, no r4arpe less Gaon faelety-fire coda. WAers ed. rerfise,nemta of enterfalamarr.la are (ermed u brief lore.d will be yirea free. • BORN. "111 -Rims. Friday I.C. I:th• the wife of J. Lame. t•• F... of • daughter. MARRIED. Tater-CAurenei. At (Mderkb, on the lath last.. by the Ire% Ili Ure, Mr Jobs Tutt to Miss Ckr:.tiw Campbell. W of Goderich. DIED. PCRrte-Ie C.olbnrise..,n Tbr -inlay. the 12th inn., Janet Catherine. only daughter of James Purvis, aged 3 )ears. 4 months am! slays. WATec. --At the residence of )Zr Magnus Swanson, on Tuesday Idea ivt• violet deet daughter of Mr !Was. Waltman. aged 9 years and y months. Wailing- At the meadow-, of Mr 1'. Mat - 0. Dec. tib• Carrie, emend daugh- ter of Mr W m. Wakes. aged 7 yet amid 9 months. NEW ADVERTISEMENT& atomise- F. Jordan. Swag .roe C. A. Flambee. Iselitlay.0oode- C. A. Nairn. We're In 1t !-$su,ielers t tion. dewing Done -Mies Loa Haley. Boarders Wanted Mn Oirvin. Special Offer -G. W. PThaemon. Boar for Service --Jobs Llaklater. Legal Malik 'onus -giaxu.0 se. Nsmlaanoo fleeting -Wm. MlteeeUL A Merry Christmas -Fraser r A Porter. Xmas Presents -It. P. Windage, t Ca Sweepiatt Reductional -J. A. Reid k Bro. Ts fe 'king, Must be plied --(i. C'. Robert. OWN TOPICS. ..A eager* emey pe. teats* w0ea. /s' f.UA ken prvui at.' ___–_--- titanCaramel mad New ''ear's novelties le 's curds will bold drat place at Gee. t wan'. stadia A (loon Noway? - The mania nista! inn you can make is to give • Win Pen. Ap- ril! to D. McGillicuddy. sweet. Oodericb. HoLtDAT ((Gong.. if you want to inspect woods in variety suitable for young and old, in ` designs aid at lowest D: rag . call a it matters not la w'nrer's trent whether roman anow.oe ball. or wain. For we here got iaQoderirb town wits fee all -with prices dews -to Prldham's The Wot mos cbriwiau Temperance tint',* meet 1 the basement of North -at Meta chard Le. le afternoon. Prayermeetnngat !•Jt► business meet tag at 1 The orders for handsomely framed :octan•s and beemful art•typee bare been coming ran fast during the past few weeks to it. ft. r'.1. tows, but be still ttasa Number of magnificent pictures and a yummy of elegant moulding that I. Intended for house decoration this festive season. Don't let your otherwise pleaesat room(' liars dead walla, when you oar embelllab them at sack • small nest. We're in it ! We're in it f 7 he popular noes carried the hetes at the cueoert the other even) Saitadeve A: doe carry the crowd dor Christmas tsoveltlea They bold e any sign all comers t••e title of The Cheapest Unlet the dun. Don't - bat call std ane tae. F G Ruw4,il1, of Lu Benj. Ru,nbatl f CI' fortune to lyre about worth ot s jewellery out of his huuse. the other day, by ibis visit of a thief dur:ng theabaaute of all the household. Mr Ari ua Reid, ilarh.ck, has lust re - in Smith is home from the Ooderieh Model School, where ha has been fur the peat seas( .-Brun.els Poet. Rev Geo. Richerd•on, n( :Nth -et. Methodist church, is its T:,r,ato this turned Iran itastruha, having •prof th ask, attending the meeting of the summer there. He hooks well and gives Doge(° breduh of the Doniono alliance, a ttiwd account of the t.ou°try. H. says Dr M Nichols.n, the W eat•st deetnt, the crops aro $«t so bed as reported ; he make. the prerservatiuu of the natural intends going back in the apriag. teeth it specialty. (las administered from Mr W F Wiiuon, the Maniinh• pert - 9.. m. for the petunias extraction of nor of Mr Smith, of the Brrdfout di teeth. Box Furniture Com Mr Wel. Jessop, of Chi oht., aad r•nieved to Svaforth from Brandon. forth, de formerly of (ludeneh, •wasas i in towu taxes Mr Smith's place there and that during the past week. He hu fin- gentleman leaves for Brandon this week. proved •ooderfully physically since An IMPORTANT Ltrttnv[tttNT -The guinea went. new Soft P.tu D and PracticePedal attach - Cant Wee McLean arrived in Gedorich mmol to a Newexombe pright Piano Saturday last. baring put the steamer serves the nerves of the listener or per - Strome to winter yaartrr at Burial o former, when ',metalling, as well as the after a very nuocswful season of eight instrument from wear, and preserve• the mooch*, plying between Buff•lu and lye- tune. t f. loth. To Ba INnccreo. -Rev DO Cameron, Persons wishing to improve their for *oak years past in charge of Erskine mbmunee or strengthen their power of church. Dungannuo, permed thrcugh attention should seed to Prof. Lunette, (l(aderie44 on Wednesday on his way to 237 Fifth Ave., N. Y., fur his prwpee Strabane, :Wentworth county, where be tus poet free, u advertised in another has received a call. His iodation will column. 10-tf take place en Dec. 24th at that place. At the regular meati of the M lute, A F & A M, (.odericb, on day evening, the 10th iota , oflioers elected es f,ll�rs : Brit 11 W B M ; R Park, 8 W ; Jas Crain(•, A Steelton, Chaplain ; S Sloan, T •r ; W A Rhyuas, Secretary ; Vidian, Tyler. War HuItor FARx[ns' I.r The West Huron Fenian Inane, held Os aooual mating at Godes the 17th and 18th tit J.nnary, 18'90 C. James, professor of chemistry, Caston, Esq.. and Win Cowan, from the Agricultural Collate, G will deliver uddreeiee. aitlat'd Pcsu,• SCHo0L BOARD. -Pursuant to Tues. adjuernineof, the public schin,l board were met last Tuesday evening, the lith inst. an, W There were present 8 Maloi,ms,n chair - J W' ; man, M. N,chol.00, Wm. Acheson, C. tower- Crabb sod H. W. Ball. The report of T J Rolm. Parke, principal, warn considered, and the various changes recommended +tTIT ie the teaching of the different rooms of IL. will the central school were, on motion, ob cm adopted. The board then adjourned, C. A Peccuaa PRorLa,-The Disciples G. C. of Christ, who preach the Ooape 1 in the V. S., hall over Smith's bakery, East st , are a u•ipb, peculiar people. Last Saturday morn - ng a number •,f loaded vehicles drove n not down to the lake, where • large crowd' 1 May gathered, and, notwithstanding the cold, ethics- two persons went down into the water, here --Miss Butchart and Mr Gerrard -and glen- he baptized her for 1Le remission of gins May in the name of the Father, sod of the 0 en Son and of Hoe Holy Spirit, exactly the same as we read in the New Testament roves ((Eche apostles and disciples of our Lord egos- performing the rite. A similar occur - Ger. nonce took plea) about four weeks ago, Here ie a fact that every one aware of, that Christi/ma and first o are always on the same day. W day n the day this year. and if you little leisure time tattier your old dare together and you will hod that l and Christmas have always bee Use MOM day of the week. The Gnnul.,en Hottireftori.rf imp every year, both in appearance, ill Mona, colored plates and reading ma Every fruit grower, gardener and era should have it. The editor u a tial fruit grower, and the other w are the leading practical gardeners fruit growers in Chicano. One d • addressed to the editor, Ormsby. secures this monthly, the interim Annual Report of the Frail Gro and • choke of piaota for testing. Sr. Gg.,Ro[ • CHcat H. -The folio win be the order of 'ercins for Ch ✓ e Dle mica of Holy Continuities 9 am Choral - Ter !Sanctus 1Sly Gloria In tti:crisis••••• A nte Moraine Prayer 11 a.m. Hymn Na ? ... _. Adeste Fid Teene excltemum Dnmtao,. Nares Pry per Psalms -19... Royce 43 ---.-•... erslnr Te Damns 93 ington Jnbilete Deo .... Jack.oa Anthem -Lake. a 1.,.11_ Jackeon i -Deltoid i riise los geed raits" Sir John fi Eleison . Walteeiey i Tibi Tal)ik 7.. '•Hark the Heslit Mendck `erm•m by the Rector -(holy offerings Redt Celebration of Holy Communion. trey. - W e beg to draw our ria lookup to the great strides wh y culture has taken in Canada ears. This is clearly evinced ming columna of ear prosper pinary. the Conaelian Pool, published at Toronto, Ont., Donovan. The Review bas n 1 the close rf its twelfth year, luable tc all who take an inter er commercial or fancy pout beautifully illustrated, c,utribu eluding experts all over A d and France, and makes • span of its "Medial" and "(jimmies meats. The price is only SI r trial top, four months for A kennel publication, and to pigeons and smell pets teed from the same office. it L 8. -The iast meeting of the School Literary Society for th as held on Friday eveninv last eating. daring the term have begs attended, and the *atertaiit- ies°, on the whole. have begs it is hoped that no .bate - the intermit taken is the Society allowed to take place next year. rat proe.ediag at I. Friday meeting was the election of odic• malted as follows :—Pre.i- r Nevins ; tat vioe-preside.t, anion ; Bnd vies -president, Mies e ; secretary, Mir Parsons of eewesittees, Mir Reek Mr Chesham ; shines, Miss librarian, Mies N. Stesch.s ; ors, Kr A. Tina, Ma. Zee , Kies &Herta The Mow - wee thee given : —Chem. es ; re.itatiow, Mies Grave maim, Mr Boyd ; stili Creb4 ; Adan..' eilectiss, Mie. Hall.; diskette, in whish the aY.,_ parte were takes' by Mira Oras. Mir Iva Aembrnok, rig acid Moe lt. Reheetegs tt°°tleisen of the %da t : t' s A. Restrachell iat ; cardiafl. Ole. • Mile. U a Mt farm- when two young men of Goderieb Oon- p leased their sins and that Jesus Christ n sten the Son of God, and were buried with and Him by baptism unto death. ' V p erd- mu% ly, verily, I Gay unto you, except a man )nt.., be �n u water and of the Spirt be Ong cannot en into the kingdom of God," wen —Cow. (Clinton New Era please copy ) Korn CHCat•H Ynn,O Pao.. - -The wing Young Peoples Association held a very riot- eeeeeesfuf literary and musical ebtortair; meat on Tnutadey, Dec. 12th. The lecture room of the church was crowded. ?leek1 The programme wase good cne through - oast out. The address given by Rev M Iodes derma on the subject "Every man the n D I architect of his ono fortune.' was etcel- i rat' hint, and well c..lculated to inspire his in f• a younger hearers with a true idea of the a F responsibilities of life. The silver col - Malian in aid of • :Knits dingier f•.r th h ne (moria Hymn Offertory sure M stock ; you ere . Merits. t of tread their advertisement on this woe. All welcome. 'extra Pot era' at ,-C�pe beet to inform the public that 1 poultr uitewm mg out my whole stock before late • the Mew Year. sad have redwood tke y The Sessions of tits R..li. hate hese adjourned to Jan. 4th. Mrs Win Cantelon left W'ednesdaf last to attend a sick sister at Stratford. Mai aA!ticx' ItsTFTlTg —Th well attended on Monasy u good priors were realised. • sale was ight and Mr IL.bt Park, principal of the eon - (trail school, is preluding at the high ! Exeter. ( ■ • Seward. cul autranee termi'ration at INLAlto RRvgat• Orr, .i. —Mr J. J. Brown, of the In nue department, has been pro the poste .° u( aaatsta°t c.11ect, Gia, abd will shortly leers fur t Mrs John Dorsey, S.afrnh, been laid up with a •evere attack chits and inthiu mation of th at Inst accounts, we uuderste Somewhat better. AQP GENERAL iNrELLIGEN (GONE TO HIS t ILO • VICAR INADWA I REST83 Dr Williams was the recognised lead- b Rev. J. A. William., D. °diet Superintendent, Ills Life a Golden :Page 1* Die Metkadism es 4'semen pall mod Sark la S•pe. Se r CH AHO[°. Mad Rave- i From the Globe. Dec. lith. meted to The death of Rev Dr Williams, which r at liar- was very h.ng hat town. this morning.expected, took place early who has afternoon, • d in the latter was part all part of the of bran- evening he fell asleep, from which he e kluge, passed to bis eternal reward, without rad, was any symptoms of pato. Duriug the day, when asked by his soot and daughter, w ife 01 "D.r you see iia, father 1' be whispered .mpbeli, an affirmative. There were at Mos bed- s in to side all his surviving children :—Dr ¢nest of ' atwu 11-iiii.me, Clinton; Rev J. E. e seemed Williams, Buff .lo; Mr Geo Williams, rum her St Thorns'- Mr Algernon Williams, Brampton; Mr Benjamin Williams, travel- Butfeto; Mrs W. E. Rom, Montreal; plats of Miall 1V,IInm., and h nephew, Rev Dr during D. 0 Sutherland. °dean(- The funeral will take place from his nwetion late residence, 30 Maitland street, on d he is Thursday, at 1:30, to the Metropolitan Church, where a service will be held at two o'clock. djourn- All through the summer Ls condition u( the has caused anxiety to his friends With Tues- occasional brtghteniu ulmew, relit tela K ',Gouda and recuru videoce relapses, he has been gradually ►th ce sinking. Several times the phyuciaos of bis almost abandoned hope, and immediate dissolution was expected. Then a rally would revive the spark of bops. Last es are week his daughter, Mn Boyce, who had Thteens up to en with her • wase father thr fromTeem hie ais'luejs diced, and t� hurch, shore s, affected him as to preclude all .when chance of recovery. Death was still slow great in coming, though it came all too fast for whisk- the friends who had gathered around him and were still hoping against hope. —we Sunday night his sinking became mute 890 and perceptible• aid this morning his soul year, went to claim a reward earned by a life- hnst. time of service. receiving CARIOCA oe THE Lkk:EAnjL. which, • er of the party in the Canada Methodat J.. ]!beth-' Cci'a of o while far or(°! the prim- p Methodist 1'niwt wits diaaatu- Dead. tied with the "Oasis of union" submittal to the Churches. The astuteness and ■terser of trig( • with which he fought the battle of of trap I his convictions in the Belleville General (:onference et 188;)—held previous to the Cn'on Conference—will long be re- membered by the members of that body. But, when the (,cion Conference as sembled co the morning after the "bailie" had (,Gen adopted by the Canada Methodist C, oference, it was the voice of Dr Williams that led in fervent pray- er for the well-being of the newly term- ed Church• and it was Dr Williams him- self wh•, was chosen as Chairman of the Provisional Conference, on motion of Dr Carman, the leader of the Methodist Episcopal delegatirn, and the late Dr 8. 8. Nelle., a warm advocate of the proposed union. In lets than • year, when Dr Rim, alto had been elected one of the General Superintendents, died, Dr Williams was called from his place among the working pastorate of the Church which he had tilled s, well for nearly four decades, and asked to sit in the higbeat double seat within the vitt of his brethren. He was at this time President of the newly -formed Niagara Conference. The General Con. Terence of lfti6 re-elected him to the four-year term of the General Superin- tendency, which he was not allcwed quite to .omplete. In this ei.nnection, a sentence, in Dr Carrell's article, already granted from, has • peculiar interest. Speaking of Dr Williams' connection with the past union movements of the Church, he .aye :— And if we secure a onion of alt the Methodist bdiss,•1 de ni.t know what we may cot yet expect to find him' A trait in the Dr Williams was his tender love raster he ' bymnolowy of his Church, which, by the way, lost nothing when sung in his mar- velle.wly musical voice. Possibly his last literary work was • series of paper published m the Methodist Jlayna,r, that were isnot delightful studies of early Methodist hymns and hymn writers. Dcring his last illness he was fond of repeating over and over again the thril- liug lines of Oliver :- The God of Abraham praise. Who reigns enthroned above. Ancient of everlasting days And God of Love. e. Especially did he like the stanza :— ile calla a worm his Mend. He tolls himeelf my God. And He shall save me to Inc end. Through Jesus blood. Dr Williams waa a militant Cbratien He believed thoroughly the faith of hie fathers. He believed in and prtfessed tree Wesleyan sanctification. Ile mach no compromise with doubt, ancient or for modern : he was a stalwart pnest of the r of old religion and was ever ready to preach the its doctrines with plainness and power. Drip- In the pulpit, he was he persuasive and thoughtful ; on the platform forcible gad and effective ; in the social circle hen and lovable. genial He had much of man- hood, of intellect and of heart to give . and be gave it all to the cause of Methodism and ''sweet religion." Mr. Campbell, of Si Mary's. our old friend, Rev T J1 C fcrmerly of N..rth-at church, wa Sunday and Monday last, the Mr and Mrs Geo. Acheson. 8h to have recovered completely f reoeot iodispo.itiun. Mr liobt. 8 CunocJ,ie, of Grit, ling agent of the Royal Tem Temperance, has been in town the peat week, arranging for the ration of • select degree in con with that Order. We nndrrtan meeting with considerable suooesa Tat WHtrsLi- loot -Dir. -Thea ed inquest in regard to the death late Hugh J. Whitely was heli: on day last in Clinton, by Coroner H and after the takiog of some e was further adjourned tc Dec. 31 enable the public analyst to preen report. The parents of Mrs W. Yat visiting in town f r a t -'w days, infant son of Mr and ale eat christened, in the Metnoaist c W iogham, last Sunday evening. the little fallow seemed to take a delight in panting the minister's •r,.—Cor. New En. Te* CAiR[R Bore. ADDax••. have got up • tasty calendar her I an address f r our patrons this which we will present to them on C mile Dey. When you are other callers don't forget to expect StoNeL carriers -En. Mt'GREGOR HARRY LR Tocz[t. ST PET[st's CHURCH ON CHRL,,M This year St Peter's church wt specially decorated for Christmas the services will be of a highly im sive character, as follows : Low M 7 and 7.30 a m., High Mar at and vespers at 7:30 p.m. mama' service during the day will be of a special character. A handsomely engraved business on our table, from Pesten Bre., manufactures of Brampton, inform that that enterprising firm are nos k inn their light under a bushel. Mr Peareo, a former well-known esteemed resident of Goderich is un the active member of the firm. CHRI.TMA» SERMON. — Next San evening io.Vestoria-st. Methodist chu Rev Mr Hutton will preach a spec disc .arse, '-The Message of Cbristm In this church arrangements are he made oil the evening of Christmas ratmu tree and entertainer) nnection with Sunday school egad . regret to be called ueon to ce the death of Mrs Young, now, wife of Mr Henry Young, place (oldest am of H 100 n.) which eve .t took place pe•otedly on Saturday morning t net. Deoessed had been its health dusting the week. a family of six children. THE The biography of the deceased u writ- aad tea in tamed letter upon the history of Canadian Methodism. From the time Ai.— .f his conversion during the trouhluus 11 he year, both ecctesiastioally and civilly, of and 1636, John A. Williame has been more pre.- and more a power in some branch of the sae at Methodist Church in this country. 10:30 He was born in W'ales in 1817, and The spent 44,s boyhood days among the crags also sod amid the keen mountain air of that rugged land. When a lad of sixteen he card Came to Gonad* and settled in the hn- tloor toric town of Prescott. It was here that us JW and s of he was converted under the pas ate of Rev W H. Williams, bathe Rev T. G. Williams, espousing at same time the strictest of teetolkl ciplee, the warm advocacy of which toner relaxed through his prolon dayMahon as a Christian minister. 1� rahabout twenty tire he began • secular its bueinem of his own in the village of as Kemptvillr, which lay about midway be- im; ter n Prescott and Ilytown .011*..), day I but ftrr some time, however Ise t e f ova poor amounted to $12 45. The .unci- Iia co a E axion will hold their next meeting on con;r seoh: i Jatts9ih, when the program will be "An 1 W. eveoiag with Byron." The memoirs of noun the Association are regveeted in the i Looks meantime to read the. a°tttor's works of that d- ' and Irak• selection of those parts thea i Ciinto ich ' think finest, and be able to critise both 1 tines of the man and his writings, All who do 17th i by I not wish to read selections or criticisms f oargd�s4., ,,richerias' Parties desiring 14g the tee hays to oat! a goods and t!nw.re will content this week we rytl 00'W a sae announce that lace 44 until ,nese the suction sad Rik -int tke entire Mork is mold out. H. B. is a Loma!Chri CfeC early. ,. the time reach. low prhyy, ter~ seeds at wow"' It. Aerobe At MILN ., le lots Stara next to mooniada in situ BRIEFLETS. It w ant faired his business to the latter town. and Mile in Kemptville he was a popular and acceptable local preacher ; and its an- 1846 Le was prevailed upon io give up his business in Bytown and go out as a jr.,"supply" under the charge of that hon- ored divine—a brother Welshman, by u� the way—Rev Richard Jones, at that he ( time Chairman of the Cob erg District. hes !In 1860 he was ordained at the Brock - SM ; wills Conference, mad nine yoara later chairman of the Owen Mr Ernest Malcoamon arrived home M by I co Saturday. Englsn C,ptafo A M. Sheppard renamed eislty home lint weak. depart Mr H. 8•crd has retoroed from hie cyesis.° visit to Manitoba. devoted 's ! may hand the &Aron to the editors of I leaves nJ i 1-e fJrv»der. ray • , BOARD Or TRAnt Ilf.grtsa. - A . i Tu and i ting of the Board of Trees was h. d iodate recoil. eat oi( tYtt,lcesdy evening to son.:der a (ditures number of business pr'pwiti, •u from I was he timid' 1 persoce wearing to L.,ate in G,Jench ince. T President R S. Williams oceipied the 1182,000 isiff0�, lot charseem oen of the r, and Down was aB card �Aftnerathe I $2,9�' read of the minutia of previous meet- i 44. pobl i▪ ll Ina, file secretary placed the following fore no eommenications before the Board : To I Lull ter. ehill ; stablish H creamery- --BrubacheE ctMt. iller,LPark- eating t • • WI COI I2L MImm,t. — Th meeting of the town council e the rap art of receipts and expo of the town during the pant y Id in the town ball, Monday ere The statement showed :--Racer .83, and disbursements ft39, leaving .• balance on hand 10. TI.e statement in detail w uhed for the use of elector mention day. Att. —A lecture on a very inter be was found Sound District. • At this time the young clergyman to gave ample promise of the brilliant n- career that he was just beginning so ear, I favorably. The late Dr Carroll, writing in the ..Viii.diet Mnyttaue, of June. hd7.1t, �fsays of him at the age of thirty- - three :- °i "He wfs then ruddy in complexion, ill erect, muscular and lithe so person, with h•- I • fall chest and str.n t h I which supported a massive and well - balanced head -just that medium sine vl--' Mrs A. L Hincks has gone to Detroit to visit her ',erects. I ajar, les Captain A. Chambers returned to tetah 9 town last Saturday, 8., G. W. R year w soy, cf Birth, wee in The m tows On Mnday last. very well Wm Kay baa been eoa6.ed to the "9 ahs peat week by severe iadisp°. very good mint of Ooder•ieh Model 8ebool closed last will be w•dae'day, and the student. returned Th. 8 home- oight'a with a la Mr A. IiJ$Wjtcp, G. r- R. areal, met don w11 ankle wow ant ',dell wee. by which hie M� HM The seeatien et saws for Maple Leaf eeereta Ledge, Ma 27. A.O. U. W., will be held treasurer II(arJ.. - - nest- last Asir Ihellety, has moved hie family 16e Jordan aed ebtidree left on Fri- J.6,„_ ay ott • visit be IlleetreaL Mr Jordan puled themes ter as lorriete. At the mods, MeedIng Ea- evening, the seeii-eitosel doides 111;•1=1" ea will take place eiterse by 914 Doyle was able to ba oettie several Ham the past week. Mies 11. ' ,and• will pleased 1st bear emery • is health. ellterme; a canning factory -J. W. Cuy- eke V kends!! & Co., Hamilton ; Mathias I, land - Moore, Chatham. To establish a brick sum 0 and tile yard -Z. and A. 11x. Miller. roe.. Parkhill; Irving and Vaovalkenberg, tater Norwich ; Lewis Hensley, B.swanvills ; whob tett W. ilio Smith, Monne Forest • J. P. y Frseet, St Thomas ; D. Norton, Wood- bridge He ; W. Senderoth, Kingston, seas to biome will be delivered ray Re [piton next Monday overtone I retoria st. Methodist eberein ' Het tains aid Sorrow.." Admi nay ten menta. Joseph Beek of Colborne. will preside promiasw to rive the troth, tit th, and nothing but the truth tokeipate to fees a Targe snob age that diMcalt task performed The g s nig t neck. gut which cites a ,nem -and symmetrical throughout. His physiognomy or facial proportions were equally good ; fell brow, well -shelled now brilliant corved lipsan a dim tr urs who h h !, projected at an angle which indicated rho dairy, we are un pert indebted for the push and deterseidation." large mll now ))!forens, and we can t- He was at one's recognized + it . _ c- __-- forthwith vaeru.t I nun her and oar e.r,..l M.....-. The many friends of Rev Father Shea. Seaforth, will be pleased to learn of his convalescence after being confined to his house far about two weeks with s severe a ask of bilious fever. HR v .t FARMER, Tao. -Many people in (l-derich are acquainted with Mr J D Stewart, the well known mansger of Goderich Caledonian Games, but every- one 'doesn't know that in addition to being one of the most successful travel- ler un the road, be is also au awcon- plished and progressive farmer. Yet such aloft hs the ease, from the follow- ing, which appeared in last weeks Mitchell Iveor.L.r, and which referred to the redoubtable J. D.'s dairy output : -"A few days ago we had laid upon our editorial tables large roll of very choice fresh butter from the Jersey herd dairy of Mr J D Stewart, of Rosme:dal*. Of course we cannot give all the credit too the Dots for the superior exoelle.nes of this butter, though, no doubt, much is due to them nn account '..f the .opener person strength qualities of their milk. Of Mr litewart's o without onwteld had it is quite safe to gay that there i/ no purer Jersey strain in the Heron die - Moved by v_. _. , _ I idler, nor anything to .goal them in their nllant yea, fawn -like beauty. To Mr Stenan'a pled. doable chin niece M el as charge of Bearivrto. -Mr Wei %Vetoes reemitly returned front Dakota, ng tbe peat few week., atiataie ry bereavement, in the death of his children. Violet, the as strieken witb diphtheria and aerie died the following day. Wahme have the sympathy Ito know them in their severe the reeord of bit early mations shows 'oohed foe emePhIneet erne dnIf be el sent mill from Copt W. C McKean* est Moor -lay. Daring tro. sereseer he one - of Godorkb. sad bad • very is at Cyrano. Manitoba. pod he and hie faintly are delighted with the eons - try. Copt Aftliensie has taken three sew sohooners net of Ondorieh harbor during hos sailing starrier. sod he pro- eoetieed the RepNie the hest sailing wee - Gel eis Canadian water, today. The septein left for Manitoba ea Wednesday. that he was entrusted with what were in the Methodists of that day reeponeilde and important peeitiorm. Thome first Aerie, of his ran Nap- alms. Sheffield, Cognomen, Wilke, Cookstown, Load°. Cir7olt, Gwen goad, Milton. Taoist° gam, Peet Hoch,e0Bwiek villa the London Conference seas organized in 1871, Dr Williams wag sheeted Presideat of that body, in white poetic)* be en wen the esteem of bie heath's. that at tbe expiry of hie term be ohm= ita • representative, he we, defeated is 1874 to hear the mating, el the Oaeada Methodist Marsh to the General Conferees. of the 99. X Chew& ad the Vatted liteemt, that was sheet te tweet at Raltininre, Md. Fla was towns- yessied by Nes. John lieedosialti le 1878 the Reaiht et Visteela University sesiferred epos We 114 degree ot "D. tl• IAN iota orromot of UMW in Gm kuperlative degree le response to much • compliment, cur sen- timents are not only those of the carton- at7 song "they are lolly good ',three." bet we wonld also add "allow tee to move a vote ot Omaha." Illae;rtards Woad In Tea Soars owe man stay impair to some as an maaataetered winch km proven each • feet is possible It sae be earrled fold- ed tin • snan'a back, saws (Iowa itemised 96.000 now in sae and Ow demand i• emiatantly increasing. Apply to 'ow- ls, Baste, Mackie. 00 Chicago, who will seed free illastralled datelines* eon - tutelar/ tesslinentals trots hundreds eh. hay. sewed frost, 4 to 9 words in a day. pigmies deaf suathiee ; seam lie bel 11114 separate. With tbis tool anyone assi la • sae baiter thee so Qom oul whit - one 14. •