The Huron Signal, 1889-11-29, Page 81 11 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, NOV. 29, 1889. THE MAMMOTH HARNESS DEPOT (.- ow_ . LLAINIMIUDISAIJ4 111111 WW1- A0I EBON, b. Maiehlleb•d Ramses Mabee whims to let of the Oo.etr .1 ■ tsew l . nag toe largest emelt « Wast• •• 1 KMI fifth.. Tor Ceara. Itattdtlo-rob.g Here illsekete,W Serelagess, ete.. w a a seat 1 KM: reduced primas he Gash. as her to Mises his large .reek the New Year..J trite aU wise 'stead te glee NM • Gall before haftlyir where. Ca11 and see the ohsspest ease matter la the Comity. Remember tho MAMMOT j( HARNESS DEPOT, It A MILTON -8r.. GFOD�IR.IOH_ 1 Ia1 desk sasses* meet be waled by cash er faits beton the' Wm of December. INA " _-A.C�'3.es'3 11_ 113 ones LLO, YOURSELF ERASER & PORTER to do it all this year. EVERYBODY WITH A WARM HEART is busy with their Christmas Shoppi ng EVERYBODY WITH A LONG HEAD is going to see those BEAUTIFUL & MACNIFICENT BARGAINS Ile TOYS, BOOKS, NOVELTIES FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC., now Displayed in Beautiful and Bewildering Profusion by FRAMER & PORTER& Central Telephone Exchange, North side of Square. Ied.rieh, Nov. lith, tall . ,M, -eft NEW GENERAL STORE, H A MIL.TON 8TRRIGT- I have just received a choice stock of Groceries, Dry' Goods and Cents' Furnixhings,which I will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. Also some CHOICE XMAS.TOYS,rDOLLS,1Etc. FLOUR and FEED constantly on hand Call and e pine goods before purchasing elsewhere. Farmers' Produce Taken in Exchange. 1-3012Z'TON, At Fergeson's Old Stead. Hamiltoaat. O.de riot. Nov. 2111, 1880. L -Ila DUNLOP. ?hose Our ows'oorTii ondeat. The young people of oar burg were treated to • social dance at the residence of Mr John (As Wednesday night of last week Both host and hostess ably did their part in making it a saccade. All present enjoyed themselves. I a• are sorry to learn that oar juve- nile frleod, Ella Haley, when with her playmates playing, had a fell tram a hand wagon which sprained her left knee badly, and she is now in the hands of our sick committee and is pro grossing favorably. Mn Allen visited in Kincardine last week. Her visit there was a sad one, she being present at the death of Mr. John Gentles, who was eldest daugh- ter of Mr Wra Green, who resided in Colborne for many years end remov- ed from this section to Desoto in 1878. A large circle of friends extend to Mr Gentles their deepest sympathy in the lode he has met with. -1) ff "LONGTEILL.W', lRai elf, }b le - Wei. with reluctant feet. .e� W tlo and childhand ood ler mere.. iod Sat 1" 'rill.. type of thousands of young 'Orli who 4WD emrrshag from the ehryealts stag. of their •itwenee, w they enter upon their "teens." Nervous, ricttshks, Wettable, attired by atrusge. unknowable f..r.a wtthit, them mysterya t the t d. ,•t rare. mese menlkeine, angirls patient oversight. and the eld of fir. Pierre's Favorite Tms•rfptk.n, to safely ertrry them through this rwitieal period, during which. In too lean] iters, ■Ins, ■re sown the ,Gads of dis. beaming firms of dis.aes peculiar to the /ornate ses. Hut that boon to wnmanktrel will prevent ell sueh dku.une, or cum than 11 they here eIresddy •Marla rtetlm. woman owes It to herself, to her far:lly. and to her station. to he well and strong. Let floe not timbre the sure mean* of ewe. " Tavern* Pnsr rapt nn L a Ievis•-rtste medi- ates.. carefully compounded 1.. en ea pertoneed and skillful ph Fukien. and adapted to women's .fellate organisation. It r purely variable ,a its mmpteetkrt andrf..l$ harmlessEiiia Alecto to In tiny enedlt k.n of the Grate_. Id by dreggbts; WS or six hotting for castright, Melt hf Wom.N. I)ts. Yoe, Amts. Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS mule* and cleaner the aver. scam* and They or* gwrwly etsatois and per- t' bmseless sae . Ouse. ISM as aewrosla. at Dente a r+at 'OBE TEBTI'ONIAL3r Bayssats, Nov. 8tb, 1889. J. M. McLeod, Goderit*. DEAR 811 :-I should have written be- fore this to let you know how I as get- ting along. I as a lot better than I was, goosing strength every day. I have a gond appetite and deep well. I man take the full quantity of the Renovator now and it doesn't sicken me. My limbs are all right now, quite smart in that way. Swelling all gone. The greet thirst is gone. I drink no water at night, but 1 take • little buttermilk. I am quite straight again. Send me more medicines, or would you wish to see me JAN111 DUNeAN. HARaow, O*r., Nov. Ilth, 1889. J. M. McLeod, DEA. Sta :-I have taken all the Renovator. I ase feeling well. My appetite is extra ,rood. I weigh woe hundred and sixty eight pounds; sweat,' five I have gained since I began your medicinal. 1)o you think I need min Write and my. Yours, &c., MART Forane. Nara --Tbe System Renovator can be had from Mr Goode, Mr James Wilson, Rhyne Estate, druggists, llodrich; Mr Roberts, end Mr Fear, druggists, Sea - forth: Mr Combos. druggist, Clinton; Mr Cooke, druggist, Kincardine; Mr Park- er, druggist, Durham; Meas,.. Berry & Days, Mr Congress, drugguits, Lock - now ; Mr Harrieoo, Gnomes; Meson Hargreaves Bros., dreamt', Paisley : Maws. Hargreaves Bros., druggist, Our. Queen and Mimeos St., Toronto, &o. ao. Sold at $1.00 and b'2 00 per bottle. J. M. McL•on, Proprietor, Newgate -et., Ooderish, Ont, Carus, Cors, Corlls! CASE'S Corn Cure Rearseea an ki.tb of lied ora left prgt Wank Me_ wit= et• sulk serII b 0o ewe semi d5 It win set ears, every raw maid asmie! Owes teed sever dims wIthezdibt jam Wil*E-M. wattle BOLD BY ALL BRUGGI!& !1) -9 • North AfflOPICaA Lire Assurance CompaflJ1 d1IOURPOfAT=D IT .111.71& ACT? Gf Dori:x1011 PARLIA-112"-1 HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, ONT. FULL GOVERNMENT DEPOSIT. it Vigorous, Prosperous and Progressive Canadian Company PRRSIDRNT- HON. A. MAOERNE15. M. P. Its -Primo ltl.lws Glad& YIOR-PILIMIDti$Tti I 18I 11 L. B1 &' MANAOINO DIRUCTOR-WILLIAM M R F.LA., 4s The imply Imes all &ppronl Petty: of Polla:fs At/ IMiti• l RETURN PREMIUM PLAN. This Policy GUARANT$ A RVTURN OF ALL PRRM1UM8 PAID in addition to the fall doe et the Polley la the sweat of death daring the Investment fpriod, let • lower rale thea say ether (7rrmpay. F. J. T. NAFTEL, Mart i Aissi. THE GREAT BANLER IZ STILL ¶AYLNGv is ^.f TERRIBLE EXCITEMENT Will b. Going on at McLEAN'S NEW BLOCK is the Plate Glass Grocery, in connection with Selling BEAUTIFUL DELF. As the Proprietor is Going out of that line, he intends to sell out his Entire Stock of Delf at cost. When I say cost I MEAN BUSINESS, • and all of it must be sold within one month. My Delf is well assort- ed and of the very latest patterns, in Brown Rustic Tea Sets, Enamel- led Floral Tea Sets, Rustic Dinner Sets, Slate Rustic Dinner Sets, Sage Rustic Dinner Sets, Blue Benak's Toilet Sets, Brown Summer Toilet Sets, Begonia Toilet Sets, Enamelled Toilet Seta, also s very fine assort- ment cf plain Delf; now, if you wish to present your Mother, Sister or Wife with a fine set of dishes, do not lose this great opportunity of getting the finest bargains ever offered in Huron County. r_ :N OA-SSIDA — —, PLATE GLASS GROCERY. Th roe doors West of British Ezobasge Hotel. Goderfoh, Nev. 10th. 1rIM. Courthouse Square, GODERICH- Newspaper advertising. rightly start- ed, rightly stuck to, 4oli111 backed op, ensures business •.cc.w. GREAT SUCCESS THE WESTERN 9DVERTISER, LONDON, ONTARIO. Published in twelvepage forts. and beauti- fully printed on one of the best web feeding presses in America Valuable Presents FOR SCBSCRiBKItI AND AGENTS. LARGEST $1 PAPER 1n clubs of four and upwards 7:c. each. POPULAR DEPARTMENTS Of Interest toeveerryy member of the family, In- cluding a FInl.Class Agricultural I)'pert- meat ; special Market Department ; secular and Sacred ]tusk:; Interesting stories„ Indies' and Youths' Depmnmeet•; Curious and Use- ful Ilepanmeet, Legal Department; Teams - mei Semen.; and all the news by Telet(raph, mall and correspondence. Balance of 1889 Free 1 aAgeat'e Package and sample espy es •ppliostios. The isms 11454e1 indse.melst ever offered In Canada to etnbget tern Addreroes- AOVESTISEA MOTILE Ce., LOX Dox. t'AN•m•. —11-- 1151 0144..11 cLaBSO.0 soma. The Sine at. and The R'rMrrn Adore -Hien w111 he mailed to stay address from now to Jseuary in, 1tn1. on receipt of, only Sts. Now Is the time ! Address TUB 1111a1•1, Ooderiek, Orel. \S•°' If/0 Os Cxrce5 SxL Q. a1 L riIOOC,B►x1& Sktntseases. MOCCASIN TRACK HUNTING TOTE* la NE At - THE M(1STCALEVENT OF THE SEASON. GRANDOPERA HOUSE, GODERICH. Friday Evening, Dec. 6th, H Y '1' Hie Chaataagaa Orchestra Concert Co. OF TORONTO. Orchestra ---12 Professionals Mrs HURRAY DICKSON, rtureaxo. Rebook Dr Wild'. church, Toronto. Miss MacGILLIVRAY I Loo tTInrnrr. Dateline Gold Medalist ('h1- o. Mr WILL E. RAMSAY, Mr HERBERT 'L.44CLA vBCE, Cows yr 41014.-r. Queen, Owe, Band. Toro. - to. Mr FRED SMITH, Ku mos a w SOLOtsr. (loess's Own Hand.Tte roma. Mr CARL BCHMIDTtt vu.raecmyn sot.otsr. late of Leip.ic. IOer- Signor P L. NAPOLITANO, Venus Sousse. MR ARTHUR UKPKW. Musical Director. Conductor red Pianist. MR J. M. taPi<w. Rusi.em Manager. Reserved sells, wet_. far .ate at Frasier It Porter's. General admiselon. Mote. Doors opals at 7:111; Ceticert at a am. Il -It. CHANGE OF BUSINESS ! THE OLD AND RELIABLE nANT.$T. FLOUR AND IUD STOBB HAS CHANGED HAM'S. The subtle are. asid �heerrebyr.�etl$sd that the deer O0 shas hewn busbiespvrohlGad carried °a by A.C. THOS. J. VIDEAN =willow', or, H e. la w 14sa hces at the ems02:tet, near the •farm r mono ts.thb IM.__.._ hes., t..t of j•�mo.,d:• t esseseie fall la Its N of Ml le tows, sad es to sew typryep Gaspe /ha ss bees distilled with k for she [rami rank zbibad 45 Ameg It 45 Dem kesNag It b 9sMs 1.. ke aN part e( the toww. sol vii dh Moles u u...mode lare�alsedsadad THOS. J. TIOltit leaks IAN onprtwaft, of abaskf,g my e.s- Messrs fee choir Nbre1 est ew.g, tartest ear eserw, wts1010of 0 the pdl.Leist, �Weer d Gad Taal laI,Mt rtsfA. trt iregighty Vas da M'_- Ioho T FINE TAILORING FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS FO R GENTLEMEN. $15, $18 .AND $20. Mailer Bays. "A gentleman. taste Ie dress le upon prlaotpls the soots ao. of all Weal erirarypatIt ooW ass in the gales simplicity of ezg ,• nmtaee.." My sew tall settleapga aid overeoatiugs are very altreetive. of CaMmerm. Nva Gala w Sleek Cheek*, and Wormed,- Ther good* ars car.htlly h•odle ! M their man= are properly out vied trimmed. lie city meet:heat ostler turas est h.hm dseer. or more durable ComeM saes mid ,so the geode said prima wwrq ; LITTNLL'3 LIVING AUNT ■ t TBa I Lertffi •C• eater. apo. 14 tort) -+Guest► tear. •,peeved 1a the 054- real: ty by J oche `Story. Cha.oellur Kent. Prwl- dent Adams, h!atortaaa sparks. Preututt Ttokatr. Baaor 1t, sad amu other. it W toot walh eoa.cuttluu and two- • NRR<I.r ■&C•Ixlta.Itglyse more thee Tine ltd a Quarter Tleaaaid doablsoolums octavo pages of reeding -mat- ter yearly. It presents. la en laeaprnsive form. considering Its great amount of nutter, with freshness. swing to its wtakry issue. and with • cuwpletener nowhere else attempted The best Enable. Bretton, (titicisaa. 'dales, Sketches of hard ditd /Nsorrr,. rwary, Naiad*, Itrupteteal, llisturicul. and Ponttir l information. the satin bodge! Phraya rr iodic& Literaler., toed frost the pens of tA. Foremost Living Writers. The ablest amid mew eatuvated ta,INe4. is every department of Literature. Science, Polities. and Art. and expression in ata Periodic -al Literature of humps, end ewe chilly of Ureal Britain. The Chong age. forwitag four tarp, vol• ansa a year. furnishes. from the great amid generally inaccessible maw of this literatme the Duly eomiraar;on that, while within the reach of an. is mtis(.ctery in the COM PLLTKNriN'c w;'h which it embraces what- ever 4 of tmme l.,. e interest, or of solid. per- manent value. le es (beerier* tadtsprwblr to every olio who wishes to keep pace w.th the erects or Intellectual enigma of the (line, or to culti- rets in himself or his family general OtteUi- geloc sad literary taste. OPII1TIONE1- "There is no other publication of its kind so general in its bearing sed o.renng the en- tire Geld of literature. art, aid seieace, and bringing between 1hsi mme coven the r1 richest thoughts amd the latest results of the time in which we lire. No one who razes an Intelligent app'eheasion of the tread of the times oma afford to do without it." - Christian at Work. New York. "Certals it is tout no other magazine can take 14 place In enabling the busy Mader to keep ■p with current literature.-- Episcopal fieoorder, Philadelphia. It Is see of :he few periodicals which seem i.diepemmble. . It coal.* nearly ell the good literature of the t.Dae -Ta Cbuieb- mu, New York. Biography, Oction. scle.ek criticism. history. poetry. travels. whatever sten are in- terested in, all are found bore."- The Watch- man. Bootee. "The foremost writers of the time aro re- presented on its pages. . it M In the quanti- ty sad value of Its contents facile princeps.; -Presbyterian Banner, Put.burtth. "For a mitan who tries to be truly mover - mat with the very best literature of this and other "I" e0unSt. trtesLOYiIt le tedlspenmtHe.-- ('astral a o bare Ta. Etyma Aus is to hold the kris of the satire world of thought. of seies- tl•e lavestlgatlo., psycbolo,t eel research. erlticel tote. •f - m amid roaace.' --Boston Evening Traveller. No better outlay of mousey oma be made than in sabscribiag for T.. Ltvt.. Hartford Courant. For the amount of reading -matter .0.tale- ed the subscription is eatremdy Ch iistian Advocate. Nashville. 'Nearly to whole world of authors and writers appear la it in their best mood..' -- Boston Journal. It may be truthfully and cordially said that it never offers a dry or valueless page.- -New York Tribe/ie. "It furnishes • complete oomplutlon of as Indispensable literature." ---Chicago Lrvestng Journal. It enables Its readers to keep fully abreast of the best thought and literature of ctrillaa- tloa.' Christ Ian Adyaw e, Pittsburgh. "In this weeklymagazine the nyder Red. W that is wortkaewllsg is the realm of current literature. . It is Indiupe.eaMa.'_- Caasda Presbyterian. Toronto. Published K kk*LY at sue • year, free of postage. JCT. 51W .•5.4'511150* for to year Me. remitting before Jan. let. the numbers of Oda Seated atter the recelet-sof their sub- scriptions will be seat gratis. tact -Pr lees for the hew Home amid Foreign Liter.ture.l f'Poesumed of Tn. Ltvtao A.e and one or other of our vivacious Amada m aeoatMles, a subscribr will f.d himeell in esmmu.d of Hoe whole situafdoa'- Phyla Cr, B011etin.l For $N30. Tits Liviwn ADS sad any one of the America. 54 monthlies (r Ifarper's Weekly or Hae, will be sent for a year, pest id : or, for IS.30, Tits Lon vo Asa and ,tar's reissue .r the Br. A'icAolas. Address. anmi. se ca., Bass..• TILE OUT Mat NEWSMEN M CANADA. 11.11TWILISIMIZO NOARLT H.,,, • Cmrrv.T. KING OF THE WEEKLIES 1889--90 Free Press LONDON. ONTARIO. TRX HANDBOMKST PRINTED PA- PER IST THE DOMI.IION. ALL THE NEWS IN FULL. By Telegraph. Telephone. Mall. and (orfs'. pu.deao. up 4 the hoer of putdfeetlsa. IO.atesge,s. Pram/eat and torr.., see glvea garb wend*. •p.ee.l rawaee B.p.rteneet. Agirte.tr.r.t 'epos tsaoas. Lee sal Story shrews basses. h Grooms Pose . oMwma. lQame es• esedrag, JUST THE THiNG FOlt THE FAMiLT 1 Every member of Use h.sesbsid eagerly looks toe It sae& west, The Agricultural Departures* 1. • noted feature or the ' Fre Press, befog always eo to the times, sal ooadected N pereemia Pew - Woolly Milled 1a term wart. Large $1.00 Paper. 1. ewe of her Wad nnw•rds. rte, each. Balance of 1889 Pre., • BAIID.nrs Ohestma8 Number - AID - 7'Oa1Bt OgA011401111 Giese away *'*seevery ei�ter for eArtt.4.e h ease the ad - vases of the eu mime Its • sail Mose Wilinb ell• pries • Apidt Welded Arrrsfire. Lases' nuts rmj.in ene.m.d. seer ono M ep 'made l*lagoda, hillier g wart n.. Mer. ~f other rlil�i . ter ek Protbe tall ne tip.. Address --Fan Priam, X N Lwow, Orates. oRATzpvL GOIMIvR?1X . EPPS'S COCOA. BRIIAE FAST. "17 • thorough taetrledae of to oatmeal laws which mann ins operas iow of Moot and nutrition. and by a careful application the ear properties of weUyebvted Cocoa, ec►ar prowlded our breakfast obits with • atly Severed brweralte gibbets May Gave as assay homy doctors bills. It V a Lea .1elesit we of such artloMo ef dist that a oeawltution may be gradually built up uslU across enough to resist every tendency to dowser. Hundreds of mobilo maladk.are dual fng*rowel us ready to at- tack wherever there is • weak point. We may swap,Neu, • fetal shaft by keeping ourselves well foraged with pure blood and proprrll •ourWod frame.__ "Cera Semi* Oasefte - Mode .imply with hotline watt or .Nli4 8014d o.l S in packets by gra era, labelled thou JArMb.S YP1'rI t Co.. Hum.nop.tkio Chan- tal.. Leedom. Emdlead. !ti Srauelling lhuibs. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Trains arrive mad depart at Oedertck Y b Ions : •aarvta Hail sad Express-...... LAI p.m. Nall . ate sal. Steed .............. .............. Mix•d........ - . •............710p.ea agr Nall ......... ..... ,.7.40 am Nall sad Eipre s............... • ..... 1.3• p.m Mi1el... .... .........................tet wen .1 WILSON'S PULMONARY COUGH SYRUP For Children PRICE 13 elINTS. BALSAS OF WILD CHERRY BARK FOR Coughs and Colds. PRICE M CKNTN. a Prescription Dew *•see. FALL & WINTER I have just received mylarge consi»nment of Fall and inter Goods, and to make room for them I ant now selling off my Previous Stock At figures away down. I do not believe in carrying over goods un- til another year, and will always sell at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES rather than hold them over. Being anxious to keep ,up with the times I have just put in a handsome plate glass front, and intend making other improvements that will mate my extensive pre- mises second to none in town. I am here to exchange goods with the public for cash, and ata bound to do it. /25. O'�E s" - Manager of Toronto House. 1690_ Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. HARP.rt'.a R•z•a M •journal for the hmee. Giving the latest Information with regard so the Fashions. its numerous illustrations. d - km -plates. and pattent-olteet suppleimieste mu Indispensable alike to tote home ogress maker and the professional modiste. No espouse le warm fn making its artistic mttraetlye.sse tK the b,hest order. i4 clever abort Mortparlor plays. and tha,.htfal essay. &step Good its las page Is foams tie&tm gel of wit sal humor. la it we*►y bawl, over,. thing 4 included which is. men. fairing mane IMO Oliver0livsrl*.. Mmit (Bysr, Christi•e'gerionw Herrick. sad Mary 1a' Dickins,. Gaul reneectle b, emealsk s « (paper* ea "the_ Daswh-.r at Iibelbk yl,. Period. eb a Tom' red The lel re Mal w by Welter sa Ilealt( W I', W. wBl M 1tehlams, H ARPER'S PER,IODIgILLS. roe Wear HARPER'SBAZAR MARPER'a 11 AOAEtxs_.. . ,,4 ail HARPER -R WEEKLY... 4 HARPERN YOUNG P1gSO ep.PLLsilrt United Matep.,,ef0.i er Yr/wAs"' "` she me Int a1Y tear, .t the Maar w( w Wesel year. se time IS Jia w ,M� ma with the minim at Uses et rw- 0.1.04 of order. Hires tsars of RA50' Antra ter years back. is neat *4th h(midleg, wig be seat by mall tree et nesse t tom' bar = • noon odell., per volume►. IIrr e7.se pot Climb .mere for melt ".l.+., rid yaby fop hbdleg, will be east tty mW, pma iuN al ft= 10:41rar Try all Pa=1:1 item*'SPA .. tae w ers;:p 1=./ow H ribliXellaiAVert :r- t c !/eonw Tet l 4 s ST. ANDREI Bodoni* Chiela 11 Festive l tables of the "1 tlhung routs literally weight of the Rood spread upon them Inst The occasion was tee draw'. dowser, ■mrd In usual delicacies of the r able and truly Gauen =y Ham., Bre b Could Keil, Scotch H. 800teh Broth, AD. , wen The chair was etec0l Comers°, the popular t; Mee C.l.donsan Social H.tobiaw did aha boars Punctually at 8:30 the c Beats, after which ex -C holdlui aloft the bistro' HAOOIta searched around the din' farni.b.d by Pipers Mol old, and deporited the in tate of the puddiw' ria Cnseerm, who at once d well-keowo address. Amongst the guests c were Mos Gibson, M 1 Thai Strachan, ex -Reed ship ; Dr Campbell, Ce' Oaledowies Society : I $eaforth ; Dr McDOnaI McKenzie, and Pipers M, 'Gouts, Ktstail ; Chief Jas. Hunter. Juba Boyd sou, D McDonald, Lu. Pale., Iagseseii. The Toast las After the bountiful •pt by the gwoial proprietor of Esskange," Mr G. B. C doom, amps jeetiee to gathteeing, the tables w.re Chief Cameron iitrodosed with "The Queen and Rn whisk was duly respond. •iagiag of the "National A Pi+sldewt of the 11, owing be the unavoldabl Oasssl Chilton, was end( • .MRi,�.g of ''Hi s a Jolly Go 'The lad W. Left" with the names of D. Mc T. 8trechae. Mr D McDoa.ld, is i spied, stated that the bill TS'y.d to him the first intim ins axpeot.d to make an a Speech tonight. He mid : 1 • fitting sod proper thin, alio should gather around beard on the natal day of allot t., do hoar t., bio nn place ih-.r national einem world. f say this, said b., predom neat rwlietos of the eautioo and thrift of its I their so -clad clannishness Bead. the unmerited butt sad stream. (Hear, hear.) I tifieuthfully Gard that the Se a poor fellow, incapable of set beyond prayers and moo t1iBfi that Ise u a moo who ••stiopolig. aU Ile good plat world and the world to a keeps the Oonunandse.ot e thing e1se worth keeping laughter); who swears by Hol poltticnl oewspsper (bed who serves God every Sabbath Mammos the rest of the week tar.) It him been sal! farther I lags were introduced to alio MOO to be generous; and with •ir,,wrd of truth he has bee with being fond of rasing •pint Mble (loud Iseghtr); and, Iasi been said that Seotek hay to allow that downtrodden and ed ries, the Jews, to nee th their oo.atry foe trade and • But if I mistake not, every see libels and slsoden have now b drawn, and withdraws by •nth "e tbsreof. (Land apple that hal not been done the here to tight would have bed refutation of the calumnies. H ed them for coupling his m the toast, and resumed his sea load applause. Mr 1 hos. Strsohan was glad b sent, to see the old friesds whoa learned to respect .o highly in years. Whew he got the 15.14 Gould not resist the thought of be 0001 more am nest the old sr a/o. Although only I se when he left Scotland, 10 no place where he would prelim bora in than Scotland, nor wet other person if they fully spy the situation. (Lad laughter) Soothed ons, Daly a sorsa speck lane we the Oohs he did not see b world could gat alot,g with0t it, had Godsend gest seen in its w statesamet and posts, who had don to mould the woeld'• higtory. dere wham the melon Romaine fated Ea„ ked, the Soots not nnl the r owm, but the enemy had to walls to keep these froa encroach heir pr0ssrv.. (Applause) H. d uio, hek to disposers other ni t merely 41 show that Se.tehsee orld over, Odell they might a errantry mad a I an ne.$a sinse� l he proud Meeith h. pririar, defmle hr)iding le sir 44.11. e►• nativity; sod H a limbs stat tion less indulged in, it was I tor -tIonehle ander the emoting* ,thtor) H• had Bat expected